THr^ - OST WAGER. Jack when I went down stairs. Well, tion like one of your prize cattle 1 No, I signed it with a great ffourish of hands!" shrieked out Thome, growing The Brindled Bog. Genius and its Trlnls. indeed I Let the young man go where purple in the face. « I{ XEIVS irilJLS. now COUSIN JACK WON 1119 WIFE. trumpets, and just then who should he came from 1 A pretty impression cotae in but papa and tbe stranger. Of "Oh, several sir. I nm not so inex- Yesterday morning a soap-haired Tbe calamities of genius are noto- Over 2^000! miners in Cape Breton, ho must have of the ladies in thisqnar- , perienced a» yon soppose,"* replied ; young man of eigihteon was drawing a rious. A long list of renowned names Tho trunks wore nil packed and course I fled, aud when I came back ter of the globe 1'' will depend on rijpr^y for food and shelr the letter was sealed and safe iu Jack's Jack, smiling. big brindled dojj aiouad tho City Hall was once published exemplifying this tor this winter. Coided, and tbe carpet- were piled "Bat my love, Zebedee Chester is "Are you not ashamed to confess it?" market anxious to find a purchaser. A truth,, but perhaps there is uo more up in the corner of tho capacious, old- pocket-book, and, Olive, it was the one of my oldest friends, and the A Masons' Congress, with delegates wrong letter." "No; why should I be?" corpulent old chap,, sm&ktug a long powerful illustrations thau is afforded fashioned ball. young man is really a very fine look- "Get out of my garden, you young pipe and dodging the rria,' finally by the lafe- of Alichael Augelo, t^s im- from all parts of thp. .will bp hlpM How melancholy tbcy looked, those "It was rather a dim light, and i reg fellow, and rich into the bargain. in London iu 1877. papa s eyes are not as keen as they . reprobate J" screamed Jabez, leaping halted the young map and asked: mortal sculptor of Moses, David. Day emblems of parting and adieux. Not Go in and talk to bka n little while, up with lightning rapidity. "To come "Aly frent, ho.w little you vants for and Night: the painter of tho Bistino An immense prairie fire has been eveu the merry laughter of the two or wore, woet to be, and my impertinent that's a good girl 1 Iccn't stand it a raging since October 1,3 near Fort Lar- missive was gone, while the real bona here and offer to buy my daughter, as dose dogs?"" Chapel and the Last Judgment—the three young girls, who were gathered minute longer." if she were a patch of potatoes 1 Go, I "Two dollars will take hinVwaa the architect of St. Peter's. Italians of amie, destroying vast quantities of grass, around a stalwart, handsome young fide letter lay there among a heap of And old Jabea wiped his forehead, discarded papers. And I hadn't cour- 1 say I" reply, "and a belter diog. never stood Florence held alcommomosativo festival l About sixty Mormon missionaries, fellow of about twenty-fire could en- on which the perspiration was stand- "Your daughter, Mr. Thorne T i on tour loga and howled." last month in honor of her greatest passed through Omaha during this week tirely banish an impalpable something age to confess my misdemeanors, papa ing in big beads. And Mary burst in- is so opposed to my innocent little "Tea, my daughter, you Jack a- "Veil, goom along mid me," contin- name. A new life of this remarkable bound, for different portions of the coun- of sadness from the sense. Cousin to an uncontrollable fit of laughter. dandy 1" Jack was going away, the goueral mis- jokes, and Jack is off with that inde- ued the old chap, raising his umbrella. man—sculptor, painter, architect and tfjr. "The whole affair is so ridiculous ?" "But I'm not bargaining for your Ho paddled a full mile through tho poet—has lately been written by Au- The Fredericksb.urg News reports the chief-maker, torment, and tease of the scribable letter T I shall certainly win she exclaimed. daughter. I am bargaining for that pouring rain, tha yonng man and tbe relio Ootti. This work has been com- whole family, and Mr, Chester, sitting tho sleeve-buttons, Olive, but what a But she adjusted the moss roses nev- presfUjec Iheije of a large number of buy- by the distant window, wiped his spec- land across the river." brindled dog at his heels, and reaching posed by the aid of hundreds of letters ers from Pensylvania who arc looking tornado there will be wheu my mis- ertheless and tripped demurely into "Don't tell me 1" ejaculated Mr. home at last tbe dog was led in, the hitherto locked from the world in tho tacles every five minutes, and declared 1 for Virginia farms. chief leaks out." tbe parlor. Thorny tugging away nt the fastening old man refilled his pipe and sat down chests of the Buonarrotti family. Tbe that the type of the evening paper was And Minnie looked so bewitchingly Now, if there was a determined point The Chicago Tribune has special infor a terrible trial to old eyes. lovely in ber alternate paroxysms of of his pocketbookj; "your uncle's letter and said; life a revelation of sorrow aud trials motion that Hon. Gilbert C. Walker, of in Jack Lacy's character it was his has informed me of your atroeious in- " Now, my frenK, ish dose a good akin to those flames of afilction in which "Ay, you may laugh, girls," said terror aud laughter, that Olive, grave aversion to women in general, and if Virginia, will, bp tho Demcrcratio com- old sister though she was, had not tention." dog?" the great uqture of tbe world are tried promise candidate for speaker. Jack, applying himself vigorously to there was any oae thing on which he "Will you allow me to see tho letter, " He's the best kind of a dog," was refined, The story of his troubles tho refractory lock of a , heart to lecture her as soundly ns she prided himself it was his derided old Nearly thirty of the evangelical minis- deserved. sir ?" the reply. with Popes and malicious and envious "Perhaps you may ouo day discover bachelorism. Imagine his vexation Thome jerked it out of tbe compart- " DoeB he keep thieves away from my artist has been often told, but this fe ters of Boston, at n second conference, that it isn't such a laughing matter. The erimson sunset of the sky hext and dismay, therefore, when, after a resolved to hold a series of meetings in evening shone radiantly into the spe- ment where it lay, and tossed it angri- house? " a tale of on unworthy family whom Think of the loss tho family is going formal introduction, old Mr. Thorne Angelo helped and fed and painfully thp hope of bringing about a revival. to sustain in my excellency." cial sanctum of the worthy old .Jabez ly toward Lacy. He opened it, nod in " You hot he will! Why, he'd chaw withdrew, leaving him tete-a-tete with spite of tbe annoyanee and raortifica- i up a nana qnieker'n flash ! " held up against their own inertia and DauVilte has determined to have an- "But you'll come back soon. Jack, Thorne, of Thornville, justice of tho the pretty creature in white muslin and evil. Fathers nor brothers thought of other vote on the proposition rceeutly dear," coaxed Minnie Chester, the pret- peace, and chairman of all the agricul- tion burst into laughter at the sight of " Does ho keep der bat boys out of roses. It was embarrassing enough, Minnie's dainty handwriting. ray garden ?" , hi iu except as, he supplied them with defeated to subscribe $50,000 to the tiest and most roguish of all the cousins, tural inoetings for ten miles around. It particularly as Mary blushed every DauvfUc and, Henry county railroad. aud one who kept up a perfect fire of was no scholarly-looking library, like "It's nothing to laugh at, sir I" ex- " Well, you ought to see him go for mouey, stinting bitaself meanwhile so time he looked at her, and evinced an claimed Thorue. a boy once. He's had bis teeth into tout, when he was busy on the stotue The diamond-lcdgc grid at Pclcrbom, practical jokes and girlish tricks at his that of his ancient comrade, Chester, exceedingly great disposition to laugh. of Pope Julius II. ho slept with work- N. IL, has at last been abandoned, the expense. but a square, light room, with four un "My dear Mr. Thome, we ore all the every boy in Maoomb county. " "Well," thought Jack, "tbe manners victims of a ridiculous mistake," said "i>oe» he like my children ? " men, four in a bed. His father wns books exhibiting not the first dollar of There she sat on tbe biggest curtaiuod windows, and ornamented and customs of this locality are rather i old and perhaps childish, but his bro- income on an outlay of over $G5,000. of the collection, her brown curls hang- with numerous black framed engrav- Lacy. "My uncle never wrote this " Like 'era ? Why, thafs his great odd, to say the least of it. I came to letter, it is the work of my mischievous hold. Nothing so pleases him as a thers were ineffably mean. They Judas P. Benjamin, late Secretary of ing about ber round face, and her eyes iugs of prize cattle and ginut turnips. consult an old man about purchasing sparkling with a curious mixture of Ho was seated in a leather-cushioned cousin, Minnie. Tbe genuine document bouse full of children. " would complain of him to their father, tho Confederate States, is said to have, land of him, and he bounces out of tbe must have been left behind." Tho old man hesitated for a minute and then the old man would reprove an income of .£10,000 a year from the fun and tears. armchair, looking over the files of an room, and sends his daughter. What him. He sent to his brother a fine 'Tin not at all certain of that, Miss agricultural journal, to find some cov- "And you didn't come to look for a and thou asked: practice of law in London. on earth am I to say to Uor. I'd like to wife ?" " Can doze dog play on a fiddle? " dagger to present to Fillippo Strozzi, Minnie," said Jack, decisively. "If I eted information on the subjects of know. The Russian minister at Constantinople "I came to purchaso real estate," " Play on a fiddle ? Why—why—yes and the mercenary fellow instead sold lias boon reading a serious lecture to tho succeed in finding a locality to suit me, phosphates and superphosphates, when And Mary glanced shyly in tbe di- it to Fillippo. The saddest letters, are I shall probably decide to settle per- a servant brought him a card and a "Whew-w 1" old Jabez Thome whis- sir, ho can. Ha can play seven differ- Turkish government, and it is said threat- rection of her companion, came to the tled loud and long, then offered his ent tunes on a fiddle ! " two, one iu bitter reproo-f tohlayoung- manently at Thornville and turn land- letter. conclusion that he had "beautiful Span- ens armed intervention in the provincial proprietor on my own account." •The gentleman is in the parlor, sir.' hand to bis guest with a hearty laugh. It was a big lie, but the soap-haired esl brother, who had apparently long troubles. ish eyes," and a moustache decidedly "Well, my boy, I'm heartily sorry I young man was bound to make a sale been troting his father badly, and had "Only imagine our Jack a gentleman Jabez Thoruo laid aside his news- superior in style to the hirsute adorn- finally gone so far ns to strike him; the Iu Woonsocket, libnclc Lland, Satur- of property!" laughed Minnie, appeal- paper, glanced at the card, which bore called you so many opprobious names, if he bad to bury truth out of sight. ments of the young gentlemen of but Mary and I supposed you were af- other of infinite tenderness to the old day night, vandals entered Oak Hill ing to her sisters. the simple inscription, "John Lacy;" " Can doze dog play on a horn in Cemetery and threw down and, broke, Thornville. ter her. I must go tell the little minx der prass pand ?" asked tho old man father, comforting him, and telling him "I don't see anything so very ridicu- then at the letter, which purported to Mr. Lacy looked up at the coiling about eighty marble monuments, head- lous iu tho idea," remarked the young be the introduotory to that individual. what a blunder we've made." after a pause. of plans for their future together, This and down at the carpet, and wondered ' Stay a moment, sir," said Jack, lay- brother' disregarding the appeal to re- stones, dec. man, rather piqued at the amusement "How—ba—from my old college " On a born ? Whv. he has led the v what the consequences v/ould be were ing a detaining hand on tho old gen- Alt. Clemens band for the last year.— form at home, went straightway to tho A Vft y ehock, of earthquake was re- of his relatives. "At all events, there's chum, Chester, na I live". Remarkable he to escape incontinently through the West Indies-it was then in 150S-and ported in San lietiito county, California, one incalculable advantage that will re- change in his handwriting, but time tleman's arm, ns his quick eye detected Yes sir-o-e, he can play on r horn with open French window. That would not tbe distant flatter of Miss Thome's was heard from no more for forty Sunday morning, preceded by a harsh, sult from ray departure." alters us all. Haven't beard from him be a very dignified proceeding, how- anybody." rumbling noise, 'fhc vibration was from "And what is that, Mr. Oracle ?" dress among the trees; "will you allow Tho old man was a little staggered, years. Then, Michael Angelo being in twenty j'oars, and—hallo! what is ever, so he resigned himself to destiny mo to make tho necessary explanations seventy-three years old, he suffered east to west. "The fact that you've played your this ? A pretty cool request, upon my by making some original remark on and he waited quite a while before ask- last freak on me, you tormenting little myself? I am not at all certain that, ing: remorse at tbe thought of bis brother's A sixty-horse pAVfer sawmill boiler ex- world—nephew wants a wife and has the weather. It had the much desired after I have selected a home, I shall unblest death, far off, and wrote anx- ploded at Listowcllo, Canada, smashed minx!" beard that I possess a daughter—has effect of breaking the ice, however, and "Can doze dog write letters for me 1 "Don't be so certain of that, Cousin lots of money—wants me to aid him not enter into business-like negotia- to mv prndder in Sherraanv?" iously to know if be bad oonfessad • tho windows in nearly every house in ho was agreeably surprised with tbe tions for a charming young wife to pre- aud received the sacrament. When town, blew many store fronts out and Jack! said Minnie, shaking her long with ray well-known experience in such arch vivacity of Miss Thorne. Only "Write! Write letters?" curls. "What will you venture Idou't matters. What does the rascal mean ?" side over it." "Taw." ho wns answered he wrote thus: totally demolished the sawmill. . once did she seam confused; it was "As you please, my lad," said " You write that, also Giovansimono The Fountain