Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste D'inscriptions Par CNO 1 AUG 21:06

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Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste D'inscriptions Par CNO 1 AUG 21:06 Makuhari Messe Hall B Fencing 幕張メッセ Bホール フェンシング / Escrime Makuhari Messe Hall B Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste d'inscriptions par CNO 1 AUG 21:06 As of SUN 1 AUG 2021 NOC Name Gender EI FIE ET FI FIE FT SI FIE ST Date of Birth Hand. Qualif. Rk Rk Rk Type ALG - Algeria MEBARKI Meriem Female A 64 22 JUN 2003 Right ZQE MOHAMED BELKEBIR Kaouther Female A 77 5 AUG 2003 Right ZQE BOUNABI Akram Male A 102 28 AUG 1999 Right ZQE HEROUI Salim Male A 65 19 MAR 1999 Left ZQE ARG - Argentina PEREZ MAURICE Maria Belen Female A 38 12 JUL 1985 Left ZQE AZE - Azerbaijan BASHTA Anna Female A 36 10 JUL 1996 Left ZQE BRA - Brazil MOELLHAUSEN Nathalie Female A 4 1 DEC 1985 Left AOR TOLDO Guilherme Male A 17 1 SEP 1992 Left AOR CAN - Canada GOLDIE Alanna Female A 17 APR 1994 Right - GUO Jessica Zi Jia Female A 15 A 23 JUN 2005 Left TRL HARVEY Eleanor Female A 23 A 14 JAN 1995 Left TRL PAGE Gabriella Female A 30 29 OCT 1994 Right AOR BLAIS-BELANGER Marc-Antoine Male A 97 20 FEB 1995 Left ZQE BROSZUS Blake Male A 22 NOV 2000 Left - CAI Alex Male A 220 A 30 AUG 2000 Right TRL GORDON Shaul Male A 22 11 JUL 1994 Right AOR SCHENKEL Eli Male A 53 11 SEP 1992 Right TRL van HAASTER Maximilien Male A 49 A 19 JUN 1992 Right TRL Replaced RYAN Kelleigh Female A 34 A 15 JAN 1987 Right TRL CHI - Chile PROESTAKIS Katina Female A 78 14 JUN 2002 Right ZQE CHN - People's Republic of China CHEN Qingyuan Female A 9 15 FEB 1997 Right AOR GUO Yiqi Female A 13 FEB 1997 Right - LIN Sheng Female A 5 A 5 JAN 1994 Left TRL SHAO Yaqi Female A 4 A 28 NOV 1996 Right TRL XU Anqi Female A 23 JAN 1992 Right - YANG Hengyu Female A 45 A 22 JUL 1996 Right TRL ZHU Mingye Female A 14 A 14 JAN 1992 Right TRL DONG Chao Male A 148 A 5 FEB 1988 Left TRL HUANG Mengkai Male A 57 6 SEP 1997 Left ZQE LAN Minghao Male A 36 A 28 AUG 1996 Right TRL WANG Zijie Male A 26 A 15 JUL 1996 Left TRL XU Yingming Male A 25 22 JAN 1992 Right AOR Replaced QIAN Jiarui Female A 10 A 30 MAY 1992 Right TRL SUN Yiwen Female A 3 A 17 JUN 1992 Left TRL COL - Colombia van ERVEN GARCIA Saskia Loretta Female A 39 29 AUG 1987 Right AOR CZE - Czech Republic CHOUPENITCH Alexander Male A 26 2 MAY 1994 Right ZQE JURKA Jakub Male A 41 13 JUN 1999 Left ZQE FEN-------------------------------_32A 8 Report Created SUN 1 AUG 2021 21:06 Page 1/7 Makuhari Messe Hall B Fencing 幕張メッセ Bホール フェンシング / Escrime Makuhari Messe Hall B Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste d'inscriptions par CNO 1 AUG 21:06 As of SUN 1 AUG 2021 NOC Name Gender EI FIE ET FI FIE FT SI FIE ST Date of Birth Hand. Qualif. Rk Rk Rk Type EGY - Egypt ELSHARKAWY Yara Female A 46 A 11 APR 1999 Left TRL ELZOHEIRY Mariam Female A 16 AUG 1999 Left - HAFEZ Nada Female A 35 28 AUG 1997 Right AOR MOHAMED Nora Female A 49 A 5 MAR 1998 Right TRL ABOUELKASSEM Alaaeldin Male A 20 A 25 NOV 1990 Left TRL AMER Mohamed Male A 18 A 18 DEC 1997 Right TRL ELSAYED Mohamed Male A 59 3 MAR 2003 Right ZQE ELSISSY Ziad Male A 28 A 15 DEC 1994 Right TRL HAMZA Mohamed Male A 28 A 11 SEP 2000 Left TRL MOATAZ Medhat Male A 23 OCT 2000 Right - SANAA Youssef Male A 26 JUN 2000 Right - Replaced HANY Noha Female A 40 A 25 FEB 2001 Right TRL HASSAN Mohamed Male A 51 A 1 JUL 1997 Right TRL SAMER Mohab Male A 32 A 6 JUN 1995 Right TRL ESP - Spain LLAVADOR Carlos Male A 18 26 APR 1992 Left AOR EST - Estonia BELJAJEVA Julia Female A 36 A 21 JUL 1992 Right TRL EMBRICH Irina Female A 12 JUL 1980 Left - LEHIS Katrina Female A 12 A 19 DEC 1994 Left TRL Replaced KIRPU Erika Female A 23 A 22 JUN 1992 Right TRL FRA - France BALZER Sara Female A 3 APR 1995 Left - BERDER Cecilia Female A 12 A 13 DEC 1989 Right TRL BRUNET Manon Female A 3 A 7 FEB 1996 Right TRL GUYART Astrid Female A 17 MAR 1983 Right - RANVIER Pauline Female A 16 A 14 APR 1994 Right TRL THIBUS Ysaora Female A 3 A 22 AUG 1991 Right TRL VITALIS Coraline Female A 9 9 MAY 1995 Right AOR APITHY Bolade Male A 6 21 AUG 1985 Right AOR BOREL Yannick Male A 6 A 5 NOV 1988 Right TRL CANNONE Romain Male A 47 A 12 APR 1997 Right TRL GUSTIN Ronan Male A 17 AUG 1987 Right - le PECHOUX Erwann Male A 13 JAN 1982 Left - LEFORT Enzo Male A 3 A 29 SEP 1991 Right TRL MERTINE Julien Male A 24 A 25 JUN 1988 Right TRL Replaced BLAZE Anita Female A 31 A 29 OCT 1991 Right TRL LEMBACH Charlotte Female A 15 A 1 APR 1988 Right TRL BARDENET Alexandre Male A 11 A 26 MAY 1990 Right TRL PAUTY Maxime Male A 16 A 20 JUN 1993 Right TRL GBR - Great Britain MEPSTEAD Marcus Male A 14 11 MAY 1990 Right AOR GEO - Georgia BAZADZE Sandro Male A 7 29 JUL 1993 Right AOR FEN-------------------------------_32A 8 Report Created SUN 1 AUG 2021 21:06 Page 2/7 Makuhari Messe Hall B Fencing 幕張メッセ Bホール フェンシング / Escrime Makuhari Messe Hall B Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste d'inscriptions par CNO 1 AUG 21:06 As of SUN 1 AUG 2021 NOC Name Gender EI FIE ET FI FIE FT SI FIE ST Date of Birth Hand. Qualif. Rk Rk Rk Type GER - Germany EBERT Leonie Female A 17 4 OCT 1999 Left AOR HARTUNG Max Male A 5 A 8 OCT 1989 Right TRL HUEBERS Richard Male A 10 FEB 1993 Right - JOPPICH Peter Male A 54 A 21 DEC 1982 Right TRL KLEIN Luis Male A 6 JAN 1999 Right - SANITA Andre Male A 66 A 28 MAR 1992 Left TRL WAGNER Benedikt Male A 30 A 14 JUN 1990 Right TRL Replaced KLEIBRINK Benjamin Male A 25 A 30 JUL 1985 Left TRL SZABO Matyas Male A 27 A 19 AUG 1991 Right TRL GRE - Greece GKOUNTOURA Theodora Female A 13 14 MAR 1997 Right AOR HKG - Hong Kong, China CHU Ka Mong Female A 14 MAY 1995 Right - HSIEH Kaylin Sin Yan Female A 82 A 19 MAY 2001 Right TRL KONG Man Wai Vivian Female A 7 A 8 FEB 1994 Left TRL CHEUNG Ka Long Male A 19 A 10 JUN 1997 Left TRL CHOI Chun Yin Ryan Male A 8 A 9 OCT 1997 Left TRL NG Lok Wang Lawrence Male A 14 OCT 1999 Right - Replaced LIN Yik Hei Coco Female A 90 A 19 FEB 1995 Right TRL CHEUNG Siu Lun Male A 62 A 18 JUL 1985 Right TRL HUN - Hungary BATTAI Sugar Katinka Female A 17 APR 2003 Right - KATONA Renata Female A 44 A 17 NOV 1994 Right TRL KONDRICZ Kata Female A 58 A 16 JUL 1998 Left TRL MOHAMED Aida Female A 12 MAR 1976 Left - PASZTOR Flora Female A 92 A 30 JUN 1998 Right TRL PUSZTAI Liza Female A 7 A 11 MAY 2001 Right TRL GEMESI Csanad Male A 13 NOV 1986 Right - SIKLOSI Gergely Male A 1 4 SEP 1997 Right AOR SZATMARI Andras Male A 12 A 3 FEB 1993 Right TRL SZILAGYI Aron Male A 4 A 14 JAN 1990 Right TRL Replaced KREISS Fanni Female A 20 A 12 APR 1989 Right TRL MARTON Anna Female A 5 A 31 MAR 1995 Right TRL DECSI Tamas Male A 38 A 15 OCT 1982 Right TRL IND - India CHADALAVADA ANANDHA SUNDH Bhavani . Female A 42 27 AUG 1993 Right AOR IRI - Islamic Republic of Iran FOTOUHI Mohammad Male A 5 DEC 1990 Right - PAKDAMAN Ali Male A 24 A 23 AUG 1990 Right TRL RAHBARI Mohammad Male A 36 A 13 DEC 1991 Right TRL Replaced ABEDINI Mojtaba Male A 14 A 11 AUG 1984 Right TRL FEN-------------------------------_32A 8 Report Created SUN 1 AUG 2021 21:06 Page 3/7 Makuhari Messe Hall B Fencing 幕張メッセ Bホール フェンシング / Escrime Makuhari Messe Hall B Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste d'inscriptions par CNO 1 AUG 21:06 As of SUN 1 AUG 2021 NOC Name Gender EI FIE ET FI FIE FT SI FIE ST Date of Birth Hand. Qualif. Rk Rk Rk Type ITA - Italy BATTISTON Michela Female A 15 SEP 1997 Right - CIPRESSA Erica Female A 18 MAY 1996 Right - ERRIGO Arianna Female A 6 A 6 JUN 1988 Left TRL GREGORIO Rossella Female A 20 A 30 AUG 1990 Left TRL ISOLA Federica Female A 35 A 27 SEP 1999 Right TRL NAVARRIA Mara Female A 6 A 18 JUL 1985 Right TRL SANTUCCIO Alberta Female A 22 OCT 1994 Right - VECCHI Irene Female A 18 A 10 JUN 1989 Right TRL VOLPI Alice Female A 4 A 15 APR 1992 Right TRL AVOLA Giorgio Male A 8 MAY 1989 Right - BERRE' Enrico Male A 21 A 10 NOV 1992 Right TRL CIMINI Gabriele Male A 9 JUN 1994 Right - CURATOLI Luca Male A 3 A 25 JUL 1994 Left TRL FICHERA Marco Male A 33 A 4 SEP 1993 Right TRL FOCONI Alessio Male A 1 A 22 NOV 1989 Right TRL GAROZZO Daniele Male A 7 A 4 AUG 1992 Right TRL MONTANO Aldo Male A 18 NOV 1978 Right - SANTARELLI Andrea Male A 5 A 3 JUN 1993 Right TRL Replaced BATINI Martina Female A 21 A 17 APR 1989 Right TRL CRISCIO Martina Female A 21 A 24 JAN 1994 Left TRL FIAMINGO Rossella Female A 63 A 14 JUL 1991 Left TRL CASSARA Andrea Male A 6 A 3 JAN 1984 Left TRL GAROZZO Enrico Male A 22 A 21 JUN 1989 Right TRL SAMELE Luigi Male A 11 A 25 JUL 1987 Left TRL JPN - Japan AZUMA Sera Female A 10 A 20 AUG 1999 Right TRL EMURA Misaki Female A 22 A 20 NOV 1998 Right AOR FUKUSHIMA Shihomi Female A 19 JUN 1995 Right - SATO Nozomi Female A 42 3 JUL 1986 Right AOR TAMURA Norika Female A 29 A 20 JUN 1991 Right HST TSUJI Sumire Female A 29 NOV 1999 Right - UENO Yuka Female A 7 A 28 NOV 2001 Right TRL KANO Koki Male A 21 A 19 DEC 1997 Right HST MATSUYAMA Kyosuke Male A 32 A 19 DEC 1996 Left HST NAGANO Yudai Male A 15 OCT 1998 Right - SHIKINE Takahiro Male A 12 A 7 DEC 1997 Right AOR STREETS Kaito Male A 50 A 6 JUN 1994 Right HST TOKUNAN Kenta Male A 17 AUG 1987 Left - UYAMA Satoru Male A 10 DEC 1991 Right - YAMADA Masaru Male A 4 A 14 JUN 1994 Right AOR YOSHIDA Kento Male A 44 A 10 DEC 1992 Right AOR Replaced AOKI Chika Female A 39 A 21 FEB 1990 Right HST AZUMA Rio Female A 35 A 27 JUL 1998 Right TRL MINOBE Kazuyasu Male A 10 A 15 JUL 1987 Left HST SAITO Toshiya Male A 27 A 29 MAY 1997 Right HST SHIMAMURA Tomohiro Male A 60 A 13 FEB 1984 Right HST KAZ - Kazakhstan KURBANOV Ruslan Male A 13 17 SEP 1991 Right AOR KGZ - Kyrgyzstan PETROV Roman Male A 170 19 SEP 1991 Right ZQE FEN-------------------------------_32A 8 Report Created SUN 1 AUG 2021 21:06 Page 4/7 Makuhari Messe Hall B Fencing 幕張メッセ Bホール フェンシング / Escrime Makuhari Messe Hall B Entry List by NOC REVISED NOC別エントリーリスト / Liste d'inscriptions par CNO 1 AUG 21:06 As of SUN 1 AUG 2021 NOC Name Gender EI FIE ET FI FIE FT SI FIE ST Date of Birth Hand.

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