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Volume 8 ST. PAUL, MINN., AUGUST 2, 1919 Number 31 DEATH OF PATRICK CUDANY Holy Father and German Missions CORNERSTONE IS LA ID SiSTES IHY GEIIHHt A NEW/ RULING WAS GENEROUS BENEFACTOR TO POPE BENEDICT'S APPEAL FOR MOST REVEREND ARCHBISHOP the generous donor was unavoidably DEATH OF VISITATION NUN IN WINE FOR SACRAMENTAL PUR­ they recently begged for his protec­ absent on this occasion. ST. PAUL 18 SEVERE LOSS- POSES NOt BANNED. VARIOUS CATHOLIC CHARI­ MISSIONS SUCCESSFUL AT THE tion in this work. PERFORMED CEREMONY- TIES. The first speaker was the Rev. C. WAS EVER A MODEL RELIC* PEACE CONFERENCE—CERTAIN About German Missions. MAYOR HODGSON, CLERGY AND F. McGinnis who dwelt upon the value IOUS. Regulations just issued by the bu­ reau of internal revenue afford every ARTICLES HARMFUL TO CATH­ The Holy Father addressed a reply LARGE CONCOURSE OF FAITH­ of a Catholic education. He was fol­ On July 25 Patrick Cudahy, Presi­ to the Cardinal Archbishop of Co­ lowed by his Honor, Mayor Lawrence religious organization in the United dent of the Cudahy Bros. Company, OLIC MISSIONS LIKELY TO BE Last Tuesday morning, at nine logne, through the Papal Secretary of FUL. PRESENT. C. Hodgson of St. Paul, who in an in­ States opportunity to obtain wine for packers, died suddenly at his home in o'clock, the funeral obsequies of Sis­ sacramental purposes. CHANGED—APPEAL MADE TO State, in the course of which the lat­ spired vein painted a glowing picture Milwaukee, from a stroke of apoplexy. ter Mary Gertrude Farrell were held Where sacramental wines are pro­ ter said: T Last Sunday afternoon the cere­ of a united nation bound together by Mr. Cudahy retired from active busi­ ADMIRAL BENSON. in the chapel of the Visitation Con­ duced and distributed under clerical "As your Eminence will learn from the principles of true Christian broth ness in 1915, appointing his son mony of laying the cornerstone of the vent, St. Paul. Very Rev. J. C. Byrne supervision, as in certain monasteries Mgr. Pacelli, Apostolic at erhood. Mr. Hodgson is widely known Michael, the executive head of his new combination church and school in officiated, assisted by Rev. Francis of the , the usual in­ Munich, the has sent press­ as a practical idealist of a high order, packing business. Later when his The protection of German missions, ternal revenue tax must be paid and ing representations to their Emi­ the parish of St. Andrew, this city, and his discourse on this occasion Burns. After Mass the reverend especially in former German colonies, accurate records kept of all shipments. sons entered the war he again be­ nences the Archbishop of Paris and took place at 3:30 o'clock. In spite was, perhaps, one of the most elo­ celebrant spoke of the virtues of the was the subject of a short allocution Churches not having hierarchal organ­ came the chfef executive. Westminster, to the English envoy to quent addresses which he has ever deceased and emphasized the neces­ by His Holiness, the Pope, recently, of the threatening weather a large sity of leading a good life as a prep­ izations will obtain wine on the appli­ Mr. Cudahy was born in Ireland, to the Sacred College. the Holy See, to the representatives gathering of friends and parishioners delivered. He added that he took par­ March 17, 1849, and was brought to of the Chinese Republic in , to aration for a holy death. cation of the minister or duly author­ The Holy Father explained the ac­ ticular pride in this addition to the the United States by his parents when the Japanese Naval Attache Yamamo- had assembled before that hour. Sister Mary Gertrude, Honora Far­ ized officer of the congregation. tion taken in regard to the interests Como district since he himself lives only a few nionths old. At the age of to, and to Admiral Benson, command­ Nearly twenty priests also took part rell, was born in St. Paul, May 23, Jewish congregations, each of which of Catholic missions and declared but a stone's throw from the church. twelve years he began his business ant of the American fleet. 1873. She was educated at St. Bene­ is a separate entity under no superior that as soon as the infringement of in the cercmonies. ^ The Most Reverend Archbishop "On receipt of your Eminence's let­ dict's Academy, St. Joseph, Minn., and prelate, will obtain wine for their career as a delivery boy. Several certain clauses of the Peace Treaty The Most Reverend Archbishop, as­ then addressed the large audience on ter His Holiness ordered that a fresh finished her training at the St. Phul services on application of the rabbi. years later lie entered the employ of upon the rights and interests of Cath­ sisted by Reverends J. A. Corrigan the subject of education. He congrat­ and pressing appeal should be ad­ Normal School. Miss Farrell then en­ The historic mead, brewed from grapes a packing company. In 1876 he be­ olic missions was realized he wrote to dressed to Cardinals Amette and and C. F. McGinnis, read the beautiful ulated the parish on the munificence tered the Sibley School, as a teacher, and honey, will continue to be used in came a partner in the Plankinton and delegates at the Peace Conference. Bourne and to the English envoy to prayers api>ointed by the Church for of Mr. Foley, while at the same time where she evinced great strength of the Passover Feast. The bureau has Armour firm which he later bought In the name of Christian charity and the Holy See, with a clear explana­ such an occasion. The assembled pointing out the need of continued character, a lovable disposition and ruled, contrary to erroneous reports, out and formed the Cudahy Bros. justice the delegates were asked to tion of the grounds of humanity and clergy recited the psalms, while the sacrifice on the part of the people in deep piety. This combination of gifts that mead was prohibited, that the Company. With his brothers, Michael modify the articles summarized as justice which your Eminence sets church choir sang several hymns ac­ order to maintain this new school at enabled her to exert a most favorable drink may be made in accordance with and John, he built up one of the larg­ follows: companied by the organ which had a high standard. The value to the est packing industries in the world forth in your letter. influence over every character, even ancient custom in the homes of Jew­ Article 122 of the Peace Treaty es­ been placed temporarily on the country of an intelligent and educated ish families when intended for use in and became immensely wealthy. "The Holy See now awaits a re­ the most unruly. When she entered tablishes that the local government sponse to its efforts and in case they grounds. Catholic laity was then pointed out. the religious festival. The Cudahy Brothers have been the Visitation Convent in September, can expel from their respective dis­ are unfortunately unsuccessful, in­ At the end of the services the Most His Grace also emphasized the modern long noted as staunch and generous 1910, her principal felt that the Sibley tricts all residents of German origin tends to try what best can be done for He verend Archbishop and the clergy methods of education which make the Catholics. Patrick Cudahy built and School had sustained an almost irre­ and fix the conditions of their resi­ the many missionaries of whom their repaired to the platform erected near acquisition of learning a pleasure in­ parable loss. furnished St. Ann's summer home at dence—this applies with equal force field of labor has been deprived." the church for the occasion. The pas­ stead of an object of dread and fear As a religious, Sister Mary Gertrude TO DEDICATE CHURCH Cudahy, Wis., for the St. Vincent's In­ to missionaries. Discussing the mission of Arch­ tor, Rev. T. A. Printon, spoke briefly as was customary in ancient times. simply changed the field of her activi­ fant Asylum of Milwaukee, Wis. He Article 438 establishes that the bishop Bonaventura Cerretti to the of the pleasure and the honor shared After the ceremony Father Printon ties and usefulness. Of her it may ARCHBISHOP DOWLING WILL OF­ has been a generous benefactor to the property of the missions in general, Peace Conference the Pope said: by the whole parish in the splendid entertained the Most Reverend Arch­ be said that she truly fulfilled the in­ Catholic University, to all kinds of FICIATE AT ST. MARK'S. which includes Catholic missions, is "We sent to Paris the most distin­ building which is the gift of Mr. bishop, Mayor Hodgson aiid a number junction of Holy Writ: "Bear ye one Catholic charity and to many strug­ to be administered by a council nomi­ guished prelate of the Roman Curia Timothy Foley of this city. Father of friends at a dinner in the parochial another's burdens, and thus fulfil the gling congregations. On Sunday morning, August 10, at nated by the local government, com­ to look after the interests of the Cath­ I^inton then expressed regret that residence. law of Christ," for she was a source 10:30 o'clock, the Most Reverend posed of Christians. The duty of this olic missions. Now I am very happy of strength, comfort and consolation Archbishop Dowling will formally ded­ council is to exercise vigilance so that to inform you that owing to the spirit to everyone with whom she came in icate the new Church of St. Mark, cor­ the income finds its way to missions of fairness shown by the personages contact. She served the community ner of Dayton and Moore avenues, TOTAL OFjpOO in general. In Canon 1350 of the Code at the Peace Conference our requests in various capacities. Sound judg­ of Canon Law it is laid down that all THE RAVAGES OF WAR this city. There will be Solemn High in greater part have been satisfied. ment, coupled with tei^der sympathy GENEROUS RESPONSE TO AP­ Catholic missions, both as regards the Mass at eleven o'clock immediately I hope these same personages will be and a deeply religious spirit, rendered personnel and the property held by following the ceremony of dedication. PEAL OF CATHOLIC COMMU­ guided by the same spirit of fairness FAMINE AND TYRANNY IN MESO- We were rescued by the British her invaluable in whatever position them, depend exclusively upon the in putting into execution the provi­ For many months, since the razing NITY LEAGUE AND KNIGHTS OF troops who entered the city of Mos­ she was placed. Holy See. It was argued that German sions which have been adopted con­ POTAMIA DURING THE WAR AC­ of the old structure, Mass has been soul almost unawares. On entering Her fatal illness came ten days be­ COLUMBUS. missionaries might carry on a political cerning Catholic missions not only in CORDING TO REPORTS OF NA­ said in the basement of the parochial thus they caused the Turks to make fore the final summons. Wonderful propaganda, which these two articles the interest of religion but also in TIVE AND FOREIGN CATHO­ school and, lately, in the basement of a precipitous flight without being able endurance in the midst of excruciat­ By oversubscribing nearly $25,000 of the treaty are designed to combat. the interest of humanity and civiliza­ the new church. The pastor is Rev. LIC MISSIONARIES—SUFFERING to execute the wicked plans they had ing pain, and sweet resignation to the Knights of Columbus Catholic This statement was met by the fact tion. Joseph A. Corrigan. OF PEOPLE IS ALMOST BEYOND formed against the Christians. God's holy will, testified to the degree Community League fund of $300,000 that no priest, whether a secular or "As hostilities now finally are ended BELIEF. Now if you wish to know something of sanctity that her soul had reached. for girls' and boys' community houses, regular, can exercise his ministry in we implore the Divine Benevolence to of wha< we have suffered, the conse­ Sis* ;r >"5ary Gertrude's death was Columbus, Ohio, has again exalted it­ the mission field without credentials grant our wishes, namely, that the quences of which are cruelly felt in symbolic of her life, calm and peace­ self in the eyes of the nation and set from the Sacred Congregation of the blockade, which caused so much fa­ The following account of Turkisn all the families of the Christian com­ ful. Her loss will be deeply felt for EDUCATION BILE a pace for other cities of the country Propaganda, which exercises full au­ mine and distress, be raised immedi­ atrocities against the Christians is munities, I shall tell you about it in years to come. May she rest in in reconstruction work. thority over him. ately, that all prisoners be repatriated from a letter to Mgr. Halabie, who is a general way without going into par­ peace! HEARINGS ON SMITH BILL ARE Subscriptions aggregating $324,404 The Archbishops and Bishops of as soon as possible, and last, that all Procurator to the Patriarch of Anti- reported at the close of the campaign ticulars; for these could not be re­ NOW OPEN. Germany have the interests of mis­ peoples and nations shall reunite in och, at Rome. counted^ testify to the popularity and esteem sionary work genuinely at heart and bonds of Christian charity, a spirit we • * * in which the women of the Catholic are greatly concerned over the future have never ceased to inculcate and Military Center. Public hearings on the pending Community League and the Knights i Mossoul (Mesopotamia). of the Catholic missions in foreign without which any treaty of peace In consequence of the occupation IS Federal Educational Bill were opened of Columbus are held. It is the re­ lands. In a joint letter to the Pope will be valueless." On the third of last November of the city of Bagdad by the English on Tuesday, July 22, by the Commit­ ward for services faithfully performed we were rescued from the tempest troops, Mossoul became for the Turks FIRE RAZES CHURCH OF ST. HED- tee on Education and Labor of the for our boys in the service, and it of this terrible war, and we pray Our the strategic center of their military WIG IN MINNEAPOLIS. House and Senate. Ample oppor­ gives the approval of the citizenship Lord*to banish it for ever that it may. operations. This brought about our tunity will be given to the represent­ of their new undertaking in provid­ never more present itself to the view ruin. The Turks by threats and by atives of the Catholic point of view to ing a community house for the girls ADVICE TO CARSON of poor humanity. force occupied the houses, churches, Fire of unknown origin almost formulate whatever objections they and a recreation center for the young During this scourge the day was not schools, hotels, mosques, etc., for their wholly destroyed the Church of St. may have to the measure and to make boys of the city. SECULAR JOURNAL TAKES IRISH have been provided for them at home. day for us, nor was the night night. troops, their sick, and for storing Hedwig, Northeast Minneapolis, on suggestions for the improvement of it. BIGOT TO TASK—ADVISED TO If the people of the United States Monday, July 21. It started at 3:30 Our life was one of uninteiTupted pre­ away provisions and ammunition. Assurance has been given by Senator ADMONISH ENGLISH NOT have not succeeded because of the occupations, of fears, of anxieties, of But what was for us the most bitter A. M. in the sacristy. Sanctuary, al­ Kenyon of Iowa, chairman of the Sen­ failure of their representatives in Paris AMERICA — CRITICISM, LIKE terror, of suffering; and every minute cup, what drained, so to speak, our tars, vestments, and organ were to­ ate committee, that such suggestions (MICEUM OF BUFFALO in releasing the oppressed nations we were wont to ask ourselves what very blood, was the presence of the tally destroyed. The Blessed Sacra­ will be given careful consideration. CHARITY, SHOULD BEGIN AT under Great Britain's militaristic and ment was taken from the Church by lot ou? test day might reserve for us, Germans and the Austrians, for whose Right Rev. William Turner, D. D., HOME. imperialistic sway, they still feel that Father Klesmit, passage being made that day which seemed should come needs the Turks could not provide Bishop of Buffalo, announces the ap­ they have the right as citizens of this and hence they despoiled us of all we by the firemen. The loss is greater free republic to sympathize with these at any time. For the massacres which pointment of Rev. Edmund J. Britt, as Sir Edward Carson forgets more had, money, wares, and food. Then than the insurance. Services are be­ oppressed subject nations and to hope the Turks, together with their Kurd chancellor of the diocese. Father than his good manners when he says and Arab co-religionists, had with un­ began the high cost of foodstuffs and ing held in the front part of the base­ : * BISIPJM that they, too, in time may secure Britt was educated in St. Columba's that the United States should mind heard of ferociousness perpetrated the prices rose rapidly to dizzy ment. When discovered the fire was their independence as a justification PRELATE NAMED ON ARBITRA­ School, Canisius College and Niagara its own business, notes the San Fran­ againlst the Christians, took place not heights. Famine was stretching its one big blaze and nothing could be for the American blood shed in this University, and was ordained about cisco Examiner. only in the neighboring Armenia gloomy shadow over our heads. On saved. No plans have been made, but TION BOARD. war in behalf of the liberties of the five yeata ago. We would like to call Sir Edward against people of that race, but were their part the Turks, oppressing and it is thought that a new church will Carson's attention to the fact that if world. extended also to Mesopotamia against terrorizing the inhabitants of the city be erected. Rev. M. J. iioban, D. D., the United States had minded its own The United States will mind its own people of the Syrian and Syro-Chal- and of the neighboring villages, began The value vestments lost was Bishop of Scranton, Pa., has been business the Germans would now business, but it will not abandon its dean races. Of these innocent popula­ searches everywhere and requisi­ $1,800. -V v- . , - chosen as the fifth man of the board probably be in full occupancy of Eng­ democratic principles, its humanitari­ tions thousands and thousands were tioned all the provisions and all the of arbitrators who will pas^ finally on AN IMPORTANT MEETING land, be demanding of England the an sympathies and its international sacrified on the altar of Mussulman articles they found in the houses. In the seven-month-old wage dispute be­ oppressive indemnities and the terri­ rights. cruelty in the regions of Edessa, these searches they continually made tween the city of Scranton and the CATHOLIC WAR COUNCIL AND torial extensions which the Allies are Finally, we suggest to Sir Edward Diarbekir, Mardin, Seert and of the use of threats of death and of exile 250 employees of the public works de­ now demanding of Germany. Carson as a preliminary to his advis­ neighboring city of Gezireth, and the against all without distinction of per­ BISHOPS MET AT NOTRE DAME partment. Four arbitrators were un­ If the United States had minded itjs ing the United States to mind its own number was everywhere increasing. sons. But in, a particular way these LAST WEEK—PLANS LAID FOR "The Catholic Press" will be one of able to arrive at any conclusion or set­ own business and not taken any action business, that he advise Great Britain But a Providential hand brought the torments were directed against the the special topics which will be dis­ tlement and it was necessary to have WORK OF gOCliH. CONSTRUC­ in regard to the late European con­ to mind her own business; to stop savages to a stop at the little city of Christians against whom every kind cussed by the hierarchy of the United- a fifth man. TION. flict, another German house than the flooding this country with pro-British Zagho, a few kilometers from this city of violence, cruelty and threat of States at a meeting to be held at the House of Hanover would be heirs to propaganda and anti-Irish propaganda of Mossoul. It seemed during those death and hanging was employed. Catholic University, Washington, D. the throne of England, or would hold and propaganda opposed to everything days as if the Mussulman fanaticism Finally, I may say that from the To act upon the reconstruction pro­ C.. in September. For this reason the England as a dependent province, with that Great Britain is opposed to; to wished to take advantage from this Syrian communities of this diocese gram issued by its committee in Jan­ Executive Board of the Catholic Press Canada, , Ireland and other stop distorting news and falsifying war to exterminate the Christian they carried off at least 200,000 Turk­ uary, to plan the execution of the pro­ Association has deemed it wise to parts of the British Empire separated facts and misinforming our people as narae from all those districts. ish lire in gold ($920,000). Thus the gram of Catholic national action out­ postpone the annual convention of the from Gi*eat Britain and at liberty to to the occurrences of the world; to Christians of this city are reduced to FATHERS OF S. V. D. HAVE NEW lined by Cardinal Gibbons and to con­ association, which was scheduled for conduct themselves in individual in­ stop interfering with our personal and Methods of Torture. the most squalid poverty. Besides sider numerous economic and socio Cincinnati, August 22 and 23, until SUPERIOR. dependence, or in such confederation domestic affairs by plotting to control The pen shudders at being asked this the Turkish government exacted logical questions, the National Catho­ cables and news associations and some convenient date after the meet­ as they might see fit. to describe the manifold methods ex­ large sums from those Christians who Monday, July 21, the newly appoint­ lic War Council and the Committee American newspapers in her own in­ ing of the bishops. Even minding its own business, the cogitated by those tyrants for mas­ were exempted from military service. ed superiors of the Society of the Di­ of Bishops on Catholic Interests and terests and to the disadvantage of our United States has a perfect right to sacring and torturing the poor Chris­ Moreover, there was no end of en­ vine Word were installed at Techny, Affairs opened a three days' conven­ American people and our American tians. Likewise we cannot recall forced subscriptions and gathering up 111. The new Provincial for the Ameri­ tion Tuesday morning, July 22, at the be sympathetic with Ireland. government. We are supposed to be a genuinely without being moved to tears the long of clothing of all kinds, of furniture, can Province is Very Rev. Peter T. University of Notre Dame. Rt. Rev. democratic government and people, Criticism, like charity, should begin and continuous caravans of thousands of grain and rice, in a word, of every-, mAlKJTH POPE Janser. The new rector of St. Mary's Patrick J. Hayes, Archbishop of New favorable to democratic institutions at home. and thousands of poor old people, of thing in the line of provisions or of Mission House, Techny, is the Rev. York, presided at the executive ses­ and republican forms of government weak women and girls, of innocent clothing. This made the cost of liv GOVERNMENTS CONSIDER Augustine Loechte. St. Mary's is the sions of the council. everywhere, solicitous for oppressed children whom those barbarians trans­ ing rise to such an exorbitant height VOYS TO VATICAN. first Catholic college and seminary The deliberations Of the National nations and for weaker countries held ported from place to place through the that life itself became precarious and founded in the United States for the Catholic War Council at Notre Dame in bondage by the military force of desert, inflicting on them the most painful. As a matter of fact a meas­ training of young men for the foreign formed the prelude of the great meet­ JEWISH HERTS ure of wheat, called "waznat" (5 The French and English parliaments ing of the Catholic hierarchy of the stronger nations. cruel torments. We shall only men­ have both discussed the question of mission field. The Society recently pounds), which in normal times cost United States called >by His Eminence, There is not one subject nation tion to you that thousands upon thou­ diplomatic relations with Rome. Very opened another Mission House for the JEW CONVERTS BY THE HUN­ from 20 to 25 cents, rose to $16.00. Cardinal James Gibbons, to be held which the Convention of Allied coun­ sands of those helpless ones either strong feelings were expressed in same purpose at Girard, Pa., in the in Washington September 24. tries at Paris has released from the DREDS IN HUNGARY. through fear or by sheer force wer6 Catholic, Socialist and other quarters Erie diocese. The Fathers have also Die in the Streets. Approximately fifty of the foremost domination of Russia or Austria or obliged to apostatize from their Chris­ of the French Chamber favoring the charge of five parishes among the ne­ editors, sociologists and political eco­ Germany or of any European power tian religion, and that many thousand The consequent of all this was renewal of such relations, but Pichon, groes in the South, besides taking care Soine remarkable news Is filtering nomists of the Catholic Church in which can show the same ineradicable through from Hungary. Budapest, women and girls and children have that we saw daily with our own eyes the foreign minister, noting the now of St. Monica's pariah for the negroes America assembled for the delibera­ and uncontrovertible record of oppres­ with a population o^some million in­ been violently carried off by those people dying on the streets from hun­ out-of-date sentiments of the small but in Chicago. sion, of wilfully and stupidly unjust habitants, counts nearly 200,000 Jews savages who abused them in most ger. The streets were filled with the powerful anti-clerical element of th^ tions. government as Ireland can show. amongst that number. For several horrible ways. If we today, more for­ poor and with the corpses of those Chamber, obstinately refused. On the The program of the National Catho­ lic War Council issued by the execu­ There is no other subject nation in weeks the Jews have been erasing tunate than so many of our brethren who were dying there by the hundreds other hand, the British government all Europe that has lost half its popu­ their names from the registers of the who have disappeared by massacre in every day, the corpses remaining expressed its intention of contim^ng MGR. DUFFY MS tive committee early in January was received by Congress and immediately lation in half a century as the direct Israelite community in hundreds, and tine unforgettable storm, feel life re­ there for two or three days without its existing mission here. turning once more, this may be the anybody taking the trouble to bury lit. Rev. Mgr. Patrick L. Duffy, V. incorporated in the congressional rec­ result of an unjust government, antag­ are placing themselves under instruc­ compensation God is granting to us in them. Sometimes six or seven G., LL. D., Litt. D., rector of St. Jos­ ords. Noted economists and sociolo­ onistic in race and religion, which be­ tion in the Catholic religion, after return for so many sufferings we have corpses were packed into one bier and eph Church. Charleston, S. C., died gists the country over adopted the cause of this racial and religious an­ which they are baptized. These con­ endured. Our escape is perhaps a carried off for burial. The poor were there July 22. Mgr. Duffy was a man recommendations, and the administra­ tagonism has taxed Irish industries verts come from all ranks of society, divine disposition that we may re­ seen going about the streets in groups GIFT TO HIE SIM of great literary attainments and was tion in Washington favorably accepted out of existence because they com­ but mainly from the bourgeoise. claim in presence of a civilized world and crying out "I am hungij, I am The Little Sisters of the Poor of greatly beloved by the citizens of a large number of the pronounce­ peted with English industries, and has The Grand Rabbi, who is deeply con­ justice for the innocent blood of our hungry;" and knocking at the doors Boston, Mass., will receive the residue Charleson, irrespective of creed or ments. It is not unlikely that with reduced the whole country practically cerned, declares that the primary rea­ brethren, and win over compassionate of the houses they would fall down of the $10,000 estate of Daniel Gil- color. He was ordained to the priest­ the discussion of numerous economic to an agricultural basis and compelled son which started this exodus is the hearts to consider the lot of the faint at the entrances. Many died in fether, of Los Angeles, a well-known hood in 1879; named vicar-general by and sociological questions which came the younger and more enterprising Jews' hatred of Bolshevism, which is above mentioned women, girls and their own homes because hunger had actor of the stage and films, accord­ the late Bishop Northrop in 1911, and up before the Council during its ses­ and adventurous of the Irish people to led by Jews. Bela Kun and thirty of children who are still imprisoned by ;EQflMeed them to such weakn^a that ing to tpa wiil jped Jjor. scobate. re­ invested .wttJfc&e title oL Monaigaor sions at Notre Dame, a program of leave the land of their birth and seek his ministers, out of a cabinet of the Araljs w»d Kurds. ^ (C