Southwick Resident Personifies Definition of Volunteerism
TONIGHT Becoming Clear. Low of 46. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTODAY IN WESTFIELDThe HISTORY: WestfieldNews “QUOTATION IS 1826 “The History of Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns A “TSERVICEABLEIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER Westfield” by Rev. SUBSTITUTECRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT Emerson Davis for sale, FORAMBITION WIT.” .” 26 pages, for 25 cents. Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Search — Osfor CTheAR Westfield WILDE News Westfield350.comWestfield350.orgLow of 55. The Westfieldwww.thewestfieldnews.comNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents VOL.87 NO. 260 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018 CRITIC75 CentsWITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. VOL.Southwick 86 NO. 151 residentTUESDAY, personifies JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents definition of volunteerism By GREG FITZPATRICK by Greg Fitzpatrick)Snow is a former Coaching youth baseball as part of the Correspondent President of the organization and is the cur- program at the recreation center, Snow and SOUTHWICK – Volunteering in the rent Vice-President. During his time with his wife, Janet, also umpired softball games community seems to come natural for Ray the Rec Center, the 72-year-old Southwick from 1985 to 1990. Snow. In 1981, while Snow was watching resident has helped organize fundraisers to Snow’s volunteer work extends beyond his eight-year-old son play for the baseball benefit the non-profit organization, includ- the sports programs at the recreation center, team sponsored by the Southwick Fire ing bingo, benefit dinners, and comedy as he can be seen making repairs in the Department, he was approached by the shows.
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