The Austin Tenants' Council www.housing-rights.org Suit Results in Changes to Lloyd vs. Choice Homes Inc. Settlement Has Criminal Trespass Policy Nationwide Impact

hannon Tealer, a public housing TC Cooperating Attorney Sidney In response to Lloyd’s discrimination resident, contacted Legal Aid of Childress announced the lawsuit, Choice Homes alleged that their S Central Texas in April 2000, after a A settlement of Cedric Lloyd vs. salesperson involved had acted Taylor police officer inquired whether the Choice Homes Inc., a racial discrimination unprofessionally but not unlawfully. Choice father of her children was present in her lawsuit filed in Travis County District Court. Homes eventually terminated the apartment. The officer then told her that if Cedric Lloyd is an African-American man, salesperson’s for reasons of the police saw him on the property, he married with two children, a postal worker, poor sales performance. would be arrested for criminal trespass and and a veteran of the US Armed Forces. In the discovery stage of this lawsuit, she would be evicted. Ms. Tealer wanted Choice Homes is a major nationwide Choice Homes recognized that their to find out about her right to have visitors homebuilder. company did not provide fair housing in her apartment and the right of the Taylor In early 1999, Lloyd visited a Choice to their employees. The amount Housing Authority to control those guests. Homes sales office in Del Valle, Texas, and of compensatory damages paid by Choice The Taylor Housing Authority banned the inquired about purchasing a home. Lloyd Homes to Cedric Lloyd is confidential under father of Ms. Tealer’s children from the and his wife were already homeowners at the terms of the settlement of the lawsuit. property under its criminal trespass policy the time but were interested in a nicer However, Lloyd insisted that Choice Homes six years earlier. The property manager home. Lloyd alleged that the Choice agree to implement fair housing training for claimed he had made a derogatory Homes’ salesperson discriminated against its nationwide sales staff as terms of the comment to her while he was on the him by not processing his “pre-qualification settlement. Choice Homes agreed to property. application.” The “pre-qualification provide annual fair housing training for its The Taylor Housing Authority’s ban application” was a process by which Choice sales staff. Consequently, this lawsuit will policy did not specify the conduct for which Homes sales staff would assist potential have a nationwide impact on how Choice an individual could be banned and it homebuyers with loan applications to Homes trains its employees and conducts contained no limitations on the time period obtain financing from third-party lenders. business. ATC Cooperating Attorney for which an individual could be banned. After several months of waiting for the Sidney Childress said, “I was very Nor was it based on conduct that occurred Choice Homes salesperson to notify him impressed with this company and its on Taylor Housing Authority property and it of the status of his application for financing, attorneys, and the way they handled this did not allow for any appeals process by Lloyd visited another homebuilder and was lawsuit. Choice Homes acknowledged its either the banned person or the tenants. quickly approved for a home loan. lack of any fair housing training, ‘stepped After unsuccessful efforts to resolve the Lloyd originally contacted the US up to the plate’ so to speak, and did the matter, Ms. Tealer filed a lawsuit in federal Department of Housing and Urban right thing in settling this case. This is a court challenging the Taylor Housing Development (HUD) in San Antonio with good company that does good business. Authority’s criminal trespass ban policy. his complaint. HUD-San Antonio referred Its employees will now be more aware of Ms. Tealer asserted that the Taylor Housing Lloyd to the ATC Fair Housing Program for the importance of fair housing practices.” Authority’s policy (1) violated her right under advocacy and assistance. ATC Fair federal public housing regulations to Housing Program then assisted Lloyd in reasonable accommodation of her guests, filing an administrative housing (2) violated her First Amendment right to discrimination complaint with HUD. Based privacy and freedom of association, (3) on the merits of his complaint, ATC Fair Inside: violated federal regulations requiring that Housing Program also referred Lloyd to public housing tenants have access to a ATC Cooperating Attorney Sidney 2 - New Director at Texas grievance procedure to dispute actions by Childress for legal representation. Attorney Commission on Human Rights a housing authority that adversely affect a Childress subsequently filed a lawsuit in 3 - Folleto en español tenant’s rights and (4) violated due process Travis County District Court on Lloyd’s 5 - Free Training for Caseworkers behalf. Continued on page 2 Criminal Trespass policy must be carefully drafted to avoid Texas Commission on Continued from page 1 interfering with the right of public housing tenants to have visitors and guests. In Human Rights because of its lack of standards. order to pass muster under federal law and Welcomes New Director The parties have signed a settlement the Constitution, such policies must be agreement under which Ms. Tealer narrowly tailored to conduct occurring on he Texas Commission on Human received $5,250 in damages, the father of the property in question, give adequate Rights announces the appointment her children was removed from the criminal notice to individuals of conduct which may T of J.D. (Dave) Powell as Executive trespass ban list and the Taylor Housing result in a ban, be non-discriminatory in Director on August 13, 2001. Mr. Powell Authority agreed to significant changes in effect, provide for time limitations and has over 20 years of experience managing its criminal trespass ban policy. Under the provide a method by which banned and directing organizations within the revised ban policy, the Taylor Housing individuals and tenants may challenge Department of Defense including: strategic Authority retains the right to ban persons bans with which they disagree. planning, project management, financial for limited time periods for conduct and administrative oversight of multi-million occurring on Housing Authority property. dollar agencies, training, staff development, Such conduct includes the following: (1) a and mentoring. His most recent person causing a disturbance on Taylor responsibilities before joining the Housing Authority property requiring police Commission included serving as the Chief intervention may be banned for up to one Executive Officer for an organization year (2) a person convicted of a felony Case Updates consisting of 150 military and civilian crime on the property may be banned for federal employees, which provided up to three years, (3) a person convicted TC thanks the complainants, financial services to over 25,000 clients in of possession, sale or distribution of a plaintiffs, testers, witnesses, and Texas and Oklahoma. In addition, Mr. controlled substance on the property may A attorneys who have worked for fair Powell’s leadership experience within the be banned for up to three years, (4) a housing by participating in litigation or Department of Defense includes extensive person endangering the health and welfare pursuing administrative housing responsibility for and of other tenants or Taylor Housing Authority discrimination complaints with the US Dept. management of human resources. employees may be banned for up to two of HUD. In all "settled" cases reported in Mr. Powell holds a Bachelors Degree years, (5) any person who assaults an this newsletter the defendant, unless in Business Administration from Middle employee of the Taylor Housing Authority otherwise noted, denies the allegations of Tennessee State University and a Masters may be banned for up to five years, (6) any discrimination made by the plaintiff and the Degree in Business Administration from person convicted of manufacturing parties have agreed to resolve the case Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. methamphetamine on the property may be prior to a trial on the merits. Fair housing The Texas Commission on Human banned for life and (7) any person testing and investigations conducted by Rights mission is to enhance the quality of convicted of child molestation may be ATC's Fair Housing Program are funded life and economic well-being of the citizens banned for life. The policy does not allow by the US Department of Housing & Urban of Texas by reducing discrimination in for banning an individual for conduct Development. employment and housing through the occurring off the property and the conduct Nettle & Mulkins vs. SunnyMeade administration of the Texas Commission on must occur on property owned by the Taylor Apartments Human Rights Act and the Texas Fair Housing Authority. Furthermore, the Taylor The Law Firm of Davis & Wilkerson, Housing Act. In 1990, the U.S. Department Housing Authority must review the policy P.C. recently brought a lawsuit against the of Housing and Urban Development every six months and remove from the list Sunnymeade Apartments for violations of certified the Texas Fair Housing Act as any persons determined to no longer the Texas Fair Housing Act. Ronnie Nettle substantially equivalent to the Federal Fair constitute a threat to tenants or employees & Christelle Mulkins are mobility impaired Housing Act. of the Housing Authority. individuals, and brother and sister. In 1997, The Texas Commission on Human The revised policy provides an appeal Mr. Nettle moved in with his sister Rights is also a member of the Texas procedure for any person notified that they Christelle, who was already living at the Fair Housing Program have been banned. In addition, the policy Sunnymeade Apartments. After Mr. Nettle (TCFHP), along with the Austin Tenants’ provides that tenants may appeal the ban had settled in, he contacted Community Council Fair Housing Program and the San of any person through the Taylor Housing Based Alternative, an organization Antonio Fair Housing Council. The TCFHP Authority’s tenant grievance procedure. dedicated to assisting disabled persons is a HUD-funded partnership created to The policy also provides for temporary relief with living accommodations. Mr. Nettle address the fair housing needs of recent under which a banned person may receive requested Community Based Alternative's immigrants along the Texas-Mexico border a temporary suspension of the ban if assistance in obtaining state aid to make and persons with disabilities throughout the necessary for reasons such as a death in modifications to his apartment in order for state. For more information, or to file an the family, illness, or a need to assist it to be more accessible for his wheelchair. employment or housing discrimination someone in moving from the property. Community Based Alternative was able to complaint call toll free at 1-888-452-4778 Many public housing authorities in the coordinate with the Texas Department of or 512-371-7473 (TTY) United States have adopted criminal trespass ban policies as one way to deal Health & Human Services and Girling with crime on their properties. Such a Continued on page 5 Page 2 Housing Rights Advocate El Acuerdo Entre Lloyd y Choice Homes Inc. Tiene Una Demanda Resulta Impacto a Nivel Nacional en Cambios a la Póliza

l Abogado Sidney En el proceso de esta demanda, de Traspaso Childress anunció el acuerdo entre Choice Homes reconoció que su compañía hannon Tealer, una residente de Cedric Lloyd y Choice Homes Inc., no proporcionó entrenamiento de vivienda E vivienda pública, se puso en después de una demanda de justa a sus empleados. La cantidad de contacto con Ayuda Legal de discriminación por razón de raza entablado daños compensatorios pagado por Choice S Central Texas en abril de 2000, después en la Corte de Distrito del Condado de Homes a Cedric Lloyd es confidencial bajo que un oficial de policía investigó si el padre Travis. Cedric Lloyd es un Africano- términos del acuerdo de la demanda. Sin de sus niños estaba presente en su Americano, casado con dos niños, embargo, Lloyd insistió que Choice Homes apartamento. El oficial entonces le dijo a trabajador postal, y un veterano de las acordaba proporcionar entrenamiento de ella que si el policía lo encontraba en la Fuerzas Armadas. Choice Homes es un vivienda justa para todos sus vendedores propiedad, él sería arrestado por traspasar contratista importante de casas a nivel como términos del acuerdo; Choice Homes y a ella la desalojarían. Srta. Tealer quería nacional. concordó proporcionarlo cada año. Por lo averiguar sobre su derecho de tener A principios de 1999, Lloyd visitó una tanto, esta demanda tendrá un impacto a visitantes en su apartamento y el derecho oficina de ventas de Choice Homes en Del nivel nacional en cómo Choice Homes de Taylor Housing Authority de controlar a Valle, Texas, y preguntó sobre comprar una entrena a sus empleados y maneja su esas personas. casa. Lloyd y su esposa ya eran dueños negocio. El Abogado Sidney Childress dijo, Taylor Housing Authority prohibió la de una casa pero estaban interesados en "Me impresionó mucho con esta compañía entrada al padre de los niños de Srta. una casa más agradable. Lloyd alegó que y sus abogados, y la manera en que Tealer hace seis años bajo su póliza el vendedor de Choice Homes discriminó manejaron esta demanda. Choice Homes prohibiendo el traspaso. El encargado de contra él por no procesar su "aplicación de reconoció su falta de cualquier los apartamentos sostiene que él le había pre-calificación." La "aplicación de pre- entrenamiento de vivienda justa e hicieron hecho un comentario derogatorio mientras calificación" era un proceso por el cual los la cosa derecha en concluir este caso. Ésta él estaba en la propiedad. vendedores de Choice Homes asistirían a es una buena compañía que hace buen La póliza de Taylor Housing Authority compradores potenciales con sus negocio. Sus empleados estarán más no especificó la conducta por la cual un aplicaciones de préstamo para obtener el enterados ahora de la importancia de las individuo no sería permitido entrar y no financiamiento de otras prestamistas. prácticas de vivienda justa." contuvo ninguna limitación en el período Después de esperar varios meses al por el cual un individuo no podrá ser vendedor de Choice Homes para notificarlo aceptado. Ni se basó en la conducta que de su aplicación para el financiamiento, ocurrió en la propiedad de Taylor Housing Lloyd visitó otro constructor de casas y fue Authority y no permitió ningún proceso de aprobado rápidamente para un préstamo. apelación para la persona no permitida Lloyd se puso en contacto Casos Actualizados entrar o los inquilinos. Después de originalmente con el Departamento de esfuerzos sin éxito de resolver el problema, Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los EE.UU la Srta. Tealer entabló una demanda en la (HUD) en San Antonio con su queja. HUD- TC agradece a los querellantes, Corte Federal desafiando la póliza de San Antonio refirió Lloyd al Programa de los demandantes, los probadores, Taylor Housing Authority prohibiendo el Vivienda Justa del ATC para defensa y A los testigos, y los abogados que traspaso. La Srta. Tealer afirmó que la asistencia. Entonces el Programa de han trabajado para la vivenda justa por póliza de Taylor Housing Authority (1) violó Vivienda Justa asistió a Lloyd en registrar participar en pleitos o persiguir quejas su derecho bajo regulaciones federales de una queja administrativa de discriminación administrativas de la discriminación en la la vivienda pública a una acomodación en la vivienda con HUD. De acuerdo con vivenda con el Departamento de HUD. En razonable de sus huéspedes, (2) violó su los méritos de su queja, el Programa de todos los casos “decididos” en estas derecho de la Primera Enmienda a la Vivienda Justa también refirió Lloyd a un noticias, a menos que se indicare en forma privacidad y a la libertad de la asociación, abogado de su lista de referencias, Sidney diferente, el demandado niega las (3) violó regulaciones federales que Childress, para representación legal. El alegaciones de discriminación hechas por requieren que los inquilinos de vivienda Abogado Childress entabló una demanda el demandante y los partidos pusieron de pública tienen acceso a un proceso de en la Corte de Distrito del Condado de acuerdo de resolver el caso antes de ir a queja para disputar las acciones de un Travis en nombre de Lloyd. un juicio. Las pruebas e investigaciones Housing Authority que viola los derechos En respuesta a la demanda de de vivienda justa conducidas por el de un inquilino y (4) que la póliza violó el discriminación, Choice Homes alegó que Programa de Vivienda Justa de ATC son proceso debido por la falta de reglas su vendedor no había actuado financiadas por el Departamento de legales. profesionalmente pero no fue ilegal. Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Los partidos han firmado un acuerdo Finalmente Choice Homes terminó el E.E.U.U. en donde la Srta. Tealer recibió $5.250 en empleo del vendedor por razones de pocas daños, el padre de sus niños fue quitado ventas. Continua en la página 4 Continua en la página 4 Housing Rights Advocate Page 3 Póliza de Traspaso adoptado pólizas prohibiendo el traspaso desalojo contra el Sr. Nettle y la Srta. Continua de la página 3 como una forma para ocuparse del crimen Mulkins lo cual que fue eventualmente en sus propiedades. Debe de escribir tal concluido. Sin embargo, el acuerdo dejó de la lista de no aceptados por traspaso y póliza cuidadosamente para evitar de la opción al Sr. Nettle y la Srta. Mulkins Taylor Housing Authority concordó de interferir con el derecho de los inquilinos para entablar una demanda por daños hacer cambios significativos en su póliza de vivienda pública de tener visitantes y civiles como resultado de este incidente. prohibiendo el traspaso. Bajo la póliza huéspedes. Para ser aceptados bajo la Posteriormente, Leonard Woods y Wes revisada, Taylor Housing Authority ley federal y la Constitución, tales pólizas Cleveland de Davis y Wilkerson, P.C. conserva el derecho de prohibir a personas se deben referir a la conducta que ocurre entablaron una demanda en su favor. El por períodos limitados para la conducta en la propiedades en cuestión, dar aviso caso está en proceso. Leonard Woods es que ocurre en las propiedades de Housing adecuado a los individuos de la conducta un abogado que participa en nuestro Authority. Tal conducta incluye el siguiente: que puede resultar en una prohibición, no programa de referencias de abogados. (1) una persona causando un disturbio en ser discriminatorios en su efecto, una propiedad de Taylor Housing Authority proporcionar limitaciones de tiempo y Rodriguez vs. Los Apartamentos Towne que requiere intervención del policía no se suministrar un método por el cual Oaks, et al. le dejará entrar por hasta un año, (2) una individuos no permitidos y los inquilinos Irma Rodriguez habló con el Programa persona condenada por un delito mayor en pueden disputar las prohibiciones con las de Vivienda Justa en febrero de 1999 y la propiedad no se le dejará entrar por cuales no están de acuerdo. alegó que los Apartamentos Towne Oaks hasta tres años, (3) una persona le habían negado un apartamento debido condenada de posesión, venta o a su origen nacional. Rodriguez, una distribución de droga en la propiedad no hispana, fue a los Apartamentos Towne se le dejará entrar por hasta tres años, (4) Oaks en Austin y preguntó sobre una persona poniendo en peligro la salud Casos Actualizados apartamentos de una recámara y un baño. y bienestar de otros inquilinos o personal Continua de la página 3 La encargada, Frances McAfee, dijo a de Taylor Housing Authority no se le dejará Rodriguez que no tenían apartamentos de entrar por hasta dos años, (5) cualquier Nettle y Mulkins vs. los Apartamentos una recámara y un baño disponibles, persona quien asalte un empleado de SunnyMeade mientras ella dijo a un compañero de Taylor Housing Authority no se le dejará La oficina de abogados Davis y trabajo de Rodriguez que sí tenían entrar por hasta cinco años, (6) cualquier Wilkerson, P.C. recientemente entablaron apartamentos así disponibles. persona condenado por la fabricación de una demanda contra los Apartamentos El Programa de Vivienda Justa de ATC methamphetamine en la propiedad nunca Sunnymeade para las violaciones del Acto ayudó a Rodriguez para registrar una queja se le dejará entrar y (7) cualquier persona de Vivienda Justa de Texas. Ronnie Nettle administrativa de discriminación en la condenada por la violación de un niño y Christelle Mulkins son hermanos vivienda con HUD lo cual refirió la queja a nunca se le dejará entrar. La póliza no incapacitados. En 1997, el Sr. Nettle se la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de permite prohibir a un individuo por su movió con su hermana Christelle, que ya Austin para la investigación. El Programa conducta que ocurre fuera de la propiedad; estaba viviendo en los Apartamentos de Vivienda Justa sirvió como defensor de la conducta debe ocurrir en la propiedad Sunnymeade. Después de que el Sr. Rodriguez durante la investigación. de Taylor Housing Authority. Además, Nettle se acomodó, él habló con la Después de conducir una investigación de Taylor Housing Authority debe repasar la Alternativa Basada en la Comunidad, una los hechos, la Comisión de Derechos póliza cada seis meses y quitar de la lista organización dedicada a asistir a personas Humanos de Austin determinó que existe a cualquier persona determinada a no incapacitadas con acomodaciones en su "causa razonable" para creer que la constituir jamás una amenaza a los vivienda. El solicitó su ayuda en obtener discriminación en la vivienda ocurrió y en inquilinos o a los empleados de Housing financiamento del estado para hacer junio de 2000 publicó una carga de Authority. modificaciones a su apartamento en la discriminación en la vivienda contra la La póliza revisada proporciona un orden para que sea más accesible para encargada, McAfee, y el dueño de los proceso de apelación para cualquier su silla de ruedas. La Alternativa Basada Apartamentos Towne Oaks, Rudy Belton persona que se le ha negado la entrada a en la Comunidad podía coordinar con el de Belco Equities. Después de la emisión la propiedad. Además, la póliza Departamento de la Salud y Servicios de esta carga, Abogada para la Ciudad de proporciona a que los inquilinos pueden Humanos de Texas y con Girling Austin Robin Sanders entabló una apelar la prohibición de cualquier persona Healthcare para que el financiamiento demanda en la Corte de Distrito en nombre a través del proceso de queja de Taylor realice los cambios al apartamento. Se de Rodriguez y de la ciudad de Austin Housing Authority. La póliza también dice que los dueños de los Apartamentos contra la encargada y el dueño de los provee alivio temporal bajo la cual una Sunnymeade no permitieron los cambios. Apartamentos Towne Oaks. Antes de ir al persona puede recibir una suspensión Los Apartamentos Sunnymeade juicio, la abogada Sanders los representó temporal en caso de necesidad por iniciaron una acción inmediata del desalojo a Rodriguez y a la ciudad de Austin en una razones tales como una muerte en la contra el Sr. Nettles y la Srta. Mulkins, mediación con los demandados y negoció familia, enfermedad, o una necesidad de alegando que incumplieron con su un acuerdo para los demandantes que asistir alguien en la mudanza desde la contrato, a pesar de la solicitud de los incluye el pago de daños compensatorios. propiedad. hermanos para tiempo adicional de Los términos del acuerdo no son revelados. Muchas autoridades de vivienda moverse. Nelson Mock de Ayuda Legal pública en los Estados Unidos han de Texas Central defendió la acción del

Page 4 Housing Rights Advocate Case Updates In October, ATC assisted Ms. Behn in who have any responsibilities or duties Continued from page 2 submitting a formal Request for related to the provisions of the agreement Reasonable Accommodation due to her and provide certification to HUD signed by Healthcare for funding to make the changes disability to the housing authority, which the Executive Director within 45 days that to the apartment. It was reported that the asked not to transfer her at that time. The the actions have been taken. owners of Sunnymeade Apartments did not letter also stated she was prepared to The parties acknowledge that the permit the changes. provide additional documentation, if agreement is voluntary. The Respondent Sunnymeade Apartments necessary, to support her request. She denies any violation of the law and subsequently initiated an immediate provided an additional letter from her understands that the agreement does not eviction action against both Mr. Nettle and physician, which stated, “Not subjecting her constitute an admission by the Ms. Mulkins, allegedly for violations of their to a move to a new residence would be in Respondents or evidence of a lease terms, despite Mr. Nettle's and Ms. the best interest of her mental health.” Ms. determination by HUD of any violation of Mulkins's request for additional time to Behn’s request was not responded to in the Fair Housing Act or any other law. relocate. Nelson Mock of Legal Aid of writing until December 3, 1999 when her Central Texas defended the eviction action request was denied, however the housing Rodriguez vs. Towne Oaks Apartments, against Mr. Nettle and Ms. Mulkins, and authority offered to issue a new 15-day et al. eventually settled the eviction action. notice with an additional 1-week overlap. Irma Rodriguez contacted the ATC Fair However, the settlement left open the On December 13, 1999, a representative Housing Program in February 1999 and option for Mr. Nettle and Ms. Mulkins to of the housing authority hand delivered a alleged Towne Oaks Apartments had bring suit for civil damages as a result of new notice of transfer for Ms. Behn to move denied her an apartment because of her this incident. Subsequently, Leonard by January 14, 2000. Ms. Behn alleged national origin. Rodriguez, who is Hispanic, Woods and Wes Cleveland of Davis & that the representative told her she was not visited Towne Oaks Apartments in Austin Wilkerson, P.C. filed a lawsuit on their entitled to a hearing and if she did not sign and inquired about the availability of one behalf. The case is in pretrial discovery at a new lease they would start eviction bedroom-one bath apartments. Towne the present time. Leonard Woods is a proceedings. Oaks manager Frances McAfee told participant in ATC’s Cooperating Attorney Ms. Behn submitted a written request Rodriguez there were no one bedroom-one Program. for a grievance hearing to TCHA on bath apartments available while she told a December 27, 1999 and ATC assisted Ms. co-worker of Rodriguez’s there was an Judy Behn vs. Travis County Housing Behn in filing an administrative complaint available one bedroom-one bath Authority with HUD under the Fair Housing Act and apartment. ATC announces a Conciliation and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of ATC Fair Housing Program assisted Voluntary Compliance Agreement between 1973 on January 11, 2000. Rodriguez in filing an administrative the Department of Housing and Urban In August 2001, HUD announced that housing discrimination complaint with HUD Development and Judy Behn, a person with a satisfactory resolution had been reached who then referred Rodriguez’s complaint a disability, and the Travis County Housing on the issues of the complaint. The to the City of Austin Human Rights Authority (TCHA). In early October 1999, Respondent (Travis County Housing Commission for investigation. The Fair Judy Behn came to ATC for help with a Authority) agreed to waive the Housing Program served as Rodriguez’s request for reasonable accommodation Complainant’s back rent due ($1,901.00) advocate during the investigation of her due to her disability, because she had and pay the Complainant a lump sum complaint. After conducting an received a 15-day Notice of Transfer from payment of $1,099.00 for a total net value investigation into the facts, the City of the housing authority, which stated that of $3,000.00. Respondents further agreed Austin Human Rights Commission found refusal to move could initiate lease to train and communicate the provisions of there is “reasonable cause” to believe termination. Ms. Behn was a resident of the agreement to all employees and agents housing discrimination occurred and in Alexander Oaks, which is operated by June 2000 issued a charge of housing TCHA. discrimination against the manager, Ms. Behn suffers from Bipolar Disorder Free Fair Housing Training McAfee, and the owner of Towne Oaks with manic depression, with an inability to Apartments, Rudy Belton of Belco Equities. handle constant noise and stimulation. Ms. ATC and other cooperating After issuance of this charge, City of Austin Behn’s physicians recommended that “she agencies are sponsoring a Attorney Robin Sanders filed a lawsuit in not be forced to move at that time, as the training on Monday, December 7 U.S. District Court on behalf of Rodriguez move would be destabilizing to her mood that will help your disabled clients and the City of Austin against the manager disorder, that her current location allows her with their housing problems. It will and owner of Towne Oaks Apartments. to be away from the noise and stimulation be held at the Carver Library, Before going to trial, City Attorney Sanders of a busy neighborhood, and that this is an 1161 Angelina Street, from represented Rodriguez and the City of important consideration for her, due to her 10:00 am - 2:30 pm. Lunch is Austin in mediation sessions with the disorder.” Ms. Behn’s apartment was included and registration is free. defendants and negotiated settlements for located on a quiet cul-de-sac and she RSVP by 12/3/01 to the plaintiffs that include the payment of alleged the new location would place her [email protected] compensatory damages. The terms of the in the heart of the community, surrounded or call (512) 974-3256. settlements are undisclosed. by noise and activity.

Housing Rights Advocate Page 5 Programs and Services/Programas y Servicios FAIR HOUSING TENANT-LANDLORD VIVIENDA JUSTA INQUILINO-PROPIETARIO THE FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM / EL PROGRAMA DE VIVIENDA JUSTA - This TELEPHONE COUNSELING / CONSEJOS POR TELEFONO - Trained counse- program helps any person in the Austin metropolitan area who has been discrimi- lors answer tenant-landlord questions and make appropriate referrals. However, nated against in the rental, sale, financing or appraisal of housing. FHP investi- ATC offers no legal advice. Consejeros contestan preguntas acerca de inquilinos- gates complaints and coordinates legal services to assist victims of discrimination propietarios y hacen referencias necesarias. Sin embargo, ATC no ofrece consejo when their rights under State and Federal fair housing laws have been violated. legal. Call / llame al 474-1961. Este programa ayuda a cualquier persona en el area metropolitana de Austin IN-HOUSE COUNSELING / CONSEJOS EN LA OFICINA - Counseling informa- quien se ha enfrontado con discriminación en la renta, compra, financiamiento, o tion and materials are provided to clients in need of more in-depth assistance. Se evaluación de vivienda. El FHP investiga las quejas y coordina servicios legales provee información y materiales a los clientes que necesitan mayor información. para las victimas de discriminación cuando sus derechos están violados bajo las Call for an appointment / llame para una cita a 474-7006. leyes estatales y federales de vivienda justa. Call / llame al 474-7007. CRISIS INTERVENTION / INTERVENCION CRISIS - Counselors mediate on behalf of tenants to resolve emergencies that threaten their housing. Consejeros Austin Tenants’ Council Staff median en nombre del inquilino a resolver una emergencia que amenezca su vivienda. Call / llame al 474-1961. Patrick Banis ...... Fair Housing Testing Coordinator I Mary Daniels Dulan ...... Fair Housing Activities Coordinator RENTAL REPAIR ASSISTANCE / AYUDA CON REPARACIONES DE Nathan Fish...... Program Specialist I ALQUILER - The Renters' Rights Assistance Program helps low-income renters Cindi Garcia ...... Fair Housing Specialist enforce their rights for repairs through advocacy and mediation. El Programa de Cruz Garcia ...... Housing Specialist Asistencia con los Derechos de Inquilinos ayuda a los inquilinos de bajo ingreso Chris Garza ...... Program Specialist II da fuerza a sus derechos para reparaciones por medio de negociación y Paul Leddy ...... Fair Housing Testing Coordinator II Lucia Peres-Salinas ...... Intake Specialist mediación. Call / llame al 474-7006. Sam Persley ...... Program Specialist III LEASE FORMS / CONTRATOS - ATC provides lease packets and brochures Bruce Rodenborn ...... Program Development Specialist describing landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities to landlords for a small Jennifer Scott ...... Housing Specialist fee. ATC vende paquetes de contratos y folletos, por una cuota nominal, Katherine Stark...... Executive Director describiendo los derechos y las responsibilidades del propeitario y del inquilino. Call for more information / llame para mayor información a 474-7006.

Housing Rights Advocate Nonprofit Austin Tenants’ Council Organization 1619 E. Cesar Chavez St. U. S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Austin, Texas 78702 Permit No. 1138

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Housing Rights Advocate is published quarterly by the Austin Tenants' Council, 1619 E. Cesar Chavez, Austin, TX 78702. The publication is supported by grants from the City of Austin (CDBG) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the are dedicated to the public. The publisher is solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained herein. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government.

The Austin Tenants’ Council, as a sub-recipient of the City of Austin, is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Reasonable modification and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Please call 474-1961 (voice) or Relay Texas at 1-800-735-2989 (TDD) for assistance.