SUMMER 2015 Vibrant Gulf Coast Island is Awash with Texas Heritage CONTENTS SUMMER 2015 TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION THC OUTREACH John L. Nau, III, Chair John W. Crain, Vice Chair Robert K. Shepard, Secretary 4 Not Just Buildings Recent National Register Listings Showcase Earl Broussard, Jr. Cultural Landscapes. Anna Benavides Galo Thomas M. Hatfield Wallace B. Jefferson Tom Perini Gilbert E. “Pete” Peterson 10 Cherished Companies Judy C. Richardson THC’s Texas Treasure Daisy Sloan White Business Award Honors Historic Entities. Executive Director: Mark Wolfe FEATURES Medallion Staff: Chris Florance 6 Gallivanting Division Director in Galveston Andy Rhodes Managing Editor Gulf Coast Island Judy Jensen Is Brimming with Senior Graphic Design Coordinator Historical Attractions. ISSN 0890-7595 Vol. 53, No. III
[email protected] ON THE COVER: Galveston’s new Bryan Museum. VISIT US ON THE WEB FAST FACTS These numbers show the significant annual economic impact Learn more about the real places telling the real stories of Texas. of historic building rehabilitation spending in T exas (2013). Total Historic Rehabilitation Investment The Texas Heritage Trails Program’s travel resource Designated Building Rehabilitation Source: Economic Impact of Historic Preservation The THC’s 20 state historic properties in Texas, 2015 Contributed Friends of the Texas Historical Commission by Public Entities $741 MILLION $31 MILLION $772 MILLION TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION 2 LEADERSHIP LETTER It’s my pleasure and honor to serve the people of Texas as chairman of the Texas Historical Commission.