Volume 2(5): 455-533 T elopea Publication Date: 29 October 1984 . , . _ . The Royal dx.doi.org/io.775i/teiopeai9844501 Journal ot Systematics “ 2™

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Telopea 2(5): 455-533 (1984) 455


H e l e n P. R a m sa y * (Accepted for publication 29.3.1983)


Ramsay, Helen P. (School of Botany, University of New South Wales, Kensington, N.S.W. Australia 2033) 1984. Census of New South Wales Mosses. Telopea 2(5): 455-533 — The Census gives a checklist containing 527 species of mosses in 171 genera and 56 families. Compilation of the list is based on literature and information obtained from herbarium specimens in Australian herbaria. The distribution of species is recorded for 13 ecogeographic regions of New South Wales. Included are lists of synonyms, nomina nuda, unsubstantiated rccords and a bibliography.


Introductory material ...... 455 Tabular census ...... 460 Index to synonyms ...... 503 List o f unsubstantiated records ...... 509 N om ina nuda ...... 509 Bibliography ...... 514 Index o f families and genera ...... 532

INTRODUCTION The compilation of a checklist of New South Wales mosses and their distribution was undertaken in an effort to determine how much information was available on New South Wales mosses in the literature and in collections based in Australian herbaria. Reverend W.W. Watts and T. Whitelegge early this century (1902, 1905) published lists of Australian mosses, incorporating information from previous work of Mitten (1856, 1860, 1882) and Forsyth (1899). Watts was responsible for collecting many new species determined by Brotherus in the period 1896-1918. The Census Muscorum Australiensium (Watts and Whitelegge 1902,1905) was never completed although manuscripts were in the process of being compiled at the time of Watts’ death in 1920; the published lists having dealt only with acrocarpous families. Further work was continued by Burges (1932, 1935) who prepared but never published a census of New South Wales mosses (1952) which incorporated Watts’ manuscript and lists for pleurocarpous families (some 526 species in all). In 1952 Steere remarked that “Since the Census of New South Wales mosses published by Watts and Whitelegge (1902-1905) no further general work (on Australian mosses) has appeared”. It is with the kind permission of Professor Burges, and as a former student of his, that I have much pleasure in being able to complete the project to which so many have contributed. There has been an increase in knowledge of Australian mosses during the last 30 years with Sainsbury’s New Zealand Mosses (1955a), Scott and Stone’s (1976) Mosses of Southern Australia and Catcheside’s (1980) Mosses of South Australia, but details of species distribution and of the sub-tropical species in Australia are still very limited. New South Wales has the most interesting and diverse flora in Australia since sub-alpine, arid zone, temperate and tropical species representative of a large percentage of the families of mosses all occur in this region. From an

*Also Honorary Research Associate, National Herbarium of New South Wales. 456 Telopea Vol. 2(5): 1984 estimated 1,100-1,200 taxa in Australia (D.G. Catcheside, pers. comm.), New South Wales has about 44% represented, Queensland about 33%, Victoria and Tasmania both 30%, South Australia 16% and Western Australia only 8%. It is hoped the Census will act as a stimulus for future collecting and taxonomic work.

METHODS Collections of New South Wales mosses were examined in most Australian Herbaria (AD, BRI, CANB, CBG, HO, NE, NSW, MEL, MELU, SYD, UNSW, UWA) and names and distribution details were obtained for each specimen. The National Herbarium of New South Wales, containing collections of Whitelegge, Forsyth, Watts and others, has been the primary and major source of data for the Census. The distributional data follow the geographical subdivisions used for ‘ of New South Wales’ (Jacobs & Pickard 1981), see map on p.536; within New South Wales these subdivisions are derived from Anderson (1961). As stated in Jacobs & Pickard the “Census serves to indicate the state of the art”, and this is true for the mosses where our knowledge is in its infancy. Distributional data, for instance, tell us about where people have collected rather than indicating the true range of the species. Since there has been no bryologist engaged on taxonomic work specifically related to mosses in the National Herbarium of New South Wales since W.W. Watts (1916) (see Ramsay & Briggs 1979) and A. Burges (1952), much is awaiting attention and there are still many unnamed collections.

CRITERIA USED AND ORGANISATION OF DATA The Census is arranged by families according to Crosby & Magill (1978). Within each family, genera, then species are listed alphabetically. Synonyms appear in the Census and are also listed in a separate index. Taxonomic and nomenclatural changes from literature were included up to the time of going to press, data having been derived from Index Muscorum (Wijk et al. 1959-1969) and supplements from Crosby (1977, 1979, Crosby & Bauer 1981) as well as from published revisions by individual taxonomists (see Bibliography). Name changes in literature have been accepted as relating to the name on the packet unless, or until, the specimen has been examined by an expert or renamed. It must be stressed that verification has only been possible where specialists have borrowed and checked determinations. The work contains only published names and combinations except in the genus Macromitrium for which a revision of Australian species is in manuscript (Vitt & Ramsay) and Racopilum under review by van Zanten who has examined all relevant specimens. A taxon is recorded as present in any region if at least one specimen with that name is available in an Australian herbarium or private collection. Reliability of identification may be questioned where few specimens of a particular taxon have been found and for this reason where collections are for 3 or fewer specimens for a particular area this is indicated. Species records not supported by specimens are listed separately at the end of each genus as ‘previous record not substantiated’. Nomina nuda which have not been accounted for in the synonymy in the Census are treated separately (p. 509). Distribution of taxa in other states of Australia (extra-N.S.W.) is indicated as well as the extra-Australian range. These data are included for convenience but are not necessarily definitive. Within New South Wales, distribution is shown by the ecogeographic regions used by Jacobs & Pickard (1981) based on Anderson (1961). Lord Howe Island species are included since the island is politically part of New South Wales. The distribution also encompasses the Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.) which is geographically located in the Southern Tablelands Division of New South Wales. Extra-Australian distributions follow the regions named in Jacobs & Pickard (1981) and listed on page 459 here. Ramsay, New South Wales mosses 457

The paucity of species and collections within some regions highlights the need for further work and more intensive surveys of distribution. The original data, which include collectors’ notes for some 20,000 specimens, will remain available so that lists within regions may be compiled and added to as new collections are made, particularly with a view to increasing our knowledge of ecological preferences for species. Already it is clear that many species have been collected from only a limited area or have a very restricted distribution. Such species should be studied thoroughly and efforts made to determine their true range. This Census recognises 527 species (not including 22 unsubstantiated records) in 171 genera from 56 families of mosses. A number of infraspecific taxa add to the total species diversity in the area. In all, 81 species are listed as being restricted in distribution to New South Wales (Ramsay 1984a). Although a large number of new records are included e.g. Drepanocladus uncinatus at Mt. Kosciusko, Brachymenium exile, these have not been highlighted in the list. Relationships between New South Wales species and those in other states of Australia indicate a separation into those sub-tropical species that have been recorded from New South Wales and Queensland only, and those (the majority) with affinities to the temperate bryoflora of southern Australia. Of the sub-tropical species many have been collected only in the MacPherson-Macleay overlap on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. This region is considered as phytogeographically significant for higher plants (Burbidge 1960). A preliminary survey of phytogeographical relationships of the mosses of New South Wales is included separately (Ramsay 1984a). The distributions of mosses within the Australian Capital Territory (Ramsay & Streimann 1984) and on Lord Howe Island (Ramsay 1984b) have also been analysed in separate papers (see pp. 559, 549).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial support from the Australian Biological Resources Study from 1974 to 1979 (incl.) to enable distributional information to be recorded necessitated the complete sorting and repackaging of specimens into a uniform system at the National Herbarium of New South Wales. Without the co-operation of the Director and Staff at the Herbarium in allowing me access at all times and their contribution in repackaging and labelling the collections, the task could not have been completed. Many others have also assisted freely. The Directors and Staff of various Herbaria (AD, BRI, CANB, CBG, HO, NE, NSW, MEL, MELU, SYD, UNSW, UWA) have helped greatly by making collections and facilities available and supplying information when requested. Dr A. Touw, Rijksherbarium, Leiden, has contributed much time and effort in identifying Streimann’s collections from the National Botanic Gardens. Help has also been given by Staff of the British Museum and the VF. Brotherus Herbarium at Helsinki. Personal thanks to M. Austin, B. Austin, D.G. Catcheside, G. Harden, T. Howard, A. Murray, J. Parram, L. Pedley, G.A.M. Scott, LG. Stone, H. Streimann and J.H. Willis, who have given me specimens, supplied unpublished lists and/or other information, checked sections of the manuscript, or allowed me access to their private collections. My two assistants, T. Boyd (1976) and P. Wilson (1978), gave invaluable help in sorting, checking and recording data and in collecting and assembling the data for the manuscript. C. Puttock helped with checking, indexing and literature lists. Assistance in reading sections of the manuscript and helpful suggestions given by H. Ando, D.G. Catcheside, T. Koponen, W. Margadant, R. Pursell, G.A.M. Scott, LG. Stone, D.H. Vitt and B.O. van Zanten are also gratefully acknowledged. Extra distributional data supplied by LG. Stone were obtained during travel for research projects funded by the Australian Research Grants Committee. The following people examined and checked identification of genera and species of special interest to them — H. Ando, A. Touw, B.O. van Zanten, LG. Stone, M.A. Bruggemann- Nannenga, J. Lewinsky, D.H. Vitt, T. Koponen, R.D. Seppelt and H. Mohamed. 458 Telopea Vol. 2(5): 1984

Their expertise and co-operation proved a most valuable contribution. A. Lonergan, S. Wray, J. Ratcliffe and F. Colman have helped enormously by typing drafts and the final manuscript. The encouragement and patient support of my husband has been of immense help in enabling the work to be completed. The author accepts full responsibility for any errors or omissions and would appreciate notification of any inaccuracies.

ADDENDA One species ofArchidium Brid. (Archidiaceae) has now been found in New South Wales (I.G. Stone, pers. comm.). I.G. Stone (pers. comm.) reports the following new records for New South Wales. Details to be published later. Bruchia eckloniana C. Muell. — NWS; V; S Air Ephemerum rehmannii (C. Muell.) Broth. — SFWP; VSW Tortula rhizophylla (Sak.) Iwats. & Saito — CC; Q; S Air The following references have been added since the manuscript was submitted for publication.

Althofer, G.W. & Harden, G J. (1980). ‘The Flora of Mt. Arthur Reserve (Wellington, N.S.W.).’ (Trustees of Mt. Arthur Reserve: Wellington.) Crosby, M R. & Bauer, C.R. (1983). Index Muscorum Supplementum — 1980-1981. Taxon 32(4): 670-691. Fife, A.J. (1982). Taxonomic and nomenclatural observations on the Funariaceae 1. Physcomitrium, Physcomitrella and Goniomitrium in New Zealand. Lindbergia 8: 96-104. Frahm, J.P. (1982). Gross disjunktionen von Arealen sudamerikanischer und Afrikanischer Campylopus-arten. Lindbergia 8: 45-52. Geissler, P. & Green, S.W. (1982). Bryophyte . Nova Hedwigia 71: 1-558. Harris, S. & Ratkowsky, D A. (1982). A new moss record from Tasmania, Ischyrrhodon lepturus (Tayl.) Schelpe. Tasmanian Naturalist 71:7. Koponen, A. (1982). The family Splachnaceae in Australasia and the Pacific.J. Hattori Bot. ZaA. 52: 87-92. Lewinsky, J. (1984). The genus Orthotrichum Hedw. (Musci) in Australasia: a taxonomic revision. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56 (in press). Ochi, H. (1980). A revision of the neotropical Bryoideae, Musci (first part). J. Fac. Educ. Tottori Univ. Nat. Sc. 29: 49-154. Ramsay, H P. (1983a). A moss with four chromosomes. Lindbergia 9(2): 89-92. Ramsay, H P. (1983b). Cytology of mosses. In Schuster, R.M. (ed.), ‘New Manual of Bryology.’ (Hattori Botanical Laboratory: Nichinan.) Vol. 1, pp. 149-221. Ramsay, H P. & Vitt, D.H. (1984). Cytotaxonomy, distribution and sexuality of Macromitrium in the Pacific. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55: 23-33. Schuster, R.M. (1983). ‘New Manual of Bryology.’ (Hattori Botanical Laboratory: Nichinan.) 2 vols. Scott, G.A.M. (1982a). Bryofloristics in Australasia. Nova Hedwigia 71: 483-494. Scott, G.A.M. (1982b). Desert bryophytes. In Smith, AJ.E. (ed.) ‘Bryophyte Ecology.’ (Chapman and Hall: London, New York.) Seppelt, R.D. (1980a). A synoptic moss flora of Macquarie Island.Antarctic Division Technical Memorandum 93: 1-8. Seppelt, R.D. (1980b). A synoptic moss flora of Macquarie Island II.Sphagnum. Antarctic Division Technical Memorandum 98: 1-9. Ramsay, New South Wales mosses 459

Seppelt, R.D. (1981a). A synoptic moss flora of Macquarie Island III.. Antarctic Division Technical Memorandum 100: 1-9. Seppelt, R.D. (1981b). Studies on the bryoflora of Macquarie Island III. Collections, new moss additions and corrections, and a revised checklist. Bryologist 84(2): 249-252. Seppelt, R.D. (1982). An overview of the .Nova Hedwigia 71: 215-218. Stone, I.G. (1982). Some new and noteworthy records of mosses mostly from Queensland, Australia. Austrobaileva (1)5: 511-520.


Distribution within New South Wales

LHI Lord Howe Island FWP Far Western Plains C Coast N North T Tablelands C Central WS Western Slopes S South WP Western Plains NSW New South Wales • present in the subdivision > 3 collections O no sighted or cited specimen from the subdivision ? specimen or cited locality inadequate for reliable record; in the extra-NSW column of Table 1 the '?' precedes the abbreviation for the state to which the doubtful record applies. ★ number of specimens «£ 3

Extra-New South Wales Distribution

Q — Queensland, V — Victoria, T — Tasmania, Y — Northern Territory, S — South Australia, W — Western Australia, A — Australian Capital Territory (included separately here although it lies within the geographical boundaries of N.S.W. [see Ramsay & Streimann 1984] as it is a political entity)

Extra-Australian Distribution

N North, northern Malesia The Malay Peninsula, or New Philippines, Malaysia, S South, southern Indonesia and New E East, eastern Guinea, a phytogeographic W West, western not a political region c Central Medit Mediterranean region cosmop cosmopolitan N Caled New Caledonia Afr Africa NG New Guinea Amer America NZ New Zealand As Asia Subant I Subantarctic Islands Eur Eur Oc Oceania I Island or Islands Pac Pacific Philip Philippines TABLE 1. DISTRIBUTION AND CHECKLIST OF MOSSES OF NEW SOUTH WALES. (Families arranged according to Crosby & Magill 1981.) For index to genera and families see p. 532.

O absent · > 3 collections * « 3 collections

WPFWP L CT ws EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST 1. SPHAG NACEAE I NC s N c s N c s N s N s SP H A G N U M L. S. australe M itt...... O o o o o • o o o o o o o o VT NZ, [5. antarcticum Mitt., S Amer, S. perichaetiale Warnst.] SAfr S. beccarii Ham pe ...... o • o o o • o o o o o o o o V SE As, Afr, [S. erythrocalyx auct. non Hampe] Amer S. cristatum Ham pe ...... o • • o • • • o o o o o o o QVTA NZ [5. decipiens Warnst., S. grandifolium Warnst, S. magellanicum Brid., S. subbicolor Hampe, S. wardellense Warnst.] S. falcatulum Besch...... o • ★ ★ o ★ o o o o o o o o QVTA NZ, [S. brotherussii Warnst., C. cuspidatum S Amer, Erh. ex Hoffm., S. drepanocladum Warnst., Subant I S. serratifolium Warnst., S. wattsii Warnst.] S. molliculum M itt.t ...... o ••• o • * o o o o o o o VTSWA [5. com m utatum Warnst., S. cymbifolioides C. Muell., S. comosum C. Muell., S. novo- zealandicum Mitt., S. pseudorufescens Warnst., S. subcontortum Hampe, S. subsecundum auct. non Nees]

2. ANDREAEACEAE ANDREAEA Hedw. A. australis M itt...... O o o o o o o o o o o o o VTA NZ A. mutabilis Hook. f. & W ils...... O o o o o o o o o o o o QVTA Cosmop [A. amblyophylla C. Muell. ex Broth., A. rupestris auct. non Hedw.] A. nitida Hook f. & Wils...... o VTA NZ, NO, Afr, S Amer, Subant I tSee Catcheside 1980. A. subulata Bar. ex Hook. O O O O • e VT NZ, Afr, [A. subulatissima C. Muell.] S Amer, Borneo, As, Subant I A. teneraC. M uell...... Ο Ο Ο Ο O ·

3. Ramsay, Ramsay,

FISSIDENS Hedw. F. amblyothallioides Broth. & Watts • o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o F. anisophyllus Dix ...... o o o 0 * o o o o o o o o o NZ F. arboreus Broth...... • • ★ o o • o o o o o o o o Q N Caled mosses Wales South New F. arcuatulus Broth. & Watts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o F. aristatus Broth...... o ★ e • o o o o o o o o o o F. asplenioides Hedw...... o • • ★ • • • ★ ★ ★ o o o o QVTYS- Cosmop WA (excl. Oc) F. australiensis Jaeg...... o o * o o • o o o o o o o o V F. basilaris C. Muell. & Hampe .. o o o o * o o o o o o o o o s F. bryoidioides Broth...... o o * o o o o o o o o o o o F. calodictyon Broth ...... o • * o o o o o o o o o o o Q F. cambewarrae Dix ...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o Q F. crassipes Wils. ex B.S.G...... o ★ ★ ★ o ★ ★ o o o o o o o VTSA Eur, As, [F. dietrichiaeC. Muell., Afr, F. praemollis Broth.] N Amer F. dealbatus Hook. f. & Wils ...... o • ★ * o o o o o o o o o o VT NZ, Fiji, Oc F. fontanus (Pyl.) Steud...... • •• o • o o o * • o o o o QVTS Cosmop [/·', muelleri (Hampe) Mitt.] F. forsythii Broth...... o ★ o o o ★ o o o o o o o o F. homomallulus C. Muell. ex Dix. o • • o o o o o o o o o o o F. howeanus Broth, ex Whitel. .. • o o 0 o o o o o o o 0 o o F. humilis Dix. & W atts ...... o • • ★ o ★ ★ o o o o ★ o o QVYA NZ F. leptocladus C. Muell. ex Rodway o * ★ ★ ★ ★ • o o • o o o o QVTS NZ WA F. longiligulatus Broth. & Watts .. • o o o o o o o o o o o o o F. montecollii Broth. & Watts .. o * o o o o o o o o o o o o F. oblongifolius Hook.f. & W ils...... o • • o o • o o o ★ o o o o QVTS NZ L T WPFWP c ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSWAUST 3. FISSIDENTACEAE (cont’d)I N C s N c s N c s N s NS FISSIDENS (cont’d) F. pallidus Hook. f. & Wils ...... O• • • o • o o o o o o o o QVT NZ [F. whiteleggei C. Muell. ex Rodway] F. pungens C. Muell. & Ham pe ...... O • •• ★ •• o • o o o o o QVTYS- NZ WA F. rigidulus Hook. f. & Wils. ssp. rigidulus O * * * ★ ★ • o ★ o o o o o VTA NZ,C&S Amer, NG, Solomon 1 F. sordidevirens Broth...... O• ★ o o o o o o o o o o o F. subtenellus Broth. & Watts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o F. taylorii C. Muell...... o * • •••• ★ • • o o * o VTSWA NZ [F. brevifolius Hook, f, & Wils., F. elameUosus C. Muell. & Hampe, F. macrodus Hampe, F. semilim batus C. Muell. & Hampe] F. tenelliformis Broth. & Watts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o F. tenellus Hook. f. & W ils...... •• • o o * ★ o o o 0 o o o QVTSA NZ F. vittatus Hook. f. & W ils...... o ★ ★ o * ★ • o • • o o • o VTSWA NZ, S Afr F. wattsii Broth...... • o • o o o o o o o o o o o [Previous record not substantiated: .. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o F. ampliretis(C. Muell.) Broth., F. delicatulus (Aongstr.) W atts & White!., F. perangustatus Broth.]


CHRYSOBLASTELLA Williams C. chilensis (Mont.) Reim ...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o VT S Amer [Cheilothela chilensis (Mont.) Broth.]

CERATODON Brid. C. purpureus (Hedw.) Brid...... QVTYS- Cosmop [C convolulus Reichdt., WA C. stenocarpus Bruch. & Schimp. ex C. Muell.

D ISTIC H IU M B.S.G. D. capillaceum (Hedw.) B.S.G...... OOOOOOA N Hemis, NZ DITRICHUM Hampe D. brachycarpum Hampe ...... ★ O o o o o o o V NZ, Subant I D. brevirostre (R. Br. ter.) Broth...... ★ o o o o o o o VT NZ, [/). subbrachycarpum (C. Muell.) Par.] Subant I D. cylindricarpum (C. Muell.) F. Muell. • • • • o o o o VTSANZ [D. elongatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt., D. strictum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Hampe] D. difficile (Dub.) Fleisch...... QVTSA NZ, As, [D. affine (C. Muell.) Hampe, D. baileyi SAfr.N& S C. Muell. nom. nud., D. flaccidulum C.Muell. Amer in Watts & Whitel., D.flexifolium Hampe, D. muelleri (Hampe) Hampe,D. setosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt.] D. punctulatum M itt......

OOOOOOOVT NZ, S Afr, Ramsay, Subant I D. rufo-aureum (Hampe) W illis ...... 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 V?T NZ [Aongstroemia rufo-aurea Hampe] e Suh ae mosses Wales South New

ECCREMIDIUM Wils. E. arcuatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell. 0**00*00 QVSW E. brisbanicum (Broth.) Stone & Scott o o o o o o o o Q [Archidium brisbanicum (Broth.) Broth., Micromitrium brisbanicum (Broth.) Crosby, Nanomitrium brisbanicum (Broth.) Broth., Pleuridium austro-subulatum Broth, ex Roth ] E. exiguum (Hook. f. & Wils.) W ils ...... 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 VW S Afr E. minutum (M itt.) Stone & Scott ...... 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 VW S Afr [Ephemerum whiteieggei Broth. & Geh., 463 Bruchia whiteieggei C. Muell., Sporledera whiteieggei (C. Muell.) Broth.] E, pulchellum (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell. · 0 · * · 0 · 0 QVTYS- NZ [Archidium stolonaceum C. Muell.] WA E. whiteieggei Broth...... OOOOOOOOW NZ [Sporledera minutissima (Dix. & Sainsb.) Sainsb.]

PLEURIDIUM Rabenh. P. arnoldii (R. Br. ter.) Par. ★ o o o o o o o VA NZ P. brachycaulon (C. Muell.) Kindb. Ο• o o o o 0 o V P. curvisetum Stone ...... * o o o o o 0 o P. krauseanum Par. ★ o o o o o o o VSA L C T w s WP FWP EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 5. DITRICHACEAE (cont’d) I N c s N c s N c S N s N s PLEURIDIUM (cont’d) P. nervosum (Hook.) Mitt...... O•• •• •••• • • • • • VTYS- NZ, S Afr, [P. gracilentum (M itt.) Mitt.] WA S Amer P. viride (C. Muell.) Kindb ...... o o • o o o o o o o o o o o [Astomum viride C. Muell.]

7. SELIG ERIA CEA E BLIN D IA B.S.G. B. magellanica Schimp...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o o VT NZ, S Amer, Subant I B. robusta H am pe ...... o o o o o • • o o o o o o o VTANZ, [B. tenuifolia (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt.] S Amer


BRUCHIA Schwaegr. B. brevipes Harv. ex Hook...... o * o o o o ★ o o * o ★ o o v s w S Afr, N G

CAMPYLOPUS Brid. C. austro-subulatus Broth. & G eh.t .. o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o QVSA C. bicolor (C. Muell.) Wils...... o ★ • * o • ★ o o ★ o o o o QVTSW NZ, Afr C. clavatus (R. Brown) W ils...... ••• ★ ★ • • ★ • * o o o o Q?VTS- NZ, Afr, [C. appressifolius M itt WA S Amer C. institius Hook. f. & Wils.] C. denticuspis Broth, var. lutescens Broth. o o • o 0 o o o o o o o o o C. introflexus (Hedw.) Brid...... • • • • ★ •• ★ • • • o • o QVTY- Cosmop [C. pudicus (C. Muell.) Jaeg., ?SWA C. tasmanicus Par.] C. pallidus Hook, f & W ils...... • • • • o • • o • o o o o o QVTS- NZ [C. novae-valesiae Broth, C. torquatus Mitt., W?A ? C. woollsii (C. Muell.) Par.] ...... C. perauriculatus Broth...... o • o ?* o o o o o o o o o o C. viridicatus (C. Muell.) Par...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o Q

tUnder review by Frahm & Catcheside — probably a new species as Australian populations do not match the New Guinea forms (Catcheside pers. comm.). DICNEMOLOMA (Ren.) Ren4 D. pallidum (Hook.) Wijk & Marg. .... · * o o o o QVTYS- NZ [D. sieberianum (Hom sch.) Broth., Leucoloma sieberianum fHornsch.) Jaeg., Sclerodontium pallidum Hook.] [Previous record not substantiated: .. . . O o o o o o o o o D.fraseri (Mitt.) Ren., D. imbricatum Broth. & Geh., D. strictipilum (C. Muell.) Par.]

DICRANELLA (C. Muell.) Schimp. D. apophysatula (C. Muell.) Broth...... O o o o o o o o o o o o o D .cardotii (R. Br. ter.) Dix ...... O ★ o o o * o o o o o o o T NZ [D. wattsii Broth., Dichodontium wattsii (Broth.) Broth.] D. dietrichiae (C. Muell.) Jaeg...... O o * • o o o o o o o o QVT \D. tricruris (C. Muell.) Mitt.] D.jamesonii (Mitt.) Broth...... O o o o o ★ o o o o o o o VTSNZ, [Anisothecium jamesonii Mitt.] S Amer D. pycnoglossa (Broth.) K indb ...... O o o o o o o o o o o o o Q [Anisotheciumpycnoglossum Broth.] [Previous record not substantiated: .... O o o o o o o o o o 0 o o D. stackhousiana(C. Muell.) Broth., Aongstroemia stackhousiana C. Muell.]

DICRANOLOMA Ren. D. argutum (Ham pe) Par...... O • * o o o o o o o o o Q [Dicranum whiteieggei C. Muell.] D. austro-scoparium (Broth.) W atts & Whitel. O ★ o o o o o o o o o o Q [Leucoloma austro-scoparium C. Muell. ex Broth.] D. billardieri (Brid.) Par ...... ★ ir o * • o o o o o o o QVTSA NZ,Afr, S Amer D. dicarpum Nees Par...... · e ★ • o ★ o o o o o QVTA NZ, SE As [Dicranum dicarpum (Nees), Leucoloma dicarpum (Nees) Broth.] D. menziesii (Tayl.) Par...... · ★ o o o o o o o QVT NZ,Oc, D. robustum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par. var. S Amer setosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Sainsb ...... O ★ o ★ • o o o o o o o A NZ D. serratum (Broth.) Par...... O o o o o o o o o o o Q [Leucoloma serratum Broth.] D. sullivanii (C. Muell.) Par...... O * o o o o o o o V [Dicranum sullivanii C. Muell.]

^Retained here as Dicnemoloma although Crosby (pers. comm.) and Crosby & Magill (1981) point out this name is preceded by Sclerodontium. L T WPFWP C ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 8. DICRANACEAE (cont’d) I N c s N c s N c s N s N s DICRANUM Hedw. D. bonjeanii De N ot...... O o o o o o • o o o o o o o Eur, As, [D. scoparium Hedw. ssp. bonjeanii (De Not.) N Amer Grout.]

HOLOMITRIUM Brid. H . perichaetiale (Hook.) Brid...... ••• ★ o • o o o o o o o o QVT NZ, [H. hodgkinsoniaeC. Muell., H. muelleri N Caled, Hampe, H. whiteieggei C. Muell. pro syn.,?H. Subant I dietrichiaeC. Muell.] H. perichaeteale (Hook.) Brid. var robustum Broth. & W atts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o

LEUCOLOMA Brid. L. leichhardtii (Hampe) Jaeg...... o o * o ★ o o o o o o o o o QV

TREMATODON Michx. T. amoenum (C. Muell.) Stone & Scott o o o o o • o o o o o o o o VA [Bruchia amoena C.Muell.] T. flexipes M itt...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o VTA NZ, [T. alpinus J.H. Willis] Subant I T. longescens C. Muell...... o • ★ o o o o o o o o o o o Q T. mackayi (R. Br. ter.) Broth...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o VTA NZ T. suberectus M itt...... o • • o o o o o o o o o o o NZ [T. adaequans Geh. ex Roth, T. abruptus Watts & Whitel.]

9. DICNEMONACEAE EUCAMPTODON (Mont.) Mont. E. muelleri Hampe & C. Muell...... Ο · · · · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O QV

11. LEUCOBRYACEAE LEUCOBRYUM Hampe L. ballinense Broth...... O ★ Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O O Q L. candidum (P. Beauv.) Wils...... · · · · · · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O QV'TW NZ, Oc [L. brachyphyllum Hampe, L. teysmannianum Dozy & Molk., L. strictifolium Broth.] L. candidum (P. Beauv.) Wils. var. pentastichum (Dozy & Molk.) Dix ...... · · · Ο * · O o o o o o o o [L. spirostichum C. Muell. in Mitt. nom. nud., L. speirostichum C. Muell. in Geh. nom. nud.] L. subchorophyllosum Hampe ...... Ο * Ο Ο Ο Ο O o o o o o o o L. turgidulum C. Muell...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο * O o o o o o o o L. wattsii Broth...... Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο O o o o o 0 o O Q Ramsay,

12. CALYM PERACEAE mosses Wales South New CALYMPEROPSIS (C. Muell.) Fleisch. C. wattsii (Broth.) Fleisch. .. o • o o o o o o 0 o o o o o [Syrrhopodon wattsi Broth.]

SYRRHOPODON Schwaegr. S. fimbriatulus C. Muell...... o • • • o o o o o o o o o o Q S. incomplete Schwaegr...... o o * o o o o o o o o o o o N&S Amer [Calymperes armatum Broth.] S. novae-valesiae C. M uell...... o • • o o o o o o o 0 o o o Q S. platyceri M itt...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o Afr 467

13. ENCALYPTACEAE ENCALYPTA Hedw. E. vulgaris Hedw...... Ο · O · · · · • · · Ο Ο Ο o VTSA NZ, As, N [E. australis M itt., E. tasmanica Hampe] Amer, Afr [Previous record not substantiated: .... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O OOOOOOOV E. novae-valesiae Hampe] L CT WP FWP ws EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST 14. POTTIACEAE 1 N c s N C s N c s N s N s ACAULON C. Muell. A. chrysacanthum Stone ...... o o o o o o o o o o o * ★ • VS A. crassinervium C. M uell...... o o o o o o o o * ★ o o • o VTSW [Phascum tasm anicum Dix. & Rodw.] A. integrifolium C. Muell...... o * • * * ★ ★ o • o o o ★ o QVTS- NZ [A. austro-muticum Geh. ex Roth, WA A. sullivanii C. Muell., Phascum apiculatum Hook. f.& Wils.] A. leucochaete Stone ...... o o o o o o o o o o o ★ •• VSW A. robustum Broth, ex R oth ...... o o o o ★ o o o • o o • ★ o VSY A. triquetrum (Spruce) C. M uell...... o o o o o o o o o o o o • ★ VSW Eur, N Afr, N Amer ALOINA Kindb. A. aloides (Schutz) Kindb. var. ambigua (B.S.G.) Craig ...... O VSW NZ, [A. ambigua (B.S.G.) Limpr.] ?(N Amer, Eur, S Afr) A. sullivaniana (C. Muell.) Broth...... O VS NZ [Tortula sullivaniana (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel.] (? = A. bifrons (De N ot.) Delgadillo)

BARBULA Hedw. B. acrophylla C. M uell...... O O o ★ o o o o o o o o o O V B. australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) Brid...... O O o * ★ o * * o * o o o O VTSW NZ, S Afr, [ Trichostemopsis australasiae (Hook. & S Amer Grev.) Robinson] B. calycina Schwaegr...... O QVTYS- NZ, [Tortella calycina (Schwaegr.) Dix. WA S Amer Tortula calycina (Schwaegr.) Hook. & Grev.] B. chlorotricha (Broth. & Geh.) Par...... O O ★ o o o o o o o O V [Tortula chlorotricha Broth. & Geh.] B. crinita Schultz ...... O * ★ * o * ★ ★ o o ★ o * VTSWA NZ, Afr, [B. pseudopilifera C. Muell. & Hampe, S. Amer B. pilifera (Hook.) Brid. nom. illeg., Tortula flavinervis Dix., T. pungens Hook. f. & Wils. nom. illeg.] B. hornschuchiana Schultz ...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTSWA Eur, SW [Desmatodon adustus Mitt., As, Afr Barbula subspiralis Hampe] B. speirostega C. Muell...... O OOOOOOOO B. subcalycina C. M uell...... O o o o o o o o o VSW [Tortula subcalycina (C. Muell.) Mitt.] B. torquata Tayl ...... O e o · * * * · · v t y s w - n z , [Tortula torquata (Tayl.) Wils.] A S Amer B. unguiculata Hedw...... o * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VSTA Cosmop [Tortula acuminata Brid. nom. illeg.]

BRYOERYTHROPHYLLUM Chen. B. rotundatum (Lindb. & Am.) Chen ...... O OOOOOOOO As [Barbula rotundata Lindb. & Am., Didymodon rotundatus (Lindb. & Am.) Par.] B. jamesonii (Tayl.) Crum...... O ★ OOOOOOO VTWA NZ [B. binnsii (R. Br. ter.) W ijk & Marg.] Ramsay, Ramsay, CALYPTOPOGON (Mitt.) Broth. C. mnioides (Schwaegr.) Broth...... O • OOOOOOO VTS NZ, S Amer CROSSIDIUM Jur. e Suh ae mosses Wales South New C. davidai Catcheside ...... O 000000**8 C. geheebii (Broth.) Broth. .. .. O 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * VYSW NZ

DESMATODON Brid. D. convolutus (Brid.) Grout...... O QVYS- Cosmop [Tortula atro-virens (Sm.) Lindb., WA Barbula atro-virens (Sm.) Schimp., Pottia brachyodus (Hampe) Jaeg.] D. recurvatus (Hook.) M itt...... O • OOOOOOO VSA S Afr

DIDYMODON Hedw. D. wildii (Broth.) Broth...... O 0000*000

GYMNOSTOMUM Nees & Hornsch. G. aeruginosum (Sm.) Zander ...... O • •★*0000 QVTS- Cosmop [G. calcareum Nees & Hornsch.] WA

H Y M E N O S T O M U M R. Br. H. olivaceum C. Muell. ex Geh ...... O 0*000000 H. sullivanii C. Muell. ex Geh...... O 00*00000

LEPTODONTIUM (C. Muell.) Hampe ex Lindb. L. viticulosoides (P. Beauv.) Wijk & Marg. .. O OOOOOOOOQ As, Afr, [Trichostomum subdenticulatum C. Muell.] C Amer L. paradoxum Stone & Scott ...... O OOOOOOOO VSWA [L. interruptum (M itt.) auct. non Broth.] L CT WP FWP WS EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 14. POTTIACEAE (cont’d)I N C s N C s N C s N s N S

POTTIA (Reichenb.) Fuernr. P. brevicaulis (Tayl.) C. Muell. o o o o o o o o • o o o o o VSW P. drummondii (Wils.) J.H. Willis o o o o o o o o * o o o o o Q7VTS- w P. starckeana (Hedw.) C. Muell. o o o o o o * o o o o o o o VSA NZ, N Afr, Eur, As, N Amer P. truncata (Hedw.) B.S.G. o o * o o o • o o o o o o o VTSA Cosmop

PTERYGONEURUM Jur. P. kemsleyi J.H. Willis o o o o o o o o o o o o o ★ VSW P. ovatum (Hedw.) Dix. o o o o o o o o o o o o ★ ★ VSW Eur, N Afr, As, N Amer TETRAPTERUM Hampe ex Jaeg. T. cylindricum (Tayl.) Jaeg ...... o o o O * * ★ o o ★ o QVTYS- [Astomum cylindricum (Tayl.) Mitt.] WA T. sullivanii (C. Muell.) Broth...... o * o O o o o o o o o (Phascum sullivanii C. Muell. — known only from type in BM]

TORTELLA (Lindb.) Limpr. T. cirrhata Broth...... o o o o o o • o o o o VSW [T. subflavovirens Broth. & Watts] T. knightii (M itt.) Broth...... o o o o o o o o o o VTNZ [T. nano-tortuosa (C. Muell.) W atts & White!.] T. novae-valesiae Broth...... o * * o o o o o o o o o o

TORTULA Hedw. T. evanescens Broth...... o o o o o o o o ★ o o o o o T. laevipila (Brid.) Schwaegr...... o o o o o o * o ★ o * o o o Cosmop T. muralis Hedw...... o * o ★ o o o o o o o VTSWA Cosmop [T. austro-muralis (C. Muell.) Broth, ex Par., T. melbourneana (C. Muell.) Broth.] T. oleaginosa Stone ...... o o o o o o o o o ★ VSW T. pagorum (Milde) de N ot...... * o o o ★ o o o ★ QVTSW Eur, [T. baileyi auct. non Broth.] N Amer T. panduraefolia (C. Muell. & Hampe) Broth. o o o ★ ★ * ★ * o ★ o o o T. papillosa Wils...... o o * * * * o ★ o o o o QVTS- Cosmop WA T. princeps De N o t.t .. - o o * ★••• ★•• o * o ★VTSWA Cosmop T. reader: (C. Muell.) Broth. o o o o o o o ★o o o o o o T. rubra M itt...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o oVA NZ, S Amer, Subant I T. streptopogoniacea (C. Muell.) Broth. o ★o o o. · o ★o o o o o o T. subbrunnea Broth. & W atts .. o o o o o o * o o o o o o o T. vesiculosa (C. Muell.) Broth...... o o • o •• * o •• o o o o [Previous record not substantiated: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o T. crawfordii (Par.) W atts in Watts & Whitel., T. asperifolia Broth., T, parramattana Mitt., Barbula parramattana (M itt.) Kindb.] Ramsay, Ramsay, TRACHYCARPIDIUM Broth. T. brisbanicum (C. Muell.) Stone .. O Q [Astomum brisbanicum (C. Muell.) Broth.,

A. wattsii Broth, ex Roth] mosses Wales South New

TRICHOSTOMUM Bruch. T. arista tulum Broth.

T R ID O N TIU M Hook. f. in Hook. T. tasmanicum Hook. f. .... VT NZ, As

TRIQ U ETRELLA C. Muell. T. papillata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. o o * ★ e ★ o o o o VTSWA NZ T. richardsiae C. M uell...... o o o o o o o o * o o O S

WEISSIA Hedw. W. controversa Hedw...... O QVTYS- Cosmop [ W.flavipes Hook. f. & Wils., A W. trunctataC. Muell. nom. nud.] W. novae-valesiae (Broth, ex Roth) Stone O o o o o ★ o o o o o o O A [Astomum novae-valesiae Broth, ex Roth] W. perpusilla (C. Muell.) Stone .. o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o O

tNSW collections of this species examined by Kramer (pers.comm.) include T. andersonii, T. antarctica, T. rubella, and T. leucostega as well as T. princeps. WPFWP L c T ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSWAUST 14A. BRYOBARTRAMIACEAEI N c s N c s N c SN s N s BRYOBARTRAMIA Sainsb. B. novae-valesiae (Broth.) Stone ...... o o o o o o • o • • o o o oVSWA SAfr [ Trachycarpidium novae-valesiae Broth., Bryobartramia robbinsii Sainsb.] 15. GRIM M IA CEA E GRIMMIA Hedw. G. donniana Sm ...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o oA Cosmop [G. alpestris Sommerf.] G. laevigata (Brid.).Brid...... •• • * • •• • • • • o o •QVTS- Cosmop [G. leiocarpa Tayl., G. leucophaea Grev., WA G. campestris Burchell ex Hook.] G. obtusata (C. Muell. & Hampe Jaeg. o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o NZ G. pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. var. africana (Hedw.) Hook. f. & W ils...... •• • ★ • • •• • •• o * oQVTS- Cosmop [G. cygnicolla Tayl., G. pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. WA var. obtusa (Brid.) Hueb.] G. trichophylla Grev...... o o o o o * • o o * o o o oQVTS- Cosmop WA

R A C O M ITR IU M Brid. R. aciculum Dix...... * o o o o o o o o o o o o o [specimen in E (Dixon 1950)] R. amoenum (Broth.) Par...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o o V R. crispulum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Hook. f. & W ils...... o o o 0 • * • o o o o o o oQVTWA S Hemis, [/?. sullivanii (C. Muell.) Broth., C Amer R. symphodon Jaeg.] R. lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. var. pruinosum Wils...... o o o o o o * o o o o o o oVT NZ, S Afr R. pseudo-patens (C. Muell.) Par...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o o SCHISTIDIUM Brid. S. apocarpum (Hedw.) B.S.G...... o * • • ★ •• • ** o o o oQVTS- Cosmop [Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. nom. inval., WA G. m utica Hampe] S. rivulare (Brid.) Podp. ssp. rivulare ...... o o o o o o ★o o o o o o o NZ, [Grimmiaflexifolia H am pe — specimen in N Hemis BM (Bremer 1980)] 16.

GIGASPERMUM Lindb. G. repens (Hook.) Lindb. O VTYSW- NZ, S Afr A

18. EPHEMERACEAE EPHEMERUM Hampe E. cristatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell. VTSW Ramsay, Ramsay,

19. FUNARIACEAE e Suh ae mosses Wales South New FUNARIA Hedw. F. apophysata (Tayl.) Broth ...... ★ •• * o o * o QVTYS- NZ [Entosthodon apophysata (Tayl.) Mitt.] WA F. aristata Broth...... o •• • o o o o V [Entosthodon aristatus (Broth.) Par.] F. cuspidata Hook. f. & W ils...... o o o o o o o o QVTSW NZ F. glabra Tayl ...... •••• o o * o QVTYS- NZ, [F. crispula Hook. f. & Wils., WA N Caled F. tasmanica C. Muell. & Hampe, F. subnuda Tayl.] F. gracilis (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. •• o * o o ★ o VTYSW- NZ [Entosthodon gracilis Hook. f. & Wils.] A F. helmsii Broth, in G eh...... o o o o o o * o VTYSW F. hygrometrica Hedw...... • •• o o o o * QVTYS- Cosmop [F. calvescens Schwaegr., WA F. hygrometrica Hedw. var. sphaerocarpa C. Muell., F. sphaerocarpaC. Muell.] F. smithhurstii Broth. & Geh...... o o ★ o o o o oQV [Entosthodon smithhurstii (Broth. & Geh.) Par.] F. squarrifolia Broth...... o o o o o o o o [Entosthodon squarrifolius (Broth.) Par.]

GONIOMITRIUM Hook. f. & Wils. G. acuminatum Hook. & Wils. .. • o • o o o * o QYSWA NZ G. enerve Hook. & Wils...... o ★ • o * o ★ o VSWA WSWP FWP L C T EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 19. FUNARIACEAE (cont’d) I NC s N C s NC s N s N s

PHYSCOMITRELLA B.S.G. Physcomitrella reader: (C. Muell.) Stone & Scott ...... Oo o o o o o o o o o o * ovs [P. patens (Hedw.) B.S.G. var readeri (C. Muell.) Tan]

PHYSCOMITRIUM (Brid.) Fuernr. P. brisbanicum C. Muell...... o • * o o o o o o o o o o oQ P. integrifolium Ham pe & C. Muell. o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o o P. pyriforme Brid...... o o • o o o * o o o o o o 0VTA NZ [P. conicum Mitt., P. subserratum Hampe] [Previous record not substantiated: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o P. flaccidum Mitt.] I 21. SPLACHNACEAE SPLA CHNOBRYU M C. Muell. S. wattsii Broth...... o o • o o o o o o o o o o o TAYLORIA Hook. T. maidenii Broth...... o o o o o o • ★ o o o o o o T. octoblepharum (Hook.) Mitt. o ••• * • • o o o o o o oQVTS- N Z,A s, WA TNG T. purpurascens (Hook. & Wils.) Broth. o o o o o 7 o o o o o o o o NZ

24. BRYACEAE BRACHYMENIUM Schwaegr. B. coarctatum Bosch. & Lac...... o ★ • o o o * o o o o o o oTA NZ B. exile (Dozy & Molk.) Bosch. & Lac. o o o ★ o o ★ o o o o o o oA As, Oc, £ Malesia B. preissianum (Hampe) Jaeg...... o o • o o o * o o o o o o oQVTS- NZ [B. chloroblastum Watts & Whitel. WA nom. nud., B. pilosithecium Watts & Whitel. nnm m id 1 BRYUM Hedg. B. aeruginosum C. Muell...... Ο Ο · O O o o o o o o o o o B. albo-limbatum (Hampe) Jaeg...... Ο Ο * O O o o o o o o o o o QSW B. cf. altisetum C. Muell...... Ο Ο Ο O o o * o o o o o o o VA B. argenteum Hedw...... · · ★ * ★ ★ • * • o o * ★ QVTYS- Cosmop WA B. argenteum Hedw. var. lanatum (P. Beauv.) Hampe ...... · Ο Ο O o o o o o o o o o o Cosmop B. argenteum Hedw. var. niveum Wils. · Ο Ο O o o o o o o o o o o T B. australe H am pe...... Ο O ★ O o o ★ o o o o o o o VTA NZ [B. appressifolium Broth.] B. bateae C. Muell...... Ο Ο O * o o o o o o o B. billardieri Schwaegr. var. billardieri · · · * * • * o o o o QVTSW NZ, Eur, |B. abruptinervium C. Muell.. B. brachyaris C. Muell. in Mitt. nom. nud. S Amer B. breviramulosum (Hampe) Mitt, B. brunneidens, C. Muell., B crenatidens C. Muell. nom. nud., B. crispatum (Hampe) Mitt., nom illeg., B. forsythii Broth., B. globulare Hampe in C. Muell. nom. nud., B leptothecium Tayl., B. ohvaceum (Hampe) Mitt., B. pohliaeopsis C Muell., B. robustum Hampe, B. rufescens Hook. f. & Wils. nom. illeg. B. subcrispatum C. M uell, B. subtomentosum (Hampe) Mitt.] B. blandum Hook. f. & Wils...... Ο Ο Ο O ★ o o o o o o o VTA NZ, [B. oblongifolium C. Muell.] Campbell I B. caespiticium Hedw...... Ο Ο * O ★ * o o o o o o VTSA Cosmop IB. laxirete Broth.] B. calodictyon Broth...... Ο Ο Ο O o o o o • o o o o o B. campylothecium Tayl...... · Ο Ο O o ★ o • • o * o o VTSWA NZ, [B. peraristatum C. Muell., S Amer B. howeanum Broth. & Watts, Brachvmenium peraristatum (C. Muell.) Kindb.] B. capillare Hedw...... · · # * • * ★ o o * o QVTYS- Cosmop [B. im m arginatum Broth., B. leptothecioides WA Broth. & Watts nom. nud., B. pusillum Broth. nom. illeg., B. sublonginervium Geh. in Watts & Whitel. nom. nud., B. whiteieggei Broth. nom. nud.] B. capillare Hedw. ssp. torquescens (De Not.) K indb...... Ο · · O • ★ * o o o o vs Cosmop [?B. svnoicum, C. Muell.. B. pyrothecium C. Muell. & Hampe, B. ervthropyxisC. Muell.] B. cellulare Hook...... Ο · Ο O o o o o o o o o Q B. chrysoneuron C. Muell...... · · · O o o o o o o o o QTSWA N Z,O c, [B. leptopelmaC. Muell.,B. lochoneuron C. Eur, As, Muell., B. microthecium C. Muell., II. Afr .u suberythrocarpum C. Muell., B. wattsii Broth.] FWP L CT ws WP EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 24. BRYACEAE (cont’d) I N C s N C s NC s N s N s BRYUM (cont’d) B. coronatum Schwaegr...... •• • ★ o • * o • o o o o oQWA Cosmop [B. subatropurpureum C. Muell.] B. crassum Hook. f. & W ils...... O o ★ o o o o o o o o o o oVT NZ [B. austro-alpinum C. Muell.] B. creberrimum Tayl...... o ★ ★ * o ★ • o * o o o o oVSW NZ,N [B. affine Lindb. & Am. nom. illeg.. Amer, B. tasm anicum Hampe] Eur, As, B. cupulatum C. Muell...... o o • o o o o o o o o o o oVTS B. dichotomum Hedw...... • o • o o • * o o ★ o o * oQVTSA NZ, Amer, [B. aequicollum Broth. & Watts, Subant I B. brachytheciella C. Muell., B. philonotideum Broth. & Watts, B. pim pam aeC . Muell., B. subcupulatum C. Muell. ex Rodw.] B. diversinerve Broth. & W atts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o B. erythrocarpoides C. Muell. & Hampe ••• o * ★ • o ★ o o o o oQVTSA NZ, S Afr, [B. clavatum Hook. f. & Wils., B. curvicollum Oc M itt.,B.filarium Broth., B. kiam ae Broth., B. subcurvicollum Broth ] B. laevigatom Hook. f. & Wils...... o ★ o o o o • o o * o o o oVTA NZ, S Afr, S Amer, Subant I B. leucocanthum (Hampe) M itt...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o [Rhodobryum leucocanthum Hampe] B. limbifolium Broth. & W atts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o B. muehlenbeckii B.S.G...... o o • o o o ★ o o o o o o oA Cosmop [S. cheelii Broth ] B. nitens Hook...... o • ★ o o ★ o o o o o o o oQ As, Afr, Oc [B. baileyi Broth., B. pachypomatulum Broth., B. subpachypoma Hampe, B. micropachypoma Broth, nom. nud.] B. pachytheca C. Muell...... o •• * o ★ • o • * • o ★ oQVTYS- Cosmop [S. bicolor Dicks., B. gambierenseC. Muell., WA B. microerythrocarpum C. Muell. & Kindb., B. subaeneum Hampe & C. Muell., B. sullivanii C. Muell.] B. cf. pallens Sw...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o A B. perlimbatum Card...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o S Amer B. plumosum Dozy & Molk ...... O ★ o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [B. pachypoma Mont.] B. pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G aertn...... O 0*000 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0VTSWA Cosmop [B. austro-ajfme Broth., B. bim um (Brid.) Turn., B. subventricosum Broth.] B. roseodens C. Muell...... O *0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S Amer B. sauteri B.S.G...... · 0*000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0V NZ, Eur B. subapiculatum Ham pe ...... O 00000 ★ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0A B. subfasciculatum (Hampe) Mitt. .... * #*0*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oc [B. am oenum Wright non Broth, nom. nud., B. dilatato-marginatum C. Muell., Rhodobrvum subfasciculatum, Hampe, Bryum subolivaceum C. Muell., ?B. viridulum C. Muell. nom. illeg.] [Previous record not substantiated: .... O 00000 OOOOOOOO 73 B. baeuerlenii C. Muell., B. brachycladulum C. Muell., B. ischvrrodon C. Muell.] Wils.

LEPTOBRYUM (B.S.G.) Wils. L. pyriforme (Hedw.) ...... O 0*000 OOOOOOO VTSA Cosmop r

MIELICHHOFERIA Nees & Hornsch M. australis Hampe ...... O 00000 * 0 * * 0 0 0 0 VA Afr, NZ §" [M. forsythii Broth ] M. bryoides (Harv.) W ijk & Marg. .... O 0 0 * 0 * *0000000 VTSA NZ, S Afr, 1 [M. ecklonii Hornsch ] Madagas- | car ^ M. turgens Broth...... O 00000 00**0000

ORTHODONTIUM Schwaegr. O. inflatum (M itt.) Par...... O *• 0 0 * OOOOOOOOV [O. ovaleC. Muell. ex Broth., Wilsoniella compacta Geh.in W atts & Whitel. nom. nud.] O. lineare Schwaegr. ssp. sulcatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Meijer ...... O 0 * 0 ** OOOOOOO VTSWA NZ, Afr, [O. australe Hook. f. & Wils., O. sulcatum S Amer, Hook. f. & Wils., O. pattens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Subant I Broth., O. zetterstedtii C. Muell., Aplodium lineare Mitt. nom. illeg.] L T WPFW'P c ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 24. BRYACEAE (cont’d) I N c s N c s N c s N s N s POHLIA Hedw. P. austro-carnea Broth...... O o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o P. bulbifera (Warnst.) Warnst...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o N Hemis P. cruda (Hedw.) Lindb ...... o o o o o ★ * o o o o o o o VTS NZ, [P. ervthrocaulis Watts & Whitel.] Cosmop P. mielichhoferia (C. Muell.) Broth...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o o V P. nutans (Hedw.) Lindb...... o o ★ o * •• o o o o o o o VTS7W- Cosmop [ Webera nutans Hedw.] ?A P. tenuifolia (Jaeg.) Broth...... o o * o o o o o o o o o o o NZ [ Webera tenuifolia Jaeg.] P. wahlenbergii (Web. & Mohr) Andrews o o o o • o • o o * o o o o VTA Cosmop [Mniobryum wahlenbergii (Web. & Mohr) Jenn., M. tasmanicum Broth., M. albicans (Wahlenb.) Limpr.]

RHODOBRYUM (Schimp.) Hampe R. aubertii (Schwaegr.) T her...... o • o o o o o o o o o o o o SAfr, S Amer, Madagas­ car, Oc R. graeffeanum (C. Muell.) Par...... o ★ * o o ★ o o o o o o o o Q


L E P T O ST O M U M R. Br. L. erectum R. Br...... o • • * ★ • * o * o o o o o QV Malesia L. inclinans R. Br...... o • o o • • • o o o ★ o o oQVTA NZ, Subant I L. macrocarpum (Hedw.) Pyl ...... * * o o o o o o o o o o o oQ ΝΖ,Οο, Norfolk I

26. MNIACEAE P L A G IO M N IU M T. Kop. P. novae-zealandiae (Col.) T. Kop. .. o 0 o • • o • o o o 0 o o o VT NZ [Mnium longirostrum Brid., M. novae-valesiae C. Muell. in Geh., M. rostratum auct. non Schrad.] 30. MITTENIACEAE

MITTENIA Lindb. M. plumula (Mitt.) Lindb. • OOOOOOO QVTWA NZ [M. rotundifolia (C. Muell.) Par.]


CALOMNION Hook. f. & Wils. C. complanatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Lindb. 0 0 * 0 0 0 NZ [C. laetum Hook. f. & Wils. nom. illeg.] Ramsay, Ramsay,


GONIOBRYUM Lindb. mosses Wales South New G. subbasilare (Hook.) Lindb. .. 0 0 0 * 0 0 • OOOOOOO VT NZ, Oc, [G. pellucidum (M itt.) Broth.] S Amer

HYMENODON Hook. f. & Wils. H. pilifer Hook. f. & Wils...... 0 0 * 0 0 0 ★ OOOOOOO QVT NZ, Oc

LEPTOTHECA Schwaegr. f L. gaudichaudii Schwaegr. var. gaudichaudii o o o · · · • 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 QVTA NZ, S Afr, S Amer 479 MESOCHAETE Lind. M . undulata L indb...... O O O O O O O O QV NZ, SE As

PYRRHOBRYUM Mitt. P. mnioides (Hook.) Manuel ...... o · * · * OOOOOOOO QVTA NZ, [Rhizogonium mnioidesHook.) ( Wils. in S Amer Hook.] P. parramattense (C. Muell.) Manuel OOOOOOO QVT Norfolk 1 [Rhizogonium parramattense (C. Muell.) Reichdt.] P. spiniforme (Hedw.) Manuel .. OOOOOOOOQ As, [Rhizogonium spiniforme Hedw.] Malesia t See Churchill & Buck (1982). L C T WP FWP ws EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST 32. RHIZOGONIACEAE (cont’d) I N C s N c s N c s N s N S

RHIZOGONIUM Brid. R. bifaritim (Hook.) Schimp...... Ο Ο · Ο * Ο * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTA NZ R. distichum (Sw.) Brid...... Ο · · * Ο · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O QVTA As, NZ, Oc [R. graeffeanum (C. Muell.) Jaeg., R. geheebii C. Muell.] R. novae-hollandiae (Brid.) Brid...... Ο · · Ο Ο · * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTA NZ, As, S Amer R. pennatum Hook. f. & Wils. var. aristatum (Hampe) D ix...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O T NZ


BRAITHWAITEA Lindb. B. sulcata (Hook.) Jaeg ...... * · · · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O QV NZ, Oc, N Caled

HYPNODENDRON (C. Muell.) Lindb. ex Mitt. H . colensoi (Hook. f. & Wils.) M itt...... O o o o o ★ o o o o o o o o ?T NZ [Known only from a specimen in NY (Touw 1971)] H. comosum (Labill.) M itt...... o o • ★ • o o o o o o o o oVT NZ [Mniodendron comosum (Labill.) Lindb.] H. spininervium (Hook.) Jaeg. ssp. archeri (Mitt.) Touw ...... o • e • o • o o o o o o o oVT [H. arcuatum Hedw. emend. M itt, pro parte] H. vitiense Mitt. ssp. australe Touw .. o • • • • • • o o • o o o oQVTA As, Oc [H. whiteleggei C. Muell. ex Burges nom. nud., H. arcuatum non Hedw.]


AULACOMNIUM Schwaegr. oo A. palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr. O VTA Cosmop 4^ 35. MEESIACEAE

MEESIA Hedw. M . muelleri C. Muell. & Hampe OOOOOOOVA NZ M . triquetra (Hook. & Tayl.) Aongstr. OOOOOOOVA N Hemis

37. BARTRAMIACEAE Hedw. B. halleriana Hedw...... * 0 0 0 0 0 0 VT NZ, [B. m ossm anniana C. Muell.] Cosmop B. hampei (M itt.) Catcheside ...... 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 VTSWA [Bartramidula hampei Mitt., Ramsay, Ramsay, Bartramia erecta (Hampe) Broth, nom. illeg.] B. papillata Hook. f. & Wils ...... • •★★OOOO QVTS- NZ, WA Subant I B. stricta Brid...... ★ ★ 0* 0 0 0 0 QTWA [B. strictifolia Tayl.] mosses Wales South New (not the same as N Hem is sp. — under review by Catcheside) B. timmioides C. Muell...... [Known only from type in BM]

BREUTELIA (B.S.G.) Schimp. B. affinis (Hook.) M itt...... O QVTS- NZ [B. commutata Jaeg. nom. illeg., WA affinis (Hook.) Jaeg.] B. pendula (Sm.) M itt...... O QVTWA NZ, S Afr, [B. divaricata (Mitt.) Mitt., S Amer, B.fusco-aurea Broth., Subant I B. sieberi (Homsch. ex C. Muell.) Mitt.] B. pseudo-philonotis (C. Muell.) Watts & W hitel...... OOOOOOOO [Previous record not substantiated: .. OOOOOOOO B. baeuerlenii (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel., B. leptodontoides (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel., B. lonchopelma (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel.]

CONOSTOMUM Swartz C. curvirostre (M itt.) Mitt...... • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VANZ C. pentastichum (Brid.) Lindb...... ★ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VTA NZ, S Afr, [C australe Sw.] S Amer C. pusillum Hook. f. & W ils ...... • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VTA NZ 00 L T WP FWP C ws EXTRAEXTRA H NSW AUST 37. BARTRAMIACEAE (cont’d) I NC s N c s N c s N s NS PHILONOTIS Brid. P. austro-faicata Broth. & Watts .. o o o o o o * o o o o o o o P. dicranellacea (C. Muell.) W atts & Whitel. o • • o o o • o 0 o o o o o Q P.jardinii (Besch.) Par...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o Oc P. pseudomollis (C. Muell.) Jaeg...... o • • o o o o o • o o o o o P. scabrifolia (Hook. f. & Wils.) Braithw. o o o o • •• o • o o o o o VTSWA N Z ,O c,S [P. appressa (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt., Afr,C&S P. remotifolia (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg.] Amer, Subant 1 P. slateri (Hampe) Jaeg...... o e * o o o o o o o o o o o Q P. tenuis (Tayl.) Reichdt ...... ••• o o •• o o o o • ★ o QVTYS- NZ, Afr [P. fertilis (M itt.) Mitt., P. pseudomollis WA (C. Muell.) Jaeg.] P. tortifolia (C. Muell.) W atts & Whitel. o • * o • • o o o o o o o o Q


SPIRIDENS Nees S. vicillardii Schimp. . • o o o o o o o o o o o o o Malesia, [S. muelleri Hampe] Oc


AULACOPILUM Wils. A. glaucum Wils...... Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο o O Q NZ A. hodgkinsoniae (Hampe & C. Muell.) Broth...... Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O O Q

41. PTYCHOMITRIACEAEt PTYCHOMITRIUM Fuernr. P. australe (Hampe) Jaeg...... « O QVTS- NZ [P. adamsonii(Mitt.) Jaeg., WA Glyphomitrium adamsonii Mitt., Brachysteleum australe (Hampe) Jaeg.]

t Transferred to Grimmiaceae by Churchill (1982). P. laxifolium (C. Muell.) Par...... O * · · ★ O O * o o o o o o [Brachysteleum laxifolium C. Muell.] P. mittenii Jaeg...... Ο Ο O · OO# O o o o o o O VT [P. serratum (Mitt.) Hook. f. & Wils. nom. illeg.] P. muelleri (Mitt.) Jaeg...... · · · · O QV [P. commutatum (C. Muell.) Par., Glyphomitrium muelleri (C. Muell.) Broth., G. howeanum (Hampe) Broth.]


AMPHIDIUM Schimp. A. cyathicarpum (Mont.) Broth. VTSW NZ, Afr, S Amer, Oc

MACROCOMA (C. Muell.) Grout M. tenue (Hook. & Grev.) Vitt ssp. tenue O QVTS NZ, SE As [.Macromitrium eucalyptorum C. Muell. & Hampe, M. microphyllum (Hook. & Grev.) Brid., M. geheebii C. Muell., M. novae- valesiaeC. Muell.]

MACROMITRIUM Brid.f M. archeri Mitt, in Hook. f...... 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QVT [M. pusillum Mitt.] M. aurescens Hampe ...... 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q N Caled M. brachypodium C. M uell...... • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q N Caled [M. brevisetaceum Hampe] M. brevicaule (Besch.) Broth...... •• •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q NZ, [M. subbrevicaule Broth. & Watts, Norfolk I, M. watt si i Broth.] N Caled M. caloblastoides C. M uell...... 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q [M. dimorphum C. Muell.] M. diaphanum C. M uell...... 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q [M. circinicladum C. Muell.] M. exsertum Broth...... 0 • • •• • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q M. hemitrichodes Schwaegr...... 0 ••• 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QV M. hortonae Vitt & Ramsay (ms)t- 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q t Revision by Vitt & Ramsay (manuscript) — only synonyms applicable to NSW collections are included except when clarification with an Australian used name is needed. t Manuscript names, nov. sp. or ssp. L T WPFWP c ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST .. ORTHOTRICHACEAE (cont’d) I N c s N c s N c s N s N s ACROMITRIUM (cont’d) M . involutifolium (Hook. & Grev.) Schwaegr. sensu lato ...... O o o o o o o o o QT [M. daemelii C. Muell.] M. malacoblastum C. M uell] M . involutifolium (Hook. & Grev.) Schwaegr. ssp. involutifolium^: ...... o • • o • • o o o o o o o o Q N Caled M . involutifolium (Hook. & Grev.) Schwaegr. ssp. ptychomitrioides (Besch.) Vitt & Ramsay (ms) ...... o • •• • • • o 0 o o o o o Q N Caled [M. carinatum Mitt.] M . leratii Broth...... * • ★ ★ o o o o 0 o o o o o Q N Caled M . ligulaefolium Broth...... o • • o • • • o o o o o o o QVTA NZ, [M. ligulatulum C. Muell., N Caled M. woollsianum C. Muell.] M . ligulare M itt...... o o o o o o o o o QVA NZ [M. asperulum Mitt., M. weissioides C. Muell ] M . loncirostre (Hook.) Schwaegr...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o VT [M. rodwayi Dix. in Weym. & Rodw.] Subant I, S Amer M . microstomum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwaegr...... o o o o o o o o o QVT NZ, Japan, [M. prolixum Bosw., M. scottiaeC. Muell., M. Hawaii, tasm anicum Broth., M. weymouthii Broth.] Java, Pac I M . peraristatum Broth...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o M . repandum C. Muell...... o ••• o o o o o o o o o o Q [M. pugionifolium C. Muell., M. whiteleggei Broth. & Geh.] M . stoneae Vitt & Ramsay (ms)± ...... o • o o • o o o o o o o o o Q

φ Manuscript names, nov. sp. or ssp. ORTHOTRICHUM Hedw.f O. cupulatum Hoffm. ex Brid. var. cupulatum O • OOOOOOOVA Eur, As, Afr, N Amer O. hortense Bosw...... O • OOOOOOOV NZ O. longithecum R. Br. ter...... O • o e e o o o o V A nz [O. acroblepharisC. Muell.] O. rupestre Schleich. ex Schwaegr. var. rupestre ...... O • 00 * 0 0 0 0 VTA Cosmop [O. sullivanii C. Muell.l O. tasmanicum Hook. f. & Wils. var. tasmanicum ...... O • OOOOOOO QVTSA NZ [O. encalyptaceum C. Muell., O. laterale Hampe, O. campbelliae Watts & Whitel.] Ramsay, Ramsay, SCHLOTHEIMIA Brid. S. brownii Schwaegr...... O o o o o o o o o QV nz [5. baileyi Broth.] S. funiformis Tayl. ex Dix...... O OOOOOOOO e Suh ae mosses Wales South New

ZYGODON Hook. & Tayl. Z. hookeri Hampe ...... O • OOOOOOO VTS NZ Z. intermedins B.S.G...... O • 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 QVTWA S Hemis, [Z. brownii Schwaegr.] As Z. menziesii (Schwaegr.) A m ott ...... O O VTSWA NZ, S Amer

44. RACOPILACEAE RACOPILUM P. Beauv.J R. cuspidigerum (Schwaegr.) Aongst. var. cuspidigerum ...... Oc [R. pacificum Besch.] R. cuspidigerum (Schwaegr.) Aongst. var. convolutaceum (C. Muell.) Zant. & Dijkstra ...... O QVTS- NZ [R. convolutaeceum (C. Muell.) Reichdt., WA R. strumiferum auct. non (C. Muell.) Mitl in NSW] t Determined by J. Lewinsky (in press), t Based on studies by van Zanten & Dijkstra (unpubl.). l/i00 WPFWP L CT ws EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST 47. HEDWIGIACEAE I N C s N C s N C s N s NS HEDWIG1A P. Beauv. H. ciliata (Hedw.) Ehrh. ex P. Beauv. .. . O Ο O QVTS- Cosmop [//. albicans Lindb. nom. illeg., H .juratzkae WA C. Muell., H. microcyathea (C. Muell.) Par ] H . integrifolia P. Beauv...... O Ο Ο Ο O QVTS- Cosmop [Hedwigidium integrifolium (P. Beauv.) Dix., WA Hedwigidium imberbe (Sm.) B.S.G.]

RHACOCARPUS Lindb. R. purpurascens (Brid.) Par...... 0*··0·*0000000 QVTWA NZ, Afr, [/?.australis (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par., N&S R. humboldtii (Hook.) Lindb.] Amer, Subant I 48. CRYPHAEACEAE CRYPHAEA Mohr. C. dilatata Hook. f. & W ils...... Ο · Ο · * Ο * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O QVS NZ [C. muelleri (Ham pe) Broth.,Cryphidium muelleri (Ham pe) Broth.,Cyptodon dilatatus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par. & Schimp.] C. exannulata Dix. & Sainsb...... Ο · · · Ο Ο * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O QV NZ C. ovalifolia (C. Muell.) Jaeg...... Ο · * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O Q NZ, Oc [Cyptodon ovalifolius (C. Muell.) Fleisch., Cryphidium ovalifolium (C. Muell.) Broth., Cryphaea squarrulosa Hampe, Cryphidium squarrulosum (Ham pe) Broth.] C. tasmanica Mitt, in Hook. f. & Wils. ..00000 * * 0000000 VTA C. tenella Homsch. ex C. Muell ...... Ο · · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O Q?V?T NZ [C. brevidensC. Muell.]

FORSSTROEMIA Lind. F. australis (C. Muell.) Par...... Ο · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O Q F. subproducta (C. Muell.) Broth...... Ο · · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O Q

50. CYRTOPODACEAE BESCHERELLIA Duby B. brevifolia Ham pe ...... oee oooooooooooQ As, [B. cyrtopus C. Muell., Cyrtopus N Amer bescherellioidesC. Muell.] 51. PTYCHOMNIACEAE

GLYPHOTHECIUM Hampe G. sciuroides (Hook.) Ham pe ...... • O O O O O O O VTA NZ, SE As [Previous record not substantiated: .. oooooooo G. perrotii C. Muell.]

HAMPEELA C. Muell. H. pallens (Lac.) Fleisch...... O O O O O O O O QV NZ, SE As [ Whiteleggea australis (Broth.) Broth, ex Par.]

PTYCHOMNION Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt P. aciculare (Brid.) M itt...... OOOOOOO QVTS NZ, Afr, O c,S

Amer, Ramsay, Subant I 57. PTEROBRYACEAE e Suh ae mosses Wales South New ENDOTRICHELLA C. Muell. E. dietrichiae C. M uell...... OOOOOOOOQ E. lepida C. Muell. OOOOOOOOQ

EUPTYCHIUM Schimp. E. mucronatum Hampe ...... OOOOOOOO E. robustum H am pe ...... OOOOOOOOQ E. setigerum (Sull.) Broth...... OOOOOOOO Oc [E. cuspidatum (M itt.) Mitt.]

MUELLEROBRYUM Fleisch. 487 M . whiteleggei (Broth.) Fleisch...... O Q [Pterobryon whiteleggei Broth.]

PTEROBRYELLA (C. Muell.) Jaeg. P. praenitens (Hampe) C. M uell...... [Hypnodendron praenitens (Ham pe) Mitt.]

PTEROBRYIDIUM Broth. & Watts P. australe Broth. & W atts ...... O Q

TRACHYLOMA Brid. T. diversinerve Ham pe in F. Muell. OOOOOOOO QVT NZ, [77 leptopyxisC. Muell.] N Caled T. planifolium (Hedw.) Brid...... OOOOOOOO QVT NZ T. wattsii Broth...... OOOOOOOO L T WPFWP c ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 58. METEORIACEAE I NC s N c s N c s N s N s

BARBELLA Fleisch. B. enervis (Thwait. & Mitt.) Fleisch...... •• o o o o o o o o o o o oQ As, Oc [Meteorium trichophoroides (C. Muell.) Mitt.]

PAPILLARIA (C. Muell.) C. Muell. P. amblyacis (C. Muell.) Jaeg...... o o ★ o o o o oQ NZ, Oc [Meteorium amblyacis (C. Muell.) Mitt.] P. crocea (Hampe) Jaeg...... o ••• o •• * o o o o o oQVT NZ, Oc [Meteorium kermadecense (C. Muell.) Mitt., P. kermadecensis (C. Muell.) Jaeg., Trachypus hornschuchii Mitt.] P. flavolimbata (C. Muell. & Hampe) Jaeg. o o o o o o o oQVTNZ [P. cerina (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par.] P. flexicaulis (Wils.) Jaeg...... o •• ★ * •• o ★ o o o o oQT As, NZ, [P.filipendula (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg., S Amer P. scottiae(C. Muell.) Par., Cryphaea novae- valesiae C. Muell. nom. nud.] P. intricate (M itt.) C. Muell. & Broth...... o • o o o o o o o o o o o o Oc [Meteorium intricatum Mitt.] P. nitens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Sainsb ...... o •• o o * o o o o o o o oQVTNZ [P. nitidiuscula Broth.]

PILOTRICHELLA (C. Muell.) Besch. P. dimorpha (C. Muell.) Jaeg...... o * o o o * o o o o o o o o [Meteorium aimorphum (C. Muell.) Mitt.]

WEYMOUTHIA Broth. W. mollis (Hedw.) Broth...... • o o o o ★ o o o o o o o oVT NZ,S Amer 59. PHYLLOGONIACEAEf CATAGONIUM C. Muell. ex Broth. C. politum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Dus. ex Broth. • ★ o o ** • o o o o o o oQVTA Afr, NZ, S Amer

ORTHORRHYNCHIUM Reichdt. O. elegans (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt ...... ••• o o o o o o o o o o oQ SEAs, [O. cymbifolioides C. Muell., NZ, Oc 0. hampeanum C. Muell.] fSee Lin (1983) for new classification. 60. NECKERACEAE

CALYPTOTHECIUM Mitt. C. acutum (M itt.) Broth...... OOOOOOOOQ C. cuspidatum (Okam.) Nog...... OOOOOOOO As C. humile (Mitt.) Broth...... OOOOOOOO S Amer LEPTODON Moh. L. smithii (Hedw.) Web. & M ohr ...... • ★ e · 0000 QVA Cosmop [L. australis C. Muell.]

NECKERA Hedw. N. pennata Hedw...... *000 0000 QVT Cosmop [M hymenodonta C. Muell.]

N. leichhardtii Ham pe ...... 0000 0000 Ramsay, [Known only from specimen in BM.]


T. pandum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Stone & Scott 0000 0000 Q NZ, SE As mosses Wales South New [Thamniumpandum (Hook f. & Wils.) Jaeg., Tham nium eflagellare Aongstr.] T. pumilum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Nieuwl. • 000 0000 QVTA NZ, Oc, [Thamnium pumilum (Hook. f. & Wils.) S Amer Kindb., Thamnium gracillimum (Hampe) Broth. & Watts, H om alia acuminata C. Muell.] [Previous record not substantiated: .. . 0000 0000 T. novae-valesiae Kindb.]


CAMPTOCHAETE Reichdt. C. arbuscula (Sm.) Reichdt...... • OOOOOOO QVTA NZ, As, Oc [C. ramulosa (Mitt.) Jaeg., Porotrichum arbusculum (Sm.) Mitt.] C. arbuscula (Sm.) Reichdt. var. deflexa (Wils.) Dix...... O O O O O O O O NZ, Oc [C. brisbanica C. Muell. nom.nud. in synon., C. deflexa (Wils. Jaeg.] C. excavata (Tayl.) Jaeg ...... OOOOOOOO C. gracilis (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par ...... • OOOOOOO QVT NZ, S [Lembophyllum brisbanicum C. Muell. nom. Amer nud.] C. leichhardtii (Jaeg.) Broth...... OOOOOOOOQ Oc L WPFWP CT w s EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 61. LEMBOPHYLLACEAE (cont’d) I N C s N C s N C s N s N s

CAMPTOCHAETE (cont’d) C. schlosseri (Sendtn.) Broth, ex Par ...... O ★ o o o o o Ο o o o o O o C. vaga (C. Muell.) Broth...... • • • •• • ★ o ★ o o o O oQ NZ [Lembophyllum vagum (C. Muell.) Lindb., Porotrichum vagum (C. Muell.) Mitt.]

LEMBOPHYLLUM Lind. L. divulsum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Lindb. .. O• o •• • • o o o o o o oQVTSANZ, [L. clandestinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Lindb., Subant I Porotrichum clandestinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt.]


ECHINODIUM Jur. E. hispidum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt. ,.··0··000000000 QVT Oc, NZ [Sciaromium hispidum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par., E. arboreum Broth.] E. parvulum Broth. & W atts ...... *0000000000000


ACHROPHYLLUM Vitt & Crosby A. dentatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Vitt & Crosby O O Ο Ο Ο Ο O QVTSA NZ, Afr, [Pterygophyllum dentatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) S Amer, Dix., P. hepaticaefolium (Ham pe & C. Muell.) Subant I Jaeg., P. nigellum (Hook. f. & Wils.) M itt] A. wattsii (Broth.) Vitt & Crosby ...... 0*0000000 O O O O O [Pterygophyllum wattsii Broth.] CALYPTROCHAETA Desv. C. apiculata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Vitt .. OOOOOOOO VTS NZ, [Eriopus apiculatus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt.] S Amer, Subant I

CYCLODICTYON Mitt. Ramsay, C. lepidum (Mitt.) Broth. & Watts ...... o o o o o o o o As [Hookeria karsteniana Broth. & Geh.]

DISTICHOPHYLLUM Dozy & Molk. D. baileyanum C. M uell...... o o o o o o o oQ mosses Wales South New D. complanatum (Hampe) M itt...... * o o o o o o oV D. crispulum (Hook. f. & Wils.) M itt...... o o o o o o o oVT NZ [Mniadelphus crispulus (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell., M. adnatus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt.] D. longicuspis Broth...... o o o o o o o o [D. leucoloma Broth, nom. nud.] D. microcarpum (Hedw.) M itt...... • o o o o o o oVTSANZ D. minutifolium C. Muell...... o o o o o o o o D. pulchellum (Ham pe) M itt...... • o o o o o o oQVTSA NZ [D. amblyophyllum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt., Mniadelphus amblyophyllus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg.] D. rotundifolium (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell. & Broth...... Ο T NZ, [D. squarrosulum C. Muell., S Amer D. fissidentoides C. Muell.] D. subminutifolium (Broth. & Geh.) Fleisch. ★ OOOOOOO [Mniadelphus subminutifolius Broth. & Geh.] D. whiteleggeanum C. Muell...... OOOOOOOO

SAULOMA (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. S. tenella (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. . •OOOOOOO VTA NZ, S Amer 9 Vl 25: 1984 2(5): Vol. 492 L C T WPFWP ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 68. HYPOPTERYGIACEAEI N C s N c s N c s N s N S CYATHOPHORUM P. Beauv. C. bulbosum (Hedw.) C. Muell...... • O · · • OOOOOOO QVT NZ, As, Oc [C. pennatum (Labill.) Brid., C. pteridioides P. Beauv.] HYPOPTERYGIUM Brid. H . muelleri Ham pe ...... OOOOOOOQ NZ, As [H. scottiaeC. Muell.] H . rotulatum (Hedw.) Brid...... OOOOOOO QVTSA NZ, Oc, [H. didictyon C. Muell., S Amer H. novae-seelandiae C. Muell.] LOPIDIUM Hook. f. & Wils. L. concinnum (Hook.) Wils ...... O VT NZ, [L. plum arium (M itt.) Hampe, S Amer Hypopterygium hyalino-limbatum C. Muell. nom. nud.,H. pallens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt.] 70. FABRONIACEAE ANACAMPTODON Brid. A. wattsii Broth...... O* o o o o o o o o o o o o FABRONIA Raddi F. australis Hook...... O• ★• o • • o • • o * * oQVTS- [/·’. tayloriana Hampe, WA F. hampeana auct. non Sonder] F. brachyphylla C. Muell. O★• o o o ★o o o o o o oQA F. scottiae C. Muell...... O•• • o 0 o • • • o o o oQ ISCHYRODON C. Muell. I. lepturus (Tayl.) S c h e lp e ...... o o o • o o o o o o o o o ovsw [I. seriolus (C. Muell.) C. Muell., Fabronia leptura Tayl., Juratzkaea leptura (Tayl.) Buck] HELICODONTIADELPHUS Dix. H. australiensis D ix.f ...... o o o o o * o o o o o o o o [Eriodon cylindritheca (Dix.) Dix. & Sainsb. ex Sainsb.]

t Known only from specimens at E, NY, BM. 71. LESKEACEAE

PSEU D O LESK EA B.S.G. P. im bricata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth...... O QVTSA NZ [P. calochlora Broth. & Watts Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Then]


ANOMODON Hook. & Tayl. A. tasmanicus Broth...... VTSA NZ

HAPLOHYMENIUM Dozy & Molk. H . pseudotriste (C. Muell.) Broth...... NZ, As, [H. brevinerve (Broth.) Broth.] Afr THUIDIUM B.S.G. T. cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Q As, Oc Molk. [T. ramentosum (M itt.) Mitt.] T. furfurosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt. QVTS- SHemis [Thuidiopsisfurfurosa (Hook. f. & Wils.) WA Fleisch., Thuidium amblystegioidesC. Muell. T. hastatum (M itt.) Reichdt.,T. suberectum (Hampe) Jaeg.,T. unguiculatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch.] T. furfurosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt. var. sparsum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Sainsb. O o o ★ o T. laeviusculum (Mitt.) Jaeg...... o * ★ • o • T. liliputanum Broth...... o o o o o o T. nano-delicatulum (Hampe) Jaeg. o o • o o T. plumulosiforme (Hampe) Jaeg. .. o o o o o o T. protensulum C. Muell...... • • • ★ o * o T. subglaucinum Card...... o o o o o o * T. trachypodioides Broth. & W atts o o o o o o L T WP FWP C w s EXTRA EXTRA H NSWAUST 73. AMBLYSTEGIACEAEI N C s N C s N C s N s NS

ACROCLADIUM Mitt. A. chlamydophyllum (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell. & Broth...... Ο * ο Ο * Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTSA NZ, [A. auriculatum auct. non(Mont.) Mitt.] Subant I

AMBLYSTEGIUM B.S.G. A. austro-hygrophilum Broth...... Ο Ο ο Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O [Previous record not substantiated: .... Ο Ο ο Ο ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O A. novae-valesiae Broth. & Watts]

CALLIERGON (Sull.) Kindb. C. stramineum (Brid.) K indb ...... Ο Ο ο Ο ο Ο * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O

CALLIERGONELLA Loeske C. cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske ...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTA NZ, [Acrocladium cuspidatum (Hedw.) Lindb.] N Hemis, S Amer, CAMPYLIUM (Sull.) Mitt. C. polygamum (B.S.G.) C. Jens...... Ο Ο * Ο ο Ο * Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VA Cosmop

CRATONEUROPSIS (Broth.) Fleisch. C. relaxa (Hook. f. & W ils.) Fleisch...... Ο Ο Ο Ο * Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTSA NZ, S Afr [Campylium relaxum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth.,Cam pylium decussatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth., Sciarom ium elim batum Broth. & Watts, S.forsythii Broth.] C. subrelaxa (Broth.) B roth...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O O O [Campylium subrelaxum (Broth.) Broth., Amblystegium subrelaxum Broth.]

DREPANOCLADUS (C. Muell.) Roth. D. aduncus (Hedw.) W am st...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο · Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O VTSA Cosmop [D. brachiatus (M itt.) Dix.] excl Oc, D. exannulatus (B.S.G.) Wamst ...... 000000*0000000 Eur, As, Afr, N Amer D. fluitans (Hedw.) Wamst., also known as Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske . . 000000*0000000 VTSA Cosmop D. fontinaloides (Hampe) Broth, ex Par. . . 00000*00000000 [Amblystegium fontinaloides (Ham pe) Mitt.] D. uncinatus (Hedw.) W amst., also known as Sanionia uncinatus (Hedw.) Loeske Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O #0000 000 VTA Cosmop D. tundrae (Am.) Loeske ...... Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο O ★ 0000 000 Eur, As, Amer

LEPTODICTYUM (Schimp.) W amst L. riparium (Hedw.) Wamst...... Ο · * Ο · O # 0 * 0 # 000 VSA NZ, N [L. muelleri (Hampe & C. Muell.) Broth., Hemis /Drepanocladus strictifolius Broth. & Watts]


BRACHYTHECIUM B.S.G. B. albicans (Hedw.) B.S.G...... O O o o o o • 0000 000 VTA N Hemis B. novae-valesiae Geh...... * O O o o o 00000 000 mosses Wales South New [Known only from type at BM] B. paradoxum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg. O o o * o • 0000 000 VTA NZ, S Afr, S Amer B. plumosum (Hedw.) B.S.G...... O o o o • 0000 O O O A Cosmop [B. pseudo-plumosum (Brid.) Brockm.] B. rivulare B.S.G...... O o o o o *0000 000 N Hemis, SA fr B. rutabulum (Hedw.) B.S.G...... O O * • • 0000 000 VTSA Cosmop B. salebrosum (Web. & M ohr) B.S.G. O O o ★ o • 0000 000 VTA Cosmop EU R H Y N C H IU M B.S.G. E. austrinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg. .. . *00*0 000 VTA NZ, [Platyhypnidium austrinum (Hook. f. & Subant I Wils.) R e is c h Oxyrrhynchium austrinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth.] E. cucullatum (M itt.) Stone & Scott .. . 0 0**0 000 QVT [Rhynchostegiella cucullata (M itt.) Dix., R. convolutifolia (Hampe) Broth., R. subconvolutifolia Broth. & Watts] E. muriculatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg. *0000 O O O VT NZ [Rhynchostegiella muriculata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth.] E. speciosum (Brid.) Jur...... O ★ o * * 1 00000 000 Eur, As [Oxyrrhynchium speciosum (Brid.) Wamst.] [Previous record not substantiated: .. . O o o o o o 00000 000 E. asperipes (M itt.) Dix.] 6 FWP L C T ws WP EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST 74. BRACHYTHECIACEAE (cont’d) I NC s N C s N c s N s N s

OXYRRHYNCHIUM (B.S.G.) Wamst. O. howeanum Broth. & W atts ...... * o o o o o o o o o o o o o

RHYNCOSTEGIELLA (B.S.G.) Limpr. R. campylioides Broth. & Watts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o

RHYNCHOSTEGIUM B.S.G. R sp. cf. dentiferum (Hampe) Jaeg. .. Oo o o o * o o o o o o o oVA R laxatum (M itt.) Par...... o o o o o • * o o o o o o oVTA NZ R. patulum Jaeg...... o * • o • o o * * o o o o oQV R stramineoides (Sauerb.) Wijk & Marg. o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o o [#.pseudo-stramineum M itt. nom. illeg.] R. tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichdt...... • • • • * • • o • * o o o oQVTS- [R. collatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. & WA S Amer Watts, R. subclavatum (Ham pe) Jaeg.] R. tenuifolium var. howeanum Broth. & Watts


ENTODON C. Muell. E. mackayensis C. M uell...... O o o o o o o o o o O Q E. pancherianus (Besch.) Jaeg...... · O o o o o o o o o o o o o Oc


PLAGIOTHECIUM B.S.G. P. denticulatum (Hedw.) B.S.G...... o o ★ * ★ o o o o o o O VT Cosmop P. novae-valesiae Broth...... O o o o o o o o o o o o o

77. SEMATOPHYLLACEAE MEIOTHECIUM Mitt. M . wattsii (Broth.) Broth...... O [Pterogoniella wattsii Broth ] PUNGENTELLA C. Muell. P. subfalcatulum (Broth. & Watts) C. Muell. [Rhaphidorrhynchium subfalcatulum (Broth. & Watts) Broth., Rhaphidostegium subfalcatulum Broth. & Watts]

SEMATOPHYLLUM Mitt. S. aciculnm (Dix.) Dix ...... ★ ★★OOOOOQ NZ [Rhaphidostegium aciculum Broth, ex Dix.] S. amoenum (Hedw.) Mitt...... • OOOOOOO QVTS- NZ, S [Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) WA Amer Fleisch., Rhaphidostegium callidioides (C. Muell.) Jaeg., Rhaphidorrhynchium callidioides (C. Muell.) Broth.]

S. contiguum (M itt.) M itt...... • OOOOOOO QVTSA NZ, S Afr, Ramsay, [Rhaphidostegium contiguum (M itt.) Par.] S Amer S. crassiusculum (Brid.) Broth...... OOOOOOOO NZ, Afr, [Rhaphidostegium crassiusculum Brid.] Amer

S. elachistos (Besch.) Broth...... ★ OOOOOOO Oc mosses Wales South New S. homomallum (Hampe) Broth...... ★OOOOOOO ?QVTS- NZ, As, Oc [Rhaphidorrhynchium homomallum W (Ham pe) Mitt.,Rhaphidostegium hom om allum (Hampe) Broth.] S.jolliffii (Hook, f.) D ix ...... OOOOOOOOVT NZ [Rhaphidorrhynchium jolliffii Hook, f.] S. luciduloides (Dix.) M itt ...... ★ OOOOOOO [Rhaphidostegium luciduloides Dix.] S. uncinatum Stone & Scott ...... OOOOOOOOVT NZ, S [Rhaphidorrhynchium tenuirostre (Hook.) Amer

Broth., Rhaphidostegium tenuirostreHook.) ( 497 Jaeg.] S. wattsii (Par.) Broth...... [Rhaphidostegium wattsii Par., Rhaphidostegium micropyxis Broth.]

TAXITHELIUM Spruce ex Mitt. T. novae-vaiesiae (Broth.) Broth...... OOOOOOOOQ [Isopterygium novae-valesiae Broth.]

TRICHOSTELEUM Mitt. T. muscicolum Broth...... OOOOOOOO

W ARBURGIELLA C. Muell. W. subleptorrhynchoides (Fleisch.) Fleisch. OOOOOOOOQ Oc, As WPFWP L CT w s EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST 77. SEMATOPHYLLACEAE (cont’d) I N c s N C s NC s N s N s

WIJKIA Crum W. extenuata (Brid.) Crum ...... o o o * o o oQVTA NZ, Oc [Acanthocladium extenuatum (Brid.) Mitt., A. crinitum (Hook. f. & W ils.) Broth, in Par.] W. cross» (Broth.) Crum ...... • * o o o o o o o o o o o o [Acanthocladium crossii (Broth.) Geh. ex Broth.]

78. HYPNACEAE CTENIDIUM (Schimp.) Mitt. C. pubescens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. • • • ★ ★ • ★ * o o o o o oQ NZ

ECTROPOTHECIUM Mitt. E. condensatum Broth. & W atts ...... O o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o E. howeanum Broth. & Watts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o E. leucochloron (Ham pe) Broth...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o E. umbilicatum (C. Muell.) Par...... * •• o o * o o o o o o o o Oc E.sydneyense Dix...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o [Known only from Type in E (Dixon 1950)]

HYPNUM Hedw. H. chrysogaster C. Muell...... * o o o o o o o o o o o o oVT NZ, [Stereodon chrysogaster (C. Muell.) Mitt.] S Amer, ijUUulllSuhiiiit 1I H . cupressiforme Hedw...... ★ ★ o o oQVTS- Cosmop [Stereodon cupressiformis (Hedw.) Mitt., WA S. walterianum (Hampe) Jaeg.] H. cupressiforme Hedw. var. cupressiforme o • * ★ o •• o o o o o o oVTA NZ, S Amer H. cupressiforme Hedw. var. lacunosum Brid. o o o ★ o o o o o o o 0 o oVTS NZ, S Amer H. cupressiforme Hedw. var. filiforme Brid. o o o o o o • o o o o o o oVANZ, S Amer H. cupressiforme Hedw. var. mossmanianum (C. Muell.) Ando ...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o oVTA NZ, [H. m ossm anianum C., Muell. Stereodon S Amer cupressiformis (Hedw.) Brid. var. m ossm anii Mitt., Hypnum cupressiformis Hedw. var. m ossm anii M itt. ex. Par. nom. inval.] H. subchrysogaster (Broth.) Par...... o * o o o o o o o o o o o oQ ISOPTERYGIUM Mitt. I. albescens (Hook.) Jaeg ...... •• • o o o o o o o o o o oQV O c,N Z, [/. candidum (C. Muell.) Jaeg., SEAs I. molliculum (Sull.) Mitt.] I. amblyocarpum (Hampe) Broth...... o o o o o o ★o o o o o o o I. amoenum Broth...... o * o o o o o o o o o o o o I. arachnoideum Broth...... o • o o o o o o o o o o o o I. howeanum Broth. & W atts ...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o I. latifolium Broth...... o * o o o o o o o o o o o o I. minutirameum (C. Muell.) Jaeg...... o • • o o o o o o o o o o oQ As,Oc [/. austro-pusillum (C. Muell.) Jaeg., ?/. austro-subulatum C. Muell. nom. nud.J I. pseudo-subulatum (C. Muell.) Par. o * ★o o o o o o o o o o o I. subarachnoideum Broth...... o ★o o o o o o o o o o o o Ramsay, Ramsay, VESICULARIA (C. Muell.) C. Muell. V. montagnei (Bel.) Broth...... • o o o o o o o o o o o o o As, Oc V. reticulata (Dozy & Molk.) Besch. o o ? o o o o o o o o o o oQ V. rivalis Broth...... o ★o o o o o o o o o o o o

Q mosses Wales South New V. slateri (Hampe) Broth...... o • o o o o o o o o o o o oQ [Ectropothecium slateri (Hampe) Jaeg.]


BUXBAUMIA Hedw. B. colyerae Burges 499 83.

ATRICHUM P. Beauv. A. androgynum (C. Muell.) Jaeg. var. androgynum ...... * O · * · · QVTA NZ, [A. angustatum var. polysetum W atts & S&C Whitel. nom. nud., A. ligulatum Mitt., Amer, Catharinea leptocylindrica C. Muell., C. S ΛΑ­ muelleri C. Muell. & Hampe]

POGONATUM P. Beauv. P. brachypodium (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel. 0 0 * 0 0 * Ο o o o o o o o P. camarae (C. Muell.) Par...... Ο Ο Ο Ο O * O o o o o o o oQ P. subulatum (Brid.) Brid...... O · · · · · ★ o o o o o oQVTA NZ [P. australasicum (C. Muell. & Hampe) Jaeg.] L FWP CT w s WP EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST 83. POLYTRICHACEAE (cont’d) I NC S N c s N c s N s N S

POLYTRICHADELPHUS (C. Muell.) Mitt. P. magellanicus (Hedw.) M itt...... Ο O QVT NZ, S [P. innovans (C. Muell.) Jaeg.] Amer

POLYTRICHASTRUM G.L. Smith P. alpinum (Hedw.) G.L. Sm ith ...... Ο O VTA NZ, [Polytrichum alpinum Hedw.] Cosmop POLYTRICHUM Hedw. P. brachypelma C. M uell...... Ο O ♦ OOOOOOOOOOO P. cataractarum C. Muell...... Ο O 0*0000000000 P. commune Hedw...... O · ooeeeooooooo QVTA Cosmop P. juniperinum Hedw...... Ο O • •★••*••0000 QVTSA Cosmop [P. cypellomitrium C. Muell., P. ryparomitrium C. Muell.] ?P. piliferum Hedw...... Ο O 0000*0000000 [P. sullivanii Hampe] [Previous record not substantiated: .... ο o000000000000 P. recurvipilum C. Muell.]

PSILOPILUM Brid. P. australe Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. .... Ο O 0000*0000000 VT NZ, S Afr, Subant I P. crispulum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt...... Ο O 000*#0000000VT NZ [P. pyriforme (Hampe) Jaeg.]


DAW SONIA R. Br. D. longiseta H am pe ...... O • • • O•••• •O ★ O O QVTSA [D. appressa Hampe, D. victoriaeC. Muell.] £ D. polytrichoides R. Br...... * • • • • • OOO OOOOOQVT NZ D. superba Grev. var. pulchra (Wijk) Zant. O • O • • • OOOO OOOOQVT As,NZ [5. pulchra Wijk, D. intermedia C. Muell. ex Schlieph. & Geh., D. longifolia (Bruch. & 00 Schimn. in B.S.G.) Zant. var. suoerba Zant.1 4^ Ramsay, New South Wales mosses 501 AUST i i EXTRA

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z L CT WP FWP ws EXTRA EXTRA Η NSW AUST I N C s N c s N c s N s NS INDEX TO SYNONYMS Bescherellia cyrtopus F. Muell. = B. brevifolia Blindia tenuifolia (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. = B. robusta Brachymenium chloroblastum W atts & Whitel. = B. preissianum Acanthocladium crinitum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth, in Par. = Wijkia B. pilosithecium Watts & Whitel. = B. preissianum extenuata Brachysteleum australe (Hampe) Jaeg. = Ptychomitrium australe A. crossii (Broth.) Geh. ex Broth. = Wijkia crossii B. laxifolium C. Muell. = Ptychomitrium laxifolium A. extenuatum (Brid.) Mitt. = Wijkia extenuata Brachythecium pseudo-plumosum (Brid.) Brockm. = B. plumosum Acaulon austro-muticum Geh. ex Roth = A. integrifolium comm utata Jaeg. = B. affinis A. sullivanii C. Muell. = A. integrifolium B. divaricata (M itt.) M itt. = B. pendula Acrocladium auriculatum auct. non (M ont.) M itt. = A. chlamydo- B.fusco-aurea Broth. = B. pendula phyllum B. sieberi Hornsch. ex C. Muell. = B. pendula A. cuspidatum (Hedw.) Lindb. = Calliergonella cuspidata Bruchia amoena C. Muell. = Trematodon amoenum Aloina ambigua (B.S.G.) Limpr. = A. aloides var. ambigua B. whiteleggei C. Muell. = Eccremidium minutum Amblystegium subrelaxum Broth. = Cratoneuropsis subrelaxa Bryobartramia robbinsii Sainsb. = B. novae-valesiae A. fontinaloides (Hampe) Mitt. = Drepanocladus fontinaloides Bryoerythrophyllum binsii (R. Br. ter.) Wijk & Marg. = B. jam esonii Andreaea amblyophylla C. Muell. ex Broth. = A. mutabilis Bryum abruptinervium C. Muell. = B. billardieri var. billardieri A. rupestris auct. non Hedw. = A. mutabilis B. aequicollum Broth. & Watts = B. dichotomum A. subulatissima C. Muell. = A. subulata B. affine Lindb. & Arn. = B. creberrimum Anisothecium pycnoglossum Broth. = Dicranella pycnoglossa B. am oenum Wright non Broth. = B. subfasciculatum A. jam esonii Mitt. = Dicranella jamesonii B. appressifolium Broth. = B. australe Aongstroemia stackhousiana C. Muell. = Dicranella stackhousiana B. austro-affine Broth. = B. pseudotriquetrum A. rufo-aureum (Hampe) Willis = Ditrichum rufo-aureum B. austro-alpinum C. Muell. = B. crassum Aplodium lineare Mitt. = Orthodontium lineare B. baileyi Broth. = B. nitens Archidium brisbanicum Broth. = Eccremidium brisbanicum B. bicolor Dicks. = B. pachytheca A. stolonaceumC. Muell. = Eccremidium pulchellum B. bim um (Brid.) Turn. = B. pseudotriquetrum Astomum brisbanicum (C. Muell.) Broth. = Trachycarpidium brisbanicum B. brachyaris C. Muell. in Mitt. = B. billardieri var. billardieri A. cvlindricum (Tayl.) Mitt. = Tetrapterum cylindricum B. brachytheciella C. Muell. = B. dichotom um A. novae-valesiae Broth, ex Roth = Weissia novae-valesiae B. breviramulosum (Hampe) Mitt. = B. billardieri var. billardieri A. viride C. Muell. = Pleuridium viride B. brunneidens C. Muell. = B. billardieri var. billardieri A wattsii Broth, ex Roth = Trachycarpidium brisbanicum B. cheelii Broth. = B. muehlenbeckii Atrichum angustatum (Brid.) B.S.G. var. polysetum W atts & W hitel. = A. B. clavatum Hook. f. & Wils. = B. erythrocarpoides androgynum B. crenatidensC. Muell. = B. billardieri var. billardieri A. ligulatum M itt. = A. androgynum B. crispatum (Hampe) Mitt. = B. billardieri var. billardieri B. curvicollum Mitt. = B. erythrocarpoides Barbella trichophoroides (C. Muell.) Broth. = B. enervis B. dilatato-marginatum C. Muell. = B. subfasciculatum Barbula atro-virens {Sm.)Schimp. = Desmatodon convolutus B. diversinerve Broth. & Watts = B. erythrocarpoides B. calycina Schwaegr. = Tortella calycina B. erythropyxis C. Muell. = B. capillare ssp. torquescens B. pilifera (Hook.) Brid. = B. crinita B. filarium Broth. = B. eiythrocarpoides B. pseudopilifera C. Muell. & H am pe = B. crinita B. forsythii Broth. = B. billardieri var. billardieri B. rotundata Lindb. & Arn. = Bryoerythrophyllum rotundatum B. gambierenseC. Muell. = B. pachytheca B. subspiralis Ham pe = B. hom schuchiana B. globulare Hampe in C. Muell. = B. billiardieri var. billardieri Bartramia erecta (Hampe) Broth. = B. hampei B. howeanum Broth & Watts = B. campylothecium B. m ossm annianaC . Muell. = B. halleriana B. im m arginatum Broth. = B. capillare B. stnctifolia Tayl. = B. stricta B. kiam ae Broth. = B. erythrocarpoides Bartramidula hampei M itt. = Bartramia hampei B. laxirete Broth. = B. caespiticium B. leptopelma C. Muell. = B. chrysoneuron Campvlopus appressifolius M itt. = C. clavatus B. leptothecioides Broth. & W atts = B. capillare C. insiitius Hook. f. & Wils. = C. clavatus B. leptothecium Tayl. = B. billardieri var. billardieri C. novae-valesiae Broth. = C. pallidus B. lochoneuron C. Muell. = B. chrysoneuron C. pudicusiC. Muell.) Jaeg. = C. introflexus B. microerythrocarpum C. Muell. & Kindb. = B. pachytheca C. tasmanicus Par. = C. introflexus B. micropachypoma Broth. = B. nitens C. torquatus M itt. = C. pallidus B. microthecium C. Muell. = B. chrysoneuron C. woollsii (C. Muell.) Par. = C. pallidus B. oblongifolium C. Muell. = B. blandum Catharinea leptocylindrica C.Muell. = Atrichum androgynum var. B. olivaceum (Hampe) Mitt. = B. billardieri var. billardieri androgynum B. pachypoma Mont. = B. plumosum C. muelleri C.Muell.&Hampe = Atrichum androgynum var. androgynum B. pachypomatulum Broth. = B. nitens Ceratodon convolutus Reichdt. = C. purpureus B. peraristatum C. Muell. = B. campylothecium C. stenocarpus Bruch. & Schimp. ex C. Muell. = C. purpureus B. philonotideum Broth. & Watts = B. dichotomum Cheilothelachilensis (Mont.) Broth. = Chrysoblastella chilensis B. pim panaeC . Muell. = B. dichotomum australeSw. = C. pentastichum B. pohliaeopsisC. Muell. = B. billardieri var. billardieri Cryphaea muelleri (Hampe) Broth. = C dilatata B. pusillum Broth. = B. capillare C. brevidens C. Muell. = C. tenella B. pyrothecium C. Muell. & H am pe = B. capillare ssp. torquescens C. novae-valesiaeC. Muell. = Papillaria flexicaulis B. robustum Hampe = B. billardieri var. billardieri C. squarrulosa Hampe = C. ovalifolia B. rufescens Hook. f. & Wils. = B. billardieri var. billardieri Cryphidium muelleri (Hampe) Broth. = Cryphaea dilatata B. subaeneum Hampe & C. Muell. = B. pachytheca C. ovalifolium (C. Muell.) Broth. = Cryphaea ovalifolia B. subatro-purpureum C.Muell. = B. coronatum C. squarrulosum (Hampe) Broth. = Cryphaea ovalifolia B. subcrispatum C. Muell. = B. billardieri var. billardieri Cyathophorum pennatum (Labill.) Brid. = C. bulbosum B. subcupulatum C. Muell. ex Rodw. = B. dichotomum C. pteridioides P. Beauv. = C. bulbosum B. subcurvicollum Broth. = B. erythrocarpoides Cyptodon dilatatus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par. & Schimp. = Cryphaea dilatata B. suberythrocarpum C. Muell. = B. chrysoneuron C. ovalifolius (C. Muell.) Fleisch. = Cryphaea ovalifolia B. sublonginervium Geh. in W atts & Whitel. = B. capillare Cyrtopus bescherelloides C. Muell. = Bescherellia brevifolia B. subolivaceum C. Muell. = B. subfasciculatum B. subpachypoma Ham pe = B. nitens B. subtomentosum (Hampe) M itt. = B. billardieri var. billardieri appressa Hampe = D. longiseta B. subventricosum Broth. = B. pseudotriquetrum D. intermedia C.Muell. ex Schlieph. & Geh. = D. superba var. pulchra B. sullivanii C. Muell. = B. pachytheca D. longifolia (Bruch. & Schimp. in B.S.G.) Zant. var. superba Zant. = B. synoicum C. Muell. = B. capillare ssp. torquescens D. superba var. pulchra B. tasm anicum Hampe = B. creberrimum D. pulchra Wijk = D. superba var. pulchra B. viridulum C. Muell. = B. subfasciculatum D. victoriaeC. Muell. = D. longiseta B. wattsii Broth. = B. chrysoneuron Desmatodon adustus Mitt. = Barbula hornschuchiana B. whiteleggei Broth. = B. capillare Dichodontium wattsii (Broth.) Broth. = Dicranella cardotii Distichophyllum leucoloma Broth. = D. longicuspis Calomnion laetum Hook. f. & Wils. = C. complanatum Dicnemoloma sieberianum (Hornsch.) Broth. = Dicnemoloma pallidum Calymperes armatum Broth. = Syrrhopodon incompletus Dicranella wattsii Broth. = D. cardotii Campylium relaxum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. = Cratoneuropsis relaxa D. tricruris(C. Muell.) Mitt. = D. dietrichiae C. decussatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. = Cratoneuropsis relaxa Dicranoloma bartramioides (Broth.) Par. = D. menziesii C. subrelaxum (Broth.) Broth. = Cratoneuropsis subrelaxa Dicranum dicarpum Nees = Dicranoloma dicarpum Camptochaete brisbanica C. Muell. = C. arbuscula var. deflexa D. sullivanii C. Muell. = Dicranoloma sullivanii C. deflexa (Wils.) Jaeg. = C. arbuscula var. deflexa D. whiteleggei C. Muell. = Dicranoloma argutum C. ramulosa (Mitt.) Jaeg. = C. arbuscula D. scoparium Hedw. ssp. bonjeani (De Not.) Grout = Dicranum bonjeanii Didymodon rotundatus (Lindb. & Am.) Par. = Bryoerthrophyllum rotun- F. subnuda Tayl. = F. glabra datum F. tasmanica C. Muell. & H am pe = F. glabra Distichophyllum amblyophyllum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. = D. pulchellum D.fissidentoides C. Muell. = D. rotundifolium D. leucoloma Broth. = D. longicuspis Glyphomitrium adamsonii Mitt. = Ptychomitrium australe D. squarrosulum C. Muell. = D. rotundifolium G. com m utatum (C. Muell.) Broth. = Ptychomitrium australe Ditrichum affine(C. Muell.) Hampe = D. difficile G. howeanum (Hampe) Broth. = Ptychomitrium muelleri D. baileyi C. Muell. = D. difficile G. muelleri (C. Muell.) Broth. = Ptychomitrium muelleri D. elongatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) M itt. = D. cylindricarpum Goniobryum pellucidum (Mitt.) Broth. = G. subbasilare D. flaccidulum C. Muell. in Watts & Whitel. = D. difficile G nm m ia alpestris Sommerf. = G. donniana D. flexifolium Hampe = D. difficile G. apocarpa Hedw. = Schistidium apocarpum D. muelleri (Hampe) Hampe = D. difficile G. campestris Burchell ex Hook. = G. laevigata D. setosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt. = D. difficile G. cvgnicolla Tayl. = G. pulvinata var. africana D. subbrachycarpum (C. Muell.) Par. = D. brachycarpum G.flexifolia Hampe = Schistidium rivulare ssp. rivulare Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dix. = D. aduncus G. leiocarpa Tayl. = G. laevigata D. strictifolius Broth. & Watts = Leptodictyum riparium G. leucophaea Grev. = G. laevigata G. mutica Hampe = Schistidium apocarpum G. pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. var. obtusa (Brid.) Heub. = G. pulvinata var. Echinodium arboreum Broth. = E. hispidum africana Ectropolhecium slateri (Hampe) Jaeg. = Vesicularia slateri Gymnostomum calcareum (Nees) Hornsch. = G. aeruginosum Encalypta australis M itt. = E. vulgaris E. tasmanica Ham pe = E. vulgaris Haplohymenium brevinerve(Broth.) Broth. = H. pseudotriste Entosthodon apophysata (Tayl.) Mitt. = Funaria apophysata Hedwigia albicans Lindb. = H. ciliata E. aristatus (Broth.) Par. = Funaria aristata H.juratzkae C. Muell. = H. ciliata E. gracilis Hook. f. & Wils. = Funaria gracilis FI. microcyathea (C. Muell.) Par. = H. ciliata E. smithurstii (Broth. & Geh.) Par. = Funaria smithurstii Hedwigidium imberbe(Sm.)B.S.G. = Hedwigia integrifolia E. squarrifolius (Broth.) Par. = Funaria squarrifolia H. integrifolium (P. Beauv.) Dix. = Hedwigia integrifolia Ephemerum whiteleggei Broth. & Geh. = Eccremidium minutum Holomitrium dietrichiae C. Muell. = H. perichaetiale Eriopus apiculatus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Calyptrochaeta apiculata H. hodgkinsoniaeC. Muell. = H. perichaetiale Euptychium cuspidatum (M itt.) M itt. = E. setigerum H. muelleri Hampe = H. perichaetiale H. whiteleggei C. Muell. = H. perichaetiale Fabronia hampeana auct. non Sonder = F. australis Homalia acuminata C. Muell. = Thamnobryum pumilum /·'. leptura Tayl. = Ischyrodon lepturus Hookeria karsteniana Broth. & Geh. = Cyclodictyon lepidum F. tayloriana Hampe = F. australis Hypnodendron praenitens (Hampe) Mitt. = Pterobryella praenitens Fissidens brevifolius Hook. f. & Wils. = F. taylorii Hypopterygium didictyon C. Muell. = H. rotulatum F. dietrichiae C. Muell. = F. crassipes FI. hyalino-limbatum C. Muell. = Lopidium concinnum F. elamellosus C. Muell. & Hampe = F. taylorii H. novae-seelandiaeC. Muell. = H. rotulatum F. macrodus Ham pe = F. taylorii FI. pallens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Lopidium concinnum F. muelleri (Hampe) Mitt. = F. fontanus H. scottiaeC. Muell. = H. muelleri F. praemollis Broth. = F. crassipes Hypnodendron arcuatum non Hedw. = H. vitiense ssp. australe F. semilimbatus C. Muell. & Hampe = F. taylorii H. arcuatum (Hedw.) Mitt, pro parte = H. spininervium ssp. archeri F. whiteleggei C. Muelh ex Rodway = F. pallidus H. whiteleggei C. Muell. ex Burges = H. vitiense ssp. australe Funaria calvescens Schwaegr. = F. hygrometrica Hypnum cupressiformis L. var. mossmanii — H.cupressiforme var. moss- /·'. crispula Hook. f. & Wils. = F. glabra m anianum F. hygrometrica Hedw. var. sphaerocarpa C. Muell. = F. hygrometrica H. mossmantanum C. Muell. = H. cupressiforme var. mossmanianum Ischyrodon seriolus (C. Muell.) C. Muell. = I. lepturus M. wattsii Broth. = M. brevicaule Isopterygium austro-pusillum (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = I. minutirameum M. weissioides C. Muell. = M. ligulare I. austro-subulatum C. Muell. = I. m inutiram eum M. weymouthii Broth. = M. microstomum I. candidum (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = I. albescens M. whiteleggei Broth. & Geh. = M. repandum I. novae-valesiae Broth. = Taxithelium novae-valesiae M. woollsianum C. Muell. = M. ligulaefolium I. m olliculumSull.)Mitt. { = I. albescens Meteorium amblyacis (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Papillaria amblyacis M. dimorphum (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Pilotrichella dimorpha Juratzkaea leptura (Tayl.) Buck = Ischyrodon lepturus M. intricatum Mitt. = Papillaria intricate M. kermadecensis (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Papillaria crocea Lembophyllum brisbanicum C. Muell. = Camptochaete gracilis M. trichophoroides (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Barbella enervis L. clandestinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Lindb. = L. divulsum Micromitrium brisbanicum (Broth.) Crosby = Eccremidium brisbanicum L. vagum (C. Muell.) Lindb. = Camptochaete vaga Mielichhoferia ecklonii Homsch. = M. bryoides Leptodictyum muelleri (Ham pe & C. Muell.) Broth. = L. riparium M.forsythii Broth. = M. australis Leptodon australis C. Muell. = L. smithii Mittenia rotundifolia (C. Muell.) Par. = M. plumula Leptodontium interruptum (M itt.) non Broth. = L. paradoxum Mniadelphis adnatus(Hook f. & Wils.) Reichdt. = Distichophyllum crisp- Leucobrvum brachyphyllum Ham pe = L. candidum ulum L. speirostichum C. Muell. in Geh. = L. candidum var. pentastichum M. amblyophyllus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg. = Distichophyllum pulchellum L. spirostichum C. Muell. in Mitt. = L. candidum var. pentastichum M. crispulus (Hook. f. & Wils.) C. Muell. = Distichophyllum crispulum L. strictifolium Broth. = L. candidum M. subminutifolius Broth. & Geh. = Distichophyllum subminutifolium L. teysmannianum Dozy & Molk. = L. candidum Mniobryum albicans (Wahlenb.) Limpr. = Pohha wahlenbergii Leucoloma austro-scoparium C. Muell. ex Broth. = Dicranoloma argutum M. tasmanicum Broth. = Pohlia wahlenbergii L. dicarpum (Nees) Broth. = Dicranoloma dicarpum M. wahlenbergii (Web. & Mohr.) Jenn. = Pohlia wahlenbergii L. sieberianum (Homsch.) Jaeg. = Dicnemoloma pallidum M niodendron comosum (Labill.) Lindb. = Hypnodendron comosum L. serratum Broth. = Dicranoloma serratum Mnium rostratum auct. non Schrad. = Plagiomnium novae-zealandiae Lopidium plumarium (M itt.) Hampe = L. concinnum M. longirostrum Brid. = Plagiomnium novae-zealandiae M. novae-valesiae C. Muell. in Geh. = Plagiomnium novae-zealandiae Macromitrium asperulum Mitt. = M. ligulare M. brevisetaceum Hampe = M. brachypodium Nanomitrium brisbanicum (Broth.) Broth. = Eccremidium brisbanicum M. carinatum Mitt. = M. involutifolium ssp. ptychomitrioides Neckera hymenodonta C. Muell. = N. pennata M. circinocladum C. Muell = M. diaphanum M. daemeliiC. Muell. = M. involutifolium Orthodontium australe Hook. f. & Wils. = O. lineare ssp. sulcatum M. dimorphum C. Muell. = M. caloblastoides O. ovale C. Muell. ex Broth. = O. inflatum M. eucalyptorum C. Muell. & Hampe = Macrocoma tenue ssp. tenue O. pallens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. = O. lineare ssp. sulcatum M. geheebii C. Muell. = Macrocoma tenue ssp. tenue O. sulcatum Hook. f. & Wils. = O. lineare ssp. sulcatum M. ligulatulum C. Muell. = M. ligulaefolium O. zetterstedtii C. Muell. = O. lineare ssp. sulcatum M. malacoblastum C. Muell. = M. involutifolium Orthorrhvnchium cymbifolioides C. Muell. = O. elegans M. microphyllum (Hook. & Grev.) Brid. = Macrocoma tenue ssp. tenue O. ham peanum C. Muell. = O. elegans M. novae-valesiae C. Muell. = Macrocoma tenue ssp. tenue Orthotrichum acroblepharisC. Muell. = O. longithecum M. prolixum Bosw. = M. microstomum O. campbelliae Watts & Whitel. = O. tasmanicum M. pugionifolium C. Muell. = M. repandum O. encalvptaceum C. Muell. = O. tasmanicum M pus ilium Mitt. = M. archeri O. laterale Hampe = O. tasmanicum M. rodwayi Dix. = M. longirostre O. sullivaniiC. Muell. = O. rupestre M. scottiaeC. Muell. = M. microstomum Oxyrrhynchium austrinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. = Eurhynchium M. subbrevicaule Broth. & Watts = M. brevicaule austrinum M. tasmanicum Broth. = M. microstomum O. speciosum (Brid.) Wamst. = Eurhynchium speciosum Papillaria cerina (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par. = P. flavolimbata P. serratum (Mitt.) Hook. f. & Wils. nom. illeg. = P. mittenii P.filipendula(Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg. = P. flexicaulis. P. kermadecensis (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = P. crocea Racomitrium leptostomoides Forster = Racomitrium lanuginosum P. nitidiuscula Broth. = P. nitens R. sullivanii (C. Muell.) Broth. = Racomitrium crispulum P. scottiae (C. Muell.) Par. = P. flexicaulis R. symphodon Jaeg. = Racomitrium crispulum Phascum apiculatum Hook. f. & Wils. = Acaulon integrifolium Racopilum convolutaceum (C. Muell.) Reichdt. = R. cuspidigerum var. P. sullivanii C. Muell. = Tetrapterum sullivanii convolutaceum P. tasmanicum Dix. & Rodw. = Acaulon crassinervium R. pacificum Besch = R. cuspidigerum var. cuspidigerum Philonotis affinis (Hook.) Jaeg. = Breutelia affinis R. strumiferum (C. Muell.) Mitt. = R. cuspidigerum var. convolutaceum P. appressa (Hook. f. & Wils.) M itt. = P. scabrifolia Rhacocarpus australis (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par. = R. purpurascens P. fertilis Mitt. = P. tenuis R. humboldtii (Hook.) Lindb. = R. purpurascens P. pseudomollis (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = P. tenuis Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) Fleisch. = Sematophyllum P. remotifolia (Hook. f. & Wils) Jaeg. = P. scabrifolia amoenum Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G. var. readeri (C. Muell.) Tan = R. callidioides (C. Muell.) Broth. = Sematophyllum amoenum R. homomallum (Hampe) Mitt. = Sematophyllum homomallum P. readeri Ramsay, P. subserratum Ham pe = P. conicum R.jolliffii Hook. f. = Sematophyllum jolliffii Physcomitrium conicum Mitt. = P. pyriforme R. subfalcatulum (Broth. & Watts) Mitt. = Pungentella subfalcatulum Platyhypnidium austrinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch. = Eurhynchium R. tenuirostre (Hook.) Broth. = Sematophyllum uncinatum austrinum Rhaphidostegium aciculum Broth, ex Dix. = Sematophyllum aciculum Pleuridium austro-subulatum Broth, ex Roth = Eccremidium brisbanicum R. callidioides (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = Sematophyllum amoenum mosses Wales South New P. gracilentum (Mitt.) Mitt. = P. nervosum R. contiguum (Mitt.) Par. = Sematophyllum contiguum Pogonatum australasicum (C. Muell. & Hampe) Jaeg. = P. subulatum R. crassiusculum Brid. = Sematophyllum crassiusculum Pohlia erythrocaulis Watts & W hitel. = P. cruda R. homomallum (Hampe) Broth. = Sematophyllum homomallum Polytrichadelphus innovans (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = P. magellanicus R. luciduloides Dix. = Sematophyllum luciduloides Polytrichum alpinum Hedw. = Polytrichastrum alpinum R. micropyxis Broth. = Sematophyllum wattsii P. cypellom itrium C. Muell. = P. juniperinum R. subfalcatulum (Broth. & Watts) Broth. = Pungentella subfalcatulum P. ryparomitriumC. Muell. = P. juniperinum R. tenuirostre (Hook.) Jaeg. = Sematophyllum uncinatum P. sullivanii Hampe = P. piliferum R. wattsii Par. = Sematophyllum wattsii Porotrichum arbusculum (Sm.) Mitt. = Camptochaete arbuscula Rhizogonium geheebii C. Muell. = R. distichum

P. clandestinum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Lembophyllum divulsum R. graeff'eanum (C. Muell.) Jaeg. = R. distichum 507 P. vagum (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Camptochaete vaga R. mnioides (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt. = Pyrrhobryum mnioides Pottia brachyodus(Hampe) Jaeg. = Desmatodon convolutus R. parramattense(C. Muell.) Reichdt. = Pyrrhobryum parramattense Pseudoleskea calochlora Broth. & Watts = P. imbricata R. spiniformeHedvj. = Pyrrhobryum spiniforme Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Ther. = Pseudoleskea Rhodobryum leucocanthum Hampe = Bryum leucocanthum imbricata R. subfasciculatum Hampe = Bryum subfasciculatum Psilopi/um pyriforme (Hampe) Jaeg. = P. crispulum Rhynchostegiella convolutifolia (Hampe) Broth. = Eurhynchium Pterobryon whiteleggei Broth. = Muellerobryum whiteleggei cucullatum Pterogoniella wattsii Broth. = Meiothecium wattsii R. cucullata (Mitt.) Dix. = Eurhynchium cucullatum Pterygophyllum dentatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Dix. = Achrophyllum R. munculata(Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. = Eurhynchium muriculatum dentatum R. subconvolutifolia Broth. & Watts = Eurhynchium cucullatum P. hepaticaefolium (Hampe & C. Muell.) Jaeg. = Achrophyllum dentatum Rhynchostegium collatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. & Watts = R. P. nigellum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Achrophyllum dentatum tenuifolium P. wattsii Broth. = Achrophyllum wattsii R. pseudo-stramineum Mitt. = R. stramineoides Ptychomitrium adamsonii (Mitt.) Jaeg. = P. australe R. subclavatum (Hampe) Jaeg. = R. tenuifolium P. commutatum (C. Muell.) Par. = P. muelleri R. muriculata (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. = Eurhynchium muriculatum R. subconvolutifolia Broth. & Watts = Eurhynchium cucullatum Thuidiopsisfurfurosa (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch. = Thuidium furfurosum Thuidium amblystegioides C. Muell. = T. furfurosum Schlotheimia baileyi Broth. = S. brownii /.' hastatum (Mitt.) Reichdt. = T. furfurosum Sciaromium hispidum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Par. = Echinodium hispidum T. ramentosum (M itt.) M itt. = T. cymbifolium Sclerodontium pallidum Hook. = Dicnemoloma pallidum T. suberectum (Hampe) Jaeg. = T. furfurosum Sphagnum antarcticum M itt. = S. australe T. unguiculatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch. = T. furfurosum S. brotherusii Warnst. = S. falcatulum Tortella calycina (Schwaegr.) Dix. = Barbula calycina S. commutatum Warnst. = S. molliculum T. nano-tortuosa (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel. = T. knightii 5. comosum C. Muell. = S. molliculum T. subflavovirens Broth. & W atts = T. cirrhata S. cuspidatum Erh. ex Hoffm. = S. falcatulum Tortula acuminata Brid. = Barbula unguiculata S. cymbifolioides C. Muell. = S. molliculum T. asperifolia Broth. = T. crawfordii S. aecipiens Warnst. = S. cristatum T. atro-virens (Sm.) Lindb. = Desmatodon convolutus S. drepanocladum Warnst. = S. falcatulum T. austro-muralis (C. Muell.) Broth, ex Par. = T. muralis 5. erythrocalyx auct. non Hampe = S. beccarii T. baileyi auct. non Broth. = T. pagorum 5. grandifolium Warnst. = S. cristatum T. calvcina (Schwaegr.) Hook. & Grev. = Tortella calycina S. magellanicum Brid. = S. cristatum T. chlorotricha Broth. & Geh. = Barbula chlorotricha S. novo-zealandicum M itt. = S. molliculum T. flavinervis Dix. = Barbula crinita S. perichaetiale Warnst. = S. australe T. melbourneana (C. Muell.) Broth. = T. muralis S. pseudo-rufescens Warnst. = S. molliculm T. pungens Hook. f. & Wils. = Barbula crinita S. serratifolium Warnst. = S. falcatulum T. subcalycina (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Barbula subcalycina S. subbicolor Ham pe = S. cristatum T. sullivaniana (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel. = Aloina sullivaniana S. subcontortum Hampe = S. molliculum T. torquata (Tayl.) Wils. = Barbula torquata S. subsecundum auct. non Nees =S. molliculum Trachycarpidium novae-valesiae Broth. = Bryobartramia novae-valesiae S. wardellense Warnst. = S. Cristatum Trachyloma leptopyxis C. Muell. = T. diversinerve S. wattsii Warnst. = S. falcatulum Trachypus hornschuchii Mitt. = Papillaria crocea Spiridens muelleri Ham pe = S. vieillardii Trematodon abruptus Watts & Whitel. = T. suberectus Sporledera minutissima (Dix. & Sainsb.) Sainsb. = Eccremidium T. adaequans Geh. ex Roth = T. suberectus whiteleggei T. alpinusi.H. Willis = T. flexipes S. whiteleggei (C. Muell.) Broth. = Eccremidium minutum Trichostomopsis australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) Robinson = Barbula Stereodon chrysogaster (C. Muell.) Mitt. = Hypnum chrysogaster australasiae S. cupressiformis (Hedw.) Mitt. = Hypnum cupressiforme Trichostomum subdenticulatum Muell.C. = Leptodontium viticulosoides S. cupressiformis (Hedw.) Brid. var. m ossm anii Mitt. = Hypnum cupressiforme var. mossmannii S', walterianus (Hampe) Mitt. = Hypnum cupressiforme Weber a nutans Hedw. = Pohlia nutans Syrrhopodon wattsii Broth. = Calymperopsis wattsii W. tenuifolia Jaeg. = Pohlia tenuifolia Weissia flavipes Hook. f. & Wils. = W. controversa Tayloria novae-valesiae (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel. = T. octoblepharum W. truncata C. Muell. = W. controversa Tham nium eflagellare Aongstr. = Thamnobryum pandum Whiteleggea australis (Broth.) Broth, ex Par. = Hampeella pallens T. gracillimum (Hampe) Broth. & Watts = Thamnobryum pumilum Wilsoniella compacta Geh. in Watts & Whitel. = Orthodontium inflatum T. pandum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg. = Thamnobryum pandum T. pum ilum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Lindb. = Thamnobryum pumilum Zygodon brownii Schwaegr. = Z. intermedius Ramsay, New South Wales mosses 509

UNSUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF RECOGNISED SPECIES Unsubstantiated records of recognised species amongst Australian collections are included to enable checking to be carried out and possible locations of specimens in overseas Herbaria where early collections e.g. those of C. Muller may be deposited.

Fissidentaceae Fissidens ampliretis (C. Muell.) Broth. F. delicatulus/lcwgj?/·. in Watts & Whitel. F. perangustatus Broth.

Dicranaceae Dicranella stackhousiana (C. Muell.) Broth. [Aongstroemia stackhousiana C. Muell.] Dicnem oloma fraseri (Mitt.) Ren. D. imbricatum Broth. & Geh. D. strictipilum (C. Muell.) Par.

Encalyptaceae Encalypta novae-valesiae Ham pe

Pottiaceae Tortula crawfordii (Par.) Watts in Watts & Whitel. [T. asperifoha Broth.] T. parram attana Mitt. [Barbulaparramattana (Mitt.) Kind.]

Funariaceae Physcomitrium flaccidum Mitt.

Bryaceae Bryum baeuerlenii C. Muell. B. brachycladulum C. Muell. B. ischyrrhodon C. Muell.

Bartramiaceae Breutelia baeuerlenii (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel. B. leptodontoides (C. Muell.) Watts & Whitel. B. lonchopelma fC. Muell.) Watts & Whitel.

Ptychomniaceae Glyphothecium perrotii C. Muell.

Neckeraceae Thamnobryum (Thamnium) novae-valesiae Kindb.

Amblystegiaceae Amblystegium novae-valesiae Broth. & Watts

Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium asperipes (Mitt.) Dix.

Polytrichaceae Polytrichum recurvipilum C. Muell.


The purpose o f listingnom ina nuda is to encourage exam ination o f the m aterial to determine which nam es should be absorbed into the synonymy and which require validation as new species. The list includes only those names in literature (not nam es in scheda) which appear in Index M uscorum. The number of collections (> 3 or <3) to which the name has been applied and the localities represented by these specimens are included to indicate whether the nam e has been widely used or not.

O absent · > 3 collections * < 3 collections L T WPFWP C ws EXTRAEXTRA H NSWAUST NOMINA NUDAI N C s N c s N c s N s N S 3. FISSIDENTACEAE Fissidens anisophyllus Dix...... Ο Ο Ο O * o o o o o o o o o F. liliputano-incurvis C. Muell...... Ο * Ο O o o o o o o o o o o F. leptopelmaC. Muell...... Ο · Ο O o o o o o o o o o o F. m icroblastus C. Muell...... Ο * Ο O o o o o o o o o o o F. pergracilisBroth ...... Ο Ο * O o o o o o o o o o o F. woollsianus C. Muell...... Ο O * ★ o * o o o o o o o o F. warningensis Broth...... Ο * Ο O o o o o o o o o o o

8. DICRANACEAE Campylopus brevisetacea Geh. in Watts & Whitel...... Ο Ο · O o o o o o o o o o o Dicranella pellucidaBroth, in Watts & Whitel...... Ο · Ο O o o o o o o o o o o Trematodon whiteleggei Broth, in Watts & Whitel...... Ο Ο * O o o o o o o o o o o 9. DICNEMONACEAE Eucamptodon spinicuspisBroth ...... · · Ο O o o o o o o o o o o 11. LEUCOBRY4CEAE Leucobryum baileyanum C. M uell .... Ο Ο · O o o o o o o o o o o L. pseudocandidum Broth...... * Ο Ο O o o o o o o o o o o

14. POTTIACEAE Barbula aerophylla C. Muell...... Ο Ο Ο O o o • o o o o o o o B. am oena C. Muell...... Ο Ο Ο O o o ★ o o o o o o o B. austro-unguiculata C. Muell...... Ο * * O o o • o o o o o o o B. glaucula Broth...... Ο Ο O * o o o o o o o o o o B. nano-subulata C. Muell. in Watts & Whitel...... Ο Ο · O o o o o o o o o o o B. schizopogonacea C. Muell...... Ο Ο Ο O o o o o o o o o o o Desmatodon pachyneuroides C. Muell. Ο Ο * O o o o o o o o 0 o o Gymnostomum scabridorsum Broth...... Ο * Ο O o o o o o o o o o o Hymenostomum amoenum Geh. in Watts & Whitel...... Ο Ο * O o o o o o o o o o o H. angustatum Broth, in Watts & Whitel. 0 0 * 0 o o o o o o o o o o H. robustum Broth...... Ο * Ο O o o o o o o o o o o H. subolivaceum C. Muell. in Watts & Whitel...... ο o * o o o o o o o o o o o Tortella angusticaulis Watts & Whitel. o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o T. aristatula Broth, in Watts & Whitel. .. o • o o o o o o o o o o o o Tortula brunnea Broth. & Watts ...... o o • o o o o o o o o o o o T. mollissima Broth, in Watts & Whitel. o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o T. rotundata Geh. in Walts ά W hitel...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o Triquetrella albicuspis Broth, in Broth. & Watts ...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o o Weissia tortelloides Broth, in Watts & Whitel. o • o o o o o o o o o o o o W. whiteleggeana C. Muell. in Watts & Whitel...... o o • o o • o o o o o o o o 19. FUNARIACEAE Funaria pilifera (Mitt.) Broth...... o * o ★ o o o ★ o o o o o o F. woollsianus C. Muell. in Watts ά Whitel. o o • o o o o o o o o o o o

Physcomitrium novae-valesiae Broth, in Ramsay, Watts ά Whitel...... o • o o • o o ★ o o o o o o

24. BRYACEAE Bryum leucoloma Broth, in Burg...... ★ o o o o o o o o o o o o o mosses Wales South New B. pseudotriquetrum Broth, in Burg. .. o o o o o o * o o o o o o o B. subinclinatum Watts & Whitel. .. o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o o B. subleptothecium C. Muell...... o • o o o o o * o o o o o o

37. BARTRAMIACEAE Philonotis harrisii Geh. in Watts & Whitel. o • • • ••• o • ★ o o o o P. fontanoides Broth. & Watts ...... o o o o o o ★ o o o o o o o P. m icropterisBroth, in Watts & Whitel. o • • ★ o • o o o o o o o o P. percapillarisC. Muell. in Watts & Whitel. o • o o ★ ★ o o o o o o o o P. subsimplex Watts & Whitel...... o o o o ★ o o o o o o o o o P. uncinatula C. Muell...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o P. whiteleggei Watts & Whitel...... o • o o o • o o o o o o o o

42. ORTHOTRICHACEAE Macromitrium hartmanii C. Muell. exKindb. All specimens with these names have been M. richmondiae Broth, in Watts & Whitel. examined and correctly identified (M. suhhemitrichoides Broth.) by Vitt & Ramsay. M. sheareri Broth. These names remain as nom ina nuda. (M. microblastum Broth.) M. rupicola C. Muell. in Watts & Whitel.

48. CRYPHAEACEAE Cryphaea viridissima C. Muell...... O O

61. LEMBOPHYLLACAE Camptochaete deflexula C. Muell. in Burg. L CT WP FWP ws EXTRA EXTRA H NSW AUST NOMINA NUDAI N C s N c s N c s N s N S 65. HOOKERIACEAE Distichophyllum subflexuosum Broth, in Burg...... O O * o o o o o o o o o o o D. wattsianum Broth...... O * o o o o o o o o o o o o 70. FABRONIACEAE Fabronia novae-valesiae Geh. in Burg. 0 o o • o o o o o o o o o o

71. BRACHYTHECIACEAE Rhynchostegium incurvum M itt. .. o o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o 72. THUIDIACEAE Thuidium atrovirens C. Muell. 0 o * o o o o o o o o o o o T. erectum H am pe in M itt ...... o o o o ★ o o o o o o o o o T. squallidiusculum C. Muell. in Burg. o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o 7Γ. sublilliputanum Broth. .. o • o o o o o o o o o o o o

73. AMBLYSTEGIACEAE Amblystegium campylopodioides Broth, in Burg...... o o o o o o • o o o o o o o A. orbiculare Jaeg...... * o o o o o o o o o o o o o (Porotrichum orbiculare Mitt.)

76. PLAGIOTHECIACEAE Plagiothecium amblyostomum C. Muell. in Burg...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o P. howeanum Jaeg...... ★ o o o o o o o o o o o o o 77. SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acanthocladium sericeum Broth, in Burg. o o * o o o o o o o o o o o Rhaphidostegium brachytheciella C. Muell. in Burg...... o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o R. calocarpum C. Muell. in Burg. . . o o ★ o o o o o o o o o o o 78. HYPNACEAE Hyocomium brachythecioides Broth. o * o o o o o o o o o o o o Hypnum pseudo-demissum C. Muell. o o • o o o o o o o o o o o Isopterygium umbillicatum Mitt. .. o o * o o o o o o o o o o o I. vinde-patens C. Muell. in Burg. .. o o • o o o o o o o o o o o Pylaisia pseudo-homomalla Jaeg. .. o • • ★ * o o o o o o o o o UNSUBSTANTIATED NOMINA NUDA

The following names have appeared in literature but no specimens have yet been located with these names.

Fissidentaceae Lembophyllaceae Fissidens applanatusC. Muell. Porotrichum decurvatum Mitt. F. perangustus C. Muell. F. porosus H am pe Brachytheciaceae F. whiteleggeanus C. Muell. Rhynchostegium latifolium Geh. F. woollahrae Broth. R. obtusissimum Geh. R. parramattense Mitt. Dicranaceae Holomitrium novae-valesiae C. Muell. in Geh. Sematophyilaceae Acanthocladium macro-extenuatum C. Muell. in Burg.

Leucobryaceae A. pseudo-extenuatum C. M uell in Burg. Ramsay, Leucobryum australe Watts & Whitel. A. sub-extenuatum C. Muell. in Burg. Rhaphidostegium tingiringense Geh. in Burg. Funariaceae

Entosthodon cuspidatus Kiaer in C. Muell. Hypnaceae mosses Wales South New Physcomitrium torquescens C. Muell. Hypnum subextenuatum C. Muell.

Bryaceae Pohlia pseudopallescensH am pe in C. Muell.

Bartramiaceae Bartramia austro-alpina C. Muell. Breutelia crawfordii Watts & Whitel. B. luteola C. Muell. ex Broth, in Geh. Philonotis austrolutea C. Muell. in Jaeg. P. fontanoides Broth. & Watts 514 Telopea Vol. 2(5): 1984


The following articles have been used in preparing the Census list and related papers. References specific to only one of the papers are given separately with the paper if not included here.

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Zander, R.H. (1977). The tribe Pleuroweisieae (Pottiaceae, Musci) in middle America. Bryologist 80(2): 233-269. Zander, R.H. (1978a). New combinations in Didymodon (Musci) and a key to the taxa in North America, north of Mexico. Phytologia 41(1): 11-32. Zander, R.H. (1978b). A synopsis of Bryoerythrophyllum and Morinia (Pottiaceae) in the New World. Bryologist 81(4): 539-560. Zander, R.H. (1979). Notes on Barbula and Pseudocrossidium (Bryopsida) in North America and an annotated key to taxa. Phytologia 44(4): 177-214. Zander, R.H. (1979). Techniques for study of Pottiaceae. Taxon 28(5/6): 634-644. Zanten, B.O. van (1973). A taxonomic revision of the genus Dawsonia R. Brown. Lindbergia 2:1-48. Zanten, B.O. van (1977). New combinations in the genus Dawsonia R. Brown. Lindbergia 4(1-2): 133. Zanten, B.O. van (1978). Experimental studies on trans-oceanic long-range dispersal of moss spores in the Southern Hemisphere. Bryophytorum Biblioth. 13: 715-733. Zanten, B.O. van & Poes, T. (1982). Distribution and dispersal of Bryophytes. Advances in Bryology 1: 479-562.

Unpublished and incomplete documents held in the library at the National Herbarium of New South Wales, Sydney.

Watts, W.W. (1896-1900). New South Wales mosses. [List of specimens with names supplied by experts, numbers 1-10,110 with list of 374 Tasmanian mosses, largely specimens of Weymouth.] Watts, W.W. (1911-1916). New South Wales mosses [numbers 10,011 on]. Watts, W.W. (n.d.). Queensland mosses and hepatics [numbers 226-681 ]. Watts, W.W. (n.d.). Lord Howe Island mosses [numbers 1-538], Watts, W.W. (n.d.). New Hebrides mosses [815 listings]. Watts, W.W. (n.d.). Unpublished census of N.S.W. mosses. [Revision of Census Muscorum Australiensum with pleurocarpi. This was incorporated into an unpublished census of N.S.W. mosses by Burges 1952.] 532 Telopea Vol. 2(5): 1984

INDEX Page Page

498 Acanthocladium 500 Dawsonia 468 Acaulon 500 DAWSONIACEAE (84) 490 Achrophyllum 469 Desmatodon 494 Acrocladium 465 Dichodontium 468 Aloina 465 Dicnemoloma 494 AMBLYSTEG1ACEAE (73)* 466 DICNEMONACEAE (9) 494 Amblystegium 464 DICRANACEAE (8) 483 Amphidium 465 Dicranella 492 Anacamptodon 465 Dicranoloma 460 Andreaea 466 Dicranum 460 ANDREAEACEAE (2) 469 Didymodon 493 Anomodon 462 Distichium 463 Archidium 491 Distichopyllum 491 Astomum 462 DITRICHACEAE (5) 499 Atrichum 463 Ditrichum 480 AULACOMNIACEAE (34) 494 Drepanocladus 480 Aulacomnium 482 Aulacopilum 463 Eccremidium 490 ECHINODIACEAE (62) 488 Barbella 490 Echinodium 468 Barbula 498 Ectropothecium 481 Bartramia 467 Encalypta 481 BARTRAMIACEAE (37) 467 ENCALYPTACEAE (13) 481 Bartramidula 487 Endotrichella 486 Bescherellia 496 Entodon 464 Blindia 496 ENTODONTACEAE (75) 474 Brachymenium 473 EPHEMERACEAE (18) 495 BRACHYTHEC1ACEAE (74) 473 Ephemerum 495 Brachythecium 491 Eriopus 480 Braithwaitea 482 ERPODIACEAE (40) 481 Breutelia 466 Eucamptodon 464 Bruchia 487 Euptychium 474 BRYACEAE (24) 495 Eurhynchium 472 Bryobartramia 472 BRYOBARTRAMIACEAE (14A) 492 Fabronia 469 Bryoerythrophyllum 492 FABRONIACEAE (70) 475 Bryum 461 Fissidens 499 Buxbaumia 461 F1SSIDENTACEAE (3) 499 BUXBAUMIACEAE (81) 486 Forsstroemia 473 Funaria 494 Calliergon 473 FUNAR1ACEAE (19) 494 Calliergonella 473 GIGASPERMACEAE (16) 479 CALOMNIACEAE (31) 473 Gigaspermum 479 Calomnion 487 Glyphothecium 467 CALYMPERACEAE (12) 479 Goniobryum 467 Calymperes 473 Goniomitrium 467 Calymperopsis 472 Grimmia 469 Calyptopogon 472 GRIMMIACEAE (15) 489 Calyptothecium 469 Gymnostomum 491 Calyptrochaeta 489 Camptochaete 487 Hampeella 494 Campylium 493 Haplohymenium 464 Campylopus 486 Hedwigia 488 Catagonium 486 HEDWIG1ACEAE (47) 499 Catharinea 486 Hedwigidium 462 Ceratodon 492 Helicodontiadelphus 462 Cheilothela 466 Holomitrium 462 Chrysoblastella 490 HOOKERIACEAE (65) 481 Conostom um 479 Hymenodon 494 Cratoneuropsis 469 Hymenostomum 469 Crossidium 498 HYPNACEAE (78) 486 Cryphaea 480 HYPNODENDRACEAE (33) 486 CRYPHAEACEAE (48) 480 Hypnodendron 498 Ctenidium 498 H ypnum 492 Cyathophorum 492 HYPOPTERYGIACEAE (68) 491 Cyclodictyon 492 Hypopterygium 486 Cyptodon 486 CYRTOPODACEAE (50) 492 Ischyrodon 486 Cyrtopus 499 Isopterygium Ramsay, New South Wales mosses

Page Page 489 LEMBOPHYLLACEAE (61) 487 Pterobryon 490 Lembophyllum 470 Pterygoneurum 477 Leptobryum 490 Pterygophyllum 495 Leptodictyum 482 PTYCHOMITRIACEAE (41) 489 Leptodon 482 Ptychomitrium 469 Leptodontium 487 PTYCHOMNIACEAE (51) 478 LEPTOSTOMATACEAE (25) 487 Ptychomnion 478 497 Pungentella 479 Leptotheca 479 Pyrrhobryum 493 LESKEACEAE (71) 466 LEUCOBRYACEAE (11) 472 Racomitrium 466 Leucobryum 485 RACOPILACEAE (44) 466 Leucoloma 485 Racopilum 492 Lopidium 486 Rhacocarpus 497 Rhaphidorrhynchium 483 Macrocoma 497 Rhaphidostegium 483 Macromitrium 479 RHIZOGONIACEAE (32) 481 Meesia 480 Rhizogonium 481 MEESIACEAE (35) 478 Rhodobryum 496 Meiothecium 496 Rhynchostegiella 479 Mesochaete 496 Rhynchostegium 488 METEORIACEAE (58) 488 Meteorium 494 Saniona 463 Micromitrium 491 Sauloma 477 Mielichhoferia 472 Schistidium 479 Mittenia 485 Schlotheimia 479 MITTENIACEAE (30) 494 Sciaromium 478 MNIACEAE (26) 465 Sclerodontium 478 Mniobryum 464 SELIGERIACEAE (7) 478 M nium 496 SEMATOPHYLLACEAE (77) 487 Muellerobryum 497 Sematophyllum 460 SPHAGNACEAE (1) 463 Nanomitrium 460 Sphagnum 489 Neckera 482 Spiridens 489 NECKERACEAE (60) 482 SPIRIDENTACEAE (38) 474 SPLACHNACEAE (21) 477 Orthodontium 474 Splachnobryum 488 Orthorrhynchium 474 Splachnum 483 ORTHOTRICHACEAE (42) 463 Sporledera 485 Orthotrichum 467 Syrrhopodon 496 Oxyrrhynchium 497 Taxithelium 488 Papillaria 474 Tayloria 482 Philonotis 470 Tetrapterum 488 PHYLLOGONIACEAE (59) 489 Thamnium 474 Physcomitrium 489 Thamnobryum 474 Physcomittrella 493 THUIDIACEAE (72) 488 Pilotrichella 493 Thuidiopsis 478 Plagiomnium 493 Thuidium 496 PLAGIOTHECIACEAE (76) 470 Tortella 496 Plagiothecium 470 Tortula 495 Platyhypnidium 471 Trachycarpidium 463 Pleuridium 487 Trachyloma 499 Pogonatum 466 Trematodon 478 Pohlia 497 Trichosteleum 499 POLYTRICHACEAE (83) 471 Trichostomum 500 Polytrichadelphus 471 Tridontium 500 Polytrichastrum 471 Triquetrella 500 Polytrichum 489 Porotrichum 499 Vesicularia 470 Pottia 468 POTTIACEAE (14) 497 Warburgiella 493 Pseudoleskea 494 Warnstorfia 493 Pseudoleskeopsis 471 Weissia 500 Psilopilum 488 Weymouthia 487 PTEROBRYACEAE (57) 498 Wijkia 487 Pterobryella 487 Pterobryidium 485 Zygodon

* Family number according to Crosby & Magill 1981.