

CHARLES B. BECK2 Department of , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

ABSTRACT BECK, C. B. (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor.) Reconstructions of Archaeopteris, and further comider­ ation of its phylogenetic position. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(4): 8n-382. Illus. 1962.-Two reconstruc­ tions, one of a branch bearing the basal part of 3 and the other of the habit, are presented with the evidence upon which they are based. An analysis is made of some features which charac­ terize the . These, and characters of Archaeopteris, are considered in the light of present knowledge of evolutionary trends, and the conclusion is reached that Archaeopteris was neither a primitive nor a fern ancestor. Additional evidence is discussed which supports the view that the was a .

THE COHRELATION of Archaeopteris and Callixy­ those illustrated in Fig. 1. This apparent dis­ lon (Beck, 1960a,b) makes possible the prepara­ crepancy may be explained by assuming that the tion of relatively accurate reconstructions of the traces diverged in their passage from the Upper and Lower plant stele to the leaf bases. Or, I may have incorrectly represented by these organ genera. Two recon­ iden tified the of A. cf. macilenta as Callixylon structions and presentation of the evidence on zolesskpi, since the identification was based on which they are based form the first objective of only a few slides of pyritized wood. The distance this paper. The second is to discuss further the between leaves may be related to leaf size; the phylogenetic position of this plant, including larger the leaves, the more widely spaced. And additional evidence which supports the view that considerable variation in leaf size among the Archaeopteris is a progymnosperm (Beck, 1960b). several of Archaeopteris is to be expected. RECONSTHUCTIONS-No single species of Ar­ In this regard, a rather intriguing suggestion chaeopteris is known in sufficient detail to provide has been made by W. S. Lacey (personal com­ an accurate picture of a large part of the plant, munication, 1961) who wonders if Archaeopteris but such a picture can be obtained by pooling might not have borne both simple and compound information from several species. Figure 1 shows leaves. There is no evidence of simple leaves on a branch segment bearing the basal parts of 3 the specimen of A. of. macilenta, unless the leaves, one of which is fertile. This reconstruction, stipules fall into this category. The stipules do including the size and spatial relationships of appear to be attached to the stem, immediately various structures portrayed, is based largely on subtending the leaves, rather than to the petiole the illustrations of Archaeopteris fimbriata in (Beck, 1960b, pI. 2{), Fig. 2, 8). Lacey's suggestion Nathorst (1902) and on the specimen which I have is especially interesting in view of the proposal of recently described and identified as Archaeopteris the occurrence of both microphylls and mega­ cf. macilenta (Beck, 1960b). Archaeopteris fimbri­ phylls in some members of the Zygopteridaceae ata Nathorst (1902) is considered a synonym of by Eggert (1961). .4. macilenta Lesquereux (1884) by Krausel and The presence of a stipule at the base of the Weyland (1941). Archaeopteris leaf has been illustrated by Nathorst The spiral arrangement of the leaves was deter­ (1902) in both A. fimbriata and A. roemeriana mined by Arnold (1930) on the basis of the se­ (halliana), Johnson (1911) in A. hibernica, Beck quence of leaf-trace departure in Callixylon (1960b) in A. cf. macilenta, and possibly others. zalesskyi. This is confirmed by the specimen of A. The forked nature of this structure is well illus­ d. macilenta in which several leaf fragments are trated by Nathorst. borne spirally on a branch identified as C. zales­ The basal enlargement of the rachis (petiole) is skyi. Arnold reported the origin of 4 leaf traces illustrated in Nathorst (1902) and Johnson (1911). within a distance of 1..5 cm in his specimen which The adaxial concavity near the base and the con­ suggests that the leaves were closer together than vex abaxial surface of the rachis are entirely hypo­ thetical, since only compressions have been

1 Received for publication August 31, 1!J61. uncovered in the record. The rachial pin­ Supported by National Science Foundation Grant nules near the base of the leaves have been often 1822:3. observed and may be documented by reference to 2 I am indebted to Professors Arthur J. Eames and Lesquereux (1884), Nathorst (1902) and Johnson Irving W. Bailey for their critical reading of the manu­ (1911). Opposite to sub-opposite, rachial pinnules script. For assistance in the preparation of Fig. 1, I ex­ tend thanks to G. Kadambari Kumari. The skill of between both fertile and vegetative pinnae are Elizabeth Anthony is apparent in Fig. 2. Her patience and illustrated in the 2 latter papers and by Arnold cooperation are acknowledged with appreciation. (19:j9) in a vegetative specimen. I have recently 873

April, 1962] BECK--ARCHAEOPTERIS 375 c Jllected beautifully preserved specimens which The reconstruction in Fig. 1 represents, spe­ also show this feature. cifically, Archaeopteris macilenta Lesquereux. In Although, rarely, the pinnae may be alternate general features, it and the following habit recon­ (Arnold, 1939), the most common arrangement in struction portray the Archaeopteris. The t'ie genus is opposite to sub-opposite. Occa­ reconstruction (Fig. 2) is based in large part on the sionally, the basal pinna may occur opposite a discussion of the habit of Callixylon by Arnold rachial pinnule instead of opposite a pinna (1931) and the specimen of Archaeopteris cf. (Lesquereux, 1884; Arnold, 1939). macilenta which consists of Archaeopteris leaf The vegetative pinnules are sub-opposite to fragments attached to a branch of Callixylon alternate, sessile to short-stalked, and obovate, (Beck, 1960b). Figure 2 depicts a 60 or more spatulate, or rarely cuneiform, with the margin ft tall, the trunk tapering from a base of about varying from nearly entire in A. obtusa and 5 ft in diameter. Perhaps the largest known A. halliana (see Arnold, 1939) to deeply and specimen of Callixylon is a stump about 5 ft in finely dissected in A. macilenta (fimbriata) diameter from the Woodford chert of Oklahoma, (Nathorst, 1902; Arnold, 1936; Beck, 1960b) and now reconstructed on the campus of East Central A. fissilis (Schmalhausen, 1894). Venation is State College in Ada, Oklahoma (Wilson, 1958). dichotomous. The vegetative pinnules in Fig. 1 Logs 2-3 ft in diameter are common in the New are based on those of the specimen of A. macilenta Albany shale in Indiana and Kentucky, and a illustrated by Arnold (1936, Fig. 1). Within the 28-ft segment of a log has been discovered in the genus, the pinnules vary greatly in size--from 1 Caballos chert of Southwest Texas (Bennett, cm or less to 2 cm or more-s-and may overlap'or 1959). On the basis of the taper of specimens in be spaced, as in A.macilenta. Figures in numerous the Museum of Paleontology of the University of papers show that pinnules of both fertile and Michigan and the U. S. National Museum vegetative pinnae gradually decrease in size Arnold estimated the tree represented by the distally. Oklahoma stump to have had "a minimum height The fertile pinnae, which occur basally on some of sixty feet." The absence of exposed lateral fronds, bear proximally several alternate vege­ branches on Callixylon logs has suggested to tative pinnules which are followed by a series of Arnold (1931) that the branches did not attain a fertile pinnules bearing 1 or 2 rows of sporangia. great diameter, probably indicating their ca­ Several vegetative pinnules terminate the pinna. ducous character. This indicates a tree of excur­ Agreement has not been reached on whether there rent habit with an apical crown of branches much is only 1 or whether there are 2 rows of sporangia as in the living pines. The main lateral branches on the fertile pinnules. Johnson (1911) thought would probably be nearly horizontal or inclined there was a single row, whereas Krausel and upward only slightly as illustrated in Fig. 2, and Weyland (1941) suggested that there were 2 rows. the more distal parts might have been bent down­ Arnold's illustrations of fertile pinnules of A. ward by the weight of the large, compound latifolia (1939, pl. 9, Fig. 3,4) suggest only 1 row, leaves which varied in length from 2 ft or less to but he does not give an opinion on this question. as much as 5 ft (see Johnson, 1911). Smaller The occurrence of proximal vegetative pinnules branches diverged from the main laterals at angles on the fertile pinnae has been observed fre­ as great as 45° (Arnold, 1931). quently (Lesquereux, 1879, pl. 50, Fig. 3; Schim­ The form of the crown of leafy branches is, of per, 1869, Atlas pl. 36; Nathorst, 1902; Johnson, course, primarily speculative, based on that of 1911, and others). The existence of terminal vege­ living which branch in a manner similar tative pinnules has been less frequently reported to that proposed for Archaeopteris. A somewhat due, undoubtedly in some specimens, to poor similar branching pattern is illustrated in the re­ preservation of the tips of the pinnae. Good illus­ construction of Callixylon in Life Magazine, trations appear in Schimper (1869), Nathorst September 7, 1953, page 63, which was prepared (1902) and Johnson (1911). It is, of course, quite in consultation with Professor C. A. Arnold. possihle that in some specimens, or in some Although we now have a fairly good knowledge species, the pinnae were terminated by fertile of Archaeopteris as an entire plant, there is much pinnules, or that the pinnae were wholly fertile, yet to learn. Was the genus heterosporous or were lacking vegetative pinnules entirely. The ho­ some species homosporous? Arnold (1939) has mology between the fertile and vegetative presented evidence for in A. latifolia, pinnules is shown in those cases where a pinnule and Krausel and Weyland (1941) suggest the is partly fertile and partly vegetative (see Schmal­ possibility of heterospory in A. halliana and A. hausen, 1894, pI. II, Fig. 19-21; Johnson, 1911). hibernica, based on variation in sporangium size. The fertile pinnules often extend out into a sterile of only one size, however, were found in tip, sometimes forked (Nathorst, 1902; Johnson, A. cf. macilenta (Beck, 1960b). Concerning this 1911; Arnold, 1939, pl. 9, Fig. 3, 4; Krausel and problem, Professor T. M. Harris (personal com­ Weyland, 1941). munication, 1961) writes: "May I suggest the

Fig. 1. Archaeopteris. Reconstruction of a branch bearing the basal parts of 3 leaves. Based largely on A. macilenta. About natural size. 376 AMEHICAN J OU RNAL 0 F BOTANY [Vol. 49 April, 1962] BECK-ARCHAEOPTERIS 377 likelihood that some [species] are monoecious and sharing many common characters has been sup­ others dioecious, or at least tend to have mega­ ported recently by the recognition of a fern and microsporangia on different leaves or division, called Pterophyta by Bold (1956) and branches." Such a condition could account for Filicophyta by Cronquist (1960), which includes the isolation of spores of but one size from A. cf. the orders listed above. macilenta. I should like to note and discuss some important Did any species produce seeds? Arnold (1935) common characters in addition to those listed discovered seed-like compressions in association above which seem to me to characterize generally with Archaeopteris foliage, but none has ever been the groups comprising the Filicineae, and then to found attached. consider their applicability to Archaeopteris. We cannot yet answer these questions with any (1) Primary growth only and the consequent lack certainty. We know nothing about the leaf trace of cambial activity are characteristic of the Fili­ immediately prior to its entry into the leaf base, cineae-This feature is not only restricted to the or about the internal structure of the rachis, and low, "shrubby," forms, but also characterizes the there is still much to learn about variation within large, arborescent genera of the Dicksoniaceae, species, valid criteria for distinguishing species, and the Marattiales, the latter considered to be etc. Nevertheless, Archaeopteris is more com­ among the most primitive groups of ferns, includ­ pletely known than any other Upper Devonian ing the widespread and plant-better, possibly, than any other Paleozoic genus, Psaronius. plant. Consequently, one can determine its Opinion of the number of extant genera in the general phylogenetic position with a good deal of Filicineae varies from about 145 (Bower, 1926, certainty, although its precise position in relation 1928) to 308 (Copeland, 1947); and Holttum to its immediate ancestors and descendants pre­ (1949) recognizes approximately 180 genera. In­ sents a more difficult problem. cluding the structurally preserved fossil genera, THE PHYLOGENETIC POSITION OF ARCHAEOP­ it seems conservative to conclude that there are TEHIS-Of several suggestions regarding the at least 2215 widely recognized genera of ferns. Of phylogenetic position of this plant, 2 have seemed these, only 4 or .'i seem to be characterized by the to merit the most serious consideration. These production of secondary tissues. Although Sahni are that it is: (1) a primitive fern, representing a (1932) and others have referred to secondary wood major group from which Coenopteridales, Ophio­ in Zygopten:s, Baxter (1952) presents an argument glossales, Marattiales and Filicales, or some of for the primary nature of this tissue. Krausel and these, evolved; and, (2) a progymnosperm, repre­ Weyland (1941) describe and illustrate secondary senting a major group of from in the stem of Rhacophyton incertum, and which one or more groups of has Leclercq (1951) refers to a similar, though less ex­ evolved. I have elsewhere expressed the view that tensive tissue in R. zygopteroides. Among the the second of these alternatives is the correct one. living genera, aside from Botrychium, only Because, however, some other morphologists sup­ Angiopteris has heen reported to produce second­ port the former, I feel that it is important to ary xylem (Farmer and Hill, 1902), and this present, in much greater detail than previously locally, in very small amounts. This report needs (Beck, 1960b), my reasons for rejecting it. further substantiation before it can be accepted To consider Archaeopteris a fern, or a member without reservation. Scott (1920) reports second­ of a group of fern ancestors, one must be able to ary xylem in Ankyropteris corrugata and M eta­ show that its characteristics are those generally clepsydropsis duplex, but recent studies of Ameri­ recognized as attributable to ferns, or are of a can species of Ankyropteris (Baxter, 1951; Eggert, type from which those of ferns could logically 1959h) include no mention of secondary xylem, have been derived; or there must be evidence of and it is probable that this tissue was not a con­ the existence of forms of character intermediate stant feature in these genera. The Cladoxylales, between this group and generally accepted sometimes grouped with the ferns (Arnold, 1947), as ferns. It is generally accepted that ferns are sometimes with the pteridosperms (Scott, 1923), megaphyllous pteridophytes bearing foliar spo­ and admittedly of uncertain systematic position, rangia, and that most of them possess mesarch produced secondary xylem. This group is of primary xylem. These characters, also features of interest hecause of its polystelic vascular system. Archaeopteris, do not, however, adequately define Leclercq and Banks (1959) have shown that a fern. There are other important and distinctive Pseudosporochnus, previously called a psilophyte, features which must be considered. It is recog­ had cladoxylalean anatomy. The report of nized, of course, that within the Filicineae the secondary xylem in Osmundites kidstoni by Stopes several orders, Coenopteridales, Ophioglossales, (1921) was shown by Posthumus (1924) to be in Marattiales and Filicales, each has its own error. distinctive characters. Eames (1936) suggests that One may conclude, therefore, that clear-cut the " ... 'ferns' ... are, ... if considered a unit examples of secondary growth among the ferns group, polyphyletic." That they are at the same are rare and that primary growth only is generally time a group of genetically related members characteristic of the Filicineae. 378 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 49

(2) Scalariform pits characterize the xylem of If the paleozoic ferns had been derived from ferns-Not only the primary xylem of most Archaeopteris, there should be evidence in the genera, but also the secondary xylem of all but fossil record of a trend of reduction from the one (excluding the Cladoxylales) of those which woody to the herbaceous habit. Such evidence is produce this tissue contain tracheids with scalari­ unknown at present. The genera reported to pro­ form pits. Distinct circular bordered pits are a duce secondary wood are members of the more known constant feature of only 3 genera of primitive eusporangiate groups of ferns, Coenop­ Filicineae, Ophioglossum, Botrychium, and Hel­ teridales, Ophioglossales and Marattiales, but the minthostachys of the Ophioglossales, Circular secondary activity in these groups, scattered bordered pits occur in the late protoxylem and among a few genera, in no way suggests a major metaxylem of these genera (Bierhorst, 1960) and line of evolutionary specialization toward the also in the secondary xylem of Botrychium. acquisition of the woody habit, or toward a re­ Localized occurrences of circular bordered pits duction from a woody habit. Eames (1936), in have been reported in the metaxylem of several comparing the Ophioglossales, Marattiales and coenopterid ferns and are discussed below. Bier­ Filicales, noted that: "So distributed are the horst (1960) reports the rare presence of circular differences that it is apparent that the three bordered pits in some predominantly reticulate groups are not closely related, and that no one elements of M arattia alata. of them represents an ancestral stock from which (3) The primary xylem and phloem of the leaf the others may have been derived." Although the traces and sielar bundles is always concentrically Coenopteridales have long been considered the arranged-I know of no exception to this charac­ ancestral fern stock, the view that they may be, ter among plants usually included within the rather, an independent branch of the main line of Filicineae, and the phloem always surrounds the fern evolution is gaining adherents. At present, xylem. In contrast, the traces and vascular the occurrence of secondary xylem in several bundles in the gymnosperms are, most commonly, diverse groups of ferns and fern-like plants seems, collateral, although in a few genera such as therefore, to be of importance only in indicating Calamopitys, IYJinopteris and Callistophyton (De­ the potential within the Filicineae for secondary levoryas and Morgan, 1954b) the petiolar bundles growth, a potential which was not as fully ex­ may be concentric. ploited by the ferns as by several other major (4) The Filicineae are characterized by ad­ groups. ventitious roots which often arise at the base of To derive the ferns from Archaeopteris or its leaves-In respect to this character a quotation close relatives, one must assume the evolution of from Bower (1923, p. 337) is appropriate: "The the scalariform bordered pit from the circular shoot is fixed in the by numerous roots, of bordered pit, since the Paleozoic ferns, which pro­ which all the later are clearly adventitious. The duced secondary xylem, possessed scalariformly nature and origin of the first root may be open to pitted secondary tracheids. Although the circular question. That origin is not constant in time or bordered pit may very well be an equally primi­ place for all Ferns. The root may actually be tive type, there is little evidence that the scalari­ absent in Salvinia. Its emergence where there is a form pit has evolved from the circular pit in any suspensor present is lateral. These facts indicate group of vascular plants. Bailey (1925, 1953) and that it is accessory to the shoot, as are all those Frost (1931) present strong support for the view which follow accessory to the shoots which bear that the circular bordered pit has been derived them." Little is known about the root-stem rela­ from the scalariform pit in the gymnosperms and tionship of some fossil ferns, but the occurrence of angiosperms. Their conclusions regarding pit adventitious roots in the Coenopteridales has evolution in angiosperms have been supported by been often demonstrated (e.g., Scott, 1920; the observations of many other workers during Delevoryas and Morgan, 1952, 1954a). the last several decades. Bierhorst (1960) has In the preceding paragraphs I have presented a suggested, however, that the circular bordered group of characters that I believe typify and pits in the primary xylem of conifers and some re­ unify the group Filicineae. In a sense, I have pre­ lated groups as well as in and the sented my own "type concept" of a fern. The Ophioglossales might not have evolved by a ferns have, of course, never been static. As a phylogenetic break up of scalariform bordered pits group (or as several groups) they have diverged in the metaxylem, but probably evolved as from one or more evolutionary lines; the primitive circular bordered pits in the protoxylem. His ferns have given rise to the more advanced groups; view is based on the presence of circular bordered and, possibly, other major groups of vascular pits in the late protoxylem of these groups, and plants have been derived from some group or the absence of transitional types between scalari­ groups of ferns. The pro-ferns undoubtedly were form and circular bordered pits in the metaxylem different in many ways from the primitive of the genera studied. filicineans, but, in my opinion, they could not In the coenopterid ferns, Anachoropteris clavata have possessed the combination of characters of (Delevoryas and Morgan, 1954a), Apotropteris A rchaeopieris. minuta (Morgan and Delevoryas, 1954), Tubi- April, 1962] BECK-ARCHAEOPTERIS 379

caulis stewartii, and T. scandens (Eggert, 1959a), the nearly identical anatomy of the secondary pitting of the protoxylem is uniseriate-scalariform, wood of root and stem there is no question as to whereas the metaxylem is typically multiseriate­ the identity of the roots of this plant (Beck, 1953). scalariform in the first 3 and multiseriate-reticu­ This similarity in structure, the production of late in the last species, and in T. sntcliffii, the secondary tissues, and the habit of the plant make larger metaxylem elements are characterized by it most unlikely that the roots were adventitious, bordered pits (Delevoryas and Morgan, 1952). rather, they were probably an important part of Such developmental sequences suggest a possible the axial system. I am not aware of any evidence derivation of the circular bordered pit from the to suggest that Archaeopteris, through reduction, scalariform in these groups. In Anachoropteris has become modified into an herbaceous plant clavata and Tubicouli« stewartii, transitional and with adventitious roots. circular bordered pits characterize the petiolar Because Archaeopteris does not possess some of xylem, whereas tracheids of the stem possess the the important distinguishing characters of the typical scalariform pits. It should also be noted ferns, because there are no recognizable inter­ that pits approaching a circular bordered type mediates, and because, considering our knowl­ occur in the Osmundaceae and in some other edge of evolutionary trends of cell types and extant leptosporangiate ferns. Some of the last­ tissues, it does not possess characters of the type formed metaxylem elements of Oemunda cinna­ from which ferns probably evolved, I must con­ momea stem bear some very short, opposite clude that Archaeopteris is not a primitive, woody, scalariform pits, pairs of which approximate the arborescent fern. relative position of single, vertically adjacent, I believe that Archaeopteris was not derived scalariform pits (Bierhorst 1960, Fig. 137). from any group which could reasonably be called Earlier differentiated metaxylem elements of this a fern, although I realize the probability of the species are characterized by uniseriate scalariform common ancestry of these groups, and the possi­ bordered pits. Bierhorst (Fig. 155) also illustrates bility that Archaeopteris might be of fern origin. oval or lens-shaped pits from the rachis of Onoclea Even if the group of. which Archaeopteris was a sensibilie. Similar pits have also been observed in member had been derived from a group of primi­ several other higher Filicales by Richard A. tive ferns, the evidence suggests that its evolution White (unpublished). It may also be significant was not in the direction of any other group of that in the Paleozoic ferns such as Zygopteris and ferns, but rather, in the direction of the gymno­ Rhacophyton, which produced secondary xylem, sperms, and that it had evolved beyond the level the pits were scalariform, and that the single genus at which it could reasonably be called a fern. The within the Filicineae that typically produces fern-like characters of this plant such as mega­ secondary tracheids bearing bordered pits, Botry­ phyllous leaves, pteridophytic reproduction, foliar chium, is a living group with no fossil record. sporangia, and mesarch order of maturation of This evidence suggests that in the ferns (with primary xylem do not conflict with this view. the possible exception of the Ophioglossales), as Megaphylly is common not only to ferns and pro­ in the angiosperms, the circular bordered pit has gymnosperms, but also to pteridosperms and been derived from the scalariform. angiosperms. Pteridophytic reproduction charac­ If Archaeopteris represents an ancestral fern terizes all groups except the group, the typical concentric arrangement of pri­ gymnosperms and angiosperms, and the seed mary xylem and phloem in the leaf traces and habit in these groups probably evolved from the stelar bundles of the typical fern must have been pteridophytic condition by way of heterospory. derived from the collateral arrangement. The Foliar sporangia occur in the lycopsids, the collateral arrangement is characteristic of the cycadophytes, the angiosperms, and, in the gymnosperms and angiosperms and is generally opinion of many, the coniferophytes, in addition considered the advanced condition. Certain paleo­ to the ferns. Mesarch primary xylem is charac­ zoic genera, primitive gymnosperms or progymno­ teristic of, but not unique to, ferns, occurring also sperms such as Calamopitys, and in primitive gymnosperms. Callistophyton, are intermediate in character, Evidence previously presented (Beck, 1960b) possessing collateral stelar bundles and concentric supports the second alternative listed above, that leaf traces, and suggest a derivation of the col­ Archaeopteris was one of a large group of pro­ lateral condition in the gymnosperms from the gymnosperms. Its arborescent, probably excurrent concentric condition. Although we do not know habit, megaphyllous leaves, secondary growth, in detail the appearance of the stem of Archaeop­ circular bordered pits, ray tracheids, collateral teris in the solely primary condition, the vascular vascular bundles, and probable heterosporous re­ bundles of the stele were probably collateral, production suggest that it was a type intermediate judging from the absence of internal phloem. This between the psilophyte and the seed plant: one seems to eliminate Archaeopteris as an ancestral advanced considerably beyond the primitive form from which the typical concentric arrange­ Lower and Middle Devonian psilophytic level and ment of the ferns might have evolved. approaching that of the primitive Carboniferous Archaeopteris roots have not been discovered in gymnosperms. attachment to stems (Callixylon), but because of ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR THE VIEW THAT 380 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 49

ARCHAEOPTERIS IS A PROGYMNOSPERM-The view There are some close similarities between the that A rchaeopteris is a progymnosperm is further fertile frond of Archaeopteris and the Calatho­ supported by the nature of its fertile foliage, since spermum fructification. In Archaeopieris, as in C. the morphology of its leaves suggests a type from fimbriatum, the most basal lateral appendages are which some pteridosperm fructifications might frequently vegetative, most often taking the form have evolved. In fact, Walton (1949a), in discuss­ of pinnules, but sometimes of pinnae (Johnson, ing Alcicornopteris hallei, a microsporangiate 1911, pl. IV). These are followed by a series of pteridosperm fructification, noted that "the fertile pinnae bearing predominantly fertile pin­ structure of the branching axes indicated that nules, but with the most proximal and distal pin­ they were parts of a frond and not stems"; and nules often being vegetative. The fertile pinnae further, that"... [this fructification] seems rela­ are succeeded by a series of solely vegetative pin­ tively simple and may possibly be regarded as nae. In these features the Archaeopteris fertile occupying an intermediate position between the leaf and Calathospermum are remarkably alike. If type of organization found in the Upper De­ Barnard's interpretation is correct, and I see no vonian Archaeopteris and the Upper Carboniferous reason for scepticism, the fertile leaf of Ar­ synangial types." chaeopteris differs from Calathospermum in basic Walton (1953a) proposed that the cupule of the architecture only in its unbranched main rachis. Lagenostomales might have evolved by the fusion It is not difficult to conceive of a fructification of of sterile foliar segments around a cluster of the Calathospermum-Salpingostoma type having ovules, a view supported by the morphology of evolved through several intermediates from a the Calathospermum cupule, composed of 6 fertile frond of a type similar to that of Ar­ basally fused leaf-like segments, which surrounded chaeopteris. The strong evidence that some of the a cluster of stalked seeds. Walton (1949b) writes: primitive pteridosperm seed-bearing fructifica­ "The presence of a crescentric strand in the stalk tions were morphologically bilateral and dorsi­ of the cupule clearly suggests that the whole ventral foliar organs supports the view that structure is morphologically equivalent to a frond Archaeopteris and similar gymnospermous pterido­ or part of a frond." And further: "It is evident phytes might have been ancestral to some of the that in the evolution of the Calathospermum pteridosperms. cupule, the telome system from which it was de­ I have previously suggested that the cordaites rived must have acquired the status of a dorsi­ as well as the pteridosperms might have evolved ventral lateral foliar organ not only in external from the Progymnospermopsida. There is a con­ features but in the structure of its vascular spicuous similarity in internal structure of both system before modification into an almost root and stem. In view of the foregoing discussion radially symmetrical cupule." and of the clearly leaf-borne sporangia of Archae­ Support for Walton's view is presented in opieris, however, those who adhere to the view several recent papers. Eurystoma (Long, 1960) that the cordaites are stachyosporous (i.e., with and Geminitheca (Smith, 19.'59), primitive lageno­ seeds borne terminally on axillary shoots or stomalean seeds from the Lower Carboniferous of branches) will, no doubt, disagree. The concept of Scotland, were borne on cupules considered to be stachyospory as applied to the coniferophytes by derived from bilateral, dorsiventral leaves or Sahni (1920), and upheld by Lam and others, has branch systems. The"cupule" of Eurystoma was, never been acceptable to Florin, the foremost in fact, little more than a somewhat curved, authority on the morphology and evolution of dorsiventral branch system. cordaite and primitive fructifications. Barnard (1960) has described a new species of Schoute (192.5), Florin (1939) and Eames (1952) Calathospermum, C. fimbriatum, and, on excellent agree that ovules as well as microsporangia of the evidence, like Walton, interprets the Calatho­ cordaites are (in the words of Eames), " ... spermum cupule as the equivalent of a large part borne terminally on an appendage, not terminally of a dorsiventral frond. The main axis of the on an axillary shoot." One who studies Florin's fructification described by Barnard has the massive and scholarly work on the evolution of morphology of a rachis. The basal part is slightly the female coniferophyte cone, or who carefully concave adaxially and contains vascular strands reads his summary of this work (19.51), can hardly which form a shallow U with the open end facing fail to concur in this conclusion. The cordaitean the adaxial surface. Proximal to the cupular seg­ fructification is, of course, very different from ments, there are 2 opposite pairs of lateral pinnae that of Archaeopteris. A single sporophyll of the in 1 plane. The main axis (rachis) is interpreted as axillary fertile shoot (strobilus) of Cordaites is, branching, in the manner of many pteridosperm apparently, homologous with the entire fertile leaves. Primary pinnae, alternately arranged, leaf of Archaeopteris. This difference, however, is arise from the branches of the main axis. The 2 not as basic as that between phyllospory and proximal pinnae are fertile and bear seeds on stachyospory, and the evolution of the primitive branched secondary pinnae (pinnules), whereas coniferophyte fructification from some progymno­ the 3 distal are vegetative. The basic segments of sperm remains a distinct possibility. the cupule are composed of the primary pinnae. The evolution of the cordaite leaf from the April, 1962] BECK-ARCHAEOPTERIS 381

pinnately compound type of the progymnosperm and in some ways parallel to, both the primitive does, of course, present an organographic prob­ pteridosperms and coniferophytes. To determine lem. But Delevoryas and Morgan (1954b), in finally whether this is a sound conclusion, as seems discussing the possible relationship between probable, or whether the genus was directly an­ Callistophyton and Poroxylon, have hypothesized cestral to some pteridosperms or coniferophytes, that a simple cordaite-like leaf could be derived or some members of both groups, must await a from a pinnate type by a suppression of the more comprehensive knowledge of the plants lateral leaf segments and a concurrent flattening represented by the numerous foliage and petri­ and lateral expansion of the rachis. faction genera of the Devonian and Mississippian. Archaeopteris was, predominantly, an Upper Devonian genus, with several species extending LITERATURE CITED into the Lower Mississippian whereas Cordaites seems to have existed primarily in the Pennsyl­ ARNOLD, C. A. 1930. The genus Callixylon from the vanian and later periods, possibly occurring Upper Devonian of central and western New York. earliest in the Upper Mississippian (see Walton, Papers Michigan Acad. 11: 1-50. ---. 1931. On Callixylon newberryi (Dawson) Elkins 19.53b). The identification of a Lower Mississip­ et Wieland. Contr. Mus. Paleontol. Univ. Michigan pian specimen as Cordaites, solely on the basis of 3: 207-232. secondary wood, by Cribbs (1935) is probably in ---. 1935. On seedlike structures associated with error. These genera are, therefore, separated Archaeopteris, from the Upper Devonian of northern temporally by about 30 million years (see Kulp, Pennsylvania. Contr. Mus. Paleontol. Univ. Michigan 1961, for a new ), during which 4: 283-286. time major evolutionary changes could have ---. 1936. Observations on fossil plants from the occurred. There is a large group of cordaite-like Devonian of eastern North America. II. Archaeopteris petrifaction genera including Endoxylon, Eristo­ macilenta and A. sphenophyllifolia of Lesquereux. Contr. Mus. Paleontol. Univ. Michigan 5: 49-56. phyton, Bilignea, the "Cordaites" of Cribbs, ---. 1939. Observations on fossil plants from the Pycnoxylon, and others, all of Lower Mississippian Devonian of eastern North America. IV. Plant re­ age. Lacey (1953) has suggested that the first 3, mains from the Catskill Delta deposits of northern often included with the Calamopityeae, should be Pennsylvania and southern New York. Contr. Mus. grouped with the Cordaitales. Is it not possible Paleontol. Univ. Michigan 5: 271-313. that some of these genera represent intermediates ---. 1947. An introduction to . Me­ between the of the Upper De­ Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. vonian and the later Paleozoic cordaites and/or BAILEY, I. W. 1925. Some salient lines of specialization c-nifers? in tracheary pitting. I. Gymnospermae. Ann. Bot. 34: 586-598. There is an obvious similarity in leaf mor­ ---. 1953. Evolution of the tracheary tissue of land phology between Archaeopteris and Lower Missis­ plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 40: 4-8. sippian foliage genera such as Sphenopteridium, BARNARD, P. D. 1960. Calaihospermuni fimbriatum sp, Adiantites, Rhodea, Rhacopteris, and Triphyll­ nov., a Lower Carboniferous pteridosperm cupule from opteris (see Walton, 1931; Read, 1955). Some of Scotland. Paleontology 3: 265-275. these genera occur with fructifications, previously BAXTER, RW. 1951. Ankyropteris glabra, a new discussed, which are believed to belong to primi­ American species of the Zygopteridaceae. Amer. Jour. tive pteridosperms, and with petrifaction genera Bot. 38: 440-452. such as Stenomyelon, Eristophyton, Protopitys, ---. 1952. The coal-age flora of Kansas. II. On the relationships among the genera Etapteris, Scleropteris, Bilignea and Calamopitys. Callixylon (the stem of and Botrychioxylon. Amer. Jour. Bot. 39: 263-274. Archaeopteris) occurs in great abundance in as­ BECK, C. B. 1953. A new root species of Callixylon. sociation with several of these same petrifaction Amer. Jour. Bot. 40: 226-233. genera in the New Albany shale, and shares ---. 1960a. Connection between Archaeopteris and many structural characteristics. Callixylon. Science 131: 1524-1525. A rchaeopteris is closely similar in foliage and ---. 1960b. The identity of Archaeopieris and fructifications to the pteridosperms. It is similar Callixylon. Brittonia 12: 351-368. in the anatomy of its primary body to both BENNETT, R E. 1959. 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