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Meeting: and Community Network Panel Virtual MS Teams Meeting Date & Time: Wednesday 22 July 2020 at 6.00pm

Present Title/Representing Sandra Heyward CC Councillor - St Austell Gover (Chair) Cllr Janet Lockyer Parish Council (Vice-Chair) Jackie Bull CC Cornwall Councillor - St Austell Poltair Malcolm Brown CC Cornwall Councillor - St Austell Bethel Tom French CC Cornwall Councillor - James Mustoe CC Cornwall Councillor - Mevagissey Richard Pears CC Cornwall Councillor - Mount Charles Cllr Mike Thompson Parish Council Cllr Mike Roberts Chairman, Mevagissey Parish Council Cllr Garth Shephard Mevagissey Parish Council Julie Larter Clerk, Carlyon and St Austell Bay Parish Councils Sara Gwilliams Deputy Clerk, St Austell Town Council Cllr Chris Passmore Parish Council Mark Read Service Director, Customer & Business Operations, / CLT CNP Representative Rachael Tatlow Highway and Environment Manager, CORMAC (min no 4) Helen Nicholson Community Link Officer, Cornwall Council Lisa Grigg Communities Support Assistant, Cornwall Council Apologies for absence: Cllr Malcolm Neill St Austell Bay Parish Council

Item Key/Action Points Action by: 1. Welcome and Introductions • The Chairman welcomed all and invited everyone to introduce themselves.

2. Notes of the Informal Community Network Meeting (23.06.20) • Notes agreed. All actions completed.

3. Update from Cornwall Council – Mark Read, Service Director, Customer & Business Operations, Cornwall Council / CLT CNP Representative • Cornwall Council continues to support the Covid crisis. • Dedicated phoneline and mailbox for Covid related enquiries remains in place and accessible 7 days a week (0300 1231 118 / [email protected]). The dedicated phone line for shielding enquiries is also still in place (0300 1233 334). • Libraries have reopened with a click and collect service. Also reviewing other face to face services mindful of office closures. Payments previously made at

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Libraries or Information Services sites can be paid at any Post Office or Pay Point site. Payments can also be made by phone or online. • ‘The Cornwall We Want’ – Cornwall Council is currently consulting on a shared vision for the future. Join the conversation at; • A contact portal has been established to assist with Councillor and MP enquiries. The Council is looking to run a similar pilot for Town and Parish Councils. Any ALL interested Town or Parish Councils are asked to get in touch with Mark Read; [email protected]

Questions & Comments Q. Is there any update on the number of Covid cases in Cornwall and has it risen over the last few weeks with the increased number of visitors? A. The latest total cases for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is 902, this being a slight increase of 4 compared to last week’s figures.

C. Thanks were extended to Mark Read and his officers for their efficiency and professionalism in administering the business grants in difficult circumstances. Thanks were also extended to HN for her exemplary role in supporting the Town and Parish Councils throughout the crisis.

4. Community Networks Highways Scheme • Expressions of Interest for the remaining tranche of funding (£100k) have been reviewed with proposed solutions and costings. • Town and Parish Councils were asked to prioritise their 1st and 2nd schemes as the total of all requests received was over budget. • All priority 1 and 2 schemes, as set out in spreadsheet circulated to the CNP, can be funded from within the budget with the exception of the St Mewan scheme as this is a significantly more expensive scheme. • To ensure balance of spend across the network, it is proposed that the small amount of remaining funds are allocated to schemes in areas that have not previously benefitted. • It was clarified that the Priority 1 option for PC was the removal of verge to extend existing parking bay (shown as Option 2 on spreadsheet). • Tregiskey junction improvements – Revised estimate to be confirmed but likely to be in the region of £5000-£8000 as significant traffic management needed. Cllr Roberts confirmed this is the priority scheme for the parish council. HN clarified that this may mean that the other Mevagissey schemes may not go ahead. • Consultation on year 2 schemes (delayed due to Covid) will go live in August.

The Community Network Panel agreed that; • The CNP acknowledges the merits of the Community Networks Highways Scheme and requests to Cornwall Council that the scheme is continued and that the associated funding is allocated in the budget. • Any schemes not implemented are reviewed early 2021 and the CNP requests that any funding is reallocated. HN (Councillor Brown proposed, Councillor James Mustoe seconded)


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The Community Network Panel agreed that; • All priority 1 and 2 schemes as set out in the circulated spreadsheet be approved. (Councillor Mustoe proposed, Councillor Bull seconded)

5. Feedback on local issues from Parish and Town Councils

Carlyon • Working on a number of environmental projects including tree planting, installing planters and working with SABEF on the greening projects for the A391. Hope to further progress projects with the easing of lockdown restrictions. • Engagement with CEG in relation to beach development, with possible application to be submitted in November.

Mevagissey • Significant work involved in preparing for the increased visitor numbers including associated social distancing signage and increased litter bin provision. • Traffic issues (Fore Street to Portmellon). Exploring potential solutions including making Polkirt Hill a one-way system during peak time or employing traffic management marshals. • Thanks reiterated to the Mevagissey Support Group for their ongoing continued work in supporting the community.

Pentewan – No report.

St Austell Bay • Concerns at the lack of social distancing in Charlestown. Looking to introduce measures such as one-way pavements and temporary speed and parking restrictions. • Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan out for consultation. • Pattern Hall remains closed but looking at possible options.

St Austell Town • Library reopen with click and collect service Mon – Fri which is working well. • Play areas reopened with some equipment removed for social distancing requirements. • UV lights fitted in toilets to discourage ASB. Baby change toilets only currently open. • Signs to be put up in Priory Car Park reminding people to wear face masks. • Discussions with Cornwall Council on the regeneration of St Austell. • A financial year end loss of £120k is predicted for the Town Council.

St Ewe • No concerns to report. Village Hall remains closed.

St Goran – No report.

St Mewan • Thanks reiterated to volunteers for ongoing community support. 3

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• Considering stopping deliveries at end of month when shielding ends but will check with individuals if support is still needed. • Disappointed with some elements of Cornwall Council i.e. planning concerns. Also reservations that the CNP Highways Scheme seems to reply on PC contributions to move schemes forward. • Community working group to be formed as part of the climate change agenda.

6. Feedback from Cornwall Councillors

St Austell Poltair • Poltair Park café now open. • Planning – working with officers to find a way to get more applications on virtual meeting agendas.

Mevagissey • Thanks and appreciation to all the volunteer groups in the Mevagissey and St Mewan divisions.

St Austell Bethel • Increase in drug related crime. Working with Safer St Austell Partnership to address. • SABEF funding shortfall to implement schemes. In discussions with Economic Development on the wider place shaping agenda/town regeneration, and associated funding for targeted place support.

St Austell Gover • Discussing with Cabinet Portfolio Holder the conditions associated with the funding for the targeted place support allocated for St Austell, and . • Gover Community Larder launching on 27 July at Pondhu Children’s Centre 3pm- 5pm. • Working with the Safer St Austell Partnership to address ASB in the town. • Training Webinar for new ‘Pavement Licence’ legislation taking place for Town and Parish Councils on 27 July. Details circulated to Clerks.

7. Urgent Items There were no urgent items.

8. Next Meetings • Thursday 10 September 2020 • Thursday 12 November 2020 ALL

The meeting closed at 7.15pm

Contact Officers: If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:

Name Role Telephone Email 4

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Helen Community Link Officer 01726 223605 [email protected] Nicholson Lisa Grigg Communities Support 01726 223604 [email protected] Assistant

Address: Communities & Devolution Team, St Austell One Stop Shop, Penwinnick Road, St Austell, PL25 5DR

Website: networks/st-austell-and-mevagissey/