A Comparative Study of the Primary Vascular System Of

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A Comparative Study of the Primary Vascular System Of Amer. J. Bot. 55(4): 464-472. 1!16'>. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE PRIMARY VASCULAR SYSTE~1 OF CONIFERS. III. STELAR EVOLUTION IN GYMNOSPERMS 1 KADAMBARI K. NAMBOODIRI2 AND CHARLES B. BECK Department of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor ABST RAe T This paper includes a survey of the nature of the primary vascular system in a large number of extinct gymnosperms and progymnosperms. The vascular system of a majority of these plants resembles closely that of living conifers, being characterized, except in the most primitive forms which are protostelic, by a eustele consisting of axial sympodial bundles from which leaf traces diverge. The vascular supply to a leaf originates as a single trace with very few exceptions. It is proposed that the eustele in the gyrr.nosperms has evolved directly from the protostele by gradual medullation and concurrent separation of the peripheral conducting tissue into longitudinal sympodial bundles from which traces diverge radially. A subsequent modification results in divergence of traces in a tangential plane, The closed vascular system of conifers with opposite and whorled phyllotaxis, in which the vascular supply to a leaf originates as two traces which subsequently fuse, is considered to be derived from the open sympodial system characteristic of most gymnosperms. This hypothesis of stelar evolution is at variance with that of Jeffrey which suggests that the eustele of seed plants is derived by the lengthening and overlapping of leaf gaps in a siphonostele followed by further reduction in the resultant vascular bundles. This study suggests strongly that the "leaf gap" of conifers and other extant gymnosperms is not homologous with that of siphonostelic ferns and strengthens the validity of the view that Pterop­ sida is an unnatural group. It supports the position that gymnosperms have evolved from progymnosperms rather than from ferns, and the inclusion of ferns and gymnosperms in separate subdivisions or divisions. IT 'liAS BEEN clearly established that the taxis is the primitive condition, & view that primary vascular system of a large number of supports the observations of Pant and Mehra living conifers is composed essentially of longi­ (1964). It also suggests the possibility that the tudinally oriented sympodia, axial bundles from leaf gap of conifers is not homologous with that which leaf traces diverge (Namboodiri and Beck, of the siphonostelic ferns. 1968a,b). While these features are found in all These conclusions would be of greater phylo­ the specimens studied, variations are observed genetic significance if they could be applied to in the number and mode of formation of traces the gymnosperms as a whole, especially the supplying a leaf. Thus in the forms with helical extinct forms. A knowledge of the primary phyllotaxis the trace supplying a leaf is single vasculature of fossil gymnosperms is necessary at the point of origin (Namboodiri and Beck, in order to draw any valid conclusions about 1968a), whereas in species with opposite leaves long-range stelar evolution and homology of two traces originating from two different bundles structures. It is with these goals in mind that are found to fuse to form the single strand the survey reported herein has been made. Such supplying a leaf, thus giving rise to a reticulate a survey presents several problems. Shoot vascular architecture. Some arguments have apices of woody plants, in which the primary been presented in part II of the study (Namboo­ vasculature is clearly discernible, are seldom diri and Beck, 1968b) suggesting that the open fossilized. Therefore, the main source of infor­ system of the genera with helical leaf arrangement mation about the primary vascular system is the is primitive and the closed, reticulate system of stem with secondary growth. But when the conifers with opposite phyllotaxis is derived. maturation of the xylem is endarch it is difficult This implies that the single-trace condition to discern accurately the details of the primary characteristic of the conifers with helical phyllo- vascular system. Thus genera characterized by mesarch or exarch development of primary 1 Received for publication 17 July 1967. This paper is based on part of a Ph.D. thesis by the xylem provide most of the data for this study. first author. Among living conifers the number of traces that This study has been supported in part by National supply a single leaf may not be the same at Science Foundation grant GB-3038 to C. B. Beck. nodal levels as at subnodal levels. In the Abi­ 2 Formerly known as G. Kadambari Kumari. Present address: Genetics Program, University of North Carolina, etineae, for example, the trace is single at the Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. subnodal levels, but double at the nodal level, 464 April, 1968] NAMBOODIRI AND BECK-PRIMARY VASCULAR SYSTEM. III. 465 and in many Cupressaceae it is double at the Scott (1923) is as follows: "Each leaf trace on subnodal levels and single at the nodal level. In entering the stem from the leaf, runs down 13 order to make this comparison of the primary internodes before joining the trace of a leaf vascular systems of living and fossil gymno­ vertically below it." This description suggests a sperms valid, the nature of the leaf trace has been sympodial vascular system, similar to the con­ consistently compared at the point of its origin dition in modern conifers. at a subnodal level. Consequently, some fossil Among the pteridosperms, Tetrastichia bupa­ genera have not been considered because such tides (Gordon, 1938) and Tristichia ooensi (Long, information is unavailable. 1961) are protostelic, the former with a stele that is cruciform, the latter with a stele that is SURVEY OF PRIMARY VASCULAR SYSTEMS­ tri-radiate in section. In both, the vascular supply Cenozoic and Mesozoic gymnosperms-Little or to lateral appendages originates as single traces nothing is known about the primary vasculature that branch from the outermost edges of the of Cenozoic and Mesozoic conifers and cycads. stelar ribs. In the Cycadeoidales, however, the origin of the Heterangium, another Carboniferous pterido­ leaf vascular supply from a eustele as a single sperm and a primitive member of the Lygino­ trace has been described in Cycadeoidea ingens pteridaceae, is of particular interest. The primary by Arnold (1947), in C. uiopiensis by Delevoryas vascular system of most species is protostelic, (1960), both from the Jurassic, and in M onan­ the stelar column consisting of large tracheids thesia magnifica, an Upper Cretaceous cycadeoid, mixed with abundant parenchyma cells. There by Delevoryas (19fi9). The vascular system in C. is, however, a tendency for medullation of the uiopiensis and JJf. magnifica and, presumably, protostele and formation of fairly discrete peri­ in other cycadeoids, is complicated by a system pheral bundles in some species. Delevoryas of cortical bundles that branch from leaf traces. (1962) describes this trend as follows: "In the The cone vascular supply is derived from the stem such as that of H. grievii from the Lower cortical bundles (Delevoryas, 1959, 1960). Carboniferous, the primary xylem is fairly uni­ form in size and distribution of tracheids except Paleozoic gymnosperms-In the Cordaitales, for somewhat smaller elements near the edge of considered to be closely related to the Coniferales, the protostele." He notes further that in "the the leaf trace is seen as two bundles in the cortex Upper Carboniferous species H. andrei, the (Scott, 1923, Fig. 100). tracheids in the center of the protostele are less Although in Cordaites there is little information compactly organized with a predominance of on the number of bundles at the point of trace parenchyma. The more compact peripheral xylem origin, Cohen and Delevoryas (1959) report strands are fewer in number than are usually that the foliar vascular supply in C. validus found in Heterangium and are quite distinct." originates as a single bundle. The condition in He suggests that '''a complete conversion of the the genus is probably the same as that found in center part of the stele in a plant such as H. M esoxylon, which is nearly indistinguishable from andrei to a pith would result in a structure quite Cordaites except for the mesarch nature of the similar to that in Lyginopteris" (see also Scott, leaf traces. 1923; Arnold, 1947). In M esoxylon lomaxii and M. poroxyloides Leaf traces depart from the surface of the (Scott, 1912, 1923), M. sutclijfi (Maslen, 1911), stele in Heterangium. The trace is single at the M. multirame (Scott, 1918), M. thompsonii point of origin in H. andrei, H. grievii, H. sturii, (Traverse, 1950), and M. birame (Baxter, 1959), H. alatum, H. schueteri, H. polystichum, and H. each leaf is described as being supplied with a minimum as described by Scott (1923) and Arnold trace, single at the point of origin, which branches (1947). But in a small section of the genus, subsequently into two at higher levels. Only in a known as the polyangium section, with four single species, M. platypodium (Maslen, 1930), species, H. tiliaeoides, H. shorense, H. lomaxii, are the two strands supplying a leaf reported and H. americanum, the bundles supplying a to have independent origin in the primary leaf are described as double at the point of vascular system. their origin (Scott, 1923; Andrews, 1945). Some ~ther genera, M esoxulopsis arberae, Another lyginopterid, the Carboniferous species M esopitys tchihatchejfi, Antarcticoxylon priestleyi, Lyginopteris oldhamia, has a clearly understood and H aploxylon rochei which are included under primary vasculature and leaf trace system. A Cordaitales by Scott (1923), also have leaf large pith is surrounded by mesarch vascular traces single at the point of their origin. bundles, all of which are sympodia producing In Poroxylon boysetii, a Permo-Carboniferous single leaf traces at intervals. Scott (1923) genus which shows a combination of cordaitean describes the stem thus: "Every leaf trace on leaf structure and Lyginopteris-like stem struc­ reaching the margin of the pith fuses with the ture (Scott, 1923), the leaf traces originate nearest circummeduUary strand ...
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    Amer. J. Bot. 65(4): 459-465. 1978. BOSTONIA PERPLEXA GEN. ET SP. NOV., A CALAMOPITYAN AXIS FROM THE NEW ALBANY SHALE OF KENTUCKy1 WILLIAM E. STEIN, JR. AND CHARLES B. BECK Department of Botany. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 48109 ABSTRACT Bostonia perplexa, gen. et sp. nov .. was collected from the Lower Mississippian Falling Run member of the Sanderson Formation. The single short segment of an axis. preserved as a petrifaction. contains at least three vascular columns. each with both primary and secondary tissues. Primary xylem is two or three ribbed. and contains several mesarch protoxylem strands. Gymnospermous secondary xylem is characterized by both uniseriate and multi seriate rays. The ground tissue is parenchymatous except for a few clusters of sclerotic cells. In its apparent polystelic nature. the specimen superficially resembles members of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Medullosaceae. All evi­ dence currently available. however. leads to the conclusion that this species should be placed in the Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian Calamopityaceae. It has not been determined with certainty whether the species is polystelic (in the sense of the Medullosaceae), or whether the apparent polystely is the result of stelar branching proximal to the level of branch divergence. A SPECIMEN collected from the Falling Run among others. Reviews of the flora and stratig­ member of the Sanderson Formation and de­ raphy of the Devonian black shales were con­ scribed in this paper represents a new member tributed by Hoskins and Cross (195Ib) and Cross of the New Albany Shale flora. The vascular and Hoskins (1951). plant flora of the New Albany Shale is quite di­ As might be expected from its position in the verse, containing members from the Progymnos­ geologic column, the New Albany Shale flora permopsida, Lycopsida, Pteridospermales, Cla­ contains some elements typical of both the Up­ doxylales, and Coenopteridales.
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