Reu. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nut., n.s. 611): 67-103, 2004 Buenos Acres ISSN 1514.5158 Cretaceous theropods from India: A review of specimens described by Huene and Matley (1933) Fernando E. NOVAS1," Federico L. AGNOLIN 1 and Saswati BANDYOPADHYAYZ 'Museo Argentino dr? Ciencias Naturales -B. Rivadavia-, Av. A. Gdlardo 470, (1405) Huenos Aires, Argentina.
[email protected] 2Geological Studios Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 Barrackporc Trunk Road, Kolkata 700 035, India.
[email protected] "esearcher of CONICET. Abstraot: The Lato Cretaceous (Maas~richtian)Lameta Ihrmation of central India has yielded dissociated elements ofavariety ofpredatory dinosaurs, most ofthem comingfrom aquarry named the e~Carnosaurbed. The materials were described hv Huene and Matlev nearly. 70 "years ago.- They recomized- nine iheronod. species,. which they sorted out into the theropod subgroups 4!arnosaiirian and eaCoelurasauria~~,I-iuene and Matley also described a considerable amount of theropod hindlimb bones (e.g.,femora, tibiae, metat,arsals, and pedal phalanges) that they oilld not refer to any of these species, hut vaguely interpreted as corresponding to ~~allosaurid~~or ,~coelurosaurid,~ theropods. We reviewed the available collection of Cretaceous therapods from Bara Simla housed at the Geological Survey of India. Kolkata. avrivlne- to the foliowine- conclusions: 1) Indosuchus and Indosaurus are abelisaurids, as recognized by previous authors, hut avsilable information is not enough to judge whether they axire synonyms; 2) Lmt~oisuchusindicus is a small abclisauroid, related to Noasaurus and Masiahasaurus on the basis or their pecu- liar cervical vortcbrae: 3: the coiitroversial taxa *Clorn~sosuc~ius-.~iDruolosauroidesn, ,~Ornithornirnoides*. and also exhihit ahelisauroid characters. and bones of iaree size are tentatively referrod to as corresnondine- to h~dosi~chus or Indosai~~zs,whereas some pedal bones of smaller size may belong to i,aeoisuckus; 5) two kinds of abelisaurid feet arcapparent:.