Page 4-B THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 19SB TOKRANCB, HERALD. Torrance, LITTLE MEANIE Brilliant New Detective Work Rogers and Post makes good in new. IT'S A NEW SPANISH CUSTOM BAFFLING MYSTERY "GINGER" Ballet Comes to And Love Story Both At Lomita Jam- Withers. tin- kkl who 1m i.itfil a mui-hiii.' KIMI. told tales on Hollywood Bowl Are Combined Shlrley Temple. tried to run lie down with a ilnll carriage an I'nsclnntlng Insights Into the d proved herself a complete annoy Serge Oukrainsky; War Famous Producer, Stages trctlve Work of the department niu-i- In "jirlght Kycs," has th Justice men and a tender lo' ; mill title ml,, in i-'ox Film's lalef "Les Elements" lory are deftly combined In Pan broi ronu'dy success, "(linger," whirl nount's ".Men Without Name? kept Hollywood anil New Yiirl Serge Onkrnlnsky, one of t ihlch conies tonight, Friday an preyli-w audiences In nmtllniu Saturday to the Torrance Thent H-llffaw.i an, I caused the preillctio world's best knovvn dance .pr that tii.' film Is a mvat hcglnnln ilucers. has created a brllliaht n« l-'rcd MncMurriu. Madge Kvni for what liki- a meat careei liallet for Hollywood Howl will David Holt, the new child prodln On III" sain.- hill at tin' I 'last: he will stage Thursday nlgl nnd l.ynne Overman featun Theatre tiinli'.hl. l-'ilday anil Satur August ill. in tile seventh we i-ast of this new film on th .lay is Jvan I'.-II-II.T in -.Murder Ii nf 193.-, Symphonies under t ploits of Uncle Sam's detectives. iho _ Flem" and a special addei Stars. . In the ' film, l-'rcd llacMurr: lUtr.u-.tlon. I In- Louis vs. I.cvlnsUy The ballet " Elements" dane ie of the department's agents, light. o music by Hiasky-Kefsako nt to a small . Kansas to' ondueted by Mixlvst Altschul licro money stolen in an armor rill he one- of many featiti r hold-up is making Its appeo rnniged by the Hollywood Ho O u k ra. i n sk y's company of 1'iwlrtg as an aviation promot Inncera will be headed by Mn he makes the acquaintance of ke leine Lazard, Patsy Wooda figures- in the mystery, learns Ilia Mavis Meredith. Allan Cooke an the mob is somewhere In nimltrl Romanoff. leinlty, and Is being shielded b Helen_Jcpson._soprano _»iOJL_ lie local banker, ^ the Metropolitan Opera C'mnpan Mni-Murray sends~out a cnir~fb fin~"onn-"«PllffeMFHC Teamed in, the leading roles i "The Sons of the Pioneers." the idcast studios later on. To Food Unsurpassed Dolores Del Rio dances the "Muchacha" in the land o: Calm' Yourself." Metro-Goldw.yr foremost exponents of hill-hilly Fuzzy Knight,.^vho depicts another lucaraclia where Warner Bros, filmed the First National Mayor's sprightly new . photoplfl music in the country, arc promi­ 'farm hand entertainer, falls the "confidential services" opert the "In CaMente." Seething with senoritas and flaming .Liberty '« share-of the comedy, and SMITH'S musical or, which comes Tuesday ur nent In the cast of the Indian makes the most of Ma Helen's Cafe with rhythm, it is coming to the Torrance Theatre tonight Vednesday to the Torrance Then musical romance, "The Old "Home­ opportunities. CORNER CAFE Friday and Saturday. are Robert Young and Madg stead." coming on Sunday and Nurbonn* 1646 Cabrillo Monday to' the Torrnnee Theatre. ary Carlisle, Lawrence dray. Lomita -Blvd.: & Evans, distinguished as co-playe; Robertson LOMITA COMPLETE DINNERS ucli recent pictures as "Deal It is they that provide the "moun­ Dorothy J-ee, Willard HOME COOKING tain music" that, originating on .ml Lillian Miles are featured In the Diamond" nnd "Paris Ii he. story, which was adopted JLo erlude." an obscure middle-western farm, brings the boys to Now ; York and he screen by W. Scott Darling. Adapted by Arthur Kober fro: fame In'the film story". William Nigh directed. THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM n orJRlnal story by Edward Hop radio Calm Yourself" Is a romant Equipped with mandolin, accor­ omedy-drama dealing with tl dion, violin and organ, the hoys COMPLETE COVERAGE xploits oc a youns' advertisln play their own accompaniments to All Torrance Herald ads run ln_ mil who. bounced out ot h their music in the early sequences he Trl-City Shopping: News-wltn- iancee's father's business, starl of the picture, as well as in the mt extra charge. "confidential service" a g e n c 'hlch promises to handle an Plan Your Trip North During Your California - - - hore for the subscriber who is MiVO U RIO WNIB ACKVVARO dmonished to calm himself. His Troubles Begin When ono of these chores is. STATE FAIR SUPPOSE the populatiop of Central and Southern ike care of the comely daugh r an i affluent business m Sacramento: August 31 .. September 9 California were merged into one gigantic human rouble begins. Caring for an colorful county displays, elabordtft the same muscular energy the ant, heir to a large fortune, co Sea Southern California's being, requiring licatcs things further when "c< school exhibits and other special features. same vital parts as you. There would be then, dential services" is suspected Every Night "THE CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA" nervoua>ystem spreading tiny nerve eing u kidnapping ring, but an intricate iumphant and unsuspected so Your favorite radio stars in a gorgeous musical and dramatic threads to every portion of the body. Without on Is found. these the body could not move. It would be an PARI-MUTUEL RACING! NIGHT HORSE SHOW! FIREWORKS PAGEANT! BIG AMUSEMENT ZONE! inert mass alive .but without motor power. GARLAND'SuMnuMrai But Southern California is a corporate body Theatre -Save Money! Buy Half-Price Scrip Books rather than a corporeal one, and would be help­ K.ARXOFF, BELA LUGOSl an*. SAMUEL HINDS Ten admissions to grounds, grandstand, horse show and park- Dolores Del Hlo. famous dra- Phorui243 less without the equally vital electric system of "V/u'Ohe R./WEN" uNiv£fts/\L PKOOUCTIOH Lomita area for $250. On sale until August 30 only. Write Scrip atlc star, turns Spanish dancer Pept., Stato Fair, Sacramento. \ the Edison Company. Throughout ten counties replica of the horror chamber T /Vityrira * i¥T/~wn/r A TWT r "In Caliente," the Wlirner Admission 10c and 20c crlbed by Edgar Allan .foe in LOMITA WOMAN ros. musical filmed in Mexico's Matinee Saturday, 2:15 P.M. from Fresno to San Juan Capistrano and from r-famed play ground, which Continuous Sunday from 2:15 San Bernardino to the sea the Edison Company u,",y is prize winner lines Sunday at the Plaza Thea- Thurs., Kri., Sat., Aug. 22-23-24 e, Hawthorne. spreads its network of power lines. It sends im­ ruul . picture at the Torranco IN CONTEST JOAN CKAWI'ORD in itratre next Tuesday and Wediies- Wlnifrea Shaw, the "Lady In "NO MORE LADIES" pulses of eqergy to a- half million consumers ly. The reproduction of this cd." in the picture, Is consistent- eno was taken ut great cost and ig the over 1,UO« prize win- cast In musicals as a- "night with Robert Montgomery. through 16,800 miles of principal and secondary bor. but it is startling in its i the recent limerick con- ub. gal." although in real life she AND lines from 251 substations. feet. inducted by .the munufac- "nine o'clock" person, Lionel Barrymore and fading the cast In "Tl Ra- turers of Drifted Snow flour was in OR.R.ANO: This great system built by Californians for really go to bed every night iiiggested by m. Wasmond of Lomita. line." said Winnie. ''Hard "Mark of the Vampire" Californians furnishes low-cost energy to the iterplece. .are Karloff SI s awarded a recipe-menu is the reason. I've just got Comedy, Cartoon and Serial most magnificent mansion and the humblest home rankenstein) and Hela (Draeulal, I allied at -two dollars, live my 'Sleep. With eight Hemembcr stumps each HOB!, with a supporting cast in- Thirty ne ft." o r g e refrigerators k culls every morning, night Thursday Nile PHONE TORRANCE 132 alike. We serve equally the smallest shop and iding Irene Ware, Lester Mat- jo given us grand prizes cpplne just can't be done, China to Ladies Friday Mite Son the largest factory as an integral part of the :ws. . lun \Volfe. Inez Courtney. Id 31 sets of Win. lingers & cboily suggests going places Sun.. Mon., Tuts., Aug.25-26-27 i nut I Hinds and others. Iverware were awarded as" sec- I yawningly decline night WHO, KOGERS In Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 22, 23, 24 community. id" prizes to winners scattered ter night." "DOUBTING THOMAS" COMING ATTRACTIONS rqughout the and the picture "In Caliente," Rider Haggard's famous novel. inada. Iss Shaw not only is the '/Ijidy —AND— COMPANY LTD* "IN CALIENTE" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ' which was a' sensation a Bed." but sings the song of "SPRING TONIC" with DOLORES DEL RIO and PAT O'BRIEN HARRY J. BAUER, President iticm ago, has been filmed, Mystery play Staged at title In the picture. Before with Lew Ayres, Claire Trevor will be one of the features KI.CHK, Spain (U.P.) A primi- picture work, she was a fain- Musical, Cartoon,. News and ented at till Thca- live Mystery 1'lay, the words and musical comedy singer on Wed. (1 Nite Only). Aug. 28 week, on Thursday, Kri- believed to bi A community at always, contributing to and anticipat­ u-xt roadway. SI'KClAh matinee for kid­ "Men Without. Names" and Saturday. The companion niracul i performed hei Caliente" is First National's dles sponsored by Uncle with FRED McMURRAY and MADGE EVANS ing the assured growth and progress of Central and Southern California re brings June Withers and Feunt of. the Ai test musical spectacle, combining Pete. Children admitted for kio Searle 111 "tiinger." mance, comedy and drama. Thero any old tire. an all star cast, which Includes Surprise Added Attraction .lores Del Rio," ljat O'Uricn, Leo Sunday, and Monday, August 25, 26 urrlllo, Edward Everett Horton, HAI.l'H BELLAMY in nda Farrcll, Phil Regan, Doro- "AIR HAWKS" Dare, Miss Shaw. The De- with Wiley Post, Tala Birell areos and The Canova Family. "Murder In The Fleet" with ROBERT TAYLOR and JEAN PARKER and STATE FAIR GOES ON ICE HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA "Old Homestead" Telephone 299 "The Friendly Family Theatre" with MARY CARLISLE and LAWRENCE GRAY Program, Appears Daily In the Los Angeles Evening Herald Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 22, 23, 24 Tuesday and Wednesday, August 27, 28 You'll Love the "Meanie" of "Bright Eyes" JANE in "GINGER" The Raven WITHERS with BORIS XARLOFF and BELA LUGOSI ln "MURDER IN THE FLEET" ' ' and SPECIAL ADDED "Calm Yourself" "LOUIS vs. LEV1NSKY FIGHT" with ROBERT YOUNG and MADGE EVANS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, August 25, 26, 27 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 29, 30, 31 ?,- "INCAL1ENTE" Rider Haggard's Novel onudv WK;BRBREEEN inWILUAM "Don't Bet On Blondes" "SHE"

with RANDOLPH SCOTT and HELEN MACK Wednesday and Thursday, August 28, 29 and ling "GINGER" THE GIANT SYSTEM of the £4uo» Company .up- in "ORCHIDS TO YOU" tall- plitu a co/uiuru, iiou/uAiiu flow of luw-c^tt WeclricuJ trc«», with JANE WITHERS and JACKIE SEARLE energy to retUltnl* of Central and Southern California. ."HOORAY FOR LOVE" other