1 1 11 L II KSijP •mm. •A Jfc % Volume 8 ST. PAUL, MINN., AUGUST 2, 1919 Number 31 DEATH OF PATRICK CUDANY Holy Father and German Missions CORNERSTONE IS LA ID SiSTES IHY GEIIHHt A NEW/ RULING WAS GENEROUS BENEFACTOR TO POPE BENEDICT'S APPEAL FOR MOST REVEREND ARCHBISHOP the generous donor was unavoidably DEATH OF VISITATION NUN IN WINE FOR SACRAMENTAL PUR­ they recently begged for his protec­ absent on this occasion. ST. PAUL 18 SEVERE LOSS- POSES NOt BANNED. VARIOUS CATHOLIC CHARI­ MISSIONS SUCCESSFUL AT THE tion in this work. PERFORMED CEREMONY- TIES. The first speaker was the Rev. C. WAS EVER A MODEL RELIC* PEACE CONFERENCE—CERTAIN About German Missions. MAYOR HODGSON, CLERGY AND F. McGinnis who dwelt upon the value IOUS. Regulations just issued by the bu­ reau of internal revenue afford every ARTICLES HARMFUL TO CATH­ The Holy Father addressed a reply LARGE CONCOURSE OF FAITH­ of a Catholic education. He was fol­ On July 25 Patrick Cudahy, Presi­ to the Cardinal Archbishop of Co­ lowed by his Honor, Mayor Lawrence religious organization in the United dent of the Cudahy Bros. Company, OLIC MISSIONS LIKELY TO BE Last Tuesday morning, at nine logne, through the Papal Secretary of FUL. PRESENT. C. Hodgson of St. Paul, who in an in­ States opportunity to obtain wine for packers, died suddenly at his home in o'clock, the funeral obsequies of Sis­ sacramental purposes. CHANGED—APPEAL MADE TO State, in the course of which the lat­ spired vein painted a glowing picture Milwaukee, from a stroke of apoplexy. ter Mary Gertrude Farrell were held Where sacramental wines are pro­ ter said: T Last Sunday afternoon the cere­ of a united nation bound together by Mr. Cudahy retired from active busi­ ADMIRAL BENSON. in the chapel of the Visitation Con­ duced and distributed under clerical "As your Eminence will learn from the principles of true Christian broth ness in 1915, appointing his son mony of laying the cornerstone of the vent, St. Paul. Very Rev. J. C. Byrne supervision, as in certain monasteries Mgr. Pacelli, Apostolic Nuncio at erhood. Mr. Hodgson is widely known Michael, the executive head of his new combination church and school in officiated, assisted by Rev. Francis of the Catholic Church, the usual in­ Munich, the Holy See has sent press­ as a practical idealist of a high order, packing business. Later when his The protection of German missions, ternal revenue tax must be paid and ing representations to their Emi­ the parish of St. Andrew, this city, and his discourse on this occasion Burns. After Mass the reverend especially in former German colonies, accurate records kept of all shipments. sons entered the war he again be­ nences the Archbishop of Paris and took place at 3:30 o'clock. In spite was, perhaps, one of the most elo­ celebrant spoke of the virtues of the was the subject of a short allocution Churches not having hierarchal organ­ came the chfef executive. Westminster, to the English envoy to quent addresses which he has ever deceased and emphasized the neces­ by His Holiness, the Pope, recently, of the threatening weather a large sity of leading a good life as a prep­ izations will obtain wine on the appli­ Mr. Cudahy was born in Ireland, to the Sacred College. the Holy See, to the representatives gathering of friends and parishioners delivered. He added that he took par­ March 17, 1849, and was brought to of the Chinese Republic in Rome, to aration for a holy death. cation of the minister or duly author­ The Holy Father explained the ac­ ticular pride in this addition to the the United States by his parents when the Japanese Naval Attache Yamamo- had assembled before that hour. Sister Mary Gertrude, Honora Far­ ized officer of the congregation. tion taken in regard to the interests Como district since he himself lives only a few nionths old. At the age of to, and to Admiral Benson, command­ Nearly twenty priests also took part rell, was born in St. Paul, May 23, Jewish congregations, each of which of Catholic missions and declared but a stone's throw from the church. twelve years he began his business ant of the American fleet. 1873. She was educated at St. Bene­ is a separate entity under no superior that as soon as the infringement of in the cercmonies. ^ The Most Reverend Archbishop "On receipt of your Eminence's let­ dict's Academy, St. Joseph, Minn., and prelate, will obtain wine for their career as a delivery boy. Several certain clauses of the Peace Treaty The Most Reverend Archbishop, as­ then addressed the large audience on ter His Holiness ordered that a fresh finished her training at the St. Phul services on application of the rabbi. years later lie entered the employ of upon the rights and interests of Cath­ sisted by Reverends J. A. Corrigan the subject of education. He congrat­ and pressing appeal should be ad­ Normal School. Miss Farrell then en­ The historic mead, brewed from grapes a packing company. In 1876 he be­ olic missions was realized he wrote to dressed to Cardinals Amette and and C. F. McGinnis, read the beautiful ulated the parish on the munificence tered the Sibley School, as a teacher, and honey, will continue to be used in came a partner in the Plankinton and delegates at the Peace Conference. Bourne and to the English envoy to prayers api>ointed by the Church for of Mr. Foley, while at the same time where she evinced great strength of the Passover Feast. The bureau has Armour firm which he later bought In the name of Christian charity and the Holy See, with a clear explana­ such an occasion. The assembled pointing out the need of continued character, a lovable disposition and ruled, contrary to erroneous reports, out and formed the Cudahy Bros. justice the delegates were asked to tion of the grounds of humanity and clergy recited the psalms, while the sacrifice on the part of the people in deep piety. This combination of gifts that mead was prohibited, that the Company. With his brothers, Michael modify the articles summarized as justice which your Eminence sets church choir sang several hymns ac­ order to maintain this new school at enabled her to exert a most favorable drink may be made in accordance with and John, he built up one of the larg­ follows: companied by the organ which had a high standard. The value to the est packing industries in the world forth in your letter. influence over every character, even ancient custom in the homes of Jew­ Article 122 of the Peace Treaty es­ been placed temporarily on the country of an intelligent and educated ish families when intended for use in and became immensely wealthy. "The Holy See now awaits a re­ the most unruly. When she entered tablishes that the local government sponse to its efforts and in case they grounds. Catholic laity was then pointed out. the religious festival. The Cudahy Brothers have been the Visitation Convent in September, can expel from their respective dis­ are unfortunately unsuccessful, in­ At the end of the services the Most His Grace also emphasized the modern long noted as staunch and generous 1910, her principal felt that the Sibley tricts all residents of German origin tends to try what best can be done for He verend Archbishop and the clergy methods of education which make the Catholics. Patrick Cudahy built and School had sustained an almost irre­ and fix the conditions of their resi­ the many missionaries of whom their repaired to the platform erected near acquisition of learning a pleasure in­ parable loss. furnished St. Ann's summer home at dence—this applies with equal force field of labor has been deprived." the church for the occasion. The pas­ stead of an object of dread and fear As a religious, Sister Mary Gertrude TO DEDICATE CHURCH Cudahy, Wis., for the St. Vincent's In­ to missionaries. Discussing the mission of Arch­ tor, Rev. T. A. Printon, spoke briefly as was customary in ancient times. simply changed the field of her activi­ fant Asylum of Milwaukee, Wis. He Article 438 establishes that the bishop Bonaventura Cerretti to the of the pleasure and the honor shared After the ceremony Father Printon ties and usefulness. Of her it may ARCHBISHOP DOWLING WILL OF­ has been a generous benefactor to the property of the missions in general, Peace Conference the Pope said: by the whole parish in the splendid entertained the Most Reverend Arch­ be said that she truly fulfilled the in­ Catholic University, to all kinds of FICIATE AT ST. MARK'S. which includes Catholic missions, is "We sent to Paris the most distin­ building which is the gift of Mr. bishop, Mayor Hodgson aiid a number junction of Holy Writ: "Bear ye one Catholic charity and to many strug­ to be administered by a council nomi­ guished prelate of the Roman Curia Timothy Foley of this city. Father of friends at a dinner in the parochial another's burdens, and thus fulfil the gling congregations. On Sunday morning, August 10, at nated by the local government, com­ to look after the interests of the Cath­ I^inton then expressed regret that residence. law of Christ," for she was a source 10:30 o'clock, the Most Reverend posed of Christians. The duty of this olic missions. Now I am very happy of strength, comfort and consolation Archbishop Dowling will formally ded­ council is to exercise vigilance so that to inform you that owing to the spirit to everyone with whom she came in icate the new Church of St.
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