Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm

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Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 6 – Commercial Fisheries PINS Document Reference: A6.2.6 APFP Regulation 5(2)(a) Date: May 2018 Chapter 6 - Commercial Fisheries Environmental Statement May 2018 Environmental Impact Assessment Liability Environmental Statement This report has been prepared by RPS, with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of their contract with Orsted Power (UK) Ltd or a subcontractor to RPS placed under RPS’ contract with Orsted Power (UK) Ltd as Volume 2 the case may be. Chapter 6 – Commercial Fisheries Report Number: A6.2.6 Version: Final Date: May 2018 This report is also downloadable from the Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm website at: www.hornseaproject3.co.uk Ørsted Prepared by: Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd 5 Howick Place, Checked by: Felicity Browner London, SW1P 1WG Accepted by: Stuart Livesey © Orsted Power (UK) Ltd., 2018. All rights reserved. Approved by: Stuart Livesey Front cover picture: Kite surfer near a UK offshore wind farm © Orsted Hornsea Project Three (UK) Ltd., 2018. i Chapter 6 - Commercial Fisheries Environmental Statement May 2018 Table of Contents List of Tables 6. Commercial Fisheries .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Table 6.1: Summary of NPS EN-3 provisions relevant to commercial fisheries. ................................................... 4 6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Table 6.2: Summary of NPS EN-3 policy on decision making relevant to commercial fisheries. ........................... 5 6.2 Purpose of this chapter ................................................................................................................................ 1 Table 6.3: Summary of East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans policies relevant to commercial fisheries. 6 Table 6.4: Summary of key consultation issues raised during consultation activities undertaken for Hornsea 6.3 Study area ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Three relevant to commercial fisheries. ................................................................................................ 7 6.4 Planning policy context ................................................................................................................................ 4 Table 6.5: Summary of key desktop reports and datasets................................................................................... 15 6.5 Consultation ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 6.6: Summary of site-specific survey data. ................................................................................................ 17 6.6 Methodology to inform the baseline ........................................................................................................... 15 Table 6.7: Hours and value of catch landed from Hornsea Three array area by UK vessels using mobile gear 6.7 Baseline environment ................................................................................................................................ 18 based on VMS data, 2011 to 2015 (Source: MMO, 2017). ................................................................. 25 Table 6.8: Hours and value of catch landed from Hornsea Three offshore cable corridor by UK vessels using 6.8 Key parameters for assessment ................................................................................................................ 33 mobile gear based on VMS data, 2011 to 2015 (Source: MMO, 2017). ............................................. 31 6.9 Impact assessment criteria ........................................................................................................................ 43 Table 6.9: Maximum design scenario considered for the assessment of potential impacts on commercial 6.10 Measures adopted as part of Hornsea Three ............................................................................................ 45 fisheries. ............................................................................................................................................. 34 6.11 Assessment of significance ....................................................................................................................... 46 Table 6.10: Definition of terms relating to the sensitivity of the receptor. .............................................................. 43 6.12 Cumulative Effect Assessment methodology ............................................................................................. 59 Table 6.11: Definition of terms relating to the magnitude of an impact. ................................................................. 44 Table 6.12: Matrix used for the assessment of the significance of the effect. ........................................................ 44 6.13 Cumulative Effect Assessment .................................................................................................................. 69 Table 6.13: Designed-in measures adopted as part of Hornsea Three. ................................................................ 45 6.14 Transboundary effects ............................................................................................................................... 77 Table 6.14: Significance of effects of construction impacts on fish and shellfish ecology. .................................... 52 6.15 Inter-related effects .................................................................................................................................... 77 Table 6.15: List of other projects and plans considered within the CEA. ............................................................... 61 6.16 Conclusion and summary .......................................................................................................................... 78 Table 6.16: Maximum design scenario considered for the assessment of potential cumulative impacts on 6.17 References ................................................................................................................................................ 84 commercial fisheries. .......................................................................................................................... 67 Table 6.17: Summary of commercial fisheries impact assessment findings for key offshore wind farms included in the cumulative assessment. ............................................................................................................... 70 Table 6.18: Summary of potential environment effects, mitigation and monitoring. ............................................... 79 List of Figures Figure 6.1: Commercial fisheries study areas for Hornsea Three. .......................................................................... 2 Figure 6.2: Admiralty chart indicating North Sea ICES Divisions. ........................................................................... 3 Figure 6.3: Average annual landed weight, tonnes, of all species landed by all EU member states from the regional commercial fisheries study area indicating ICES rectangles and vessel registered country (based on five-years’ data from 2012 to 2016) (data source: EU DCF database, 2017). ................... 18 Figure 6.4: Average annual proportion of landings value by species and ICES rectangle for all EU member states combined (based on five-years’ data from 2012 to 2016) (data source: EU DCF database, 2017; EU MOFA, 2017). ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 6.5: Average annual value landed from ICES rectangle 36F2 by all EU member states indicating species and vessel registered country (based on five-years’ data from 2012 to 2016) (data sources: EU DCF database, 2017; EU MOFA, 2017). .................................................................................................... 19 Figure 6.6: Annual value landed from ICES rectangle 36F2 by all EU member states indicating species from 2012 to 2016 (data sources: EU DCF database, 2017; EU MOFA, 2017). ......................................... 19 ii Chapter 6 - Commercial Fisheries Environmental Statement May 2018 Figure 6.7: The Crown Estate UK Fisheries Information Project (UKFIM) beam trawl density mapping across Glossary Hornsea Three array area and the former Hornsea Zone................................................................... 20 Figure 6.8: The Crown Estate UK Fisheries Information Project (UKFIM) beam trawl density mapping across Term Definition Hornsea Three array area, together with the indicative Hornsea Three array area turbine layout. ..... 21 Figure 6.9: First sale value of species landed by UK registered vessels from ICES rectangle 36F2 from 2012 to A method of bottom trawling with a net that is held open by a beam, which is generally a heavy steel tube supported by steel trawl heads at each end. Tickler chains or chain mats, attached between the beam 2016 (Data source: MMO, 2017). ......................................................................................................
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