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T t\ . n 1 m a L 1 ^ m s claho/96th year, N o.,) . 3 2 1 ______S a tu rd ay y, N ovem ber 17, 201:( ) o i 5 0 c c n ts

G o o d m o)RN r IN G T ' W ivvri-ii-R J . S . f iday: M ostly feree S t ^alk tbin I^ a d c sn raSefin in j Bomnbing reporte:edly killed cl;hief militaryy aide earlier;r this week irn Kabul thee dday and T he Washlni tiogton Post______Afghanistan, senior• \U.S. officials top dep into evening, high 54, low 36. ------eputy had been killed in an E ast A frica that killcilled 224 people in sa id Friday. Am ericaican airstrike near K ab u l eai U.S. Spe< earli- 1998. P ag e A 2 pecial Forces troops, operat*I- AJthough bin Laden’sl ’s w hereabouts e r tliisi wiweek. . ing in smalnail teams, arc stalking' and , , . Adding to die sen i remained a mystery,r', th e o fficials T he dideputy, Mohammed Atef, ense of m om entum I I,'Y sometime:nes exchanging fire with on the 41st day of M a c j k ; V a l u fl expressed confidenincc that the suspectOSS

Nursing shortage: H os ^ still hasas recruiters arepreparir for retiring baby boomerer rnurses. PI age AS I local nele e d s H By Sandy Mlllor M o n k y H Tlmes-Nows writor Dell parking: T h e d t y ccan ' I TWIN FALLS - TheTh. American ------dclay-keeplng-its promomise to------■ Red.Cn)ss-is-heli)itJ|t-ing-lhous»tnds-of------build a parking garage ■ people recover fromini thet Sept. 11 ige for H terrorist attacks. computer Siam’s neww f facility. ■ Butalit alahout every- R k l ic j io n ■ thing they owned:d w\i h en t h e ir H hom e in Hansen \v*asas ddestroyed by H fire last month. H Janie Corle spoke:>ke a b o u t h e r ■ experience at a Red.-d CrossC break- ■ fast Friday at the I'urfurfCIuh. < H . “They’re great,” CoiCorle said fol- H lowing the breakfast.ist. “ We did n ’t H have any iii.surance.e. W W e're trj’ing V tn replace just aboutnut ever>-thing • M H ' us a good .stan.” The m usic of Thanksgiv: ■ T he Red Cross heliJc.-Ipcd the Corle ■ family with grocerte:tries, clotliing The Nazarene church is eele- H . a n d bedding and will will also help brating the holidays witi t song ■ them with the firstt month’smi reni and worship. H and deposit on anotluother luime or R ■ apai unent. The familylily is now stay- H ing with relatives. H The Red Cross helplelpetl the vic- ■ Si>OK'i:s ■ . ------:q.j ® , titns of 230 home firesires hist y ear in >UM.e0UA»D/niwi«m ' Idaho; said Dave'F'otsc ve of p atro n s to s e e th s n ew ‘Harryarry P otter’ movie leave the thei orsch, die pub- Thfl first wave c leater ot tho Twin Cinema'12: In Twin Falls on Friday aftornoonoon. One young man exclaimedid lie affairs director:tor for the Way b e tte r t h a t I could have Imagl ■ I H th a t It w as ‘Wa la^nedl’ American Red Cross)ss iof Greater Tdaho. After terrorists stniciruck on Sept. 11, Idahoans donateded imore than Sl million to the Libenbeny Fund to help th e viclims, I'otsclisell said, 3 M O ' ■ “On Sept. 11, we hadlad Ithe largest Kids:FLO(3KTC )VIE event we ever had in thisi coun- try,” said Hick Mitchitchell, chief lers make H ing different holiday times, e,xecutive officer of the American I T e a^ c h e i : Twin Cinema 12 Manager■r Red Cross of Greater:r Idaho.lc “We film part B Adamm McRoberts. also had the largest resresponse we Raft River falls: Five-tim i b o o k s , fi 'A itix[though advance tickets for,r ever had.” th e iOO seat auditorium’s eveninglg A s a re s u lt, th e• RedR( Cross state champion Mackay i rcurriculum k helped a family put a ddeposit on it six in a row by defeatito y r a a d e o f th eir C / had sold out by m idday, tlie u rk h a rt icicd attendance for the 3:30;0 an apartment in NewV JerseyJe after TVojans in lA ll*Manf foe e ' i l f By Loretta Burk ,g their apartment near Gr< correspondent______matinee - which could have Ground Z ero Friday. TtmeimeWBcon immodated more than 9000 was damaged by the .sootson and ash Pa lie - was not th e .sellout .situa- that was once the WorA'orld T ra d e Page Bl TWIN FALIiLLS - A s if by wiz- Center. And it helpedled a Merrill, loads of kids were B P I that the management .had ardry, busloa :ipated. Lynch employee paylay his bills-’ , already \vatchiching an early show* J.. when hc found liiniseI t s e l f o ut of^! C om ing Sl INI), rry Potter and the ^H s lybe not, b ut if o ne 12-year- I I ing of “Harrj old hadad his way, at least one moreg work' because he couldiuidn'i afford . Stone” on Friday - Some local schools are»hn\nnn hr Sorcerer’s St( I would be sold, immecliate- to relocate. . - marked success bringing hours beforerc the-doors-at the But the local t liapiepiers of the a 12 w ere opened to ly- Hispanic students up to"8 r Twn Cinema! cl like to see it again - right. American Ked Crossss mii>tit still to r e a d . thepubUc. y raise money lo help loc;loca! |H.'opIe ing level. Jr than niagic, the Jei>naw a Davis tdes to decide which* said Zachary Taylor, a But rather i showing of ‘Harry Potter andJthoS tt orcorii’s Wimcl[1 RRiver M iddle School stu- such as the Ctirle family.fain The o p p o rtu n ity’ fcfor an early -b ird 's Stone')ne‘ to take her children to Fridaday evening. Sovoral of the shovliows were sold deni, A m erican Ri-d Crosss of (ireater J result^of good plan- out, bi S e c r n o N by s e c t " ’OS llie r< 1, but tho theater Is offering extr(tra showings to moot tho demainand. “It wwas better than I everJ. Idaho has .i niillimllion annual I IO N mng. thought(iht( 1 like to read, but seeing budget atuliiui.s' raiseL'Sl.S Sl million id this trip planned “tlireiu-ee tim es each.” Section A comics,. Q “We’ve had graders, as well, it wasi so much better,” he said. , ^ .of that. I'he rest of' thtin e m oney ' ust,” said Patty ro To see the movie, studen 'W'.\ Augus! jnts According to languagelai arts Meaman^vhile, th e first t^vo show- comes from grants andam m oney Wealher ... .2 Nation . ,1 fifth-grade teacher at were . .10-11 Patterson, a fiftJ tre required to keep up theheir teacher Sara Shi>hafer - who ings of “Harry Potter and the, raised from its healthh atand safety smentary School. "I grade Nation'....3 4 Movies,.... .10 the Filer Elem ades, maintain good atteten- described the movie,’ie as “absolute- Sorcereerer’s Stone” sold out at■ classes, Mitchell said. 3vie was coming up, dancencc and keep behavioral pro kn ew tlie movli rob- •. ly fabulous” - “evevery” assign- Centurjury Cinemas in Burley Friday’s breakfast pro\provided not- iilagicVfaiiey .5 Itive for th e kict^ w e lem s so as an incenti^ ns to a minimum, Patterscso n m ent also had to be e turned t in. Friday.y. 1 Tickets for th e la te .show only an opportunity to:o talktii alHJiit O b itu aries.. .6 Section 3 come.” said, on C niade plans to c( id. The same conditions?! ito Interstate Anmseiisem ent accbrn- w ere goinggoi fast. The theater has Sept. 11, but also an opportunityopj recommends all four aden idalio/West .8-9 Religion I . . 1 o Patterson reo end the movie with fellolo w modiites area schoollol field trips by 36G’.seat*L-ats, eiglit of w hich are usu-’ for the Red Cross (if»f G re a te r Opinion...... 1 0 Community• of J.K. Rowlinging’s “Harry Potter” classnssmates applied to 250 Blairline giving private movovie prcsenta- Idaho to launch its local;al fund( rais- as read all of them Countunty School District seventi WoiM .... .11 Dear Abbynily • -4 books and has ntli- tions on special occasionsoc and ^Ploaso see POITER, PagcA2 ing campaign. And ahltiihhough the b y . ..5 ______Crossword ______Please see HEIiHELP. Pace A2 ) r d ,,.5 S e c t i o n B Momlngbra Sports ... .1-5 Ciassilied ,1 “ j Aiipo:3it securityi bill headsS N e w a i r pliort i secu rity sy: M o n ey___ M jysteni E ffforts lookc Highlighfs o t airportyrt socurity1 bill possod b y ttw Hout■touso nnd Sonato: Qgage W ip U m K c M fv esident for;: sig n atu re » to p re r e e n e r s ^ to' Afghanist:. :tan Pta»«cytt!llae*i , ' I All wcwoihoro will bo \ J ______Simpjpson s< and Butch Otter votei Inspections _ The Washington F j fodoKloral omployooa v O for tiictlic measure. a wiitiin GO days; ^ wiihinhin ono yoar; ^ o 3T0N - Congress -Man; I oipiosivo______■_ ^ J [_ ” . . - W ASHINGT) lany of tlie provisions \vill noior • -^^^^5:^^--nliporports can tnko'..... doloclofo usod t e r th e w arir 1 overhaul of the talcc e C l a s s i f i e dQ approved an o c effect for months and wil/ill backc:k c o n tr o l a lto r ' o nation’s aviadorio n security system not bebe easy to implement. ‘*Th«h e '*’'00 years: oilomotllotlvo syolom by ond ol 2002 ' The Was'ashington Post ______ilie federal govern- cliange ijjj. tostod al rivo airportsjrto U ) g o n . t o . . . Friday to put tin nges a re not going to be bam n control of airport bam a m ent firmly in c tl and we'll liavc sucuritjity ------Datab tabate fx . Alrplano * security iSHINGTON n - With Afghanlan istan in kT safety operatiomoils. to mlorrow." o n said Sen. Ernesi;st / oftns■aspects ■: ■! Y'.>': Slionoorcockpil S ' ™ ‘,n s the tl Uniled States and its* alliesall have F?[TheTiiiiesNE Itio n , which Presi- Hollineling.s, D-S.C., co-author of th t { rSM wcomputor J X/doojo;oniy liiohl quicklyly Ijegini th e jx)litically pressit.‘ssing j{)l) of : expectcd to sign Senateate bill. “Tliis is going to tx;; aii • . 'odo«(oral to w : crowCi in cockpit; planninjing th e C{>untr>-’s long-termm economice de^rB'sir;.' V | ontofc Mww4n9£iev8lI^.comItn M onday, is desigsigned to lure a jit- very' difficidtdii task." lorcomont • vidoo ''' cam orn re c o vJfy e r and raising the billionsis oof dollars ck to air travel. Thelie Senate ; passed a bill lasi ich lists: .N l ... will w lot pilots th a t wilvill be n e e d e d to reb u ild ro teiy public back I islb d 0, 1 roads and for online ciassiliedJd ads Friday’s ovenenvhelming vote - montliltil to create a federal screen!n ^ 000 poosonooro; dams andan restore basic civil functioictions. such proved die bill 410 ing fc •n- passonQ or liot tor (roquoni(ro moro aky marshJralwla; m arshals as a cem the House appro force, and the' Houses e (liors: now links l»two jntnil bank a nd a judicial systcsystem. cnate adopted it by approvt twoonalrlino onafl-hl^rtok:!akTIUohts: weapons a _,._ to 9 and tlie Sen: roved a bill to give the presi-Sl- and Cuatoma compulputors In cockpits poas erican ar\d United Nationsms officials< ndcd a monUi-long dent tin oaaiblo;awllchlor 733-0931 voice vote - end< : die option of liiring public or ' (liOhl c ro w to a la le process will begin Tuesda’sday with a deb ate over how3w to guard agaiast priva ate te screen ers. Busii b ack ed S , 'l c.‘vel “v, planning m eeting in W'ashington \Va; o r in BuHey cs on airplanes. th e Hoi I f : NewaBBflcy terrorist attacks c House version but indicated- o • • Transportniionn CDopt. olfico S2.50 lo SS ted by the United States ancand Japan, . Larry Craig and . hc wou > Idaho Sens. L k’ould sign whatever legisla-a - lor trnnsportalion bocso c u n ty ill continue o ver the next thrcthr.'i. w.trk- 677-4042’ Mike Crapo, arand Reps. Mike don CCor ongress sent him. Please see REBUILD,JILO. Pago A2

S>. J ? . . y . ■

M Hn»tN.wi,T«lnF«f m , Idibo Satunlay. Novembet1 1 17,2001. TF FORECC A S T F O )RMAGI(C V A L L EJY ______AccuWeW eattiercom ro A T T O ------lA N A C i f i v e -d a y f o rRECAST FOR T W IN FALLS l a h o E x t r o m o s TMn F illi throthrough 6 p.m, yntorday r ___ CANADIANN ICITIES Yostorday: Tomp«ralun tur# t o d a y [ ' TONIn ig h t I H s u n d a y nMONDAY I P n i lay Sun. High 6 6 ' KlgWow ...... 64‘/36* TUESDAY WEDNESD/d a y ] Clly hS'.0 Wv HI Lo W Bolso Normal higMoiMow ...... 4r/27- Calgary 42 166 9 9 47 24 s Low 21" Highflow law'»■ yy«ar ...... 30V13* Cranbrook 41 24'4 p pc 42 30 8 Sinnloy RocottJhiahI’ ,...... W in 1999 Edmonton 39 155 0 0 41 25 s Rseord low' ...... 6*„„ In 1985 Kolowna 47 27!7 s s 49 31 pc Lothbrldgo 44 18 pi Proclpltalloilion 6 PC 43 23 9 ; Somo sunshino; Cloudjjay»iin Alowshomrs. Rogina 46 155 p- pc 37 14 s V 24 hours onarwing 0 p.m, yo»f...... Itac« Partly lo moslly Sunr ,rj„. Soskaloon 42 14 p< ■■' \ Month lo 0.V0 showors loio. ponodsJs ol ram somo sun iunny to partly Moslly cloudy 4 pc - 37 16 ■ 9 i •"0 .... 0.02* ollor noon, sunny, ccloudy. showors possib Toronto 48 355 s 58. 38 PC t » Normal month'hihlodato ...... O W ® Voncouvof 40 366 9 9 50 38 pc / ‘■ / ^ M i s s o u l a Waloryonnot A 5 4 - t : ioaai«(Ocl. I) ...... 0.74‘ [_ ^ 3 6 ° I I A 4 7 ^ T 2 8i°|.|A47° " T26°| A 47°47 T 32° I I A 47° ▼ ,43^ 0 'Victotia 50 355 s S 52 36 pc ■ , * 1 4 7 /2 9 Notmalyearioirlodoto(Ocl. 1) ...... 1.3r ^ I Winnipeg 50 255 pt pc . 33 13 5 Humidity r e g i o n a l WEATHER F ^ Yesteidoy al nt ______SUjUN AND MOON ...... fi’*- Se [_ WORLD CITITIES Boromotrle I Southorn Idaho: Moslly cloudyiy andi cool in tho wost todoy wiihriih 0 fow showo/s; a Sunrlsi ie Proaauro mixture ml ol clouds ond sunshino ii irlso today ...... 7:32 aa,m. Todayay Sun. 0 in tho Ovist Wllh a mild oHornooroon. Highs In Iho 40s Sunsol r ■fr'fc' ■ Voslordoy al•'6 6; p m ...... _...... 3002ln ondon mo 50s. isot tonighi...... 5:14 p.,P-m. Cily Hi Lo I W W HI Lo W ______Moonri ^ ^ 5 ^ ' \ PoNonyosloalordoy In TWIn Fall# ^ onriso today ...... 10;05oio.m. Acopulco 88 75 > pe pc 90 73 8 f Bolso: Plenty ol clouds and o fo\low show eis loday, High 52, Parti■artly 10 moslly cloudy Roof'Sonsot lonight ...... 7:16 p.)p.m. AiKons 53 39 J pe PC 52 43 a ....;...N.A, W oods...... N,A. lonight; ,or thoro might bo o showor Of OOfly. Low 36, Moslly cloudy/ lolomorrow morning, First Auckland ' ' ' 82 49.> pc. PC" 63 53 a 1 S.:::::::::...... N.A, Meld ...... N,A, Ihon Iht moslly sunny tomarrow altoi •irst Full Last Now t t : Atlhma and Allsrgy of Idaho — Nomoon, Bangkok 85 68 I pc pc 83 66 pc > ^ Beijing 55 36 I pc PC sa -.se 8 1 Northern Novoda: Clouds ond & 1 occasional sunshino lodoy; o lowlov spois across tho H Borlin 44 38 I pcPC 46 37 c ; nonh will havo a showor, Kighsi nmainly in me 50s, A showof pos!lossiblo (n tho north- ^ 2 P # •M r Buonos Afroa 7 7 '8 3 I pc pc ’ T/- 63 'PC ' Sho«nis oa;oasi tonighi; portly cloudy in tho0 northwosl.r iv2 2 Nov 30 Ooc 7 Ooc.1c 14 Cairo 68 SO ) pc pc 66 45 9 i , lodays - Hong Kong ' 72 81 a'a ■ 73 • 64 8 I .. woaihor Northom Utoh: A mixiuro ol clououds and sunshine loday; o low s Jorusalom 58 39 ■ pcpc, 53 30 9 tiQvo a showor this altornoon. Hie w spots in tho wost will UVV INDEX TODA\__ Johannesburg.'- 88 81 r m ih d F all* Tompcraturos Highs tfom Ihc ffl. Sooul 52 34 ss 53 39 s • I ■' , 'I VtwinmIFAIXS V ' NATIONAL EXTr^I E M E S ______Ymliitiiayiforll'orifioaBcoriiguommtoi) q.,_ Sydnoy 63 61 s i All maps, loro- — ■ Minimal; 2-3, Low; 4-6, Modorato; 7-1 s 74 52 sh ■ casis and dala High Hig 87;’ in Yuma Foothills, AZ ; 10*. Vory High, Valuos indicaio tho Tokyo 57 41 pcpc 50 38 s Low 1 5 m Cr.iig, 'COCC '0 '’0 Worsaw 36 33 pc I provided b^i'. oxposur.'Suro 10 tho sun's ullraviolot rays, PC 45 35 c - ^ ■ - :: ' ]T t r I AccuWoalhor. MNATIONAL WE/ Zurich 49 36 pc 47 41 5h wUi III ! Inc.02001 . — :a t h e r • N AVTIONAL I CITIE?DS ______Shi Shown nto noon positions «l wooihorlorsyjioms md ptocipii.Vion Tompoio highighj lor Iho day. Forocasi hijtvlow I >oialuro bands aio . Today Sun. : ' R E G IO N A L, C IT IE S w iMporaturea aro (|i»on (or snlnctodtodcitios. City Today1 Sun. , HI Lo W HI Lo W V Clly HI Lo WW HI Lo W Todayly Sun, Ailania10 . 74 49 a 68 48 8 Memphis 74 53' s ' Today Sun. Ailanilc C s' 71 52 -pc Cllir • HI Lo WW HI Lo W Clly AnchsfK* tic Clly 54 32 s 59 41 s Miami 80 68 pcPC 80 68 s HI Lo W HI Lo W ; iv ll.. V ,, Ballimoroioro 58 32 a 61 -40 s Bolso 52 36 shsh 50 30 PC McCall j .-rv s Milwaukee 64 49 ss 61 35 sh 44 25 sn 40 18 PC ■ , . ; . eillingsIS 58 29 pc 38 24 ppc . Nashvillo' 76 51 s BonnofS Fotry 48 29 pcPC J5 32 PC Missoula, MT 47 29 r 42 21 PC Birmlnghi s 73 50 pc Burloy 58 32 pc ighom 75 52 s 74 50 S s NowOrloans 75 55 ss 76 56 9 PC 51 30 c Pocawilo S6 32 PC 45 26 sh n 44 34 5 53 43 S . Coout tfAlen# iO 30 pcpc 44 20 PC Portland. OR S Now York 50 3 8 ' $S 58 46 s 54 38 5 54 40 pe S •, Chorlosioasion. SC 74 49 sh 72 46 s Oklohcmo City' 60 52 sh Elko 56 22 cc 53 15 3 • Richland. WA : •• Charlosto sh 62 48 sh \ 52 28 PC 44 31 PC U aston. WV 6G 36 5 69 47 5 Omaho ' , 68 47 5s 50 31 sh Eugono.OR 52 36 55 54 38 PC Salmon 47 2B sn 42 24 PC ^ * M 9y u g j< ^ Chlcogo . Hogorman 56 35 e go 68 SO 8 64 40 sh sl Orlando 78 61 ss 77 60 s e 53 30 PC Soil Lako City.f.UT U 62 38 pc 51 31 c £ ) I f f i V ClovQlancland 56 41 s 64 49 s Idaho FflHs . 52 31 pcPC 44 24 5ti Soatilo.WA s Phtladoiphia 56 36 sS 60 .42 s • 52 38 s 52 42 PC l I” ^ r ' DonvorIf 68 36 *• 53 29 c Phoonlx 82 59 8 •, Kniispoll, MT 47 25 r> 39 18 s Spokono. WA' 40 28 PC 44 30 pc 8 82 59 PC Lowitlon , • - 4fl H6 c ^ loinos 72 48 a 53 32 sh st Portland, ME 42 26 ss 47 38 6______------»?-S7—3h— 43—19-51------I------5 8 -4 5 -3 ------eO -47 "tX Molna 57 35 p^pc 47 28 c Sun Valloy E 65 42 . 5 48 ’30 Bh 44 24 sn r ~ - ■ El Paso10 66 -42 pc 69 44 sS RopidCity 66 38 s Malia ; 50 20 c 40 20 5 Yollowsiono. MT 4G 24 pc 32 to of H r 5 40 18 c nks 4 -3 c 20 12 p ' ■ Houston3n . 76 54 PC 79 55 pc PC Sl, Paul 65 45 s f g W E C A I ^ Y f e '« CvN' , Indianapol 6 47 27 sh jBOZZUTO’t apollo 72 51 8 67 48 pc PC Solt Lako Clly 62 38 pcPC 51 31 c s r ■ V\r'.‘ > \ '5 y ’ Jacksonvtlinvtllo 74 59 8 73 55 s Son Diogo 69 56 pc IfU^ITUREAHDAPPLIANCi \ . . -J:' KanaasCi PC 64 58 s sC lty 68 50. PC 60 38 Sh San Francisco 64 46 s9 63 46 PC V « : Las Vogasigas . 74 49 pc 72 47 s s Soaillo 52 38 ss 52 42 PC ■ Lllllo flocklock 74 51 pc 69 51 c 213 sS. . tRAIL • SHOSHONE, IDAHO c Tucson 80 50 9s 81 49 8 ' I Los Angof(igolos 74 58 pc 74 58 s Washington. DC 56 38 s 208‘886’7774> www'.HomtAppllaneet.eom/Boiiute.Ho MATTRESSES |.,o , Wooihor ( 3 60 46 s W *oTW K I eo^TTOi’rloiri or {W): a-sunny, pc-partly cleudy. c-ic-cloudy, sh.showors, t-lhundorslornslorms. f-raln. — af-snoww litllurrlos, an-snow, l-lco,

: P o t t e r _ ky display Continued from A l encourage,"’ s;said Pricilla Sisson. -y - ' iniyllay ______- U'sjusr wnazing. “entire series. B l . ;■ aters on about 8,200 “But not all of the • screens, nearly a liiimluM A Ulielmil: kids ki can read thc' tik of it as the Leonid lotiettiery. It’s an an n u al , fourth of ilic nation’s , book. Some parents ll guessing game among astronomersasti , -profess.ssionals and amateurs alike ■ movie screens. •'hns riim iYl k'uk Id j”forbid it," Sisson ke - vying lo The pan of Harry forecastst how m any bits of space dusdust \^1 zing W llll III m i l l into Eararth’s atmosphere early Sunc I’ofter is played by And there is a rea- H B Sunday mom- Daniel Radcliff, a ing. Verjiry early Sunday morning, son for that. H | | Some I yi'uns actor who -I'rifilla .Sisson, "In the book, e experts think Sunday’s LeoLeonid'sh’ow- er might holds ihe audience Harry Potter is a H fl h t be th e best in years - thousandsthot of. H iih l t c a c h c r flashes p captive for more ^vizard," Si.sson said. 1 per iio u r - while others prediredict a "ho- than two hours. In a B | H hum ” dijtlisplay. T he peak of actionn is expected ^ While vv Sisson film ihai cimld have th e 1: a.m. M ST Sunday on the EasiEa.st Coast in ebiBBK l respects tho paparent.s' views, she opening weekend in hi ithem sky. If th e sky is cloudy)udy, ho-hum "Story. said many woivould changc their H H Kadcliff - the only kid c d on th e minds if they w or 20 minutes, and then t; jo rity o f 7m>s-Ncivsconcomspondent Lonna H i u m ta p e r off J • the students, the plot heldId nno . s u s - . Burkhan cm be ly, th e to ta l nu m b er shoulduld be well be rtifichcd in Twin H Z u ' that figure. - pense, as most h ad read the lKH)k FaWsat 734-3990. ' -several times, 00. Times-Ncivs writer annual meteor showers hai Naw Johnson anand The Associated h a v e b e e n ; “And reading is wha since at least the year 902 A. •nat we Pns.^cuntrihutcdtxl to this repon. j ^ H I 2 A.D., with teciaciilar shows recorded in 17991 and ______sounct inCES Or. TonyPMhps. NASA: ThoAo Acroapaeo i<-nr/iain oloorSoeieiy noiher meteor shower, thele Perseids,F ivery year in August. sure tlie inteniatnational community AfgliatJianisian, and to establish tin the souil; does not walvalk away from arrangt wins, . ; Rebuild _ ingements to meel them," sait H o w t o I A fghanistan when wli the fighting Markrk MallochH Brown, administra * to volunteer ; Continued from Al ! H e l p _ Tho Americ ends, as it did a decade ago after tor ol g sibrm ,"ftmerican s Red Cross depends on Its of the Uniied Nation: )n Its volun- Idaho has ' with conferences at thee WV hite •'’" “‘I't-’'' /Wgliann war.v ’ Develo'elopment Frofyam , which wil Continued fromAl a t th e•s I: to serve the community, saidI MartyMoi . , . statewide A strophj ■ House, in and an in “There is anin ini te n siv e effo rt P**''yr’ an active role in the recon)n. Red Cross symbol ISis 1 he sccond pa,g„. o<„ s, emergency senrfces administrateIratorfor Cemiaiiy. you’ve localni Sawtooth Chapter of ttw Amoi now under wayy tou achieve a clear, structicction. “Humanitarian relief• isi; Ixist known symbol m in the w o rld - mollDdto: American Officials say they w ant to make: shared view olof the needs in ‘ilread;ady being supplied, shortrt- th e first is Coca-Cola lim e toCross ( of Greater Idaho, I ? - “ '■FT- Crass San you’ll sei ______termn recovery n is being planned}tj, one knows about all111 th e services Falls Ave. y're the reason we exist." Bussisafd.: saii I and notnow th e long-term rebuildinf:ng the nonprofit organi clear." hout , them , wo wouldn't bo here.*e.* Clirciilation Siiiuljj S7.IKI per weelicek. daily (inly S.S.OO of the C anization pro- 83301. le country h as to be addresseded vides. “ The said p there are moro than 250 volunteervolu Hiiriii-I WiilMk, circciliition cJIrcclor-cJir -'•"'’‘‘jy ‘’"I:only S.1,50 per ueek, with thi , , . Thosewho o rd er of10 Magic Volley and close to 1,200 1 the .same detem iiiiation.’’ “They know ourr ssym bol, b ul aonatlons 200voiun- I Salcv 1.H iiK-ludeil in .all ahovc fates. A Unde said. But nder a World Bank plan,.thehe ___ i'ltey always knovlo w .iv h au v eic-^ -grams sho s statewide. But there’s alwayawauoomJof;------— Circiilatlnn-pliflnVlihcVTff;iirt- optTi ''l.l.m rtli,iri:c'»nnirb c IcvrcJ for all long-tc only IS c bcrnccn 7 iind 10 ii.m. only. ■•term reconstruction effort,rt doing." Mitclleil said, lly. If yiHi 'citiriiedcliKkN. \yould >• ttiolrchect alm ipily, J'l not fccc'ive your piipcr by ' lid be fin a n c e d ihrough annn • In addition to disassascer services, Uielrdoimt iteers help provide disaster seiviceivices, <'• by 7 a,m,. ■ externa short of tl call llif niirnhtT for yniir iircii; m ai tru st fund nm by foreigng,, th e local o rg an izatiot.o n p ra v id e s vlcllrasofl h CPR c lasses, help In the office:e pej- , Mail informatk T he an Kiiflt'y.Hii|n;rt- ttion develoelopment and financialal blood services, healthIth and safety 1st attacks , a variety o f other duties. Thosee intinterea,!;- , known su l'a>il0.il(lcy...... 677677-4042 TlwTinicxNcnAdlP(UPS 6.ii-(inij is pul*. ex p ert;erts who would channelej education programs,, classescl; in first -UboityFiji I becoming a volunteer can callI thetho \oc^l Twin I-.,Ilv li'hcd dail) M 1.12 ThirdTli .Sl, w,. Twin moneyey througliI a n Afglian recon-,f,. aid , w aier safety andind cardiopui- • extra-specCross office ot 73^6464. iinil otIiiT iircii* ...... 73J73J,0'Jil *•••11'. Idaliii. K.1.'(ll,1, Ihy Mfljiic Valley Structioction agency that would beje monary resuscitation,on, HIV/AIDS , . Newspapers Inc, PefiiKlriiKlicak paid at Tsviii autonor nom ous from w hatever gov-,v- prevention educationion and helps occurs ev( and reaffirmed that all FalK hy Tlic Timcs-Ncu-'Jcu v orUi'iai cily atui emmem all of the ■Siiliscription rates lent is form ed. families keep in touchich with loved "P m oney in tlie Liberty Fund , I <11/1 "'■•“ 'pjpcf pur»uirsuani to .Seciion «C- Tliat J cations sys und tvill go H‘mii-.li'li»cf): Jjily ai«l Slind.iyid,iy. K . 0 |,jK „f die l.bhii Cod<. 1 lat agency would be run by a ones in uniform, to tlie victims of Sept. 11. per ucck; Sund.iy ,inly. S2.50 per 1«, Thursday is liereby ' combination bin of foreign and , reserv elo a rdonate How per week, desi{:n..lcd JV il,e day «f I id Mitchell said if pc “W e supported New YorlYork as we .Mjtl suhy.(ipi„iii, ,||„^( h< pjiJ in 4> of.tiie week ill. whitli Afcliantan ex p e rts. T h e aim of the« people want reach onerican a Red Cross of The Aff I""'"”'-:' lwln,„i„,.iii|«p„H’uhlislied ifibi,; their donalions to benefitbe local would any oilier disaster,if, Ibecause jnJ JIC jvaiUMe „„|y uiierc tlcliiJC .c ,, ,> would be to guard against la s launched Its ' teers 1 J'C send vhange of corm nii st Red Cross programs,IS, they^m ust p ,css. w h that’s what the Red Cros>oss is all r)M( maimjiiicd. .Mjil wicv All Idalu jption, waste and infighting We funckolsing cam- Buss, dalui rjIcM address form in; l',0, Rn lg m ake a note of it on1 tl ^ ,,^ 5 about,” said Marty Buss dail) anil Sunday SC.,(M) per wed,eel, djily ijat,.,,(M , T“ i" '- 'I - “ Z . 1I their checks. p„,,liDonalions can be . tho loc ass, emer- i :ould work even if the tem miul Otherwise, dieir donati gency services administra only W.IKI per uccL. Sunday onlyinly S,VfH) lations ,rfi 60 pe„p,e gavto; The American Red Red Ci strator for hioKioi governn;mmeni is weak. to the Libeny Fund, po ^^ecL. Oul of Male raie\; dailyJail jnd , . the m oneySawtooth Branch. 1139 •They’n the local Saivtootli Q iapterpter of the «w*iMpM« Inc. Thee LUnited Nations collectedd , So far, people hav a v e d o n a te d ,in,s« . Suite B. Twin Falls, ’Witho American Red Cross of)f GreiterG more; thilhan S 500 m illion for imme-e- S543 miUion to th e Am Idaho. "But we still need T i m c s - N e w imencanR,^ lie nega e d m oney ;ws telephone directc- t o r v 2 hhum anitarian relief inn Cross Liberty Fund to I Busss< rho would like their in the I for our local disasters." ^ A fghanlanistan after Secretaryy , harmed by the lerrori Buss said all donation Cireulaiion (Daniel W alock,± , iCirculation Dircctor)...... Ext. 1 General o S t S ^ >ns to benefit local pro- teers s lions ear- Classified A dvertising (Deby ral Kofi Annan appealed forir But the national nonpr marked for Sept. 11 went sby Johnson, Manager) ...... Ext. 2 addition should writo ‘iocaron------iSorer ent to.ihe :ional funds in September,r, z a tio n h a s co m c undS ‘ f i ^ „ Liberty Fund. The coni News (Clark Walworth. Mani[anaging Editor)...... Ext. 3 b u t offi< lecks. Those who want Volunte. :o n fu slo n Retail Advertising (Mike Sm )fficials say the long-termn recent weeks over whei resulted from undesignated Smit, Advertising Dir«Jcior)..' ...... E x l 4 n e e d s \ hethttaUthe iml3 iie f&inatJons , to benefit tho teach C sted dona- Ag Wccldy (Janet Coffin, Ge !s will cost much more,!. money would go to the tions. Following the contrc G eneral M a n a g e r)...... Ext. 5 Clearing Jie victims of Decker ap.of the Sopt. ll-tcfror-— form a n tr o v < ^ , ing land m ines alone couldd Sept. 11. the national office of tlie Am Publisher Stephen H angen.•n...... X xt. 249 cost S50C J , . called “ acks fj should writo ed In & American 1500 million, tlie World Bankk Tlie Red Cross had i Red Cross dedded aU unde — I estimate.'ates. ‘0 tions betwe’ Fund' on their checks. Red Cn ndesighat- . set aside more tlian S20C2 0 0 million of Cross andt cd donations would go;o tot th e Liberty Fond., id to deal with future upgrade its lelecommuni- • \ system, establish a blood and do community out- A n anthrax and other mat- :ording 10 The Associated .Vhen that decision was jb lic, outraged critics said ;ave wiih the assumption ley would go only for vie-

egative headlines led the d o n ’s ciiief execudve offi- tindine Healy. to hand in iiadon. fdnesday, R ed Cross inier- Executive Officcr Harold apologized for what he a failure in communica- 5veen die American Red id the American public”

♦ i ______SttURlty, NoNov«nbMl7,2001 TliM»lfm,T)rt,TwlnF«Bt. Idaho M I

------N a t i o n

^ ' 'i i M House cdelays vcOte on annti-ten-oriism spennding WA«?HINGTON (AAP) - build pressur•ure on Republicans llm I lim it spending. “If the New' YYc ork d e le g a tio n Republicans postponed a House from New Yoifork and other states *' “If you go down the roadd to a takes that pitifutiful fig leaf and vote F riday on a S20 bilUtilion anti- h u r t by the e Sept. 5 II terrorist vet veto threat, It’s a crapshoot," said goes out with itit in public, th e y ’ll terrorism package untiItil a f te r attacks to supfippon extra funds. Re Rep. James Walsh, who led3d tiie b e a rre s te d fo r li Thanksgiving under pnpressure The postpontonement came hours Ne' >r In d e c e n t ex p o - from Democrats demandij New York Republicans seelleklng sure,” said Rep.p. £ D avid O bey, D- ding that after New Yorfork GOP lawmakers th the e ex tra funds. billions more be addedd to the reached ari Wls. ri agreement with W V alsh ’s deal w ith th e Wl m easure. ______III W hite H ouseB oofficials for an addi- House Hoi ended a confrontation The delay was a setbaback for tional Sl.S billilillion to help the d ty had GOP leaders who had ho had pitted New York RepubUtcans fioped to and other comommunities age lli flagToiOLES with trum pet passage of the i against Bush and House G B money from the attacacks. They had be^ leaders. lea< But Democrats - whoG O P flMERICANFLAGiW S (N STOCK during Congress’ weeeeklong demanding 59.739. billion more, but waj Thanksgiving recess. Derr want the extra S9.7 billion ILDING imocrats had nm into0 aa veto th re a t from Nev in ttr W. were hoping to use the br New York - said the Republic break to President Bu;lush, who wants to gavsave u p too easily. S.

SaTlTiflwl P tiilM Buih and RuulaMian President Vladlrtilr PutinI t;tpeak to high school Ql •ludtnti ThiirBdai In Crawravrford, Texas. f n i j i i g R ussia, IU .S. w o rk?: to find f ) § ^ A so m e COI)m m o n g rc:ound . J.,..: J t i y , By Barry Renfrew IP The Associated Presa ______iA nalysis The i’*amatic warminj Russian relations could h ^n before Sept. 11 and era of pragmatism ir •Putin summit, there ■ ------affalrras-Uie'twcToia'nv■ H S a ltO T ------"ere-signs-lis-that-relatiortSTvere— ■ and increasingly prag- '9 4 DODGE GRiRAHD CARAVAN $e" ^ ly end decades of liosti. . i i h y o n d ‘ '9 7 CHRYSLER LHIL H S 4 -D R '9 4 FOORD 4X4 EXPLORER 4-DIl-DR l u i : become friends. arar 3rd Door, LcLoaded w / CD)______. Fully Loa'dftd w / I Aptf- — ------Whilti a niiW World ord m-ex-KGB-officer-who— H g other-&XDf------x t TT-PkgTtoadod-w/-tew- - — # 6 1 8 4 C emerging, cooperation a the collapsc of the kU j y Ha% *8,995 Milosl #6179T mon interests are more ! cem, has a clear vision ^ W as *11,995 V o s *9;7 .9 9 5 resolve disputes am ong t> ng Russia as a great ^ SAil... I A L 1 „ ^ § ^ ' powers, analysts say. Tha making it part of an «• IS SES . reduce tension and bocm B iWestern com m unity. He w a n ,! To efforts on tackling c W e s te rn iz e R u s s ia ’s tlireats such as terrorism.■m economy andmd many of its institu- Tho emerging fricViondship S « reverse decades of between the United SiMosSta and ..S" ' Russia, if it matures, coui considers itself, or i l l them genuine partners "'“"^S'con'onsider itself, part of JM first time. Moscow’s sup]Snort to? Nonh AtlanticAt community," . W the United States after tl r Kremenyuk, deputy v ------^11-terrorist-attacks-and-m iQ-USA_and_Canada___l y ------i98-SATURftN SCI COUPE------j Moscow. U i -'93-JttP4X4WMHGlERER HARD10P - '961EE1EnX4'CRSHD CHEROKEIKEE ' President Bush and Pn f f 5-Speed, Air,, C< a sse tte & Low • Vladimir Putin to chop i much more aware of P y 6 Cyl., S-Speed, CD.D, w / Low Limitedd Pkg., V-8, Fully Loaded r international cooper- f fcr M ilesIl .i.#6176C ■ dod I ^ arsenals mark a majo ^ Was ‘9,995 i2 T # 6 1 9 7 T around, :onsuItation since the ^ 3 .9 9 5 '.‘Washington and Mosc ^rrorist attacks, ana- 1 no longer playing the ‘bij rhe rest of the world agamst- each other, but \vi ihlngton ^yill be less l 0 it alone on foreign > ^ % other,” said Karl-Heinzs Ki i l l 1 analyst at the Konrad Ad 1 be more willing to % ^ Foundation, a German thir nees an d treaties. « I : ^ Both leaders are seen as } is a change, it’s in 1 § tl : _ cal men who share some SS i’t th in k th e r e ’s been I ■ mental attitudes about hi \ change in Putin, i H ^ M ■ , foreign affairs. This new b: aid Ivo Daalder, an pragmatism, markedly di tt the Brookings S n Washington, from the ideological divisivSnsS '"J.S t"' '95 TOYOTA CAlAMRY XLE 4-DR '< the Cold War, is shareiired bv a "**5as been very consis* '94CHEVR01EI4X4SUISUBURBAN '9 5 CHEI ivanting to be a part­ L o ad ed w / P\Pwr Sunroof & i EVROLET 4X4 SUBURBANIAN t w ' grooving num ber of world 1( LS Pkg., Fully Loadedd vw/ Tow LT “We have very pragm ati ial partner, with the i Leother Inieri)riorl#621IC -T Pkg., Loaded w / ■ ers in George Bush and tes in many things,” V « *11,995 IT leolhilher Inlerioa # 6 1 3 IT You have high degreesHS- ool t prag* s matism in Europe ... youIU are e not r talking about ideologues,s, youy are ijf I not talking.about confin f lic tin g strategic interests, you ara re talk- ■dncizn i ing. about people used to;o ffinding I l k I pragmatic solutions to emiim inently • solvable problems,” said['Anthony Ai Cordesman, an analystst i a t th e Center for Strategic5ic a n d International Studies W ashington, D.C. ICI(ICLE ill r All of this is in stark conn3ntTQSttO I I A ■ '96CHEVR01ET44X4 TAHOE 4-DR '99JEEP4X4CHER0KE '9 the friction that doggedjed U.S- tIV GHTS K IE 4 -D R '9 7 FORDID 4X4 EXPLORER 4-DR Russian relations in the LS Pkg., Fullyiy L ooded w / "'S'' the past w . S port Pkg., Auto, Looi□adedi XLT Pkg.3 ., LoadecJ w / Leather., - decade. After the heady. d y o p ti. . fl 100 Lights 1 # 6 2 0 4 T • '# 6 0 5 6 1 ' If Vai •lijw s'® ' Infnterlorl #6208T mism that followed the ,t,l| C'oar /VaVas *16,995 ^ ^ Wai'76,9 Soviet collapse, Russia soonoon com- JvI^h|-'A ' plained it was not being5 trtre a te d m $ 2 7 9 ^ r •as an equal by Washingtoi}ton and ' became Increasingly resentfn tful. «097-QB2 Moscow fell back in to so m e PflceiOoodTfirir h r u a u n ., Nov. 1 8 .2001 ' I Cold War habits, becomirm ing an irritant in U.S. foreign polJc;)licy and reviving Soviet-era ties witlirfth Iraq ll 'TP j _ a n d o th e r U .S. fo e s. Ai s si u lk y , often belligerent Russia tritrie d to sabotage Western diplonlo m a tic efforts in areas like the: fo rm e r "Help Is Just AroundAn Thc Comer" Yugoslavia. There was ta TON 4X4 EXT MB '99 talk in 628 Mainn ,Ave.'South ' '98(Hmoifri/2i( 99 CHEVROLET 4X4 BUZEIZER 4-DR '97 GMHC 4X4 SUBURBAN Moscow of building an allianJance to 7W|n Falls118*736-0060 • ' y-8, S-Speod, Air,lr, C D ■& M orel LS counter.U.S. "hegemony." LS Pkg., Loaded w / Lowtw MilesI SLT Pkg.,)., loaded.w / Leather H ouns: i^or4..£'i.-8AT. B fl.m.*fl p.m. i 31T #6209T I SUNDAYMo«.m.«4p.m. II ] , ] M a t *17,995*'°' Inttitoriorl #6194T . W[an a i * 2 0 ,9 9 5 9 9 5 ------NolidairGGift Ideas! _ ■WU„ 'I ■J • Photo Albums & Sera;crap b o o k s C r \T • Attaclnis & Portfolio.s SI • Pen & I’cncils S c t.^ • Drcamsiclcs • Candies ^{M * Art Supplies ^If] Fm Bi '97r0Y0TA4X414 4-RUNNER '9 8 )B LINCOLN 4X4 NAVICnCATOR '02 JEEP!P 4X4IIBERTY 4-DR I w SR.5 Pkg., Autcito. Loaded 5.4 LTR V-8 , Loadod w / 3rd)rd Soatl Limited»d Pkg., Loaded w / I w/ Low MilesIsl # 6 0 7 2 1 #60707 4,00CDO MilesI #6215T Jk ' Vas *22,995 _ W a s * 2 8 ,9 9 5 l l SometM ng r 9„99B _ 1 For tveryon

* Board Games ...Ushed 1912 H H | H OFFICE SUPJPPLY, INC. W B B k • Ivy & Innoccncc^^B nswsfawnmi tt m I j B w 150 Main Avenuet SouthS( • 733-2412 • Picturc I'ramcs www.closordce:'icejupply.com • Atlases & Globes Open Mon-fri 9 «m-S:JO5:}0pni*S4t 10am-4pm • Christmas Stationary I

i A-4 Tlnw»N»wi.TwlnFiIn Fall*, Idaho Sotuntay, November:•er 1 7 ,2 0 0 1

N a t io nJ . L o ssIS o f tail fmn puzzles av^ iatio n experts NEW YOIU >IIK (A P )-N eith er tur- dent, di but called the inspect!ctions a “We do know,ow, just from what bulencu fromim another je t n or pres- “ pj ru d en t” mdve. we can see on thet flight data sure placedd oni the rudder by a NTSB Chairman Marion BlakeyB recorder, that the pilots were try- dc.spcniic pilepilot .should have Iwen said sa the frantic efforts ofo the ing to activelyy lljfly tliat plane out H B K enough to si I snap of/ the tail of pilots pi aboard Flight 587 to save of tlie problem,”m,” Blakey told th e Flight S87,, aviationai experts salcl' their th plane also should pnirovide Assodaied Press,ess, cautioning that ' Friciay - ising the prospect that d cli u e s to w hat w ent \vrong. this does n ot impi;mply pilot error. something, wasw wrong with the plane beforee itil left the ground, AtMnnstutHr think thtthere was a pre-exist- ^ 27 Fast & Easisy Fix U p T ips ing .structuralrai problem with the ^ ) s t o G e t tail,” said GregGr Feith, a forme,’ t h e B e s t Price r for Y our H(H o m e '"■'T ' National Trairansportation Safety - Board investif?tigator. “It was going _ SPUTHERN IDAHO - Because Bi ize on your mostst irimporlant invest- — to-fail regard!rdless. It just so hap- yyour.liomc may well be y'■•4 : of the cra.sh has not To jissisi homesellcrs, a been determir a new how ihe.se importanlrtani lips will give nined. hut investiga- indusiry in report has jusiI been you the competitive t lors have focus ive edge lo gel your :u.sed on th e jetlin er’s rcreleased callcd "27 Vuluabic!>/{• Tips hoitic sold fast imd tail assembly imd for ihe most >ly, w h ich c a m e o ff TlThut You .Slioultl Know Itl deliei Yiiiir amount of money. .sometime befoi fore the crash. //,Home Sold Fti.il und fiirhr Top To hear a briefief recordedi mes- T h e F e d ederal Aviation Otillar." U tiiekles llie irnpiiporiant sage about how loloo order your free 0 (Mj Admini-strationon on Friday ordered issues 's; you need to know lo Carl York surveys the damdamage to a road In Austin, Texas 0 m:ikc copy of this report.>rt.call < l-K«8-52I- xas, on Friday. Portions of the roadoad were washed away when watiatorfrom airlines to imrmmediately inspect y‘'your home compeiiiive in today’s lo 973S and en ter IDID #1023.# You can Onion Crook fioodod thele areso following hoavy storms thith e previous n ight. The sto rm s have havi caused five confirmed deathI,he Jf't-’ tiiil assembinblies of their Airbus lough, aggressive nuirketpluec.-e. call anytim e. 24I hohours. 7 daj's a A300-GOO ammd A310 planes, Tlirough these 27 lips, youou will week, American andid twoi cargo carriers. discover how to protect and capitiil-ca FedEx a nd Um’iWted P arcel Service, have a b o u t 13135 of the French- Texas5 storms (cause fivve death-l-'J madejetsinthe:heir fleets. The FAA saisaid no conclusions A U S T IN . Texiis (A (AP) - Dive firmed tthat three people Firefighters plucked strri-.n/in,i been read[tched about wh&ther teams found the body idy of a miss- drownedd 'Thursday after their motorists n from cars that h rerel la te d to th e acci* ing womiin Friday, thi the fifth con- vehicles> »were washed away by on o Austin streeis. Busir firmed death from a : lin e sse s __ _ ^ a storm that floodwateiters; a fourth died in a near n the Capitol were dre swept through centr ntral Texas, weaiher-rel•related crash. bby a flow of muddy wate CDChh e a d s M turning streets int into muddy Up to 13 inches of rain fell in lcleft about a 2-indi cover ol rivers and spawning S' g several tor- parts of' Texas,T breaking daily m n: ud acro-ss th e road and i); nadocs. SSs w est in1 anthrax ■ r e c o rd s iin Austin and San lots. lo 9 , __ ___ Aiiiliurilies in W j m i i u n i Q n ____ A m o n io^he-National-W ^ l eatlier------Thc-faodj“of-BcrrhirV nr County said a woman i in rescued by S e rv ic e s;said . M ore r a in w a s 3:32-year-old preg n an t womaiS^’S T T nvestigi g a t i o n helicopter told of ij f a missing expectedFi1 Friday. fcfound Thursday, more thai frietid who had hecMi a'ccks-are-continuing-to------—hours-aftci“hi th c 'c iip in ‘\vhtc ------^iV-ASHINGTJ;.TON—(-AP)------YVour-Times-News-Garrjoi The body rt^overed Fri TieHs-an-indcpendent"i'nt"bnsiiTCS5 ------Friday morn- rise and floflooding continues to be was w riding was swept off a siiirc Stii-'nlists sayy traceI amounts of ’ ngj ing about 600 yards dt Derson. H e/she purchn;lases your new spaper fi : down.stream very pos:ossible.” said Patty higiiway hi n ear Rock.springs,s, about amhra^ i„ a Ib u ild in g a r e n ’t ij.. jr from The Wiis believed to be thatlat woman. Gonzales, a an Ausiin city spokes- 9(90 miles northwest ofDf S an Jjust ' how much is rimes-News and resellsIs it to you. W hen cust(jstomers Earlier, authoritiesies had con- woman. Antonio.Al safe? Governmement scientists are doiJon't pay their carrier,, ttheir carrier doesn't ez headed to Norlorih Dakota and team a Texas to try to.tiniloul. fii prcprofit. Tliose states< haveh recently had naturally causcJsed outbreaks of p»- W a r ____ anthrax in animimals. Thus, North ’lease help your carrier?r earn his/h er ---- Talitiban on defensiiiive • Dakotans and TeTe.xans presum ably p rjrofit o by having your pi Osama bt payment ready and / -Continued fromAl 3 bln Laden^tcp assistant Is repaiponeddoad. and Taliban forcei»s have trackedJ a ro u n d a n th r a x p a v sieged In two dUes; U S. redueecaying prom ptly or joinin our I m o v e m e n t’s m ain sstronghold. tr spores shed by■ ththe sick animals. ^ ^ . I W ithin a few w after cutting a deal wiwith ethnic O ~fl / weeks, CDC scien- COnonvenient ofece-pay plplan. For ’ a j j i l ar^jg^Ejna ■■ \ I tists plan to hee ------Uasl«un-trilwl-diiefft-for-for-safe-pus------^ ------^^cs.p_JiUiJaSTAil_ leglrLstudying-just------jrjfcriformation-on-the-benelefits-and-— ^-----iT ^ S sagu from tlie area. ^ liow much anthn;hrax contamination „ is naturally preseDsent in those envi- onvenience of paying ata the ‘ SaK U.S. officials Wewed:d tht e repon TURKMIfMBflSTAM ■ ' » J V ' with skepticism, howeiw ever, and ipotoi Konduz ronment.s. TliatI c(could help ariswer offitffice, please call our Cu'ustomer y ■"■oBy a ve.'cing.guandi emphasized lliat the conconflict is far f ^ o n d u i 0 ^ I■ Arab and Pakistani allfos iidary as the East Cqervice„ Department at 7! from over. As Amerii.•rican war- ___ ? C o ast, w h e re aia n th r a x d o e s n ’t 733-0931. I ' f t f ) ) ol ^ Taliban irapped, appear planes crisscrossed the skies in S readyr lo fight to death occur naturally,, b.begins to d e a n up Thanlcyoul search of fleeing troop)op columns IRAltv . from tlie antliraxIX attacks-by-mnil.i and other targets,. hN o rth e rn , XabiKab»r * - ' Alliance forces faced heavyhe resis- . J tance in isolated pocketscets, particu- < *• H erat larly from al-Qaida1 fifighters - T Kabulib u la re a \ many of them y\ra^rabs and ^ a ci Mohammed Atef, bin U d e n ’s Pakistanis - who mayy haveh con- / IFGHAHISTflN 3 mllilarypfTicor. reported doad ir cliiilod th at they will be killed if V Ifi U.S.U.S bombing capiiired. Many of those fighig h te r s a re K andahar 0 PAKISTMI apparently holed up in Kunduz, ^ m llie Taliban’s last majorior patch of Kandahiahar area / turf in northern Afgliani: ’ anistan and BTsllbarban digoing ■Taliban leaderM ihe locus of a stando ir Mohammed Omar id o ff w ith In, SllllI (nfn firm has roportodly offeredoffo lo ovacuato alliance militiamen wlw ho h a v e controltl oiol city In ■ Kflndafiar In exchj(Change for safe i;iken up posilions on1 surround-si spite o>)> ssloQo passage to noart>> iiig hills. A fter tr>’ing u r jrt)y mountains ^^IH D3 U i | 0 unsuccess- DU j HIs ' . ^HCXJSE I'lilly 10 persuade A f^ianlan fighters soun*:AP.Kn* 03001I KlKRT B K . in the city to defect, alliatliance lead- (.IS fiave the Taliban 48 1iourslo: estconlroI.BiBut the rem aining 100 oiperating pe in the confused ; ky, Novembei Mirrender o r face attack. troops - ass vwell as commandos fluiluid battlefield of southih e rn The death of bin LacLaden key from coalitiition partners - are AfglUglianistan, officials said. uide Atef could have a powerfulp . . impact on al-Qaida andJ shshows the I ' ^ ability of U.S. forces to} zeroze in on iiLNcmss. bin Laden's high commaim and, ter* rorism experts said.. "It’s like losing thele sstarting cjuarterback." saidd L a rry Johnson. wIjo worked inin ccountert- I - errorism for thee ' S ta te I ’ O v e r 4 0 0 D e p artm en t and the CIA. CI. -Bin I Laden is cliarismatiatic and laHg NNativity Sets wealthy," but needed1 AAtef and flH wF& ffHoU9'#]a20 Zawahiri for their organianizational QH I :.S299.99 skills; h e siiid. D is p la y e d " I t’s a b ig blow to:o th e m ." agreed a top federal lawiw enforce-« \ ment official. But he cautionedcai _ that al-Qaida is higlily decentral-de JT“ ized, and il may l)e thatt nnt o one is I p O K irreplaceable.' VOUS A C lh ild is .BORtl- • Pentagon officials saidlid Atef is ^ . believed to have dieded in the ■ ^ |p4v/-'vy? anrocw a.»5on >Em ixadayM adiiiK bombing of a hou.se or cavcave south >n i5 e iv e it- of the capital ofo f K abul I^StapB yll ^ several days ago. Stuffliffleb eem C harity Any\l y w h e r e described the reports ofo f A te fs Ps smiR ------ileath asJ:authoritativer-b Foundation Stht h A n n u a l ^ N O V E M I there had t>een "no confimrirmation" . .of it. He said U.S. official:ials w ere ' M & P k kkYoir ' basing th eir suppo.sition on intelli- . » 3G(fi 1 ^ ------REGrf749;9QU^*t|iy^. ; gence monitoring of grouro und con- ^elebn versations following aI ppl la n n e d 'ation* airstrike against a known■n Taliban1 o f t ht e e and al-Qaida "cormnand1 arand con- trol" target. In another developmernent, the i nina#10G8 Pentagon said late Fridaiday that J one of three SOO-pound,»d, laser- Nativvity guided bombs intended;d fo: r “ a J known al-Qaida facility”’ in Khost ■F R E E A D M IISSION I I-.'-'--. h ad gone a stray, missing, ththi e fadi- n ky and damaging a mosqosque. A DC• o y s and G irls C lub - CSI Pentagon statement attri:trib u te d the mishap, which occuriu rr e d at Twin Falls, IdI d a h o 7:30 p.m. local time, to “a guid- ance malfunction.” It sais a id th e November 23 • 6-9< pm extent o f th e d am age or theth e num- ' N«November 24 • 10J amc - 6 pm 1 b e r of possiblfi casixalties; ww: as not November 25 •‘ 112-6 pm y et known. Senior U.S. offidals saica i d th a t P ublic Is invii v l t e d w t wJU i n fall about 300 Spedal Forcess ctro o p s are currently in Afghanii n is ta n . I Sponsored bby: h, w here I g R A bout 200 a re in th e north, v ' Mama's at the PPi ioneer MCCEtm alliance forces ex erd se thle e great-| ISBiQSaB&Sf «3I(:^V/AEL: e t ylir/ilanam/Halth:in. 7.!3733-093}, Thc Timcs-NcM ews : S acurdiday, Novcmlx-r 17, 2 , 2 0 0 1 Page A-5 You) ======5=^==S WeekEI nd \ ^ 0 0 Dwe: r s U { Screenwriters' opt se s( 3pen house JgK cienice 3 What: The A m erican By Pata t Murphy jsocjation will Tlmo8•^is-Newa correspondent______•And in a 21st centuryury wrinkle, he’ll se. Peg Owens, ------__. Thf(ree-year stitudy willnm e a su re hand out small Globajbal Positioning 3 Idaho Film SUNJN VALLEY-To adapt a receecent auto • Satellite (GPS) receiversTS tot shepherds to J guest speaker commemercial’s slogan, today’s sheepeep ranch- 1 T record positions of bcd-icd-down areas of nantic comedy, ing isnisn’t your grandfather’s sheepeep ranch- Alm p acts o fP sheep gra sheep bands to build anI arcarchive of data on lips" will be ing. a z in g Ihow rangelands recover' frofrom use. Gone)ne are the bucolic days o f; All ihese stu d ie s, he .say.says, m ay suggest ot several But as a sereries of speakers demonstra Lamphouse generalrations ago when sheep were irat- • rotated among thnhree monitored fenced 'that damage to rangelandnd in: past genera*' ere raised,, ed during opei)ening sessions I-riday, it’s ah I Ave. S., Twin shornn ofc their wool and slaughtei also plots. The study ivillvill use cam eras m ounted tions ' was worse. The newlew data, hc saic^ h le re d to r an i n d lis i^ thilhat’s using science to improvrove on fences, m e a tw: wthout much fuss or muss, \will help head off unwi;iwise legislatiotl the b re e d as wellw as deal with criticismsis (of The environmenta I house win be day, as some 125 Idaho sheepeep ranch- environmental ntal impact will he mea- affecting J ranchers. } Screenwriters Assoi tal damage. sured by studying t w ith the mowe ■athered here for the 109thth annual; Steven ; lg the photos as.well as Even the sex life of shVhal: Cobalt Blue wi Where: The Oasis,treet Center, j S T ” B U RLEY - Local«cal law enforce- Lakes Blvd. N., Twin Fa \ r ment agencies are studying up WI«cn:9p.m. to 1 a.mday. HIB \ on how to deal witlwith foreign visi- ; How much: No coverinner theater break the 1law. With Salt Lakea k e C ity ’s 2002 West End theater K y W inter Olympics:s hrbringing travel- ers from around1 ththe e world to this . What: The West En ' co m cr o f th e globe,nbe, tirea officers ^ ^ m p a n y will presentI ivill ' play. want to know thehe ]particulars of :Up Farndale Avenue,s Place, 121 H flH law s reg ard in g citizensciti: of other Plait!"______^ ■ S j H countries and dipliliplomatic immu- Where: Eighth Stre.m. today. nity. 200 N. Eiglnh St., BuJil.iver charge is Representatives'es (from the local W hen: 7:30 p.m. todaj police departmentsjnts and shcrifP<; : Ilow much: The dinn offices attendeiided a State |H Department class g :performanceisSl2. m ss on diplomatic OT im m u n ity Ia sit w eek in Sun the Nomads ^5 Valley. , |Head to Honkers A c c o rd in g tot CoCassia County : W hat: Split Second ivi B arn on Sheriff Jim Higen:;ens, diplomatic ; W h ere: H o n k e r’s P im m u n ity only extends exti up to a Fourth Ave. S., Twin F al certain point. FcFor example, ^ W ien: 9 p.m. to 1a.m .m id n ig h t immunity won’t preventprt officers • How much: The covei from tackling a mman ar with a gun. "We do have a rij _____ ;s3.______ver charge is ______! a right to protect life and propertyty evene if .some- L»i*.eouMo/n«THt». W endy Antf(ntforson of Eastern Idaho Roglom *»»*•" one has full diplomlomatic immuni- Iional Modical Center, left, talksks with nursing student Hoathorhor Isaacs about Job posslbllltio: Barn dance w ere partic Itlos with tho hospital. The two) ty," H ig en s said. rtlclpating In tho annual health1 ca reer fair a t th e C o lleg e of SoiSouthern Idaho Friday. ; W hat: D usty an d th< Officers can’t, hovhowever, detain ."wiUplay. t Riff Jazz T _T ^ someone with fullftill diplomatic ; W here: S p a n b a u e! r’sGreat Riff I I f iminunity exceptept in those :U.S. Highway 93.ciation with ealth , can utili im m unity is re industtiyloofo5 to fill O 0 attached to diplomasmats and iheir Je ro m e . ■s P ro g ra m . 3pening« ' families, people affaffiliated with - V Where: 8 p.m. toII pj la y ja z z By CarolI Stephens SI lg w hat th e fu tu re h as to hol . foreign consulates:s arand th e ir staff joday. a r d s , sh o w Tlmes-Newiew8 coffoapondent C SI healthll fair g iv e s sti m em bers. aidents S'id deciding on a college t I : How mucti: The coverid th e blues. If a diplomat were • I I '« univiiiversity. ere to com m it a I fi7. Its are wel- TWINI FALLSF - B aby boomers I minor offense, offi a l o o k a t "Technically, it will he base officers would are retirinring, or getting ready to, t w h at’s avail cite the diplomat j liable onI "T'scholarships. sc It will probabl at and send a •ewpub, 516 and hospiiipital administrators are r report to the State I jazz program Cassia ; an associate degree at CS le Department, Us. lookingat at w hat they c all “ aging" way and studeiJents have a jump OM M in id o k a C ounty S • Whnt: The Great F Regional Technical Cen Jd o n to ISU fo r a n Rl y Sheriff’s Lt. ay staffs. enter in start into whatlat they choose. If Dan Kindig said. Thc Society presents the G Burley. Igree," Brannen said. The diplomat’s nwide, the average age ^ they decide to0 gog into jtomeihing home counti7 or emi Jazz Players, in associa ^ s id e s Burley, th e tech < Entering a field w here th ere I embassy would or"„“, ! r ees : is 45, according to h center else, the dual1 creditsc they have then deal with thele citationci as it the CSI Jazz Studies I Sam anthalia Lopez of M agic Valley works •) with stu- = = s= = == can b e u sed as mpetition for good nurses i assuring. saw fit. The jazz quintet will i RegionalII Medical\ C enter. electives.” “Oftentimes the ' opfiom niity to look a t “H elps take some of th e ivorr their punish* classics and standarcValley Arts And bebecause fewer students D „ ^l'^O aX "; . Derek Smith “ ' ments aro more; sesevere than Raft River, fi r m t of finding a job," Brannei tunes, modem jazz and t present 9.'''';""=™ring nursing and related ^ vgrams am ! am ftnn of Oakley said S ’ ‘‘j" ours,” H ig en s said.1. Valley, d. "People a re willing to hei] Families and students fields, thc:he hiring competition ^ he wants to he a ‘ „ i. P D iplom atic immunilunity was cod- Murtaugh and o n e s th e y ^ w i t to g o II." come. ,era House. ibspitals is fierce. - physical th era- -“ iV .. . ified by tlie Viennana ICimvention the Cassia ' ‘It’s hard to put your foot ii • Where: Muggers Brew riday, the College of j] '0 , ortoexplo/vof/KT pist and is inter- ,|,g in 1961. Thc pointIt olof this inter- S o uthern I Education . ’ ; door and not knoiv where t( ^ c o n d St. S., Twin Falls. n Idaho Student Nurses ^ ested in whnt .stop’ , . , A ssociatiotion did its part to help Center, ^ which’is SItUdt,fitions, ix a ^ w u h fu l :p." said Dorothy Maupin,, j a Please see TRAINMINING. Page A7 When: 4-6 p.m. Sunday., which are hospitals have „,,rsirrsing student who will gradu 5 demand for nurses and ai to o ffer, b u t is ;,te thi How much: No cover■eservalion ch oilier heaUIalth care w orkers. hi trtum tyforthcin.'iky j : this spring. Both the facilitiej by phoning nie orgi most interested andd theti students benefit fron Sun Valle’ley trganization’s health fair J‘Jones. , (ils o g c\et l a look (It coUcgv Itfc ' howi in clioosing it,e |,e “Nuncrackers" on th e CSISI icampus drew hospital The first year I health fair equally, she sjiid. ani university. “Y‘Youo don’t realize all the jol: represent,ntatives from across at the tech cen­ What: The Oakley Val OI nly Idaho opporijortunities availahle until yoi;ib Council rejectsre s o u th e r nn Idaho and even ter, te the students ou Council will -\iilcric Jones, State ‘ University talkk tot them," she said, “anti Invitations had gone out gcget an over\’iew ’ “Nuncrackers.” and CSI were they’ny’re hiring right now." d e v e l o p m chool students interest- of almost all of ment IVherc: Howell’s CFpen registered nurse rrepresented at She;iie said she is pleased with rsing and related fields, the th jobs in n u rs ------i . t Oakley. — ■^>3 - the health fair. the recruiters rei she talked to andnd By Karen Bossick came from as far aivay in;ing and related fields, a n d1 iiin tlie Whom 8 p.m. today. “ I’m thinking theopportunities op available. TImes-Nows correspond ’■ J asMountairain Home. second se year, the studentss ;must seriously abou: How much: Tickets,■ today,wl “The op, DUt (Boise State ‘ WhiI'hile high school studentsits :------)pportunity to look at choose ch between nursing orr irelat; University)," SmSmith said. “They and C $8 an d available by res n e s , rogis- ,.their thi credits and certificic a te s ___ lelecommunicat,ration-class-from ----- ^toinpeiipetilion.willi-the hu'ger hospi-’i- Sun V a lle y .------rse and instructor at nei play. alTH SnSr,------tcred-nnrsi needed for nursing a re out o,o fth e CSI. T hey’re int«nterested in see- Piease sec FAIR. Page A7\ j Council members,irs cappod a Where: Sax Fifth AvenOr., Twin * ' three-hour meetingng by: voting Fifth Ave. S.,Twin Falls. unanimously to' d e n y th e W hen: 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.midnight. to 1 X I Imberly | S 1 T rium ph Springs develevclopment. How much: Tlie cover d School IBoard mnemberr resigns> A standing-room-onl;o n ly crowd of $3. about 50 people crov:rowded into K IM B EIRLY R - The School = council chambers listi ■ meeting will startart with a work Idah listened rcst- Board on TliursdayTli accepted the laho is one of thc mp 100 lessly as developer PetP eter O’Neill Valley In brief ______session at 6 p.m.I. bbefore thc regu- statesL“s ini tho nation in education- - steak house karaoke- resignationon of board member — 11- and architect Jim Ruseluscittoforan ;y te l, '•■"■7^30 meeting.;. al tech, What: Karaoke willStalion I of Karen Andeiderson Board E members said they jchnologj-, with 5.3 studenists hour explained w;w ay s th e y p e r on tured. ■ A n d e rso:on n and her husband a a busb purchase could be p one up-to-{iate computer,r. in ten d ed to b lend .sevseven homes :ompUter‘ The nainalional average is 10.2 stu- '• WhererMontana St’HlTFaulkner have soU theirtlu home and will poned, but they didn’t wanam 't'o Schools get COI I- into 77 acrcs on a hhill along :s per up.to-date computer. 1826 Canyon Crest Dr.Ml Center building a newn one iri an area have i'*"*' to replace more thann one memory uprgad:a d e s ‘I - ; ; , Elkhorn Road uphiphill of the er districi, Anderson bus hus at a time in th c future. [)grading memory is typicallyy Weyyakin subdivision,on. FaUs. le campus outside her TWIN FALLJ.LS - Crucial the eas ursday’s meeting: Board B members also repoi easiest and least expensivee The property was d When: 8 p.m. until emi m Idaho saiJ at T liu p )orted Teclmology, a divilivision of M icron way to IS designated A nyone ininterested in serving on on their participation in to dramatically increa.se thee as a .special sito suitabitable for agri- today. n the Technology Inc.,c., has donated perforr , . out her termrm is asked to contact recent rec Idaho School Bo ormance of computer sys-;• cultural o r o utdoor• recreational ro( How much: No cover cliatiteadmis. ,he superin, Joard $20..')00 in compnpuier memory tems.s. the release said. The intendeni’s office at Associntion Ass conference helt;ld in upgrades to five e u.se when the 715-at5-acre Lane /e Magic Valley schoolsols with the greatest com-I- R anch w as annexed in ..... 141 CenterWrW.St. Sun Stir Valley. They studieddthe school districts, 1 in 1986. Planetarium show will b e $4 The boardrd discussed th c fiscal p u te;r r memory r upgrade needss Then, members of'of the aiidi- long-range strategic plan com-ci Buhl, Filer, Jeroi:rome. Twin Falls w ere idi rs, S2 fo r y ear 2002 budgetbui ivith reg ard s to ' m it ! identified by sun-ey. ence hnd their turn,irn, many of W hat: “WSKY: Radio Sts mittce report and votedid to and V alley .schoolool di.stricts will Sinc( ies of two th e cuts in1 ststate funding to pub- acc< ncc 1997, Crucial1 ’ them making allusion;ions to fairy the Stars” will be sliown. accept the state’s special ediduca- receive memory•ry modules to Techn< :h ild re n . lie schools an< tion manual. inology has donatedJ tales in their commentsunts. Where: The Fai and th e affect th c cuts tion upgrade work stauations, laptops' S190,0l of 4 are will have onin thei proposed retire- T: ),00() worth of memoryy Doug Werth, atiottorney for Planetarium of the H errett The board voted to holdId I t s and servers, accorrording to a gov- upgradt m ent of a n oliold bus. , ■ nexlext meeting on Dec. 13.1 a d e s to Idaho scIkhiLs. Blaine County Citizensens for Sman for A n s on Science on the c • The emor’s office press2SS release. -compiled _co from staff reports a f the College of Southern Ploase see DEVaoPMOMENT. Page A7 10 Twin Falls. . IVhcn: 7 p.m. today. Late sions are not allowed. How much: Admission wil for adults, $3 for seniors, students and $9 for families adults and up to five chi Children under the age of not adm itted. « Tlme*-New$. Twin Fill!F illt, Idaho Saturday, November 17,1 7 ,2 0 0 1

■ M a g ic V^a l l e y AV e s tI • ~

“ Buhl p< favoi)rs easing: restiictio]i )ns W e By Mary Lou Potts sndell hopes1 1to upcif current housing market, w late mdent RCCO]:ommendadon j w hich is Timos-News cQft88pond< on th e upswing. Marvin Ames said hee ,saw no o •#— BUHL - City planncnncrsarerec- ^to City Council reason for commissionmers to • I I I' -ommending to the CityCi: Council f«, br approval Imake changes in the a)a lr e a d y ^ 3et, sid( that the lown becom e 1 lewalk ne less restric* withgr;rant established area of town. tive for developers. , „ . A notherier change would also Gannon said it would The Buhl Planning a ByGlnaMuldsrJ e r — lg and Zoning allow multidti-fam ily dwellings in U- uniform “ zoning for the “ I Street from Goodooding Street to Commi.'ssion approved correspondent______ved a rccom. 4 The jl, current code allows the older parts of towrwn'Le “ HB! Truck route hearln;ng McGinnis Park.k. MayorI Gwen mendation WednesdayJaylochangc miilti-fami ever toi-n down and rei R o st said th a t scction see of East . . - i l i e - d t y ’s zoning code.s, imily dwellings in R-6 ® joint pubffchoorfngwfihth le.s. IVilli one zones only;ly: . 0oped. He added tha W EN D ELLX - City leaders are i Main Street getsts busyb wilh foot commi-ssioner absent, t ‘ investigatinfi cityorwendcfl and tno II, th ree com- However,;er, additional land would changes fj would bring the i ng grant options to J ,^.i traffic during thehe summer,5 with missioners voted for f " help fin an ce a , Wendcfl Hfghway Dfstrict» tor iho mea- be require,ired for building multi- line with surrounding < : a couple of proposed 5 . children flockingng 1for the swlm- sure, one abstained ' roadwayenhan bo hcjfd at 7 p.m. on Dec. 5 at e d a n d o n e family dwellveilings in R-4 zones. zoning codes. lancement projects. ^11^ m in g pool a n dd baseballb dia- voled 110. President Fred Wendell City Haff to gather pubffc - Commissioners conttitlnued mSloud' re comment on the proposed East ‘‘C h a n g in g th e zoz o n in g _ ------to discuss the issue aft reported during " f “A sidewalk dovdown there will codes in Buhl for residt in Wednesday night’sni| City Council , Avenue F truck routo.For more sidential YHu/Zlff/Igfliezezom iigm fes in Riililfor Bstem United States, Califorr)mia is not contagious.■ It is potential- square feet. The minir a chdd Dinosaur Natiorional Monument in and | n im u m lot , them down1 aa nd build a multiple.^, carcare center on Eiglnh S ireet. id parts of Central and Sou3uth' ly deadly, howeveever. The soil size for R-6 zones - whi -f- n o rth e a ste rn UtUtah this summer, Ame which limit commissioneiners said. — merica, according to a repoport where the stuilentsts were digging six single-family dwellin ------health officialsssaid. Si . from llings to an Ron Brac^ickett, a realtor,, sup- 7 om the Centers for Disea;jase was particularly gooc;ood habitat for acre - would change fro Timcs-Nms comsponJetit I The fungus hasha never infected Conti from 6,200 ported thee cchanges, saying the Loi )ntrol and Prevention. It livives the fungus, accordording to the to G.OpO s(|uare feet. Lou PoiO! can be rcachal in Bu anyone in nortln■them Utah before, in thi ______. city needs to take advantace the____WJ the soil and can infect peopople CDC report. ______------sdeniist.';-who sustudy thfrbug say.------w hoi ioinhalt;the-5porer*------Tlie area was dosecosed temporan^ The infectedjd people, most of “Tl “The Utah outbreak ihdicatiates ly. It has since reof•eopened wifti them s tu d e n ts5 fifrom out of Slate, th a t I at health care providers mrTiay g u id e lin e s a d v isinin g g v is ifo rs fn ------^—I— got-sick-after-sifisifting-throagh-dirt------Hat’d ' = D m irUARI-ES-= i3d"r{n:oni!iaer coccidioidommy- stay, on maintained?d tltrails and to for artifacts at ththe monument. . co sis if they sec patients wit Far obituary ratos and information,Info coll 733-0931, Ext.: rilli avoid kicking lip dustJust or walking It. 2 7 8 , botwoon 2 p.m. and 5 p.m..m. Monday through Soturday. They’ve all1 sinccs recovered simila Doadlino Is 4:30 p.m. for noxt-day publication. Tho o-mi nilar illness,” tho CDC w rotee iin on native soil. i-fflall addross for obituaries Is obitsbltsemagIcvolfoy.com. Death and gone home,le, but in late June a rcp i notlcos aro o free servlcorico and can bo placod until 5 p.tr eport this woek. The 320-square-mil p.m. ovory day. •______they were hospispitalized with flu- Doc -mile Dinosaur Doctors who first treated theth National Monument st — like sym ptom s: ththat stumped doc- paiier It strad d les th e - tients thought the illness wawas Ulah-Colorado border P j a c o u n iry , . fifirsi seining in Ihef ClCfark Couniy Museurri, Tw\vin .torsat first. rder about 150 Lai«;o, FlI 1>A. • ^Pennsylvania somnothing et spread by deer flies.:. miles east of Salt L ak na and laier moving lo Fallsfs C Counly Museum. Idaho Sia■late T h e fu n g u si tlthat causes the . Coc Lake City. It is ■n- O hio Terrilory. :occ;idioidomycosis infect ioron, replete with fossils. 3ry. His g ra n d so n , who H isio:ioricaf r Museum, fdaho Stai b e ca m e Mrss :Scovel's grandfaiher, Archi\ihives and ihe fdaho Siaf Samuel Knowlovvies Clark, a Scois- Miiitaritary Museum, Mr. Scovef English pioneltho«gh-predictions-aboujur-— ra-DrfecesrlrcaiRer obtained v/orl ■ 3n jy across the W Serai5atienf’s ork as a ranch hand aircradrad piioi in W orld War ll, a s we West this year, caseses are: difficult, scientists sa;say lungs to fill with fluid, • The Nc2 Pcrce along w ilh a drop ree uprising in ihai year as othiother documents, are include op in rodent popu- severaeral factors may contribute ti diciated that h< t to Symptoms includ

/Ia g i c Y a l l e y^AV e s t G r ou i p fig];h ts d o ])m e sti(c v io ke n c e WRMIC boarc By Shari Chaney to th e poli)olice, Bristol said. Those training' material;als are on get- the victin ______T h e■e re are'five committees tim where they don’t 1 PowerPoint, and the tasksk force is feel victimizec w ithin the thi task force, including holds cl(osed sesi hoping to buy a multi-me ssion HEYBURN - Don>omestic vio- an advoca nedia pro- Awarenessss about1 domestic vio- Bcate program committee, jector in order to use the TWIN FALLS - The M Ience is a problem1 init the Mini- a youth c< he materi* Ience is alsoso a priority for the ^ M agic I committee, a faith-based als for training. Valley Regional Medical C< 'Cassia area, but manyma people committee task force.. PPeople don’t know „ c p valley lr tee, a minority committee Proceeds from an auctioni how serious a Hospital Board met in a cl y in brief ' don’t know how serit;rious a prob- and a ijusinessbu: and community s a problem domestic ™ today a t 11 a.m. at U.S..A / uctions violence is, BristolBri said. se:session Friday afternoon tc ■ 'lem it is, said D an Brisiiristol. committeetee. s, the ACLU will in Heyburn will help the tl task Bristo] saidid w1 hat children leam cuss personnel matters, accJquS Penalty cases, tl ■ Bristol, co-chairrrirman of the • The advocatead program will honor Parnes> andar M auk, who force in buying the projiojector as between iethe ages of 2 and 3 is tion of real property a n d per ia Community begin sooioon with a 20-hour traln- well as gathering monej successfully fou,fought the death Domestic Violence T ley to aid going to sdckck er ber that. op>open session was held. :e gath------1 of th eir slti respectively - c h arga ed w ith capi* pie aware of domestiiistic violence. ering and ituations. The youthil committeec will also Igainst Bristol said. tal offenses. Local rhayors declartared Feb. 28 advocates Auction agi d. deal with dariiaring violence. Bristol K€ ® An advoc K^chum attorney Pam es and iMaiMauk represented Stop the Violence:e Day, and do, Bristol ocate will s a id h e is w wc o rk in g on g e ttin g - ;»,i ,oua,d. violenc,1C6 a ssig nned c to a Denise Marsh (heir clients elthtither pro bono or HealthNet sponsoreded a program There i sh of die Idah^rate wins ACLU award ^ ^ , victim, Brististol said, Police to come at Minico High Schochool for both age on beir►eing an he Minidoka and ( n e and teach rfd a ss. ' IBOISE - Boise attorneysy Bill c o u rt-a p p>ointed o ir fees far nd Cassia j h e advococate is Everyone 01 students and the communitycc advocate,te, a n d I Community Domei on the task force is ‘ Mauk and Ketchum attoro rn e y t}elow their usuallal rrates. imestic Violence s o m e o n e fo f r th e fired up, Bristo 'ab o u t dom estic violencjnce. in fact tet< e n s * Task Force will hol stoi said. AnAndrew Pames will receiveve the awards will be pre.sented Ihold anauc- v ic tim to kkeep in Bristol said After this program,m, a group of and senioriors a re ‘'Of* at 11 a.m. a id the task force has 2001 201 Civil Libertarian Av^w ard 'h e A C L U’s BE ill o f R ig h ts . c o n ta c t wil»rith who already had son people came togetherier and want- w e 1 c om m e d . Auctions In Heybum. U. »me success in helping from fro the American Civil C Celebration Dinnenner today at the ed to carry the issuesue forward, Bristol saicaid. A t 's locatod on Highway i at’s going victims of abus3USC. AnoUier success LitLiberties Union of Washinington WestCoast Grandnd HI otel in down* Bristol said, leading to the forma- the prograi;ram a t Interstate 84. exit 211. ^■as the recentnt addidon\ of a domes- state sta for their work in dedeath W'vn Seattle. Texa;exas civil liberties O th e r roroles of UC violence tion of the new taski.sk force on Minico. . la s t I------^____ survivor who w ants to perpenalty cases. , attorney Anthonyny Griffin< will be I the advocacate are be an advocate,: dom estic violence. year, studiu d e n ts ' te, Bristol said. iTo recognize the effortr t s of th e fe a tu r e d sp in late November anc son@niagicval- m d th e n te s t of a 2001000 state law which Wednesday night into thee San T h e o ffic e r noticed noi a scrape thisar5 area, Higens said. T hese peoeo- fcy.com. release jt for public comn mment. A, calls for such:h groups to set rules \lig ^ 8 u e l County D etention Cei-enter underneath Pearjari Means’ right _ revised product will dien i sn be pre- for delisted animan als. ifter he was • ejeye and a small OUk a cc iccused of bat- swellingSl on her Oh IJ e e p _____ (iiebothengaffdin right foot, -Portion oijf w o lf p a ce k slips a according to a Centlnuitinued from AS Idahoans in the statetate’s 22 most; ■eleased the . p /v fe ssiis io n a l t h e r a p y a n d 1 statementst filed The sama m e nigln after . he mbc of Dr. Snow der's dawIta populous countieses gavt*j high; for probable includiiudes the rams’ dietary graz le posted a SSOO t to p et o c o m e o u t o f a n ^a az* marks to ranchinglg r> Industries, D Yellov^stctone L' cer said he saw mance to js v e pr o g r a m w i t h t h e “ ice in mating with ewes andi d , W hen asked w hich:h of6 a number! _ IDAHO FALLS (AP) - , iSiSS"® additional evi- the qu - A por- sdll missing,, Bangs Be said. m quality of their offspring,lg. of groups could be believedbeli when! tion of the Nez Perce woi Means, who to o ls tlhiiataivm ressanto dencede she had From volf pack “My guessss is the other Nez earlarlier this year m this. Dr- Snowder saysys they spoke on comoniroversial; was able to visit easiem Idi had a nosebleed. sheep 1 Idaho for Perce wolveses are close behind was/as nominated p i f i t e d' m n yself anei no t to he 2p ranchers can breed h i^erer issues, ranching sconcored 75 per-; a little while before retueturning the ones alr«Iready in Hayden as Police said th e qualitylijy animals to compete withth cent. Environmentalal groupsg and’ undetected to their hoi altercation fol- . foreign home in Valloy, followiriving th e scent m arks L,1b i b = ra.cria„“ ■ed in t h is po s i t i o n ign producers cutting into tliel e th e m edia scored onlylly 28i p ercen t.! Yellowstone N ational Park. lowed an argu* U.S.do irk. of the leaders,"s,” Bangs said. candidate a m for domestic lamb market, On the question>n e to She said slie was able logo for wees said that they-*y ‘“strongly; Ed Bangs, head of the U.S.J.S. Fish wolves, normzmally calls Lamar comt ime out of an intensive pro-pi • tiie phone, but Meanrans attem pted to „ ere was some generally goodd agree” that livestocl.ock grazing' and Wildlife Ser%’ice wolfIf recov-r Valley in Yello\ilow stone home. g ram a m wiUi the tools that are nec-ni pull it away from herier. whidi caused ! for the sheep ranchers in a should be allowed1 oion federal! ety team. Another lone woiwolf was Bangs believejves the wolves may essar sary to protect myself andI notr a scrape undemeadiIdl her right e>-e, -ranging poll conducted lastit lands. spotted in Pelican Valley, bbut 12 be moving noremo than normal to b( be placed in this positiition die coun documentIt s:states. • ner by the Idaho Rangelandd — ------other members of the padlack are , Iwcause of thee drouglit. d R e so)urce u r Commission. IRRCZ Timcs-Ncws corresp{)/sp at CSI, said this wass ththe second ^ e n domestic cattle have I ; care of neighbors or friends, 'e been elk populationn a n d m ore people anetta, who served undeler faded, Panetta said,iidBeM useof year for th e health f alir. ir .'T en to 15 ^ e d and left to rot. Partyty 1hunt- concerned aboibout wildlife and Presidsident Clinton in his-firsrst that lack of will, 1 to call it a community taking; school districts were represented,rep U n ite d f a community, w g and irresponsible, opportiortunis- willing to reponan violadons could term,n, gavej the keynote addresess States again faces <1 and acute care andd lclong-term , 4 c hunters a re being blamed. 5 energy short- -Wg -jj ed. be responsible. T h uirsday rsc at the Frank Churcl■ch ages. e also get a lot of diversity, care facilities were: alITH S REKE N r # Highway Districirict will install the steel posts at ththe four intersec- ji .J s B f f l tions aro u n d the tlic Capitol begin* h » ^ ', iitIi <4T fiwnbrOBli Avt., T>Twin Fill* I S m n . ning as early ass NMonday. . H H | The posts willrill be inserted in HH m metal sleeves I , 'Vf s bored into the H H street surface, ababout 4 feet apart, Wheel Thrown Poioftery by Local PofIO t t e r s They will be reiremovable to allow a _, I m B emergency vehchicles into the UPl)pen every Day Riiiver Road, Bliss 83;53Z-6527 ] Capitol grounds,Is, MI ason said. I Once the post:)sts are installed, U im* . Idaho State Poliolice cars will no ; Clatsop Couniy, Orogon, ShiSheriff John Raichl is taking up to 125 names for an armed civiliancivl force to protect koy siteUo. i„ longer be parkeded in the intersec- i tions and Nation: the county ftom potentialiI teterrorist attacks. Some state:e oofficials have said Raichl’s forctorce may be Illegal. onal Guard troops K will (lot be reqiiquired to guard ■ those points. State facility' officialso: are also f Oregon1 sheriff ttakes nan looking into planlinter-type barriers \ mes for tijat could take theth place of some s _ of Ihe 3,700-pounund Jersey barri- ers that currentlytly form a protec- S s force off armed c V tive bulwark aroiround the.state’s civilian vcolunteen• ^ most historic buildlilding. r “W e’re trying;io to m ak e it a litd e ASTORIA, Ore. (AP)’) - On the ----- ■ Coll'olum bia R iver and th c edgi Jge of less intrusive, a litlittle, less barrier- wall beliind Sheriff Jnhnhn R: aichl’s , . h e Pacific. OPEN HOUSEk desk is ll curhinc that wasvas carried t t S d■i hioffm /f/iiiig.' looking,” Masonn said.s “The idea Among those who have alreready is to protect theJ facilityfa but with- by ;i nm m ber of a civiliaiilian beach sign ;igned up for Raichl’s defefense • out making it lookok ugly." ; piiin'ldurinR Worid War]arll.wlien _r orce is d entist Philip Bales. ■ some exptictcd the Japaiipanese on - Philip Ualcs, on Mark Snider, spokesmans for Satiurday “It’s a logical thing" after Si Sept. Gov. Dirk Kemptlpthome, said the M : Orenoii's shores on the firfirst toBsy______armed:d civilian patrols ' ii.s1. said th e 49-vear-old Bales. Sl-—------cbanges-ari!-partart-of-the-gover------r-l-1 - ~ ^ “Raichl’s Ri wants to have - e his nor’s overall Stateatehouse security _ ^ovember-M-7-tb^20i001- Six decadcs later. Raidaiclil p la n s ~ defelefense force put together to put together a vohintciiteer force Raichl is pt by plan, which h e initinitiated Nov. 1. I A proposing a force of Deci)ecember. He’s alreadv nanQtne.(l ------JiThi(^is-not-a-cl ------<.f-iiinied-civiliiins-t«-coi lariinvho wouiu patrol Bale i-change-in*direo------l - V P x R l i r - tales to be head of w hat Raitaichl lion or. philo.sophythy," S n id er said, rau^b-8-P. difftrent thrent: terrorists.ists. and guard site:ites thouglit lo be ml- callsalls the “Astoria garrison,” i one “This is just softeiftening the look Armed with their ownkH Ihunting nerablc. offi\ f five he envisions. and advancing th weapons - easily done in a runil The force! wouldw be in addition “H the plan. It was “He asked me to help becacause never anticipatedd tthat the Jersey county where deer and1 elkel hunt- to an alread;ady existing unit of 1 haveha' not done anything b b ad, barriers would be permanent”r inn border tin a sacred riterite-Ihey armed civilianian resen-es who hel|) nd and he wants responsible p peo* Mason said hele did not know j M would w atch over Clatsopiop C ounty out the CIat.sol.sop Counry S h eriffs pie,"le,” Bales said. how much the chan;anges would cost. bridges, power lines, ga;gas lines. Department,It. T h at re se rv e u n it Bales Ba favors a shotgun. He n ; also Ada County Hip-lighway District BH fuel dnmps and other potentialpti gets almut 400100 hours of training - hasas al concealed weapons perr lys •np't, spoke.sman Briann IHarris said the 199 terrorist targets. Ihe same giverI’en a regular deputy. andnd says; th at others with simi tTnlar district has spentI 526,000S in man* "The N orthw est may,• never nt be Raichl sayslys he doesn’t expect permermits miglit be a good place cc to power and equipnipment so far in a target, Init there is no assess- the new unitt toti be the last line of start:art lo o king fo r d e fe n se foi 'orce making the .securilirity upgrades at I ment out there that says■s s(so," says defense, butI totc carry communica- memlembers. ■ the Capitol. Harrirris expects the Raiclil, who's been repeatieatedly re- tions equipmpment that will let “T " Bi “They have already gono n e d istrict will sppn>tid.abouuS50 000— _ ------:------them-olert-nt-nuthorrries'ttraiij’:------throiirouglrb'acTt^ound ctiecks,”' '•’’"Jie ^by th e end of thee month.n District Since Raichl propose'd.•d ithe vol- thing they >eesee that is suspicious, said,lid. officials do not piplan to recoup iinteer force, about 3.“;3.=; p; e o p le then withdrawaw. V Vo olunteers w ould have to be on Wednesdadays have called him asking; to be p ut “WeVenot t be at costs from the state,Ite. )t trying to train these least:ast 21 years old, have militiItary “My understan on his list, He wants to .*sign up people for ent anding.is that L & Saturdayays entanglement or con- orr lawla enforcement experieni:nce, there is not a pot 12x frontation. We’re\V not training unde nt of money out idergo a background check: aand there to reimburse Wilh its louK stretcL'tches of them for lawla\ enforcement," knov rse these costs,” now g u n s a fe ty , say s Raic!‘chl, H arris .said. “ We ara re doing these ^ Pacific shoreline nnd;1 is o la te d Raichl said, whoho has1 m ilitary experience fn 30* from tilings in respon.seie ito the request areas, Clatsop Couniy migiitmi, n ot Yet thereis is concern at the offi- servi;rvice in th e A ir F o rce iri t i seem like an obvious ppo o te n tia l cial level and < I th e by th e governor.” id on the street about midid 1970s when he servedd in On Nov. 1, ] I *1 0 "' target for terrorists. putting armedcd people in the "field Asia, Kempthorne ^ sia, occasionally in Vietnam.'• ordered the barrierier placements A columnist for The OreO regonian wiih only a fewew hours of training. Some Soi residents worry that ^ H A I R C UJTS. l new spaper questioned thi It an and the closure: ofoi two streets the need Frederick Carry.C:: 51, of Astoria, armci;med civihan force could a tin ^ 1, tract -immediately adjtcljacent to the with Roni & LaLacy :: to drtim up ‘‘12S iinemj;m p lo y ed said Riiichl’s5 ideaid is a good one - triggtigger-happy people on the po] 5olit- S tateh o u se to protrotect the state deer hiiniers to gu:irlard the if proper tr tn a in in g is g iv e n . icalal fringes. fi But Raichl says he lie is Capitol from an ununspecified ter- Seaside Skeeball arcade.” an “These guyss have1 got to know ont guardgu against white supren' ;ma- rorist threat. HeI alsoal increased Seaside is a tourist townn s2 head of cattle confis y of buyers not to bid. ifiscated credit card to■) purchasep the caitle whomlom disavow federal authori from a Nevada rancher an and sold for SI3,000 TuesdayTi when the overer public lands, were ke| at auction were shipped ed to his Bureau of ^andLai Management behinhind a guarded gate as tl iitictiori business. th e sold thelivestO(itock at auction. The BLMW sales w as conducted Tuesdt “I've probably gotten !)0 Iday !)0 phone cattle were sejzedsei in J u ly from by .sealed,.se; written .bid..The pr calls from people threat pro- e a te n in g Coldfield rancliicher Ben Colvin for tester:■ters. m any of whom belong i m e," M att M orebeck, owi s to Idaho's Windndow Covering Specialisls^ owner of ntinpayment ofof grazing ( Tees. the; Nevada Ni Committee for FuFull B flH ^CLiP COUPON FFOr B IG SAVINGS! '

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EPA: StStandards! may take Medical Center pilotlot who w ns sent to the ota rc w orking m fMvc It. 2 centurie le g afterT Salmon Clinic to0 pickp up a patient, The Federal Aviation AdministrationAdi COEUR ci’ALENE (A(AP) - The d’Alene. radioed about mechachanical problems at 4 hihus concluded its investlgt 1 1 - I bring th e basin u p to standar tlgotion of the U.S. Environmental1 ProtectionPi He saidI hish departm ent is con* “ p.m., Tuesdny and miule mi a precautitmar>’ crcrush sile, nnd ihe remainsiins o f ih o hell* Agency’s proposed ch “The river is a long-term crash landing. He and a mt cleanup of cerned thatlat scores of local offi- lenge len and to be honest with m echanic later agreed copier co liave been released>d tot Bannock’s toxic mining waste is ei th you, he could fly the cm ? envisioned dais and merchantsmt are dead-set we we don’t know how to fuc it criift. but he crashed insurance in adjusier. to address human heal lealth prob- against thele proposed| alternative. said. saii ; 4«ms in five years andnd improve State officiiicinis back a state-run £ Ite environment in 30 ye Even u n d er th e d ean u p p r I years. deanup. ol,a l,: it would still take an a d^t: ^ -•But it would take com S ■ ■ :enturies for At an jstimatedesti cost of $359 300 30C to 500 y ears of natural rt ‘ the entire Coeur d ’Alene : recov* ene River to million, thete proposed] blueprint is ery ery to m eet todny^s w ater qu ; meet water quality ste quality .. standards, just the firstrst step in a S1.3 billion standards, stai he said. • regional cleanup direci•ector M ike cleanup optii ption. But only the first Most A nt the hearing callete d th e Gearheard told localII residentsr phase is curr . I I arrently under consider- proposal pro too expensive, too i during a public hearing 0 inva- ng in Coeur ation, Gearhirheard said. It will not sive, siv< too long and too uncenai IQNjK!S [ y a 0 * % e Moseov/' schs o o l d ist;trict rejects; ttaxmeasui MOSCOW - Patrons i: FINOEIER SNOWBOARDS «, IS in one of pro,programs in the state. ! l l 3 i S S & the state’s least conse nservative W q Participants follow a regi: nnp^SKATEBOBOARDS school districts app Vest In brief J gimen ipparently . ___ •______thathat includes random drug ^weighed in on the stati g te st- ■ " ' lochhD D( ock tate of the ...... ing, polygraph tests and searc i economy by soundly rejectingrej a »mlamg m1 BBoist ior form er U.S. ird\es, among o th er things. •S1.95 million supplememental tax James:s fMcClure has deared IO[j^|Bj|9 te Y o u rCC h h o i c e The L egislature allocated n •levy. the Senate,te, and Idaho’s all- more lhan S1.5 million for expansiciion of T h u r s d a y ’s v o te wwas a 2,156 Republicann ccongressional delega* j m ■ p R S & ^ Jrug courts. Reinhardt said against, or 77 percent, to king for final approvnl ' f i; is CHRISTMAIAS , 10 738 for I'™ lim ed a t saving money, redU' the m easure. before the onI'nd of the session. •. ' S W R A P |00 ?rison crowding and giv “Obviously weve got would nam e the feder- ‘ i,i g o tte n th e iddicts a chance to rid thI s . •40Sq.FI.Polllolls 3 1 0 0 message that we need:d t to m ak e buildm gB oon Fort Street “The Li.. lelves of d rug use. p r some spending cuts, andmd we will James A.. M] cC lu re F e d e r a l ' m Nuxoll said 49 slots williJ i b e y°‘'rCho.to/co I do that,” Moscow Schoolool District Building and ar United States ivailable and participation • Superintendent Ed FiskFis said. Courthouse."J." It IS expected to be n will iverage about o ne year. : “My hope would b e thutitifwecan il on the Hou«)use floor later this jj The annual cost of keeping ; make some cuts that the people month, ng an nm ate in Idaiio’s prison systei would be agreeable to j a lo w er “J'm McCIiClure is a true states- tem is P l bout 520,000. The cost of RUBBERMAID am ount." man and wawas one of the most ,ir„, if th e . Irug court program each y EZ T O P S C A N D Y ■ l IB • Fisk said trustees woulould study effective, conrompetent and honest year .ill be about S4,000 per pan • Largo Auoilmont C A N E W k , ” : th e re s u lts a n d ta lk wiiwith resi- legislators thetht state of Idaho has ant. T he court \vill target fei : dents in the communityity th a t is ever had,’’ thethi congressional del- {jL„ CANDLE rug and drunken-driving ease . ; home to the Universityy oof Idaho egation saidJ irin a statem ent issued c j ises. ' t c | | B W B | l " " KYour Choice ^ Each defendant will ; before deciding whetherier to pro- Friday. “Ourur state is deariy bet- recii equired to work, attend ssub- ; pose the levy again. Iff nnot, pro- «er off todayjy because of I,i., ser- tance abuse and other clas;isses, __ — .grams.ond-cvcn-jobs couldaild'be lost------vlce-and-ihishis-legiKlation-js-one------and n d'p ' ay th e court S300 a moi s ^ o o ^ !;in th e d istrict that serve;•ves about "ay to honor lonth or his contributions to fo) hehelp cover costs. ^2.600 students. Idaho.” ------:------M c C lu re;- -r r e ri re d~f rtrm -t Ire— G ra t iranado^to^t^d'trialln .’Middleton voters suppip p o rt S e n a te in 191991. He served 18 . In ^ ;tH o fA 9 f y ears in the! SenateS( and six in the ®Str ; school levy after first>t a( e r e a t stranged girlfriend's dealath m 1967 to 1973. He ID A H O F A L L S r A m P . M ID D L E T O N P man OREY POOUPON Patrons also served sixsix years in th e Idaho accu;:cused of killing his estrang rapproved a SI0.2 millioi "Boil H O N I liun bon d Senate', girlfrrlfriend before leading authi S T A R IIG3 H H T :levy, clearing the way for m ajo r t a r d liesBS tot h e r body will stand tri^S o n “ I ? " •additions across the fast-g C A N D Y MillNTS i r st-erowing New prograr Second-degree m urder chargc ►school district. rara for addicts ““ o ge. Squooio £ n | j M j r a Bonneville County Maglstn . , i b Kt.Pkg. ‘PK, *. Thursday’s vote was thehe second S ta rtS ill HOr trate lorth-central Idaho l, Mark Riddoch on Thursd 1 Jtry this year. The d district OROFINO0 •- A new so-called orde•dered 27*year-old Jose ; attem pted a S9.25 m illion I )n bond in drug court in the 2nd Judicial • Granranados to stand trial in t ■ 1 >May but fell 46 votes short $ S i( ! p lort of the District meanans addicts have an Sept.}pt. 14 d e a th of M ona G an jrequired two-thirds majorii ircia ■ • ority. alternativeB to prison time, Ochochoa. If convicted, Granadados H J, , L S.up.crintendenUlidi-BaiBausdiec, ------althougli-they-ey-shouid-notn'TCTv-it------could 1,5 :who took tJie job after th luld-spendihG-Tesrofliinirefe"in • th e first as a “hug-a-thu:hug” program. Judge prisoiison. 'I ‘defeat, blamed low voter t WHILE SUPPLIES U S t it turnout George ReinhajhardtlUsays. Idaho Ida Falls Police Detecti M ;for that loss. Almost tw :tive. . ^ “ twice as And those5 individualsir must be Jimm HoffmanI testified Granad J .‘many voters cast ballot ados |4|||i|k S T O R E H O U R Si: : ^9-9 MON. - SAT. • Ilots this actual addictsts 1to qualify, said the wemjnt to Ochoa’s home early thattli ii|||||||||j|^ • 10-6 SUN. H J ^time, and 73 percent backicked the court’s newlyly hired1 coordinator, d ay. THROUOHOUT

I f P p l l i l m i F H o)U D a pp t c i s r " ^ 6 e t m g c . K e lle y/ Garden ( Centte r in v ite si '; you to their• £annual holid£lay open houses e ,

W E S T I l L HMAUETOTAKEI i EOOR FINAL SHIMIPMENTS OF 1 P &i SatuutO ap 2001 H O TSPRING S SPAS,s, BOT WE o oIT r HAVE THE R O O M I! S1 O W E R E iCLOSINS OUT r EVERY 2001 H O T T U B & G A Z: E B 0 i n S T O C K ! Dembet1 16 a 1 7 ,2 0 00 1 I W e've beeren w orking ull year ar to find a unique selections of gifts ffoi o r

your fam il;ily and friend.s to helphc m ake your holi ' 1 ^ iliday shopping easyis y . C o m e jjoin o us for cider and nd cookie.s from 9 a.ma . to 6 p.m . thisJ ______Friday and SSaturday. W e'ILha •tOTdal Um Inuratt BankiPliflnaiiclnB.IoacJ-^ ^ have door.prizes-tooloU Be-sure-to-sign-uiu p .

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i i . : - ; . , . iExms iOl * (208) 734-85 f8 ,* Mon ■ j3pm u UI-(WI.K\I.M ■ P i i k c A - 1 ( I Sutiircirelay, N iivcm hcr 17,7,2(1(11 ______‘I’h c: ''t'inics-N l ' cw .s Can:altemaiitive en

ise en erg y usese can help U I S . X Wishful thirnldng w on’tt

dure loom ingg M ideast ste o r n r i ^ s u p p l y A m eerica’s energy^ n e e d s Ye;sS cIciicyioiuiHvciiiHoiif'lC•lOtnpK w m tldim vo3m llllim liiiiniToh nf 'J’o / Ollcxplnrnilimhin hns essentially AK1.AN1),jn,Ciiiif,-Tiu' WlVii.i .ia m C.C;. oil, mm uilu m mir dally In been bnnncd frorfrom m ore ihan 300 Im p o rts viirilstiiilbs _ lell us iiTiiir lUtiu rtom Ilte Pcrxlim (Uilf, Tb ,,, million onsboruHt o acres of fodornl ttai.'k'idfSi'pt. B u k n s rbUHDHl T A I # tb e i’xpre.'»'(lon A m v R i d I'N o I. 'Inini (icniM, nui aiipm - , •‘J*', discoveries ouisidisido tlio Wesiern liimil herlm fic, The Arctic Mih'Iiik towiird reiiewiil elibur. Cnllfortiln Ii homo to tar tillin’ onen III iilluc leciiiisesotneeiiviriin- ‘" ‘I'L* nnd Centriil Gulfu lf 1of Mexico, '‘• ami r Mil’ll- : ' " wlldllferi-'refuse l( lyiipeii tiHill exnlorutlnn. liitl(«iiii Ciiiriik'iCiCiillforniii. l-'orlWii >.v. Thu House ofif RRoprcsenintlvi's 'liiy.Miii e.su’iitliil role III niajtii'powei'Infriiiiriiciururo, jiicli ik.niilo,, CilltiillfoMiiii bus pnniKited Tbe byilroiiiiwer option [•ecutillvvntedtoiI to permit envlron- W liilfllu-k'dcniU"if iiiiaiks , I »,,,,.III-'’,1‘i w eb nf life, Drillliiii . iisjilpelliiet iiiut refliii’i'le*Ie.s. Ibe alleritiillvecii I cijiili es cnpltiil bivustm enis liiiMi's|iiiiulc(l iKiiniral ciieiKy. Il ulso hns snf- [[’ metilnlly responsiinslblo drilling on iiiiH llllllll if])|)L>rll hjihJtiir viilm 'iiibililynf ililNliifran three In six lim es bibber thnt llliilli'ilmic lIliiMt nrill asiriic- fi’M'dHueiH'fv ('iihfornin "* 2,(«;(?nt'festif(liuthuoil-rk-h Ify-mil- iliedsof iiniituits and pi i ' title was blKhlltibled u few loin'eiulonnl etierny. ii^iiiiiisi piprliiu's und I nv weeks bai mine thanlati 1(10 windmill „ , lion-ucre ArcticcN Ni iH lonnl Wildlife iiMoulieiiii deriiiiKed m u" Hydropower’s fnuiix’lslmpe .sMiiiiii>.iiii llic (lU'Kcri lyliaiiiiiiimtiuntiliiea- ""li'ii iimverfiicllltk'Ilk'S. They pnivlde ti '•) lerlk'd RufuKu.most llkolIkoly Am erica’s fired severnl biillui'iliitn n intid llfl,-IOI)1(1 rmeuaw alls Ilf elec- by *!•'' eiivlrom neiitiilists hecmisi must vnbinbleoll I Iiiiw ivc-'iniwiTimr nmiW lA m .iiiiw ■ .|,|; oil reserve. Olid news h there 1.1 II pipcllni'coiuieclud In t heTriinH- e ' tricltv, compatpiiteil III the siiile's j.ilnms " can lim ni flnrii, fiiuntiu 11 m d Tbe l-:nerny Infi;Inforinniinn tiKiviiiK III llll’ wrntiKill Altiika I’Ipulltic, ri'k'iiftinK fish. lls |iMi|iiiM'(l 1'MVrK.v I lm r“vaysiiieiiliiinceonri'ni'i- iKiivnrly nitiliiiiCniiviuyiiii m iclear plnni, AdmlniiirntrnnesiI o siim ates that lly wltlimii siierlfieinK .MK),l)l)(lmil||ini tif crude oi Ni’verihelL'ss, thu free mnr lic-liii: I'Hiisidcrcil ...... oil nnd wlilcb pnivide■lies J,l(K)im’iiiHviilts, , \ ANWK cntiinliisis!;.7billli)n 5. to lb 'loii,Hj»hiri's. , sbiiltlniidnw n hIiIiiiiil'IU of Is fulr. If nny m eibod of nltert 'V I iH irinvdili It wiiuld tiike.ie.l„l(K) windmills to i-Tiiii- hllliiinlranulsiiriiI l f oil. ANWR oil. nilvihvitlilirnmsklcii' perceni nf tlie miilonS oil i ■ ffec llv e tiie iisn re s. Mil'll II iirotbic* nenei'iiie ibeesliile’sek’i'liiclly. si I Ive enei'nv beciiines priictlciifill could replace SiiiHsiiiidi oil Imports MICllllMil’illlnUlllcAK linn. Naili.ii.il W ilillik' Kclii ivliiKlbeeneluveffiiii'ii- ' WInileneiwI'uv snffei s niitltl])lL‘ nnd ccnnotninil, Anierlcuns^"'111 v fnnilniiist .«)year;ears. Or, ll could rlmnu'Minduilk'e!!, iisc It. In tbe nieiinilm e, we 11 c'lililiiK l'iin(llti){ riirii'M= S . : : s : s S|iei’dliluibetrimilllnni» til' dKiidviintiiuei,les. llsKetienilliiii , »L’od repliicelmlfnfwhiwhnt we Import . II 'Itn iiiiiliinul enei'uv use renew i nble uiiurw cnn dnu III l oly on the tried nnd true, i-iicr(t,v rt'st’iU'i'li iiinh'i 'luniiti- cosis tire dimhiiihlelnlrijilellt'iscnr !"; -' from nil of th e I’oPorslnn r G ulf for .Mi rli-iii v prnnniiiiH. hird over Ihe He,'<1 ______cidly.reiliiceouri deiiuiidcn■’Hi'eiili______uuiuiiiliuuaLeiLeuLi'ny^il-j»u(uiiv*i7------Jm.'lm|ln(>iill.^ ______- savinii, in ii nIiikIc yeiir, inijitiiieil 1 Till.ik’creiiu' pnu A'merlcn nrnbnhly hns mnri lU'iliK'Inu Dili' [li-iiiiiii; = s - ^ S i ileiilliil mli'iliiiiiiii liverk'ei line wind speeds, . ' Yel.SeiiiUeMnJMnjorlty Louder I'liiiiiiinil Ilf nil iiViiilable ■ ------iinniiiilctUiiUx-ttirialiil; Ierrorisi liiiKelHiind proleiecKmr aml.beimiscwcivliidstireiinpie- llitin 110 billion hnrrels of retetov- 'i'„m Daschle, D-S.l)S .l).. won'l ivtle rel'uKi', • imliiiiil i re.iinircei. Iihletid' etiihle'ull l eserve.s. 1-ull expic! iil)liiii w I'lin'iE < B L J X i s d of cut- dlcttiblc.iittl]iiilimmmuui-biLiimud ----- _____sdiodulo^wutMinwin-tbe-lbmse-blll----- W t('|iiiii liy iltl' lllllllll Unit I spciiillnuoii reiiewiibli iliiii wmiiii nol m nkeiluT u.S. »vayhii'nfrR>'liuli.-iiftii ble Intimicbik'iiitinitmil. Ti'irbhiu bliidus ■ bccuiise, he snys,,'s, llIbe Sonnie Is •riK'dScieiiilslsiiKoniii. i ______llitLmiauiLfuiUhhax rc'M'arcIi mill drilling tii'ecltclniii kill birds. TheR’CnIohlsllliirci'slI- < i'iiei|(ylndet)eiideiil,hiit It wiiuldwi ion bii.sy wilh otiieither things, bill we l ill) ineel Jl) |iei ; | imike iisli'ssviihieriibloto Aiiii-ik.i lliis, Iiy Ik’sI f ‘ pliiccs.ninelei'lednrficliiblls unties lllltl irj(rjUiimvnlofnur The tim e for e.xce x c iiso s-e sn t’cltil- ittriitilliin'scleilrii'lly •' ' Middle I'jistern illslnhlllly. DlllV.i |ll-| l'l'lll I lf llll'w< slimi.ld move Ihe lliilli’d SliSillies' ntitlon'.seli'elrl■irliilym’relohe . ly dubious o n ei s - - I 1' s pnst. lt Is ' =S? i s llliln Jll yenrs iisliiKti iiw i ayri iimfosHlI fuels andd nenci iiU’d by lliifiiiiniiiilely, fedenil Iniul 11'MTvi‘s. Anti llll' llllllll vwindniiiver, ^ ” ‘1 lim ew eijiilt iryhif;ying to wish our ' ificiU'W itlilei.'iieiny • | si'iii in Ih f All-Ik-wlhlll -SS: inwiinls ek'iin, reitcw nblei; sninre.s NKI),I){|{) lib dsk Wlllllll\\ In. kllliul ™itvtdlnlileronillmid Hiisexpk wnyiiuloftk'pentli.■ntlencoiin • mill eiii'iuy-siivliiK men- ♦ Isiiiily ll liny rnii'tiiitiii: ♦»r eiieiuv. iiiiiiuiilly. nitliin III Ihe Western United'(I Mldensl oil nndI stnstnriod doing iK Wlllllll siive In Jl) yenrs U..S, Ci'Dliinii'iilSiiiv'i-y ------I'lveiilbeAtiiAiiiiTlnm Wliiil Stales - w here (j7 iiercetil of' ttl'L' siiniclbliiKiiboiiiII ll.It ; lliiin I’tin lii'i'iislly tiiken tliiil llii'i t' is iiiily 11 siM Willittni C.O. //iinM/.

— b ]r E T T m S "5 ------

oromalns — and sacrifices in snfeKtinrdlnrdbig all Cod hns Holloway delensorcspiiriM's ri III rnv iclft-r blessed us with thnl hnve eensureil that which 1 si.iii'd "fiu N" my children cnn pursue' AAn m ericn’s Tliis is In iiiiHwi'i rrs| ------y'sfiiial.ii’i'iili'nl, . pnmil.seimdiluilmynewll!W lllllo grand- olA uu. 10. i'ddl.inivhiml M lic llc'ul Kelly tlnii^bter cnn live nnd urnwrow ill freedom . j liliiMil I'lrlii Hiillnwiiy'slnnvliere, evni In lui If Bush refdli d l y \ \ S | We owe them a tiohl 01^1111grnlliudo, God' I Till' inii-,1 iru]iiii lililliilel’oikvO I friu'i Sid v/ants to Cut ■ M hlu.ii you, nnd Cod blos.is AAi m erica. Jidvvmdh. TJii'iflsiiiUvl W ILLIAM I.()CKI:R •lur Ilic Ciiiidlnj! “ binliflden'istnm i a v B j N H ; lltishmicrs. fdaliri Sliilc"I lllltl MtticH ICrin Fllor Hdwiirds, iiwii icjm rl or ifiiMcr/'Tht- video, fl h e W™ Cduiiiy '*li(!riff ii'priri iti ilm iic i, iltiiWH c iiri A n e e d s I s t o j Values oppose Plannedled Parentttood wii'i"triu'c'Iiiijt iiiiit'lifa'^'•itiiK'mid e v e n i I ' if yiiii wiiii’li nil -IK inliui Wc w rile wllh doop regrc.'grot ovor tho dcclsloji of I'lnnnod I’nrontlontboodlnmnve iriivflliiK.sliivviT, llioiL'cil iii "Hi ividk 11 m ile ® L ~ . to Twin Falls. O ur fnmllyy vivnluos aro In Tiisici ihllll Mrln, a'v'’Vourliiishiind ■ Yiiinilsii <*iiiU'{l I iiL'ci dircct (mposlilon nfwhattl tb lso n llty . Iflii'citii'l la k e It, 1 : stands for. Nnl nnly arc wo o< pposed to It) iiiiiiiliL'r iiiiin't ihni'i.'eldv I didn't L'hoiiiu ' c lunf llin [inifi'tilim . Ifl this innnoy-maklnK m achlnihino of th e abor* Ul your litubiind CDII- tion Indtistry bul wo nlso:) oppo.ieop teaching llU L'hllllHI' fit'ld'ce, flonorailons that jioople do n1 ot have tbe III I'lie II (liiUKlili'r. Iiiil.v111 nut liiivlnKoinirol. trlliiiii'd 10 ihiit cholcL-. ahllliy tn cxerclsc solf-contrintrol. '>i'ilien -ihy have I Sincoiho 19GOs nnd the10 dawd ning o fthe AsfDryouriiuihiind;i.^lncetiiu (iccldent <'*■ '.vlicri.' II •likic — ago of nnlflclnl birth controitro ls n n d nbortl'' opjifd In mifer fnclonis, wo ns n .society itnvhnvo bocomo M-eii lliree occiwlon^ [in'sin He could iitive wlii;n Iruck* w ere itopi) ovor more mnterlallstic und nnlmallstic, :k before the off ‘ Wo kill our yinmg fur solf-sc l»liicfi. jw lc e o n n u n iiii' If-scrvlng Ideals river 10 mnvu (in and.irciil sexuality, a gifti Infn»m Cod, as a iileiliomoniiieiniCKl)• il infer place iiwiiy i.iinporjinKcdilic'drlvc solf-plonsuro plnyground,1, WomenW aro . down ihu fruL'wiiy to n i dcm oanod In pornournphyh y fof r self-grutlfi* JCHilKMlieliifiKei ii cntion hy Indlvldunis wlio0 nronr tn u ^ t l h l s .from lliu (III nimp. exNli, Ihe lncretf.e(r Tlim- I-t II fiiLior hfciii "so-cnllod ronllty" Insteadid 0of Iho Ideal pf :ldL'nt.Aa‘nrdhiKii) Cod’s true will. diinKL-roii»*il(iiiiili)nL')il<'criiKe inifflc itop proliiiliility of iin iil'L’I(Il' Popo Foul Iho VI, in 1968,968, wrpto n n -' ei. Yourliu-ibiuul /M A P a u U B S encyclical llllod "HumnnuoluoVliao," l.t.HiibHlorni.aiiiivcrii ( P i ^ h m * h I, ' a which\ outlined tho ovlls thni inkc^ niinuies, thnt wo conterld If) ((I ir» *iiy In yiili, v<"i there wllhI today duo tu tho scxtinl wiHtliurc'for'IHpIim, ftinl licenses that IUI title III th e TiitirA- . aro In opposition with thee totouching of Ml, .[fjjoliiiMifi, I^iiy 'Il'l Kiive Iheir support for m y flflmt luiior, llvoionthojB firnund. It wni Amorlcims ,lu iiild n n i -kiiii.' win s, aspects of Oiir socleidoty, wo'ro slllln Christ.I Iio foresaw thnt pub]}ubllc nutnurltlos ‘ w creiiiluT fiitfor'*, bul i (JMiNNHCHUrrK who, nfter HtSopt. Jl,KJivehundre(Nofm cvi'iiiihiivesiiiii', fmll' hlos.iodnitdfnriunnmniomition, who i cnro little fnr iho preco]ecopis of moral AViL'jr'llmli 0(1 w ordi, h (kiodhiK ilonn In montinoy, siipnilci iind mnii-hnuri A’linli'loidlliin >.i,irl' irs Aniorlcn'.i prnnilnniseis II bcncon for m il' law I peso a groat danger totu h um an life iht'if,Tlic' fiiti Null i!vi' tonldthMAoii ifovcrblitl Wl lorrlhly effecled by ibo0 llonmrfnind tho wotworld. Am orlcn's froo* whon\ given the power to Inti Iind finioht-'i..Sid Kdwiiti Intorvono Iri Torrorrorlsm can't destroy AAmericait bruiiiiityoftif torrorlim. llut thon, 1 oxpcdivcl dnm s nIlow Kronino*inoiitnrlsofromohscu- God's ( procreative design. t'd llic jtv rn fs - Ihc prnv I. iiMiii, I dldiiT VVI jll* Dcipiit' U( the ininmii nf Ihe Soplepiom her in In extniordlm iry nltuiitions11s rliy. Amerlcn'soppi)PPDriimlilo.inlluw tho Wo us a nation musi got 01 drnvnihuliill }ton bendod MiiieiolirinMHrin ,iiu,(iliicki, Amorlcii li aHII AmcrlL'ii■Icii. Tlinl'* i»m ritoieooiorcllniiry Amorlcims rl.ilngi^tn k poorest lo rls o tn ppro.ipority, ri Ii's for this kneo\ to ask God’s forglvenofi Sucniiilly. Mi.joliiiMri m oss nnd prny iju I wtoie it to j„,t„iiciinw no terrorU t. In word o r iiictlnn, Amorlcii llint s^ mnt'mmy-ofnllsklncolors, also t! that onilties such us PlaP lanned ^ ihv fIrit li'M ur or diUdii »riHillcviind If, try tinin ndestroy oiir inlrit of frecdo/r u, I know thnt ovon wllh Ibo10 oihnlc bnckuroimdsids imd rollfilons-hnvo Parenthood I will coaso tu oxii ' liiick, I'lti linl thill Miiii'u. exist In our ’ VI n»i one elwi [(,«.% liinKo (he fiici thnt Amorlcii Sl'imntll lil. ji»w«wdl“jf ( pntrloiUm iind ovonvholni'lm- fonght nnd (ilcd, It’sIt's for this Amorlcn Ihal communlilos. c point ritit 11 fiiiili In IHI'i iMlinlliinliiiiition. rrinatna llhortv, opimriiiniiy nnd p r t for I’rcildont Hush, Amorlci'Icn lih n n k C o d n n d ihthiink ii: our votcrun/ifor jOEANDCHAKLKNKHl!HEHDEK In cliiiiiKif thiit jiolitylijKi/eioSid «) (iiiinmn nny o ilier nntlnn. ISE!:Tlcn In wiiyi not 10 uront. Om3nr JofondlnK. Il'siholroir dodlciitod sorvico T w inFalls iiM»i(;r diiiiK^ilur In :,hi'ihf»iildii

  • I V0.II..I1TO vnllnf( Clarkk Walworth,H Stsvs Crump, David 1 IU fhriw w ho r o id th c w l IdCoDptnndSliillgyRldsnDur.ur, ivho retp o n d ed nnd, By Garry Trtidea 3au M allard FilFillmore By Bruciuce Tinsley D oonesbury W- IHtYHAVB TV COHOJCTAf, w , Momite6^f7yoto(m ^ H t o S i f io > f’ o r - rrv- i^TKAmi.Aoxicmo.en ' ' HR W 3 \ s X IXWi ‘r s u p i / J O 0 iy /^ I TKTfkontf..'IN- MB. te j( pre,BTC.,B(JT n t JJ. (^0A;/r j fKM -ACMAl /Of -ma mv-4 ^ : FfBTTYAKJCM A /tW PML Se Huse '-tftw 'e v \ i a t r t t e H S ! \iMnm'r\\cwnMiN- n c a m n ^ , \ s H jU . m U s AAyy thet official Web site Meanwhile, f the SGth of S7;7 ii u .i. from tlic sun fUior, '.'turers,;!™including the., m anufacfacturer. of,(hese drug r. will be for tbe salvogu si operation. ies ies retriuved from the hullllll has ' '. < . ’ scru p p cd 111 the Norpa 'J ■ pa plant, la > kursk.siriiniinii.ru. been bei identified, prosecutors th c iiortlieni Miirmiiiisl' n sk regh)n, T he Kur.sl'isk will be sunt to the Twelve Tw other bodies D . B row hirig • ''‘A- . Domity I'rline Minlsilister Ilya plant afterr prosecutors[: complete removed rer by divers durlni i . . < . ■: Kluhiinnv said I-ridny. investigationlons Inside Its bull, said operation opc lust year. The plim, which inchi m av dudes cut- 'Kieljanov, whowl is In charge of th e T1 he crew m em ber was id VSUDWEEKKS&BRQU/ _____ ring out thu suhnnirlne’s VNINGi;LtP.' le's reactor, operation.. PI' lan s f(ir ralsinu th e /j,eii_nLEnsiiuUgarJ£edudc fiei ^ievi8-at-^w -:l iRCjrpcctodtirliinnijJiwcoveitlJ^iu} tonvarcl secil.•ction ot the .submarine 2H. 28. from K aluga, ju s t sout BovLTtimciit by the cjnend of the will l)c approved ap latur this Moscow. Mo .^ervingig cHents stateuiitiiUe'alhce 1952,r ; ' - s ' r M a c ^ mliaiTlawmaP i ikers changee constimtio S econd Street ^E st "V1419 WV est Wa^hliigtdi SKOl’Jli, Miicedonhi ula (Ai*) - Ing betweenen government forces etiiethnic Albanian minorit I F a U s „ I D 8 3 3 031 1 Boise, I MncutlotiiaV piirliamciu ID 83 7 0 2 nt adojjteil and etlinlclie Albanian rebels ' gregreater role In tite police, pa cotintlliUloiiiil dinnges oi parlla- /.;.''208“77 3 3 - 7 1 8 0 1 on I'riday ended w ithJa ai n Aug. 13 peace pact ment m e and educational syst'Stem, V *' 2 0 8 -4 229^0905 .. , ((ivltiK mlnnrliy cilinic Al Albanians that calledI forf( the constitutional and expand the official use olofth e -• ' ■ m ure rlftlit!!, unding weeksw of amendment!nts. Macedonian citi- AllAlbanian language. Etl uncLTtHlniy in the tr ithnic ,;•./• Nd:atii t t o m e v ’s / e e s ' c h troubled zens hope thtli eir pas,wge will .-au- AlhAlbanians account for neararly a •!' • • . . :harged unl^B tvllie :ui{ti V6u r cose Unlkun nutlnn. i e . ' ' blli/v tile couountry. thirthird j)f M acedonia’s popula Nearly suvcn months t \CalLTo ts of fight- Key changinges grant the restive ofr»f2mlUIon. 2 today for q.Freele Consultationkl-8^^25-7i[177 P e t ostrich ______e s c a p e s , : e s t o

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    Eflj 1 r a V l i m e s - NX g v s l u $ Q 7 C 5 P c . C a ste r $ C I ( I.com www.maglcvalley.c j i r 5 Pc. Dintnette \ J / ^ ^ D i n e t tte e S e t %J ^ 9 9 -illuilfflllon . News Sports j O g m Community Eve _____ Weather Travel ------R ealE stafe Classified MI d s \ t f ' $> 9 9 9 ^ , 7 Pc. Solid Oalak Dining Set « * 7 P c:. . M ission J Updated daiJ; Tobla & 6 Sld«9 CCffolrt $ 1 4 9 9 ^ | B | l D i n i n s g S et we bring A rv 5,000 visitor!irs a 3 DAYS, 2 NIGHIi r s w o m o r per day! with your newV purchasef over 'S 9 99 & *999** Several Destinations D< to Chihoose From; ------• A N AAHEIM • SAN4 D I E G O f j M • L A S VEGAS V • ST.

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    M o i l i n g 3 iL I N E SrouijiQiKjrri^ a :halk‘‘emijpfoirsix J when quurierbnck Kndid e W n rd )------“ Tlic'lwinsbmi r o i i g h t M ineiers snag sixth !Ihrew Ihrce first-half inIntercep- TitlItle tilts n ■ tions, the commununity straigi'?ht state title Bul the Rufl River di chflmplonihip ? T LohoCltylS ^ together wit ^ 1iiunrly held, keeping the ' ' ’i ' ' ' By Scott ThThompson 10, M ------T ~ And then it took a hit a Duo to no rmicimasNons'domm H iTELLO - Tiiey were ery. ______BobblebeadI doll,s.d' ------I'O C A Tl vill appear in Sunday's ■ robbud. After failiiiK to convert, l|,„(|r«i llio mull! will c. Ci At leastISI that must linvo been [IWO intercepiions inlo scor 7 7 how il fclfelt to Ihe Raft River Miners ^ mnde good on llu cdmpleiing iusi iwo S T ro ju n sI, , who winched the when " liiey dlrect-sniipped t es for 3H yards. | | B Miners pilfer six Trojan to ru n n in g h ack T .J. I‘«rlrk wl ,, "f^W'lPlissosI - a i i iw iin i fn iiii Muckny Ml ^ "W o linvo hihad a lot of success nd sieul awny with their }'threw a jicrfecl strike lo q lie llllll this yuiir," Hmiiphi Coiiiity liglu Slate cliiimph)iishl|>, hack Ryan Pearson for n1 kyiiniI ''"■""‘nn'llif , I’e a rso n snld.Itl. "B ui ih u y w ere twUll iniMOMnM/ria Jtu/ii'Uany,\’\>Sivimtir dow ning; R K afi River 14-0 for ihe louchdown to give the Mit , lA 11-MnnInn s ta te lilie F rid ay nt S-0 ^ lead a fte r u successK■fl l Tw roady for us." Mod^ockoy'i Ryon Donotiuo bilngi ilidown Raft Rivor running bock Cl ’"il Tho Minorsirs w e re iit least as u,i,||, k Choio Erlokion m m antlah Holt Arcnu,na, Ppoint conversion. ihllo fullback Mao Erlokion tilei le Trojans' pnssiiig 91 to cloar tho woy In tho first>t hahalt of tho lA rojans dug iheir Iu jIu The senior ciuurierhackkiionrly '"r iuiitlitittkMiM iiiiim fd T ro l-Mon Milk Bowl champlonihipp jgamo F/Idoy, The Minors wonon thef/sixthti lie M iners in ihe firsi hnlf , had as many yards receivini‘" S “ s ‘i o . P te e s c o 'Ik'im phty il/m k i r M L ' u R o ^ s i ^ SCO FOOTBALL, Pogo 82 itrnljIrolfiht stQto tItIo with o 14-0 viedctory over Ratt River at Holtt Arono.An htmemhtlu.irliilciiiflif t a ^ SU t MajerusJS

    T r iv ia makes returnr< Oi'ivS'noN: ~ h U g ]le s r e t Prior lo Thursdny’s lo: DOU > loss, w hen in d a good oone and (igulnst which tcum ______The A iioclotcd Prossrois __ InviiQtionnl? L ^ “ ‘--Ellis-lKeads-GSHvitlr— T o i a , ; . ...tiruK SALT LAKK CICITY - ll wus double-e-double B S W w vnJ> ]______bus iness I'is usunuml I wllh Rick ■ oil Miijerus hack'oniH tlii ie sideline, as T o d a y ’s s(;i II'I).'IV ir i; By Kevin Holi Chris Hurgess scoretored 20 poinis lit TImct-News» wWfltor______Utah's 74-55 seasonisoii'ojieiilng vic- College basketball lory over Sl, l-'runi'uni'ls on Friday K&T SlccI Toumumcnl FALLS - Unring .its niglu. • I teeth, the College of M idland, Tcxa» V5, Schi Nick Jacolisen,n, lastI seaso n ’s 3CHw)lcraft, S o uthern Idaho Idu men's bii5keibull Mich., 6 p.m. Mouniain Wesi freshiniin fres of the „ tuum chompinped down on Midland yenr, hit 4-of-5 women's college basilasketball InvitailonulII ant CSI. u p t o a ti l p . had little trou­ Cuspcr Pizzu Ilu( CluClusjic, 111 „ The winI cicame a day ufier the UL M ldlanct’s'R am on ble ivilh Ihe . Cuspcr, Wyo, Golden Englngles d ropped a 9H-95 Stowort of tho bal NAIA-inenilier CSI v.s. Rocky MounuilIlain IV. 4 J"-’’" "v erlerlime to Schoolcraft l-'ighting Salnis ______C dlleHc. snn;tnU’nlniuliL*in22:gum e______linll------IS ------Righ school (ootballII ~ lio m e winnlnjilngslrenk. ol Friday ll didn'i lake " The Ocelrelots (4-0) remained £omo..Tho Eagles long for lliu tal­ 2A Championship,>, utti Moll unbeaten dodowning Hngersiown KL J [i'll Arcnu won 77-66, e n i g a p C o m m u n ityty College 90-84 in helween the • Clcniis F e rry vs. Kiim nminh, 10 Fridays earlyrly game. lirogranis lo a.m. C Sl closeses out tile tournament appear, tJliih High school girls basiasketball tonigiu nwirainst the Hawks after Rich Mojorui h hll u llt a 22-<) H agerm an nt Shoshono,ino,sp.m , I m eels Midland, n v / leadlei through ■ Buhl a t A m erican FaUs, ar from u perfect niglit, m the first y.5 mlnuie!Ules und leii 4l- ‘B urley at Bonnevillo, 6 f .h?G o“t e1 Eagles managed the f - 2f) at halftim e, ihoujliough till! Salnis ' Jerom e at Bluckfoot, 6 p ng 40 percent for the whlitled the margin'gin iloivn ivitli a ' . n/rfi nm game on 244 oft: 60 from the field. few riuis. Twin Falls a t Higliland,Id, >6 p.m. C SI forced 26' Skyline at M inico, 1 p.m 26’Chaparral turnovers Nick Cardone scon•cored IH lo lead a n d m ad e 15 Hoiuen Invitational 15 steals, four by Tlm St. Francis w hileL- liiUol) .Sl, l.L-ger Elli.s. Castleford, Butte Co., had Ifi iinii M ike HimShaimiin 11. Ellls lod a ■ • J K - f c l Co. ot H ansen, 6 p.m. 1 all players with 21 . Uiali Improved lo10 :12-1 In ojieii- ■ points andI H 10"rebourias. Ricky ers under Miijenis.IIS. ILast season, “ Clemons addeIded 17 pointsand five H M f ' - " j K lie m ad e it 1 M wilh wil a victory I n briic I' assists despiipile giving up seven over Idaho Slnle, thenihei lefl for six turnovers, M . weeks lo rehahililalilale II sliMv’-lo- fitr A fter a colculd first half that saw liealsnrgltallyrepairilaired knee, Lady Eagles rally•ly CSI shoot Justust 33.3 percent (11 of Me ended up inlsslilssing llie rest files hit 48 percent in of tile season wiilih o ollu-r iiealth for win over Casfioper the flnur20mI m inutes. By compari- prolilenis and illsI niollier'snn can- • ■ C A S P E R , W yo. - Melanie M. Midland:d finLshedi nt 4L7 per- cer, Iiul M ajerus looflooked like his Croser scored 13 pointsIS tto lead cent for the:: pg m e (25 of 60) and i old self for ihis.yeiiy e a r's ojiL-ner. four College of SouthernL'rn Idaho was outrebounluniied by CSI 43-35. riglu down to ihe ivhllvhite swealer. women’s basketball phiyihiyers in Though pletileased with ihe effort, Majerus SL’hediiledled St, I-'ranci,s, double figures as the:• GoldenG CSI coucii GuyGi Beach said the a school In Jollei,I, IIIII., hecause Eagles defeated CasperT CCollege team needss tot do a better Job I coach I'al Sullivanvan is an old 61-57 Friday at tne! CasperC defensively, frierul, . College Pizza H ut Invitaiionlional. “ W e h a d to to go to matchup in I Tiiey niel in lliele l'J7(lsI al Al The Eagles trailed 30-21^21 at the order to getit it done," I h e said. “ Wc I McGuire's ciiinp at i'Mari|iielle. half, but rebounded to0 tiet the weren't veryry good man-to-man I Sullivan is enlerlnglg In'.li 2(.ih M-a- score at 42*42 i)cforer movingm again. Our matnatchup wived us a lit- I son as couch at Sl. l-'ral-'rani'js, wliei e uliead for good. Croser seallealedihe tie b it toniglit.’It.” I he's always run ihehe 'sami- high- ' sam e witn n 1 I------777Z~7~ low niolion (»ffensee liilliat ,\1iiji-nis final seconds. Jodi Reber;w added K & T IrInvitational | uses at Ulali. 12 points, Belinda StubbsfM 1 h a d ll Mrjst of Ihe lim e,% .Majejiis,\I, look and Crystal Hardcastie1 finishedfir itfay's aamoi L ills usual position sian<•landingon ihc n n isn tu CSI 77, MicJIond with 10, one) 66 B sideline wllh his amiirnts fo[d(-d in In the early game. Saltlait Lako Schoolctofl )(3,9(3. Hogorstown 84 R survey the action. Assisiani Ass Dick C o m m u n ity C o lleg e ,def aclil»-vj-ac Itie the team to'play Its 2002 I 'M lclm al Jo rdan mis-Nor-l-spot- 02 h'im e year-end No. 1 ranking, ran lie sdiedule in the Metrodome. ie. WASHING!GTON - Michacl if j (23) col, hli , achieved llii* feat alill 222 in iy74; :Twlns ow ner Cari Pohlati Anoclotcd Prats______ilad also Jordan once! againaj made a shot r shiiholblockoilal — tlie year after coinpiilei was ordered not to sell the iilerimi rank- :he team over Bryon RtRussell Just before ings were inlrndui e«i.d. unless the new owner agrc the basket by SYDIr'DNliY. Aiislralln - Lleyton ;grees to time expired•d - U f t'J Hewitt is the firstrsl Aussie to have th e team play Ils 20021 utiUtah's Kart Hewittfill is rjow No. 1, liie youngest 02 home on the she . hold the No, I rankiim schedule in the bailpark. >|>0 > More NBA k J MlMalono (32) dur- nian ti king and only clock, not 'h th e I Ihe I2lii jilayer overa'erall. This Is The decision by Henn InjIlioM eoril rnnepln game clod>ck. ' B 4 ■ the fourth straiglit yeara-ar Ihere has County District JudgeJ HarryH vVhon It realla lly ------j U I fi8ii..iiF,ida,in Seymour Crump throws Into, D heen a neW No. I, a firsifii for llie m a tte re d , Jordz tion last week’s vote by bas rdan w ent O-for-3 for wbWaiMatlon, Tht „|d Aii‘ I A 'll'. , h e » c o n ^im ,e In a row. Jazz wont on to heat co I Kiierten, riie defendending chain- ow n ers to eliminate twoo rrmajor Jordan had i Ic a j^ teams next season. d Ihe best game of ' wirwin 101-9S. ')t { t] pion at tlie Masterilers, losi 10 his sccond com , ^fu!lrtorvonPaff:BS. 3meback, scoring 44 H afier U Vevgeny KafelnikovV (>-(}-2. 4 f>. f>-3 p o i n t s o n 17-17-for-33 shooting H V Frl> dow ned himself overcorcoming a deficit for B jjl an d re I Wimbledon, champioipion Goriin Jessica Simons scoretre d 20 (h e sccond tim do il at the ;>ge of 20 and ro„ A ustralian Open. College. ing streak of of Jordan’s NBA seasonison and nis 202nd career 4i40- for-56. do it in Australia is a dream. < M in u te s a f t e r lo sin g lo Please MO HEWflEwirr,PoeoB2 ; r - ” r ...... - ^ —y - - Idttra

    S P O R ' l > j

    V a lke y c r ulis e s p»ast i W (o o d Rl i v e r Fp -S P O R ITS IN BRI]JEF^ Tht TImot-Nawi well, hui we just coiihin’l Butte Countmty 61, Big second half 11lifts Century to sececond title Local sports hnll down inio the |H)Ms.’' POCATELLO - Nick G ------llA Z K L 'fO N - SliJcn liir AIl' x ______^ GuinmorsHirandBurfetrKfrKdlow.skrciim-'" ^ ...... Tho Bulldons’ (0-3^3 ) liii^ '^Castleford136 3 ; ■ Kelso scom i lS|)t»lni!lints und Annie ,„i,j blned for 240 y a rd s on lluhe ground Friday us CenturyturyofPocutello Shoshone on Mondny hefi.•fore Complele ro;rosiills iiniiviilliilile Shmvver 11 ns ^-ilh22sieids. ' cauKht fire in thc secondnd half und downed Lake:e CityC of Coeur elinn to Americnn FiF u lls on HlBh «lrls‘ biiskoi sulrtlul a liiilc .slow," d ’A lene 23-12 fo r th e ststate 4A high school footl:>otball cham pi- h conch Gene Shaw said, Tuesdiiy. onship. reumiiioil iinilofcuji;« l « l I rld n y . Late Resu!ults IwntiiiK WiHiil River •»: our defense suirted fore- The Diumondbucks, 10-2.1( re tu rn e d to H olt AreiArena ihis year em into mistake.s. We Mackay 45,5, Richfield 29 nfter clinchhiK the old A-1 "W c ruMill.v_Kouu ^•1 Division n crow n last fall,fall. - - -KrtttY------M liM t - M A G K A'— Y - SummerFhilllps------— While mlscues marred Humv." Vnlley ctmch I! ed them 45-13 in th e sec' ' id'ihe first half,"Ceiitiiryr putpu together a Cy^> I.rt't T'V, ';i sciiicd 15 nohiihus to lead Mnckny 15-polnt second half to clli siiiil, 'Tlio.v hciU us la ;l third quarters.” :llnch the game, icli (2-J) hosts Rlmiwk on r'lu', past foiil-piaKii'Rued Richfield 4!5-2y. Luke City’s S h au n Chilitilion raced 40 yards for a K we kiifw Illlll llieys; wwere u «™,l .,.^1 a touchdown in n. I,..-,I,.,. InteTliursdnytilyui Miickay. the Timberwolves’ first di tenm sn we w anted ll y- . '»n I'Tr • ' 7 . ; A llesel by 27 drive. Chilton would rush?h f(for 131 yards ;1 Ihls one, We 27 tenm fouls, the intlioKiinie. plnyi’d tiur l>est fir.slr.si hiilf of Ihe Tineis wound(I ,iip i with only three tMmir.OMfrM But Ktitowski answeredL'd wilh 2-yard run for six, f<; M'OMltl." OMfi iinii-i? eliKlble pinyer,ers on the court hy X, followed hy a ’ Hansen 61, conversion, to finib an 8-61-6 edge by hulftime, Diamon V alley (4-H) hnsi..->.110 I*vr,.< ler Kmchdown, IIANSI-N - Till' irniiM.,sen HIkIi "Wecaii'iwiiwill with th ree of our •* I,I* Id The Timherwolve.s, IM VtfflHHMltwH Kiris' hnskelhnll leiim siailarled iis slarlet^ on ihtIhe bench with foul i 1-1, narrowed the gap on a oone yurd run «w«nM IM1(1).n19. • •o-»..'oiw-,hi hy quurterbuck Mull Sterern in the fourih quarter,.•r, butI: the kick V-.. IIUIII.iiii-a own tournnmeiit on a sirniioiiK note. H'onble," Kent-•nt said. "They’re a | I."* I r 'uur,! tVMi V f i l .<7* K'">d hnllcluh." failed. GummersnH’s 29-yi!yard dash wilh 3:24 left sealsealed the deal I downitiK Camus Couniy for Century. /^nierlcai;an Falls S3, . I’riduyniulit. | • ' Richfield (2-12-l)alsosufferedthe . ' Kimberlytly 31 Alicia Stimpson pourei,„l i„ |(! hiss of Kelsevey Firth lo n knee , p o in ts a n d H oiinie l-'re(ie s i o i i le IKume, K enl snid MartialI arts centeter offers morning w k i m biK k K: LY .- Thi! K lm lifrlv | i,j.. Mrlli wouldI b be re-evaulu(ited [workouts added 12 lo lead ihe Hiiski TWIN l-ALLS - Dlversil llrls' Iwiskulhnll iL'iuii S I n ito 1‘w tw eek . sified Martial Arts is .ufferhering G:i5 ii.m. Dietrich 87, Oakley Hansen (.Mi) nieels cnrdio-circuit classes on M '®y '*0 co u U h rtt .1 overcotne a .slow stn ri ( ;s host Twin Fulls ' { Monday, Wednesday andd FiFriday morn- C o u n iy In th e II ings. The format include' ■ Ull' lKICH . Fivee pphiyers fin- nKalnst AmericnnA Falls I'ridnv | rndeniy on Tuesday I les basic kick-boxing withth iiu vuriety of InvilalionnI cluiiiipionship" ir r "low tech:” activities. ished in doiilile'diKlisills in scnriiiK niKhl. fnlllnllltiH lo the Beavers !;.<• I’ '|»I".V' m 6|i.ni7 Classes nre 45 minutes, lljf DieHidi UliiliI «irls'haskct-nil Jl.ThcUua»IId(j«s .scored ju.st elflht NinHnlf.C4*«iCivy|ir :s. For m ore inform ntion or 10 regl.s{or, Ccall 733-H9IO. ball lumn dcfuiiled OaOakley first luilff p poinis bill miinaKed 2.) Sl liritM f l-'riiliiy. Juninr Riiysasa II’nrker fin- in Ihe finalIial IWO (|unrters. cIwTi - S-. )■ f . |i ished wltli .ill [Kiinlss ntnml Sheena “Wc siniiruKKled with oui e n try ‘M.-V- /s-w-'ur*'? ^ TF 1 Legion meets forf first time on MondayIV! llinKluiin added 1')) to lend the pnsses,”‘ KimberlyK coach Dnrlii v TWIN F A L L S -T w in Falalls American Ix'gion bascbiiseball wiil hold n iiie Devils. Dieli-U-hIc h tilso fin- Wttd.sworilinil snld. "We relMmnded cl an orKaniiiniional meeiiiiKMg on Monday at 7 p.m. at Twin Fulls HIkIi School, Room G2. AllMl parents of players intere?crested in pur- licipntinK should p lan on atattending. Webb sspins leacid at LPG^ATourCChampio:unship JI’or more Inform ation, cn:null Dusty T enney at 734-22812288. SURA sponsors rojope and run eventIt Nov.I 25 Wi-.ST 1‘AI.M » i:a ____ i = = : l~ — \V'nuiivlrli,iu_^j,id_und_p^ipeuious-pin ------Run m the ColleKe of Soutiiithern Idaho Expti CenicC-i.ccuiLSuiiday^ _ rnilielyo CTTi’luh’s Gotemhn N posilinns, shiiolinft iin 11-umler 71 Course. to huild II fiiiir'Sii'okee ii'iidli ill the • Jh e event includes an AAmerican West 4-D Barrelrel Race wiih • seasoii.endiiiK T Cainjihell nndnd Smiill, iryhiK to S750 5! added money. Therere will also be over $4001400 in Jone.s Tyco/A D T Kive New Zeahu (‘ltan)|)hinslii|i. ihuid its first vlcio- Leulher L' Products awardelied. There will be severaljral divisions ry in ilie lourni ...... Wellp’ehb hnd a ft- ^ _ i i (i rn u m en t th at w as oloffered in ull UKc cnteKorieses and events. , I first 1953. played shoi a in G6 1 - underler 1.J8 totnl \ jfijjl For more information, cal:all Luna P ark er a t (208) ,‘;3C-53C-2772. rk the best of.thelie d a y - for u IS- Golf llll iiHth e T ru m p . |k under 129 lototal. The Kiwis D I n leernalional r i beKiin the round Big Sky Conferencice suspends refers I'se. nd u stroke hehind 3ree leaders Cnnadi A n tl i k a idu, Sweden and BOZEMAN, M ont. - Thee IBig Sky C onference huss Mispendedsti a . _ Scotland, - — • re Siirenstain, who hli onlsinly one fair- referee for the rem ain d er of liie season for a wronK; caicall that cost ' Id Wiiy throunli lier firstI eiielKhl Imles, Idaho State a touchdown inIn its lo.ss to M ontana Stateate last week- end. niiiile her l.itie hirdie.•onihelHih on ™ Twitty takesi JSenior ■•■n h o le fnr ll 74 a n d was wa III 142. ------PflA-t|uallfylnfIng-tourney----- ^----- jj Jum es Lenau blew an Ini[niulv(.yitm_itliisUL_u£iejLJd rJdahu.Stute _____ ------nlnrTjnvitlrA\TniijrniiFilIiiiiliin. ■ (lelensive end Jared Allelen picked up ti fumbleded snap and CAI.IMI-SA,. CCnlK, - llmviiril rc SiM eiisitirn mil onlv losilo ((round H reiurned it 99 yards. Twitty won the thi Senior PGA on Ihe lend. Iler l)i(holo hreakI ihe W Lenuu’s call, how ever, stuilopped the pluy and Idahoiho S tale was T our's (|iniiifyiiiv'liiK to u rn a m e n i, aw I.I’c;A'l'iiin''s M-ason scoiscorinu over- m awarded the ball on the Moilontana State 43 instead of cgetting the sliooiliiK II 4-unu n d e r GH to Krah loi line suffered :i mnloror sfiback. L _ 3 Kb J touchdown. The Bobcats won!>n 52-13. •one of elKhl fullnil exetnpiions on i She needs lufinisli thevle Week al 7- Conference Commissionerer Doug Fulienon called UU-i 'nau’s mis- iiMiler 2K1. and n touK the 2002 lour, tilltake “a major error.” lUKh course Annlkn Soronironitam, oi Sweden, hiti off ol tho loutth too Friday during tho0 iBOC- IViity, .‘)2, a tbitbree-time winner rniKhi not he ihnt nccoccomm.idat- ’'Inadvenent whistles are•e one of th e e rro rs w e don'l of tho LPOA Tyco/ADT Chflm pionilonihlp oi Trump Intornoilonol QfljiQo on Ihe PGA Tour.ur. finished with a Ti] ion'i tolerate. iiiK. There's no reus*in for them,m,” Fullerton told th e BozenDzeman Daily Club In W eitIt PdimI Beaoli.Tlfl. 1 2 -u n d er 27GG total on the Chronicle, ch Cluimplons Coursiir.se at Ihe PGA of Woods and Duval fal,fall lookidK til)J) I111 more ihiin Mount round, roi shoi a ‘l-iinder OH in ii the Southern Califotfoniia Golf Cluh, yy five back at WorldI CupCi lit llioh e ir W orld C up title aiternaie-shot alti formiit Fridayay nnd He earned S42,00 WTA realigns rankli(Ing system with ATPAl defense. ddrooped n five hehind New I Lurry Ziegler,r. tul 02 the oldest < COTKMUA. Jnpnn - iKL-r t Ik - A niei ST. PETERSBURG, F lu .-'1- The WTA changed its rankii iierlcans. four strokes Zealand's Zei Michiiel CiimphellL>ll nnd pliiyer In liie ficl'ield, shot II 70 lo (0 inking sysiem Woods and David UniJnvni are |,„ck nfter ll lo Bive more weight lo GrandG Slam event.s after r the »»penhiK hesl-hall Dnvid Dn Sninil, finish three strokn'l in 12 po|)oliils and 1)' H udson dowti dov f«jr the foul wiih 41 .seojconds rehoimds to lend ti, who won the A ustraliann anand French ad four Hawks In opiOpens, 4,902 p o in ts to 4,892 ixiints. Ihree assistss an n d tw o w ‘»red 10 foror the Texas school. lo lo K». { T h is lim e. F ills swI'ished h double flKures. 192. Willlums, who played:d inii Just 12 eve rel-iMinds, In a hatihtile most of Ihe nluhi, holh hol foul shots as ihe lead1 «rew^ events hut won Wimbledon1 unda the U.S. Open, ended;d upu; ranked ' ihiithird. '•Kol. Hlack s|K.-aks foror Ihimself," 'lie (loldenMl litieles looked like crept ere buck to M, where it fin- Thfow-lni heach suid, "HewolI theil Sian' ilit-y wereL- readyr to piill awnv . ished, iiin Kdlv Orc'liiird. ii ( loniKhi, lie played re.tlhnily well, I nflera Bohljibbiti nlley-oop lav-iij> "Midland's ” kui ti tiood team it . fnrniitil fnnn llnnaiiflil’if»l^/lKrsU.l"',Mn B e don'l knuw If ii si-tit a memessiiKe m irom Saki-idd IDeni Kiive CSI Ihe r,.i liiey llie; do a H'Jnd job," BeachI •snld, Il'Miiiillii). Uiiili willII makeri llll iiiiorrii’liil Bowl eligibility rulesis change for thisi siseason Tonv (Hrihhiii). I don'li'i Ihink il lead. Blitlilt th e scrappy Cluips "I'm "I'n mil 10(J i)erceni |)leasedII wllli '■l’lli"l'SII".l.iy, INDIANAPOLIS - 'I'he NCle for ihe kmse hull 1 Ixujiixt.m —FootbaH- CompMftDmtt^anijvafid Hire report! Continued (rom Bl fim Kiime tin lhal they scored flrsl carrarrietl the l.all 14 times fornr 65 Knrnc and Imd comonilnued lo per- Wmie. and we cnmle e I:back a((iilnst them ." yard -He[ewitt - — anis for the Tn»jans, whilee i Ihe form so well, Mackickuy resorted to l'enrs(»n picked off thretiree passes Iiow evcr., It didn'l Kct nny bci- restesi iof liie leam had 20 cjirries -•s for the trick plays, sum ill M cK clvcy, lltlnMnoed from 6 l . ' winning the Master; him self, iiicludinK liie onette ilhal set “ - t in t h e sesecond half as the minilin iiv ly a rd rusliinK. I te r s C up in wlio finished hisis Ifjih year of Kafelnlrlnlkov, the Brazilian begann Portugal. Hi.s lo.ss to K up his touchdown. Miners heldI RaflR River to Jusi 10 Mi i» Kafelnikov Mackay iirnior running b hi: ack coacliinu ihe Miner.'lers. drinkinikirig champugnc to m ark thc "O nr linemen did ii hihmVH,il Job of y*"' title of le Krnnnd u» lead the Miners. different iblnK*I aftera Ihc first . "It t where those inierceplion:ions came Miickuy cou:oach Jack McKelvey "VI t was a specinl year,"" 2001. "W e had a half-dwi-n kids whow Kiinie.’' M cKelveyL-y fluid. "A nd a K uertcirtcn suld. "I was ihc niain from .” I'earsJtn siild, Ruld th e M ineIners fell good about camiame and played al a cham n " 1 /1 can com e off' thisthi; higli, I'll mpl- couple of them wortorked." focus»in in all Brazil, all people all (iiiinfi inlo tlio secondd half,hi Ihe H't-'ir / lo slop Rafl River's onshnship level and we had a hi 11 be competitive,” Hewlt:witi said. “It half- Tlie day was non o t a co m p lele th e timi:ime watching. Maybe they Kiift River coactiinu slaffff stresseds: ru n n in « Kamiime after their first doze,ozen who were a liiile spotl y hasn't sunk In yet. Il’sIt’s not every tly ,” loss for the Trolunsins, who collect- were pnproud. They w ere so excitcd the Trojans hud heenI d-yard halflmck pass to fullha f Agassi and R after. !juck , funtMM increastlased his Champions Racc "Al hulfllmc, llie kidssctrm cji e in leam and ...wwc c shul them dfiwn." Rickick Warner lo put the bull II at ______total tto o ;783 wiints w hile K uerten: H ew itt e n te re d the2 AATP l tour at and felt thiil we were forlurrlunatoto FonheKiimcme, the Trojans accu- ihee 2.2 A couple runs liy Donuh' ■hio TIma-Nmt MM-,nl-Caula tponi- (”U

    I f SaturtUy, Novlovember 17. » 0 1 T1ffl«»Niwi,T«n, Twin FelU, Idtho B-3

    Sfp o r t s Prank;?:s and anItics read:h a fe ver By Tim KawakamI rish pitchh before': Lewis-FRahmanibout floors of the* Mandalay Bay hotel 1 tion, either. rau co u s h J . Knight Rlddof NbwbI SorvicoSn in to thhe e early morning hours, horseploy among men. m He thinks too much. th e w e e k lo n g; le;lead-in, appeared So, with hotel securityty on alert, campers; in1 fact,ft I can pictuire him accordiniling to a hotel offidal. Separated by a giant glasass par- to want w bebe anywhere_elsei the.carnps .were place:ed on the having a bal}all rum bling ih ro u g h - til -i LAS VEGAS-It• It’s not quite Tliis1 is a typical boxing conun- sarne floor - an almost tidon th at lo oked like ir hndad been' . except oh a'stagiitage' witR Rahmani j , M uham m ad Ali nnd : 5t unprece-'" the marblea bhallways of the 61st b< id the “Rope-a- drum: MMandalay Bay has three dented circumstance in beamed in froni Haminnibal whose entireru run n of fortune start- ; dope," but iliese ure r in a m ajor floor, Livmr’ ^1 e Ui^IJMJIMJICMJS. VW.FW 76 4^5271* 'Mraacrmiiwi7»na>n»> 7I-7>7M7-JS7 !sW?ftM7 '♦■“^W«W*^S5{$1 National Hocke TELEVISION »«Qcn • . ffi/ilCTi'.'S-;!!? ^~ey League (9-7J78.7WW Frfday’i Women’*I CollegeCo ^ ^ ■ a ^ ? o sp rT i, MThMW 7J74.71.7I.W ern EASTEPNCOn college football,all, (QameOay from Miami ESPN'N ■ 8:30 a .a SST 74•7?»7^W ■ CMrd Muaa- »1, BasketballII DwU^AwiJlSpm*'" Tennis, ATP Maste Dsixn S ; 711 IS tasters Cup ESPN2m 8:303,111. £ ! : S ” 7S4M»7»-na h fiu m Mi|}i]i-ia WMfnjom 511 p n «U »7t7«.7Mn OWXD 1 ) KD] }l^aM»-OMW]l9'lJilVcrr4’! ■' Nrum i-rnIfl I! ? » Cotlegofootball,Iall, Illinois stOhk) State ESPN I 7^7^73.7^-.'n . PJUJWM 4 5 4« 3S Jurats !■! Otrnl'l.fnailf.CM S S l S T s S a S n 'N 10..m. a s r UUifu StKMnat^tliSSnni^r s s z i x i . ^ > I a t »7t.ajrr-w !!oMn|.i.O«-i1? f»TtM Pnwo ' f' « » • Coifege football,ill, MichiganW Stale at Purdue ESPN2N2 10a.m, 7>7>7I-7J-»» aj ’m fmo«»-0f«iM4j(j»iMSUV KS=£™ ,., r W ? f J !l ■ : t-d]]>UM [WiCmuMWiMKfvjMe*!] Ouoi.riM 27 Auto racing, ARC/IRCA RE/MAX Series TNT U im . - p . W L ia ^ T e n n i s ____ a i s s s , ' ! ; - ‘• J J ? Golf. WGC EMCeWorld W( Cup • ABC S S ]^ I s ? 1' J * ” Tour Masters Cup ssn ’'’AQruti SaniU » f f i g College football,ill, hMorrtana at Montana State FSPT'r (»w« HIM ra CM C<»n«oJ SijjSl JJ Jiru»c«lriium }«!«;* Sunt9S,UktnUU Sir>ir rr m STSSL ^ m m o K h>j j m 4 oinmfri«tO.|»m:! V»Cerrt~Mg'W CninaaiOmiciiliim .*!Ti“S ■ College football,III, UNLVU at Air Force FOX 1p.m. Petiy>7i|ir(rr«uM 11i>k 107 ] } H WttTCTlttWTOHa „ WU«9CB IIJ 0 Hw u » Collegefoottsall,ViII. Virginia Tech at Virginia ESPN 'i 1:30 p.m. ^ CM)] IM.Wr>9MM](>v«1.]W HJ D tSSeSwSse^p'fl*'" fbui tOJ? T4 Mr* OWK ■ N« ErTM ] 01 p 1; Golf, LPQA Tyco/4»/AOT Championship ESPN2 w . . Is'*' 5!! 'i 'J2 t-30p.m. , ^ v - J » i i ) ‘ ■ ^V!T n nUIDHCMBmbidoe“ ' College football,II. TETBA ABC • ar-i Ura«.;jiK/t»]4•]»1 n(7.lUtCl| NFL Injury Rep•port SS. !!i!! li 12 Sp.B. SMgi , M. C»v« Ml FTe^ }. 1) iW ^ n«taMU^ H»Mabi*B College (ootball, Mi ibWlk^HMlM. { ’ r i ______iMmbnSSSSSMi I Maryland at N.C. State ESPNI 5:<5.,m. a i s r r^■M_VOT a ol-Iuuidj B«nAJi-l»u>«/riO/'lOWt?i N OroiU ------CoWgo-fwrtlialirFI ; i 1 1 ' SflTunW* ICI iu>ni4 U>c ir>wUnjr«Si77 nrFJoffiii^taoarnofHi cbs “ 8pi USTik.., ithmsi Pfe*v?!3iu*ti/rfi *cuwiltMKA aouiH M.Bcr»k#«w.1.?0«t»« Uin It <^Mnin TkTnavlA U>nu>> A«»?a91S*rtxl44 W,fj«lQW5T«?(»aiEO0eiES- £ !'•!!!■■• ■ Tennis, ATP Masteristers Cup Rnals___ , ___ ESPN2B 8 p.m. ] ! S i s ' OiWit''rHS«iyw.»ertU NBAUaderaI Dr»»i(7U*c*i»n«!J •niaMxmiT SdjM I s 4 ] ;< /arriors WGN 8:30 pm” A U TTORAC^JG O Dn'MltsCiiiun (UllK.anU 73 44 4} '« nrrtirtiK KrjJS KffiS' sr !!iS s T S S S OR-W flRap A 500 Uneup Jl OTAZin M«n e 10] 0 is RADIO SSSSSSi" lyaWOtUMjUcfiei • ivBOuviSi i»V?»n i 101 } IJ ' “ . ' f f l lAijinMxuiTDroT os-u. “T S]^! 0«>9Uuai79HfR>gu . i ’. J L L , W ram'i coins,go kbasketball, ^ U-wiSI 7IC«n<'«'''3 SK ssi'^iis:KKB“' «>.&»«««lU!047iWi , .S IM^ S UuMM7(cnll.J&iiwU mnicevi-ei CSI Vt. Rocky fUtn.Mtn.JV J450AVAM 4 p.m. i«!2SwStFo?i‘\foniB40 ssrii" ;; i s s S s s s s slitfiOBDrai , T)inMter( *r Dsigt.iaex : . i S S U » " ’ " ' l i i!s s SL»,,J, hMnznAjWiraiC«ni[vi»ilMlNTAroV eccn‘ >iM>v,4($T College basketball.)all. CSI vs, Hagerstown CC . 1310AMAM 7;30p.m. mCM< l»7B • s? i: uuiu(oSiH.ut«‘*uu4} : .. S f f i S S S ? Joannuh rr xo„ i NCCM-«e*CDUNC4NnonU Asru.n*MM-1ffM!i ______F»«rriHlAl»nU Jrpw.s.4 e> ni« J J toT>«unSiU.H«)nc"$i4j *-l4ei]lt|i4!i ^ T ; CrK*}9«ticraT«pnw« ij OJDcmrerU.Io.tcn a ' S s H >Wr»i»4l«f»»Qi»TnP»Tnp«air«rav*r Sir >-« ;«ueri (»*ftmi»f>OaAaECl■CeCtn,fj¥ vnan'lSruud H'Km K^M.0*i\Cr*«UinSl» i W a ? a , . sSv»- :ss% ;■ n.FcniHois SsifSs RM te*i).OHWli3T«rt a i i i ^ E rmuawsi?]^^'^ K'lratt ixrcuucri a SccuiMa (W«.C0Tr.i.1Ji4W6 i' ^ • " ‘SSTtMpn PftO^ (Ciw Sff#i 1957. l>mDxQLl(7.C« tV) ProJ-7. Earpo v :S L Pov:jtT (9nran.U«!Mrt)l(V*r.UsrffiM,*”* :jss !iii # l l s hnYMMiAC^cmlXpm i a s s i S S S iESfS”' . SSS5Sff„„ 5W»pn«naj}H>7^•i>7-at4Tcm.i9-i> , » .« ,.» , n»SSS-&tt\Cn»«mr8» , »ior«* « L AUMn r JJ s n I i is tP « n n f9 w . MWm MLM IMOSOO alDIHMmSala.C>*te^KW.It7« f ,„ s r t a i . ' s r ’" NBABoxm S ffi- ii s i natim ; s f f l j sto a a S iip e n 7S*n98,H W W )J U] h«lif«oSi f»0»UMfl Jrm iVmi 0 {ar>t U3(nr«r it^ toLF SISSS55! '*f>»T»aA» 4] B i;j 4«*««1 Utm»( Tl^glMe DouerriLcjcwc " s y r " ? § t ? 0O«M^I0iiM>Win>l0e.7i; W ^ 's T cSSTsS'S^pn'' m ev ------: SSSfflSr^ rm im id->4.wr*. ------ffSfinn, B.to)*,i.pi»/,ciwjis x w - I ' S K • !*T s?SS insM n' Uil,rQM.>UmMca4pnn thriP»w3w5^ a s s s a s s sn(e«l|7J« ? WnUwi ( 41 U 107 I) g . ' s s S S .ROOcrrK MartiKXrnrgnip'rt Sm< Ten 4-K-1]bK-lMI CORnl)7 & I MI 0 I^UTrirv »IM 0 0 Bmn!: M & s Mi.isii[’I UU. Kw*« tmnud IVWL AR I . . O(l«MU0MlC«T(t>T(t«tf»«7Maa S(i9>0^uan>ftSi'poSpSS? ' ^pnce*..Pirdv. Pmc CMmT a s ' ; 3 !i s II; W«M71/ViBnPHTM ■ E g ? I S uUiNrn.Mm «i ^jarrwauiCT*aiCJwanw^ja CorwiPN I r U 7) 99 UJf6«0i« CANUCKSZnZBtUai 64«-i» 4:.(7nu»TPtM,M.r<«>%. r.T», k lU 0 0 t-l AnMa Ccm Ohti Ax*'!e»wv^^ o isitrrrueri^ vkbm i i h “h t e f r ” ” ^ 3 ^ 5 " * ™ “ *strm ai]n Fn(P»w-1.VancoM>.Ca>onB(Vn$crrNnw Fo.liH]U - a i K I II !! 3n.r.Pcr«c iu n SS» MKA.raiafgrgi oJ ii Si laii frtfi-twnVrmp.COMt Vr VtrrS>Vih»inCrwiir, lOnwiW W *-««*UO*ui '** ^ ’*Uj 1 M lo Dl/'JU»1MI-]1 WfWw.Imlag^CrK srBBsiAFi«tM7M UuntM t U 7» [Kg- js S S £rj.td4.B/«0dl S7AR84,K1N( i(Dl01.Wurdi92 CtlMLU t 41 7S s^«T«A Sl M. N Cvsm Air 4s ■ ifo»oiw.«i Mm , j m ■"»“ = , irTjwiinj WtirtUtn 9 W 71 ■ 1fwi»rTUT»>(rM«|^ ^HarnCkm < >JS‘\c n o N . s u«w«i li-iin H, Mjm i»2i im » u tn tm 0 I M ISSi KSBffi"™ fnJPr«...0-»Uanl(.n5l(ttvaUM«M A<'9*C71.) s S S s ; -..1 JunwiMeefW Thfl (5«-$le« irowniWwiiPrf, «u ff»gl»’W*urflW*C .f*^Jrcifc<»i9 i-UdU« r j*j«i I7.J3 m 44. i«}.} J waTu r i S ' ^"'roJ-l,C£Hit«viSe»,)r. \ta ^Mlnnr) i»eu*AnM Fhl#to/d T(Wi3jme)f>(ic(U^CUUt. rtiUftrj J*J- MiujuMUMietnaau Mkcft CU 6uraxi cm> (WMI. wn >«|^)(T«r. CMa:mV<^7» 7 OUmKo* I s s'IrtnCnuiH'iHUn^ ]4»ot T«MV«;4-»n umwien*' , ^i»>’jilto»tMj.ij«-?iu wi^ r jis M n iS'sSS '4-77 “ t H ■ w sri'2.' UCfMWMr^Sl^ rsii):4r«tw. ScOM-Otlii IWa.>Ut4--9n j?SiSl.-vS?«“ 5«i i-fstuwij■3. UvnUHf/iPcrtH , 'N O ^ a ^ e,n^ux»r^ U A.iiiirit/ >Kn 9®’ Cr•^^uu Mi«K>i)i Ivu L cu CWM l>vi Om r. K r jrrxn 4< iCWl n./ASS*, VJ. Jtrt.11.?, B KimiSiwo- fr Cti[»C7*v«n71Cf*»wi5c^4< KftlSI 5«wf«w*»»pr*!».5»w' tS-TJ.iJ? lur^fllonOwovxa I ralMCM•UM^K A«cirOKMi « frwTIWM ' West Coast Hooka)ckey League Pr^cPnaUiitlwartW M lUltr# Ijf wWiriw4r tci IIC«UM»4.R AcMoAnirtont'11'’r.^nl'’'-"0nHcUr><-HM«uBSS!!!iei 6U ?2Jr‘^7 rC i R8 Tnt HM ^tmJiScjnMW](iOn Jr i 4 ^J ? JC? 1 (7.7M]i n»if>ScLeU*:nM I? B « u»^ujurt.rei>j«w«iantrUKM aOOJOAlWfllW WiP. . U«njeiOjrt S l ! ? ” * tA74.lK ekrmeCiiwv^t.Kl■t.Kl Nrtil09,Knlck*S3 H i g h S C H O ODL L P »y. SSi.".”A 'S » t • I s : ^ S V, 9 I* Xi U Ux»tnmk^ri»af SSSi cS n iE ^ m r< Cnma r.*], fvmiUtKfUOt TfmSa^I^ETBaieEii e E a r muni COBTf «.• WWW w S S « . WIORPSOpTSf (M U*awiUW..fto«ljinDmCMiTL’Mwins BAsi^ SSfS£w ;,“i , .lKUi]r<><«77.FM>Tcne’ Scoret fj»t»iCttcni-i«wi^4r»noa ih’ieai^K wmS'pSoSIm . 5 noa«c<»rt«i J j ! ijI] J,M no99J&Ml.DmTm< PMK'aSWS-Aaioji■WI^fc^..,Wo>q K W raissrsi'A iSr K 5 ; a ' ? r ” [J(irt»-)1»M.I ^ 2" 1 5 / u I' ^n s 0*ftYCh*PnwrvS^«™gu;„ SKSBSS 7«rr»aM S( U Trrrtoii »u«n 77 Daac»T^;^4i HB^«n(ifta«4]. Vr»«mVi4Mf4.U>vi»t);4;t IteCUhxfi ■ g M l S S S S ^ s S s s s s s s j zn)'a/i|»>i an r< C^WinciS.WlMwlV AOdCUOUH »9rr«f^w>'««j&’«J Ci^l IT r« M#»iVi(m47.Um ]I Ktm . * '“ c a *^nM9 4d>w«rM4a S5* 14 M F00TB4U lrau.CrMk47 2£^p»M?i2£rpflS'2ry s ' L i ~ . ' S *" XanltiMTf SvyUuwT.;«/vW Trt»uu^lju,0»19 fl_ ^*m*WlU) 67.7117.71.1)9 4 U)tt«u,fWr«ii-fiaii-rtaUU>.u>^c>^ HEEiisEHB"" rtriJfCW.i » t: .] ywomca : n V.rr->s.74,w;^ sss^s 4mMScnnun (AU»74.i<; .} CnATci Fives nun’Aa-W«E-fl.watof, Ratam-Nnf^UlXTrcnnn NnJmy ■ . u>}uai' »7<»74-io .1 Un^ . 17|Mm« WMS<]>s;.i>’HW44[ori fK. iwaS Utr«0»i«» 7>71^7Mt4 E KMar«iranDS-n»vi -iVv^MKOUttUiu Sj.hnjmniiuiiSi lcUbJMrwyn^iSU«iXOi)) SSiSSS lS * £ ? I'n■'Slu t «w.€ftsrrciuwicA5>ATCnWVivr< S U aS/nin 17. PfK-n J-7J 71 Crntxt Tiio^aoU*, fo»Hiri*f^Cgp| >7tu7 ' *°®HOOCT EffliWJRiVn- f MThMter ^ IKCnxi UjnuBMna e»'l I AruWATWlWI^libJnS«9»-x< » Pirijt 7] VainsCUTSAliMCTl*r'* CW>«Utt-/UMlWiCl Ktiraaurav G«j>«r«i 7S in' r i i ” •>_____ wv»»cmr,«ij»v« b UrgBMTiSi 74 MiraS< K r„ ."HSTsI ' UU K Ci« rtoM ^l DC PN Kn£sS5 !sS S s^'Ung. itn [bKnColu n i sci»»h-i*ir 'S - «nia«i..FfWW(S4«MlH Hn^OUnf/ncnb ■AnMgoCMVMU 77 SllbcrhllM) DTLtfLvwnlatipal. 3 m n a n aiiTrib^ 77S Ot nnr ^ S 'J w»rt6»^so»wi/r«Ai/rtUi. fSK«'C»t« •iUni’Ojfr^ atati 1? J*iUrr^^ 7J77 ^ ■ v»A5K«:icr)C*m«is-n. HAr£r»7iCJh/,U0i’ EuaiaS r ii 17 i i;s s IOa ]ti ^ timjUnj 7S7I. ' 74 h Irrui I M alaJOM] Im m i ig anifc^a !^')?^ ' * L*-?f s » » S S l ^ r s ' a s s aicrao, rinliM CtUHUSCnCW-WMiliMJUrUnoUnpinJO i s S S a a S S '•77-1M .13 KwnMir* n«t«9i£>j<7 Www ) 5 0 J7) I» IS SSsi IS a2 Um ' C«nvttUm« ri7>i7»-i!7 .1] KwtwrwonivcunoXinOf.fiMtiDikri TTHAa a u m a 7i Jtawsi ua !2?jSin ->4 VKnaFUDCicnUFftw IcrT-Mn-iM S»>.bHS i«i-m .11 nuPtot i»no4^n^li3l'iMO««T< I ru.i_- SW,XSfEAKt.OJM£MMIS-WMdVC.'., ,.r„ sr •'iiSfi's 4, Thrahtni«.4 SIS’ ;sJ K . . M o . ^laltfying 1 vaimxim u ‘ ’ Tlti*«i»ohMl20,P*M«ll3 1 4 0 W p 17? gnam- • m m i i t m. K UnMSunP-;Mutf.> r a m m n 9 } 1 0 4 ' J i S , i!S R iCMBmOelCU GAVCFu;OS'CtK7iTr«4Urrarll»< f2 kmtxn C ^T^. ItgU ....i. ~Uf Pr-*4>»-.*ii««5STwO37.C«.(iM T* uin " K 2vm . lUKatwwt SAi-atopMSiKruyti'W M rtsSw aM ».s> es u i V»Oirttow«r«jS.i^ft*j M rHITsS s SlJK*** 2 S S ^ . } i 0 ^ in Id « * A .B « « « C ^ » ^'•Sfe'S€:. SSS? 0- ;.i 0 « w 1*7 f e S S s ri& » :s?J" Si £ fflSfflSSK Sffi jS JoS(ni*ilU»3 s s s r . s r fM*7>«-» ! f»a , 22- r^^!?4% ua-ipwr M GIC tTQiUU «m« DnaO*4rfll7» 7»7J«*ai toSS*W*iTV0dN. ■ H JIfg g a i , » : i r I! s , ^n*c*«ii7a) IIM»7i-fK» »wwti***^a*n 4 4 0 W IM lie ’ *fy ,??!* c5^.iiij(o (»77-7&7>« P*CJ-*iwic«JN.»i»»l » “ ss »7|.7I.7KW McBan Ssr ?ISS111 SJ^ST’ I*iu5ffl»ipi!4 !7*73»7WM S*«0eQO5TATt-4(r«riimMTrltoMP WLT*fS » M M .. ■ !3r“*- ii !E F«9GtanP.7l4 I7I>77.7»4MM iW — itflKea«ft t i (Hftfi p fce»i werr* i«wi Pfloe SSST 0^Kff^.ini4 17>7&774MH STC«U-*raia>rit« jUn^reee I J 0 S :O 12 r r rs iS w Bi0Sn*««ir.7l4 I»1»7»7MM ram iw tnw cwCBtfiNmlJM'Om ni Dm 74. Im ot Un lm |M«H LM P«^|V>lIVwl 0tinr*^hnm4*X4 ««w»* ]S cr« f«W£j<*P,7l4 I7>7M»7MW «rniaxataiu>atJW>| kunlM.CmMriM 9AimiMi« arEnk tjj rtrertnaSt UfrMkr.7l< I7V»7>7»..'M amti ss"!i!isiis n-n-ntl^ UTHH-Anutadta-MOM C Ce«roM^IW«Wm}4 !«««., SS- s i ““ ! u firsass" ;7»7^7^7MIS ow nnm aiA ‘' u/<*,r.ilM i’i. Urr.M> M llOaw I4M >crnTaa ] auae aia Coqjcmcntuce )71*7»7HM ncnOo-AmwtMKwr '•oM mmi as»0.9>si 9 v*iornj v*^ 77S.7i»ri4B ROwUtfrKxtatmw Ill, Iddho Saturday, Novembor 17,;.7 ,2 0 0 1

    S p o r t s

    i i im a)is b lo viv s b y CG o n -58 CHAMPAIGN, ni. (AP ^Gook h«d 18 p o iin s a Irohountls, and Rohcrtt AArchibald " sictdL-d 16 points to lea( over Gonzapa 75-58. -ory

    Men’s top 25 point.s, ------j: r Williams hnd 13 fur thehe (1- 0). who were oulrelwundm ded 21-12 ill the first half, but tool:ook advan- tane of ih eir .size in the second ... ■ half by K«i»g to CoiC o o k an d Archibald down low■ againsta( a niiicb sbiirturGoiizaga teamte? . . bad 19) pcpoints for CIonzaHii (0-1), which e er n d e d up ifiMt ijiiirebdiinilinK Illinoisi 38-293i bui . Texas)xas Toch heatl basketball coach:h Bob Knight walks onto tho} courtcoi Friday coniiJiitted 20 turnovers. ifore tho start of the game again:Inst William and Mary In Lubboclibock, Texas. I ■ No. 4 Kentucky 90,, 1 Marshall 73 LI-XINfi'roN, Ky. - Big KnighItin Lubb>bock Bonans scored 22 poin: Marcjiiis Eslill added S m C>oacho w ins debuii|> .school basketball11 seasonS( and a Kentucky beat Marshalllall in the '**' football gam e todayay £against No, 3 consolation ^ame uf theh e N A B C . Oklahoma. Classic. t T exas T ech “Once football seaseason is over, lirik Daniels added 10 iil;.. people a re going toto g-the-first-h«I leliavior policy, F i o n s r s r ? ? MB •ink to nine midway througl '8*' • His final act was gral:grabbing a stu- ) second half, but tbe; GAINESVILLE, Fla. - I cy ' deni who had addresiIressed him by Hasleni .scored 18 points tito help nained in control, .sticking ti his last name. th e; motion m offense and tigh Florida beat Florida Stati He agrled to makeake his return n-to-man defense their nev stay in command of thee b at Tech because of)f a good rela* coachch is teaching, Ijall side of this in state riva’ivalry*- tionsliip with .school)I officialsof - he You The Gators (2-1) wonon th e ir 'ou wouldn’t have known it and Tech AD Geraldlid J M yers have thouglugli, by watching Knight. Hi: fourth straight overo r th e ^ known each other for more than is, t h e i r eoniasa’s Zochch Gourde (32) tries to move aroi iressions primarily camt Seminoles (0-1) in this, around Illinois' Robert Archibaldaid Friday during the first halff olof their game In f'c 30 years - and stronrong support I. w hensn his I group of six lipldoven annual hoops meetingg o n th e Champaign, III. '.'■s. from the communitjn ity . H e a lso — night before the two fo( and1 .seven.se newcomers made mis "s* liked the facility andnd tbe : caliber team s square off acro.ss the ™ 8*r-9sl,oo.noting, Nn. Cincinnati in (hee opener(j for both lakes.es. lo. 1 4 G eorgetow n 108, • of competiiion in the:he Big 12. He in T he Swamp. JtraiaineHaHall led W agner (0-1) team s. T he victory made Knight 1-C [S. iViar signed a five-year contiontract. ______let5_{ with 18 points. larymount 47 ------O k lab o m a-S tatlate-overeame-a ------o na-jo ------U o lv « n -A rrin g to n -le < j-jobforthe-firsttimerH(rlost’^1 "No" zero tolerancece here,”!: read Seminoles witb 11 points or WASHINGTONw , - Miclii:hael 31-point nightI bby Cincinnati debut)uts at Army in 1965 and a sign held by a fan'an w earin g a 11 shooting. No, 1 0 S t. JosephJo ’s 74, swc.weetney had 27 points,?, 14 gu ard Steve Logaigan, who had 25 Indianiianainl971. shin that read “Bobby’jby’s W orld.” e o ' reboiabounds and four blocks to) leadk in the .second halfalf and scored 10 Thehe only disappointment was Princeton 63 G eor ■ There was a contontingent of eorgetown to a season-openJning o f the Bearcat.s’ finalfin; 12 point.s. - • th e cncrowd. There were 10,444 No. 11 Virginia 105, D E R K E 1LE^EV, Calif. - Na’im victt notable fans, includiiuding former • ictory over Division 11! fan ss in ir the 15,050-seat United Crenshaw'scoic o re d a ll 17 o f h is Mlarymount, arj Va. basketball great Johnohn Havlicek, W agner 74 S p irit r i t .Arena, which was full in I? Vo points in thee •sccond half as St. Drew Dr Hall had 17 points n Hampton 77, former college basketiketball coach CHARLOTTESVILLE. •ch for th e news conference Joseph’s rebebounded from a sixix assists,; and Tony Betl A be Lemon.s, horse raciracing trainer Roger Mason Jr. bad 24 ;S No. 19 North CarolinaCj 69. “ ouncinghis hiring, jfeat with a victory addedded 14 points a n d seven assi D. Wayne Lukas andd golferg< Fuz2y atid nine a.ssists in his firstirs[ came *'■“ '‘'"8 '‘“fc ssists C H A PEL HILLLL, N .C .- A 31- Techech would’ve had a full hotise I in m in i I’nncclon,on. foir r th tl e Hoyas. ^ Zoeller. a.s No. II Virginia’s fill-in point exhibition Io.ssIo; was nothing h a d the th game been part of its ;s’ prom ising season Terry Tei Hoffman led Marymoi T here also w ere som e low-pro- gtiard, and Chris Wilyilliams started on a lount com pared to thisifo fn r No. 19 North , seasoson n ticket package, which a sour note when withith 11 p o in ts , a n d Dalialias Carolina, file guests such ass Jo h n R yan, scored 26 as the Cavalienlers b eat sold: out. ou Instead. Knight’s'first Wagner, Eastern Washington Crawrawley added 10 points and who hired Knigiu att ImIndiana, and d six T o m m y A damims : .scored 20 two gamgar es - Friday and tonight - Mason, moved from she 58-67 on Thursday reboiibounds. points for Hamptoi ■ packs of Indiana fans]hs who liave iton. and tbe Tar were2 solds( separately and called guard when e.vpected stsnJ e? nigln in llic! ti first round of the HeeI.s were baited transferred their loyallyalty to Tech led into missing ti,e RedRei Raider Classic. Tickots Majestic Mapp was sidelini ches Association ^g,; I, 28-of-34 3-pointe because of Knigiu. 0 .1 8 Oklahoma St. 69, Iters by a zone cost S40S4l for both nights, S2S for a second consecutive ye: f" a';t defen.se as tlie Pirr’irates upset one o„e “E ith e r y o u ’re aI Bob Bo Knighr S r 4 i n . n o Incinnati 62 k nee surgery, m ade S-of-7 3- 1 O’Connor scored 12 CInC of college basketl lover or you’re not.. I iam, and I etball’s storied fijyr,lere also was stiff competi- ers and had a handful oof l h n c v poin'-'“ Sl.. J o s e p h ’s ( M ) got STILLWATER, ST] O kla. - Viciictor program s 77-69 FritTiday ni^it. »■ Wish he was still at IndiIndiana,” .said y back on tracl.ick with balanced Willi : The start of high scliool - feeds for Virginia (I-O). illiams scored 15 of hiss 20 Barry Hairstor;on and Devin ’* Dirk Goris, who attendem ded Indiana ( . offense and a strongs second-half poini aall playoffs, the start of higli HIton Hrown, one of four )in ts in th e s e c o n d h a lf aiand Green each addeded 18 points for « from 1975-79, Kniglit’sfct’s best years. . ; th e Tigers (0-2). M aur men expected to play a lo1( t“frincc.lon.n. Oklaldahoma State to a viciory overov help seal it. ^ennessc(:e opensI Garnett, Timbeiinvolves downc Paacers in COT scj^ason witih easy wvin INDIANAPOLIS {AP) - K evin a ■■■■;------Garnett scored 2-J points,s. ii inciud- » (ATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) NBA ^ Iftih _ - Fresh2shman Shyra Ely had 16 ing a tying ba.sket at the e n d of •' I Women's topip 22 5 the first overtime and fouru r |points ------s and six rebounds as No. 2 ■ T ennes: ill tbe .second extra period.11 asi till, Hornets 9 6 ,1 lessee opened the season I, H eat 8 7 H a 9,7*57 v ic to ry o v e r’ and Nanna Riverss aiadded 10 T imberwolves beat tileilacer,,. P ,M|AMI-Ban ■ 120113 in two overtimes. Hron Dans scored 23 H P -.r Cbattanilanooga on Friday night. points each for-N.C.-St:. State, and Tbe Timberwolves, winninninBiii ■>'”"'” ■>‘1 0»avid “' We.sley added ’ helped fill the void left by^ Rivers, had five assistsists and two Indianapolis for tbe Hr.str »im!l tii in 21 as C barlo tte handed the Heat ing scorer Gwen JacksonJ blocks. Amanda N Ne e b y a n d eight years, rallied fromim I P - '•'‘■•ir fifth straigaiglu loss. cencenter Ashley Robinson, Ludmil Nicheporchr c h u k le d point deficit in (be first halhalf and . s iwere tied at 73 1^^ b o th sidelined with knee; R adford w ith 10 pointsu s eeach. again from five points dowr)wn w ith t h r e ec quarters, and ics. just over two minutes leftfl iin th e C harlotte o utsd:. No. 13 Florida 84,i, fir.sc overtime. " in the fo u rth .. V Wesley had seven lead witlivith a 21-2 run - including Oakland 65 ^ Wally Szczerbiak and TerrellT( during; a 12-4 fourth-quar- . four con:on.secutive 3-pointers, two P* GAINESVILLE. Fla.-a.-Vanessa Brnndon each added 22 poinoints for "“V . ■ « iril McDivitt. Minne.sota, wliose 7-1 startrt iis th.. 9-9-for*13 from the Loreeee Moore added 15 points Hayden had 36 points, poi 17 ” field and Wes b est in franchise history. esley was 7-of-16. J j A-. for T enrennessee. Katie Galloway rebounds and six b bh lo c k s in Elden Campbebell had 18 points led Chatilattanoogaw ith 15 points. Florida’s season-openingling victory, 76ers9S, Hawks 78 and 10 reboundsids for Charlotte. U B Hayden, a sopho p h o m o re , Eddie Joness 1led the Heat with reached her career:r highsh in ' PH IL A D E L PH IA - A i Duke 1 0 2 , Elon 5 2 A a r o n 22 points, points and rebounds,s, anda shot M cKie returned from a one-j le-gam e RHAM, N.C. ~ Iciss Tillis 17-for-20 from the floor,oor. Brandi abscnce and had 20 point.s, s seven Spurs 105, CiCavaliers 91 ~j|[ lonique C urrie each .scored McCain added 27 pointsints for the assists and six rebounds 1___ 17. pointsnts asDuke-beatEIon______NIO - Tim Duncan ----- Gators,------A llen Iverson added 19, leafe a d in s SAN ANTONI na Beard added 16 points u s a nd Steve Smitli th e Philadelphia 76er.s to a ‘ an d line rebounds, and fresh- victo^ over tbe Atlanta H H; aw ks X of his .3-point__ — m a n 'W y .ViIlanova .7_4,_____ attempts and1 ffinished with 22 h H W ynterW hitIeyTiadT5~ on F riday niglit. points; to help Duke improve"to — No. 2 1 Penn S t. 5 8 ------A fter losing five straigi lolly A n d rew s sco red 14 STATE COLLEGE. Pa. open the season, the 76ers I t l l L n d M u[urray , paced the Pa. - Trish points for Elon. Juhline scored 23 points, won four in a row since IveKIveS e rso n n ^Cavalitrs j witii118 11 points and shot ints, inciud- ing five 3-pointers, as Vi re tu rn e d from elbow surgery. jchind-the 3-point s Villanova Jason Terry scored IS' pcnAinfc A ndre Miller ilh had 16 points ; Louisiana Tech 81, up.set Penn State in theth e season and Shareef Abdiir-Rahim ba i, and Chris Mihm .7 M ichigan 66 opener for both teams. Katie Davis addeded 15 ft)r points and 10 rebounds'HB >TON, La. - Ayana W alker A tlanta. San Antonio0 builtI a 17-point . P ^ H Villnnova. Rashana Bar:Barnes led lead late in thele first half before I points. 10 rebounds and Penn S tate w ith 15 pointsints. th ree blocblocked shots in Louisiana Nets 109, Knicks 83 the Oivs m ad e: a move.. : 0 1 opening victory, No. 2 3 M aryland 84,(4, EA ST RUTHERFORD,. N,N .J. - Suns 95, Lakek ers 83 E ssejnce n c Perry and Erica Jason Kidd had 12 points at S m ith acadded 11 points each, Coppin St. 56 ■ Penny Hardaway season-high 15 assists andndThe PHOENK-P, u ^ LeeAnnin I,Bies led M ichigan w ith COLLEGE PARK. ints and Stepbon C, M d . - New Jersey Nets continuedd tihS? 20 point y i 23 points.Its. Anesia Smith scored 17 pi 1 18 to lead five .7 points i a best start, winning theirrtitth f had ! , her college debut as Ma rhoem x p lay ers•s iin double figures i: M aryland straiglu. No. 1 0D N.C.f S ta te 84, beat Coppin S tate. nninlc SUHS hhanded a the Los Kenyon M artin had 21 poi Smith was 6-for-lO frt T o d d ^ " e le s L ak ers ththeir first loss of Radfordrd 4 7 I from the Kerry Kittles added 18, Ti field and was perfect:t oon four Kpifh the season. r a l e i MacCulloch had 16 and Kc .EIGH, N.C. - Carfsse free throws for Marylandand. Vicky Van Hom 14, Sbaquille 0-NeNeal, in a simmer- ..p-.. M oody hi ' had 19 points and six Brick added 13 poinisints, six , Latrell SprewcII had 25 poipoints ine rilt with coac)ach Phil Jackson, ohn-rf«t, ,, . . reboundsds to lead Nonh Carolina delphia's Allen Iverson, left, tilelies to got by Atlonta's'Jacque' rebounds and fiveJ a s s is ts . for the Knicks. ^ scored 28 pomtsts ;and grabbed 12 * lie Vaughn In S tate pastast R adford. rebounds. the firstIrst half Friday In Philadelphia.. TThe 76ers won, 98-78. Shannon M uir scored 16 points Kaayla'la iChones, Amy Simpson for th e Eagles.

    i Saturday, Noveivember 1 7 ,2 0 0 1 T hne*-N e«, TwirTwin Falls, Ideho B j ____ SlSmiiTS. Judge barsI baSiseball fror)m elimirnating T^wins F S.*- T e a m m u s> t t p l a y ^ ___"* '

    2002 schedui u l e

    in M etrodon) m e , I k C MINNEAPOLIS (A P ) - Basel)all was b a rre dI fromfr elimi- inning the M innesotaa TTwins'next m scajToii w hen ii ju d g e on c Frulay ordered the team to Ai phiphoto Illustration distributed by the Salt b k e Olympic Commit 2002 home scheduN th e show M etrodome. hows what the Salt Lake City sk:ikyllne will look like once banner;mers for (he 2002 Winti Twins ownor Carl Po also . /inter Olympics are placed on bullulldlngs. The games are schoduliBduled to begin In was ordered not to sellcll thc team Fobriebruary 2002. unless the new ownerer agreesi to ' have the team play]y home K hedule in th e b: ; The decision by Hi SLC plaa n sto terang County District Judgidge Harry Seymour Crump thrth ro w s question last \yeek’s v ote baseball ow ners to elim i two m ajor league team s nexi snormoilUS bannners While baseball ownem ers SALTSA LAKE CITY (AP)’ ) - - formally pick the tear w hen Olynlymplc athletes don't get ai they m et Nov. 6 , they mjm ade gRer than [his. Olympic up(update the Montreal Expos ; ElevenEU banners that nieasu Twins were the likeb up1 to I4M)y-97-feet - nearly halla lfa Vegas ca.sinos, takes ta pictiu-cs dates, . oibali field - weigli up to 2,0)000 People's faces andani feeds the “The welfare, recieatii poiinimnils and depict Olym pians wwill information into a computer,con: tige, prosperity, trade a com- be: insialled on builtlings aheadJ jjC The computer measuresme 128 . merce of the people of ithe com- thee Feb, 8-24 W inter Games. facial features rangirnging from the munlty are at stake,”2,” C rum p TheTiu mesh ban- distance betweensn e y e s to th e wrote in his four-page;e decision.c ^rs w ill ta k e O A A O thickness of the llp.s.IS. Once0 the pro^ “The Twins brought thehe commu- , From loft, Stai:tataHou8e Speaker Steve Sviggurs u m , R -Kenyon, Gov. Jo s s e Voni SSout five d^ys to A W W A file of the face is coicomplete, the sntura and Sen. John Hettinger,er, DFL-Mankato, ' pm u| « computer searchtis Its nity together with,h, Homer talk to reportetrtcrs FHday after meeting with bu! It up and will b e B i j i S B B E i Its database of ' business leaders to talk aboutIt theI future of the Minnesota1 Twins1\ at the ilium jra criminals to lookira for match. a i , Hankies and Bobbleheadead dolls. capitoimst.lit. Paul, Minn. umlnated at P b SBL v * ^ "The Twins are one of the few n ig;iit- lit. m B S s ^ . y Critics contentl thcthe technology • professional sports: teamste in Trhe ht first - a KpEB S y ^ \ioIates constitutionalnal rights. i — ““Given Gi the nature of the l< town where a family catcan afford " lease pastime. p hotcolograph'of a ______proprovision, I don’t find It a i — to-tako-their-children-to- -Twins have-been ------d o w n l _Officlals-banbikel -to-enjoy-a------'TIZ7T^>', surprising decision. We’ll li wnhilhkicr'is-Tir-J HTTrn (Blocks— ^ — hot dog and peanuts andmd a stadi- U W mii'tm t a /v one o f the 1 have part of MinncsoisotU h isto ry an d goinging up on a - . toto ssee what major league b WIN Ihl]Jl from Olympic prote■otest sites um. The vital public inteinterest,.or’ base- trad itio n for 40' yeyears. T he Twins downiwntown build- p A W P P m fem w nl spnm ______hallliall chooses to do in rpspons _fj_____.- s a l t u k f^ i dT: -A ^ list nf^i; _____ ------tnistrof-tlie-Twins-substbstanrially—:------*— r nse-to------hav^iven-Mlnneinesotn-iwtt-Worid^------ing-thiHhis^veek^— ;he court o rd er.” 2TJ Item s that will be ba : banned from outweighs any p riv ate interest.”int U w m' t/,itU f/^ 'ii'^ h e n 'f/ ' ' b Series champlorIonships, one in Therhe 18-month Baseball and the Twi Baseball players have filtilcd a 1987 and one irii 1!1991. The Twins projeoject cost at ^ r \ Olym|3ic protest siteses iiincludes the fwins will e •/ obvious 7 bombs arid try to overturn the decilecision in J d m i l y fcan a ajfoirlto take grievance to block the tejearns have also givenn Minnesota? leg- leastISI Sl million, . arid guns - as well as the more obsc the Minnesota Court of A rom folding, claiming comnirac- ends such as Roc?od Carew, Tony accordwording 10 Scott , abscure - bike A ppeals, llwircJiildlM /vn to enjoy a hot tioriion violates their labor contr locks, for e.xample. but temporary injunctionions usual- uract, Oliva, Harmon Killebrcw,Ki Kent Givenk-cns. d ire c to r W P P K ^ vhich expired last weveek. Hrbek arid Kirby The list of banned:d itemsii didn’t ly are difficult to removeove before a o g a mtel l peanuts a m i a aJU by Puckett, some o t S alt L a k e / Arbitrator Shyam Das is to) hIi ear o f w hich streets ar draw much criticismism from the atria l. • are nam ed after. Organ^unlziiig C om m iitec’s creatlvS Less obvious butI ppc o te n tia lly , 3aseball Is a tradition that pa her” policing and a price tag which operates the Metroitrodome. baseball." pass- contraction plans, lg dangerous items incluicludc squirt i from generation to genei le millions of dollars forced The Twins’ lease at the ba association head lera- "My message wowould be that if id guns, which could beiie filledf w ith • ballpark “ an. Baseball crosses social bi Utah Olympic Public Safety runs through th e 2002 seaseason D onald F e h r wwas pleased. bar- it could happi ly caustic chemicals, marb:iarble.s, wluch ers, creates community spi ’1’?" Commaimjind to table a proposal that Bill Lester, executiveidiSctor di ‘‘This declsliislon should provide pirit Minnesota Twins,IS, jt could hap. i»t could be fired from slingshotsslli: or id is m uch m ore than a privii Id have used the same tech- for the Facilities Commiimission, 'he sides onI opportunityo, to stop, ' vate pen to you,” he salt■aid.-You coold „„| fl- tossed on the pavemeiment to trip re fle c t a n d cc ilerprise. Baseball is a natioronal be next.” gy at other OI>Tiipic,s venues, police horses and bikebil locks, consider,” he said. l l . e [ le FaceTrac surveillance sys-s- whicli protesters sometirletimesuse'to tem , wl: which also is used in manyy fasten themselves to buildings.buil R e d \W in g s5 ro llo nv e r M in n e s (!Ota Ei.arnhardIt Jr. tabses ■ DETROIT (AP) -- {S te v e Yzerman and Luc Robiiib ita ille each had two goals and an as Detroit b eat M innesotata i ole at NJAPA5C00 Bs=-=—— Yzermam an g ot just as comfortable in th. th e 6S 0Ith th Gordrdon .searches for 1 the rdce as ' we were in qualifying.” 5 N H L NHL . Jeff Gordon, \vho .can c a r e e r , toLirtIrth Winston Gup can wrap'up his fourth champion: ______R o b ita ilk li ionshlp on . Sunday sihiply by finlshi lected his ■ MPTON, Ca. (AP) - Dale lishing 32nd lis 601st f W ] or better, no m atter whai and 602nd, moving him pas i»ardt Jr. is still trying to .vhat ninner- past Ja ri j ^ 1 j J up Ricky Rudd does, wa: Kurri into 12th on the all W w S r prove 10 everj-one, including him- was 24th in all-time | i M qualifying. ■ list. hai he can be a legitimate Rudd was worse, tho Detroit’s Brett Hull plck( j g m chaniplopionship contender in the though. H e' up was 48th on tlie speed list two assists to reach 1,200 p near futiiutiire. Hist and had '0 points to make the field as a pn for his career. rh e! Ihihird generation NASCAR I pr>..’lsional .starter, based on tearrearn owner It \vas the most goals giv< . d r iv e r itook i\ ;iv e n u p 1 jxiints, Rudd will siartt 37i37th in the by Minnesota In its two-se ■sie p in iiiliie riglit )-season 43-car field. history...... direc 0 n “ I think the m otor mlglumlfi have Nicklas Lldstrom, Brei I'riday, u-u-iiining rcndan Hltf I been going a little bit s*)uram r liefore I Shanahan and Boyd Deververeaux the iH)le forf the . . NAPA.'iG I took th e checkered flag, flaji but it added goals for D etroit. finally shook real bad an i T g iving; hihim self J and I just Minnesota got goalss Ifrom ^ .•••: .shut it off,” Rudd said.J. “We“1 defi- Richard Park, Aaron Gavey is team a vey and nitely weren’t on a j)aceice t to sit on, Andrew Brunette. of the iMile, but I think I hlad a d a ; decent J lap going.” iwo Blue Jackets 3, Little E's .second |X)Ie of rem ain- c of tlie sea- .son and the fourth of hisills two-yeart -Mighty Ducks 2 ing In iliis Ihi sea- Jeff Gordon ------U ______— u _ _ ------s«„. career was accomplisheded byt a .sur- — cotuMBusroiiro--G:“ G ra n t *-—■ ■pt-ising margin ofnearlyarly 2 mph Marshall scored the game------^------I “ W e’ve!’ve stumbled the last cou- ne-w ln- overniiiner-up M ark Martilartin. ner on a power play with *»p«» p ie o f raraces,” Earnhardt said. . Mariln, finishing upI a ffrustrat- left in the third as the Colun!l“s eo«ii=lls Dwayne Roloson Is boaton byly DDetroit Fled Wings fonvard Tor ing this pole reaUy gi\’es us ’omas Holmstrom on a flrst-perlc»tlod goal Friday “WinninB ing season in which hc; hahas yet to Blue Jackets beat the Analn aheim at Jo-Louis Arenaena In Dotrolt. a shot in in the arm going into this win a race and is 12th2th In the Miglity Ducks 3-2 F riday nigl ra c e on•n {S u n d ^ W e’v e g ol to points, appeared to haveve I;his lliird Ray Wliitney and Serge^Aubln Ai blankingin g C o lu m b u s on' OllerS2rs 7, Blackhawks 1 hat we'^e consistently a top pole of the year locked;d upii after also scored for Columbus. Nov. 17 of la s t y( Avalanche 1, Islarlanders 0 EDMDMONTON, Alberta - Josh running a lap of 190.4633 m] mph. Sergei Krivokrasov andid < O leg ^ ish . DENVER - Patricl:ick Roy post- Tlie 27-j 27-year-oId nicer, th e son of Nobody else cam e close clo? until Tverdovsky had Anaheim go; en and Anson Carter eaclich ed his sccond stralglight shutout, the seve goals. Thrashers 4I,,1 Predators 4 jven-time W inston Cup Earnhardt, whose Chevroivrolet was ed twice as Edmonton routut- and Shjon PodelnIn scored as champior )ion who was killed in a far back in the 51< ar qualifyingqui A T L A N T A - D e fe n se m e n ChicChicago, yet lost inspirationallal C olorado beat New'Y Yi o rk . c ra s h in Panthers 2, Sabres 0 in the season-opening line, blew that lap awayvay with a Todd Reirderlen and Karlis leaderler Ryan Smyth to a brokenen Roy, who beat MliVllnnesota 1-0 D ay to n a ; BUFFALO,. N.Y. - VII lia 500, is se v e n th in th c 192,047 that was 0.76030 s seconds Viktor Skrastins tradeded goals late in the ankle.le. on Wednesday niglit,ht, earned the standings, Kozlov scored both goals Igs, Bm he holds only a two- faster than Martin’s Ford.r d lls and third period FridayF night as Smyinyth, Edmonton’s leadingng 55th shutout of hisis c' a re e r. H e point mari Trevor Kidd made 30 saveives as Nashville and A iiar^n over series champi- "W e weren’t really com!:omfonablc Atlanta skated to scorerer with 23 points, left thehe previously had bat> a c k -to -b a ck on Bobby 1 the Florida Panthers beatsat thc a tie gam e ii by Lnlxinte. 'vitJi the car when practicictlce stan- e in the first period with a shutouts in 1990 whivhlle play in g "It’s imj Buffalo Sabres 2-0 F riday nig important to us to have a ed,” Earnhardt said. "WetVe m: ade a " ‘eht- G re g C lalassen, s Vitali brokenten right ankle. Hc is expect-ct- for M ontreal. good finisi Florida’s win broke a thi 3 miss 10-12 w eeks, nish and l>e thc top five or lot of changes Includingg threethi sets J " '- Yachmenev andind Greg Johnson Roy finished withith 31 saves, six,” Earnamhardt said. “This does game losing streak, wl ike Comrie, Jochen Hecht ofsliocks. iK te' also scored forth■the Predators. h t a n d C hris Osgood hadlad 27. m ore foror ime and my team going Buffalo has lost three of its I „ an d ToiTodd Marchant also scorcd “ I wasn’t to tally comfcimfortable Atlanta got go id The Islanders, wwh ho h a d th e into th e rai fo u r and seven of 10. goals from Pascal fo^ thhe e Oilers.< ■ race than it really appears even thougli we were the fastest : in 11 R h eau m e, Ily a 1Kovalchuk and best start in franchistii.se history at because,c, aat this track, you don’t Kidd, in his first start in exei Zham'nov scored for in practice, and after I saw M ark’s games, gained his first shuthutout Lubos Banecko. or ll-l-l-l, have gone 0-3-10-; In ih e ir change thithat much Iwiween quali- time I didn’t know if w c o Chicaguago. last four outings. .e could go fylng andid ithe nice. that fast. I’m really surpriirprised by “ I feel?l r.real strong that we’ll be that lap.” I _M l m fE¥: I Ii usiness E(Ef/iron \'if^iuaS. Hutrhinsis 7.733-093}, E xt. 2 4 2 . I’liRc B -6 Satur.ird ay , N o v e m b e r 17,7, 2001 Thec ^I'imcs-Ncws It WorkingI mothersn ^ PtntfiltsioliJS Komtnmrnn'jini T f jD di1 W O Irk piarkirng d I A gencney can delay its promised>d The reason? The c tions: ing and its gara,larage to have sepa- ; computer attach a neinew 5850,000,274-space buildirding of a parking garage forar giant had wanted 501 • If th e c o m p a n y b^iyj^ys th e rateoivnership.-ip.- >00 parking parking gan[arage to the ea st sid e of building, b it will also po in 'M o3 N: E Y _____ th e Please:ase see DELL, Page Bd — WEST^ERNBUS.s Builders asscs o c l a t i o n SINESS — — Enerjm hosts annuala l e v e n t TWIN FALLS - NMagic Valley H Divission Huilders Association will host anruiiil Membershiphip/Legislative Ninlii on Tuesdiiy at thet Turf Club in Twin Falls. H honoiD r s A no-liost social hour ho begins 6 p.tn. and dinncM Several legislaiors from Magic ) innovvation Valley will be on handhar to discuss issues of interest i th e The Times-News;s______Also, nmv o ltic e rs linlor .MVBA will ■ ■ ■ f)e e lc c te d f o r thhe e upcoming TW IN FALLSLS - Five public- year. ____ a n d privntp.system of fine-’ said. T h e larlarge, modern California ai » s . " ‘'= ^eno'.pwtectinganci th e E ld o r a d o bineimed earnings before intererest, p a rtic le recoveryy tl:through select Union organizersrs said the Indian ca: Hotel & C a sin o taxes casino about 45 minutes University of alVer.ersifying its visitor base ixes, depreciation a nd amorti;Tiza- liv e flocculation tetechnology. d The employees had initiatiiated contact northwes•est of downtown I in Reno had - tion-on - essentially cash flow -_ of system will enable»le ia higher per- with them. Sacram entsnto in Brooks was bustling f tai'asingly larger, closer, S113.6 m illion in almoiraost S200 million. H e estim:mat- centage recovery/ of fine-pardcle • Health insurancece benetiis on lliis drearydr, day as most of tlie I casino re v e n u e edi thatth four Northern Califommla minerals and incrcicrease energy were so meager thai tt some si"'ot m achines and 80 table fed I R enlt'^k^ ^-sophisticated Indian last year. Indiiidian casinos in Reno’s k1.8 decision on life cycleycle cost analy. DENVER - The uniJnion repre- through thethi building. fi uplified why Wall bllliorilion in revenues. sis. fledged casino for the LyttonL Street investmei senting 37,000> . Qwest “We’ree alreadyi over capacity B nent banking firm Therein The lies the challenge fc Band of Porno Indians. Bear, S team s & I for The awards werere ppresented by Communications Inieiuernational rcspepect to the devices. We & Co. of New Y o rk Reno:tno: p ro tectin g an d 'd iv e rsifj Wolcott said the Easy Baj^ycasi. predicts that I ify- the Idaho Energyy DDivision and Inc. workers has endcndorsed the havave not had a need to ni t Indian casinos ing} Itsits visitor base as increasinf no, which Eadington saidd >could could take up t ing. . th e D O E O ffice of o f Industrial company’s efforts to re-enterre­ Ihe aJvernserrJ m uch at all,” oj p to a 22 percent ly larger,lari closer, more-sophisti open in 18 months pendinglg reso- bite, or S231.6 sti- .Technology at t h e Id a h o long-distance telephone ined expansion is being It .6 million, out of cated:ed Indian casinos com pete fo ne market in ^ plannc lution of political and1 Ilegal Washoe County'; for Industrial Summitit tl th is w eek in Idaho and the other’ 13 states it ------ty’s gambling rev- the5 samesai customers. Boise. sen-es. C o m m u n ic a tio n s WcWorkers of America, District 7, cc former U S West operat; r a S ^ : e S i : irbucks bDecomes r^Coffe behousei tory. Qu-est liad to stoptop offering - - reports Silales increease long-disiance servicece in those Knight Bidder Newlews Service states when it acquired P I p i Bell but is working to s )bal symb iping hot brand___ o » : bol, targe S E A T T L E - ' - The slum ping ------i/SMf n* bnno Imh ymt eral regulators its nei t»m«( ^ economy hasla sn ’t s to p p e d MM MMii Meor«v le en«mnlry nnlini open to competitors■"“"Ti^an s ^aiEddeIder News Service be ntt» conuMmtU wtyloffo Otbn become a symbol of global11 capi- Starbucks drinkinkers from order- KtennontnaiBU. again provide long-distj tal istance scr- s^^-rTLE talism , beckoning som e 1515 mil- ing up their latiMattes, but It m a y MoMm LE - Her mythical like- - lio »t»altt8bie global brands teter tw t- ^ ln g brand* ^ vice. ^ lion customers a week to) rm ore . bite in to th e con .1, nessloomsIS invitingly over thou~“ th. :ompany’s growth Qwest had been seel than 4,800 stores aroundid the next year. " ta n eckinglhe sands otcotl:offeehouses worldwide. wo I n S M M i n Z S union’s endorsement fortor monihs. bui lately world. She is the face of a coi:ompa- The companytiy - w hich h a s a Union leaders agreed aft lly, the tSBS=s=SBBSS=SB u m o h t n after leam. Starbucks = = = 3 ny that toppeped S2 Ketchum store2 - met its yearly uumrn 1«% ing that up to 400 union jc njohs could has been kke e e p ^ “ ^(^m patty has', a s e ,m , ^ d sales profit target of S181.2Sl million, o r :» u.:KflUi.c:T;5k« ttuMtoH laLiHOM t(L4k(L4tao« IIK h ead d ed , . UkOOn tl% an anxious \ and 46 cents a shareire, for the fiscal “It’s pretty simplee forI us,” over her real a g r m 'i n g whose procoduct year that ended:d Sept.: 30.'Sales L S i District 7 Vice Preside was rose 31.1 percen ident John She hasIS s e e n num ber o f critic ent, to S2.95 bil- becausai^‘. of the slowing economy - r r th e lion. Same-store si tiy to 25 p ercen t. E arlierlier this year,' Thompson said. “ A t so mne e point ; it’s p ro tests by o e sales were 5 p e r- and thethi effect of terrorism and i v e s k u a " '“ ■'I'l’s fa sstest- t cent above the sa id analysts said, thatt targettz had going to be great for regi•egular cus- ic-food consiL S ^an'mgolyeclwi : same period th e w ar' onon its travel-related busi- tomers also.” and vandalii , growing brandnd. year before. ness. 5J* been at least 25 percenicent. ^i^iredviewofSt,C itaw itcks B u l u b iq i Starbucks’ 2001 pi Qwest has said cuscustomers her stores qiJity “We're very fortunatefor to be in “We 1 profit was iVe decided that this is not a nearly double the 20( should see low er pricess as compe- Chicago price. the kind of indusdustry we’re in,” time, g 2000 figure, a n d OS a n icon q f cor^ S t o ^ p “a j ; i, given all the uncertainty,y, which was depressed tition increases for long-( >y has President and CEOCE Orin Smith that we sed because ig-distance Sacramei r, emerged as a we should commit to reallyly the company wrote of: service. Calif. Wineindow s' a tar- said. “We provideide our custom ers stretch ! off millions ______get fo r a grow tch numbers,’’ Smith said.d. o f d o l l a r s o f in v e s ti S^eye Davis, Qwest sen h e r owing widi an affordableble luxury." “ W ede estments in senior vice bearing number of cri ! decided to b e on th e conser­r- failed dot-coms. O p erat jntics But the companJany trimmed its vative irating profit, president for policy arand law image were'e shattered; in down- witwith,varying objectives bt ve side and hope for thee which excludes l^t yei but a profit forecast forfor fiscal 2002 to best.” year’s write-' .said the company wass o:on track Je in the World Trade shaJhared view of Starbucks as offs, was up 32.4 pen as an 54 or 55 cents aI share.sh In July, it The Ci Jercent. Net to file for re-entry earl:arly next )n rio ts o f 1999. icorcon of corporate power. le company predicts revenue projected next j e revenue rose 21.6 percent,pe to year. S ince h e r didebut 30 years ago at FFor better or worse, it 1 t year’s profits in thele current1 fiscal year willU $2.65 billion, the first Startarbucks in Seattle's joir t.has would be 56 to58 58 cents 0 share, grow\i byb’ about 20 percent ond oined the legion of Americricas but many analyi d For the fourthh quarter,! . italf report* Pike P lace M,Market, the siren has ilysts expected pegged:ied its revenue-grow th target Compiled from stafi Please see SYMBOL, Page :t Starbucks posted aa profit] oC- Ige B7 S tarb u ck s to lowc'wer its forecast for fiscaseal 2003 through 2005 a t 20 ° Please see EABNINttIINOS.PageB?'.

    -L S itunliy,iy,Novimb«fl7,2001 Tlnw^twt,l6Wt, Twin Fill*, Idaho B-7 “^ONEY W all;Street rrally stalllls am idI profit ctaking Earnings. • NEW YORK (AP AP) - Investors I------Continued from Be Caseysoid. o pted fo r safety inrJ le th a r^ c stock NNov. 16.2001 . . ^ I slightly aheaiead of decliners on the $53.2 m illion, o r 14 cents a trad in g F riday, loci- t a share, K e n R o b ertsirts of Ken Roberts ocking in some — >2.000 New York StockSt Exchange, by a compared c with $1.5 mil Tecent profits and le > o w J o n e s lillion a Investmentt NManagement in cl leaving prices m argin of 8 tot 7, which also Indl- year y ago with the writtite-offs. Spokane, Wasii^ash., said th e 200J barely ciianged. — 11,000 cated that F Industrials n i 'T'-" t F rid a y ’s se llin g w as Fourth-quarter F sales jumjtiped 27 results came! as a bit of a relief, A nalysts had expc(ipected a bigger indeed veryym n iJd. percen p t to S79S million. H e h a d worriedied that travel-indus- dow nturn after a three-day thi rally , .■• rnmcni report that Chief Financial 0Officer try weakness:s sincesi the Sept. 11 in w hich th e Dow’ JoJones industri- — inLtriafJraproduction fell sharply M N ichael Casey said th e coi:ompany attacks wouldltd hurt Starbucks’ als clim bed 318 poinioints. They said . 9.066.99 in October i :r might have given expects e profit to grow 25 ppercent spedalty-sales«:s segm ent - about a ...... the.modest.sellingvig w as as much- Pci.ef i.ehangofrompfovtoui ' 7 ; ■ ■ — 9,000 investors ann excusec to take more in ii the first half of 2002,, but[ by th^rd of whichh aconsists of sales to an indication of invtnvestors’ grow* profits, but ii •0,05 t in th e e n d w asn’t a Just Ji 10 to 15 percen t in ththe sec- airlines, hotels:1s andt other travel- ing confidence intl ana economic H)gi major factor, H)gh Low or, said Stephen Carl, ond o half. The lower figure f related businessticsses. tu rn aro u n d in 2002'2 asa: th e buying • 9,908 ~ 8,000 prindpaJ and 308,« 9,792.60 nd h ra d of eq u ity tratl- reflects n uncertainty aboilOut th e E v en If Starbt jsprees h av e been. in g a t T he orbucks’ 2002 profit e Williams Capital current ci economic weakneness, he comes in at 5454 centsc a sh are, he ; ."Today’s pullbackack is nothing f^ocorcordhIflh:11,722.9B -'' ' — 7.000 Group, J a n , 1 4 .2 M 0 AUG. I said. said, that still111 would\ be a 17.4 more than people pullingpu a little I------SEPT. OCT, NOV, “ I t se e m s ms like a listless However, Starbucks saidId it still percent improvei ,bit-off the table,” s a id B rian ------Friday," Carl ovement over 2001's irl said. “T h e m a rk e t piplans to open a t least 1,20000 cafes results. :Belski, fundamentalal imarket ana- The brt is pretty much broader market also regis- or 3,8 percent. jch flat a n d I don’t see wworldwide in the currentIt fiscal "That’s still111 higher1: than the lysi for US Bancincorp Piper tered neg any reaJ story, Jaffray. legliglble losses Friday but . The Standard Sc Poo year, a b o u t as m any as It oiopened S&P (500) is likelyliki to gain next p o ste d1 a solid advance for the oor’s 500 The Federa:ral Reser\'c said out- Inst fa year. . The Dow closed do index declined 3.59, orr 0.3 per- put at the nati . y e a r," said Rob«loberts, whose firm down 5.40, or week. TheTl Nasdaq composite i lation’s factories, utili­ Two cents a share of 0.05 percent, at 9,856 cent, to 1,138.65. For thithe week, ties and mines >f n e x t owns 607,416 StaiStarbucks shares. “I 356.99. For the index sliplipped 1.99, o r 0.1 percent, i ties plum m eted by 1.1 y ye e a r’s p ro fit, o r a b o u t $7.i week, the blue chit th e S5cP ro se 18.34, orr 1.6 per- percent last 7.9 mil- think the marketk e t is going to pay a hips climbed to 1,898.58.58. The tech-dom inated i st month - the 13th lion, lit will coriie not from o 258.99, or 2.7 percent. cent. opera- prem ium for con:companies that can 'nt. index fini:inished the w eek up 70.10, ,, decline in indIndustrial p ro d u ctio n tions, tic but from the sale of s Advancing issues actuallally w ere in a row. f shares deliver on th e earearnings front even Symbolll In Starbucks' Japanese affiffUintti, in a slowing econc:onomy." Continued from 86 1981. Schi chultz, then a New York- Ibrand'valuation firm, most visible companitmies, drawing based vice vi president for a i tl, w h ich and grande."" has ha a couple good Starb com parisons to AfcDo assessed rhe Starbucks brandb at The compar rbucks nyeJj/ninateprod :DonaId's and Swedish1 housewaresh manufactur- S 3any h as fo cu sed on jokes." joli Even. Dr. Evil had g Levi’s. As th e compam Sl.SbUlion. yeen- bovine growthI hormoneho and buy lany continues e r, w as bowledbe over by his first creating an ininviting atmosphere aproned ap baristas in his S What makes Starbulucks so for customers, Space more fair-tradee coffee.COI to e x p a n d a t a dizzylszying p ace - sip of thele dark-roastedt coffee and i rs, designing stores as Needle Ne headquarters in the intriguing from a mararketing a gathering p he sec- T he companyly hashi responded to with three new storesres a day - it urged Baldaldwin to h ire him . s I place. As the idea ond om A u stin Pow ers movie. c o n tin u e s to open th s ta n d p o in t is “ th e y ’ve? done t it caught on, Startarbucks cam e to rep- I some of the activictivists’ demands, I the door'to Schultzliz got his wish in 1982, oorganically and But anti-Starbucks sentir opportunity and scrutirutiny. signing on ■“ resent a lifestyle ha: timent Last month, it donateddon Sl million on as director of market* aat the consumer has spread far beyond ggood- to coffee farmers S ta rb u c k s began wiwith modest ing and re '\Yif/i,// as much as a nai ers in the develop- retail stores. Five'years lilevel without , Sfarfmrh, there's nwrvr natured ribbing. The comjTipany ing world and pro atnbitions. In April1 1971,1' three later, Scl product. wa promlscd to buy 1 )chiilfz led a group of aadvertising ojasy was a prominent target duduring million pounds of friends opened a gourrlurmet coffee- investors i' ' social I’xperience tiedto ' Robert the s of fair-trade cof. S I' ’he com pany and nmuch," said Jeff .i the WTO protests in 1999,. vwhen fee in the next112 12 to 18 months, bean sto re at Pike PlacPlace to intro- b egan exp T h o m p so n , pro* stores stoi in downtown Seattle i .t aggressively. P a r k h u r s t , 'hehimul. They even 1 were The company now offers organic duce people to “thele differencet The con:ompii,.y swiftly estab- I: fe s s o r o f m e d ia vandalized van and looted. between good coffee^e anda run-of- li.shed itsel Interbrand's rJirwu and popular cul- C m ilk fo r an extrara 404i cents a cup. self as the first national ddirector of ngedthe names: Instead' Over the past year, acti^tivists. Starbucks has ci the-m ill coffep.” cniftid ■2ev Siegl,------m a rk e te r- — turc-auSyracusc ----- hav is contributed mil- er-of-specittlty-coffep;------“ AmerlcatrbTafraA Vjl}Ji7, have-pressed-the-company-ti-tird tj------lions over thc yeiyears to literacy wlio fo u n d ed th e comjompany with growing fromfrc 17 stores a t th e end vi ITlilahandlafge, there'sf University, said more moi to support the fair-tt valuation. •trade programs, Conservation ( Jerry Baldwin andn d G o rd o n o f 1987to to 165 in 1992, th e year S ta r b u c k s " is coffee cofl m ovem ent, w hich aim ______Smskec,------"They did a •'tall andgrmide.' •ms to InternotionalI andan CARE, the ------it*-stock-w<-wB«old-publiclyrBy ------■grfeatgi JoB o l snsure^otindigcnourfarmeiftiTIn worldwide disuste: “O ur aspiration wasas tto create a 1996, it hai mainstream fon ister-rellef organl- had 1,000 stores, includ- clchanging the foreign countries are paidd fair zation. Last year, regional company thatthr Seattle ing its first Amtirican cul- pric ear, the company irst in ternational outlets ' g£gam e on thc ro le prices fo r th e ir beans. Vandal3als in gave S7 million tt would be proud of,”’’ saids Siegl, in J a p a n an -JcffParkiuirst,,» tu re , as m uch as Saci n to charity, with and Singapore. olof the brand,” Sacram ento stnick Starbucks

    H*m# Olv Lait Chg OOE m s^m M 184,17 49 .09 L-3Com ... 79 3 KJHS! rM 2C8« 39 04 . 93 LSIloo 8i Spa_rL'«_«. .1 nr ..] 1*OOP14I 46 U 23 3 sfTor .7* 43.14-J.92 ^ S^SdSri. ' 29 29 -01 «UWo .« »3t . « D»v.*'•A 26 13 39 .49 29 69 Most Active (tio n HOPS) Mo S :f!i KS"S *11 cp ISM «.H 0STACTIVe(lloai«M) S P w *.t. Wlr,.ITn 1171-IU U'lvtl .. 1.03 ..90 AFLACi » U42 10 2729 .i:t .M 97137.17-J.W ScAi:»m4 04 24 04 . 90 Hit Til .. 4 44 -14 EmaiV ii’ 29 73 8»-rliV*«l 06.Jt07 .40 m* Vol (OOI I j i t ChB WifTW1----- Vol (00) La.tCho 11“, ■no ... 14 81 ..10 tilinc .. .40 :si :S ... lfl.7S .ei D»lE« 13 30 .M ®**'’ »2 EnlOO 23 12 - 03 LuC.LuMnl 315231 7 .7 2 .- 13 8PDf ) 772163 20.14 *.25 *nT*«hM _ 440 .41 E7II ...... 20g 30 usss..: ;k:!5! Smirtw , 1627 .32 “! .'ii':!! a a iili1439 . 99 S72 Dlintv«Sf® 41 2040 .94 locUUM 44 14ai8K Ufl] 'Engy 47252 24.84 -1.32 OracHIf 395394 14.79 -,13 AclhHnHn - 344I-2.W EnoyCm ... 2109 SenuiNM . 9 33 . 20 .. Jouiii Detvi iEx«onMi 230S3I 37.19-1.51 S«mi|miHTr 43238 43.09 - 62 JDS Llnle s s ; ■ “ s : f , s : /O .13 I46t -04 leriKp _ tM |ji .09 »’S •« LInlpn 371673 10,60 -,29 JSJES*IK» .. 14.74 .26 _ 6.23 8o«thlr|li 94 24 09 . 11 *«0 13 7S - JS OcmR,, 41 71 .39 S*rPte 40 14 03 - 09 '■Cn ... 20 91 -20 Buon .. 9743; | : S K S . 9M«)n ^ ... 44 .. AgSm ... 10.10 -H Ornmew: GAINefl8(t30HH0pi) . cQA1»I^1Ko..« w | CUI Acinn „. S« .25 Do*Cf*n -H ajcnopn ... 191 -01 „ aAiNEH8 (M «Mo«):;,. | . “ ! » - . 5 !1! 8140*1 .,.u1634 . 99 . JJ03 -26 Du«>crt«||:i StfVi* 72 28 40 ..10 —W«m> Li»l Cho %Cho Nim4 Cm ... 20.40 ^24 iXMlon .a ,.1917.09 ^ •I.fo M99 !el MBNA M 3344»344 . 23 BgHiBgntmjnn 8.35 .2.45 .355 SunU rlri - 741 -.44 EipScroi ... 3499 JK* ;i! KS! • 24 3 M»on4l9 1 34 6073M73 .79 SoWm ,. 1374 .26 Olk' nLjnk 260 ..45 .20,9 QmdToyiroyi 3,t0 .1,18 .61,8 A*rm*/* IS K T " :: “J? ;S 6nO>fl4 ■«> ,.. i04t . l i .78 03.79 0)«m Olkwood9 4,75 .1,03 .27,7 Xc«i«»i«i 2.46 ..39 *16.7 724 Soin : S.S-^ IZ f ::: .iS :H " - 'J J : » .. 2t20Il» -M Setunj . .04 I3t3 .33 Mrfl»Mrfl»f4 3.08 .6 6 .27,5 OSES Oin 2.66 *.86 .50 6 #4 NltlCffl _ 344 .41 8W"'aiONlfun ,. 4 03 - i i ■ M ^ 5 .48 27,19 £Sy 2.30 *,35 *17,9 EflOfOnlh\ 2,90 .,87 *42.9 wSTrrtn iWljM _ 4.47 .41 S m M 37:« 1.10 e C ? a 7? Ii? «40»147 Eno(Enoan 5.25 . ..85 .19,3 Vilifflif-a 2.30 * 30 *15.0 UoftWOfl .-SS,^^4*7^ a 8J0 .69 S«wn«^l1 34 23 43 - 22 WiprWioro 26.41 .4,19 *169 HiwAl ’Og 2,00 *,65 *37.9 a ^ mW •.. 27.00 - 69 ^*II*"I 091 4021 fvnUKnt ... 1349 .27 }fr S . ' s i r »Ali 2.49 .2 4 .10.7 VA|j». 260 *.77_ .37,9 *>»^0 il • N««>lr 14 39 .. Mmen 23 3»I3 4.16 EKoflik 1 '1 20 - 14 8>tlAtf1« 02 18 30 . 32 p w i r ' •" S S90 . 03 N « ^ ... 14 92 .83 4rc ... 9 03 -.44 Jimmi .. 224444 . 04 U ^ f . UK . « 8rvnl/n , 20 04 .41 .."I*! IMI 82J5 -28 Ea«"l« WimiL14I Cho SChfl tom# n • 12 N»ro ------^Chfl , ^.4*? ;Ss* : S . 2fl-IJI . Ntwpcn 02 1943 -32 ,un *mH« 1J0U54.U.2JJ eil>»»9Cp®cp .44 ^47-3.04 .« ^09009 .M SlA^-Vk 94 4 1 64 . 04 NltOoH 1094 -3 26 -23 0 N«tiOil ' ... S7.04 - 29 fOftU ... tJ2 THO . 9350 . 44 . Anotn 2S4 40<2 >69 £Un c n 2701 -4,45 -14.1 AiClM I 406 -1,42 -258 A/nifT7 ... 1417 .24 fOun*t .. 11.10 AMovmn .04 I83B ..03 EOS JM .12 SunWHll 40 2700.109 Pfoy«F 2 87 -.61 -220 Simul4Ull 4 60 -.70 -132 CIIH0I0 l i 4043.121 07 744 li tn Sis’ - „s ;-i! rWPW. .3 9 14 .29' OfiniPtd* 720 -f,55 -17,7 SurnO 3'fl 210 -65 -23 6 r4lkAfli*r 44 .,12 AEP 2*0 42.BS ,-3« &WE1E. I..s||^ »..46^ !»•« SuuStri 40 41 99 . 97 Of*"' 3-C/4I) 2 56 -.37 .I26EK4kyi<1 3.05 -.93 -23.4 g g j . I94S -14 JmdClpn „ .16 42 W39 .H e«wn•n .70 22.00-144 Mtrck mm u u K*7£nfl 725 -1.54 -17.5 QfpyWi ’0.3,14 NwitAIrt ” 14J4.144 T*c«Dl AO'HI .40 13 37 -.13 EnElH «« -23 •• '» » -M ^011 265 -.37 :i2.3 Novn/f) > 6.60 -t,56 >19,4 r*cnD4« . 42 74 .67- “ K 'S?J 'S 11J0.IJ0.t4l 04 2420 -SO VintlVintOOC 1405 -295 -17,4 Davont0"£ 33t7 -4 ,f3 .11.1 MM.inBn r« -i 39-g3.;^ a a i i •' 'COPCB ,. 13 79 .2i AHotkP .92 S7 09 eofon n 'S .!i! Mj-rUlyn .84 50’« 70. • '« SWTen ...U20 7I .,76 iBn 5,76 -1,24 -t7.7 A i^ 1319 ..II • fSt'. i.. 34’sfl :.n Afl*f«Oe .17 81.93 .,71 IMCO0 .10 17J1-2J1 Utlljf* 20 2769 ffiry •_ ,14 -J7 0*m*ur » 2143.'3*1.73 MmMI , 92 99 . 24 ’«>• Ab*Towk 7M *M enU'tlrt OlMY ■*UM .. 14 49 .JO lr> 10 43 . 43 wrwcot 04 t9«M ' m S""’" “ -07 Diary DiAav 1 .44 ONIIrin ... 9.14 .,74 !>■...«1‘n'Tin , 9 71 .03 I.00.ij9 « « -35 AJV4IWv40C4<3 t,497 Aovinc ^ _ [J? !ii? W - 44-J!:3 -64 0«l*«,A . 33 04 . 14 ^ ” S-;ii aS !!5J»“ :il K "" 142 -24 SuilF .. 347! .44 DacI, •'« « • 305 A0vinc40 4-8 .. 340 .OS Otnu 19,122 .,f74 OmuikY _ tfJ3 -.10 Il'*rer•'*70" 1310 .41, , Am»n|{V5.03o S544 . 37 Eqtjim1 .1.1 00 7 40 . » Unri 2793'94 -21 Su^lfng 44 21 94 . 24 • 1.651 D«eta» 401 Cm - 242 .,21 O^Vr^i 4401 .1 Ant(M JO* M.7S-I.4I Ei(!(» 1 I89 4243 -09 UonfS. Jnefyiftgao 202 tinehan 1.912 aSSSI 3424 -70 Otoworu .. M9;- <;ii s s r : ' i s ; n lr.4ht*. .. 7 79 .24 .... 4S83-I.0J £i*»r*en 102 Unefm«»d<«»d 789 Aimn 924 -04 'IMIM .. 3.21I .44. Ortd* . 14 79 . 13 •t«T« .„ 2442 >244' .72) 43.70 . 60 E(i«nUiS? ,i®i ■ « »M romUiuM 3,350 Twill,IIIIID44 • 803 T«lll|lu*l JtwMlgnt es M«wH<( - 749*144 04«M| 6733I -0| > Ovirturt _ 21.12-1,74 T*,.*»• 24* 94 90 . 99' Apww ja 4)49-4Jt FPLOflJs 2 ii!!-;;; a ; 19 NewHiQh*i«. 7» J S ! "*n " _ 3.24 ..32 OleMnd _ lot . Vl»v 3.12 44.99 .JU FimOt J**Low» 40 N»wLoiI'W* t5 N4wLo*i .. IJS3 .13 OWSp ., 1943 . WfW _, 19 47 >44 A««Om 200U13« .01 F«v»Uj...,1! 1 :W K , "S! Hri E! *• BEASrt• 1393 -iO O0*4pn . 1223 - ______1,732.353.690 VoIuit'* AwoOlU .481 $800 . 16 f»dE.Co.0 4 40 -Ol HTLIfe . 372 ;;;______166.362,605 VCIOT4I______1.958,910,600 6 71 Nndiprg _ 24t! 'i « l ,.u2«47.1.26 3Com^ 4 49 . 09 AulaZon* ... 80M -33 y 78 2 01 -41 rn!«, 114 2J3030 . 02 37.49 .44 > 3144-14 m*0«9* ,. 7.M• -44- » : JOCO -, 1.92 ..14 *rlrt . ... 984 . 12 fWDS 3 M .49 NtlOUwl .. 1909.09.241 Tiuoni . 2222 ... 3319 . 14 W'E'I 4931 -02 - P»Bj, 1 204 60 29 . 44 fOCOSB 4« 12.23 .,04 Finavi 8«m«(|> 09( 24 39 - 31 Hom*«|»r* _ 3.04 -, OCSSR . 11 10 .34 ^ ^“5^ • ««M .62 I.:Mt.t»104» 3344 .14 Aren .78 4 7 72 . 4] FtlOlUI 08 73 23 -.77 N|.«U( ..«3780 S2-WMk 1 _ 1.43 -.21 . 4429! •: « pJS®*" :: ■WITWIJ .. 247 ..44 M l .. FlHlSkWK Nit % ^ YTO 62-wk «" ■- 3.24 ..24 «rtw .. 449' -"04 PinnTc !i' 430 *'o4 t'"5*lC"5.K 4 42 -22 aPPtC l44*U].M-2.40 ferOU * '/Sl tl -IS *®' 84 24 62„ . T«CsAut 20 tSS .. - - - £Hich lew Nim«______Lan Cha C . 4449 -49 ‘JffCAi ... 704 . e»bt4u .44 sa u -44) fwmeiK.***" •'* • *« lr 31 M -.24 S* ■'CIJ*3 02 H».»CpA.t9« 25COM ,.40 7*(W0 2 30* 34 00 - 29 1.350 05 6,06234 IJowJoneilnOuimiuisll. 9,672 39 .48 78 . '• . 29 94 . 17 'DtCl • 47J3 :i . !!S. .ii !J!S'’S Biiw*g 1261,28 23 . 0? FCKWuai“ 'W1 ( “ « *3' W.S«utc» 1 14 20 20 . .5 0 ^ 8 le SoowS- ' ,... 34 22 .41 »»*0^ . 2433 -«4- _. 47 ^.14 C'fft 20 12 . 90- 04>»0a« .84 U 68 . 26 f'ttXlKt 40 i 6491 -99 W4aVM 18M» . -27 Uttfyn .. 27 20 - 29 3,15744 1.94201 DowJon*4TftniB0*i 2826 :29 . p2S S f ' 2? f**!** ... 2144.2 44 .72 38 2S .04 MMO* 24.93-J93-344 W J327 -41 667.71 40463 NVSeCompOul* 579 79 .31 . :f!:S : K I 4144 J 22 >"V«intl 20CO -17- Ptifftcl) 12 02 102 IISAM.JAM. . 20 23 -or M 69.78-1.4} l«wCp 2J« 243030 - . 20 T^»mx!£l24^ 24 04 . 29 961.67 Ml 776.88 Am«>rn04i -:H B- . 244 . 03 ‘X»OeW • 7.10 - fl«nW ,, 2400 - 33 OAtX i; 786 72 .2166 •207 -2 -1125 -1090 CHII -r-94 .-24 •«<•**» --W-.02 .l p ^ ^ • - iS"£'T< . an .K BirrU# ... 63 R) ..04 CUnftrt "iSSJi:!! .1 s a S !!£:« .44 Tltfniu 40 27,10-3«. 32083208 85 t.36706 NBK}It4 - -23 07 -37 3t I •- •- 11,10.2,74 - 242.44 fomu " USI .14 U9E"Itiy 343 .05 atntM) 22 t442 -34 OlO [ 1.39596 944.75 SSP500 71 97.207 Worm»l* _ 11J4 -.; 09 14 35 - 43 N0(1«iVi. Wl 7 n77 .'. m '« « « ♦'«! 1,14224 .1 03 ♦ .09 -13 48 -16.77 cSSSi -.73 Pj*n»»9r 14 29 . 29 lUQIMDOW .. 121 ..10 BUU'I 3M 4848 . 48 I 641 -19 NODS'* 30i 34MM .- « • *1M -M *'»51989 37362 Ru(*«il2000 ... 241 . j r 4 >2490 p||,;4 2849 . 19 BwtOc* .38 33 00 - 23 Owwcfi 44038 -3 43 -76 . -7 06 -6 70 CmTi I Jt *.20 l«9«0i" 149 -I 13 99 .84 Cfl ... 4944 . 16 WofVpO 1 80 6 9 02-2J2-249 TojRU .. 2240 -44 12.W6{,92601 9.07324 WillDireSOOO tO,51l5t .03 . ■01 Pl^Pmn 1002.144 0«lS0)t< t.12 t.i 78 44 .2 84 f*«lNO 1261 2409 . ♦ 01 -13.87 -17J7 g r tf S ••- iP ‘-AA •« •:•34 Po*,M«i J709 .J9 U4^r»-, J4 .51' B«ll8wy ... 87.10 . 70 OtnEta 44 8 41.59 . 67 f W « l 32* 34 10» . .31 Tftntoen .12 21.77-144 4 74 - 14 " ^ t x 19 09 . I Btvwlr „ «,C4 a*nU«t 111 10 49 30 .41 N.Uul 47 IIU14 Iif . i'60 -04 C*r«M»cl« -. 341 ..24 . 3230 :»■! K S f '?iS ;iS _ _ aey*4 .., 44.73 -.40 nUett 200 2 0 44 49 . 42 OcciP.4 t.OO 23.M-tt4-149 39 1410 «.12 C4't*'C4lI 277T .41 04 »74 -M.J n>wm,y ... l7 J « - ,n ■ ■ . 1449 .27 OctMloy .16 14,t2-I, C4KC0 9 22 I'V'Urd t,76 .C ■1-141 TrtOW 04 47.33 .»4 YTD VTD C«(o»flt C p, 1.14 34 72 .47 OKDgi UI43III .32 . Tjton .14 1109 «09 W4m«nj ______Div pg U U Cho 34 99 d40 : .e S f S . " :S ifii ... 240 . 77 Bow 68 14 24 .14 04Pc0P Ui 31 47 .44 Onernti 294 . *Chg N«m« Olv pg | c>-g %chfl -_ 1140 ..44 *^*e . 124-0 "VI 79 19 69 a>*«C 80 32J7 .63 8 «-;!• • « .76 32 33 78 .43 t 40 24 - 47 Mnltw _ 30.74-24 BojUiC t4« 7.21 .21 Om SKMM4” 4» 1245 *“ M 43 40 -2 ♦27 5 8eonP« t7T»23 55 . 24 -223 ..u32.14.4J3 '«*"»«' 700 -2 ■«" 262 -C! itCll .. 44 18 06 . 06 . ■IS ... 27.90 . 21 WCni - 1.14 -M •272 3 8«nt«n1 53 J 13 1560 - 31 -M 5 S S - ., 9193 .32 ^ 3490 .4 •«on ... ,1} .o t 1.10 J4 90 . 22 H6U - IJM-241 POtECe ,30 I7MibS, . ';s;srs;Corp 90 45 34 90 .18 ♦19 SnyVrtiii 08 22 •. . 1909 .32 933 -4 1 '21 07 . 40 -267 ' *V' 44M.2M BroaMng _ 9.11 -i7 OiMnviS 4j ilAm 240f 16 63 24 - 26 ♦379 T^rjflyn 2014 .24 4142 iiis: .t BnmFA 140 4328 .44 O^Hr.41/1 l- ili : s *C .60 ... 32 37 . 63 27 20 - 29 -270 C4«.s, 2042 .00 '"VWOn _ 1444.1#'14* RPUcO 2793.12 "’•'Ui44» 34 23 . 04 B-WSf .444 29 29 . 92 I* - . 7J0-UJ PPICO-P >M 3300 !; -3 7 luppwi* 88 231 2t63 : .,t5 .58 BnlUc JS 2U0-IJ9 OuOtn 4424.1 41 P»cC»™ 72 24 50 .1 v n T.80 12 3134 -43 •108 USBinc'P 75 20 ; s M B I H ■ - aSi :iJ KP" 26 78 .}> C-Ukj .. 23 40 - 44 HCAkc tH !:s r ,“ .s;;:r;s gs- I 16 13 - 11 -220 IM . . . JDta^ .101 ,11 “ 3J« ;M P*W>B . 423 -I *9'* 941 IS 23 36 - 09 •to 2 V»»>i 24 14I 1325 ■ .1 5 *152 _ .14 lUfftM 930 .11 ''I4UMUo* -, 42 -.04 CXERU . u4t4 .34 HUHM X «0 . 33 4 2 65 - 47 - flil.].Zf JMUftcn ID» -21 CNHOU .10* '940 - 04 Hinorw "nsi!! _ S3:: .68 Wl/Min 28 39I 5600 j *72 .54 Co"»w.. n£55r* " I7'?0 *M ■I 1290 -M cn 34 1434 .21 H4rt*(0 i: O'O 64 34 4000 .,75 ♦199 V/i»nFM 96 13I 24 : 47 - 07 .- ii ' ! ! S : . ”! S r -14 tofW, _ JT -42 V9»«»■«* 444 . 19' CS* .40 3 7.2J.t32 i:! t 162f 29 39 52 ' Jt ■■ <• IJ • Co167 WM*frBO 104 22 41 < 86 -.46 -24 6 CeroMTcn 244 37 40 . 03 P»5ei£n 2 04 34 17 -( ItflP 32 50 22.09 . 01 ; “iirs; IS1J5,.-;!g;i:•« a . : 111 : S - 2144-244 troo .or PwCo 44 -30 22' --( » l«T,c« 90 4 7 74 . 43 >30 0 ZonBep 80 16' 4764 4 -.33 -23 4 CcncCm _ .14 M*«W _ 402 .41 «♦. ■ 12 93 . 94', C4SMftNY . 33 73 . 73 ««UU 44 -04 PtrtElmi 24 29 49 - .4 « 14ft) 3941 .21 «0p 201 40 46 49 . 26 Connn - Ii5! •" a - ",S ::!i RMM _ 444 .44 C«d*ne* .. 2310 -10 h*303 -44 Xng^T'd 12 03 .4C .. C*«Oo«...28.18» ..14 HtrcUt _ Jia______176 .05 ______CeptMfl___------144^11. lUOfCe----_U70.>44 a J?i! *•?? 14.70.1JI-1JJ i*W4i 4oa30 40-too •54 4 ------C«rTh«> .a*(Mt*«----- 3044-144. «'»W0_A'O_____ I4 1 ..4 9 '______C4W ... 28J2-105 32 1.18 16 23.16 - 08 -173 2114 -74 . 1740 -10 M 9.N ^44 Ptj'?* ” 2 4I 49I .47 O UnumPrt, i» 2479 .32 C^tCOTM1 ' 21 .00 IWI»0> 23 97 -:44 44 ‘ S ***■"*1" 21,14. 3.14' ass SJJ3 ;fi sr» s vF .32 19 11.61 *08 -f40 CemrCt 3444-149 3994 .40.30 .. 14 44-144 Wa* ,.u40,79.3 1J .10 8449 .84. J4W X :,3 s s r n S 5 i g i S•"7 i 27.76, ... , >2t.8 I CemtCpn _ ■II 17 31 14 . 73 WalM.« . . 41 .0) C*iVrtl .42 2S40 . 43 fW « M 03 7.73 - 20 PhU&« 44« 2913 .1 ' - „‘S :S K , Sg :ii C»l«p» 1.40 4 7.97 - 41 HOOMW 7S &*93rt 1474 -SS I^SAU 1044 -• 04et V/cnXomJCom 721 14M .23 -C«lMOn-_-2140*L}5 244,1? 244 24 70 .'S 24 PrmEi' 32('?744.Tt VMrO Jd 3442.241 - M.fO.144 WrtO _ 444 -44 I4t 944 .33 C«‘«tii:o . J9S0 -42 144 1JM 140 .44 Ph(P« 1 44 91 40-20IJm ^ 37 91.127 ^ 7 * 224 -04 U^vTcn 14 4t32>ll3 CtniM* _ I1J3 ,M HiMV\H 44 iJJ V»ixart>f44 4043.140 r» va'A ii 025 m04l KOv* ftocfci on DMma Naw York Stock Eidianga. ffl* 4001 . 24 49.1 13 UwtfMn - 344 ..14ii " ’JS -a >»'»*■ Otrilti .20 3304 .31 132,H 132 24 29 - 04 PlofRrI _ <940-IJi nteq Natlonil MiA*U and 100 most a 100 moat acflvaottM 2 | S ? " - : £ ib»* Ch>nOn*f4Ce 24 33 >37 >CMPnrm X .149 V«t»e 43 74 . 43 ^ i ta /n en Amtrian etodc Exdianga.iga. Mutual finda «r> ■ I H 3 I Omtng _ 4JS -44 iUShdi » 04. » “ •'« P«e«^ 20 - 60 ■«. t v-sce 44 2073 .43 ill£15Ufowi8loek4lfiboldeftanoid5Mfl !s weafltarmorahprlw. ■ _ ■______' 0*<«r B S S ! ' !,’ !S :S 3T97 .22 CMUd t04 tPIO .10 ‘SIO 243 . ^,,,20 . 70 Nanwiim 8h>d(f «r» 84W02 MvtCu C t i ^ 07 tsn I 44 UfCO •* S!S :s K g’ ;ss s;s : Currart annual tfvMand raia paid on1 Mock,K tia«4d on Ulati quvlatV or MI7Mirtaonoaldadartlton - U ST r 1 g j r : «i 40 4714 .33 ^ VedUM 234 2430 .11 jrtiWOiMotftant4*a(oo6ietad. - 4.47 -4a “«?«*’ >4 -02 f e SS s '*•** WKftCM 94 29 92 . 23 1'Me* nock wa« tradbig ti wtMo axcfiai ” *C»______1^ .02 Izrjj 1861 -sr CiirriStt .18 t4.70 . IS >na4n« WKiCo. 1449 . 24 e » £yleaacfoajnfofBuday.Wotfianoaht i£ Otym 04 1344 -.40 .201“Hiis S :!i»S * OurCntn . 44 70.t07 W>>K) .^2 l«l 5 ? •«.04 W*!U4rt .21 44 00 . 72 ^ '» » « • « P-09r»£fl2t2 41 74 .43.4J Wtfgm .19/ 34 24 . 24 id NanK Nama c« mutual fund «id laffliimjr. ■ . Oqtoi 44 40.10 . 47 I'UfuOK ^ 34 tato .74 PrwS<>Ui 90 4 34 W4m» Wt CoeaO .72 30 00 .a 41 14.74 ..74 Prnwr ,12 2J7 .Jl «00 .24 ^ M «M« valua, or prtot« Hfileh fundideeddbaioU. < P>> «<***« t393 . 14 >(«•;« 14 99 - 01 4»0 - c TJ y S S l i - ‘ 2 *'’ ®“» '94* 21 74 . 09 , 144 3944 -10 OmiCm . 1170.IM h IM12 n». d - N*« to. db n mS m - :« • ** tSrt J4 09 . » ce^ M SM .» 2824 -37 fUn*;^ 3 40« 47.73 .04 vmiKnn 2940 ChMndk , ! » S®* - " 3 :f,31 u S S a " 10M * 331* 2949 .19 • CortON tt 23 43 JHfrSn 3tr311 3473 .90 nPU 40 1333 :,0 .10 W.rft 3 14 49 72 . 02 I SJ f ^' e a er m k MM rStfsS M » BttSt *y*" -~ ' 'a ? 40 1440 - 90M i w S i , n f i .33 T' :24* 27 19 Coneea .76 2440 - 99 JohMnt .72u•72UM00 - 07 RMoSm 20 2947 .77 . 77 W*%f,gs 104 41 44 -44 tUMM iZ / ! ' f l •«M lACSCO" 1790 .39 ffr 44* J444.I43 ■ CetMKO - 4.74 .4* JttrtrOMVIuVIM.2> -17 n4)wmP 21 3249 - 12 '*• 4M .1419 UMTDM* _ aiM -.13 a 3 »* 2404 - 18 ConCd 220 3441 -1 19 MntUto -IJ Wren J4U30 00 . 74 -UnKM si^i^sisiSsSiS 3t 00 . 90 40 29 42 -■" 43 Wb3£o im 2407 -14 OkUmti j*-W«we.mr-5»i2SiS. M MuMI 94 9 1 7 . 31 3443 . 19 OnUKn 41 2491 - 13 Kmn Ue4dW6*4*«e- 6c»R«nI 1 le* 2417 .04 CaepCMI - 22J0-4.I1 U ln S i fJO'JO 1 1041 .XII fl0H4t> 40 U 77. .17 g aimt. < 2 !i2 4n£A^£«17*fl431 .91 COCMT 140 39 20 .94 _ - 4J0 -.71 Pamn _ 14J7-tJ|.17 120 1734 -OS ntyMf.i spf.-assvss a9* l»»: .t3 4frtrt*3"0t* 1790 - 295 - Sli-u Kr> ' 73*’ 4 » l4 .i^ Cc«a a 444J.22S Knfng _- 741-144 fty1Cw» 42 T1XS«1.73J4I 140 S4 43 .,70 Mrmmti 122-04 liffltOOOVll* S4 7» .It . « 9123 .40 Corning ,i» 90O .34 t.76 : •« W.»C<>. _ t.0 .JJ £« 5 * * ^ 1 1 .ier 1 1431 -M 4Nqi«002>* SI.I3 -02i s s a - " - CnmM 40 4378-tJ; Kmta 1.12!:t2 I k I4 u '-”.?7 721 2131 -47 MandMiMMkJ.x> Ceaji 349.54 6AA;.t900944 40e4 .044 rmiA _ 1.73-13 ;*Sr^ Cran* .49 2Z43 .30 KtngPni tcntrumtimuima c«*a# - .13 .*1 iSftftJMOOfJ* 4324 . 40 -• 44* 470 I 2S Cvm* >20 3442 .10 Kncfrt 100 « _ M37 .49 00 I'lo r?o ■ **W». 14^ 12.70 «.74 IkMA* • "- 147 .O t 4»«t2XO»20*4990 .345 1^ . 944 .44 C«*« .. 2401 -44 Ktm I itUM. I - n*WM diMn 42 3 X IO fn.il l4J4-t.7» ».i-l«dieiw5dS “ S£;tS JSlSlg-J!! • • D*w« 49'j; 4 100U1404 ;44 «»«' 32:32»* 9320-2 49 . 3 &JXJ" _ 1324 M(Kmi 3 .M *e0trm 140 24 70 - 04 » 33.t7.-4.13 iMpOaa 44 2U1.244 W"4CI04 0t .33 OPL .M S322 .34 24 Z 74 . » V M .11 M91-1I2L12 »»ci I0| 70# .07 L UMan _ - ______*ourca;»a;-nia >aaorialadl»raaa.»4ia«flj«^ESyar^unomoit I -I 44 - « 30* 3493 I 41 4 to 49 -02 >ntC«l 1741 .M1 S^os:o*S:S 04 , 2M .04 I 4*"m 440 -.70 b*>*n' - 144 .44

    ’ ^ M T lm o^N ew i, TwinIn FiF llll, Idsho Saturday, NovemtwriM rir, 2001

    May 21 45 21.47 21.45 221 47 .,02 Ind'ustria C i.().siN c; l-i al activity 1 ^ Hl»1 Lo* 6M i Chg- Jul 21.11 2151 21.50 2 /^drops 21 50 -05 NEWYOnK(AP)-: Z!P . S«0 2 1 57 21.5 7 7157 2 ’I • Spo) norlarroua matal price. S.000tMITMmMfflunvcaoiipwbutM 21 57 .,,. Fr«My, I lOT CbM Cfmno, o«c SeO Nov 21 25 21 28 21.25 221 20 . 03 AJumtfium > 01.7' cant,can par R>. London Melal Eicn. Fn eo TOO 277.7S 78075 .0 Thu»Miti339 Copptr.S7lOCatft sr s r * ' ?!!> 7 7B 7.31 . 65 Mo 7V>•V> 297 5 787.75 707 .0 5 . lhu.»op,n«il3J07. up 58 :atnodt M S. oa.inai-oni M-, suav BUSt B7H oni '01 Mny JfllSflIS JSB 79075 7075 .4 74 C«ct>«i-08 00 cam. for 13th; n»C Il l’ourHl I I 4 laaj. 20-31 camip straight mnonth ■93 JOO 307.2J 7W7S .4 ^-.f . Z.nc.4l,58-I7.08c«iScenitlb.aekyered Ok j.y w n^^oI ’ ir l l i 'm H . 'E ^ ^'p Livi-.s'ixx:U K 0ou-s274 50l-oye-oy 01.. Handy S Harman (onfy daily I Htei! (1103 - 0031 Ju*!* 311!! W A SH IN G TO N (AJAI») - economy can proprovide. ^ «B50 ,E ilet 70.280 »’OCATELLO. liUixXAPi - kuho Farm Oo*d-’$274,70l'0y0toyOf.NYMarciDOl Fn Aftershocks from the Bl’oil B«10 • 0330 Thu.'iiop*ftii>aninH09.705 irmUuraau Slvti • 44,12)Xan(t)landy 4 Karman (only OaJy qwlej. 2 te r r o r “Tliere will be1 be m any m ore bar- lt6.V 11053 . 71 COW S.V«I • S4 095 iroyoyoj o .N.Y. MtrcipolFri attacks helped to depress l"v\"stocVa'iIctioIi- ^ ss indus- . gains in the mno on n th s ahead, espe- 11BB7' 117 04 .71 8.0CI0bumMmWrnum; c«nti pot buM I Uvatlock 00 Marcuiy - $150 00»p«.76lbllalk.N,Y. p« P«: CAi>nSi'(Miflr't!3o!i 'fi! VVWneaaay UN.Iyandcomfntroalcow:ow% 33 00-38 00. Plai,num - S41) 004 trial activity in Octoberr forf the cially withh the holidays 0« 707.5 705 707.7S .175 IMAVV IaikMi lltsr. 83 OO-Bt 00. l-oM ll 00-450 00 Iroy Of, Nv.icoolrncll, M» C;nil)iitoli.,r fi3«t MV 0?e? ' M I07S 7I1.S 7107S 7115 .i s BO.00.0 5 00. .toeker |t»tn rvj, l,Qfii ho. PUil'num 4427,90llioyor.NV, iro: Merc .001 Fn, 13th straiglit month, tlie! 1longest approaching,”g,” predicted Bill i>-c cowLxnoM 27S7 7738 ?; 774# . 04 Mjr ?175175 21B 717 718 75 .1 .1Mf» (U 00-70 00. hoi.Urt Innd,'"Sir aiea'iM 00 " " »na.nciavalabla, " ,strctd i of dedincs since the r«u COMCXQOM >rae 774.5 ?; 775 7 - 04 y.,, 77474 & i 779 75 774 75 770 .1 he Great Cheney, chieficf economist for : - - - 0"J COMl^^XS'lVni 4 IJO 4Cfl54 4 005 -13 Jul' 230 5 64 00. l>ol»l»-i •C(,n9«>h».!».. rv',1. paCi'latiy caua. rVa, l«. - NEW YOnK (APj - K 30 5 737 4 7305 7377S .1 Umtoiva tHiN»41 00-50OO.lK.tvyltKtt08fh«,l»r» Friday. axnpar»dw,tl Depression. All the ecoi:o n o m lc ‘ J o h n ''H a n cicock' o c ‘ Financial 38 7S737.7S 73« 5 737J .s lli> 00-70 00, lom IPffi>.r n«.le'» 7B OO.fl liKKv'SKS: ; 4750 4770 'itt 'J*'’’ISS 740 75 744 5 74a .75 weakness, however, had a silver Services, *t’’ Klllnum J?"i» 471 *2 0 4779 . 40 Jn® rio.ii>.» 80 00 Bl 00 .lock cox iva, co. % ‘S: 1 n A. p ^ rvrt. (.MU' larnBt 47 0< lining: Consum er prices fellill- W hile heavy17 c discounting and D»r Ti»n* lloncl 106 IW 57 757 7i« 757 FUmarkt Colanp«t thus keeping a lid on inflat;ation. meted in Octobe • A..-J lpvnt,,lli» (i7tO Cll 07 07 ts -05 Au'b, 4 58 * Tnu •» ooan ml 113.003. U0BS7 Dae 17,30 I82)aT)^ 17 30 t003 .58 * lober for the 13ih (II 55 87 4? . 87 Uitt 460 FEEDER CATTLE Fab 10 15 1881 The Consumer Price In([ndex, a straight month,Ith, fa llin g by 1.1 • M.II rcrUoi Ciintr. HI 70 80 0 4B5.S, 459 4(i®J .4 « so.oooKM.:e»napwti. Bol ■ IS” 1270 1^ *i;. cniiip nr to »o Jan 81 70 8205 8155 62.62,42 . 07 Aflr 18,07 1909B09 1645 10,94 .,5? key I. gauge of inflation, deiieclined percent, on topop of a big 1 per- B0 50 BIOS I 5? Thu*M[t»75r»27.7S5 Mar 80 75 81.70 80 75 fll. ‘.'.I, fiiriinr Ciivi., (1140 (1U7U UU 81.07 . 45 . Tnu •oo«ninln^1 172,877 A1.I2 .30 May 1800 19,129.12 I 8 60 19.12 . 92 by ^ 0.3 percent in Octobe3er, fol- cent diicline inin £September, the IM- l„r.P'.» l.o.ly 7S7f- 711 oe H23 leoo noa -04 0-- ...... 10,08 .,48 one of al output sincence a 15-month- V.i^ ’B7 1M JW7 .0 1.7 S.0 tflsa Fob ■...... 20 04 .49 tlthe few benefits a weak< ‘«3'4 7i)7 \rj .4 3 4 OCI aa 18 88 lOBa isae -17 ■ ■ 1 D«: 4B 47 49 47 47 47 48 481 05 -1 42 Mar 2005 20093 09 20 05.... 20 09 .,50 k e n in g stretch that endecided in Ju ly 1932. Fab • 54 40 54 40 52 75 53 531 80 .40 Api ...... =. ,7=, !!!S III Apr : 57 15 57 90 50 70 57 17; 20 .,13 May ...... 20.13 .,5t 145 1 4 457 1^ '3 4 ‘’V May 43 10 63 70 97 80 C3! 440'454 a4 !J im 'ihu . mi, ..17,419' 17. 53 57 .,20 Jun ...... r K ' Jg' 1 iw' 705 707 1-4 . 1 1)4 Ihu »op«nini Jun 03 75 44 40 43 40 54 C4 00( . 18 Jul ...... 20 25 ..54 J J„l 01 80 87 40 41 ao 52,35 62,: . 05 Aug ...... 20 29 .54 Dell___ ■I0t.4 711 1,-7 . 1 1/7 80YOEANMWaSi',”,-""' ,Aua ; CO 90 01 37 90 75 61 : s«Mp«fton '( ' f'..i, hn"».<:. ,1/77 IW .v ; Oci 53 47 53 80 53 30 UB3 131 I'05 Oc? 20 39 ijfl Cl .0018700144,70 1BS60 ... 0 I « ...... so;S077 ..17 Nov ...... Continued from B6 McAlindin said,d. 11?!!’I” ''■*1145 lir.0 .0 5 J.r, 100001'00191.50 1S9.30 100 40 . 90 Lati i tpai 47 48 t'C4 11115 .3 5 W.r 15SM1M 157.40 1SSS0 ISOM , Oac 20.10 204B)4B 20 IB 2o!4b I so . • If Dell terminates itss T w in “W e’re a compampany that always IIUO , n o o - Mfl, 157 SOI fll ajioi 9,423 7»iu » mKi S.SSt Jun ...... 20 48 . 56 ,p | S01S4 20 15730 1S410 . 90 Thu »oo«n,n134.297. up 670 Dec ...... Falls operation and sublcileases gives itself 'room 80 1IHS .0 1 J„| tSJM50154 I 40 157 SO 154 10 . 00 POflKOELLJES f Dm to grow ,” Dell 1190 n w . A„j 1S3 0015400001 1S7.50 15340 . .10 4 Dac 70 00 20 I'aO80 20M 20,99 Iio the Ul building, it must either 40.000 Kw.; CM* pwb. Dac ...... 20,80 .,56 er take spokeswoman1 CjCathie Hargett .00'153 50 1S700 15350 . 70 FtL F 75 21 75 75 73 40 744 353 -.00 Oae ...... ^..., -,. . 20,89 .58 0over ’ the debt service oron the said, 'i% !^;s .... 157.00 .710 Mar I 74 8 5 74,90 73 IS 733 000 -80 Tnu,'. lala. 292.771 ‘ 'ouQUtksna mm SncUs . i ” ’ •“ .00153 50 152.00 15350 .720 May >. 70 00 70 00 75 70 75 g f.978,U95.7l5 ^ garage bonds or pay offiff the On companyy campusesa else* Tnu toosninl I 4?o - * » heatinooil'^ ” '*” bonds. 'KHUO.OOfl *1-9 A ,, 762(525 42.0000*1. CM* palgi where, Dell operperations occupy L«.l HKI103 97.UP0 25 Dae 51.10 5341 50180 52.18 .1,00 But that entire arrangemtnent is only a portion of lanli d Dell owns, . ' B I vAN'.S\'S MlWEAPOllSlLIS (API. Fn: E.I,\ v.ir» 1,010Thu lMi« ue? Jan 53 02 54 3B ■> Hloft Low s«tg« ' CAO. Thu 1 .cponml 7.444.up50 3B 51,90 53,16 .T.04 Ofon hold for now. she said, WHEAT^'’*" Fab 52 05 54 50 5240 5305 .1.09 #,000 bu rr^nlmunlnwn:c«ntip«8»» Pkm m” 3^4 5,5 318 5 313 317- .7 M i -:-|'a i . s /C u u r i - " ■ Wny 371 5'5 377 371.5 37975 .4 12 l\ll ll:U ;!:5! C a ity airp o rt on his w ay ba{lack to those campusesses or the Twin' Jul 52.30 54.10,10 - 52,30 53 21 .1 44 X l 333 3JB.75 333 .3 5 Stincleo S' »ori<] BOk) or,ctt. Fnday Auo «-75 SSOO Twin F alli .Charlie Ball. DE ell’s .- Falls facility, or wl; S 339 335 5 339 .7 75 Mong M. Kong J.vt 4775 8501151.10, 00 53,40 53 60 .1 44 * ' r w hen it m ight do S«p 5390 5000 No. 2 man in Americas S S S S S Sggigs.. s a, sr., 34B 348 348 . 2 London Ll moin.rjluing $775 50 up $0 403 ______O?l_S5.00_il2Q_SS ss ?!!! :;!!___ ^ s r e a l so. H argeit said. — CoriB!fnir[oin«wrei:n(j-s774‘50oHSJ(iO' 50 50 .1 54 -estarenvas"(in"his"way"6I CS o u t"o t ivicAimam saidiI3 ^i a ll expects to US D. Hq op«n corlrncl Zurtfl.lnlonflornocn J774 25 oK JO 40 Fob 57,7 5 56 65 57,40 57.01 .I.5B SSalt a L ake airport. ______MS!__ 5fl.40_S7J0_ _ •______whether Dell willtill ei v e r necid the 9.000 ftummirnuf OOI1SI03, Apr 55 00 50,50)0 6500 5S,01~ri!e4 — Theirchancemeetingrestfsulted n>'romised parkir•king garage in NYEngwhflro $775 47 Cll $0,05 May 54,50 55,808 0 54,50 55,01 .1,89 r _ Nocpe«eoni-»;i N/EngsinnrSI.iOricalKl 476940ellSI ,00.00 Tnu |i u l » 40,077 i' a verbal agreementt ithat Twin Falls. Andnd :Dell officials NYMtfC BO'‘HeolmonmFn4774 70011$ J74 UUrban r Renewal can delay’ park-f have been reasona NV MSOC D„nk USA 4 p m Fn 4274 70I'waJSO, Ol UNLaaEDQA^UNE lonablc about the CHIil-.Si; Jj 42.000 0*1. e«lt*p«(f 0*1 l iniing garage construction untilu arrangement, hee added.ac »(I gt«in. ojli. com nnJ aNYMaiC 0me CMOOar ei>ii«.»i«>» p,<«. on l^. ChOBO M».canl.t, Jan 50,00 51.80i f !!!! S!.;; : ! 3 ? ' Mlcft Lour 8M«ffld Cho. 6<.70 57.7070 50,50 52.13 .1^3 ^*1'that is, until Dell’s Twin: TFalls drawn for the struistructure and can J4 30(4fl.pounuijMoi 0«ii'i*»'*1*100050. • 0150. 40 poun0 block. 1 7700. . %GOLD " • Ma; 5320 539090 51,90 5138 .1.25 CIT -i..i"-IUM.n r.t, ail9 S5 M.W.c«m.S4 ^ 45,15pm. “ 7OO , WWyoi.:do«Mpwtroyci. Apr 5945 19 75 5830, 5048 .1 25 T-,employment reaches sometlething easily pull the plan;>Ians'off tlie shelf, (!„»-. OnUa Vfyh, nanflnntin . « -.40 | g « «MSO , 5890 00,00 .1,25 Ilklike SOO people or nnmore, McAlindin said. H >rteMcou>lMyOUi«liFoo(te. p®Otc 275,10775 70 7^ 80 274 00 1, H e fig u res t,he F»l) 275.00274 00 274 50 275 70 Jul 00 20 4080 M cAlindin said. city would n eedid cone month to JP'*f! il','"y"t!l ia «”rO M . il«i,vn'y,nl)uiioy. P Apr 27CO0774C0 27400 276 40 W 58 80 5 0 4 8. .1,21 JAnd Dell, which starteied to solicit bids and foi jM 7(1 (luOInd 0.1,1; Ily Tipi:;! AgriSoufC# ,n ______P0TAT0i;.s ;;Jun 277,20277,50 27920 277.10tg - i : fo u r m onths ^or *“0 ...... 277,80 ■ 5o!m I i i s make m 2 offers to job appliciIcahts construction, ■fl 11,» CHICAGO (AP) . Ocl , ,...... 276505!. -JS “ ::::: ...... *003 .1,25 W«W ednesday, might not e D»e 277.0027930 277.00 27920?n "■ n Tnu.’I Ul« 30.549 ever Meanwhile. UrlUrban Renewal l:i uo IIPH fici, liFil tin” D"CnMj«i.!"«,"j3C« ' tf^OC'naPC'"'* U! 637.UP 1.307 rea 0nrc»rtiaal>ot)ufb«nk.70eounMC0 f*'’ ...... 200 00» - i r S t f w : ' ” " reach th at point. . can use for otherier development *,'■1 fn’i. n,v) r.wxJ.ng) w,»con».ni»,nHo llutnnii If'l-rmouMnin [iJrDaBfct.'colCfji s s f f l (5 , 771 2,003 .78 tCCtechnical'Support jobss in the $850,000 bondond issue would ie<4(»NoiWUht It 00.11 50.W,v:ont,n Ote 202,5029300 292 50 2039090 .1.40 Mar 2623 2B0515 .787 2,898 .76 Jar i'"’ ...... 290 50 10 -.774 2 878 .69 January and has projectedJ ithat have cost the agengency at current yrxi,-. A PC' Cxl 100 ID uck«. <>•' ...... 305 ??10 . Z IISS 1 ^ 0 00-17 00. M.nnaifltaN Owota 70 .3.70 Jun 2.9IS 2.970 number will grow to 200'25(!50 a t r a te s ov er a lO-ytO-year term, he flulMI. USIMi Thu.-. Ml« 35,045" t ??? l i l l :?4“ OTDE’I 'VvM.. iPm„i31i^ltir;o„ Jul 2,070 3 0100 9» 3 000 .6? an unspecified time soon. said. - - . '»0,J Barley 4 45 Noixoim 70■count. CPU 100 MHiM TnTnu .opaninl Il3,545u9 7,630 AuB 3 017 3 052 (up 10) 11 c«ic«nl U*i»d 10 10 liimtjK^afl»nontijtAVV«Ui*8ionar< - 811SILVER Sas 3 032 3 080lO ,917 lOM I97. . ^Business and civic leadiders - New colored strijstrip in g will des- Ouoon No'kotaiii 9.000 lrcyez.;oMHa par boyei. Oct 3070 3.110 I’0HTL*N0“-'*v)mi> »i,eal 3 73llttflsdyl. ittii DaiMy 10< 00 n«ui>d »,l»lai1 US US I aim A 100 ID lack pti CM o'» 0 000 -1104 .57 insiinstrumental in closing the2 Dell1 ignate the spacesces where Dell l»1i'd'l(). M 0«'r.i>rl ^llt•na4 33Mup41 (up 11 p«.c»r,l».n. V/.Kont n 0 00-0 95 -1,3 Nov 3300 3 304 00.0 50 K Jai ;;;| iiis ss :k0.0 -1,3 Dac 1450 3 5101 U ll :IS deideal have made it clear thtl e y workers may park,rk, and the com­ CALUWtlL - vvn.ln nfioal cm aS 030] lilaail,). bari«y 4 60 »!»■,.Cjy) k ; : i; | ;;?! !j;| p IS :l:l S: Jgs I t s expect to see more. Howe\ever,- pany,will policeice em ployees’ .S u g a r | i 03 -1.1 Mar 3450 345??, 440 4 52 . 40 th e Stp .,. , , ,,, 418 0 they made their incentives5 con-c parking habits, Mc/^VIcAlindin said. ■'oxrLANO O'R lAf'i. rMtfliI 1717: 30 pm I'DIFiK/iiy ------9 0 - 8 Apr , 3,310 3 350 'i.' M I'oiiijnu lo< »n.p/ D« 421.i 4220 4196 419,0JO -,B Mo/ 3 357 3,3400 fit ??7 :« '»n3 on in* titw JarJan .... ,,. „,, <25,) t - 8 3^00 3 4 00 100 people o r m ore in Twin FFalls Timcs-News BusBusiness Editor T''a»733>4 ' OpM *» Mar _42I5.421.5 421,5 4^.^i .8 Jul 3 435 3,435 ? , . Z : s‘ IJS 1 r^rciu" s » . i , . S 17 - 0 *“0 3.480 3 4400 449 440 -. 5 by tlieI iend of 2004. V ir^ifito S. flu te / ■J « 73-3 74 SUOAn-WOfllD: '3 . 8 S«P 3 460 3 490 jtchins can be Itzoooe«.:c«it>e»nt»p«f6. ji,l 0 457 ,457 . 5 For c now, Dell plans to i 307.301 Mar 700 ’O - 8 3.510 3 5100 3499...... 4B9 . 5 . ) u se rcachcd at 733-0931,931, E xt. 242. or 7 35 720 7 31 -.05 D»e D« «7D ...... 657 .33 JUSI ?0 kT ' ‘7 " ’'"3^hS" S3 8787.3 3 01 . May fl 70 I085 4 78 081 -01 Jul 14 Ifl Oee 3780 3.790 iust 40,000 square feet in1 i th e • by c-mail at virginiginia@magicval- a 39 4 34 fl 38 Do( Vr-.l PW-!,,. ;i',1.3'>4 Doc ’ liS 48,.♦8,000-square-foot buildiii i n g ,' ley.com. 440 047 045 . 01 Wao’.tala*VU 5.993 "® fJ p 700 . I E s i 650 ! (S5B OSO .01 '' WaOWl acpon,ni75.18fl.us1.5l5 Mar ...... 094 . 1 ------Ub n'l ".’'■"’m ...... 6 55 . 01 Apr ...... ■ S' ,8 54 0 54 flS4 .03 NEW NEI YOnK (AP). HanoyS Harman .,M>r«r FrKla/F y*-'' 3508 III Some) 77.4 75 Ocl OS') I H 125 uo 0,010 H4H laer«tlcd 44 744. up Bthlng missing? • " Y' UPS00I2...... I'na .a ma US 7 lm,>, llfl I ti.c.ns ,itir| ■*.495.505 4 Tf.!I»M**inri611161.957 jons4.ii75, i"ja O ar« abl« to cwtomlzd ou: US 7 IW, / C, inlun'l ■«a.. 4 40.4 75 8U(WH14 ...... 3027 .6 y l u: Ju stcall u s snd we'llII try to Includo It-! Lsndonlate t,t>ar44.t20 oupSOOlO m arket reports. If you're InteIter- Please call Ramona Jono: tl2.000b*.;cwilf EngairMraS4.l40. up 40 005 Oc? 1030 3 6301 3 923 3 623 "’-1 lonos ot 733- ! Engoinari) InDncalx) S4 791. i« SO 004 ...... 3,770 -4 eseste(J (n a stock, mulual fund, Ofor C>'ic«r,0 [Al-I - rutiimt Itminu10nirMiCn

    N.m. . StILOi'fl Mrl4j.i«l07!<1079-03 ClIiMnt Fundt: CntaciHli rsea -o« -c c q h use .03 c»d*aj UliF 8,72-02 FOtin J833.07 SMCpOrCp2893 - 21 Oriciu>ft2994 'tdtrtladlAtll: OKUAa 10 93 - 06 194 - 04 UaaaUuiuallntl: qpptnhelmli*lme*Ai Prov Iny CoonM(: LoCV^VtlAnl92l .01 CNUAOl 1137 -16 I . ,3 999 .01 C^CSl 70 34 .03 Ca«f(*i O icf'^e'5« .10 Ami 9 Fnnh/TamplhlAtB: Onenn 554154 - 02 C«>eVil3 968 -01 CapApAp4>Ap4l.02-10 SmCasIn 1417 -02 sK< 18 L-feConn 14 23 - 05 781 -O' C,1E&-Sl 1341 - 04 Ea'ncAi 1 SnaratA 1970 . 08 0>ruainl947147.12 UerBe WpiUAp 14)0 . I t Vtnturn 38 8 7 \lf,.a > 31,98 -.10 UUAp 99) -.19 CtoA 1071 Orlhn 3i:6-07 O-tnAp Oov?.)l 1120 -10 lniOo*r 991 -009 0AM Fund.: WrW/n 4J77IK:iS SS! S'S" . »SepTnt294 . 02 oJS wi'pISu I Mm UuMYn ■■ 10 73 -ra AALM11IU.IB '0 '' IHAp 1780 »04 IMHA 718 Co«7.5S 1120 -10 m«Oen 741 -04 '^ '.1 ) UnM 7.99 - 03 SulnApP 381 -02 PrulamlalFdiB: ^ ftwabFundi: H,lncAp 424 .01 >/ U'>'nn t;,,,] .OS A>n«>(ipitM/ttiA: SPKin 1914 . c« MVCUA( MAP 953 . 01 inSffiCA 17 23 . 10 OmL 5 PcDat 762 . 18 Janu.AipaflliwB1«B; SiPKMn 14,12 .02 ToiBlAp,p 1027 1 -01 EqulOl 13 73 - 0) ICOCI II Mulntton 12,94 .0) 79« Cn3l94 .01 HilrvBp 429 .01II Mulnin 1342 -04 *AnP.n,.i "'lAp 9 78 KjirtSCA 14 30 . 14 OovUiQovURra IB9 Ummi 103 77 . 04 XI *0* UtmilLynchB; Opp«iWmil>i(me«0: JtnrtQl 13 68 -CO toco* 4 83 - 04 OmcaAp I0J6 .03 WKl'Ap>*0 17 84 . 13 K a^p 4 « . « oTw 5 SiSla 1143.11 B4i*ne*sn2279',79 -,13 0i)Cisdl24l4 -12 COAppOpJOp 38 94 -,IO Pn,dentlaJFd.21l; 100S«ln3l9) .01 N*Ca SiSPM 4448 - 17 Oroitnn 1973,73 -01 OJV101 2781 .01 0«D l 4, IPInvn 17.74 .01 NoCanDI 1324 - 08« MuLongn u 1137 -09 I. ■’*'**2 1494 - 03 SiP‘5PS«lnl7 90 . 02 lElnvkp 1320 - 08 u 1044 . 04 (>vScD.l0i0 .01 910.03 incTiSirilrS 1047 *04 QJCn M45^04i TaiEi 11 94 -05 Wnf,^n279393 , .10 (i3H.lne 47) MSOiDl 3 « WuSwin 1575 , jlSi .oil EflVjIp 997.(54 99) Cn.5«r 101# .01 W^iW*£ ‘ Trutll 421) -.17 Jefui HancMk A: EuoOl 10 47 4,09 SUlncSl : »0«kJinlD27 - 09 TEIneO 1321-0) „ nelrl 10 4 7 - 04 d«».n 2743 . 23 OUOTrutlBI: OoWAp 1105. 1! 3 « : ^ ; ^ fu5.*2-‘ " JSSS9PBS1 •997 -01 USGvA -»04 -13’ NJImLTn 1209 -03 r.irwn yiw . fti E‘“> 7B« 7M Eqi,Ap 83S -07 '^“CeAp 1?70 Io6 MWIBiuxl 10 09 -10 Piasnn I7M-07 W -.13 fnaOOl 19)9.03 Ooptnhtim*^ rC lM : AnO.Ap 8B)‘-07 faSdMidwFundiA: USO.OI 904 -131 NYlfaLTni137” . r i '"Jl 4834 85 -03 Ect,r .e e s - 01 smv.iA, For -993 . 03 SmCpOAp910-10 -,12 QUIO, lies .. jS o c'■i 31,12-09 3 AAOatAp 9BI-03 2«7I -04 rr,lf«Ap 1Q15 .08 ntKcSSplOOO -10 niuEn 1910.18 InlWrVI 17)4.05 SvlnvAp 2150. HOA 38 52 - 25 TampWonlniW; PAIntLTn P 11,54 -04 \ic i ■ 15 ^Ap^^S^•§? SlslcA ! J g : S ZmMunl S i 1060 - 04 SrSFn 984 - 0) # « -0 3 OithAtHA 1015 „ EmMSp 791 .08S Prmcprn 4983 . 27 ipddam D. 70r 838 .07 K , S:S Sga ,'1S;S 'a , “S';:'.,, OJaflmadafundi: * il- i .07 DC^^). 779 7 78 . COCapUktFdt: CVlncOp S5 ;S SSSi’lj JM «n” « I o 3 Ok»V*l'^ ' . 0 8, TiMOIrn 2489 .02 7IC»"1r iftOl .70 4 83 * 05 LoGm 1184 CAthDp:; ;S!? :S s r ss SSSa ? SiS;!! fs; SS;!! "Vu.™ » „•!!!:S K9lncSn 20 9a .0) USAAOioup: UlUSCron 19 08 - 02 485 .03 lgv.1 0»3 »S!S;g a;.S!S;g CapOrA 1999 . 04 SpW/p 31.17.: :g S Eisi S 2 nCa.ainl9i7.0l 0«tn I440 , „. Ui UUHyn 1164-11 ^ w T ” * » - 1 0 G’’-’'” 25 23.01 Di.1. Fundt*' imomSp3>« S T \SS IWSOA 1509 . 19 VtlTip 5017. X V ;.,. K',” ,!S;!! SiFdSn 34 47 . 23 CrSlne 184) .02r W Weawyn 2083 .18 fijAp K>: - 17 "'O ' 73 J3M 34 . 05 flWtnA 74J. .01 ,'J J 3 .17 CAMoDp 1104 .ra Mi.CjS:ffigS:g ir''2g;ts OtiwdlMFundi- Vairmu 1799 . Waawn 2912 -.07 . 13 5l'*fll " 'J S?niSl‘S C » ^ 730».ra IWCai,l<£ae 1614 -12 Tachi 9104-20 Pa/kAA 3169-1) U>«T*cornFdaJK r S " ss?',!?:!! gS,"."3S:S! SS." ;;.S:g SWndt/n 1)17.02 CICivoAb 1718 .07 ilnnSB 15 71 -01 l^o 1240 .13 WiWndtlln 2543 ~0i ' i r ; M 7 . o i « '»»C40 io n -07 UUOrr 3960 . 61 I r S : 'undtB: N«0|JAp 4030 -ra gLun,KitdFufldt: - SaPidi 1723 .oi u . C^.-IAD IIM -Cl "-DP" ffi!!!:!! aSr ;g:!! SSiigFeiSalOia -13 FkttWySputan- ri! s - rI j 1097 - 10 N«V»Up 14 04 . 01 T j S, Vanguwd Ml Fda: Comt 7117 AmwiMnFuBdil ‘nJ5*-“ "Nrv’t^r^i'ir^ci HLSSlklA 47i 'undtC; NYTiAp 891 -05 CbAlOo UT? .OS AnvoAp IS07 * 4unUntnS20t CAMunn 12 68 - 04 sa S 'S soon » 10557 . 09 1607 .07 N*VenC 7404 -01 i's ?M ? ? .j, S;S,SS.„ s ;n>ncl 66S -U Eqkua 4011 .04 I l»,ia .02 OTCAp 709 - 02 7 ^ DaUneadnl787 -M OOX 1114-07 74 7(1 WUrfil 1030 -Ql soonrn 79 04 . 07 ’S r'“^.‘«'.i3 -3^: F S K T n n l) -04 TeifSClI 106710 - 10 nucMp 1297 .,« Europan 20 24 ■MtaAp UM -07 BaiAp 1597 ‘^ ^ i * * r r i ‘:oi 'UkTr 37)0 .oa Oorlnn 10 90 >17 CapAfl 2889 -05 'iMilnall: T.EiAp 8 67 - 04 S>/nii 103] .07 DoftJAp 17W W ?n ls64 . 07 ~ « > fi« '* UnalOrewp: USOvtn 1141 -11 E>Eitandn 2184 - « 17W-07 SmCVAp7e^.» ‘"jrij.*;Sgi'” SS. ?KtllO>ai 1060 - 13 immU;n I008 -04 Inn 2970 .13 SS*a * • f ! UCacO»B 1475 -05 939 9 - 02 IFHYA 1323 -04 T(SAp32,72 -20 Kimp Funda A: OnOroirtin 294$ .,I2 I'imp i n i .04 C»iUAp 4445 nGD5Spl0 64 - 13 ln.ODdn 10 59 - ^ Mai«o.dFfl.*; ? UCa8VllnlB99 -M “7 ^ '0 V*«jp 1081 - 04 C40ViOAp7424 73 : « ^ voV'$^'7":t3' I' |:S SJ, SOHaUkl 10 69 - 10 UAUrf,n 121) -04 ia ,, aiTC0Vlnl842 - 12 I lo6o 10 Io8 viuAp” 'a a Ira uunl25M -09 ^ 0 <>31 .11 ITCirOndn 1041 .13 W»«0*0 IJ73 -01 £-*4CAp77MI'M .15 OiKh.*.MUJPmlat; 10 IhearneyA; |0*P 41 72 - 08 MHdCapn 11,14 -09 BiaSrtt 197-01 NYWjnnl3a)-M ». k ;s S 3 - l§Si:i? S 3-Ap 91 09 - 34 >313-01 p,P»Ofcn 689 . 13 0*01 7603 - 17 CkM»p 1343 S S ; S ’" SnSnOd S 197-01 SikXUvn 10 42 - 07 ^ U'fl' oSS^ l»4” :?s C f-J:® SmCapn 1942 .14______CUtV^Oi K37 .17 G«mAe 737S 'C|_'J10 • « . jn&tCO I44J_M» FMainyd^AdirFoeT: ToiUu«n?9 16 • ,, « ^ OuUdZ I8« .07 ^ ri”, ;3S;S..|gX iu.ca s DCivpOl H 79 -03 ml'Ap IIM nS«t 1933 -12 Fiftl Am*« Fda A; Jg I -rn ^ 4-.50 -09 2:1°*“ '’a :: snarac 19 67 . 08 ■■ SKL'i“ SS',' l!!i ;S STeiOndn lo » Cfii^BI II 78 -01 '«M RCarT 1918 «10 mUp 947 .0} K I? : 2 Nadon* Fur>dalr»0: , « Tolllrtln 933 . 04 oc-nt 14S4 -MS W04AP oes •cnI 19 25 - 03 FlnlAfflMFdaO: • < S S S ? - .07, .01 VM.ni 1077 -04 ;ii;a 2*^ sS; TotSOin 2533 , i S ’i'J.InV” ■ €:: valuan 18 90 - 09 Vrt«j(ll 1?40 -O' ' . „ S "(KtMClY; P*lA;0pl1M.W nSSh,iiaWyAd.ltorT: Eqki.i; 21,41 .02 It ' s r s - ' ! =■naPin 104 59 . 09 V ,i;i a .04 sStoo* IjtSI w 'gSlSi«« T 1547 -04 Frfincp 1134 - l i ; ; ■' SMJ.Pr*n,J3a -0, „ miTSlPlutn22.T2 nOiTp 1152 .01 kig 9 54 . 0) In" S f ' " ' , ' " ” K ; ,'!!i K ; ! i ! : S W lOIUn 1029 n09 S/'^^ 3 tt .0? Am«le«nfuA4ii 'imdaA: ' PiAnamFund*Y; { « 2 ' TSmun 25 33 . U fr n f^ B 0~«DI JJM •” a: SS?3g’ 12?/'"fV" U S •” LsC«V«pl739 -S t sas ISS ■, PI 3 « 6 7 . i a VW5D 1271 . § Eqlnclpn 1229 -05 323? T VanapepeMFda:- DokUI 16M -M S:s s s ; ■.Slf” asf lisi-si K Oro»mn 809 •, ll 1075 - 08 r* d * n M C : GrOcoI 7977 ' cm CK2r'*'=''l?;?S-*15 M C ^ P lO a ! fsi'is.,:”’ 'Sffiru.'-r,', "j: S i '? ™« . ' ^ 9 47 .01 M.VBd1 ;.r'-” ;iiJ;s S'!rtl 84M .34 .f9«Vf«PnB73-12 VietVletory; V.. MAf^i 11 S-lsii Sn f 1754 -04 OTC. 7.21-02 <B. DnSlAe 1429 -.41 475 ’ « “ « - M VK3^s jiii i i i l i«Maf l 1364 .11 I»cniiadie92 - 04 £ ;g SSi Si3:g SS''!;;28 97 - os VWa 8 47 -ra LgCpCc WtddaaARatdAdv: 0>n;Ap 3U -07 Bwel*r*u .37 S4Pi« U79 JOOOn 11,75 - 04 FemiFwidt: T 2045 - 02 RtFunda: ltandl.1 S S I CorelnvA S Je2-;05 POMp 7SU .04 DoonFundi: i s:s|T •nii'3 {S.-SS;!? ,'S; !!S:i■•“S sF - S"ii23 83 . 0# R3£mOp292l -23 FuJlnerr MC7 .31 Attn* 4oes- won 8 13 . 01 s s ’JS :S V SID " 14J4 -08 0»SMC 73 73 - 13 flxM ■? i'ttX ,.'! ’’ -'' n 30 7).,ra AuaaalFwidaS: UFam^ ss:','s,-si »«in> W»»«tch: '87 -19 Jraarmrn 1385 . 04 iorFondt: KaglSCC 1387 -O iTXf:, AjiOfn 14 40 CafTFAp 7J4 -02 Oondn 0 993-10 Bacffl 1761I .£ -C ’saf.'i.i -to saf •' 5kn''tBM WdHIAdn4ji4 -09 co>I POl^ep 191» .07 SCV»~ 77 71 C'nX42 - 05 UgCpOC 658 - 03 QtiverAjrlnn 1137 -t>4 fadlFAp 1199 - 04 OKEqn D t4 20 .02 Toinsi 1483I -.10-1 OakAaaeeFda: Novan 25 57 . 03 C ^ n CoreO«n 31,5) -31 r«cr«l 6133 - 79 ss; ;:s:s ,sisi Janen 14 78 - 03 FLIFAp 11,78 -05 T.A«^nInlOIO T -01 UUO 8*2 -C ...... 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    A Sflturdjy. N»vemberl7,300]. on TlntM^ewt. TwfnFtfl«,l(lih»Twfn H

    ' gS e M i e s — Classic Peanuts By C harles M. S'Schulz For B etter o r ForFoi Worse ' ByByL Lynn Johnston I ( smovelvourN ) SHOVEL I P SL A C K S f o b / — t WHY 2 I CAN TRY - I ? BATWEB S P E S rA O V E t^y h o m\ e E ? ? ■ O N L Y - VSOHK V V . h a r o -e a b n i ! OiDOING IT. AND YOU i®T*.«r'^OW NO'jOU ONE WONEY ON OUC IN ONE CANT US ^^WDULt5HT/ i j m w I O NSE E /- HOUR?^ . I LIKE TO i Jl ^ NEGOTIATE. ^ HOUR. • A VEHICL


    B.C. w 9 By JohnnyH'Han PlcWes By Brian Crane ■WE PIRE PE '.' /^ W H g v V ^ r.V • l U e v L u M I 1 □ eoop/ \T CT ~oJm ' M E > J T 6 H 0 0 L f CURVE I / iMATvj^& 1 S o u i^ ' u v^ E i u e r t ? E /1>J£4D \ C U X B ... j PSA R. .------VOO 01 AH£AD

    Q - ° FG C s O ^ ^

    r— “ l'l\, ------^ ■ ' Garfield pB By Jim Davi Dennis the M enaceice By Hank K Ik K etcham The Family CirCircus______. ByEBy BII K eane ' ^-W QW ... ------>jl^W CVCX-BgAL^T{PDU-\ X ^ - = >9S IN A ROW/ — \ r^:::^------1 ^ I , —^ I HATE RERUNS

    a S W m / ^ r I 3<>TV-»XrnVf^p>^-0^i^y,fy>jY>y HI and Lols By C hance Browne E 2 : 3 7 P'AC^C’/ W A K 6S — Iff OS U P g v e p^ y " Y w ) | | i i f s o , w e 5 WOUUC7 A - V PAV PtJRirds ' ' ^ WA>^e.HIM \ J V ~ v S I P A V O F P / J i I UP/-/GOOP \ Tue vveeK.':.' A , y I fp \ r ------i ^ — < 5 ^ g - jgewyg & ------^ r ' ^ 2 ' 1= nR® ^ 7 1 " J e fffyl f i You lost your knee'eel" • ~ ~ ' I ’’IWASAFRAIP.IP YOU WOliUP BORS MEWE Tt). - J TIEATH LIKEMY:\YPAP6AH5YOUPOTOHIMIM.". TheWiiardofId By Brant Parker & Johnny Hartart Rose Is Rose ^By P at Brady U \ T-| 2 ] [T at cure, WTI / caM e P A ^ K . Z ^ ^ p ] ' 7 ^BteV'A^E ^ I AWP IVftUNTy y I F WB c<;i/tp USBS B \ [ V . A T {?U K |S T f . ^ \ f A s u ^ E \ \ 'l 4 M2 Hagar th a Horrible ■ V "ArrRAJ“ ^ S j By Chris Brownee a t l By Jim Borgman andd JerryJei Scott ^ O 0 - rY W £ '/? S SUPf- OEMn'MaHftSTC■ IraiteKTO-.WREEiREEVEfl^ I r 3 5 K ^ I UP, roBE^M. UPTDTHESIiSKEICfEKSSWE OOI I WNKUIATEIA T 5 0 r> 1^20 F7"wH«rm< A lis /J / U O N C ^O N /i o ^ r j 1 nil ^ ^ i S S •MINIHE ® J 5 ^ ...r ~ p ^ t n S m L . SHCfPINGFIPWrnw n > c v r . / W S /.1 W 3 n t 'ictW

    !WM " 7 ^ r S T T F ^ 77V£y'/Sg J i« : ^ i mWI 1 ^ \ ^ 11-17 D m B i »2iSi j Beetle Balloy ' i l i By Moit Walker iEl ______ByGrejGreg Evans 1 I7JP you LET V WE PON'T T l; OU ALWAYS START T j fkCmiGtHEATicn TRn>>t^tWKmT^:xiT00t " I ------ifApTflTlON , i r ViONCCRCC>»€AJ»OI f ‘ z c o ?t ? u o I S / M eveRttjAje^s I ■ * . tG N ^eW ? OF ^ /S My .f| ~ I I','. CffAPLMMfJaw®^'^ C E T j lA tS S 'A G e : / . ^ t. autom atic I I I [z^z. p&c.a(i-. e « ; > I f'^ Y I A ^ PILOT. P I c o - p i i o r / ^ m y PHOgLfM f e O I J t ^ 5 e » » S . . . ■ ------StrangrBrew------■ gUH: u g ' 5 B W»ty< 9 w U -Tj-i/a^v-gy fl-1 7 ' OtT w ■”V . The Bom Loser By Art Sansom & Chip 'w hy TK£ FEOKM,eCUTUS?? c ^ H O T eW K :v£K,toTTouiE:fM Ne.r' 3F*'l^'< '’• / -Of*. c . ‘' ; . YDUW06(^ib\KVC ' L A(:P ci^, BCa . t ’.'I J \ ' '' ' i f l S ^ ^ ■ WOKDS-T ‘a®L RCK(K9t.\N^' ®P FOR -Z r S y < ' o

    : ^ p -“ a y _ _ _ _ _ 1 i=‘w / ' « t m .\L '< ...J ' ^ i t c v e iwFTliLjfLtigT^ V

    / \ J l o H i i ^ j| J v n g > w » i ,..rt B-10 T1m#^^(*wi,T«itl,'TNln Fill*. Idaho Saturday, Nevtml'•m ber 1 7 ,2 0 0 1

    W o r l dD Muslimss open Raiamadan

    Northern Alllanconco with antii-U.S. pra^lyers figh ters a tkk oo KHOHAR, Saudi.ArubiillluJAP)-- "Wl. liiiTOtve compasses. Hut if 1 captuted Tellban}on S h eik M oham m ed al-TilaWwash can't find theItie direction of Mecca, tlid not nieiuloii the Unite soldier to s ta n d osas iled S tates I just prav," tlIhe Iliiltimore native or O.sama bln Liden by nn othor prisoners sit name, but said. "Alliihh kiknows my intent is in the meaning of his wordsIs - ill th e my h eart," In a m o ko sh lftjallI In first hours o f the Imly m month of Muslims IntiIn the U.S. military say Herat. Arghanlston, • Raniadiui-were clear' ____ ' th eir o iiinli'v 11’Juis.iHJ.dioice-buLtu—li ______Friday. Accordlne b ^ Al a Khobai^miiMiue, IThe ask e tl___ cont imm. ltleie..war.dm'lng-lhe .\^ holy. a northern allianceice iJiul III ’•protei.-'t ihe linn r~ ~ T r:------1 m onth,th, “I know what Ihe cent Muslims and giv , official, more than iv f l\i|» U niteded Stales f Is doing had ’ Ihem vicKny tiver ilie ini 'I 200 Taliban mfl* " to belli;L* done." said Michael ilels and enemies of Islam.111." IIN Davklsiii ll prisoners hovo boan ilson, another Muslim Througliout the Mlddl 'I'lttw xiii Millorabr aboard the Theodore arrested In Herat In I'aist, th e spiritual minglell'-’t' I I'.RK O K Hoiisi'velii’vell, "We are defend- the post three days. with the political o I______I In g outourselves and our Frhlay, Ramadan - whiclich biimes..‘S. /Allah said we have com m em orates CJiid's rdvc'velation the right todefidefend our home.” of th e Q u ra n , thv Miisli:liim iHily In Saudi AraArabia, closely tied lo book, to th e Prophel Muli:iliamnuul the United StaStates. Crown Prince about I,-JOO y e a rs ago - began Abdiillnh hadad iurgetl clerics to be with introspection, withI servicess cauljoits; theyley I had a res|)onsil)ili- anil w ith prayers Iiy manyly for vie- ty tow ard iheirheir faith and govern- lory over U,S.-ted forces, ment, he said,Id, Alioanl the USS Thehet)di»re And sermonsions like al-Tawwash’s Roosevelt, meanwhile, a dt)/en seemed tempimperitie, at least In American seamen - thihe onty comparisonn tto the words of Muslims tinmng a crew ofif.S.SOO- Abdul-Wahabliab Kassasbeh, Ihe gathered in their wararshlp's preacher at1 AmmiinA) UnivrnJiy chanel l-’rlday for praylyers to mos(|iie in Jordlordau, who callcd on I Bin L mark the holy month. ^aden’s5 foreign1 legion faces reeprisal : G od lo wrealurse th em amiund grunt victory to Ulliih \v;is iimotig tin led to fight against' in i Ihe northern Arabian s the thousands ... down in caves nnd baseses. Mnny America." sai I sen, he the mujahadeeideen (holy warriors) of I’iikist;inis. Arabslbs and others m f m y/kyu/off.' said Ullah, huddled in can't c iihviiys |)ray In the ure unable to return1 to i their a camimflage le exact in Palestine.c, /Afghani.stan and u'lio wflU to Afpliani‘ Ige Jacket at least two direclloti <1 of Mecca. nnistan t