Community Wind Farm Fund Annual Report | April 2011 - March 2012

Infinis is one of the country’s leading renewable energy Fund Criteria producers and the operating company responsible for the The criteria for grant applications is ‘public benefit’ and Lissett Community Wind Farm. As part of the development’s community groups, organisations and parish councils applying planning permission, granted in 2007 a commitment was made for grants must show how the project for which they are asking by the developers within to create a community fund. for money will be of benefit to the public. The fund, Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund receives an Annual Donation from Infinis of £2,000 per megawatt of Public Benefit can be a difficult concept to define and installed operating capacity of the wind farm to a maximum of can be broadly interpreted. As a guide the charity £60,000 per annum. The first donation of £53,360 was paid commission recommends that: into the fund in January 2010, ten months after the wind farm • The benefits of a project are demonstrable began exporting electricity to the national grid and since that • The activity must be open to all of the public or a time has received two further donations of £60,000 each have section of the public been received. The Infinis total donation of £173,360 has been The Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund panel asks received to date. for reports which give details and evidence of activities undertaken using the money awarded. Fund Aims The Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund panel looks The aim of the fund is to provide grants to community groups at applications to ensure that activities are open to all and organisations and parish councils in the East Wolds and members of the community. Coastal Ward of the East Riding.

Fund Panel Parishes in the Area of Benefit Decisions about the distribution of grants are made by the Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund Panel which is made up of Barmston and Fraisthorpe, , Brandesburton, representatives from the seven parishes in nearest proximity Burton Agnes, Burton Fleming, Carnaby, Foston, to the wind farm, representatives from East Riding of Harpham, Hutton Cranswick, Kelk, Kilham, Langtoft, Lissett and , Nafferton, North Frodingham, Council and from the operating company. Rudston, Skerne and Wansford, Skipsea, Thwing and Octon, Watton and Wold Newton. Fund Administration The panel is supported by Council’s, Rural Policy and Partnership Team who provide the day to day administration of the fund. A charge of 10% of the value of the Annual Donation from Infinis Energy is made to cover administration costs. 1

1 Barmston and Fraisthorpe Village Hall 3 Beeford Cricket Club The village hall old boiler no longer met safety Beeford Cricket Club had been experiencing standards and was on the verge of break some problems with vandalism and break ins. down. A grant award of £2,863 was provided The club had raised money for the provision to purchase and install a new central heating of a new pavilion and storage facilities and the 2 boiler ensuring that the regular user groups fund was able to provide a grant of £3,500 to could be confident of a warm welcoming cover the cost of security fencing to protect environment. and enhance the life span of the new facility.

2 Beeford Bowling Club 4 Burton Fleming Village Hall Beeford Bowls Club has over 40 local The village hall old boiler no longer met members and provides facilities for visiting safety standards and was on the verge of teams from the and District League. break down. A grant award of £2,252 was 5 A grant of £4,426 was provided towards the provided to purchase and install a new cost of a new pavilion with internal toilets and central heating boiler ensuring that the kitchen facilities. regular user groups could be confident of a warm welcoming environment.





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Map: Crown Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. East Riding of Yorkshire Council 100023383. 5 Hutton Cranswick Methodist Church Parish Council Grant Awards The hall attached to Hutton Cranswick Methodist Church is The Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund Panel used for a wide variety of community activities. However access have agreed in principle that the seven parishes to the building and toilets was very limited due to differing closest to the development should be considered floor levels. A grant of £5,000 was made by the fund which to receive a small grant award of £1,000 each contributed to the major refurbishment of the church and hall. year. The seven parishes being those listed in the Section 106 Agreement, as part of the planning 6 Kelk Methodist School Room consent and involved in liaison meetings during the The Methodist school at Kelk was in danger of being closed due construction period. to the discovery of rotten floor and floor joists. A grant of £4,888 was provided to ensure that this essential • Barmston and Fraisthorpe Parish Council building work could be carried out. • Beeford Parish Council • Burton Agnes Parish Council 7 Kilham Playing Field Association • Parish Council In March 2009 Kilham Playing Field Association acquired a piece of land to develop sports and play facilities. A grant of • Kelk Parish Council £5,000 was provided towards the cost of adventurous play • Lissett and Ulrome Parish Council equipment. • Skipsea Parish Council

8 Lissett Village Association The purpose of the £1,000 award is to provide Lissett Village Association arrange social activities and events each of the seven parishes with a sum of money to promote community spirit. A grant of £875 was provided that can be used for: to develop the website, provide a notice board and purchase outdoor lighting for the associations marquee. • Small capital projects within the parish that would not usually be funded from the precept 9 North Frodingham Social Centre • Responding to requests for small amounts of This organisation is responsible for the village hall and children’s money from village organisations or community playground. A grant of £2,654 to provide fencing to enlarge the groups e.g. printer for the village newsletter overall size of the play area and provide protection to younger children by separating different types of equipment. Each parish council provides a report to the fund panel on how money has been used during the 10 Rickaby Hall year. This report is used to inform the panels decision on whether or not to award a further A grant of £3,733 was awarded to Rickaby Hall Ulrome to make £1,000 during the next financial year. improvements to the building including: car park, carpeting, disabled ramp and new chairs. The Fund Panel 11 Skipsea Village Hall During 2011 the Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund Panel was made up of: A grant of £4,967 was awarded to Skipsea Village Hall to develop an outside patio area, purchase patio furniture and • Cllr Robert Nichol, Lissett and Ulrome equipment to establish a short mat bowls group. Parish Council 12 Skipsea Youth Club • Cllr Leslie Wiles, Barmston and Fraisthorpe Parish Council Skipsea Youth Club serves the 76 children and young people living in the area and offers sessions for different age groups. • Cllr Stephen King, Kelk Parish Council A grant of £574 was provided towards the cost of games • Cllr Alan Turner, Beeford Parish Council equipment and craft supplies for the club. • Cllr Jerry Loft, Skipsea Parish Council 13 Wansford Village Hall • Cllr Christine Lee, Burton Agnes Parish Council • Cllr Christopher Hostick, Foston on the Wolds The Wansford Community had successfully raised funds to Parish Council replace the windows in the village hall with new PVC double glazed windows. However the curtains removed during the • Dr David Mahal, Infinis process were very worn and unsuitable. The fund awarded • Cllr Jane Evision, East Riding of a grant of £1,050 towards the cost of new window blinds and Yorkshire Council black out curtains. • Cllr Jonathan Owen, East Riding of Yorkshire Council 14 Wold Newton Parish Council A grant of £580 was provided to Wold Newton Parish Council Administrative Support was provided by to replace the three notice boards in the village. The central Karen Wood, Rural Communities Officer and notice board contains a historic village map which is of interest Helen Reynolds, Rural Officer, East Riding of to both residents and tourists visiting the area. Yorkshire Council. Enquiries and Applications to parish councils the fund panel had would re-apply in the next funding round. available £47,767.79 to distribute. In addition two further projects came in During 2011 the Lissett Community Wind under budget and claimed slightly less Farm Fund Panel received 35 enquiries than originally awarded. which resulted in 25 firm applications to Grant Awards be presented to the fund panel. Initially the fund panel agreed to fund 15 The final number of projects awarded projects awarding grants with a total value grants was 14 as detailed below. The fund The total value of these applications was generally offers projects the opportunity of £43,869.15. However one project, £136,908.17 with the amount of money to apply for a grant of 70% of project being requested from the fund being Barmston Cricket Club, decided not to costs. The total value of projects funded £77,806.10. accept their award for money towards a in 2011 was £69,716.59 and the total sight screen and cricket cradle because amount of grant awards to projects After the deduction of the administration the need for a ‘new mower’ became £42,420.65. (Note: this figure does not fee and seven grants of £1000 each more pressing. They decided that they include the grants to parish councils)

Financial Summary April 2011-March 2012

Organisation Item Income (£) Expenditure (£) Fund Balance (£) Bank (ERYC) Balance Brought Forward 0.00 0.00 720.36 Bank (ERYC) Interest at 0.8% 47.43 0.00 767.79 Novera Energy Donation 60000.00 0.00 60767.79 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Administration Fee 0.00 6000.00 54767.79 Parish Councils Small Grants Scheme 0.00 7000.00 47767.79 Organisation Project Total Project Value Amount Awarded Barmston and Fraisthorpe Village Hall Central Heating Boiler 4090.00 2863.00 44904.79 Beeford Bowling Club New Pavilion 6323.00 4426.10 40478.69 Beeford Cricket Club Security Fencing 5000.00 3500.00 36978.69 Burton Fleming Village Hall Central Heating Boiler 3600.00 2520.00 34458.69 Hutton Cranswick Methodist Church Upgrade toilets and access to building 7181.77 5000.00 29458.69 Kelk Methodist Church Renovate School Room 8972.57 4888.45 24570.24 Kilham Playingfield Association Adventurous Play Equipment 11916.00 5000.00 19570.24 Lissett Village Association Marquee Floor and Lighting 1343.50 875.00 18695.24 North Frodingham Social Centre Fencing for play area 4996.24 2654.00 16041.24 Rickaby Hall Refurbishment Phase II 5769.61 3733.10 12308.14 Skipsea Village Hall Patio Area and Short Mat Bowls 7227.90 4967.00 7341.14 Skipsea Youth Club Games Equipment and Art Materials 1276.00 574.00 6767.14 Wansford Village Hall Curtains 1200.00 840.00 5927.14 Wold Newton Parish Council Notice Boards 820.00 580.00 5347.14 Totals 69716.59 42420.65 5347.12

Summary Thank you The summary of enquiries and applications provides a glimpse into The Lissett Community Wind Farm Fund would like to thank the breadth of community activity and voluntary effort that takes all applicants and everyone involved in the delivery of projects. place across the East Wolds and Coastal Ward of the East Riding. In addition the fund recognises the support and guidance provided to projects and would like to thank: The financial summary provides a glimpse of part of the value of that voluntary effort. Where the fund provided part of the project • Margaret Kirk, and Wolds Rural Community Council costs the remainder was supplied from: • Fiona Thompson, East Riding Voluntary Action Services • Referees for the projects • Donations of goods and materials by local companies • Volunteer time and effort • Cash raised through fundraising efforts by the groups themselves

For Further Information Contact Rural Policy & Partnership Service FG5, County Hall, Cross Street, HU17 9BA Telephone: 01482 391706 Email: [email protected]