0 1 www.magicvavalley.coni T t\ . n 1 m a L 1 ^ m s claho/96th year, N o.,) . 3 2 1 ____________ S a tu rd ay y, N ovem ber 17, 201:( ) o i 5 0 c c n ts G o o d m o)RN r IN G T ' W ivvri-ii-R J . S . f iday: M ostly feree S t ^alk tbin I^ a d c sn raSefin in j Bomnbing reporte:edly killed cl;hief militaryy aide earlier;r this week irn Kabul thee dayd and T he Washlni tiogton Post______________ Afghanistan, senior• \U.S. officials top dep into evening, high 54, low 36. ----------- eputy had been killed in an E ast A frica that killcilled 224 people in sa id Friday. Am ericaican airstrike near K ab u l eai U.S. Spe< earli- 1998. P ag e A 2 pecial Forces troops, operat*I- AJthough bin Laden’sl ’s w hereabouts e r tliisi wiweek. ing in smalnail teams, arc stalking' and , , . Adding to die sen i remained a mystery,r', th e o fficials T he dideputy, Mohammed Atef, ense of m om entum I I,'Y sometime:nes exchanging fire with on the 41st day of M a c j k ; V a l u fl expressed confidenincc that the suspect<cted of helping to plan tl of the war was an ^ ‘ T alib an fightersfij and Islamic mili* " "'p unconfirmed report • United States was closo.sing in on th e Sept. 11 attacks and has been ider irt that d ie Taliban .7 tants loyal/al to O sam a bin Laden, ns leadership has agr s Saudi-born furtive antnd his al-Qaida fied byy 1U.S. authorities as the mi greed to abandon ^ r — oppositionm forcesI consolidate control ,2 ; the .southern city o 1 network, citing a p»persuasive if termindid of the simultaneous hom ’ of Kandahar, the over an estimatedc.< two-thirds off ■• unconfirmed report tha lat bin Uiden’s Ings off twot American emba.ssiesies in' Pleasf5se see WAR. Page A4 woh; B i M P l l Mohammed Atef - — H a r^RYMANI —— - R e d G>OSS Nursing shortage: H os ^ still hasas recruiters arepreparir for retiring baby boomerer nurses.r PI age AS I local nele e d s H By Sandy Mlllor M o n k y H Tlmes-Nows writor Dell parking: T h e d t y ccan ' I TWIN FALLS - TheTh. American ------- dclay-keeplng-its promomise to------- ■ Red.Cn)ss-is-heli)itJ|t-ing-lhous»tnds-of-------- build a parking garage ■ people recover fromini thet Sept. 11 ige for H terrorist attacks. computer Siam’s neww f facility. ■ Butali<u}rg,iniwtiiiiiUion-tilso-lieliw------- fP ag eB G ■ local people such1 as janie and HK H James Corle and theiiheir th ree chil- H dren, who lost just>t alahout every- R k l ic j io n ■ thing they owned:d w\i h en t h e ir H hom e in Hansen \v*asas ddestroyed by H fire last month. H Janie Corle spoke:>ke a b o u t h e r ■ experience at a Red.-d CrossC break- ■ fast Friday at the I'urfurfCIuh. < H . “They’re great,” CorleCoi said fol- H lowing the breakfast.ist. “ We did n ’t H have any iii.surance.e. WW e're trj’ing V tn replace just aboutnut ever>-thing • M H ' us a good .stan.” The m usic of Thanksgiv: ■ T he Red Cross heliJc.-Ipcd the Corle ■ family with grocerte:tries, clotliing The Nazarene church is eele- H . a n d bedding and willwill also help brating the holidays witi t song ■ them with the firstt month’smi reni and worship. H and deposit on anotluother luime or R ■ apai unent. The familylily is now stay- H ing with relatives. H The Red Cross helplelpetl the vic- ■ Si>OK'i:s ■ . --------- :q.j ® , titns of 230 home firesires hist y ear in >UM.e0UA»D/niwi«m ' Idaho; said Dave'F'otsc ve of p atro n s to s e e th s n ew ‘Harryarry P otter’ movie leave the thei orsch, die pub- Thfl first wave c leater ot tho Twin Cinema'12: In Twin Falls on Friday aftornoonoon. One young man exclaimedid lie affairs director:tor for the Way b e tte r t h a t I could have Imagl ■ I H th a t It w as ‘Wa la^nedl’ American Red Cross)ss ofi Greater Tdaho. After terrorists stniciruck on Sept. 11, Idahoans donateded morei than Sl million to the Libenbeny Fund to help th e viclims, I'otsclisell said, 3 M O ' ■ “On Sept. 11, we hadlad theI largest Kids:FLO(3KTC )VIE event we ever had in thisi coun- try,” said Hick Mitchitchell, chief lers make H ing different holiday times, e,xecutive officer of the American I T e a^ c h e i : Twin Cinema 12 Manager■r Red Cross of Greater:r Idaho.lc “We film part B Adamm McRoberts. also had the largest responseres we Raft River falls: Five-tim i b o o k s , fi 'A itix[though advance tickets for,r ever had.” th e iOO seat auditorium’s eveninglg A s a re s u lt, th e• RedR( Cross state champion Mackay i rcurriculum k helped a family put a depositd on it six in a row by defeatito y r a a d e o f th eir C / had sold out by m idday, tlie u rk h a rt icicd attendance for the 3:30;0 an apartment in NewV JerseyJe after TVojans in lA ll*Manf foe e ' i l f By Loretta Burk ,g their apartment near GroundGr< Z ero correspondent_______ matinee - which could have Friday. TtmeimeWBcon immodated more than 9000 was damaged by the .sootson and ash Pa lie - was not th e .sellout .situa- that was once the WorA'orld T ra d e Page Bl TWIN FALIiLLS - A s if by wiz- Center. And it helpedled a Merrill, loads of kids were B P I that the management .had ardry, busloa :ipated. Lynch employee paylay his bills-’ , already \vatchiching an early show* J.. when hc found liiniseI t s e l f o ut of^! C om ing Sl INI), rry Potter and the ^H s lybe not, b ut if o ne 12-year- I I ing of “Harrj old hadad his way, at least one moreg work' because he couldiuidn'i afford . Stone” on Friday - Some local schools are»hn\nnn hr Sorcerer’s St( I would be sold, immecliate- to relocate. - marked success bringing hours beforerc the-doors-at the But the local t liapiepiers of the a 12 w ere opened to ly- Hispanic students up to"8 r Twn Cinema! cl like to see it again - right. American Ked Crossss mii>tit still to r e a d . thepubUc. y raise money lo help loca!loc; |H.'opIe ing level. Jr than niagic, the Jei>naw a Davis tdes to decide which* said Zachary Taylor, a But rather i showing of ‘Harry Potter andJthoS tt orcorii’s Wimcl[1 RiverR M iddle School stu- such as the Ctirle family.fain The o p p o rtu n ity’ fcfor an early -b ird 's Stone')ne‘ to take her children to Fridaday evening. Sovoral of the shovliows were sold deni, A m erican Ri-d Crosss of (ireater J result^of good plan- out, bi S e c r n o N by s e c t " ’OS llie r< 1, but tho theater Is offering extr(tra showings to moot tho demainand. “It wwas better than I everJ. Idaho has .i niillimllion annual I IO N mng. thought(iht( 1 like to read, but seeing budget atuliiui.s' raiseL'Sl.S Sl million id this trip planned “tlireiu-ee tim es each.” Section A comics,. Q “We’ve had graders, as well, it wasi so much better,” he said. , ^ .of that. I'he rest of' thtin e m oney ' ust,” said Patty roTo see the movie, studen 'W'.\ Augus! jnts According to languagelai arts Meaman^vhile, th e first t^vo show- comes from grants andam m oney Wealher ... .2 Nation . ,1 fifth-grade teacher at were . .10-11 Patterson, a fiftJ tre required to keep up theheir teacher Sara Shi>hafer - who ings of “Harry Potter and the, raised from its healthh andat safety smentary School. "I grade Nation'....3 4 Movies,.... .10 the Filer Elem ades, maintain good atteten- described the movie,’ie as “absolute- Sorcereerer’s Stone” sold out at■ classes, Mitchell said. 3vie was coming up, dancencc and keep behavioral pro kn ew tlie movli rob- •. ly fabulous” - “evevery” assign- Centurjury Cinemas in Burley Friday’s breakfast pro\provided not- iilagicVfaiiey .5 Itive for th e kict^ w e lem s so as an incenti^ ns to a minimum, Patterscso n m ent also had to be e turned t in. Friday.y. Tickets1 for th e la te .show only an opportunity to:o talktii alHJiit O b itu aries.. .6 Section 3 come.” said, on C niade plans to c( id. The same conditions?! toi Interstate Anmseiisem ent accbrn- w ere goinggoi fast. The theater has Sept. 11, but also an opportunityopj recommends all four aden idalio/West .8-9 Religion I . 1 o Patterson reo end the movie with fellolo w modiites area schoollol field trips by 36G’.seat*L-ats, eiglit of w hich are usu-’ for the Red Cross (if»f G re a te r Opinion......
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