School Skiing Is Back~

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School Skiing Is Back~ ...., School skiing is back~ by FRANKIE JARRELL Ruidoso News Editor VV IT jtUlSt anln)t["ccii:tlte Mr. Cftliull<lJ) {]l< talUS PreRident Wendell Chino has presented RuidoHO Hchool studcnt.C! nJ>eC:Jlll.1lsce aft lis g(u>(ud! d"cUIr Ikndls arrn((R tftllC (C'(P«1l1l with a great Christmas gift ~- the nllll UJl [1 nt yon I\J'[ nIk. e (;laduhe filL. return of school Hki days. "President Wendell Chino has eludes one makeup day lhih year, so 1, but he and Gladden Just got the reinsta.ted the ski prof.,rram," an­ students are aRt-lured of ha four good news, so hl,,'ll get It'ttt:'r~ out nounced Ruidoso SchoolH Super­ days on the slopes. l\1akel' p will be after studenlA return from Christ­ intendent Mike Gladden on Friday. on February 18 if one of the sched­ mas break. Uladden, who said he has been uled days is canceled fOI any rea­ On the school ski days, 14chool cummunicating with Chino for sun. continues aR usual, with thoRe stu­ about a month, said the program In years past, area ski shop dents who have pennisHlOn slips will be basically the sallle as in owners participated in the pro­ signed by their parents dismissed year'R paRt. gram, too, offering low price ski in time to buy their Ii tl tickets Last year the program was dis­ rentals for the Achool Aki prografl. when the ticket booth openA at 1 ,. contlnued for Ruidoso schools. The last year the prograrTI was of­ But this year, Ruidoso students p.m. on Tuesday. fered the cost to rent skis was just Skiers will be disluissed at 11 ::~O , in kindergarten through twelfth $5. '1l"':'It a.m. at Nob Hill, 11:35 at White 1I grade will have a chance to ski at the cut rate price for four consecu­ Sowder asked ski shop owners Mountain, 11 :40 at Ruidoso Middle tive Tuesdays beginning January and opera'vors to call hin) at Nob School and at 11:50 at Ruidoso 21. Hill Elementary School and let him High School. Roger Sowder, coordinator for know by ,January 6 if they intend to All first-time beginnerR will he the Ruidoso School Ski program, take p~rt in the program this year. required to take instruction for said the prices remain the same, All ski Rhaps who notify him by their first two days. Cost of lessons with a lift ticket costing jU!~t $2 on that date will be listed in the letter is $1. Half-day lift tickets will be avail­ Black lce contributed to this rollover Frederique Barnich, Dina Almeda and those four Tuesdays - .January 21, to be Rent home to parentA. Sowder Kaid planning for school able for adults at the re~u1ar price Thursday on Gavilan Canyon. Driver Norma Serna escaped serious injury ,January 28, February 1 and Febru­ ary 11. Sowder said tl-te plan in- Aki dayR usuaJly begin~ December on Tuesdays. Lorraine Parra and passengers when they were involved in the mishap. BLM goes ahead Snow zaps village Ruidoso waR blanketed with up Texas-New Mexico Power Company to fourteen inches of heavy wet had crews working around the clock snow on the weekend causing inter­ clearing limbs and restoring power. on land exchange mitUmt power outages allover the To- many people, reRtoration of village and surrounding area, and power only partially Rolved the by DIANNE STALLINGS exchange. "1 remain convinced that the creating driving hazardR. problem, since that did not aAAure Ruidoso News StaN Writer However. RuidoRo Police and the restoration of the cable TV AyAtem. The area manager of the Bureau propoRed exchange is in the beRt in­ terest of the public. The exchange Lincoln County Sheriff reported r~­ Cable transmiRsion problemA were of Land Managernent has rl.'Com­ markably few incidenL~, with only intermittent all weekend. mended that the agency move will benefit the residents of the Li n­ coIn Valley. the general public, and five accidents reported in Ruidoso It was a beautiful snow that cov­ ahead with the acquisition of nearly over the weekend. Police were ered the trees and nlade excellent 2,000 acreR along the Rio Bonito the individuals who would be ac­ quiring public landR. Therefore, I primarily concerned with falling skiing conditions. River despite opposition from the limbs blocking thoroughfares and It was a heavy, wet Rnow in the Lincoln County Commission. have recommended to (Woodard), and (national director) that we falling on peoples houses and trees that caused power outageR Commissioner Monroy Montes automobile~. amend the Management Frame­ throughout RuidoRo, RuidoAo Raid he isn't surprised that man­ . .~ 'Q¥;~ ..... State polict' reported a falal acci­ work Plan and proceed with the ex­ Downs and the ski area. ager Saundra Allen urged BLM :~<~",;a.#'1~~i.l~;~ ~.l dent between Carrizozo and San Jim BaRRett, manager of TeXtlR­ State Director Larry Woodard to change." fin~t She t'llded hy saying the com­ ,~~;:;~.~ Antonio. New Mexico Power, Raid the complete the land !:JWap. A larg~ casualty during the un­ outage was around 2 a.m Saturday "I fully expected the state to go miSAion'H involvement in the pro­ ceSR has bt'en important and she mmally heavy wet snow appears to and teamA were sent out immedi­ ahead with the swap no matter have been Ski Apache. On Satur­ ately. He said hiA whole dIstrict looked forward to the COTI1­ what our reaction," Montes said. waR affected at one limp or anotht'r. mis8ionerf~' continued cooperation day evening power was i ntA:'rrupted "Hut, at least, I hope they may in­ Some of the WOrRt areaR were Up­ in the development of planA for the to th{' area and people were corporate some of the plans and stranded on the lifts for up to 45 per Canyon and PonderoRH Heights concerns we conveyed to them over area. minutes. w here the power waR mo~tly out for The exchange would trade the the months we were communicat­ The trip down the hill took as 8 14-hour period. ing back and forth. now privately-owned Rlo Bonito ~lop trac~q long as two hours in and go Bassett Baid he spoke to Rome Commission Chairman Stirling acreage for iRolated of BLM conditions people who Aaid they had never land across the state. The agency Spencer and CommiAsioner Bill El­ seen the snow AO hen. vv in the trees. it.~ On Sunday, with power inter­ liott could not be reached for com­ prefers to consolidate holdingA ruptions continuing in the area and The trees were broke"n Rnd layIng for easier management and eRpe­ ment. auxiliary power at the ski area un­ everywhere, he RHld. including in Allen referred to the recom­ cially iR interested in water-related able to fill the slack, the Rki area the power lines. He RaId in many mendation in a letter to Spencer property was forced to clORe down for the caBes they had to trirn the trees to MemberR of the Lincoln County dated December 19. day. After clliltomers complained get the power back OD. "I have carefully considered all Historic PreRervatiO'1 Board Mother Nature takes a bow as heavy snows in the area bitterly over the hesitancy of the The outage Rt Ski Apache was of your correspondence and the de­ endorsed the proposal, Raying it management to refund the price of CAl used by a problPID lI1 the town caused trees to bend and to break. The trees cision of the commisRion on Decem­ would help in the preservation of some got the lift tlcket..~, refunds were made. that waR on the Skl area'A circuit ber 3rd, not to support the ex­ the mAtonc Rettlement and R UT­ into the power lines and caused power outages in the The power outages were the Bassett said the area went out Sat.­ change," Allen wrote. "I alRo have rounding valley. Private develop­ whole area including the ski report. The first outage oc­ n~sult of Anow laden hranches, and urday afternoon and they got tht~m carefully conRidered the conunents ment could get out of hand and cured early Saturday morning, and crews are still out RometimeB entire trees, falling over of all the other individual and orga­ power lineR cau..qing fURes to trip Please see Snow. page 12A nizations interested in the proposed Please see BLM, page 12A repairing damages today. Hot rods and megabucks: the MRS saga rods, despite the name ·'Apent fuel," are active the NWTRB has b~~n studying for fwv('ral yearn by A. Gayle Hudgens, Pn.O. ~ . ~ .. ~,.,., r ',., .' " I .. J f " 1 "1 r 1 IS not an Mn...-, IHClllLY om rH\,n('r a ~Y~L{'m Special to The News and potent, not expenoeo or exnausLeO or designed "prevent the relea~e of Part 5 in a 7-part series emptied. "Spent" they are not, and "the public is to radlOnuclideR So much about New Mexico's rich hlRt..ory and misled by such Orwellian language," said onc from the underground facility or into the it.q natural setting iR spectacular, Rpellhinding, concerned opponent from Texas. geohydrologic Retting." fascinating - in Rhort, enchanting - that, in­ The Nuclear Regulatory Commission <NRC), As the only independent ag{'ncy dJr{'M ty stinctively, native New Mexicanp frequently recognizing the magnitude of their potency, haR charged with providing expert advice to the na­ refer to their homeland hy its famouR nickname, ruled that "spent" fuel rods must be isolated tion on the iHsue of what to do with thouRandR of the Land of Enchantment.
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