The Influence of Resettlement of the Capital of Probolinggo Regency Toward Service Quality of Police Record (SKCK) (Study in Probolinggo Resort Police)

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The Influence of Resettlement of the Capital of Probolinggo Regency Toward Service Quality of Police Record (SKCK) (Study in Probolinggo Resort Police) 1411-0199 Wacana Vol. 16, No. 3 (2013) ISSN : E-ISSN : 2338-1884 The Influence of Resettlement of the Capital of Probolinggo Regency toward Service Quality of Police Record (SKCK) (Study in Probolinggo Resort Police) Erlinda Puspitasari1*, Mardiyono2, Hermawan2 1Fastrack Master Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Malang 2Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Malang Abstract This study examined the influence of resettlement of the capital of Probolinggo Regency toward service quality of Police Record (SKCK) in Probolinggo Resort Police. Probolinggo Resort Police (POLRES) is one government agencies that experiencing resettlement of the location from Probolinggo City to Kraksaan district. It is expected that by this resettlement, public service processes would bec}u Z v ]v Z]PZ µo]Ç[X The study used quantitative research method with explanatory approach to test the hypothesis that has been set. Dependent variable in this study are resettlement of the capital of regency (X) with the variables: affordability, recoverability and replicability. While the dependent variable in this study are the service quality of Police Record (SKCK) (Y) with the indicators: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The study used multiple linear regression method of analysis. The study revealed that the resettlement of the capital of regency variable (X) which consist of three variables such as affordability (X1), recoverability (X2) and replicability variable (X3) influence significantly toward service quality of the Police Record (SKCK) in Probolinggo Resort Police (POLRES). Keywords: Police Record (SKCK), Probolinggo Resort Police, Service Quality, The Resettlement, The Capital of Regency. INTRODUCTION * government wheel. This is in accordance with City is a human agglomeration in a relative Rawat [2] stated that "Capital cities play a vital restricted space. The agglomeration of }o ]v vš]}v[• o]( v •ÇZX_ ! (]Œ• PovU population that can reflect urban life allegedly the capital serves as a central repository of occurred since human kind found a way to farm political and economic power in its role as the permanently. Initially urban area was grow and seat of government. In most countries, the developed in fertile agricultural land, a region capital is also the largest city, yet perhaps more with high possibility to developed more to importantly, capitals often strive to reflect the become center of trading and industrialization unique character and aspirations of the polity [1]. and thus play a crucial role in legitimizing the Over time, an area would experience rapid •X_ growth, thus would need appropriate city Implication as an autonomy region centre, a development according to the changing times. capital should be oriented toward that city. Therefore, to develop the city, a region should Impact of a city that become a capital would be have central government or capital definitive as rapid development, marked by increase in the central of governmental activities so that physical development needs, social economy and regional governance could be more directional institutionalization. Not surprisingly, this needs and well-ordered also mitigating the possibility of would be follow-up in increase administration dualism in center of government. status of capital city from non-status urban The establishment of central governmental or region into autonomy urban region. capital would be an important matter for a local Increasing administration status in the government in executing its well-shaped context of the regency would generate dualism in operation execution of two autonomous region in one area. To avoid this, legal provision has *Correspondence Address: emphasizes policy stating that legal status of a Erlinda Puspitasari capital of regency should be within related Email : [email protected] regency administration area, thus if the capital of Address : Dusun Satriyan No.89, RT.O8/RW.03, Desa Kedungdalem, Kecamatan Dringu, Kabupaten regency still lies within other autonomous region, Probolinggo, 67271 it should be moved immediately so that it would 140 The Resettlement of the capital of Probolinggo Regency (Puspitasari, et al.) be within its own administrative region. Letter of paradigm of the capital as the central of Minister of Domestic Affairs Number 18/2/6 on governmental activities into new paradigm that May 15th, 1973 concerning Arrangement in the capital was planned in a way to become the Development Plan for Regency Capital is one central of services. One theory that could explain pioneer in operation of this policy. the role of a city as the central of services, would Many areas in Indonesia that was be central place theory. experienced the process of resettlement of the Central place theory was formulated by capital as mentioned above. For regency that Cristaller and known as city growth theory conduct the resettlement of the capital of basically stated that city growth would depend regency, most of its pattern was done by on its specialization in city service function, while considering that its old capital has increase status demand rate of city service by its surrounding into autonomous regions of the city. This was the area would determine the speed of city growth background why Probolinggo Regency has moved [6]. Moreover, Christaller [7], also explains that its capital or the central government from ^Z P}Àvuvo v ]• Z ZŒ }( •À] Probolinggo City to Kraksaan District. activities and the center of regional Probolinggo City which used to be located as development, while area surrounding that center center of government for Probolinggo Regency and its hintov Z } •ÀX_ has increase its status into autonomous region, Hagget [8] Æo]v Zš ^wP]}vo Æv•]}v therefore causing the resettlement of the capital focusing on governmental service aspect refers of Probolinggo regency to Kraksaan district which to central place theory which utilizes the is viewed as eligible area. The resettlement of the following indicators: afforadibility, recoverability center government of Probolinggo Regency is an v o]]o]Ç_X ^} Z ‰]o } central of effort to increase government service quality for government should be able in providing service its citizen. to improve social welfare. Therefore, in public Basically, public service was to give service of service provision, it should fulfill three principals, other needs which has interest in related namely, affordability, recoverability, and organization in accord with main regulation and replicability of the service. provided manner [3]. While according to Probolinggo Police Resort (Polres) is one of Handayaningrat [4], public service was activities the government agencies that have been moved conducted to give services and feasibility along to Kraksaan District and start to function since with its efficient, effectiveness and saving terms. 2010. However, the resettlement of new According to Suparto [5] what is meant by public headquarter of Probolinggo Resort Police (Polres) service would be delivering service done by has not yet supplemented with the move of the government as nation executor to fulfill the unit of traffic (SATLANTAS), therefore for needs of public in accordance with prevailed maintaining Driving License (SIM), STNK, and the laws. Improvement in public service quality LAKA would still take place in former headquarter would highly needed given better social of Probolinggo Resort Police (Polres) in the city condition of the people thus it would be able to area. The Handling of Police Record (SKCK) is a respond every deviance in public service. service that has been conducted after the In order to closer service for the community, resettlement of the Headquarters of Probolinggo the local government of Probolinggo Regency has Resort Police (Polres) in the Kraksaan District. It is started to move several agencies from expected that by resettlement this institution, Probolinggo City to Kraksaan District. The better public service quality would occur, resettlement of the office or agency would be particularly in terms of handling of Police Record gradually conducted, and at this moment not (SKCK) services every office or agency has been moved to The purposes of this research was examined Kraksaan, some has already moved out such as and analyzed the extent of the influence of: (1) Education Department, Probolinggo Resort Police affordability variable toward service quality of (Polres), Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Police Record (SKCK) in Probolinggo Resort Police of Probolinggo Regency, The Regional Secretariat (Polres), (2) recoverability variable toward service and Health Department which just been moved quality of Police Record (SKCK) in Probolinggo by end of February 2013. Resort Police (Polres), (3) replicability variable Resettlement of capital was not only deals toward service quality of Police Record (SKCK) in with central government but it is also concern Probolinggo Resort Police (Polres), (4) all of the with basic changes, that is changes of old variable in the resettlement of the capital of 141 The Resettlement of the capital of Probolinggo Regency (Puspitasari, et al.) Probolinggo Regency simultaneously toward conforming to regulations that are being enacted service quality of Police Record (SKCK) in [9]. Theoretically, the purpose of the public Probolinggo Resort Police (Polres). service is basically satisfying society. When Starting from the dynamics of the people have an affair or purposes in an resettlement
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