ABLEiiRDN WORKS sT-- MORTEM BALLINGER ASKED TO GETS ifl ITDftPT RESIGN mnuu uuiinmu SOnjS FILED FOR PEACE SAKE !! CHLLK FINANCIAL Local Manufacturers to Supply French Woman Attacks Validity J. r A Another Big Sugar Mill for of Colonel Norris Sale of F MAC0QN Formosa. His Ranch.

V- HEDEMANN DID THE WORK PAYABLE AFTER HIS DEATH I Take Up Question Lawyer Cables Crippen That " Secured in . Contract Competition Sued Norris During Lifetime and Omnrow Funds Have Been Raised to jf His Tticmab oHua, With European and Main- Now Wants to Collect on Tenement. Pay for Fight. land Firms. Notes Given.

PREVENT IF ABLE ACCUSED IS TO KEEP SILENT C. Hedemann. manager of the Hono- Long years after romane has died lulu Iron Works, returned last week and been buried under th muck 0!' i iru;nu from the Orient, returning ou the-Tony- mercenary motives, lawsuits and Will Go Back to England Without Reports a bcnooi wn.wi J;ir;i. His visit to Tokio breach of promise actions. Emilie L. i.. i.nonacp Flan to in the Honolulu Iron Works be- Any Resistance Legal Battle umy L'Erblay, the old time love of Col. Sam Das mv"v ing awarded t tie contract to furnish With. Xorris, has brought suit against the Next on Program. Celebrate i an entire new sugar factory for the inheritor of the colonel's acres for $iC.-24- 0 . Meiji Sugar Company of Formosa, The which she claimed her lover owed mm works secured the contract through August C An attorney in 5. ,.' nnrtment will and never paid her. QUEBEC, Etc. feet BlWic; a Mitsui & Co., of Tokio. of Emilie L. D'Erblay, of New York, London night cabled to Dr. Haw-le- y . Hon of the mlit The factory will be about the same last a"?1' . stare is the French woman who caused Col- rH. sie as Janu and Waiaiua .Mills, and Crippen, who with his stenographer, and KaPlo- - onel Xorris so much trouble and whose Irignouse at Kin? wili lie designed to manufacture white i Clara Leneve, was arrested here Satur- ' i . i i , ... i ,,i persistent following of him is illeged streets oppose - ' i, when they arrived on the liner by nally to him day, El Ltter having teen referred in the markets of Formosa and Japan, i have driven from the Montrose, on a charge of slaying his at its meetnig states to Hawaii where he became ibcard of sudors Although some of the machinerv will wife, Belle E'lmore. that he had been ;,u The entire question of known as a recluse and an eccentric. 1 Kooom be built in Honolulu, after the present employed to defend the dentist in the an ordinance bearing Years ago, it is said, Emilie D'Erblay, I ... krases, cu!ltraots have beeu cuted, a large 10 ago couits in London, and that the doctor's passed sometime - after a period of intlammatory love .tot subject 1art be manufacture- in the east friends in the British metropolis had -- g - making, brought - 1 proposal ounu ern Mates, and among other tilings, tlie suit iu the State oi funds with which to conduct the attorney to raised i ead; leeMideredby the city l,uiMilI;,s will bo buiit there. California for breach of promise. Soon which will be iiined in pnm- defense. ' ' far M vjjj at an opinion phis contract was after that Xorris left California and facta two European The lawyer advised Crippen to keep Ml to the board at an early petition with at least Xew York and came to Hawaii, where 34 N: B- one American engineering concerns, THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. silent, as any statement he could make if i - he resided up to the time of his death 1 IB , , , ami Mr. Hcdemann has reason to be- might prejudice his case. gervisor McUeiian bwus neye that the steady, continuous ruu-,A- i which occurred on July t last. - The attorney also advised Doctor r into discussion last night by n- anil (1 resiUfts obtained in the bed p. This suit, filed in the circuit court Crippen to return to England without ; suppneu u nuu tw SITE PROBLEM CONTRACT LET flat residents in we vitiuu lactones iuc by Magoon & Weaver, at- hi yesterday proceedings. Crip Prti tin o- nVed him to t Taiwan Seito Kabushiki Kwaisha resisting extradition annua, rfOMIIBqi"" t deal tQ do witl the com. torneys for the woman, is not the first pen is being held a prisoner in the 25 if there wa any way in whi,h tad ip. awarded this new contract. she has brought. As far back as from finish that local jail pending his extradition. He JMtr, lum mli beiprevented Itie jionoiuiu iron orus u;ts aisu DELAYS BUILDING FDR BIG BLOCK ti now ls91 she sued X'orris for a large amount will be taken back to Loudon on the KI taftftf0.storr frame structure p,.at.jjcaijy received orders for two - same and obtained judgment in the circuit port. 7 of ereetion. Mr. McClel- mills of a smaller size for the first steamer sailing from this ' . J tlM4 on mppli. l.:l. court of Hawaii. Xorris carried the The prisoner has shown little emo- .Whit, plan of acuouto j h matter to the supreme court, which af- Five-Stor- y stated so tar xue , Mclnerny Block Will Lucas Bros. Will Build Pantheon tion since his arrest. Clara Leneve 5prt,fc'Jt that to replace m-ll- of European make firmed the judgment of the circuit physi- hsidniit had not been issued, j u f0Und to be inadequate. lias been in the care of the jail ii judge. Not Be Begun Until the for $80,000-W- ork Will builders had gone ahead Industry Growing. cian ever since her arrest. She will tffofe Formosan 1S9-2- , i- In a year after the circuit court be taken back with Crippen if her tiitem without waning lor - Mr. Hedemann states that it may be Federal Building Is. Start at Once. stat- - had rendered judgment against him, physical is good DfjUljOij Attorney Milverton of interest to know that the enormous condition enough at Ct. lifk'itee was no wav to stop iu rapid growtti or me sugar umiouj Colonel Xorris went to Xew York and that time. "wo.k --nl- it could be ruTing met th woman again. It is alleged Flans for the erection of the Mc- A contract for the construction of an . o Ewa-mauk- a to tkt the building is to be used fof gugar that while there he executed in her lnerny block at King and Bishop $30,000 business block at the TWO HUNDRED FISHERMEN I tenement, j. . for reasons two notes. streets, corner of Fort, and Hotel i and a tenement is Jalan favor, unknown, opposite the Young building, streets LOSE LIVES IN TYPHOON fciiiBg consisting of at least four To his knowledge there are now or- - for $16,000 each, with the very curious are at present held up, awaiting a de- was let yesterday ly the Patheon build- wherem awen. mb three families xi ,i.rp,l ahont three sugar lactones ro.c.i provision should mature after cision on the Mahuka site question. ing company, to Lucas Brothers. - ! that they tk taildine is being used as a tene- ,. . and one of about ST. PETERSBURG, August 3. Two 10,.() eanacitv were to W. H. Mclnerny and the Mclnerny Lucas Brothers will commence build- Kitwrk can be stopped, or if up, the t . whWe one now being erected his death. They bear interest imme- hundred fishermen were drowned at ean be removed. 1000 cent. Now interests have planned to raze the old ing operations at once, and will fci&g by the Honolulu Iron Works is of at six per the D'Erblay Arinur were and an ad- Way block and erect on site a four diately order materials from the main yesterday. They caught in Will Fix King Street. tons capacity, white sugar, woman comes into court and brings suit that a typhoon and their boats capsized. e the local one-stor- y Cluirsan Quinn road com-Btte- dition is also being made by or five story block, depending largely land. The tenants of the present of the factory equal for $32,UO0 on the principal and $34, presented a large number of re concern to an existing upon the requirements of prospective block have been notified to vacate lfiOO tons of eane per day. 240 interest. Whether .Xorris gave the road work. One ot tnese re to limit 1 s judg- tenants, , both for stores and otuces. by September when the old buildings SAY - complet.on of all these notes in part satisfaction of the BALulEfi IS net Cat Li to King street, criticized the- With the - .e a There was a strong probability of con will be razed and the basement ex- supervisor severelv. The report j mills here will no aomu ment against him, to stave off further N - on nsjceeptei The report follow tlie (lemaioi hm u. struction work commencing the block oavated. in to come, as the breach of promise suits or for some Tour tommittee oq roads, bridge?, at least for some time this year, but Mr. Mclnerny states defi- The new building will be three stories ASKED TO RESIGN of Formosa will other reason is not known. ptTkj and public beg output from the island no will be in height a deep basement and Ltd. improvements, present con- The action brought by Emilie L. nitely that operations started with hit to report that King street from then T about equal to the in Japan which is D'Erblay is against Charles G. Macoiu-oer- . until the Mahuka site is entirely set- will be of reinforced concrete through- OTe the center of the government sumption of sugar to whom Colonel Xorris ou June tled. The block will cost from $oo,0(H) out. It will strictlv fireproof and (Continued on Page Two.) not in marked increase. le Rumor Has It That Crane Seeks 2-- to $100,000 and will be modern in j last sold his ranch at Kahuku, Kau. there will not be a stick of wood in every respect and in keeping, iu its or- for one dollar. The plaintiff in her Quit-R- eport namentation, with the buildings sur- the block, all the doors and window to Have Secretary petition alleges that Xorris left no sashes being of metal, similar to those ANDREWS which execution rounding. AND COHEN other property against Mr. Mclnerny is not in favor of the in Japanese bank building. Denied. can be had, "and that the deed was the public building takiug in the eutire There will be six sidewalk elevators voluntary and without valuable consid- block bounded by King, Fort, Merchant INSINUATIONS eration and was executed by Xorris for loca- and the sidewalks will 'be set with REPLY TO and Bishop streets, believing its BEVERLY, Massachusetts, August 2. the purpose of hindering, delaying and will be a to retail glass prisms and the front of the first tion there detriment An defrauding his creditors and especially business. He is thoroughly of the be- floor will also contain glass prism faces. unconfirmed rumor is being circu- un- - lated here today that, following a re- Mr. ne plaintiff. lief that Fort street should remain The main cornice will be of galvanized B a conversation with on propo- - a still the silly season in politics. "T did have The petition further recites tnat touched bv the federal building impos- cent conference with President Taft, .. sum iron and the whole will give an u-i.- ago in which the Ofertse !. few davs .lanuarv io, iyuy, morris soui to sition Senator Murray Crane, of this State, a newspaper with any sense mentioned the on his In almost any other city, wherever ing effect. of one hundred dollars was Kauhane for $15,000 cattle visited Secretary of the Interior Rich- 'proportion would not continue to him under the Kahuku Ranch and also a the public buil-iin- is located, particu- J. L. Young of the architect and con- as a monthly salary for of a block, ard A. Ballinger and asked him to borate its front page with Achi and on a part of the ranch. larly if it adorns the center tracting firm of Lord and Young was following circumstances: r it is a rende.vous on Saturdays for all resign from the cabinet for the sake w interviews concerning I'laiutiff expresses the fear that the architect for the block. The build- "plots" 1 appointed by the said Mr. Mclnerny. "When was first will encumber the premises, the farmers," "It by Lucas Broth- of party harmony and to protect the "intrigues" and other horrors of secre- for them to tie up their teams ing is to be completed committee as assistant waste them or sell them to innocent is a place administration from criticism in con- Pagination. territorial while thev do their shopping. ers in eight months from date, which Yesterday's sensation charge of the political affairs, parties, so that she might suffer irre- nection western sted tary in the federal building takes in the will be April 1. 1011. with the land frauds in the publication of a nam-o- f I She says she is "If about stated in the newspapers that parable injury. that is, the center, leaving and the alleged reactionary policies of charges it was and entire block that The building will extend from the against Lorrin Andrews assistant. Mr without remedy at law therefore all lawns I presume was to have a Hawaiian be is- a spare around for on the secretary. C Cohen, with and asks that a temporary injunction will be preempted by the Club Stables on Fort street around the editor of called upon me en- the latter at that time 'Macomber from ( wit-- , Art and Ballinger Denies ! Adverser implicated. Vie sued restraining crowds of Japanese and- hinese Hotel street to the Theater, It. position, stating that or selling t.he prem-:.- . it applied for the cumbering, wasting i, esses, as thev do now at the Judiciary! when the lease on the Art expires the 2. Bal- were not for the fact that for $10'' .., She asks CHICAGO, August Secretary willing to take it . TiersonnlI ' orooeitv.. j To establish tjie are he would be I '.' ' I building groom building will in that site, placing two or three j take linger was seen here today regarding of the presumed Xorris' deed of the ranch f(1'(lcrai" , ;,; the whole block krs a month. further that alongside Aldrich among 8 j the building the the report from Beverly he will the liquor m('n of Hono-61- - bo declared fraudulent tl)P of valuable block that with the sub- to Macomber lnoariS removal boundary. The Pantheon Block prop- &1! determined tter a conference void; a decree be granted ror of retail section, a ctiou which we lie asked to resign. Ballinger denies to the liquor committee, 1 and that the erty is owned by the Wideman. Dow-set- t into mnittee of the central the vavment of the $32,000 prmeipa need very much." that there is any truth iu the rumor. f'n politics, in an endeavor allow Muhlendorf and Holmes interests. did not care to .an ,1 $:U.24' interest sue claims is due Sen- Wrol b(lth the EH.puhl;can an,! found that they Contractor Jack Lucas states that He declares that the interview of Hawaiian assist- nn tl.. rromissorv notes, and that a Wratic organizations, la.- -e a sum for a the new building will be an ornament ator Crane with the President was in- the charge did not be apointed as soon as the de- i : not stated that they receiver NO EXTRADITION FOR o the citv. no y& be worth com- - ant, aiol it was significant, and he has intention of replying to. should be cree is granted. do such an expense resigning as secretarv of the interior. ?thev ftllt nf tl.., mntl, r,f think ot !e3 . tli- - real opening ARMY IN COLUMBUS men and nmwarin--- in f'.i o t 1 1 . 11 the curl iii" PERRY LOST SLAYER OP GHARLETON coma u. CUTTER ! Slr!S Of - the matter KANSAS REPUBLICANS a M- s - campaign when TO WATCH STRIKE apfroacn- U ALASKAN COAST 3S the one up ag; iin by myselt, ON printing them. brought - NOMINATE INSURGENTS . t. .... ex- se uvntinti1.- I who a are ah'o tr. r. i v.,ifn-..- he need oi m. ('i)Ll'MP.l , O.. August 2. Thirty-militi- ..... Mr Wise and cut- VKW YORK. Au-nis- t 3. The time. e,as appreciate , plained this mauei XOME. August 2. The revenue now the fact tha th! Porter u 0 hundred are under TOPEKA, August 3. Incomplete re- wt dropped. Some days alter has gone ashore on Saint limit for the extradition of mck of the old the matter the ter Ferry arms in connection with preserving or turns from yesterday's Republican I Wise on (.'harleton. the young Amer'can who ,..i.;c,.;,e met Mr. off the coast of Alaska, i 1 Put yellow dogs of he lut -"'" I'aul Island, der in the strike, an are costing the primaries indicate Kaea uo that six insurgents p-""- -" lie cott ot me The vessel has killed his wife, Mary ' j $1 a day. complexion op. the t'e'ect street in front and is a total wreck. tate 2.i00 have been nominated for congress. The r nothing, and asKtu unlaw-- Charleton. at Maltrasio. Italy, June !. said lie was 5 - been engaged in looking after campaign was one of the most exciting signr ,.l.,,-,,- l the in a trunk and .Pnerally th.'- me if 1 new of anything in r.oaehincr in northern 'the1 CHAMP CLARK HAS NO Rul!e-- . . w.w.-- I contests supp.l that a i. t rill of it into Lake dmo, ha- - expired and political held in this State in Preparing L XUixi uiu - waters'. officers and members rs to follow of him. stated to hm The Vie Char-- TIME years. the . will not extradited. THIS Senator Bristow. Congressman i. territorial- in the accused OPPOSITION 101 the crew succeeded gaming ex-- J , KrJ moneybags into th- - .id of Hawaiian assistant letoii has been iu jail here pending Murdoch-- of this and Senatop f filled that without 1 ,s of ifi State, ;..immittt.e had never been shore I 0B th the tradition. 2 ition Cummins of Iowa spoke in behalf of , . head- tin-- ST. LOT IS. Ai:gut shortly open Bepuldican i 'lmrl. father, a friend of insurgents, accord- - we would - the and Speaker Cannon DARK HORSE President, made a strong tight r. '!.:imp r':,r'i lit tlie pri- fhrections , 1 would suDiiiu iuc CORBETT'S campaigned for tlie regulars. of the li.p,.-- n quarter? that - s "fleet. L. In central com- extradition, and his work had m:irit today. He U a candidate for si of the ONE MILES M'LEOD - . "1Iu r 7i , to the treasure IS a hori- b'.-.i-- - Sit . wa" c.i p fer the extent that the Italian at r.-- i i t the of re; senta- d see if I could to STRIKE ENDED AND MEN l&h.,. tov;a" the nr.r.nii nuttee it ne did tod fives. .1 e tits i for hmi un 2. At last Ltt lean party be a,- - obtain the position ALBA XV, Mo., August GET ADVANCE WAGES 'cu lor. if he called a to accpt it. and that fight fans have been enlightened ALFONSO LUNCHES WONDERFUL TED STUNT days we would the , otli-- e within a few of Combett s mv as to t! identity Jim WITH FALLIERES IN . August 3. The differences -- vs PENNSYLVANIA a t over, ne :c mntpheil Wit P. Hi.!", mWr sat ;o:i ,.,ik the matter i frt ' - ie unKnown u between the striking trainmen and the ' , there. l t. which - dropped being by Ws, An; vs s a- ca fhl. n,at,er after trained J 1M. Ml Tolnisnn August 2. King Alfonso of Grand Trunk and Central Vermont rail Wise lastea ouV McLeod, a local ath- PARIS. SCP.AXTOX. Fa.. August 2. -- Ex- TU mg statement: conversation with Mr. It is Miles Eng-ia'ml- . roads were settled yesterday. The men T . .1. on the way to oiaT?!enu jouu made a g'od record but who is now is Investigat- attrn,nf.,., I never askea lete who has Preident Roosevelt here were advanced eighteen per Cent, in . t: in I'.im a few seconds. lunched today with President 3 rrt of the city has never broken into the nationa, ing the industrial conditions. wages. m i Vie if the liquor interests , field. tracd falsely-- (Continue:i on Fago .tour.;

lb m wr

- . L


'or his conduct as a scout, and send lack messages that are intelligible and) 0 OFFICERS TO GO :ve information as to the nearness of; i ,a enemy. The game will be worked j If You Are Sickly ,ut on the maps and will be worked out i ;v actual demonstration and SCHOOL problem turned in to the in Just let Hostetter's Stomach TO I .f the i Hiding officer. Bitters build up and renew the Then, with the solution as made out entire system, make the stomach !,v the commanding officer, the solu- Dm strong and healthy and keep the Regular Army Officers to Teach tions turned in by the officers under in- bowels free from constipation. 'st md ion will i'0 ci iiicieii. Col. Charles W. Ziegb-r- Lieut. of Guardsmen at Fort It has done so in hundreds t'ol. Arthur Coyne, Major Wiliiam R. eases in the past 57 years and Shatter. 1,'i'ev. Major Gustav Rose. Capt. Wil- most certainly will not fail you. liam' A. Fetter. Co. I).; Capt. William Try it today for Indigestion, '.. Hal. Co. 1: Capt. Merle M. dohntsoii, quartermaster; (.'apt. Thom- Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Eillious-nes- s, The field camp of instruction tirst as 1. Cummins, regimental adjutant; Headache and Malaria, fur infantry oilicers of the National Capt. Charles M. Coster. Co. K; Capt. Fever and Ague. Ask for of Hawaii will 1m- - ho hi at Fort Arthur W. Ne.-ly- regimental fwnmi--sa- 1!. A; Shatter t mouth, from the 17th to Capt. Fred Angus, Co. establirdi-ni.-!i- : Capt. .lames A. Thompson. Capt. Samuel the -- 1th inclusive, and its and light Iveliinoi, Co. L; Capt. "Benjamin Ka ne, Light shades will derided stop in the 3 mark a Co. G: (.'apt. John W. Cook, Co. B; OSTETTER OMlt-avo- r of the t'niu-- States govern ('apt. Joaquin M. Camara, Co. C; ('apt. ment to equip its militia officers in the Hopkins. Co. F; First Lieut. Perfect fit CELEBRATED school of the soldier so that he will Thomas Kakalia, Co. K; Firt Lieut. East on, Co. D: First Lieut. assimilate thoroughly with the regular John T. STOMACH Henrv P. O "Sullivan, battalion adju- oilicers. should the federal government tant; First Lieut. Luther A. K. Eaus, find need to vail upon its citizen sol- Co. A; First Lieut. Louis K. Ka ne, Co. Correct in style and shade BITTER John W. Searle, Co. L; I diery to repel invaders, or enter a for- G: First Lieut. eign country. First Lieut. John W. Kanaeholo. Co. I; William Co. P.; The commanding cdiicer of the de- First Lieut. Ahia. First FOR SALE BY Lieut. Manuel Costa. Co. C: Second partment of California has issued or- Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. Lieut. Henry Kailimai, Co. F.; Second I! ders, dated July designating the Harry IT. Morehead. Co. D: Sec- Hollister Drag Co., Ltd. Lieut. following named regular oiiieors as in- ond Lieut. William K. Kaluakini, Co. Chambers Drag Co., Ltd. structors at a camp of instruction: L; Second Lieut. William F. Kaae, Co. Hilo Drug Co., 1; Second Lieut. Henry A. I'.ishaw, Co. Captain Holbrook, Fifth Cavalry; , and at all Wholesale Liquor Dealers. G : Second Lieut. Antonio O. Marcal-lino- lxyflcOiH)Enny9 in- First Lieutenant 1'ardee. Twentieth Co. C; Second Lieut. Bradford M. Mo Ltd fantry; First Lieut. Win. II. Smith. Sumner, Co. A : Second Lieut. Paul R. Medical Corps, Fort Shatter; Second Barns. Co. F; Second Lieut. Henry Van Fort and Merchant Streets Lieutenant Croninger, Fifth Cavalry; Gieson. Second Lieutenant Kogers, Twentieth Infantry; Second Lieut. Lewis li. Wat-kins- , I BE TO Corps of Kngiiieers, Fort le K us- M ME sy. The officers named are to report to Lieut. Col. li. L. Itullard, Eighth In- CHECK MACODN statiil it is about finished, with the street is to fantry, at Fore Shatter. The colonel understanding that the r. & CO. fifty wide and four-foo- t t. DWIS be feet Congo Roofing will make is expected here the early part of Sep- sidewalk; and that the city and tember, in time to acquaint himself county engineer furnish to the it so. If it's a Congo Roof personally with the topographical lay (Continued from Page One.) Merchandise Brokers nursery to Alapai street is in a terrible, propertyowners, when requested, itwill betihVand it will ot the count rv surrounding the tort their proper street grades and width hafter reservation. rough and uneven condition. This Nuuanu and Merchant Streets street was not a in the City and County of Honolulu ' stay tightV Any roofing is Adjutant-Genera- l .Tones of the Na built groat many i as soon as the Rapid Transit and tight for a while, tional Guard Las issued General Orders months ago, but it is proven a very but Congo bad piece of work. There is not a day Land Company starts to lay their No. 11. under date of July -- 7, giving Roofing stays tight longest. instructions to the officers concerning nor an hour in the day but what your track. is not citi- It outlasts shingles and the camp. The officers are to arrive at committee waited upon by Reports ou Thoroughfares. ,1 zens of all classes who are Fort than the fore- compelled chair- costs less. It is easy to Shafter not later to travel on the roads in automobiles, The road committee, by its Up noon of September .17 for the purpose man, reported that the committee has A Little Higher lay and simple to maintain. buggies, carts or drays, complaining ot engaging in actual held and camp about the terrible condition of said had in mind the building of a road Write for Sample, which service for instruction. street. The newspapers of this city on the Waialua side of Waimea gulch in the estimation of your On arrival at the camp the militia have called the attention of your road wherein the city engineer has negotiat- we will be glad to send ed O. R. & L. Co., officers will find a model company ot committee to the wretched conditions. with the for the prospective is you free. the Twentieth Infantry in camp along We would therefore recommend that right of way of said road, the company customer, side their own camp. This company the fisphaltum covering which in some a!so agreeing to remove the loose rocks along the cut which will make a say- LEWERS & COOKE, LTD. will be utilized by the commanding: places is eight inches thick, and in what you gain by send officer for the purpose ot showing the! some places none at all, be ing to the county. At the present time removed. steep very 177 So. King St. militia officers, in the course of their It ean be easily removed without dam- the road is very and difficult ing in a instruction, how such and such maneu- aging the under part of the road, then to negotiate in wet weather. It is vers are or should be conducted. The sprinkle it with a very light also very dangerous, as people, wagons model company, bv the way, will not and when rolled, said road, we and autos, would have to cross the rail- perfectly twice in a very short dis- have an easy time of it. will be think, would be in a first-clas- s condi- road track It will elim- a model in a dry goods store. tion for several months. This work tance. The proposed new cut like cloak inate crossings entirely. smooth commanding officer being the titter can be done at a small cost. the railroad the The engineer was instructed to Received officers under be- We recommend that this work be city Just and the instruction proceed with negotiations with the rail- edged ing the buyers. It may take a lot of started within ten days as there is more traffic on King street than any road company and the road supervisor cloaking of the model to show them instmeteel - other street in Honolulu. of Waialua district is also just how- it should be fitted. to build the rcael as soon as he has Peerless Book Form Business Card A brand-ne- line of stylish, The student officers will be expected To Widen Nuuanu Avenue. finished with the work at "Waialua. to be proficient in the manual of arms 's on Xunanu avenue The committee recommended and the familiarize themselves with cer- Quinn report How you can detach a card bound in book form and have latest finish and to was prefaced with the statement that board approved of the suggestion that specified subjects, such as infantry possible indication of its having been may possess tain there were hundreds of Ilawaiians and in the very near future Hotel street detached drill regulations; field service regula- ome process Portuguese and Chinese living in Xun- from Alakea to Nuuanu be scarified elements of mystery to you, but out patented description and rules for the a neces- tions; who a good and light material added when makes it possible and perfect. management of the United States maga- anu Valley needed road for sary. The committee also recommended rifle; the organized militia regu- walking, and they needed the rapid that no oil be put on the street at the SIGNET RINGS zine is to be Send for Sample Tab and see for yourself. lations of the war department, Each transit which extended from present time. Bethel street is to te the mausoleum to the Country Club student officer will present himself at treateel in the same manner. Tn regard There is nothing like it. the camp provided with the following road. His report was adopted unani- to a petition of .T. A. Rath of Palama articles: mously and as soon as possible the coun- relative to the disposition of garbage, OUR SMART CARD That will please you in their neat ap- Infantry Drill Regulations, Field Ser- ty will proceed to widen that thorough- t he committee, after investigating same, IN CASE vice Regulations, Manual of Guard Du- fare. The report follows: reported that in some instances people pearance as well as in price. ty, Sherrill's Map Reading, (including In regard to a petition from sev- put out rocks and dirt in such large map of Fort Leavenworth issued eral propertyowners and residents boxes that the garbage men could rot in wagons. Ltd, with ''Studies in Minor Tactics''); from Nuuanu Valley, relative to put them the The commit- Haw'n Gazette Co., Si of Infantry of the widening of Nuuanu street tee stated that the garbage department Manual of Privates the is only to light gar- lOKt, up, which intended remove l4Kt. and Organized Militia of the United States, from the mausoleum was bage anel rubbish. The superintendent pocket notebook, poncil, pen and ink, referred to your committee on of garbage is instructed to give the to build 2000 feet of road in Talolo pad (letter paper), oiip coat (khaki), roads, bridges, parks and public im- best service possible. Valley, the money to be furnished by! olive drab Monograms Engraved Free. two pair breeches (khaki), provements, after investigating A report was made on a complaint the Henry Waterhouse Trust Company.! shirt, service hat and cord, cap, under same, beg leave to report that the of F. J. Testa relative to poor trimming He suggested the road could be built! A SAVING clothing, stockings, one pair russet Rapid Transit and Land Company of trees and burning of some along the ou terulers and the contractor paid to-- j leather leggings, one pair shoes, com- propose to extend their line as far Lnalualei road in Waianae district. The ward the end of the present term of PRINCIPLE s3 fortable: saber and belt, watch, com- up Nuuanu as the old Queen Em- matter has been referred to the road omce ot the board. pass, rifle and gun sling, bayonet and ma's place. The rapid transit peo- supervisor of that district. Music Lanai 1.' ' J suspenders, Offends. Better Cigar scabbard, cartridge belt and ple inform the committee that they The committee reported that a curb- The 100 Per Cent and straps, can not commence ing and retaining wall will be put in lanai in Captain Berber's prem- packet, canteen said work until ises where Value for You can, tin cup. knife, about the first of November, along property owned by B. F. Dilling- his musicians of the Hawaii- haversack, meat as the an band practise fork and spoon, shelter tent half, pole materials, rails, tires, etc., have ham on Alexander street according to for concerts, projects Were we to make our cigtf into a part of ! i. and 5 pins; one set blanket roll straps, been ordered and will not in agreement. the Coney property' and in we'd have todonbleW r arrive the board Cuba, metal wash basin, toilet articles soap, Honolulu about Mayor Fern as"ked that Fern Lane be was asked bv "the Henrv W.i- - prices to meet the W until that time. terhouse present razor, comb, towels, hand mirror, etc., The property owners along said repaired and this will be done. Trust Company, as agents fori So we have part of our w cov- nc v onty estate, to remove and P 1 : A. R. light single mattress, blankets for road, with but one exception, are Some Rotten Schoolhouses. it from lishment in Cuba I J. Vieira & Co. their property. The city Tn,nr.Q vchpra Ouba'8 Wi1 I P er, pillow, light camp chair or stool. willing to give lands engineer was ! their to the The request of a committee for $1. instructed to remove the , ! All questions of rank will be tem- city and county free of charge, pro- lanai from the prevails. I 1 per month during school vacation time fence line. p porarily set aside. viding the citv and county curbs for a luna to supervise small gangs of 'Our experts, on the JEWELERS. The superintendent choicest w One of the principal features of the said avenue and moves fife fences prisoners who will clean up the schoed of public works get the pick of the informed the board he grown. ' camp will be the "tactical walk." baek There are a great many yards, plant grass and such, caused had secured vana leaves w enough laud at Nuuanu These we mellow into 113 Hotel St. Phone 512. when Col. P.ullard will be accompanied i aces already curbed and the ma some discussion relative to the avenue and : to Kukui lane to on native over a field by the officers. They are jority of the j daces do condition of some schoolhouses. Mr. widen Nuuanu avenue at aromatic flavor not require that point. ONLY PURE SODA. to note the topography of the country, any fences as they are already on Logan reported that some school build- in our own wareuuus". A fire box Tampa, the and be able to solve certain problems. the proper line. The curbing 1 ings, which the board of education will be placed at Second Then, in BEST FLAVOR. an and perfectioif The problem will be worked out by the moving of fences therefore will not wished to condemn, have been put in south streets. This is near the iron touch of Havana worKs in the deft handiwork DISTILLED WATER instructing officer and a probable solu- cost the city and county a groat repair. Supervisor Ahia wanted sonift section. It was stated that sud, given an a box Cuban eigar-moker- . tion made. Then maps wiT lie given deal eif money. It will be a benefit repairs and extra building attached is necessary. Should the iron skilled LEITHE AD & WOODWARD, To present works, we lose nothing to fhe officers and the problem. An to the general public, as well as the the Manna school building, tor instance, burn down, ir Thus in. Telephone 557. but Mr. Logan would b perfections," officer may be designated with a cor- residents of that district to have, said the whole building result in great loss to the iron Imported Miller St. wa so rotten it would be a mistake to peopie, save the import duty. . poral and a file of men to go to a a good driveway. but. also, hundreds of - attempt to repair it. It was also woum P''0- And this saving goes portion of the field and observe We recommend that the city and stated i'ie lie thrown out of employ SM0KEB PRIVATE that some one wanted to exchange land ment. cigar-g- oes to the the contour of the country. He will engineer 1 county complete the sur- for the school so governmen- t- . fo-lo- site the school could I'r. stead of the endeavor to the prescribed rule vey - Chas. raul Durney Telephone Lines Installed. of said street which we under- 1 e physician at ch is due ww located elsewhere in tn1 tri! the valley. The eipie " . . r1af j JwuiuKu. was appointed sanitary, t- - v U i luna salary was voted. milk. quali the unrivalea rooa and meat 4'. ..!..' Tt was reported that Sheriff .Tarrett insiiector "i A'luiauma districts without UNION CO HUMANE SOCIETY WOULD wanted a police box put in at Doctor pensation. ELECTRIC M.ickal! 's office. The matter was re- the sum of $7e, was Harrison Bldg., Eeretania Ave. ferred to committee. improvement. allowed for iail van

-- m Koko Head je Double Keyboard : END MISERY OF LAME Matter. letian reported progress - I Visible Writing HORSE building on the Cigars The city attorney stated. in an ordinance. "Oualitv" J- "uinion. that the - S. Kalakiel: a. SMITH-PREMIE- board could lor other . , THE R TYPE- proceed petitioners. jmVn. with the alteration of asked for imiprovements In 27 Different snaii-rn- (" Koko Head to Jack 1:mio onslderable indignrit is being ran.-l- wen s: Tastfl. ar for breeding purposes. axonue, Kaimuki. Nuuanu. If imio ... . V CI - WRITER. He had seen Mr. i oveiiiento i, j t ,ase, - to B j ress..,( i;l human society over Andrade his decision 01) Don! hit r. a resident on avenue', mad.- the Hishor. iit to 25t : that Estate will ! a il l;o!.-- e t i - his evidence. snggest.-- . the fact that a said be seri- and to him. in lip iiiioen leet, DEALEHS ! order to which will make a YOUR HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD. The humane oi'l crs are not s::ti.-fie-d. thirtv-- t r,in,ln-.- v AT ou si v and cliionicailv lame d for the avoid any possibility of litigation, the not I.' however, and miu m.omh. s are Kaanv-asehoo- f & I special p. lie lings winch b, M. A. Guust past, six years shou been ho-r- il the re needs an I'M have turned ,'Iig the siispecto American st.mles"-Distnl'n- W15' that the o take and the eon!,: '"'- - reported. nf - back to its owner to bo worked after territorial ve; rii b ars toward residents H, stated that I titiito iro-e-iling- "oi OTlrr t lie e,ci,-t- it and he di i0.1 HUE? ago there & a yes-terda- and ts work. is was a Dondero Lansing humane society t i'iver had I' stated ll w il da pan e flu- -. The3 ( that S'l ac'ion be taken, 'that in re eenj,- f i n loeseiit Srnvs ,n,l .id ; r n c Ida made i 'lie ease ht into iV. The - The tv u:;..r! also V, Stripe v bv a humane o'i;, It Nil stated th at neon worn out ;n tne wn i.or-.- - i ;i r I TV ' wi.e ' in ji the ot gaard ho hrr th board had MV.Ve and ruin. treated h:s own a n ' ' X- i or vow no" v. as t ins-aro-- For Real Estate. t : a 'n t ion Ir. ho r.a r i wanted to r ':!b'i v r o d NO r ;g called Jo .is i. in leer or stroy as a TKOUBLE AT ALL. gland. an i! ee ml. y af'teri.oo The !ier oi in:, roans 83 Merchant St. n rlsat i .. taed rhf this officer, was in r fir- - sig; of dis- - I haven ,.(- ...... - th t " ""-'- i- man wu - o, U it coiil-- not be rim,: Culir. t'af, a:.., WC'l-:- , W i ii able to , , cf " re ' nei-ir- je 20 to 50 per cent '.it ot a k In ii.; d n n m while driven is hat the society wii; ;'.,.-- a K . i ri i - ; "V ' tv, ...... ' inner. j; " ' ' Cleveland Leader T i . a I,. , ,. :',::aV :" Tit at on. ihe horse fur- - p'. - SAVING A' ve- - v. Door Xor- e- -t r to tl.'l xe a w;i, rii'T anii Is . ' ' ' ' loiinny- ia l. r:i:.:i:.-- i.: . - there's o girl at a :i ai call-i- e ,.;..a;. i d . . orr'tor veterinarian, was a;o as laa as this or.e is are whom we o: ,11;- T.j t i Reorganization Sale. e-- 1'rin. MVKY I. T., i is7 ser rt . to stand, his testimony being: to to a'lowed to live and LOCK FT A- - B.., suffer for i, r.ut r1r,?-n!:4.:- Vbat do voicall the t! that the horse was in jrood ike of a fe 7 vears of ver or J. HOPP & COMPANY, 1, "formation may "r LTD. .i.-h- t 1 ,,.,r..?' r?sT,and -Vrts .Tohnny ua:tK for the-- niav able to do. oau ,n jiio.i be w I''' , t'ttle v street Honed ulu. IT: id:;,.. ii-iini.' .Moore. m THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1910.

" ' 1 '


t L Aliimn! Tontine miuiiiiii ivumic IUifA liIil Young Pacer Rested Up and Ayau Helps Win Series and Re- Wants Match Right Away, and B InuiS 300 Udiiu mciv, ttiiii An Odd Situation Which Might f . 1 i I Turfmen and Jockeys Think turns Home With Pockets Manager to Put Up ry r Purs-e- Marines, All-minia- ana mduonai uuara Arise if Thetis He Will Break Record. Bulging With Cash. Defies Cornyn. ...Matches Start Next Week. Butted In. CHICAGO, July 20. Has any borse To Ayau, the young Chinaman who Jack Cordell is not satisfied with last Commodore Smith of the yacht now in training a chance of lowering made the hit that won la&t Sunday's Saturday night's ring bout and has is Sweetheart waxed wroth over the seemed to Sate receipts should either be divided league just any of the seven world's pacing rec- baseball game for the Chinese team sued a challenge to Cornvn for another of- equally between all the teams of statement in Monday's paper that fit at the meeting the ords held Dan against the 'Wasedas, the national game -r- d league or that the teams should be re- by Patch, 1:53? fight. Cordell wants another chance t ficials at the customhouse were skepti- in the bungalow by This affords profit as well as pleasure. -- tfariintJii. J" imbursed for all expenses incurred in question has been asked many beat his rival, and is anxious to have cal about an application fors register Five teams sui buying uniforms and other incidentals times, and is of special interest now The young man left Honolulu on the the having been made and steamer the match take place next Saturday for yacht . tome Tims and a and the balance be devoted to improv- that Dan Patch has been permanently ilauna Kea yesterday after- night. that they could see no reason for it ing the grounds and promoting sports noon, bound for his home on tile island . , to start next retired and at the beginning of a sea- Cordell said vesterdav that he was taking over three months for the regis- ai. ipts-' in any way that might seem best. of Maui, where he 'holds a good clerical tration number to be from Mttiww"""- position, transmitted Only Saturday Gaines. son that gives promise of some ex- and carried with him $2o0 not satisfied with the wav the busini Washington to San Pedro. The Coin- - . off the reel. It which enthusiastic Chinese fans pre- - riiAt All the teams, with the exception of ceptionally fast work by the country's side of last Saturday's affair werejmodore said he resented being included . r. sented him with on the evening before. - P1"" naa u oil framed harness horses. handled. He he did not get fair! iu Ananias club and that the state- alike it the Oahu College alumni, were agreeable Avail Was (riven it lpitvp nf ntw.-mC- thinks took tne nwr to on final- ! Lieutenant Bowen playing .Sundays, but it was There are a large number of very with pay and the management treatment. He said ns tnought Two-- ' , ,v, i J of the . . t .,,.(.. 1 to one at iuc tusLuuiuuuac. he had proposed ly determined play only oi Saturdays fast horses in training, and in Chinese team paid all his expenses iu mey took too much advice from OUtSlU-- l rri, C.,H,o(- - through mouth of alone, M. W. ,.), -- the August and end stable that of Savage, mreimg addition to giving him the $250. ers, and that Twomey's employes did have resented every statement about the series on Monday, September the there are five pacers that have al- nut look after the business end in the tfiary Athletic Association that fifth, which is them that has appeared in the paper Labor Day. ready shown ability to race around proper manner, have been in port, x- -. ord for an unpaeed mile at least a sinee they however, military team - Those present at the meeting were: two minutes, and many of them may bo savs he be second. He says Mh,or lieir is in per- Cordell was tired at the and one more doesn't count. a and with the Marine j Colonel Jones of the national guard, expected to do something sensational jail guar team fect ginning of the last bout, which was As to the matter of the yacht Sweet- g condition, and has speed ""to 1;f.T1. lpaTue the Lieutenants Bowen of Fort Shafter and in the record-breakin- line before the i due, he claims, to his having to look having no license to sail the high of tie la Bar- burn." heart College alumni Vaughan of Fort Kuger, Sergeant end of 1910. after all of his affairs in connection seas, Commodore Smith explained that ftar and Oahu ry, manager of the Hospital Corps In the discussion aroused by the Charlie Dean, who developed Minor .. . is with the fight. the law in, respect had been a tot cum n,i form however, one horse Heir, more enthusiastic than ever this ie invited team. Sumner, manager of the National above question, about the lead letter on the Coast for years and off a of secretary Tli of Vinrep horse's prospects. In reply leae to run series Guard team, Lorrin Andrews, he had sailed into many Pacific ports in of the Military Athletic Association, is Minor Heir, 1:59 1-- admitted by l" FOOTBALL COACHES Linearly on an amateur basis 0, of Dan 1afc" 'records will be the States and had also entered a Mex- Jimmie "Williams, manager of the St. most experts to have the greatest 4"" NAVY being to - lowered as soon NAMED FOR ican port without any documents other 0ible,the object Louis College Alumni team, Al. Castle, fl:i.. ne o,-- wu vr tmin- as Minor Heir is in of playing to meet the Dan I condition and all other conditions than health certificates. Jdard of the Oahu College Alumni team, Cap- ed. with the possible exception of The law is still on the books, how- and give the or not he will be . of the public tain Winue of the Oahu Alumni team, Patch. Whether V"'1 ANXAPOLIS, Maryland. The full ever, and it was said at the custoju yak win world championships fastest horse yet foaled, to play to. George Bruus and Billv Iloogs. able to the - staff of coaches who will assist Lieut. house, in spite of the commodore's ob- tro i gafly thi, summer is. of course, pmblematl- - the good qualities neces- Players. sary and no defects of any kind " F. D. Berrien, head coach, in developing jection, that any vessel over five tons To Segregate ral. but the chances seeem to favor his SECOND GAME OF , . K. (tears, probably the oldest and team of had n right on the high seas without in Lorrin An- - doing SO. i. the naval academy football (Da this had sunk most famous of the high-clas- s drivers a license and that any United States vas, . , of BASKETBALL ARRANGED Two years ago. Minor Heir ., c , 1910, has been secured. Wheaton and the silence with a few - tlJ revenue cutter could X'ick her up fe5 iroke practicallv unknown. With the open- Yale will be the only coach outside - ' lias a chance of lowering some of the tow her into port. The law as printed pvtogrtkr suggestions. ColonelJones ('rain 1 Circuit races the lit- in it of the ex-nav- v TT0;r-nt-- records held bv Dan Patch. This horse the navv. The plavers who in the book at the customhouse reads national guard The second game of the basketball T iw pneed filing about the tie brown son .m. r v;,ii.;,ii will give the benefit of their services that any vessel violating the regula- iheiore j mixed up with the St. series between Fort Shafter and the himself into prominence, and "v"' - kjs fejEg oc- - Asked as to lis reasons for believ- ate Lieut. Byron A. Long, end and tions is liable to forfeiture. Cast- the season was well advanced he overhauled Oahu College teams. Al Y. M. C. A. will be played in the Fort ';n i ing this, his reply saw ouarterbaek of the teams of 1899 and The revenue cutter Thetis loss od cnpied",' a similar position thu Vore is: "Because I Williams 0$ Tuesday evening, Minor Heir onerfday when 1 thought lie 1!''H); Douglas Howard, who played end the Sweetheart, it was said at the cus- le ut fte Oatus, Jimmie Shafter gymnasium fir,.if.ment and was as niueti talkedn.i could go three heats faster than any for four rears and captained the team tomhouse, and finding that she had no SaiKsaad Manager Sumner of the August 9 at eight o'clock. The first Halley's comet is today. about as in of 190.1; James Ingram, fullback of license reported the case officially. resolve game was a red hot affair ending in a terrific brush was the horse the world." He believes that Bfiiri piri team agreed to Minor Heir's Minor Heir will lower some of the teams of 190 ) and 190G; and George Commodore Smith finally declared that tie at the close of the second half. In of the circuits, and his qualifica- Dan's Jto a board of arbitration talk records during the coming season and L. Myer, guard and captain of last the deputy collector at San Pedro was teste playing off the tie the Y. M. C. A. team as an d race horse put tions Heir-at-La- eleven. The f6urth class squad at fault in giving his assurance that tty lineup their three teams, and won out, himself. picks the son of not only season's d secured the first basket him in a class by will be called out about September 1 nothing beyond the health certificate Bowen and Lieutenant as the fastest horse now in training, Raced 1908. all-roun- lisur Often in d and squad about September I was necessary. up The soldiers are out for revenge and but as the greatest race horse. the full Fsfaf volunteered to round From early until late during 1908 Cap-t.;- . on their Eg team leaving with the advantage of playing was raced, and started in have an, excellent Minor Heir 5mr whn was not present, own floor should peed exhibitions, and altogether went v.;. xfcrint. ncrcrrerration. i chance of winning. If the association of hardest campaigns DOC DO Shat-wwde- d through one the 30C fetew. managers, as thus constituted, j five wins, the series is theirs. If to which a race horse was ever sub- j on a tloor to the recitation room where ter wins a third game neutral He emerged from it with all to decide the cham- - jected. tonutBnrai assumed the roll of will be necessary 'the world's records for green pacers 0 o jrtma and with a hunk of chalK. ; pionsnii' a tie for the world's pacing record tQtorated a series ot games, using and admittedly the fastest pacer de- tkSpres one to five to designate tne STEWART GIVES CUP veloped for some years. He was her- o tnia'ud the representatives present some justice, as the raflgimnini alded and with (m theirnnmhers. With very little TO COUNTRY CLUB ceeessor to the champion Dan PatCn. teth Rrisioii to suit the convenience of all By some people he was pronounced o fc following schedule was adopted: son of Joe of the superior to the unbeaten St- Charles A. Stewart, proprietor i 13 - Louis vs. Military. Patchen. San Francisco "Ha- was purchas- X. G. H. vs. Marines. Stewart Hotel of Tn December. 1908, he Correct Clothes For Men and made the O " 20--8t Louis vs. N. G. IT. waiian headquarters" recently receiv- ed by M. W. Savage, 8 traveling companion Militarv vs. Punahou. ed a beautiful silver cup, which he has stable mate and n " 27 X. G. H. vs. Punahou. of champion. During 1909 Minor to Oahu Country club, ac the with St. Louis Marines. donated the Ppir Tvn seen in exhibition races vs. Call of V-- S Military vs. Marines. cording to the San Francisco Dan Patch in various parts of the St. Louis vs. Punahou. July 24. The cup is known as the country. Unusually bad weather and " 5 Punahou will be contested conditions made extreme speed is not a difficult matter to interest vs. Marines. Stewart trophv and track fact O I! T N. G. H. vs. Military. for by the golfers of Oahu. The cup is impossible. Xowithstanding this to show improv- n Wrangle Over Trophy. to arrive today or on the Sierra from Minor Heir continued Francisco." was a visi- form, and gradually but complete- careful dressing men and young men The session started off with quite a San Mr. Stewart ed mouths ago and was ly overcame the effects of the gruel- WJgle over Military tor here several the unfinished trip around the ing campaign of 1908.. This was ?m series delighted with his this and the championship his ho- Phoenix. Ariz., where, in in 'Benjamin Clothes" everywhere in np. The Ma- Islands. Mr. Stewart has made proved at proposition to have the from Hawaii of cold weather, he tied the nkind the tel attractive to travelers spite Fiftrh Cavalry team play as a unpaeed record of l:o9H- - the hotel has become known world's trophy was strenuously opposed. and the majority of the timers country. They're known as the best Onager an juwi large Sumner of the national guard rendezvous ior of mile as l:-- team caught the time the objected to claim-i- f the proposition, flat The official timers, however, is that his TEAM 4 it possible team still had a chance MARINE RIFLE thought differently and l:o9 stand styled garments which to m the enp if played the series were NATIONAL GUARD hi record, and he shares the honor ami he did not want see BEATS as and to the of this mark with Joe Tatchen w!ry and Marines alone tight for Boy. obtain. ttf kosor Audubon just because these two teams AXXAPOUS, Md., July 20. During the past winter Minor Heir owned to hold first and second place and strong. team of the United States has rested, grown big at league i The rifle standings when other seems to he in aPsoinreiy penev. !:ftthave a won from the Maryland He chance if the schedule of marine eon condition, and both in looks and in u " Pawere on Saunders same Benjamin Clothes" continued to the finish. National Cuard team spirit does not seem like the O . tuai ine series no auaa- - Monday after- to the farm a l3 Istti range, near Annapolis, horse tint was taken r without awanViTifr tl.e rrre To points to year a half ago. What he will do team. noon, bv the score of 2978 and are made in New York by the most gifted tailors in the Lieutenant Vaughan of ..,.-- ceen hilt' the secured leads at an , remain?. "' n Baser insisted on J7.V,. The visitors in li'iu good settling np the ... hi cr.rpst victory be-- . consensus of opinion is that with rs of the old entirefv - recognized by league before in which the ,.; as to weather ami track world. Their grace and good form is the new leakT,ie in"' hi the skirmish run 0 was started. He said The other corn-- ' Hons. Minor Heir will win new laiin the Militm- - marines are famous Athletic Association - ; i ; w i u qual- .i i '-- ot nrrv nnmo aim in" critical men and young men the world over and their Une were witn tne " ' " rec- - hundred dollars now in the petitions . - -- i nun yards and wun me tan at leasi me i.r. ,1 "Ssiry. The games league o :.n.l Mod or other at the Corporal Hfg; j ord. and perhaps some the ity is an absolutely known quantity which over a third of a had fire at vards. . i ... , c - jr"' not brought in money ;.id i i i.o i. nrrr ana' :i rinhotrom of the marines was liigu marks now neio '" 1 ' will ft w i .r,-,- ivitli '71 noints Both teams hie mate. century of experience has made extremely high. in h, national matches at Drivers' Opinions. questions ! time ago a few jnt for the sake of letting I'erry, Ohio. A short ''! aloii" the line of the one at the be- were sent to a Ranted the be' SERIES ginning of this story trephy tn given to jWALL CUP prominent trainers and Prices from .ji.navmg the highest standing lew of the enM ACROSS THE NETS drivers. Some of the answers receiv- league deciar-- d pan. The ed were in the negative, several of the had advanced monev to stating very emphatically that ff0 the military games :u d 'had today in trainers to will be only one game in sight at this $35.00 no horse r$20.00 of it back, h, ;,r,d Then. there was O f;W said. he series, that between had a chance to lower Dan compromise on licii-"wjt- ke the. Wall cup tennis time that Irving Hnrd, to Patch's records. Among the men o schedule finished. lAfherTon Richards and Pieker-Mn- , - are ! Bere- hJidin" this opinion John Drop lialf-pas- t two on the Controversy. r,,mmence at James Hogau, Mike liuwerman mt Ho a ted tl; th. tania courts. Pichards is seratcu h.." Castle. loin --uuipu iai Je play and George one gamr on e:i.-- .mre .11 fifteen to start were too diilieuit for him fit.u!e nn,d is 0WI11J Hurd the questions p'-t.ed- and have the old s,.rles any guess. Nearly all ot j e to - rellininaries o- -l match last- ; ieg " until th.- Tomorrow, the winner of this them state that Minor Heir is the Wjter'fini!5ne'. I'llt Lieutenant will meet A.' L. Castle, the other games est horse now training and admit that j would not have so. Finally, Lowe agains. chance. j protracted it to he as follows: Captain le if anv horse, has this discussion re- - ! against. trainers IB fai!,d to .1 Lowrev; "are a number of anrtV., vi C There - tew. "'" an agreement, tne Kiehards. and n, v. whose judgment is veiv b'guly con- ; w v was dr lieodol -j ropped i won;- and tne m ,r:i list tan lev Kennedy. -- idered throughout the hore O : ... .- is one horse now in, t,; who believe there 1 run olr a CHOP SUEY. training that has a chance to lower Da a ALL ATE . . "es .1 .,nti. .ll'l't'llt - !l'li. inning irarnedirely I i s recoi u. imou tWlhclose hoi-- of the W eda caiMi-aig- C. A. C.s pres as tins one Otiose l mei ibers of the tney pic.i Minor Heir 0 Ti- i. - lie Sfasrm a grand-t.-.n- l am 'JS ami on Monday wen Hairy lleisey, who liaS UUUL'l S' t thp cut at tie5 hi dinner , j ll-- to joins fur the ast seven year-- Wot Cinj: driven Can - La a Tang Samuel ' dis- j grounds a. am: 'ii-- n to completely won by the & VlwAi no a, . . You Kong. has been AH nn Wlth a Eplurze. Mi- -r Hep Fat. Siu Lun. in", Ot Mlloo ? Asam, oo-itb- oi and form Hices Clement Akina, Lan Akana, Alee ir..;- - wine., he has had hill. in cnar Percetitngo Corun, ernon wonder- PU JDy of Cue gite ji Farm. Farm has the utmost faith in tne exI,PT1S(s Coo Kim I ook, He and hnt were not truaran-- A n Hung Chack. -- of the younger horse, H u vi L. Ah ChiiCK ful i'ced !,as the consents f onin- - .l.d,., L". Tan Lo. Ku Sue. that if given proper conditions Kaa predicts - vun r'i 5er-.- Ho Mong, Ah Toon, rec- D O evin . r the tf.e Chee. this fall he will lower the world's ooc DOC DOC DOC DO tJB irea ury derived fr Vin. Chock Hoy, Apau. g- s ii;--i- GOOD NEWS i-.- j. w.c - - - - - 1------'ii" - li- - i : .. Pacific Commercial Advertiser --: - a :

" & j a. r

.. S150 ri x. ti cf is JTrrj a Z x-.r7.- y. iff : . i is w.ti-- s. txsr ra-:i- f ! uri-x- j d rt ; ' sxi j xrel t-- ii - ' are ti r-- l if ! r r-.- x tg nCTx.rii.i-i- - er ll-- rea-l-t?- : trii r 5 -- :--r: :-- i .i - tr:i . ibe-e- . r: . siit-- .i.r-r-i- American Shipping's Need. z. -- r z. P.tt4- - :: i -- J Zxiia-tge- . : i tfil t-- t ; v S2mV IT 2, in r x.nor.-- y reports : x. ii--r r i and asi : I is et -- a.- t j -- -r - ltd r- -" rr-r- .1- txe rHij ti-i- ' f.rft , r. ' ' ae t zz-- Jt t-- 1 ; t ' ill wzlli r- fit " ( CQ0 ta: : trst ti kldi7 trtSA I P0HTRAIT155 iav ; rrxsiit-pi- t.::: cj i-t- ; T-- e cr i. I r:s-i-Lt- 2 si r,t.t&t: :r t; .irr.:? iti 'ta-'-- ' j jxj-tc-- x t ; . i- Tie irst wt t.ii airs: a Lret-- 'r 6Tr ti f xt it: -- iir-i-r I- - :--' :3. 1 ti -i- tiiiili? it 'ild - ;i ti rtst-r-.- ? 5t.i jut ;f :tj ii li- - ; i . -j it: i .v .j. J zra-lii- gr ir- --. a :- j-- 7 i Lari it ; :t.T.t;; aftr dyf . Hollister :r tr-- 1 t-- l-- eci-tic- i;. r-- t. ti srt.O t eoz;i t Mj ti -.i zt t i.ies fcr ittr.-t- . t cetllie ui I tzxlj fee-i- - t--t - - :- :- to take I j Drug4Co. - i. f:-- ar.i ti t tiit Pr-i- a tirt ftr r .:iti ixl JJ iXAe I Th 7- : - x 4-- tar; 5 jti-rr- i tiii ti irtric ft? ;Tr J?- I irom 5 t."-t- i . it 5 Fit; 'pm 'i-i- ; ?'- A .J. - r Ja f&: if i: i:ir7 - ::t. ari tj j - ireati 4ii I iriS bctirl k -- r it-t- t.r: st a. de-- ;- -r - .r fciti car iti rifit tj frirt it; ,h ta-t- T j 5 - ' ti: ttt-r.t- j tratr. "i ari x" iw3s f :- rV isi-- - -- ft i I iai crtrT- I tk r sir - er d-- tit fci: I d sst c . - - rtat Ti: a.i it:ii s.s4.ii. . ixr-rt- axd fzaTj tie drtcr i J i balk - -- - SV i-- sr- - - r-. ; :rj. e t : ti a i ' f i t tf.r: Ara.2. :t: wif tiat trw 4 rrtiixr sir" ler iat : -- r ip-i- 4 xr-- ; ' tie fit tiat tie ft? xe. I tad Itst xzstl I weig ad J xea-trit'- .j lei ha a t:xe we ri , :t i'--i a..' bit rixerr p-i- aid I u is derti?. '.i "i iiX.i! i. it? It iiiir? T -- ii taii tf eritiea: rri'yi wire t'j - & t t etxtti:x At tiii 27 'r. !;".-- it .: t. t f :r tf xer-a- t sttdBiit-aei- e ytea -- xi i advertiserse-i- iKix'i -- : -- i -- . atit . w... r a: : :x cr -. It" x'tlti-t.-- El-die- i x a. tc iti'x-i. t t ""i tr.ti .. we iaT ttie w;rti ? ?iZi ari wu e.t:Ti cd Jor a- xtii - c--e we sr -. .y,r. "V.'it I ir.TVli--t .c i." f:r xix a it: rtzr Ti.- i it: a ti tsit-- x:t tiat V.x wt-- Id ie- 5i " - : "rit-t--- -- ; .i "' - ;"4r. i". a trie aid j mz.1 I feist ? ie f r'tir-- 'T. ti.t tc' e:t i,ei; iiviL kd jrea ti 2i.T.-- ti r".iti. - i i x. wit's , ; t5 i": Xi t'tr its ;itt faiti'i'tiex, I tieir its. y.rn.. ; ;tx ttit z ilU j. VteT"-:- rttettiti I Lai taiei iKai a liacsaerip moi v icy tc ,:? t t aii'j ; fiii t ii:twj:ri a tt PZIs few daj be ftr I esttld day tit ; -- rtrs -- titti: T."-- -.i -r - - " s T-t- Z-.- ; :- -- ., -, e a c ' ' c i ;t c t . : tir t tk zr.r- z. ;ra?t. a fi.zit ixtrtrexeit aid tj tie tx if it . w-a- s i.r w-- . ise-d'se-re- -- - t - -- ext-eir-- EKxes able ta .f c- tf ts."i'-- f r t 1 ti. Ti 2et.--i tj ait i ere e.x- i at ctr "vCii eat I la.! I JTr xt? - d. trr ar-i?- cs 1 a be trt- ta tlx ! c .tf:x'-T;- - t rv:rt ail ' tr ;arX:a: '.iter:? aid Jt: tit ' ',tt :at ti"s.i: x.ic tr't r plit ct.:tr ;rtt ite'tt" t rr 1 asi ake iati'ial x; we siail iar x-- 'teaiti aid frezzti rapiiir tbr - ti ii t ; rt .ixrt -- sj- Hjits :s s::-l- -- i- - t-- e to to A jars ri: x'iti ti? i t .r.i: A- - a f ar;.'fe i res. t its -: a tiat tar : ed aid I wai able ?5 wrk. tie xe-dieix- . f,-.- .! c? i- al I b rt-- .T ' sa-.- i a t..i-- .:s-"it'- r-- ttr iitere---- I took zii tier at tie tix t' tc Aftr r. t;.r f tiat w.:i K-i- -- - zr ; iaoi tr -- "f -z "-- -- was 7 D:ar Bakaei- f-- sir f .. t 'l fill.-.t- fix...r ;-- f:- - y.',-..i- -:t it-- i ' tf .- Tste is ail zie&I ftr f ti rs r.? f:mrki giT tredit frr ; eiti-'-ite- ?iHs. I tie fill 1 r. 'r-'ij- . tiex " -f p T;ee ss ttt otr T'' '.' T it Tt, a 2 :xtii?-s-- : a r set jn iT fall Ter ; sei i","i"t. - z t J t aid xx lAft I earait r.-.- t a.t-i- i. i icxe airtai. c-- to .'is tf a A jar a"r xt: ett-- : wiiei Lrttrrt return c! ti -- FcreverJngwearapa. ;pi( ri':. t.t ii-ie. I Eaekati iac i t.cir vtsrr arair Dtai an - Eadre-- r Ptilis'ari carter ts cf tire . . atac-- i jr. ,f c,f :: cf iitie t :"'.'.;-- COHEN REPLY e g ;;. ANDREWS AND dr-.r- awax tie attaek." man's studs are jisiao. e iitrt-tit- e t-- " BO tit T--at Ba kai Eldrer PiTis tr a.i ?. -- Id if all drtrr-st- i ard rttrkepn pcrtant a bactor . - -- S"' "eertf box f bcxes zi:-- a esrel :i a? ; fry ac! i:i. iae .tetid :x Pa?e Oce. ? tea r Tte Airertiser ard Hr. at ter sir tt'.r ; c-- i-- -- - . . : ...... wiTi xa"--- f cf prie wr.: Tr.i .::-.'.'.-- ' f.f ' e r : f ail . r be reeeitt tie r,a. ra? taifr t-- . e to 'r V.r xe eiat.e '..:.. fare rat. 7 cati. Co- Horolshi. dress his e( 7 --- 5 Ri.; tie HtHister Drrz - wit as colarorfe, - :'-- . c f . ' t a tt wiat f e. s tie si tie ,tre xaie ar7 itatexert to da. i szet-- f:r tie Hawaiias. i&iar-li- 'si .':' s. U r aix-e- t i--t- ti e w.;i .'.rer. iiJ ;t j.:--reit- - "s, ra . v.r-.Ii- 2 ilr. Arirewi ard Mr. Hatie- Eexex: tie raxe, Doas r4 '; fri. tte Lqtr Your studs ocayaea-spicuou- s a - r ? f yrair.4 t i -: j &- '.;. tee asf '.f text.-- firrl iej . II r. "ie to d3 s,:a sLoiii g-- ott tf tieir w- dl f-,- r i a.T-.-- i 3. s;..-ci- ,i j. tr-t;it- Tie f.titi-t.t- i crttiltj afritsrai :ie w:ri tr ; tc, atk c:ort fcr e hticr tla: 1 e i it UN JTJ2TE-- position ari wr.,r. s ia-"- a rare :are a ( T:j oeetjy tia tiej :iar,:e tf ; I iigli? r trate eit'-.r-t , "rvt -- reistrat-oi- . cf " tc-o- star-- l always noticed. Every itz i oteiii Pete! I itf;..-'at.-;.r,- ticcrit p i rt. ;vrt. tee ar t'." tte nt-c- i . tce tis;: irge. and depend xy reecrd ii tie last on tie ridge." ' v,;-.t- is "ij- t:- ste'-rtai-.t- j' i :e j.a. f.f ieg-iiata- o t&; 7ii ti r Second Beggar ' gave 1 tiir c-- to secure ioxliaticn. i. I tiat r. 7 - t'eman should have At ! are v:d. 1: j : c. tree tiat iaj a a present" ile-g- it :"'.'.; ftr raiii7 '.ii j. xa ie am zzj k: xeli: ir te ciarre tiat I :t. riat tf w it--- voy.lz'.'.r. . xtre La if ITti- - taii-it-e ias r resdorfer Eiaetter. t' tiii ba TCiZ t Ardrews wlti fcr proper ac ;3 f.ids for Ca-eai- 5 i f-- r. studs an ; a 'a w.-i- r.e &:x--j'.- iii. itatexeit aci iar f.f allseed :rto witi ' , Ci rox-false- -- a to deliver - -- - , fit-- . :e iiei ie to xe tie '. .f r with' ;t f.f -- !a a rartr-- that tie-e- rr. ill. Ct'ii e , . aeti-.- iiatior aid while dir. TTie forms cf dress. ...1 v' te"tr-d- ifore-'-- r tie preaest 'ii'iti-j-- i rot faTcr-ai- i T xac- - otie: wriri ii tie -- eti-c-:a:- is so iiiersTo-od- . fe-- tl is ita:3 it I wart tt. eif rtie. A are is eor.-r- of tie tie art7. ii j Manx! - aic-- to say right here Wise cr any Hotel Our large stock is 5 ie i'yxa:reia! adratta?-- - cf & witi xe t tiat if a- 7 at tie 7Iad?. t'ttii ieter - ?;,!! Hawaii teed ret ft.rtler xeitier ie itr aij ctier tartj ear- otier 112 makes tils as a direct ti x;et .riTge. .- I herewith as a ) SAN FRANCISCO ( plete with a great T3rrJ .its, what ceeetearr c Lt? aiti j rt-t.- fie 'iricr ; a, e :r trard iix liar. i- - to t-- e tiarge tiai I made tie asser- are eerr.air,. i te ci ? .:tttr 4gri to aij 1 Arxy and iXaxy HeadifaArtera. f ;ir-;i- '! or a -j- tion Lad Eepccblieaa suitable for aS V 7rea!x. Tr.; is tie eii5 at-e cf tie or i: " ec ta: .c tnst I the party in f 5aa Franciaa a newer; kste. occai o- J t -t aad gc-.r- are native rae. jt ,f i-f.ff. Effc-- xc-- b.-e- tiat ti7 ?f xy ianis and was to fraxe the 1 entaiEiig $1-- roeaia, eai wrta f .'. efrenlatixg iee water and .r- r,', : xai '13 ;i rr?-Iti- ar.-- Ij.rC'r. the.r itrer.2ti it: tie platfcrx is too r. Hectics? to asswer. I eaci j ir,f eti-ie.i- t -- tonneettng -; witi bata. Hail a tbevid ;.- ir. ir.y tie iarier ari uiiie : if tie 'Wise states tiat tie Hawaiians t i ati tiat - blocx frox Uaica Square aad .i i-- :ve t. stp- .',3.;si ;t tie Jir,i. rerrve rerhed , ; d te i:.-:i- tiex consider xe nothing bect a xalli.n. J eoaxenient to all tie prttcpa. i.'ir ie io'.i-- ' :e kefk-3 is tieir laieo cf : rt ii X7 and for that reason shoald to Ac hi to iap--er- t V effiees and pohsta : 1 rr ecee-t- i 1 Seiator knock cf itereat. t ra.i Tie ail f.:ar.r ieci'J be raged. aevr xe oat. If over twelve years'; f -. ad ' Me all table bote or a la Ti- - Ji'avraiian fuiand Lav a stiq-.- e r.-.-r tiMie- or ctier xar. fcr residence d' carte. I and Livery, Tiej aij here leaves cne a xaliiin; I Batet: Witiotit bati X50 yer I ,.... " 1 a-- .k Acii ii ct t ,!,:. af. i wrneii. T ar in a 'iifferT; ?Ia. f rex tie did .esatcr and the fact that I worked for the' 1 day and tp. f - ee J wo-iii'- Weaver fcr MM! 'hi or e. ;af:: xaeh ef -ort Judge titj Hawaiians bath, t2X0 per cy. hv xeeic tie in the last legislature hv iv-effort- f Witi lay ua a, J ; -- V.5- .- epe--i .r ACii Under LDaTZXS. a Oivtr, . a,e'a?s wi;T. i'tefer been I eaiiei to defeat tie Immigration Bi'i J tie raiAsageraest of f i-- t. j; citizens Gsa. C t re-rn ar.d jr:--- h rexedial iaw a win I iav caiied upoi irT-.- f lsm. J LZLADDTO JZWBS1 tix ii. should cause tiex to knock xe out. ,t; Hcsolriia EetrweEtatixe, M, F. . i'-iarl- wio, ' J r,d e. ej-.if- t ar;d ef ir::atia-,t- r x ef aMerta:L:ife ii f tie the art tcr tie is cop to thex to do it, and I will take Peter. Phcse 2fl. &a,i-- e -- :.; Let: J he c a ier;. tiere i r.e whv .t a er two tie : euid trii' ;.a:xoij reaei tteir .i.ei xy xedicine, bat I don't tiink that tne I: T'.-:.'e--r . re ie- - effered tat-hcd- wi:-- the a :e Kepuilicaa party. tiat it tie Hawaiians will do so. at least ..; d'--'!- e-- n:t ft 'a- r,e; .art i.e tie xer.t he ratiec. Good Ciajccc to Vir tiro-cg- the argtixents cf snch xen as ' r- - v K r. ie er h-- r. ef Aiar.y, Nfr' Vtrk. thisk it 1 Lardiv likelr. a ehaiee for Aehi W,se. Hotel Monroe: 'There ii and whose orinions and kith-cl!- ' Rent . cHn, ftmy Nrrt For hot "-r.- e 'hat ,; .;-. ie jraire.-J- Th l'tf-'- pr.eiekert-c-ee- stjceess. ar,i tie ioxiiatcor party acdiliations are tBateu in f he.--: ,4 tfc c:tr.V re c ; I f always open ! -- a to have tbe I &- - - .e i e- Ha-.- i we-'i'- - Eepib-i.-ar- ; etmfort boje ft f..sw---- i t fai- ir.t'. f t ei g t grar.t efrab- j I that :'.e cf a ticket by tie esjrwib'te :t tiu t- :- - clear;, itrctg tie nigiest bidder. crtjr. 5pvai r:e c " t Unfurnishtd . lixh a ;rf-pd- ' tt J'or'o !;eo or the V: :r.e dexati if fcastircii tcea will fsxxer xiit rar'y, tie "Eefcrring ta the charge of Wise Sacraxeato ana Center Street Eta- fca--- ': deie-gat..- -; Fraritia Sts. r.evd. Tiat seeing repreiectative "i aa.i-- t tiat . !: f ii tiat I offered iix ?13j a xc-nth- I SAN tage. Fine View, i 'e-- rr'--3. eoivc-ntioc- and FRANCISCO An e.a'ie-- wiii be ro he to tie Hills-3-be- tie ieit would ask: For wiat? My saiarv College iroo - . d'i'-a- - fre-- e I'r.r.e- Ka iar.ia r,S',!'-- e ''cr.gre-- Tfawrs:i. will intredtee, z..::l-.- T i: ii tociible to weed frox n-- w t- - ii a: tie Orphenx is xc-r- tage; ecxfortable aad -- -- tian I ., - a cihik-at- s .uxh-er of polit-ra- l he a hi); e r.ake Hawaii a "a- he r:ake he iivi rary a ea- J-- l, rr rate. - tais are of ccxfo-tatl- r Eerrtania Street - - ani ef tr.. rr,ar- .try, rj- he : - hat a'-r.- ' : wio are oiiy ii tie tarty Audit Company whiie Mr. Wise xay be a gcc-- cottage, centrally lotaiti JXtifi'-'l- . Lave acrobat if :cr tieir tt:v' nai gaix win iever when it coxes to xaking fLp-fiop- s. Xe Trr:'orv t'Tde ef tr-- - t"r.i-- ??'- - TT',r-- ha ver yet r,,..,n to tie party, and wio are stUl I don't see where Le a'-ee- . Furnished ;"a the prejitiea ii vrertl- - ef :ratic-n- tow o :eil out if they cai get cod: bt -- ake 3 bed r.d'-r;";--.- tiat amount of saiarv Street ar; hariiv e:r;aihe wj'h the f jr. da x a! jrin---- i ar.v to s :iy tieir services. of Hawaii llakiii ;' The enly reason I can f"-- ef a he said sn df'r;--:- ef the'-r- ; ef fro.-.-i tacticn sees account Pensaeola Street 3 It it tiii tiat Acii's oppesition ;fi - to xe is that we ide te sat'-hee- 'hat it Tretiid to biid tiex closer r.o future for it its the reorganized Be- sa nan Street 3 bedrrxot ar is- - tL- P. 0. Box 646. 924 Bethel Si J'.-i- t - d 0i if Hawaii h f.n''-h.'.'- tha- we-il- a ; .uhiicai party the lie- - aid garbled questmen. St tiat He knows Telephone - : : I oppose ixxigration 708. Ala k a I'er'e JJie ar.d the I'ii ir' if we Tili'ji Lave bees whispered in its I'M -- -- - present form, as i:.g er; te T.'rr. aheed r.,r rive the ;niaiitatt cf the d"-- the itreet for oxe tixe, and I consider it a biz Havaiis! e e e'f-etie- tc our o'if-- ;n tie- ef the Pretid'-n-t ef T'ri-- i vhir-h row seem to be coxing to a Lead Hawaiian labor. Conducts a!i classes of Audits -'------! h'-- i iax-:r.e Undoubtedly, a'-lii in i,e ';:t;;r if j!' Rr';--' f have and is their desperation owing to pecuniar-reasn- i and Investigations, and furnishes ; ' 1 -- -i hcMir.-- f '- ba'ar.--- - not far to if dar.n n.igf.t fn t 'ic'-v ti ' cf her can he eo".:r.ted upon to xanufac- seek, he takes tne Reports on all Trust , - kinds of financial : "'-vr- t- ran- - t . v:her j.e f if it hi te e r4 trier the f and :rv-D- any falsehood no mat--- ret evidently dares not ccxe .- work. ' h it- - , r.a'i'. fiiifiil'-- edT-ati-.r- . r'-'- j vrf-x"-r.- t. It i" hardlr - out in the men ,1. . . I t !, ai it.v: to attexpt to save u.a. c v:l tna: Co.. Lttf. e ! Suggestions -- vi-cr- - rcn-rr- srie-;- ad- - , - 5 given iv that fcr s.Tt.v te ''iii hink .f es a-- i hurt tie dCr; ubliean :"v:e- trumps up tie old for simph .t -- -- rei-,r;- )t-;- yr-'r- o-: fying ' ir sr heed any er e the i. .zatx-r.- us charge about - or 'o 'a'l T'rrierv tie which r- systematizing office 23 Fort Stre ys ica! HrnS' ef the United Ktatef. Ccien Involved. b.nd b-- thexselvvs have refuted. work. All business confidential. wi-ie- h A .' t0 -- Hawaiian ir. the 'WieLHa 3xc; s-- 1U ,her Ji"!e toxe Zar. Toe 'oien. whom the f fternoc-- crans- - 'a? further tiat I --I' r - i K i - c- i - BOOKS. How arr;ii.-- ar- r.f the r. t e r e r. s cf treat. r j t i'tje. rr: r .; :. ha- - c attachel in a i:h the :ipr-ear- ng ! If: ,v. a i. ';,- - ef Paeine, had a av;r.:- - rar, a .r.g - :a yesterday's rear the r's! '. .rt of polite iackxaii evfr sin'e he Advertise ;n very Books - e Tie latest - fs 1 r. fa-r- ' .1 r. -.- re:Vroncv to the he driyi- of Li!, and Urcie ;,re. ,:. - i e time being f.-- r his IveTtisinz r.trsT a rineX - I..-- Every M3- - ' jo t r . tie r.d. T'rc Sam rr.ade Hawaii Jtive ago. is rr.ised tip wit:; Andrews t t tl up ;'( 1 . V -. 'TV - - . . i ;.-- v.i-- er him"-!- -. i.-- Ean-.gcxcn- .v. T'n t't'-t- and make hank in the xa :e. the charge .. r.- vaa. lJc t of Ii ."r - . partx Cflnipa:?...... ! ar,f;'-j-:'.l'-n- . ; Nichols u : Wall, New I : a ;. t i' l.a a pc-ft- in That i.v a j iii :ne e fere, tank ty short. d. verted p. rticn of tasds of tho-- wh-- i . i - represent the r.:or.ey ' by hi:1; ;s an anti- the business interests of the : i -, r. r. ti:.-- ti id '5t ; hibi-- r. cat; pjiz". r.d " --'- . '.'T b tun; tuid it ana tn controlled bv 1. : ' - - ' ' v. :i 0 0- r i ;' i e'y a ra to A :. ' - - r- - a n r.i r.;-- . : a a! renegades. - ! V r ': " .r -- for TV. : it .',re. T:..-- is r. r. .er na-.-- on hv Ret ubiic-.r- i ' . - ,. - - ii: ' r r f- - r T; !, r c- r.r e r: r - ?. ef 1. ' cal.s t:.-.- - c Large a '.if, rust a SOMETHIXG RELIABLE. t : ' i r, - '::.( Mi X! c if tit.- r. t a ' e C t .( n : f ,r '" car-T2- ; - ie lie. and it z-- .,t ;u,t ' o; - 1 rf--- a- i -- - -- A i'! p-- a ' t r n a A ; - at ire b:iide: In :.t to The Ivort vvs-- : s r. we a :- s. ike hear, and when -e o- - - - r,- o ad', a r r- r. - r ovs-T:'- : r r; - -: the T,c 'i f. lav. Mr. Coien says: r in '"nr;.-.-with - h h,- . rhaxUr- f 1 ';. f v. ' j r vvi-- a- - . .. Ye- -. didat-- :' tie rf tire" x I nx a r the sen and Piarrhop-- j dy i.e-ir- X -- li'-er- -- ! if- - - ,i--i - -- i- - t r a r.f f . ri j i,i i .. r ( ; - : means hat The '.' th" T.T air public rr : u- the fa : that A.-- never faiis s t.. euro : - diarrh, ea an- - J r- id--- wl.-rir- far-- !ijfic ir! of j; : r r dysenterv or bowet t T.d Wise are oprosing xe :- - and in an - :s rieasaTir r.i it-- swer to the f'''fi11 statements :r:ad by these j valuable for children arid Achi states that the editor of The Advert wanted to into a polit:cal ..u.,-- . j. vt sa;e en'er zentlexea I desire to say taut it af a.i deaier: Ee- - READ THE ADVERTISE ... all :ar;ce with him and a sent - ST,. ?X::i & Co.. T.T1 -- -- prints letter by 'e editor of ti- rater to ism ford- - xe a great deal of uia-rrl - "if leasure to 'wai 't: SMITH & CO Tort and Hotel sts. WORLD'S NEWS 0


ifilli vs .'TSW1 VAWWX X ISLAND SOLD FOR $24 Manhattan Island was once sold for about $24. It is now worth many millions of dollars. Honolulu has a great future be- fore it. Buy real estate now. Values are gradually increasing. Lots For Sale College Hills !5 MARINE REPORT. By Merchants' Exchange. FOR OTHER INVESTMENTS See our STOCK AND BOND DEPART- Tuosday, August : 191(1. MENT, which has been recently en- HOME FOR SALE, Sailed", Sydney Aug."l, S. Zealan- - larged. PROSPECT ST., dia for Honolulu. We will recommend the purchase of Sun Francisco Sailed, Au' 2, schr. certain stocks for investment purposes, $6500. Jas. Kolpli, for liana. and can offer bonds suitable for guard l'ort Allen Sailed Aug. 1. ian and trust funds. Hyades -- for San Francisco. ii i ! ed from Xcw YnrU Tlniitnn r',s. LINER IS uut UTSON r:iun and ctiier and mid-wester- n .J t nn nru today c!t:os largely by the Tehuantepec U U wuuwi route. AT The Virginian will get a cargo of Company, Ltd. sucar here and at ether island ports MARINE TIDINGS. TrentTrust

i n By liner Inline and sail for Salica tuz to make con-nei-tio- Kahuku Wireless. atso The at ten o c ook thus with Tehuantepec railroad, Francisco w!.i'-- A rue rican-Hawaiia- n a - carries the to a wireless mes- according company's freight across Mexico and o. o. Advertiser. .tmcuka. Ai ShIA. inbound. S nig" h delivers it to the company's big steam p. m., August 2. 876 miles, northeast " ers which between aas run;-"- - piv Gulf ports and wnms, smooth sea; it k Iarline New York and other eastern barometer 30.34. .d a large cargo. It :s cities. 70.71. s T.nrline-- best trips from Mauna Loa Has Eig Trip. S. S. LI' R LINE. AT SEA, inbound. S . OJ iue good-sue- d p. m., August 2. 151 miles, wiil She brings a The Tr.ter-Tslan- Mauna arrive tinent. steamer Loa noon Wednesday. .vd mail also. s arrived from Kona and Kau early yes- s. S. HYADES, AT SEA. outbound. or cargu i. terday morning, bringing thirty-seve- n 8 p. 3000 tons m., August 2. 26 miles from cabin passengers and a cargo consisting Hilo, rough sea. tf, unusual Tveek for mail of S. S. ASIA, AT SEA, outbound, S i, ail Island products and general mer- ? Sunday p. m., August 2. 05 miles, ail well. i The Tenvo Maru left chandise. She met with fine weather 1 tiers. transport Logan .iFinland, the on the Kona and Kau coast. The cargo fr Ko-- c j STEVENS PURYEA Weato leave today and the of the Mauna Loa was the following: "Y NEXT MAILS. ex...-- The Asia arrived 500 sacks sugar, 14." sacks coffee, (51 4 oi oaiu nere to-i- i bunches 41 the Lnrline will get bananas, cases fruit, 10 hoys, r Coast, Orient and Colonial, 11 chickens, 126 pieces Ium-- Sierra is due Friday. crates koa ' tU ber, packages sundries and ship Asia Off for Orient. ments of ginger, fish, pears, butters, Mails are due from the following Asia sailed at preserves, wool and turkeys. points as follows: pe Pacific Mail, liner j following sugnr is ship- for The awaiting San Francisco Fer Lurline, Aug. 3. MOTOIFS CARS yesterday afternoon o'clock ment on Hawaii: Fimahui 3S6, Honu-ap- o Shanghai Yokohama Per Korea, Aug. 6. jftotuu, Nagasaki, Kobe, 23."f Knkaiau 2247, Paauilo 13,000, Australia Per Zealandia, Aug. 16. iijtiff far" eastern ports Paauhau 3300, Honokaa 4500. Victoria Per Maknra, Aug. 19. - SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED fair-size- d ot pas- n. tti'i bad a list Captain Fined $7860. Mails will depart for the following abound through from the States points as follows: port she NEW YOT!K, July 19. Collector to "the Orient, and at this San Francisco Per Logan, Aug. 3. itw stopover passengers Loeb has ordered the captain of Yokohama Mongolia Aug. 15. W'p . the Per thirty Japanese for the steer-K- a Vancouver Per Zealandia, Aug. 16. 'ntat Ho- - Italian liner Diica Bi Geneva to pay She took a small, cargo troni Sydney Aug. 19. fine of $7StiO for failure to put on ths Per Makura, sill ship's manifest two "sleeper" trunks loga and Virginian Today. containing valuable laces brought here structed of the finest material and is expect-"- At- still in pretty good condition. ; cet transport Logan is i in May, lf'i''.', but never claimed. torneys for the line said today tt irrive from Manila today and that Shipping Notes. persons tmknown to them in Italy se- jit tI probably pick up a few casuals creted the trunks aboard ship. The Matson liner Wilhelmina is due If she gets into port this morn-qst- d from San Francisco next Monday. SRt Last of the Old Peking. sail for San Francisco The American schooner Gamble is FEAXi.'ISCt). 23. Gamble on IraS&tfenooii, otherwise she prob- - SAX July The old seventeen days out of Port & sometime tomorrow. Pacific Mail steamer City of Peking, her way to Hilo.

Aaeiean-Hawaiia- n J. Wood Tie freighter which carried the First California The American schooner Fred. ft She brings a is thirteen days out of Grays Harbor, et. Xgazsiue today. Volunteers to the Philippines, is to be sf general merchandise from bound for Honolulu. tq? to :fyt fed, nmch of which was broken up and shipped the East The schooner J. M. W.iatherwax also Coast as scrap iron in vessels of the is on her way to Hilo. She sailed from fi tOQL omCE OF THE UNITED Pates Chesebreugh windjammer fleet. Eureka thirteen days ago. ; STATES WEATHER BUREAU. i Chesebrcugh announced yes- The Korea is expected to arrive Sat- locolulu, Tuesday, August 2, 1910. Bates terday that they had purchased t he urday morning and get away on the hull of the old steamer from the Rogers afternoon of the same day. ;J-- !rnmo Wrecking Company for $23,000. Sail- The bark Alden Pesse is loading scrap sj e ing vessels in the fleet mentioned leav- irou preparatory to sailing for San Fe-dr- o JO X - o the latter part of the week. I B " 5 ing here during the last year have been ; si f6 . 5 o yester- 3 ; ; a part cargoes of scrap iron, relics The steamer Likelike sailed ' s taxing . : s -- a of the fire, but this supply is exhausted, day afternoon for Mahukona and other and Bates & Chesebrough see good bal- Hawaii ports. She carried lumber and THE MODEL X OF ttt.SM.Sd 75 bO w re sundries. J S3 last, as well as good money, in the 1910 ! Korea, due 74 Ttt VVy of Peking. Ihe hull The Pacific Mail liner XT 67 mains of the four-cylind- beach at San Orient next Saturday, will a er Touring .Cl' will be towed to the from the in S3 78 SO 85 Pablo and broken up. The buyers bring twelve hundred tons of oriental Car embodies the dis- Honolulu. 7iJ:8 .C5 figure that it will net 22,0p0 tons of freight to to passengers tinguishing features I crap, which tbev expect to ship Nearly a hundred cabin n 79 T re- i the other coast in three vessels. The left for Island ports yesterday on the and sustains the Ma n;g T Citv of Peking was 36 years old, hav- - Kinau. for Kauai; the Mauna Kea, for markable position held ways nea- Hilo and way ports, and the Mikahala, 7i 02 ing been sect down the at 'in - - ter, Pa., in 1S74. Her hull. was con- for Maui, Lanai and Molokai ports. by Stevens Duryea 7J 78 12 6 j 5! Vlotor Cars due to their .0-- ' 4 nz 10 j MUSIC, uniformly good a T6 ;i T 5 E 9 GOOD CHEER, GOOD .07 lc

! .14 (0 6 NE AT LUAU I GOOD SPEECHES STEVENS-DURYE- A COMPANY, WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. CHICOPEE FALLS, MASSACHUSETTS. nOM, 8TJH AND MOON. Visiting Yachtsmen Given Farewell Reception in s Z AH the Charm Hawaiian Style, With The von Hamm-Youn- g Co., Ltd. of Tropical Hospitality. 'l aJl COS S.n; 9.C2 5.35 8 36 1.51 AGENTS ij.CS J.2 1.17 6 32' B 44 5.J5 6.8ti 2.53 2.1 2.11 7 22 10.20 5.35 6 36 3.55 i Q.i.1 first came down, but that after all it One hundred and fifty 3;! Chit 8.10 10.52 5.35 8 4.M guests sat reminded him of the Pacific 11 i . j yachtsmen and their visiting Looking down the table, he observed do because they couldn't! of the Mollilou for the two little girls 8.57 11.22 5. 3B ft 81 Set which thev labored with the similar one thev didn't it down to a l.iau on the spneious lanai of supplied tiiev know how but they knew after which the ship was named 11I i4.fai2 0; 4.27 that Commodore Jaeger had under which the Hawaii sailed in her didn't 9.42 U. 5.35 6.33 S.I how, now. token of Hawaii's aloha. the Seaside Hotel last night where the them witli everything except water o first race, now, with no chance of try- ic 28' '5.37 "Since he had seen Hawaiian hos- to know what e.s' i.49 ;r.. i i I,,..) ..n.l ing her out before the race. Mr. Mclnerny wanted the ii cfn. iencv... he wanted a new word in the B Angast 4lh competing crews in ""ri""M"ju '". Upon the completion of Captain Wil- pitality Seaman Hazard was doing on the at p- - sup- - old oa-e- to ne naa ticen ciiom ii io again Hnglish to describe it because the Kahului nd Hil9 race were d and feasted tueir. jissuined tnat der 's response Thompson arose Sweetheart, saying that he had heard CSVhcrar un-- Com- one was threadbare and worn out." s - tne wiiii-- inm n.m to present the second trophy to this gentleman alwaj-- knocked off his j1 earlier than at Hono- arts' content. piv wina oi by saying the modore Smith of the Sweetheart. He concluded that watch a half-hou- r too soon and was nev- CimmfJ.-iT,--- Jaeger of the Hawaii none. transpacific race was the greatest yacht 5 , : : 1 : some who say," he said, do . , .1 - seen to anything. nfeSttinna"4 tirae 10 hours ... i . l i, .,n 'There are er actually occupi'-- tne center nin'ii ne a umi iv t Cook came here we rare that is ever, sailed and tnat ne rt6vr than time, Yacht Club "that when Captain Seaman Hazard then explained that CSS Grnwieh . ili.-t-t speak, so he said, and sorry out of the seven ii- - ii,.. first toast. he was to . dined on him. Since' that time we have was that the meridian of 157 de- - the center tauie. oucm. and augmented by he was a member of the port watca. ift.-- lie some in hospitality and now vachts entered later " The -- was respous this lame introduction, started progressed was singled Kat ,antM-- tiffie wbiBtle ..l win Mclnemv, who heard the Mollilou only three started. In a but didn't know why he p m- - , vim V.. ilinimr on ns. Now I've Wbich is the same . '.,-.- tnts iiiol who iu to roast Colonel Parker. he said, would be out to speak unless it was by Commo- Gri 0 !e an me , of who deserted his Sweetheart few years, there hours 0 minntei. Sun lor oo .vou r.o.v, it ships?" club on the dore Smith who always thought he was . ... n !.,. ,i t that, was com in niidocean " rind so forth and so yacht's from every yacht for loeal timp r- - di t'.l maiiv Atlantic do everything. There had . .i me we were coming down Coast, from the the man to i ! j.:...., lit. advantage of the Pacific 1 .i forth, until he took k .15 v . T in our he to L...I1 i i. ... I...- 4 1. rrn. even from over seas and been a lady, on the yacht, said, who tomgiiL w m ii io- iic.iiti of x ...... applause punctured atmosphere to call land of the evening, in., i was warmly applauded, him when the yacht was half- i.rinciial spt ier ( up present him time, too, which came to r&P0LOQICA" the iip' pro-c- ut the tropiiics and make lonniodore Smith and the to j yachts can find way tews attacked ;!e- second- trophy w it ii a warm and for the crews of thirty across but without printing the The maUhlBi "speech. I I know to a said that didn't j Hawaiian board. it is sufficient Ualnv ""ay JHorntci? bv the heroic manner that ilowiug testimonial to his prowess as places at the details of the lady story TJ. s ' prca l in tr.e s j.uvthing at all; that I didn't know ' which was he finally presented Wtu. n. harbor on tne a seaman, a good fellow and a man After Kaai's orchestra to sav that "her" of Pedro - had able-bodie- d tio v sailed oat a binnacle from a barnacle, nor a bo'- wh-.- Hawaii delighted to honor. supplying the music of the evening to Captain Wilder, a healthy Ill 7HRM. mxioiis e r a dozen ! a selection, . 0110110001 Minorca hen who l,,n cruise and with line frop a bow line. He said that he Th'e Sweetheart's commodore stood I ayed small black squatted managed to dispose ot minutes look- Smith rose again and asked permission on the table and alternately picked at to a wa.--n "t going to come then but after- at his place for a few - a Thompson insin- 011 f aciic.ico.- ing at tiie shining koa and jockeyed for to add postscriptum, the string on her leg and the lei t ! ast part oi Hawaiian wards his love of poi overcame his un- best part of the a start, but he could not get a fair uated that it was the her neck. th..-::i- . lid before- willingness and here he is." ua-,- had To admit after awhile letter and the commodore ariswereu McTn-- . and Mernerny added that he believed the introduced ejr- - was true in this case. Commodore Ja.. r Then he called Captain Wilier of if lie couldn't find the words to (that it chicken would finally wind up by be- i a m UH--: -- f was third vacht tins a inT0 J present- s teeoegs. Which wasn at all "There ' ; '.ltd good ship Hawaii over, arid his r 1 lA. ... .i o,., T coming the property of Commodore rnv who iVrthwith the - i I n m mm 1 ap-t- anyway ,s the y were per- rare. nave in muni u r ; 1 storm of falling to the Jaeger. Then he announced S;r , ;.i.!ed uu the ed him with the trophy ought to take my hat off and Captain that present this lv evident a mad the of .W77 a and winner of the race. i of the Hawaii ought to take Thomas Lipton, the Irish prince i : 3 ,E take "I litsnie lee I bv acquaint ng '.Wilder whom j I a ' .!5 t ' K end !,, o:i iu the name of the people off to Cunimodore Ward of the yachting men. had donate cup to the SJ er to the other ill w- the f: that their efforts his hat r vim ha v e served so well. (Mollibm. (Wild veils.) Captain Wilder transpacific racers, perpetually if needs rp Thompson fiat ed. i Frank Captain Wilder set ti shining koa we had a new boat. That tiie tan He final! V CO it arte.) and declared said that ':a-'ra- fe the proper hi- - and made nis eour-- j bowl before plate l.P-s- was in line with the many little was trying i t a had won and that Prince Cupid was another speaker at - ii ; or iat poi to a i tt le sjii'i'i- whic was full deserve. dis-i.or- . we have received from Cap-- i r two finger . h mueh,.s fhar e of . v ll. .'ii the luau and was forced to explain for 'fa.jjnes cor !,.ir.ner , !h cn-w- and the ships 7 t. lonidirnerits to i - Wilder but it was not altogether i lint i it lie paid tnb- tain why he had his Sweetheart behiseb competed. j left with which he had i the Mollilou was new came I"1'-- a wa "s he'Si.ital !v and true. Put eaUrel graTlty. end kicked Sweetheart, whue ti to whic'a he did to the satisfaction of Tl.omps'.' if., said that the la.-- in right from the builder to the starting K t r the of southern ned. from eioufimesi state 1, anvthiug to , boat, had been altered in a 1 ft him ,,r ',, wa- - necessary line, as he said, and then all the way IU- ' w' h also not " - Mcneruy . Tpr-Ti- aiif'iirnia l0. of . was to ad can-!vas.- " of many enter- riaaw.. . i...i s,n' nn.l until she ,.s 'across the Pacific under cruising This is the last the 1 r " ; 'or F.os Aug' is tiie warmest iieaite.i ends;;"!! Iel0Ct. sav : 'el ; o nnd also that the tainments to be given to the visiting W in the untry and Hawaii knows . Prevail;' m' city of he was born tnat w;i. I,,,come directlv to the start .itv t will soon start t ho long IT lubber bv say;ng Mollilou had ' down they Frank Thompson again spoke and) crews and k V. .. I 7 ,i Te Ti'in.lS t. He add that there direction during 24 i ii 1 , expected to set r m trom me oiiieiv. a trophy to the captain trip back. a. Ho ;:d d t had handicap un der lid not kue what hospitality was presented third STOCKMAN, when he Ht oii:;are this Section Director. ,ir. .1,, at the feast

01 , r"s.., J. HJ -

TACmC ATYXBTIEIX HCJraLTLT, TXLNi,SDAT, ST . 1, I I "' Nrw flrnhRiim Fratemal Meeting- - BOARDWALK WON' Jas, n ur b P SIN6ER j . BONDS f .SlOGKS, iD M f '?-- :: f :" Csiifis lmi Gsinsii)' Ed. New Encases Musicians and Sinsjns Is Du'v ESTATE

i.i- - f.ii'- - (! i:. ; (ij: V." ! v. . . - :n 1 1 1 TI. i I Of Puc.f-4-- . T,i,VlhL Friend LMoTtiM'Tr PPoi "O'Grady's "CTOiltK t"' Pt'Un. f the Lroi TP ut'torc I th cuisl lix oroer of tfao L best- - c. r .t.nt. ::'? JlUTIUKS I REALTY I Socrcu-ry-- . - auctioneer i - lit'

'.I s C i I.H't,L(-',Ji- I1! !- Kew Sorgs Kev Scenery j . it T ': SEED EXPUHTIDR v 1 I t IIiJ.I.KCr if lilt ifcfc Ubfc. -- rorehfcEy t BROWNIE j rt crMn iti sbTi f H.i'a-.- IK 'i ;r tl-- f i A. 1.T1X. C. i'. is a:fc 857 (Cesiiomano SI. i . i "cINb. ii'i.urc i: i. ) n u'-.i- is jt utT CATW

- - j : tc ii- ((i.irtrj- w tut, . ryt-r- , tS i KUUWC It S t'C il. uxt w ut H trrr- j Tit? ;TP!h fjIlow.: . . JLD2ir .1:0 i-fi- us I I i L. lot riEK-K- Immt'?. for a eppr ME !. I ! RoJx-- T. I'uij;t, T.rwrtt-- (! tbf PRINCESS RINK I dfj-rf- r iat- - trus: as tut xf''uttr UST WEEK f 1. is l s fST.U't'. M.tpci.L lias itot luf-- a rpjior: i:i :t Kaimuki HOhOLtlUPEui, It is so fit- ve.LTk. "in four: is litturL'T siin;c-e- i ' !ffj.r'! tlie ci tbf . . , ,. .;,.. i,,..., Prtf. Artoio'E Trea ' rtwt:xt ; i.". i..S . vt i... - SUPPLY ,'ii)i;t tp pltT fei-- E.Lg for L;s j,j.i- ti,tn;; Tiitr wlli vas tf yehrf X. O. O. T, . sna. a j Sijro uuu it- daid iiay lLtmt irtiicyy Every Monkeys wmnmi mn4 JntL--tt ThtL-i-id i't'rt Hotel St. and Mam ! Dos met as n:uut- esH'i:icr w::iicut hone t For a few davs on!v we wii! . . Iutjt-:.- f; Noexp MAEiiiN FA I Ti. .N. n.uut !f. Mr. tLe trs" I Sow; Pre TylT, offer some choice lets at a For ti VE2CTEEL0QTIST ! THE GEEAT fx-eu- i iJLii j tb.:t ufiniltiHtrticrt uuc ori. it' j Witl: Li Woderftl TALEZKG DOLLS fc.TlC TO TJiiS of ir S.HO A!! f o- - I'Miitg flTV. was, tisti. jflie rv?,(lrrs ti.f trusts aftrr fjgyr t2rmS. varieties MOTION FICTI EES s. ft. r. i eCV Frett LATENT ur. i. M.iiit'uiiitt ; ek only, 20c anS 15c. ibf SftdLd t..Ilie tbi-- tL.f- - u.X'tet hf ci.t'fcc Plain Prices - Crackers pne Mr iia.i v yr.uvh. Konit- twc yfars atr' tl(LL ) isgO tewing e. - so iifcs jTlat-f- fciifl outsidt- u ftaaaCklu ar eardiaU? lrriiae after fifr sr.i.g tif I: 'f l.Qje LiidHCJ V j tally at our Bakery, One-Q- MAEtaAEET STMONTON, N- - G. tK'ti' I134K fit;; bit 1'Uiidal.gK. TLe HiUSiC V'hi CS mm nit'i- : j Two-Q- " ,T .TP. L. VT1ZJAM5. Sec'T. in;" .ru. ii tin' l if anu street Three-C- j for HawaiiEtf' oats uiiC rr;j,fd : i n t;- a f. i.isi.. af:'r tie trt und Four-Q- wi.ii.-- t Ai-b- - , Patrons and ' am a er ta've iL'f mils': nj iiifiii retornH'ti, tirr rnteresidci k Jam amuoaT o aanc niasiCitus. Wf whx.' faar littsfntior to Kmh ui a- 7 p. vi-ice- iJue-- art coniialiv invited -i wUl m aiaaamr Tempia. st l soti el tlit 1,1 i ctiui;-- t z a tsrattr-a- arc oardially n . b. Tia.'uit : our iiBt of iirprpTec anc nmn: proved process V.W.I Tiarf atsaad trr. ttd tLej vert tfctfd iron; umwi witness the 8 5 A- M. . TWO INTERNATIONAL J. - FALMXR. w. j.r;.fiit-tti.- j The best tLtt Hawaii Tiifj f ture from the opcnkTj proi'trtieE. Our pricep and terms are g 535; tbt-i- r CUP DEFENDERS SOLD aaxt guitars aiid vidiiiif fie tiitir sacks of flour to the I ETHEL MAY, tiie-- js KISS XJjJE CaUJTZX FO. 1. 0. . K. feed ti(e:r exevail Buci Ida: Ervhocr eat ova r pvr BcprEBO Soloist from E.e:tl'B Mmu ilkird MimcaT of cti the manufacture!! ax ' 1 GEOEGE GAEDICEE. ovta. as 5'P m m f itawwic vere i.era.,:v QesTvfniT N'E"V 3'Otii. .Ta1v -- Witbn, tbe : ' eases, tins and S3. Aiaerica'i fEvonte Irish diaiect 2 laraxift aten axd brouiarc a t - cartas. Comedias. AU ( J"-1-- kinds u - - u t- ; J oar- The Great jriXDI m ou.rtet iijf hwr vf TcavuiE So . t - f cr-a- t vehirtt-er- vt:i.-- cie- - j Eussian CEOTTOKS. wawy- 'jiz a.aner at lie Kauf.e pv;a ; Piiwessfulir Marrels of Strerrii. 10 xte jjsai, vLo ; ft'iidfd tbe Anser.;t;a 'f firj- - ara;i:st tiif J( mtmt w r v. &. o. t Love's Bakery ah w. ... - DTSO. A ttMCM a, vere i I Liniit- ii: k.. va soic tv i..x pta.i: Gene S1- - iitr - - World's Great TertrCoccist. arti MtBrtuy w eacis iuoEta, at .T atr "af bv ' H''ic of liarr to tLe ilariiie Jt.aai'swiif'iit Cin;u- 1134 Huudm OECEESTEA siT Stret CTJKEA'S ar a- - sordiai jxtt6 to aiveztd. CXJEA A. W. M. and ecrs.crt. i wu'-- i Hit' cut- rrom tiit- a.1- BLAISDFI.U Itg Priiee li -- i ' . 11: Vj;' For Rent KOTIOS FICTUEES. MAESAEFT HONIED, Swj. Prom N. Y. Eei jl. A. ROMAN & FfflETAS MUNI 5c, 15c. 3c Praise Ht-ral- w " OrXT CAKfOIt FO tiXC. 1. 0. 7. Tie Nt Ycrt ti tbe jvev YfiTL Tiitit Tiai). EAT OOlEPJall. Maata a?ill aiiC Jotnii TM COTThiLrd tLe fWiowlLC U! ei al -- m ay sf aaca atcniX. at 7 .TO p u AsburT I 'ark: 0?P. CLUB STAEA NOVELTY THEATRE ftaa HaU. TmryarQ ctreetk. liawa.ttB i.Lt at Laaj- Kfcopjtei j am ii'HiaiLp for c Y J'AKEL. N. ,!.. taree-bedroon- ; ViBiCttUavkraikan oordiaiij to ASBCE Jaiy ssrJtabif ' preser.t for a ?mtlt-ir.a- a. iMaaoa A iouse. 1 - KITTY ICLTO!?, "" LaLe to- - Straw HEN WISE and Ha'wailaE u'cLt i; Vf5fT t'itrk What ! tout irifiifi'f oe- Felt and fii N. K. HOOPIL C. B. Tt-r- tvc-bedrooi- ;se prettv ' v.t-i'ifr- a Ac-trili- a Latjv Ilaiiaiii:; A iiouse. FuCcessrV. of H. S. tl r:a:.'.M TMipjiper tie is aa EetarEing- from icer PEEEIEA, F. uertairt. At cnuertaker. Let Panamas Zealand, ESobtcie sad Ntw cakoxs czkciji mo. tits, C. O. 7. Maav rT7 aaoobd and ftjcrtk Then jaiiC': ad ii uraiaatiar: .s et'ts- rauscrjpt. d7 f aaefc acriE. at ?;!T p. n, it waieL were bj tae tifwiirs JAS. F. MORGAN. OLD KEW BONGS. NEW COMEDY. Aiiacia Eali. Ticerard airefv. r Viatcaafa eratparoco sr eerClal'r m d:s;.laj from the east tad tf The lat.e. WATCH LlXCLAND nsod ta tnosi TLe j'Trgrain Lad to do with Hawa.iaa KONA MES. K. EL WILLIAMS, C. C, W. W!r. and Mrs, C0FF2 Jas. Pratt JWI. JL , Jl LOUIS A. FEEEY. F. S. taeir 6;.rapie Lome eostun.f rariaiiueu mccexeke? corns m, i HashimDtD 16 w .iL e.i w eciic.ted v tea ! r. it; Merchsct K. PICTCEES. OTXT hCKAlSLQ WO. Cft&e, A. C. T. MOTION Wi at.aata eTerj tm anc o wstisea 5c- aaefc MASSEURS AJWCHOS - AteieficB - '- - 15 ; aajit af BiOGta. at 7 :80 IlE!l ESTME, THE l. a.. is PTamai. cjtli. ccrcr Fort ISSC;EHiIS li a Bratasaa brovi EJiemnatism, sid nrm. YiBKrf ; I1KJ HING AND NTTAKT an oanhair ir--i ; f ibe lake tis tiuu-Kaa- st't-c-- EruiseE, w gstier-a- . CEAELIE UXBEB F. J. ECEELLO, C. E. tsTors wrtre and ocLer tLe (tcrus tiit- ria LOANS NEGOTIATED E. XAFiiA, C, F. B- - 'After AilmeiitE Good Cold Besr iA. I. fi waiiaiiS enbarLed ia two " rated j Cl KCXOI.CX? AZXZB 10. 7. O. E. and were Taa-- a to an And Dtaer lamia Mm on aeocaa aiC surf boats EeliPT'ed. ajnScit- ct j ir taarik 'Weereaday eren-iia- ctea stare ia tLe mt aasa aarti. at Jake. 'Lere tt'pv saajr ff-l- suar I Telephone eS7. cc 1 iftii tie ' a'rfark t-- CITY AUCTION GO. aVaratkaia Vrti. .t :,i ;. ia,3 to be tLe rr. NEAP Fitzpatrick Bn3 TONIGHT! TONIGHT! Ea. earaar mni Tvn airaeta. Elii. Tiatwac I'K'iat era tcr;id tc attesd Hawati. ut Lis- Tfsor wie frwa ;!:e. i W. E. RILuEY, W. P. i gr&t diftaud to tie ttare. I25 Mtrcham St. CIGARS d( - ' TONIGHT! W. C MeCOY, Seej. .' rs iLe watrr t- (1 "TLe staff CI bKud j K.c-Dde- witL a cLras. Tber tbf FOET ANT HOTEL. ball LXS o. 1, of F. iolaed forees. reembatbed ta "be sr.rf Pure rlEwaiisii Bream JET EEU' ES rrry ftm ud tMrd FridaT at T :R0 P 2 Changes a Week 2 'iek.Mi Pjnaiaa Fail, earaer tBeretaitia asd boats aad r:ade a of tbc 'iaVtf.J KAHAU BEACH LOTS . Tisi araiiert earciaiij is The boats separated ob e tber side ara Scmpnlone eieanlmem, pientv tta4 a ; 15c-10c-- 5c iMai alifn.fctf c Lycn Admission WM. JONES, C. C. tLe two band bieiaea la iw and eonsta-- it care make Brown verse from baik to baxk. Tbr-- Mie O. HKINZ, EL of E. ft 8. odt ereaiE m&tiaf toriv . Onr Iv seme was Lbe a csnsiraj ir YfT.icf j enaromer NTW BCKIEr ET FTEEI liTI axd 1rr r S j Leases st Auction apprf date it, M iouk 4 WTLL1XM XaXDCLXT IXJ&CB 0. I, larterred boats passirj: to beheve CHEMICAL PEESEB-TaTTTE- S Popular Traveia 99 X. at F. tbe etroag now i f ibe sirff-s tV.Hr rirtion. ataan arary aaecad aa4 faerta Ba tarda y rrr.i.-- itimtoTia. Toun" Buiiaig. araaiac at T:9 'cuMek, is Triaiaa Had, folk soags bieraiag the Honolulu Athletic Park araar aWratacia Bad Fart atreata. Viaitrtf of guh&rs aad macdf-- l ta. Oa t?.r biVf , At 1C o'rlorl; aoon. Call up krvtaan aaraal iarlted ta anad. f.tQ. 25.CKO v t rt ass( rr.!;r'.;. H. A. TAYLOB, C. C. TEI PCKD DATJtY. TL. 8M. &C& K. A. JACOBSQN, EL E. 8. SATURDAY, AU8UST 6, 1910 or MAT, LETT or X.AT Wing Tai 1 OO. t: SU YEN HOON CLAIMS EOIOICII VO. ti, JL A. cf at UUOIm D m. z BuB r. Mprchattt . Contractors and Mf-j- r I I 4. w W a a Ertis. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 aa ta frat Ss.da 1 Privai af ? street. . T.i f.fTer a autTjot; )essfs. of Ttit aaa ateatk. at Eoyal F ; rumitare. Wall Papc C. vs. A. C. rtrr, at 0d I'Urwa' the ;ac lftst U. C A. J. HalL li aesraic brats TOGAWA 22ifi KuaanB posite - O. C. AETTKNT vs. WASEDA raa ara ewAiaiiy tarjtad At tc , cars. r Lot No. 4". .Vrxset ftr.r.! Slfi?- - CLOTHES DOCTOR. Fresh Yer. K;n-- v i' ' rvj i II.; f . t .. SIX dv of a ,.1 r,, ,n WINTON tables ii SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, No. 4;...rpSet it 7 or ! : aafl ; FEAJfE C. POOE, Becj. jtt .i :: aaaual x rl?: V y but' C A3CD -r-t "ro the aalia i C. C. ;t iCT. S.t 1 i f:; flC"; CLXA. The Car that une for U. S. M. C. vs. A. -S' - rtal WoKS& 1 a if-tr-r r.t torses, tor, -s ' dowx Jail A. C. vs. WASEDA j T .ST: At!'- t .i'JiTi i yf.;.- from P. TatEO&CM aVOOirVEl? Anrnst - -- xr pii'.i; to trS.-- - CAM? ItO. 1, C. W. V. r,:- -h, '' .H'nnc Silk HEAV1 t ! ri, N. wn i 11 i 1 ery jy'joiid aa(3 Fount i, " ; 50c, 25c f,r.,-- i - ; i - ADMISSION.. ,75c, f Sal wen IfT STf YKE trr" iBUO'ulue:7 HOENEE, Mltrflar aatb month CNF FOET S-- u- - HOWaFJ- E. i. rkf Bali, emr fertaei and Mt:, CI -i jiiHioiala. KtveJ atrrrta. at 7:10 I. n. i Nse V ' FnrmorT - By arrr af U Can a Ooeh ONV HVN'iVRF TO OXK Ti T"NTE F.r iWtmiwd bj- Mrs. Pan,. z ii CLam-ber- S CECS "The Box Plan for Season Ticket! at I C BKOWK, AV? TfllKTY TWO FFKT FRONT-AC!- ORIENTAL Drag Co. ic'.ai.t. OX SK,SHORF. HE EI3LE 4 for t- - aad Jewelry -- 0, Efr-t!-- , In beautiful and ! to bf , ir j CLEANING. HONOLULU" SCRAP" IRON Ca HAWAXXAjr so.tna::v EYEING and siderab TZIZX 0.1,'LO.iE h ore. WO f(--;- j PEEXSTNCr BO months C. 31. ii'rV AVN. Mu wrrrj rrt at4 tfcir4 For f,:rtVor ff, rt r of WOEKS. Xar.cJ. 7 aaaoa; atat. t a, in E. 1es0 : e ai aaa - . '' a,.. ... KfT.N- To f ct' ot.v. F.rvoVst:-- or 5 Tri't tbr ' 'KT A N T' rom C t THE PRESS AGENTS SAY nttdorsigro.t. j KCKiC rr I Ii a. lanSiWHAT tf ger attas-6-. ag i I to a an. V. TODD, C. al K. Compai in A. L. EAKlN,Kstaeaa The Err.pir. 5 I I --A roft w; Tei. 42. v0 Auctfoneou PER 19 joyed 1 . rOF. ALL- B. T. O. E. da-- 0 m i.: P"E?OSE&. -- cquaii will awl la ta!r ATEETC AN; ,.Ka v,l tation avrat fort, AllAiN P.APEE. ail Km tar Viaitrcg ., 1 the MAY'S OLD KONA COFFEE Fnoaj Tetita. itb, ,:, t,,, He t tlt-j- - aa Wrrdlauy A AUCTION AKT? sicrrLY cc, st a l . . . . ltd. WILL do n. of g(l0 5 IN THC 3J 'iKK C'i'. IKJCGHEBTY i n UfT JAMKK lark- - Rn.i dativo v. sHC F.-- s Arable i fkf Ladies" & E. E. Khaki Suits" stimu HENEY MAY CO PLoae 22. ' ' kiL;. Tho bttV girW l.;' tbo W!h H. IFON, XXWip .r., PROHIBITION ELL UEG EL. Seer. i GKO. T. l;''!,."; mcmiiii; of ( (lUrbVVV O. in ''K T. : ij;ht. 'a rl V!)no i i. 'ii- and OliPUfl'M j teiitljb TllFTFF l! Caiifo, Sanitary aonoacLO ooTTia club tin- - tniiig to t c ortaoo of MM-t- oa aa4 mat it ia the coeis onto at theater a' be w;is ;r crr,:t, ncc. Si, DANDnurr Frli . o ' ;;- PACHECD'S mlttee a el la 11 11. . ;. ; s!r..-t- tf.t K.-- Waj ad itr.t liattnn' 5i. ,'T1 't ;e. a it - r triD Steam Laundry T1 . ...ii pu'tiurs ;,ro lino ana re- ; fo.-- s pr.Mi.- fii-- a a JAM. H. FIDDES, Caief; ; Lair e '"' K i;,-o- I bo ii, a w a v that rctl.vts evelit i - THIERS W. D. McINTYEE. Soprintncler.t. JAM. C. MtGILL, 6ev. tti' niia tl iiH id . i r- -r - , ii i f r r v.- . T Hoi ! : Phor.e 73. iaafJA OfA'tCIL 0 1 T. M. I, WVtUiVLMJAT, AUb. 17. I Kad d foojna at At Tb Taik. NEIU-- rrr ; FRENCH bu7:10 a'ciork at. la Leaia 0a Fnt :'r ;; L4UNDRY I the fc AJo-ai- ; swo i'roitons at tbe Cask JOHN i Hall). Faion 11 Bail (Iratr C r, 3- 1 oricru SUMMER SKETCHES mat n.l - - J ABA DIE - . ZNGIKEEE- woijjbts and tbon somo. ( i.,-- t, PEOPEIETOE to F. D. CkKKLh'N. Pre. d.r.:. ; j,, I . the j w .s ;n FRAMED. E. F O BCLLTTAX. gertary to C o pibliihe-- l vot'or.t ;io1 ic'"d 1 i hU4' ,!! K",n- THE THE080FHICAL gGCIETT. "" the' - ,h''h1 PACIFIC PICTURE FRAMING CO. -.i' Honoirsli Brofa, No. 1162. Mtl'eti o ct tiu two. ioo-- tho vooord 1,,rf0l E-tv- ij' '"igbt hftttii;. bavinj; Tj',. kas Nuuar.M. below St. street, jcroood oor. Ki!ocf.a Art riod I ";i sa i 1 b 222. League bnildiBg. Firt TasdnT of - "oicbt m tb? Knb-- F,v CLEANING lies v j t a ''. SV4 t Ol'T SALE p. m. lift, and i rcoctfl. at 7:45 lubh v',u ,,-ri- Li. j and Vieitora wo'ome. Otlsor to tho continonial stylo. Ybi c- Fine Wines Metinf. Evc-ythm- a ph- - T READ THE ADVERTISER, TadT8 at 7:S0 a. m.. Lodf Mftii tr-- w tbo s;rnuvt t waist ;m,i j Chean. fcCO- - - for Members. JAH. YOCN4. j ' i tiu ti ovcriion,!. Otto k, il tin- JAS. VV. LOVEJOY WORLD'S NEWS DAILY J. PRATT. ceedei tor nion under ton and :M PrMndent. siono AVCTIONErTR. failed TELLTHOKE C PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1910.

LOCAL BREVITIES. GLAPP'S HONEYMOON Kill Find The Hawaiian band will plav aboard be pleased the colors and Hote- l- rai port Logan this afternoon. NIPPED BY DEATH lo see new irtment ' Mo:. an ts.-ap.'- Korean luna-e- . YOU'LL ;;," ,., was recaptured vt'S'orHav- 44.,,.,i14 4T" which shown this season in -- are our DONNA d to T THE a H. Trent v'.:d kad fhe prayer News of Former Honolularv's De- --- - raw .ii:g M at the . P. b jrch this eveu- - half-pas- t mise Is a! : t . e u . Heard When Marriage ii u i u Lodg ? to m AH r. I. F. & A. M. Is Hart Schaffner & ...... i nlace .p.-- Announced. hold a i. meeting even-h- e rcrfe.-- t n this are i .npointments l lor work ia : ti degree. f.irT Ln::;,;:iii No. Marx e1?ine ;;oi a. o. f. win A tie ' in K. of 1 kali. 1'erotania and sad storv coiieeriiimr I'Larlus - bah-tu-- t ry Hit- street .,t seven tins Clapp, formerly secretary of the t'Vi :ing. Inter-Islan- Steam Navigation Compa- clothes. It's going to be another lively Koon Niu. a Keren ii boy who had rua ny Company, was obtained by The Ad- season; with many smart fashions in Prop. a:.y trom home, was cus- McCarthy, taken into re- C. j. -t vertiser yesterday, following the tody la- niht by orders of Chief weave and model; new ideas in young i ceipt of a Falmouth, Massachusetts, Telephone .Mel'ii'iif ai: Leid awaiting a cull from ti.e parents. new-pap- er containing tue announcement men's styles; new snappy pockets, and of his Hairy lb. ward, a carpi nter, while. marriage to Mis Frances Could finish of sleeves. wa'i ,:n- - with a frit nd on Boretania swift on June S. Nti.uinu n'.ght !at slljped on the It was learned through a fiieud and and Deserts -- .iewalk and dislocated Lis Many men who are older will want Cream shoulder. acquaintance of 1 The police parol was called and lie the late Mr. Clapp that " this younger stuff; some of it is a little - rp Tn TEN taken to the Qtieea s Hospital. Hie former lionolul.-i- I.m.I enjoyed unlv a few inJTES WITH A iw-.- mi. i we:.- ti.ed in the circuit tlavs of his tvnioou. when he extreme, but we have good styles for eoiirt jesterday bv A. Campbell was strirken with a fatal illness and J. everybody. Freezer against Turn Pong, each for foreelosuif died in a short time. Star It is t of mortgage on land and personal prop understood that information con- ' i and cerning Mr. "s in construction - Clapp was erry. ,.emg tin- - death sent to We want you soon to see the new to get the :i ai.fge., tnat moit- Honolulu tW failure gues were exeetited to cover two prom by someone who knew he JSii an impossibility. hud lived here, and also his so" is note-- , one ior 1(1(10 and the oth knew that fans, grays, olives, browns; the fine lriends were anxious to keep up vith er tor "r""o. his whereabouts. blue serges, and dressier fabrics; want sherirf .Tarrett. Chief M -- Duffle and Mr. Clapp was eleetd secretary of 1 tn show you the new ideas in over- r ottieers made a dash for (iraee the I nter-lslan- in li'o;i ami again in fall iexpenenceisneeucu yesterday on information that seemed IS'04. J,. held the position until about coats. authentic The clue developed from three years ago. when he went to Mas-- ' ! P Weather Sale "jtie late investigations.- made by the ror the Hot sachusetts, his native State. but Jim St'fKer and Dowser, two Mr. Clapp wa known nearly ev- Suits $20 to $35. Overcoats $16.50 to $30. will last this by r and which ntgroes. were all who were in the ery resident of Honolulu. lie was in we nave house where (iraee was thought to be. oJr, San Francisco at the time of the earla This store is the home of price-s- This is The second Time thev have been quake iu l:0i and wrote a descrip- i'..;;r.d at the ether end of a (iraee el no tion of the catastrophe for The Ad- V Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 5M- -e and as there is reason to believe that, vert iser. Copyrigljt HartScbaffner 81.50 & Marx Bweart Size hev know something of the escaped During the time he resided in this rooart Size $2.00 titurdrrer. thev weie arretted. Wit- - city Mr. Clapp took several long trips ikim .ioliii anotlir cegro, was arrest- - and as known as a sort of amateur ed later. globetrotter. LTD. f.W.Dimond &Co., Ltd. ILVA'S TOGGERV, FUNERAL SERVICES FOR 651 Honolulu. Elks' Building, King Street Phone i King St., 0 PERSONALS. MRS. M. G. JOHNSTON

The engagement has been announced LABORERS The services of wife of a Seattle of Miss Lulu Banner, daugh- funeral the Mr. of Murk G. Johnston of the customhouse, eadt-- of laborers, male and female; ter of and Mrs. John Banner i ilfols Sur.nydale, to Wi'Tiam K. Maeomber of were held the. Society. Address yesterday afternoon at factirtl fesas Honolulu. The wadding will take place MeHhodist Church of which the de- JOHX PH0MICHEV, on at the home of the bride's parents ceased was an active member for many Delivery, Honolulu. September 20. Mr. MacomTrr and his You will avoid General years. v. W. Wadmau was bride will make tl.eii home in Seattle. The lie John parEx ! The prospective groom :s an architect. iu charge, assisted by the lie v. John travel-fun- annoyances if you Feet and T. Jones, pastor of the church. The Whether Your call He visited in Honolulu this spring L.. SHOE renewed acquaintances afttr many pallbearers were O. H. Walker, C. J. carry the American Bankers' As- tanuf iiOTRERS' Day, J. A. Lyle, J. T. McTaggart, li. vears" absence. ; S. Gault and Charles Shepherd. A quar- sociation ARE RIGHTS AND LEFTS OR NOT of ti COMPANY tet rendered two selections. Although ckirtjd; CROSSED OVER THE BAR. the notice was very short, a large con- trib- duet 1051 Fort St. Joseph Denney, ship carpenter in the gregation assembled to pay loving Travelers' Cheques b ute to the memory of the deceased. past forty-fiv- years, Islands for the Mrs. Johnston, whose maiden nam 5 died at Queen's Hospital yesterday M. was a native was Alice Tackaberry, The Cheques that are always OUR SHOES FIT morning shortly after six o'edock, from of , , and came to san and everywhere good. They es- heart failure following a small opera- Jose, California, where she met lie brass-wor- mar-ria- ery k: husband, and shortly after their tablish at once the identity and CLEAN tion. The old gentleman was well they Better shoes are not made than those we sell. arrived in Honolulu where credit of the holder and facili- TO Wash it known to all kamaainas and highly re- have since resided. She is survived by Iri;ii the backbone sisters and three tate his dealings with strangers. thoroughly spected. He was to a loviug husband, four The best leather, perfect workmanship, absolute with and proud of the fact. He had worked brothers, with whom she recently visit- d Four weeks irory Soap and lukewarm tor Soienson & .Lyje and the lnter-Islan- ed in a trip to the Coast. support to the arch, good style and toe room. company during his residence ago she was operated upon in Queen's For Sale By WW:': water. Dry com- with an old here. He leaves a daughter residing in liospital for cancer. Such was the linen rag. Rub bright Wailuku and, as far as known, has no plex nature of her illness that recovery A ! other relatives in the Islands. He will was impossible. With great patieuce. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. with a chamois skin. from Ssilva's undertaking she endured her suffering until released be buried nine hair-pas- t death, yesterday morning, about Do not, under any circ- room?, at one this afternoon, bv and Surplus $1,000,000. Capital u.r1 the train leaving for Pearl City at two o 'clock. umstances, polishi- II. Trent, a friend of many years, use o 'clock. li. l TA1UL ng accompanied Mr. Johnston as chief j compounds which mourner. Mclnerny Shoe Store IN MEXICO. contain chalk or other RELIGION The floral tributes were very v service at Central gritty substances. They At the midweek For Sale ! ihuku Wes-terve- Fort Street Above King u Union church this evening W. D. i; ; destroy the CIVIC BEAUTY 3:20 p. laquer which talk ou, LOVES and will give an illustrated One of the most beautiful homes in .Ti WJ covers the of in Mexieo." Mr. BETTER THAN REVENUE r; 15 a. m--i surface Keligious Conditions Manoa Valley. Contains three large, 1:20 p. brass to Mex bedrooms, den, dining-room- , par work of all kinds. Westervelt on Irs recent visit airy i ' IS p. in. ico secured a large number of most in- - W. R. Castle does not believe in dis- - lor and roomy kitchen. f 10:20 a ue teresting views some oi wcicn win ,.,; ,r Ktr,.ots of Honolulu with electric lights and hot :1 U:l5.m tonight. The .service begins at Has gag and show billboards. water heater. Rooms mosquito proof. Ivory ialf-pas- t seven. Eveiyone is invited. Soap Some time ago Mr. Castle noticed Sanitary plumbing throughout. oka, Wia, on a vacant lot ot tns I see mv father's record?" 'large billboards Dwelling is in large lot and com JOHNSON'S f :J "Mav street, Per Cent. Pure sked the new Etudent. "lie was ia ou Heretania avenue near Alapai mands both marine and unobstructed ; MiU ami - TR of ( ertainlv, mv boy. and immediately told his agent to nae view of the mountains from its elevated - :3fl a. t. the class '7. a ' What for?'" "He tola me wnen i thorn removed, even it it dM incur position. I 1:26 p. a. to disgrace nun, s,r, auu ,ss to have them taken ott tnc ioi. left home not planted in ornamental shade see how far 1 can go. The replied tliat tinny ua Grounds d wish to just aent trees. Servants' house and hiawa BUSINESS was necessarx Mr. Castle said and fruit : i m., 6: LOCALS. Buffalo F.xpres notice an agreeable distance cinMild- bp chicken yards at FOOT SOAP lue nuuvv.t;.t, u...- o'"iven . from the dwelling. two-ko- m explained The thirty days elapsed tne nrsi, ui ' t i uon m.r own cow." go iv boards dot not well-kep- , honored) n,',te maciiines cared for at the V,r.tPs Tiroud v. we re smc ui loct TCk. Iiut the Lot faces a well built and t "bo 'MKtIo was not TO 'oe oiL MEANS COMFORT ; 8:S4 Hawaiian - - lr ' . of at Garage, Hotel St., op- .o;u.- " "Well." interrupted the . , :.,4-.,...- tl,o street and is within .short distance it "a,,ilua& down his or, ha m.l IIS aeilL luiuini v"v. one most de- : Honoluli , otel. Kent service small son of the Cnet, setting would car line. This is of the .stop- onl of the billboards that they of t - "somebody s ttx-u-g you with a owner sirable homes in the valley and one cut. his expense n tuey . ? outward 4 California -- be removed at offerings in real estate within fruits and vege cow. Toledo Blade the best ; sour . nt once. eic k Pearl Citj "n season on.l 4..i.., lliev months. 4i.4 or.u..- - cream- - u the last twelve i i UlliitU (.,t !4n:iv. And .ur. v.asi,ie iu.-- I ' this Lur-55- 8 - aia coming on the no out.- iu BENSON, SMITH & CO., Ltd. . aday Only ...i apent to allow Henry May 4 Co. For particulars apply to Phone liii. more billboards. SMITH, up Q. A t P. BOOKINGS ON Corner of Fort and Hotel BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. TAILI THE littlSUllGfl I STEAMER SIERRA nM. n will a eon Sachs L ir.. lond Fort and Merchant Sts. ue ' ' " " 2ie .ven-tliirt- Aal 4.,;.,i.t - at at IT e cei l ioioi;"- "l . Siena has - already ni;1Dy took- Park as follows: 3. 'iflgnst 20 and for September e'avalry ...Sup FINE we overture Light esPMt . there will be con Waltz Neptune - l.ineKe . - . . Durban M a re h K ing's Men lt:00L you of two-da- y ; l:00J?Ji Ty Annual t i u Mountaineers omervil! Have ever heard the trip to Haleiwa? letter received S e ec ' Song-- . . A i . iv MILLINERY J the promotion committee Vocal Hawaiian I'.eri F. Selection London Life . . . . . William Have you ever been through a sugar mill? Cockroft. general passen Lincke 1 ntermexzo Annua oi tbe Oceanic SteanisLin l'.ergei Order l:PJt at Finale Moanalua To Have you ever seen pineapples growing in great areas? S.4SP-- - San Francisco. Cock-jA'M- Mr. Tli. Star Soaniried Banner. Stock. Honolulu 1 And In recentlv an you to he became Have ever been Wahiawa? OLIDATi Remnant SOLDIERS AJC RUMOR THAT 11:18 J Prohlerns and is al'.ve K UYEDA HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO HALEIWA ? e fullv to WAS HOAX 0f Honolul:1 LOST LIVES and tourists i 1'S trp did him a lot NUUANU STREET. 11:00 AJC j ar,d he I two-da- y is certain that consid-- - two Ten dollars for a trip via Oahu Railway . 1:10 PX ttenefit The rumor S,;uday that will result in the exra 1:11 PJ- - Cr? fAt W Uiv.n to tn all expenses and you see all of these. BatcieMer Sale J- of' Tiol i r. s Coupon tickets at Oahu Railway Depot, King street. 1I;SIP.1C ' 1:00 PK , that hp ; r. hi; f -- 1 from t kttki 1:11 a. th NOW ON .r1 retiirniti-.- ' be :0 1 f month . last eity 51,11 ;his i; e he winter !,ri,. ' ti tiling up our Cr- - m "the ,i ;Te.o,;,: av t r f i.f i honsaii'i ol i ; y l, iM "f Alo-- Honolulu Institute For Physiotherapy 18T1B, J;.:5aine of Hon..!::- rcths. These will Comer Beretania and Richards P.kT.i vhudt are bound to Streets. Open from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. TT-- e cleanup. except Sunday. "UAtSjT PROPPTT'TAr.v 1 lin Sho at values All hb.ds of Electric Light Baths (blue, red, white t MEDICINE tie and violet), Steam a5 twelve Turkish. Russian, Pine Needle, ' , Alakea. f3 thftl,n.1.. ;t will be c a ell Baths, Nauheim, Carbonic Acid and - op- in s " 5Cp another or Medicated Baths, Massage, and High Frequency, t i eoul.i ;u ;rr!.th3 bet ore yo have etc., etc. t Don t you 1 C favor. MELT el vuiir - i Special Attendant for Ladies. sarr fn rortttnity like it' Worth the gamble? Ask John D. Pock- I across tia v - ..4. :t I.,. ,.r wnat ne aoou, n , i ought to know. It is up THE ADVERTISER' DRY GOODS CO. vr'llfe for-REA- fan , SACHS .oieasv street or woik Vi;ta. j . ' T 4 7 T 4 i Read the Lydia7 lave .i . - - "Adverser," World's News Daily Peiars Ccr. Pert and Perctania St?. saiarv. ' ' SSJ - WORLD'S NEWS DAILY ' convent. ! street, next to Sr- 'Ms cf k:nl. Or.p. Tire Station. jij'3 DAIlH , - - - '" '"'i

k 1910- - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, HONOLULU COMMERCIAL API EBTISEB, 1 PACIFIO 'H HALSTEAD & CO. i 1 9 TIMETABLE. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Stock Brokers . Direct service io aai it011o- - jiwdisplacement, sailing from The favorite b. S. bitiitiiA, 1" ' tons 14. . . ,.1,1i,r ?3 December 921 FORT 8TKEET. ! August 10, 31, September -- l, ueio.u gervk.e lulu round trip. iiv. r .. sine!.- to San Francisco; AVh ith I S. s. Co. ?er ivtf i from San Francisco to - Agents. STOCK EXCHANGE co., LTD., General HONOLULU Real 910 Estat Trusi" Honolulu, Tuesday, Ajigu?2l Membe Honolulu , $t "IVaierhouse ' i'a.p:tai. rrtT? STOCK. ial'J rpiVal .Bid 3 AND AUSTRALIA. It? KAME OF FOB FIJI a 4 AUGUST ""Sfe t i" v T .II. L - 7imt viii O. Box ir ."'.SEPTEMBER 13 o3S ' l! ATT1I ST 19 MAKAJiA Mercantile. Ielmt . 1 rv xv-- & Co, $'2,200,000'; HOC ... .HA Sale Brewer i -- TJW FOR SEPTEMBER 16 For S".sar. ZEALANDIA S.000.0 2o! ... ' 9 I Ewa . Will call at Fanning Island . . 1 occ! --AnentS. Haw. Aenculturai m 1nn'0 ! 6L r0orolv,..v. a line, Com & Sug Co, 2 312,731 SSI 40H! 40v. I 4 I THEO. H. UAVlti lU. uiu.. Property on the car Haw i The only available Beach Haw Suear Co 3,t'.0'X) 20! ii 44 Honoma loo 2.000.0301 in 18 of Beach Property, HonoWaa i for sale at Waikiki 400 feet Haiku i l,SO0,O0 10c! we have Hutohmson sugar STOCKS Plantation Co .... 2.v, ool 25; .. and BOKIS led by Jf-- -- T day. house. l.CKJO.UOO; $ettv and comfortable j HONOLULU, via Tehnatep. epry improved with a large Kabuku 100 1 li": FROM NEW YORK TO , a portion well Kekaha Sugar Co . . ibed at the company s hart, VO.fOO Forms1 ,0;,r,t rnPPived at all times Koloa 79 MF.RPtt - Co 9,500.1 00 2ci oH v41.-v.xl- T McHrvde Sue Ltd 20i 31 SouthBrookyn Co. . . . j 1,100,000, 31k TO HONOLULU DIRECT: whole or Oahu Sugar 201 Member Honoluh ion this property as a AnnmPA l.O:O,000: Stk - .AA authorized to offer 5.000.000; 2o! o. 6 We are Olaa Sugar Co Ltd . . S. MISSOUKIAN, to Fail 6 by S. August Olowalu 27 ii the purchasers. Paauhau Sue Plan Co s.o 0,000: Represented u S. .MhAlVAJ", hundred-foo- t strips to suit 75...O0O! loc on the information apply to in fifty or a Pacific 2,2V).OO0i For further Agents, Honolulu " H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Faia 750,00Ci 1001 1 hv InconK -- j . Pepeekeo Z24 5 Freight Agent. 2.7S0.0001 100 227 hi C. P. MORSE, General Pioneer 100 office. . . 4.500,000' and terms at our "naialua Am Co. 1,500.000! 10c 1 Particulars Wailuku , 4 KAISHA 252.-000- 100 ..... o c on nun mYn KlFN Waimanalo 10c i20 Waimea Sugar Mill. 125.000. Miscellaneous WE WILL NOT port 2.250,O0C; loc 1224 SELL companies I1 call at Honolulu and leave this Inter-Islan- S N Co. of the above c 500.00C lor Steamers TTanr F.lei-tri- Co. . . . !05 a ADDING CASH on or about the dates mentioned below: H R T L w i-t- 1.15,',0C0j 100 105 REGISTERS L Co Com. I ttUtt van SAN FRANCISCO H E T 4 1 15 ' 25C 000! Ott Xiix. , r Mutual Tel Co 144 i xx. AUGUST Trusi" Co . 4.00C.OG0- ioS;"f B L .... MONGOLIA 20 "Waterhouse II OR . 20 . .. AUGUST Hilo R R Co i"ia. l4,M0i 11 12 ! v 2.S0O.O00j 20 Why? iU Hilo R R Co Com . . iV oq STRFKTA AUGLST & . . . . " Mb Brewine Wp aro colling, a . . KOK EA . . r " " SEPTEMBER 3 Corner Fort and reliant 8tret, Honolulu 2: 2l?4 2?',4 v l0 1- nmv v' Co Ltd.. 400.000 adders TD1)1' UAW SKl'lt.VlDLH - ' vui.'ii Mltin7 2t 83 '4 Mycmo. Honolulu, T. H, Haw Pineapple Co. . 500,000j less price. H. MAUKrtLU & bu. liu. IITsnione UlnK ttuo i fn PaM TIT)) . . . . 141.20C: Tanjong Olok Rnb Co 20 The Ass 70 p e raj . . fiT.210 Waterhause tj, Pahane Rnb Co Paid up) Agents National C t..-- . i and Honolulu. Co 10 Direct Service Between San Francisco tPahane Rub l3,I3o IsM Rail fnr San Francisco. r.j fmm San Francisco. 9 Am; Out August 3 Lurline August Bonds standing Lurline August 17 Haw Ter 4 p c (Fire Classified Advert August 9 w;n,imina I 2?5,o0C "Wilhelmina ... 6 " i Claims) 31 Lurline ....September 4 Lurline August Haw Ter PC eoo.coo! H.M. SEATTLE for HONOLULU THE PACIFIC (Refudine 1905). a'niLONTAN of this line sails from Haw Ter 4 V4 P c. . . l.OOO.OOOi Ths p c. . 1,000,0X1 - direct, on or about August 6, 1910. Haw Ter 4Vi FOR SALL CEPUCAS- line sails from SAN mivnsm for HONO Aroiiendin'il Haw Ter 3 V. pc.. 1.044,000 j S S. NEVADAN of this Advertiser BeetSug & Re NEW Commercial Cal wooden building OF TBI LULU direct, on or about August 10, 1910. fining Co ope... 800.000; 99. Honolulu, Ditch X Or 1UUUC1 iirtiin."""1 "11": Entered at the Postoffice at Hamakua "bargain. s (upper ditch) 6 8. 200.30o homeseeker; COOKE, LTD., Agents, Honolulu. T. H., as 8econa-cias- matter. Co It CASTLE & Haw Irrigation ARTS A KATES: 6s m p e ra Hi SUBSCRIPTION Haw Irrigation Co Fully rd aoo r.c .' !lO2V.fl03 I Fort One year Haw Com & Sugar rooms; l,24G,C0cj .105 .... spacious lanais; lot 1M Rnr.K aNn ROCK SAND. Advertising Rates on Application. i Co 5 pe roiicucn R R 6s. (Issue fruit trees; $,o0 cash and n. M Hilo 96541100 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. of 1901) l.OOC.OOCj years. Blackman, Box 502, 1 Ltd. Hilo RRCo Ref Company, &'X"'.O00i Hustace-Pec- k Block, No. 65 South King St. & Extn Con 6s. . . Von Holt Qtkp On ft TIC (V O.000 V3 il03 ONE bay mare, 13 hands .Manager TTLn 108 i city. Est,- - C. S. CRANK I 1 Hon R T ft L Co 6 p c ft47.0O0i souua; o years old; nwn rock and deliver to all parts of the 1 today I SuO.OOOl 100 snap todayfe w .rch nr Ky :o . . .! Wt4 rl arailiTijr. lieasnnable pneea. Kauai tis. ?o0. Inquire at this office. Kohala Pitrh Co 500.co0. ... DA3 Instant communication with 'McBrvde Sue Co 6s. 2,OX',OO0l .. . S54 Xfnttinl T1 6b 2O5.OO0', 10114! ... GOOD linoleum. Mn. E. Let. Eag St 1 2,CO0.lOC; fi HIGHARDSQN GETS I other islands and ships at sea. O R ft L Co 5 v c ...... l Ave., Ivaimuki; 1st house tOahu Sngnr Co 5 p c (X.O.COOl Olaa S"T C"fil)t.. 2.5t0,ft)0: 04 JU cut, CONSTRUCTION & DRAYING CO., LTD. office Pacific Sag Mill i HONOLULU On Sunday mornings the C.n fin 500 ,000 !102 A light but EtrODix- - frnir-u- iscot: (I FINE 1,251-1,00- 1 IX BUT SMALL Sfill Co 6 T f wagon, finished in is open from eight until ten. 1 PinrT 1.4O7.CO0j natml A Telephone 281 trimmed with rnsst Wtw. 2 CORAL .'. WOOD and COAL SAND and only two months and a! mvi 23.125 on $100 paid. Irredeemable cheap. "Buckboard," can lW A thirtv-dolla- r fine was paid for the at 103 at maturity. 11270 shares treas. HEAVY LIGHT DRAYING j and supervisorial black eyes and one "busted stock. toWO shares treas. stocK. wnen FOUR cjimder Ford runabout hta supervisorial finger yesterday STOCK AND BONDS Session Sales. C. BRP t s Inter-Islan- d Co. class condition. Phone 205 if j 1 1 Office, Queen Street Next to assessed Everett Rich Jude Andrade 5 Honokaa, 18.23; 5 Oahu Sue. Co., ested and ask Mr. Kelly foils up Jim Co., Ltd. I If ardson that much for beating Trent Trust 31.125. stration; or address Ford, till Between Boards. : - Quinn. REPRESENTED ON EXCHANGE BY paper. and 10 Pioneer. 225; 400 Ewa, 34; 13 Richardson pleaded guilty paid CHAS. a. HEISER. JR. ' STT.VF!!?. PnATUir nlafinir 1m U Royal I" ITaw. Sug. Co.3 43. snil- 1 .1 fine, Andrade considering the bod. n his Judge dress Silver, this office. - Q A huge joke and CJinnn London 2 OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER WILL BE whole affair a H1 shifting his anger from Sheriff Jarrett COTTAGE. Makiki flimriot. ttm Cownere Classified Advertisements be arranged to suit nnrrhaMr-- of whom he considers to have F. Afong I to the judge Albert part of Honolulu. Addresi J.JasJ 8eottih -- - off too easy. S32 FORT STREET. h let the man SITUATION WANTED. box 527. - O! Co., 5 consideration was given to the Csledoni ,ti No BY Japanese cook with private family. STOCK AN9 BOND BROKER he was also accused of seriously DIAMONDS and jewelry boijM The Upi faet Address hikaba, 537 Beretania near (Ma a woman, as the complaint to Punchbowl. 8731 ana exenangea. J.. uario, Ian beating Member Honolulu Stock and Bond answering only 1 which the man was Exchange. A fVirVinnlrA-- nrSA oaimliiu 1MM 1 ,1'1 BY STRONG, healthy Russian; farm crnnd 1 R ' hormmr. I charged the assault on Quinn. ennditinnt, 1 ' or oi- - e j i sentence does garaen preierrea. .kuss, tms be seen at Honolulu Scrip Insist j It is possible that this fice. 872; streer.t m ' ENGT not close the affair, but that other and Classified Advertisements iiaieKamia may ibe hitheTto unreported features JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT Want Ada., two lines, one time, 10 cents. FOR RENT. Beeoi new ligfit NUMBER TO MEMORY. It will always come in brought up that will throw AGENCY. eleetrie COMMIT THIS COTTAGE. 3 bedrooms; Boilers on disgraceful affair. WANTED. Emm Company. the JAPANESE cooks, waiters, yardboyi, $20 month. Apply 1486 steel handy when you want to phone a reliable Transfer . D. rwn oao UlC, Xlt-- O tt:UII1UU OL. ttI UU1IB OUOl SYSTEMATIC Al bookkeeper want3 a OATH CHANGED KING'S tfi oj. uooivs to neep arrer regular H FURNISHED ROOMS. hours HOUSEKEEPING rooms; pi LORDS of employment. Address P. O. 280 Beretsttl BY HOUSE OF Box 612. and electric lights; COOL and pleasant: 1624 Piikoi St. In 8732 Annlr Vinlr , Ol Go. quire evenings or Sunday or by ap 11". - INSTRUCTION in bookkeeping; pri- ! City elim- 395 I Transfer LONDON. August 2. The bill pointment. ATT? hnnSA t DiU! vate; state terms. Exus, this oflice. TR(1RT'S JAS. H. LOVE jinating the anti-Cathol- ic phrases from 8731 Head; furnished; for m W jiiii the oath taken toy the King of Great PROFESSIONAL CARDS. months; six bedrooms; rem lis'' n-- ,, o r,tt, witlinat T1I1MJ' Britain on his accession to the throne A young man to work in law office - Box 623. mm j by the house of lords today. wno is gooa at typewriting and short- was passed MISS MORA WALTZ Specialist, chi 1 1 1 1 tv uaiiu. Auoress u. Hono- f. iiox 354, ' ropodist and masseuse. 1143 AJakea lulu. i'uO UICC11 k' t.j Jlicauu O j. 1 S730 "t(fTF A BIRD IN THE HAND. Street. all modern improvements, r nished. Address P. 0. Box Mj PA p,e Woman's Ex BY' MAN and wife to rent small fur-- He this the VOfiAT. nolulu. - Vi f change? nisneu cottage or housekeeping rooms HUGO IIERZER, Teacher of singing, CoDeg till t She Yes. in desirable location. Plumbing must SIX-ROO- bungalow, Love Bldg, Fort St., opposite Convent nAn ma i RJoving you woman? be in good condition. j Be the Permanent. Piano lie Address P two She Yes. DRAMATTO Address, D. M., this oflice. 393 1tl Kjtll! S r euess guess u I i ir H'm! Then I I'll MARIE KENNY; private lessons; ast m.rtinu-KW.- .sir coriagc, - up-to-da- te to - experienced men with facilities keep mv Sal. Harper's Bazaar. mtr plocnrioTi . 11a BOOKKEEPER, familiar with store light houseKeeps- . Str It takes I'll : s, nnnvi unn- able for monafj - stage and ballroom daneing grwt duties, tor n position. Ad- n,t q oVlock properly move a Piano. We are the best equipped in the Bookkeeper The fact that your culture,14. ii1 j JDcrnaum.T 4 " Tlnone . dress, stating salary expected, "Mor- 1070 Beretania Ave. built grandfather has married again seems to 8599 row," this office. 393 Office Boy I guess one year .r H'li please you, Bobbie. - FOR a term of gust city. VTiTTTR.-- A TtT AtffS A good , ?! i yes. Ain't 1 gut another grandmother home, kind treatment and a storv furnished house, now when 1 want go to the DR. L. E. CASE, office Hawaiian Stock smaii wage will N? given a Russian and gas; ter die ter electric lights e7tf bali game Boston Transcript. yarns i o.. L.ta. rnone 41. boy from 12 to 15 years old. "Em yard; five blocks from center f'l ployer," rare Advertiser. 8729 tms orate. 1 1 suppose you sell a lot of cook Hoi Hi "I CURES REMOVE DOUBT FIRE-PROO- storage books here?" '"Thousands, sir, thou- warehouse, in or norm nun oniRD. Mi i; bookseller. near city. City Transfer Co. 872S nUUIYI HHU """T sands," answered the ABOUT ECZEMA CURE on Union Pacific Transfer Go. "Women appreciate a good cook book, THE HAU TREE-- EXPERIENCED Waikik eh,'" "Oh, it isn't the women that milliners. Apply K. entt Lyeda, Nuuanu Ave. board. 2199 Kalia road, "We Never Fail." liiiv them, it's their husbands." Wash Read Your 393 Phone 58. ington star. What Duggist Says ers road STORAGE batteries to TlTTiw About Oil of Wintergreen rent and re NICELY' furnished roomsv (iood-- , cimrge; eons repaired. K. J. Berger At .in exclaimed Mrs. lioard. in h ' ; 'Gracious!" uompound. Electric Vorks; with phone 434. S710 -- listen to that clergyman! I'm t- "just man ana wiie, ?w oft 0 positive tie s swearing. r. luenuy ne s A i n Advertiser Sag? missed his vocation." "No," replied The Honolulu Drug Company submit OFFICES FOR RFNT If I AT.PTAYrirt) - ..i-atiB- Sight-Seein- g ier husband ; ' think it was Ins the following to the readers of Th Vfirvn tiittttt. MIAUI book; i'- TTrvrtrtl,-,!,- 1 ' ' . . ... 3 . M per montn p Autos t j oi t rai n. 'at liolic Standanl and Times. Advertiser: vuty nre-pTo- class; $33 Committee Headquarters: , Zjeave Hawaii Promotion Vnr - vpfire .. tim-- QTinniminft tio-i- 1333. I soveml ... ' .11. ' buildinc: rent inclu.leis olonfrt. Tel. a. m., M"iiVUUVVA, 1 Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:30 Pali; 3 p. Moanalua , hot and pnld. E. 1 goes ; '"""H-mi.u.oi.- we raa wi au.A et?r-- i Tattered Terrv There a kind:"'1"1'"1 uai jduivr incTa . .:. i ! Hamm-Youn- 01X or Punchbowl. 1 1 a cure eczema; vice. Apply the von a 'time went to him foun? for a j; man. The last ! MW'-- and Saturday 10:30 a. m., around Diamond Head; . -. simrtlP skin w.isn nil nf Co.. Ltd HOTEL Tuesday, Thursday i nu- wirit0rrfrosn MOAN A d d n t have a n'iu, anaiiiu avo i . v; " AT "W.'; nu, r in,u-'-s Spam" Mi 3 p. Pali. all lie could. Wearv a black 1HE STAN UEN WALD" Only fire- - HIC in 3 p. m., around Diamond Terrv-Thirtyid- ients. ' Sunday 10:30 a. m., Pali; Head. was that ? Tattered party I J! Vet VP litlow iKpro flro 7iOAr,1,i finrtTf I ''uu'inio Ail Cll V. Moana Hotel v J.I CHARGE PER PASSENGER, $1. . Buck. "' "fs"" turn to t ' in this town wlio tinv--f opAmnrwi'1nrtA ctltl Liberal rear special occasions. $5.00 per are known, Cars can be hired for hour. For particulars have never tried this remedv. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS V . .SI c. apply to urs. r. yio s.o, :,iier laini. j we nave, mosquito-proo- - miwm. uiereiore, arranged with COOL, walking dis- - Jo ) Don't forget, son, that sott the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago IFnCH of keys; return A. "a tance to town; aKi room and "board building B I Hawaii Promotion Committee away wrath. ' M r. j a sp , 5.H wer turneth for cial offer of a trial bottle at Applv Lauhala 7''-- ' Ki,lv, ,io.,r lins. Judiciary ! : Power Wagon Co., Owners. Office and Garage. South near King. 1 - ' . Honolulu wed, dr. Well, know a soft .pies- o cents instead of the $1.00 bottle as rew.i.-1- .. li.t ,,1' 'it nn Kininl'irlv col1 5 I i -- Smart We oifer lh:s trial bottle with our UNIVERSITY of Cai I -. reeommendat.on and assurance thnt-- i.- - n : r init a jioi x:... . , j..r titctt..,...,,,:.,ri C entral: rms io "Tlie liosition is vonis. sir. if ,u i ,,R "f paiieni wasnes nis itcii R A. I. von. tuis . , nig- sKin. this mild liquid will take the will depo-i- t flt"i as a security." itch awnv accept your offer, sir. it' you will de- - it:tantlv. Honolulu Drug Contpanv. CASSIDY'S posit ;ls a security for 111 v COTTAGES. Waikiki .looii Beach; -- cciiv'.tv. " ieveland Leader. bathing and boating. 8685 Mr. " said the r t OTHER u ' ri AND BORN. vest rv we had better ak '! EMBROIDERY. Rl 1 , t.o-- PI the ti en n on Tub MAI'EIRA embroiilorv. linn.! wnr- nr THAYER t1 -- Honolulu, An: ust 1. 19B iii '- AM ES In iiifirii Yes, 'i 'ier- - taken at Misses Fernando and Street. Phone 88. ..f C. .Tan a d.'iugh- - i re ,. i, u t ne ...... 156 Hotel ig tn wife subject I - th. ''. of MHiiii . nmn St o l HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. t er. Stori.-s- 8731


10 12- - MM PAGES 9 TO 12


TTflWflT TTT TT . " VJ II 1T I rr '.nVurnn.. ' "A'iau J..fc.liU.lUilX, w Zjijri jjoiJA x , AUGUST 3, 1910. CtPITM AWF DOC DOC DODOC DOC DOC DOC ML UIIH U win I F0R RENT fI NEW YORK OF SECRETARIES - U on Hill- Si

Manoa, present i Anue, Tells of & IE 0. R. L. Success and Every Away! TIM Major Long. Cabinet Member Is ,ied by Urges Claim of the Queen on or unfurnished. Business Combined With isbed Against U. S. ionAutlOtb, or earlier Recreation. arrangement. by P.. lie Co., F. Laundry Dillingham, Steam who is president By G. j ltd Ernest Walker. ami general manager of the Oahu Rail- (Mail Special to The Advertiser.) j jl J way and Laud Company, which owns 0 and operates all the steam railroads in WASHINGTON', July 17. There is a , great midsummer calm in the Hawaiian Islands, except ten miles, Washington. o TRUST CO., is at At one time, a few days ago, there SSIOP. the Holland House on his way to m ' was not a single officer on j Sanitary-Stea- Europe, says the New York Sun of cabinet the Will take, over the July 13. ' job. hen that fact was noted it set 0 Limited many a tongue to wagging. Hut as Mr. Dillingham has lived in Honolulu matters are progressing, there will ap-- 1 Laundry Plant Street. since 1S63. He was born in Massachu- a Bethel parontly re many days between now o setts. At the age of fifteen he shipped aiul October when no one of the depart- - 11 in a vessel that took him as far as of ments will be manned bv an official of as August , 1910 San Francisco. He followed a seafar- cabinet rank. The country has become 0 ing life for five years more, sailing be- used to the idea of long governmental 1 tween .San Francisco and Honolulu in sorTshoulders vacations, and no one gets excited when o the American bark Whistler, finally be Quickly Cured the lug men of the government start off coming first officer. Then he went STOCK EEMEDIES anil have a good time for two or three r POTTIE'S asnore in Honolulu one day, got a job 1 CO. months of the hot season. 0 as clerk and settled down to grow up The contrast lin public sentiment, j O Hotel and Union. with the country. however, is marked. It was hardly o ; ATMS, Manager. Mr. Dillingham is very proud B.M. of the forty years ago that congress under- railroad which he is responsible for Building 0 took to censure for tlapiolani President Grant building. He had got twenty miles of SGBEAT going on a little vacation or two or o MASTEES it finished and had come to New York three weeks. The idea prevailed then and raised to build more that Presidents should take their vaca- ALAKEA STREET CRAFTS SHOP when the revolution of 1S93 broke out. 0 tfTS AND tion under the trees on the Wliite House He had to wait a few years before lay- King. grounds or at the little cottage in the Fort St, below ing any more track. Soldiers' Home grounds. In the earlier o HDD BII55 "New," said Mr. Dillingham days the Presidents strove to be at "we have 100 miles of road; all their desks, nearlv everv working day lead t Prgm the in good condition. we 11 paid six per;of thp var President Roosevelt de t facta cent a year 7 ORIENT until 197, and for twelve velo,)ed "the vacation idea to its present 14-- V 34 K: years we paid , have nine rerA cent a t ;....i i,. tv,a m. Office H I ' I ir, Phonies BAZAR NIPPON liavuilUUCi Al'UdlCUH JW"t vii o year. We have used oil fuel for five cial vacation of two or three months Street. Next to Advertiser 1 part r.uag ' or six years, and with it have cut has come to stay. 73 i Works s our cost of operation almost in half. call On Postal Saving Business. D - Our passenger receipts last year were lanirf; Postmaster-Genera- l Hitchcock was i O fflBILE about $180,000. We have an average of 1 one of the last of the cabinet to quit j i rate of two and one-quart- cents a o the job in Washington. He had expect- - I ckircj Ai Best oflt Car In America. mile. The road in Oahu is narrow ed to stay right there through much of j duct CAEBIAGE CO., LTD. thirty-seven-mil- jggHAH gauge, but we have a e Laundering in ail its branches done in the most July and August, and obtained a lot of! a AGENTS. standard gauge road on the Island of 0 advertising as the man who would sit Hawaii which eventually will be 100 Q upon the lid. But, lo and behold! one j te ! CB0EB & COMPANY, LTD. miles long. We have put in thirteen up-to-da- manner. o fine morning, when folk read their steel bridges! made in New York. Their newspapers at the breakfast table, it average length is 730 feet. One is 2000 to the postmaster-genera- l V ifiENTS FOR THE long 210 high . was learn that W. D. McINTYRE, feet and feet 0 St was in New Y'ork at that very mo- r tt ; Co., of Liverpool, Eng-is- i "Morally the United States ought to terMmut do something for Queen Liliuokalani. ment, having gone there overnight, and She ought get Superintendent. o Corporation. to $250,f(0 outright, or in a few hours would be aboard a big ft 5 Late inarance income The legis Lt Tjnioii Assurance Co., Ltd., at least the of it. ocean bound for Europe. taietial lature of Hawaii votes her $15,000' liner, if Lradcm. Mr. every two and is all she There is an impression that Jattis Union & National Insurance years, that gets. Hawaii has paid back the Hitchcock has gone to Europe, in some 0 . of Edinbnrgh, Scotland. ft, bv of postal bUtnian Insurance Co. of indebtedness assumed the part, to observe the operations in 189S and $4,000,000 is chairman of the lie Upper Rhino Insurance Co., Ltd. United States savincs banks. He o more. has to do with 1 1 : (Ikrine). board of trustees that 1 1 "The labor question is getting to be the establishment of those banks. There oc DOC DOaOCTDOC DOC DOC 3oa 1 serious. Both Chinese and Japanese is quite a clamor from the country for, TAI laill & Company, Ltd have been decreasing in number sihee the postal savings banxs, ana tne wora b, tue exclusion act was passed. We have went out not long ago that, in spite of tary MacVeagh is intent upon having about 2300 Russian Siberians there, who all the fuss, it would be quite a year his- summer at Dublin, New Hampshire, EJGKEER3 AND MACHINISTS. not Knox upon staying at would be satisfied were it for their before any postoffices were accepting and Secretary NEW 1 thnkn 500 and there 8end and South Sts., Kakaako. agitators. There were about of them deposits. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania i 3:20 the 5 encamped in one place refusing to go to Must Hurry Up. you are. But it is noteworthy that , ; and seems to be surviving. Mm retubed with charcoal iron or work, their agitators having given them word from Beverly goverintnent h 15 a. lured to The President sent is a telegraph wire set up be- tubes. - the idea that they had been some There Figured Crepe ltd General ship work. that that would not do. He wants Beverly, so Japanese the Islands under false pretenses and as Oetober, tween Washington and that f 15 p. and banks in operation as early departments can communi- - that they could collect $10iO apiece before the campaign is all of the -"- 10: to they which will be sate with the President almost instan- l Rubber transportation back Siberia if over, and has announced that a few tl:15 Goods stuck together. The Kussian govern- taneously. Under such circumstances will b? actually put into opera- yard J K j - banks go to a Goodyear ment sent two agents out to investi.- the country is not likely to the co. tion before many weeks have 'passed. . oku, rubber -- men bowwows. ate and these reported that the He has already talked with Attorney-Genera- l had no ground for complaint. t E PEASE President Wickersham about it, when the i ln is plenty of work in Hawaii "There latter visited in Beverly a few days . r Mil Market Street, and thefe is good pay. The Portuguese ago, and he has stated his intention to TRYING CASE ;:3 i 8an Francisco, U.S.A. Azores IW Cal., who have gone there from the talk the subject over with Secretary BAZAAR have as a rule, after saving for three wnen tne JAPANESE to of the Treasury ,iaeeagn NOTICE. or four years, accumulated enough latter goes to visit him at Beverly in YEARS OLD hiawi Postma- 22 Below Convent. go into business on their own account." the course of a couple of weeks. 1137 Fort Street,' i m., ster-General Hitchcock is said to PAWAA JUNtTION STORE have in mind a thorough study of the j twe although a very compre- v hon be VENDETTA British system, A case that has been. in the courts f closed during the next hensive- report on it has been made by at SIM twenty-tw- o now it of Hawaii for years is ; Hoi Consul-Genera- l Griffiths at London. ' N weeks. Mr. Hitchcock has "ducked" being tried before Judge Robinson. The A slice of bread, a cup ttopi CURS Anvhow, Out ICIIN5T TIE the heat of a Washington summer. case is that of the estate of Frank i Structure Meyer returned Pearl to be entirely re-t- it Secretary of the Navy Antone, who died in leaving cer- of coffee, salad, and lie had taken an a for a few days, after cash. a in Hamilton, Massa- tain rice lands and $900 in day and will Au- - outing at his home reooen about John when he had disposed of There are before the court two claim- thou beside me" 8MT. Sheriff Is Going to Strike chusetts, but ; O. some business, which occupied him but ants for the estate, with another hover- H. A. ASCH, away I.. 10ia Wilson for a Mule and two or three davs, lie hastened ing in the offing waiting to see which in the salmon-killin- g excursion on the ETA for a way the eat jumps. Busy. Kestagouche River in Canada, Province Proprietor. Get Frank An- of Quebec. The bureau chiefs and the Soon after the death of naval aides are running the navy with tone a man named Kauhi was appointed Young Cafe it HONOLULU ,. MUSIC CO. little let or hindrance. Assistant Sec- to administer the estate. It is claimed olh All you mangy pups and homeless Beekman Winthrop is also some- Well what more in needed Will Oeupy retary that he collected $900 belonging to the Store in the curs beware for Bill Jarrett, the big thing" of a summer rover himself, and navy as an ex- estate, and some time later he died, 11:00 CBKTE police of the city of Honolulu, is with visits to the yards to make life rosy? AL BUILDING bos he is going much up withouc rendering any account to the , 1:00 King mule from Johnny cuse for traveling, and Fort Streets going to borrow a the land where there are sum- estate and leaving none of the $900 flea-bitte- and down Wilson and mn in the whole and gay people. Every lit- where it could be found. AUGUST 1, 1910 mer resorts bunch of vou. tle while he slips up toward the North One of the claimants to the estate yester- Massachusetts, where he has is an alleged nephew who lives in the 1:41 C The sheriff made this threat Shore of BREWER & CO., of friends, and occasionally goes Cape Verde islands. He is represented t:4f LTD. accused of allowing, the dog lots day when over to Hamilton, the home town of by Thompson & demons. The other Factors history. be-th- and Comnv.ssion mer- license ordinance to slumber in Secretary Meyer. Mr. Wintl;rop has a claimant is Kuhinn. who claims to OIJI chants. sheriff, "waving Antone by a Fresh Columbia River Salmon "You see' said the brother there. daughter of Frank 11:18 Lor-li- n West. common law carriage. She is represent- "CER8 - .Joe Owl cigars at Majority Out AND IIRK Tors- one of Fern's ,T. hinges looking out of a of the cabinet ed by Light foot. The case Andrews, who was More than majority or not was Delicious Halibut West 'now. Secretary largely upon whether there 11:00 his window in the Yokohama Bank are in the jut common law marriage. to B'il!in,T'r has reached as far as his home anv f.i 1:10 Tig. haven't got any horse possible claimant is the and i.nild "we of Seattle, but is out "inspect- The third 111 . 1 "i l" citv may pos NORTH enase the dogs with. g'r not to Washing- Territory of Hawaii, which i Wilson. ing," and will return T .. Treasurer !..,rr,v a mule from Johnny sibly enter a claim of escheat on the he 11 ton citv for manv weeks. " Uncle CRYSTAL SPRINGS BUTTER .Secretary) j,.i,linv 8 out of town now but bt agri- ground there is no lawful heir 11 WiNon, secretary of that ..Auditor ,',rottv soon and maybe 1 pet a Tama Jim" living. 11:31 hack 1 stolen away to Ins home ' :O0 ft carter; t...r ', n)ule or a kick anyway. culture, has COOKE... j gvt a to parts of the j got one horse State of Iowa and other t Ki ..Director y(tll .oe. already de- - we'e driving around West for a little look around. The A NOVEL RIME. 1:11 GABTLEY ..Director rom himb,it we use that uy onrtment of agru-- ture is being run (With apologies to William DeMorgan) The Market he ..director iu the county ri5 after Andeon Metropolitan t an "acting" secretary, and sometimes Joseph Vance kissed Aliee-for-Shor- t. 1 ei from well down the roster of -- We've always run in all the mangy he comes As the two in the library stood. a l cense on bureau chiefs. Secretary of Commerce Never Can Happen Agaiu," sh VV. 1, do- -. Nobodv 'ever pays General "It F. Heilbron, Prop. (,7 ton keeps tlu and Unbor Nagel and Attorney cried. Ka them so it don't pay but if whirling across the liana we do is to Yickersham are He sighed. " it was Somehow Good." - P. down. The v this week on the Telephone 45 t nn the people eon , Dominion of Canada Life. ;ib dog, and then v ar Dick- the w-i- Secretary of 1 1,,-i- r to Alaska. - -license. Were the dirt moved. II .IM'A I'".- long since passed through the ling : ti,Nf- of pup" Ut inson Maiden Aunt No. sir! No trav- I 1 bunch The ' , T.r.-.ttt- been at Yokohama in t, i West and has - Set "' class on the continent for ' . it f,nm r i in ear maiM-- i Philip- eling second Ala: ' roll. id the . p the uur grocer. recent day? on the way to i : me. How do I know with what jrange 1 m but they're pretty iox. - out of fashion ain- pines. , man 1 might be locked into a compart- head "But dogs are Tt is rot easv to see just who ot tne so. But the I- the we re u.u, Wash- ment? Nephew That's v e ADVERTISER, V.Ti v. Tust tell them that cabinet can be 'drafted to stay in r in iHOtl a month on aino .him July man wouldn't know what was coming over Tiin-- ington during the latter part of o f - READ eur license and that son of August, beere- to him, either. Life. THE ADVERTISER ( WORLD'S NEWS and the earlv part DAILY la ve dogs out elassea.

hi D


O 7


r TIC r-'r- r r r r r r r r I n


"WINKLE-MA- I MARY Am. bk., from j HONOLULU. ALERT Am. sehr.. ar. Grava Harbor PORT OF fmm Hnnahih, Mav 31. Eureka for Hon., July 30. Ho-frn- ! LICE COOKE, Am." schr.. ar. Hon. MURIEL. Am. schr., from S. F. for ARRIVED. Pert Ln.Uow. Julv IS. I noinu. July 29. Tut'g.lav, August 2. i VLTiKRT, Am. bkt.. from Hilo for Port I NEVA PAX, Am. s. from Kaana M ,. T , ,.... I.",.. I.".,., i i Q V., PAY j pali IT .viauua j.'iu iium ivuiivi rfii'i ivau, lownsemi, J 1I1V ior Julv DOESN'T a. in. j ALOHA, Am. sc'nr., ar. Redondo from NINFA, Ital. sp., ar. Portland from DEPARTED. j Hon., April 29. Hon., June 3. I J 3tr. M.-iun- Kea. for Hilo and way ! AMARANTH, Am. bktn., ar. Grays NIPPON MARU, Jap. S. S., ar. Yoko- ports, 10 a. m. Harbor from Honolulu, May 30. hama from Hon., Julv 9. port?, 5 p. m. ARIZONAN, Am. S. S., from Hon. for NUUANU, Am. bk.. Josselyn, ar. Del. Str. Kiiiau, for Kauai ADDER Str. Mikaliala. for Molokai and Maui Kahului. Julv 26. Breakwater from Kaanapali, June 26. The parts of a BURROUGHS are so carefully adjusted that ports, 5 p. m. ARAGO, Am. bkt., ar. Gray 't Harbor OLYMPIC; Am. bk., ar. S. F. from Yokohama, 3 p. m. S. 14. Kaanapali, April 7 gets out of The t. S. Asia, for from F., April the machine as a whole seldom order. same is true of DUE TODAY. ARIEL, Am schr., ar. Port Townsend OMEGA, Am. sehr., from Hon. for Aber c frnm Pearl Harbor. Anril 3 5. ueen, .iuiy v. A. T. Logan, from Manila, a. rc. the great business help, the NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. They S. S., Hon. Yoko-- 1 O. KELLOGG, Am. chr., from Hana are 6 S. 8. Lurline, from Sau Francisco, ASIA. Am. from for ham a. Aug. 2. for S. F., July 5, 10 a. m. Wil- PROMETHEUS, Am. S. S., from Hon. recognized by machinist experts as the most perfectly constructed SAIL TODAY. ASTRAL, Am. sp., Dunham, from ma- mington for S. F., March 24. for S. F., Julv 28. A. T. Logan for Son Francisco, p. m. ATLAS. Am. sp., ar. N. Y. from Manila, RENEE RICKMERS, Ger. sp., from chines in the world. This makes it unprofitable for any but the authorized DUE FRIDAY. March 6. Hon. for Seattle, July 10. P. RITHET, Am. bk., S. S. Sierra from San Francisco. ANNIE JOHNSON, Am. bk., ar. S. F. jB. Drew, from agents for the companies to have in their employ an expert exclusively SAIL FRIDAY. from Hon., Mav 31. Jlon. tor t. , Julv Mauna Loa for Kona and Kau Am. ar. S. F. ROBERT LEWERS, Am. schr., ar. Port Str. ANDREW WELCH, bk., from for this work. We have one because every machine of either make ports. May 20. Gamble Hon., July 25. is from Hon., ROBERT SEARLES, Am. S. PASSENGERS. BALBOA, Am. schr., ar. Redondo from sehr., ar. F. from Hilo, July 21. adjusted by us before it leaves our sales room. It has previous and sim- Arrived. -- Hilo. June 3. ROKEBY, Br. S. S., from Am. bk., from Grays Har- Hon. for TVr stmr. Mauna Loa from Kona and BKXIflA. Ocean Island. June 1. ilar attention before it leaves the factory. Kau ports, Aug. 2. Mrs. Pritzman. bor for Hon., Julv 31. ROSECKANS, Am. S. S., from Gaviota BOREALIS, Am. schr., ar. Seattle from Mrs. Salisbury, Miss Bertschy. Mrs. for Kaanapali, July 31. Owners of BURROUGHS and NATIONALS have the Bertschy, Mrs. Yroom, M. Sherwood. J. Kahului, July 2. ROSEBANK, Br. S. S., from Hon. for assurance that in Mrs. '. A. Olepau. J. Gai-par- , BUYO MARU, Jap. S. S., from Hon. McCumber, Ocean Island, Mav 17. in Rev. S. L. Desha. T. C. White. O. for So. Amer. ports, May 28. SAN GABRIEL, Port, cr., from Hon. the event of the disorganization of a part either machine it can be co- ! Sorenson, L. Steiner, Mrs. Soares, Rev. C. S. HOLMES, Am. schr., ar. Ahukini, for Yokohama, June 3. Bono, II. Schofiebl, John Gregg, Miss from Pt. Ludlow, July 11. SANTA MARIA, Am. S. S.. ar. Port rrected by us and there will be little or no delay in the use of the machine. Hooper, J. (Jreenwell, J. Soares, J. S. CAMANO, Am. schr., Jameson, ar. Port San Luis from Hon., Julv 12. Phillips. Mrs. Capt. Peter- Gamble, from 30. S. Azavello, J. Hon., June SANTA RITA, Am. S., ar. Port San If you have one that is not just right we invite information. If you do son, Mrs. M. A. Lenon, Mrs. Knight, CARRIER DOVE, Am. schr., ar. Gray Luis frorti Hon., June 6. Miss Parker. Miss Dowsett, Miss Tow-ar- t, Harbor from S. F., Feb. 7. SEQUOIA, Am. schr., ar. Pt. Townsend not one notify us and one of will call on v, have the sales staff you Mrs. Towart, A. Parish. II. Beck-le- CIIILCATTAN, Br. S. S., from Nor- from Hilo, July 12. and show A. J. Williamson, P. L. Weaver, C. folk for Hon., July 21. SELSDON, Br. S. S., from Norfolk for A". McDonald, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. J. CHINA, Am. S. S., ar. Yokohama from Hon., June 30. you why and where you are losing money by not having one. Hose, P. Hose. S. F., Julv 25. S. G. WILDER, Am. bk., from Mahu- - Departed. ICHllO JV1AKL, Jap. s. b., irom lion. kona for s. P juy 30i Per str. Kinau, for Kauai ports. Aug. for okohama, July 26. s t a Am enr or Pr 2. A.'Y. Lurch, Mrs. A. Waterhouse, COLUMBIAN, Am. S. S., ar. Salina 'Townsend from Hilo. June 16. Miss E Kopke, Miss K. Wilcox. Mrs. Cruz from liilo, July Zb. j SIBERIA, Am. S. S., ar. Yokohama ! M. Chetham, Miss Sailor, D. B. Lyman, CORONADO, Am. bkt., from Hon. for j frorn Hon., Julv 15. Mrs. Lvman, J. M. Ifencke, Mrs.! S. F., June 26. SIERRA. Am. S" S., from S. F. for Hencke.'C. de Butterville. D. G. Maye, DEMARA, S. S., from Norfolk for Hon.,' Hem., July 30. G. G. Fuller. G. A. Jordan, II. Alexan- - June 28. STIMSON, Am. schr.. ar. Port Town der. Dewitt Alexander, Allen Wilcox. uaamakk.. lan. dk., rrom lona ior send from Hon., April 5, Per str. Manna Kea, for Hilo and j Hon., March 21. ST. DUXSTAN, Br. S. S., ar. Port wav ports, Aug. 2. L. T. Ward, Mrs. ; DAUNTLESS, Am. Bchr., Jonoien, Townsend from Hon., June 21. Saunders. Miss K. Kelly. Miss Mary j ar port Townsend from Hon., Jan. 9. ST. KATHERIXE, Am. bk., S. F. for Town-- ! . Warne, H. Lvons, Mrs. H. A. DUMFRIESSHIRE, Br. sp., from Leith Hilo, Julv 4. m send. F. N. White., Mrs. White, J. M. ; for Hon., April 27. STRATnGYLE, Br. S. S., from Hon. Haenke, E. A. Richards. Miss Alice e. k. "WOOD, Am. schr., from Gray's for Newcastle, May 21. Winter, Miss A. nendry, V. Iyon, Miss Harbor for Hon.. July 20. TAMOX MARU, No. 6, from Hon. for Display Rooms and II. Kaiue. Miss E. A. Fletcher, Mrs. : EDWARD SEWALL. Am. p.. Qniek, Moji, April 2. Repair Department Apo. Mrs. WT. L. Wilcox. Mrs. J. A. frorn Hi0 for Philadelphia, May 29. TAURUS, Am. schr., from Port Allen Victor, S. Johnson, Geo. Lycurgus, H. ENTERPRISE, Am. S. S., from Hilo for Sound, April 23. Queen Near Nuuanu N. Clarg. L. Hart. Dan Carey, J. E. for R F Julr 25. TEXYO MARU, Jap S. S., from Hon. Sumner, Miss Strayne, Miss Withmg-- EK.SKINE M. PHELPS, Am. sp., from for S. F., July 31. ton. Miss D. Wood, Mrs. Dr. Raymond, j Philadelphia for Hon., July 4. TORSDAL, Nor. S. S., from Hon. for Office First Floor, Judd Building. ' Mrs. L. . Abies, C. D. Lufkm. C. B. ESPADA, Am. schr., from Hon. for Australian ports, July 2. - Andrews. G. H. Richardson, W . M. Bu- j Gravg Harbor, July 20. TYMERIC, Br. S. S., ar. Newcastle chanan, Col. C. E. Davis. H. A. P. Car. j EVA, Am. schr., ar. S. F. from Mahu-ter- . from Hon., May 30. C. Davis, Rev. T. Han, Rev. T. j kona Jan 28 VANCOUVER, Br. S. S., from Hon. for Okumura. , . EXPANSION. Am. schr., Jacobsen, Miike, June 5. , ' Per str. .MiKanaia, ior jiaui, --uu.u- from mo for s F July 4 VIRGIXIAX, Am. S. S., from Seattle kai and Lanai ports, Aug. 2. Mrs. L. eaLLS OF CLYDE, Am. sp., from Hon. for Hon., Julv 26. ji. jseviu. j. i. -- n;ic'g"j " i ior uaviota, juiy o. WM. OLSEN, Am. schr., ar. Grayi --'Mrs. juaa, --uiss juuu. FEARLESS, Am. schr., from Hon. for Harbor from Hon., March 22. Booked to Depart. Gravs Harbor. Julv 6. WILHELMINA, Am. S. S., ar. S. F. Fran- - Per M. X. S. S. Lurline for San FLlArBENCE WARD, Am. schr., from from Hon.. Julv 26. ? 'eisco. August 9. Miss F. Benton, Mis Mi,lwav isiand for Hon., July 20. Tulloch, Miss W. F. BABCOCK, Am. sp., Harris, ar. ;X Athert on.. Miss Leslie FOOHNq SUEY, Am. bk., Wlllett, Svdnev from 30. G. Tulloch, Mr. Hon., June Martha .Tulldch, Mrs. P. frQm Port A1n for Delaware Break--an- d WM. P.'FRYE, Am. sp., from Kahnlnj M. Linn, Lrs S. Mrs. Pratt, Miss teT Aprii 8. for Delaware Breakwater, April 23. J-J- - Careen m Linn W T. Garden Am. sch W. H. MARSTON, Am. schr., ar. Hilo Prime Mrs. , Port Gambe for Mr.. I. H. Beadle, Miss from Hon., June 29. Mrs Geo A Martm two ;rrime, m A sch from m ZAMBESI, Br. S. S., from Newcastle children. Miss E. Mack, Mrs. M. b. Ave,f1oOT, t' w s ' - 22. - Afro Ain- Smith ana for Hon., Julv r.i- C, 1 W. WATSON. Am. schr.. ar. Urays ZEALANDIA, Br. S. S., and Mrs O. , Miss 0. from Sydney child, Mr. n'o'th from for Hon. Aug. 1. A HACKFELD, Gr. sp., ar. Sydney Mrs. M. Fasan. Carl wZ IT AC T a . V,.:1, Ar, nA Afr.WT, "on., iiarcn o. "You are not interested in family There is scarcely limitation of HAWAII" Am bkt., from Mahukona for any to the growth A C Parish Mrs W. A.' Bideout and trees?" "No," replied Miss Cayenne, F. many of them remined me of child. Miss Nellie M. Crane, Miss j "so H jJen. Am .schr ., ar.Grays these continual announcements that Cassidj. from Mav 13. str. Mauna Loa for Kona and narbor Hon., the fruit crop is a failure." Washing- Loose Leaf Per H WRIGHT, Am. sihr, ar. S. F. Cases Kau ports. Aug. o.-- Mrs. W F. Peter, ton Star. SrouleFgJ: W! HEATH D ENE, Ir S. S.. from Hon. for MnraMii 15. R Farrington and 3 children. Lee Tai, .June 0AHU RAILWAY TIME, TABLE. Mavdwell,Mrs.Mavdwell,X.Fer-,nELFE- , Am. schr ar Port Town- - III G F 14 R. Fernandez, A. Feman- - "end from Hon. July nande,. Miss HEBZOGIN CECTLLE, Ger. sp., from dez Mrs. Fernandez. J. P. Mendonca, outwara. M. W. Tschudi, Mrs. Tschudi. For Waianae, Waiarua, Kahuku and M N S S Wilhelmina. for San KiHtHILOMAN, Am. S. S., ar. cm from Per ..: Hilo, Julv 20. Way Stations 9:15 a. m., 3:20 p. m ; Fl i'-T?- TA. c!! HONGKONG MARU, Jap S. S., from For Pearl City, Ewa MiU and Waj Hon. for Salina Cruz, July 25. Stations 17:30 . m., 9.15 A. nu, D. T. Fullaway, Geo. Gardner, 11:30 a. m., 2:15 p. m., m., Coburn, TJV (Tiri! C! O A llnr. 3:20 p. Jas. K. Jarrett. S. C. Kennedy, Mr. and; '; T. 5:15 p m., i9:30 p. in., tll:15 p. m. ! for San Francisco. Aug 1 Mrs. A. Hurtt and infant. II. A. Wild For Wahiawa nd Leilehus. 10:20 a Am. schr., ar Port Townsend, 19-3- 0 er. W. Foster Horner. S. Thompson.; m., 5:15 p. m., d. m,, 1 11:15 p. m - from Hon., July 18. C C Desmond. Mrs. Alex, lmil- Tuwara. Miss ; IRMGARD, Am. bkt., from Port Lud- - sav and child. Mrs. L. (r. Marsha.l, l Arrive Honolulu from Kahuln, Wj low, I'fi: ii(.tu., ,i uiy i . a, Miss Lvdia K. Aholo. Miss R. Raphael,; ' (ua and Waianae 8:36 m., S:!! J. L. RTANFOBf). Am. bkt.. ar. Port p. m. Mrs- - A:.E- - Townsend from Hon., June 14. If' Ros Mrs L,t-- 1 Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill aad Cew. Miss Aula Dad j M BRUCE, Am. fichr., from tie. Mrs. Robert Svo t Irene; Pearl City 17:45 a. m., 8:3 a. m. One case will grow with business growing. p. for Hilo. June 12. 11:02 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:26 p. m, a and keep Youna. Miss Louise Mc arthy, Miss; T at WEATHERWAX. Am. schr.. from Miss Mary Sexton ' 5:31 p. m., "7:30 p. m. fast Josavhine Pratt. Eureka for Hon., July 20, Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa an3 As as an account is filled the Miss M. de Bret-teviil- page move it into Mrs. A. E. Spinney, WM. T. LEWIS, sp., from Cardiff for Leilehua 9:15 a. m., p m., 5:31 IT. Baugh. Miss tl:40 J. B. Cox.'w. S. F. for Sound. Dec. 16. p. m., $10:10 p. m. transfer Desmond, W. A. case and keep on renewing. transfer grows L Desmond. Mrs. JEAN BABTJSTE. Fr. bk.. ar. Hon. The Halsiwa Limited, a two-so- w The j Miss Jessie first-clas- Bailev. Dr. J. N. Vroom, jrm Leith, Aug. 1. train (only s tickets honored), J- Mrs. L. along with the ledger Kennedy. Mrs. - A. Kennedy. JAMES ROLPII, Am. sehr., from S. F. leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:S and an account number is always E Arnold, infant and mnid. Master L. for Hana. Aug. 1. . m.; returniig, arrives in Honolulu Arnold. Miss L. Arnold. Miss Butschy, i JOHN EN A, Am. sp., ar. Del. Break-- 1 at 10:10 p. m. The Limited atop onlj Mrs. Butschv. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. C;tr- - water, July 21. at Pearl City and Waianae outward, tor and child, M. IT. Ihmsen. L. G.j KAIULANI, Am. bk., Colly, ar. 8. F. and Waianae, Waipahu and Pearl City Richardson. Ton L. Clark, Miss IT. Hob- - j from non.. Jan. 18 inward. ron Mr. and Mrs. j. ('. Hitchman. R. KIYO MARU. Jap. S. S., from Hon. for 'Dailv. tExcept Sunday. JSundar Only II. Hvman. Dr. J. S. B. Pratt. Mrs. M. Yokohama, Julv 10. G. P.'DEXISOX, F. C. SMITH, Ten-ne- KOREA. Am. S. S., from Yokohama for Superintendent. G. P, A Ston- - Mrs. H. W. Hyman, E. D. Miss C. Richardson. Miss K. Hon., July 28. Hutehinson, Miss D. Richardson, Mrs. KONA, Am. schr., from S. F. for Hon., K00LAU RAILWAY TIME TAILE 7. L. G. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. June Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hutchinson. LADY ELIZABETH, Nor. bk., from Bremerhaven for Hon., March 8. ,j L'AVENTR. Belg. sp., from Hon. for DAIIjY, EXCEPT 8ATUHDAY, VESSELS IN PORT. S. F., Julv 11. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYI1 :"" ' (Army and Navy.) LANSING, Am. S. S., ar. Port Harford Leave Kahana for Punaiuu, Y ' - Thetis, U. S. R. C, Cochrane. from Hon., May 23. LAIIAINA, Am. "bktn., from Newcastl? Hauula, Laie, Kahuku and Kukui, U. S. L. H. T., Keriger. Way Stations at 11:00 M. Vessels.) for Hon., April 5. (Merchant Am. S. S., S. Arrive Kahuku at 1:00.P.M tVlf l-- LT'RLTNE, from F., for Cam llOPl'nrr ! 1 1 1 f. . Alden Besse, Am. bk., Miller, San Hon.. Julv 26. Returning: , uvcr a nan- - uooiug maexes may atter Pedro, May 18. M. TURNER, schr., ar. S. F. from Ka- Leave Kahuku for Laie, be avoided A!ic Coike, Am. schr., Tort Ludlow, hului, June 10. ula, Punaiuu, Kahana and loose system has been in for We Julv 18. MAKURA. Br. S. S., ar. Victoria from Way Stations at 1:48 P.M use a short time. Aug. 1. at Jean Baptise. Fr. bk., Leith. Hon.. Julv 26. Arrive Kahana 2:45 PJd. make these ' . SOOr.. -. sets in the S. AUen. Am. irort Xr., oui t.WTTTv- T.t S R ar Sr,1nAV from SATURDAY. SUNDAY any style, and at any price, to suit 16. Hon.. Julv 12. AND HOLIDAYS purse of TRANSPORT SERVICE. MA KAWELL Am. bk., Xeilsen, from Arrive Kahuku at 11:58 A.JJL the customer. Sets in stock from $20. Dix. from Seattle for Hon., (!) Xewcastle for Hon., June 27. tave Kahana for Punaiuu, $5 to Logan, from Manila fir Hon., Ju?y 1j. MAR A MA, Br. S. S., from Hon. for Hauula, Laie, Kahuku and We would Sheridan at San Francisco. Svdnev. Julv 23. Way Stations at 11:00 A.M. like to talk it over with you. Sherman, from Hoc. for Manila, July MAXdlURIA, Am. S. S.. ar. Y,koha-- j 1:30 P.M 14. ma Hon.. Julv 2,). 1:15 P.M. Kobe j Hau- - MOVEMENTS MAXSHII MARU, Jap. S. S., ar. Leave KahuKu for Laie, cr BinPFINO from flon.. May 25. ula, Punaiuu Kahana and A. F. (XIATES. schr.. ar. from Hon. MEXICAN. Am. S. S.. ar. San Diego Way Stations at 1:S5P.M for Port Gamble, Julv 9. from Salina Cruz, Julv 21. 3:00 P.M HAWAIIAN A. M. BAXTER. Am. schr., ar. Port MONGOLIA. Am. S. S.." from Hon. for Connections are made at Kahuks GAZETTE CO., Ltd Townsend, from Mahukona, July S. S. F., Julv 30. with the O. R. & L. Co.'s :15 a. m Telephone "ADMIRAL. Am. schr., ar. Port Town-sen- d MISSOURI AN, Am. S. S.. from Salina train from Honolulu, and the 2:20 p 88 from Hon.. June 1. Craz, for San Diego. Julv 27. m. train, whieh arrives in the eity at ALDEX BESSE, Am. bk., ar. Hon. from MARY E. FOSTER, Am. schr., ar. Hon. 6:30 p. m. San Pedro, May 18. from Port Ludlow, Jun 15. JANUARY 1. 190 ALDEN. Br. S. from Hon. for Port MARION CHILCOTT. Am. sp., from J. J. DOWLING. E. 8. POLLISTTEB, Allen. Julv 9. Hon. for Gaviota, July 13. Superintendent G. P. F. A. : i-


lief that - . heawn wa- off above The 11...nine son TEN I'tner ewhere, but the tir-- t i..:,n THOUSAND I met n; Honolulu -- look hands vnd reeieit !u ln such a wav as to make mi' feel that I had arrive! in heaven. Ir t T was ii' until iiriuiments with SAL WENT I TO CANADA strangers !mi, .,., til(, t,.e,,rs I Insurance wa ,. that informed flint u-.- m.,n,. stdl on earth. The tirt which my kiM.w.edgo of aMro.,lllv underwent ! Of odds and Ends in As Result of Editorial Excursion was to find ,it that a portion, at least,! or heaven W;l J , . . i L1 . The last Which Chamber of Commerce change was i,,.,.,,.,,,, vHvin,.M though there mav le in seven planets they - Says Wouldn't Pay. aie evervone of them in- Add safety and practise real economy by attaching the eluded m did Mother F.arth. At any. rate I have l.eeoiue so DccoratedCrocKcry enamored with j genuine HARR0UN Bumper to your machine. the Territory of Hawaii in een.-r.-i- l and! President B.nniitrartner of the Na- Honolulu in parti.-ular- , that 1 have It improves the appearance, too. tional Editorial Association, who has abandoned toe idea of visiting Mecurv, Mars, and endeavored to got Honolulu bucking the rest of them, for I be- lieve Honolulu to eontain all and even for a trip of National Editorial Associa more than the rest of the bunch put NHBI tion members to Honolulu after its. next together. I convention, writes the promotion com- " found the people in Honolulu nice, hospitable people mittee that he is sure the association good folks, in short, gauccrs and I leave the people in l as an Honolulu size, of organized body, and its officer nice, hospitable people good folks of a 3 i After Dinner choice and members individually, would be goodness whi.-l- is everlasting. Despite quite willing to accept any courtesies the wear and tear of over a year and 1 a half's in formerly $2.25 doz., now Oc or cooperation the people of Hawaii stay their midst, they have lost not one whit of their niceness and each: might feel disposed to extend, and lie hospitality and goodness. Complete $1 doz. is also sure that none of them would "I started in doing business on the $18.50 .20 1 wish to appear in the light of asking jump and have been kept on the jump ever since. And you or seeking special consideration of a what else could expert when I had such good backing monetary nature. as the Y. M. c. A. Inspired with the; Oatmeal Dishes He states that the members of the enthusiasm with which 'Livewire' Paul association have a big advertising value Super, se retary of the Y. M. C. A.I ASSOCIATED GARAGE. Ltd. Always sold at $1.75 doz., now to offer to the people of Hawaii, and and the rest of the people boosted me alyng. I could not help but succeed. the lines of transportation leading And. speaking of the V. M. C A.. 1 I each. 1 Oc $ .2O doz. thereto, and his thought was that if advise anyone who ever conies to Ho- the association, through its officers and nolulu not to forget to become asso- the promotion committee could make ciated with that institution for there is the place where one can nlwavs find an advertising contract with these in- - friends friends of the kind which it Sauce Dishes terests in the sum of .."0'0 and have pays to have. the members furnish the advertising, liIt would be a good thing if the peo- j IN FRUITVALE Retailed at $1.25 doz., reduced turn this fund into the association's ple of the other planets could visit us LOTS and see what a lovely spot there is in might mad treasury, the excursion be Hawaii called Honolulu. It is with the i to 70c doz. possible, that is the expense of the greatest regrets that I am leaving Ho trip to the individual could be brought nolulu to attend to business ventures One Cent Per down to a figure that would secure at elsewhere, but, so help me, the first chance I get, I am coming back to dear least 200 persons in attendance. old 'Hawai i noi. Square re- Foot Dessert Plates He believes the excursion would sult in columns and columns of adver- 8 inch, pink and white and gold, tising in newspapers and magazines, in which no amount money could buy 4 cf Or a trifle over for home sites of more than usual price $2.00 doz., your choice just that kind of advertising, and other Pu-ke- columns of advertising in other publica- EXAMINER PftRTY one arce each, adjoining the celebrated ie 10c each. $1 .20 doz. tions the regular price of which would Homesteads in PAL0L0 VALLEY, ten run into many thousands of dollars. He calls attention-it- stories which cer- minutes' walk from the car line. tain writers have published about Ha- - The names of the hundred and ten These lots are adjoining the beautiful wan which appear m amereui papen tourists who will make the oriental tour Soup A. 1 Plates for a couple of years afterwards. under the auspices of the Los Angeles homes of Owen Williams William Rideout, He hopes there will be cooperation I0 inch, white and gold decoration, of local people in this matter. Examitier have arrived before their Charles J. Schoening, Edward F. Patten, and V. T. Parrott. corresponding secre-tar- v owners. The party is due on the fif- others. reduced from doz., to of the association with headquar- teenth on the liner Mongolia, the party $2.60 Waterloo. Iowa, fears that the Th rpar nf th lots tn th hill ters at having been limited in numbers so that 9 aiw we w bww fYtnrlc w association could hardly swing 200 peo- doz. ple for the proposed excursion. The all could occupy outside cabins on the slopes, from which grand views arc to be had. $1.75 proposition otherwise is very satisfac- big steamer. I Correct soil for all kinds of fruit. tory, lie states he has been in corre- Those in the party are: oast Steam- spondence with the Pacific Let me show you this property. . ship Company, and with Mr. Shaw of Fred L. Alies. Mrs. Fred L. Alles, J Sauce Tureens the Canadian Pacific. If a steamer is Los Angeles; Mrs. Wm. Arlington, Sau I $500 per acre and up. chartered from the Pacific Coast com-pan- Francisco; Frank Buttolph, Mrs. Frank Complete with ladle and stand, al- the excursionists would have tr Buttolph, Duarte, Cab; Miss Cora Map in my window. leave a Canadian port. Vancouver is Boettcher, Los Angeles; Charles A. the one suggested by 'Mr. Shaw. Mr. lirant, Mrs. Clwrles A. Brant, Grand ways retailed at $1.50, half price, Parrott would like to make the Cali- Canyon, Ariz.; Dr. S. S. Crow, Los An- fornia trip, however, and from a Cali- geles; John J. Connors. El 1'aso, Tex.; fornia port to Honolulu. He believes (John, Mrs. S. Morton (John, j with S. Morton if if force could be joined in a deal Portland, Ore.; J. E. Dunbar, Mrs. J. the Canadian government, for pubHcity Mrs. M. brought E. Dunbar, Long Beach, Cal.; Desky might be Eld-red- . S. matter Ghas. work, the Angeles; E. association. V. Everest, Los Fred within the reach of the Chicago; Mrs. Clara M. Ehm, San FORT STREET He states that the Canadian govern friendly to as Francisco; Mrs. Ida M. Fountain, Long ment is exceedingly the Phoenix, Ariz.; and he asserts that through Beach, Cal.; Emil Ganz. sociation, Gritlin, Los Angeles; Miss the publicity given by the association Mrs. Josephine Canada a few years Delia A. Gibbs, St. Louis; Miss Sophie 1 0. HALL & SON, Ltd. from their trip to T. ago that the Canadian government was L. Grisingher. Los Angeles; Mrs. W. Koberr W. Grillis, Santa IX enabled to locate 10.0'in people rrom Grillis, Master I' f HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT. TAKE ELEVATOR. the United States on public lands. He Monica, Cab; Ben Goodrich, Mrs. Ben savs this is a big statement, but it has Goodrich, Tombstone, Ariz.; Mrs. Clara come from many sources and he be llellyar, Los Angeles; Wr. E. Hammond. lieves it is true. One hundred and ten San'Di'ego; E. J. Huxtable, Mrs. E. J. Toast Without Fire papers, two hundred delegates, gave Huxtable, Douglas, Ariz.; Mrs. J. C. from ten to twenty columns 01 space Herudon, Miss Florence Herndon, Prea-cott- , Make your toast and cook your breakfast in comfort on anaaa per nay. Ariz.; Clifford li. Home, Mrs. Clif- - Personally, he says he is anxious to t ford K. Home, Los Angeles; . G. right on the dining table No need to bother with a kitchen come to iionoiuin. Ilumason, Mrs. W'. G. llumasou, Los 0 Angeles; E. R. Hibbard. Mrs. E. K. Hib-bar- fire these hot mornings. The if Howard Hibbard, Chicago; Mrs. H Angeles; Mis. ' TIE PHILOSOPHICAL Caroline Howard, Los s Emma Hotfilter, Sacramento; Gould W Hart, Brooklyn; M. F. Ihmsen, Mrs. Electric Toaster Stove 1 8 BOOTBLACK FLITTING M. F. Ihmsen, Miss Josephine Ihmsen, Los Angeles; Mrs. Lilliam M. Jones, I NACELLE Jes-eru- San Francisco; Mrs. Francesca A. is a table toaster and cooker combined. Has two TOPS, a Los Angeles; Harry Kay, Mrs. THE MOST DELICIOUS Lan-terma- Harry Kay, Phoenix, Ariz.; F. D. grid for toasting and a hot plate for hot cakes, bacon and Regards Honolulu as a Heaven An- Mrs. F. D. Lantermau, Los eggs, etc. Earth, but Sees Chances geles; S. Leland. Mrs. S. Leland, Pasa- on dena; Miss Fannibelle Leland, Pasa- OLIVE OIL I. Lezynsky, Miss Hannah L. for Him in Colorado. dena; A HOT. Leszynsky, Miss 1L L. Leszynsky, San YOU NEED TOASTER WHILE THE WEATHER IS OBTAINABLE Diego; John Long, San Diego; W'. M. Milne, Mrs. W". M. Milne. Los Angeles; The "Shining Light of Hotel Street," Miss Alice M. Miller, Oakland; Mrs. Mrs. Only making Nicelle Mister William Hooper, hoottiiacK ij Spoor Mac.key, Los Angeles; sound perfect Olives are used in Cal.; Miss profession, entertainer and musician by Kathryn Minor, Hollister, Los Angeles; Mrs. The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. it is absolutely pure with a most exquisite flavor. inclination, and incidentally the winner Marie McGinnis. Robert Y. McBride. Los Angeles; Mrs. money on the Johnson-Jeffrie- s of a wad of Charles H. Mentz. San Francisco; Mrs. simply because he was S. BOTTLED AT NICE, FRANCE. light, R. H. McLean, Los Angeles; Mrs. forced into betting, has disposed of his Michaels. San Francisco; Mrs. T. G. IS Ariz.: Mrs. Ida A. otn,. mil wi cave on ine iorca ui N'orris. IVescott. mm Your Vnvon Miss Mvrtle E. Nash, Grocer Has It in y4, y2 and 1 Gallon Tins. the Sierra for Colorado where a business Pasadena: nita Monica, Cab; John Pettit New 1''"5- - I at trade-- Hooper An-.rci.-- venture has ell, Mrs. John Pettit Newell. Los gained distinction on his arrival about Wm. P. Olds. Mrs. Wm. 1'. Olds, ! i .. I.,- - , , . . nn m 1 Pa-.!- . a vear nun a u.m:...! .. l.i. r..i .... - port land. Ore.; Mrs. L. M. Porter. Mandarin Silk Coats methods in polishing nearly all Hono- . I) Packard. Mrs. it. A. I'a.-kard- . Estc lulu's footwear and particularly in the Douglas, Ariz.; Miss i.,i. ( 'iiicao-,1- Mrs. Rosa Porter. I whisked ir- - broom which seem- ,,,i' SILK CREPE WAIST PATTERNS, wav he Barbara; Mrs. Charles E. Pow v Lees making the :Uita ed like a swarm of New York citv: Dr. Reginald S SILK SCARFS, PICTURE FRAMES, Mr. - dust ilv from coats of patrons. i ..... r.,,; Mrs. G. Ivan Peo THE NEW Homer is fond of Honolulu and while nies Los Angeles; Mrs. A. F. Rosen i PIN CUSHIONS. Miss Marie Rooc-h.- J poli-hin- g a pair f No. -s managed :.i,ii. L"5 Angeles; T I t. 11. I .. ,.1 OCEAN a n rancisco; ( all l.aan. VSEW TRACT to work of! the following wordy effusion .uin ..i !a a ' I'.! Monte. Cab; A. Rothe. Mrs. . AN IDEAL TO LIVE i.'uh tor Honolulu: I . PLACE of his A. lie. is,, n ; M s Semoiie I e Delightful Climat nd ?ome-iev- Stod-l-aa- hwS,aWter' m& Elevation, Electric Lights, ' read and we are Los Aiig.-ii-- Taft Streets, Lev Koko Head Eainfall, Excellent loll, b. Phoe-Mr-- . SAYEGUSA Breeie, Sufficient 0 that Mrs. Sr..ddard. CMl times we " tar Taft and Healthful, Good Location, Pure Atmosphere, Lena. M. Stoiiehart, Nuuanu Street Above Hotel i there rue seve! I'lanet cid we call n . Ariz..: exten Siit-tT.-r- . and the -: fcij!' everyone an to see our property . Tex Mrs. V. G. Miss invitation di their Me ars, Vi n'is. tsttrt,p.rov?ment3 we are the development of residential r. b' Nl.-irv- Ma- -.: Mi-- s M. E. makin? for yow j U.ite and "edit to any cav. Take the Wai&lae car, and upon urn. Neptuno. Hollister. Cal.; G. T. St a ram. v ', believed imuki cal1 at cur branch office in charge of cur represent L m at ie time Mrs, G. T. St am m. Mi-- s Florence be pleased - ; S""1 to KW,tr t- ii :i 111(1 SlirTlV TOU WHU e V.'7: a nd even F-- . Sra-iim- . AngoN-s- Ino rrnnartl iur,are that th. .labels St a o !. i P.. and all fixed price . - the information vnn mav reouire. Our ' them all. Mar-M- ... Seattle. Wash.; Aur iat.t- - . . 11,250 lay visit Mrs. i, Oft. or 1. 1 Mr-- . C . St odd a r Fremont, Nob.; i; Our month on each ly ei'.oug! la u. my travels of terms r .fill, - and $10.00 per Nov.; nn 1 1 eash down - M:-- s llelc :e Twist nan. Reno. icy- i h got cne or our pda on ut r.t had red ; : r U,J'' an appointment ritb the nefs I ie-- w Ang'-les- 3'iveg ""l n:se Mr-- . A m. is.. ii. Tcs RUBBER STAM PS win anged my plans nil ven far Mr-- . A. P. v. I. - Angeb.s:' Miss n I I V. tor a tl coll! v wandering Lois Wi's, n. Mr, :im.-- Los I Wa's,,-;- . Mr-- . .ame a can the Hawaiian A no. 'r. W. C. M. Aiii.-.'s- ; kind, made a ,i to be more specific, a Wat son. Los Mr. M. L. any promptly, at the i.ino . Horio- - W'h r.-- Piimona. Cai a. e al Ib.llob mi. It was in oiiomv expen In th at mv ideas of astr ' bui's- - Do T love he:-.- Why. man. I Co., Ltd. ds. In fact, the UCC'1 Land e sc n ui si-- -p . , 1 i about T i. tV . . T forced ea n 't nights for thiaking ADVERTISER OPPICE a.oment l U"i . r i.'-- - boat. was sub- - cr v ens That's not proof positive. ; ditVerent views on the Mi o hold sotu act. same effect from mv tailor's I th. BRANCH OmCIl . 3 AND iC'-r- .-ston FORT KOKD HEAD AVE3. be- - b; Transcri: STREETS WAIALEA k X had always been firm in the PHONE 59

1 J CO


A BROKEN-DOW- N SYSTEM. This i a. condition (or d to uhii h dtx tors ! jpve in.inv names, but which few of tnem rrahy CINCINNATI anUr.tanii. It is simply weakness a tjc.-a- Uwnf 1 as it w. rr, ! the ion s th tt sua:n the sys- tem. X" matter what mav he its cinsr: t,ir thev - ? at.- a'nut numtirriess . ;ts svinptums .ircmiif h the t ssr,.-- n ; the njiT'' jrom b :n, ALOHAlS TT s'.tri t f piotration or wrar in .j WANTS W and unt ol for ali t e opMi.irv U affairs ot nte. Now. what alone v v 4 X .! o Cal in all u h f asrs i im rt a ' in;r VITAL STRENGTH & ENERGY to throw off these morbid and experieni e to Play the voice of the Badger man The - Municipal Bands A th- Three List to proves that as n ht suet ecds day this may be be your turn. more certain v s"v urd bv a t ourse ot It may THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY It, if Atlantic City loss of one hundred thousand dollars fire Paia Thursday night meant a THERAPSON No.3 Won't. at than by anv other knwn oiuiljinatum. So sun-l- of the time lost to the business. If it j, as it is taken in a cordaru c with the printed independent directions accompanying it. the shat'.ered worth of property ht-- restored. Marllrorough-Blenhei- Fire Extmguishers, Chemical THE EXPIRING cAMP OF LIFE Although The are you prepared ? Badger's LIGHTED UP AFRESH, Hotel interests have barred Hawaiian your next and a new iinparUii m place of what s clock will attord you protec- worn-ou- t. " used up," and watchman iail so lati lv seemed music from the Hawaiian bureau on the Engine and watchman with a walurless. Th:s wonderful medicament is purely on a a:. .4 :niHcu(u, is agreeable to the taste Atlantic City Boardwalk the ground suitable for all constitutions and conditions, in that it is "distinctly lowering," when It is cheap insurance. Do not delay. Maybe the either sex ; and it is d.ffu uit to imagine a case of tion from loss by fire. disease or derangement, whose main features are nearly all the world has praised the tiiose of dehibty, that wi 1 not be soeedilv and willing to. Buy now and install these g so permanently benefited by this never-failin- recu- beautiful melodies, Cincinnati is not fire will not wait as long as you are perative ejsence, which is destined to cast into prudish nor so captious and Hawaiian cbl.vion everything that had preceded it for this little left but regrets. and numerous classof human ailments. music will be given to the public appliances before you go up in smoke and have 1 medium at least t'n'. RA P O N the nrinripart through the of CTHEhemists throughout the worhi. Price in Knpland. three bands maintained by the muni- Uperparket. Purchasers should see that the word THfmeio,' appeais on British Government cipality. Sump iin white letters on a red ground affiled Com- to eierv package bv order ot H'S Majestv's Hon. E. O. Shelby, proprietor of the Ctmoussiwncrs, and without which 't is a forgery. mercial Tribune of Cincinnati, who Tkermpioa may now be had in taate- - was one of the passengers on the steam- gew ship Cleveland's "round-the-world-cruise- ," Jo (G0DIVDAr39 com- Ac has written the promotion mittee asking if they would be kind Street. Honolulu. Telephone 5. enough to send him the name of a Fort HOTEL music dealer or publisher from whom he may purchase three or four copies of STEWART "your national song, which I believe is called 'Aloha.' 1 have inquired at SAN FRANCISCO company and several other Signs of all kinds. Geary Street, above Union Squaie the Aeolian TOM SHARP, The Painter ir Just opposite Hotel St. Francis piano manufacturers for a record of as to where it Scenic Work, Decorating $1 .50 a day up same, or information Elite Building European Plan could be purchased. We have three American Plan$3.00 a day up wno Graining Paper bands paid by the municipality Phone 397 Hanging, Etc, Steel and brick structure, furnish- give concerts in our purks, and I would ings cost $200,000. High class hotel like to have them play it, as we fell at moderate rates. Center of theatre in love wuth it while there, and wnne andretail district. On car lines trans, 1 bought three copies on my visit I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tf.rring allover city. Omnibus meets mislaid or lost them." CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF HA- all trains and steamers. Send for Here's a chance for the music com- By Authority WAII. booklet with map of San Francisco. panies to present Cincinnati with the PROBATE. persons having claims against the now recognized as AT CHAMBERS IN All Botel Stewart music the editor desires. NO. 4219. estate of Lawrence J. Ekberg, deceased, Ha waiianlslandheadquarers. Cable NOTICE secured by mortgage upon real Capital (Paid up).... address, "Trawets." ABC Code. whether REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. In the Matter of the Estate of Anna estate, or otherwise, are hereby notified Reserve Fund ....TMltoJ to present same to the undersigned HOTEL STEWART WATER TO BE SHUT OFF. Dos Anjos Perry, Deceased Intestate. the at the office of A. S. Humphreys, 33 HEAD OFFICE YOXO&U, Entered of Record August 2, 1910. six months On reading and filing the petition King St., Honolulu, within Kapihne to W The Government water will be shut from date hereof, or the same will Kaualii and wf It an,d accounts of Antonio Perry, admin- the The bank buys and 'uttimu D off And all persons in- J Holt temporarily while making repairs of the Estate of Anna dos be forever barred. lection bills of exohfl., - . Apartments, Cuisine and Service istrator are hereby re- Lucv et al bv Afl't Affdt in the main pipe line in all that section Anjos Perry, wherein petitioner asks debted to said estate and Letter, of Highest Standard W ' Lunalilo by Trs to quested to make immediate payment Est'of to he allowed no sums of money and general banking CrVbusiness. I Ahnna A Crws D of the city lying west of Kalihi Pump- thereof to me at said office. charges himself with $9011.37, and asks The Bank receives Lom1 iwj M al A ing Station; between hours of 9 M. EKBERG, Chas Hardee et to Ahuna the be examined and approv- EVA anrt Head Offiee PLEASANTON HOTEL D that the same L. Deposits Crews o'clock a. in. and 2 o'clock p. m. on ed, and a final order be made of Executrix Estate J. Ekberg, nods. forif Wilier Ave and Punahou Hikalea (k) to Ceorgo Makalena... D that Deceased. Wednesday, August 3, 1910. distribution of t he remaining property Local Deposits $25 andnmrfct V Teshima to T Okamoto BS dis- Dated July 13, 1910. one to J. M. LITTLE, to the persons thereto entitled and year at rate of 4 per cent w James H R,avmond and wf H charging an,d sureties from 8714 July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10 num. Watei house" Tr Co Ltd Rel Superintendent of Honolulu Water petitioner all further responsibility herein; COURT, Head Office Deposits Ten E5 THE NUUANU H F Lewis and wf bv Attv to Works. O U IN THE CIRCUIT FIRST uj, '. ordered, Mondav, 12th one-hal- f Mary H D It is that the CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF HA wards for year, one jm I Hons A. D. 1910, 10 years or 1634 Nuuanu Ave., near School St. Malia Pakoma and hsb to George day of September, at WAII. three years at rateof 4li D RESOLUTION NO. 347. o'clock a. m. before the Judge presid- cent, per annum. i Large and airy furnis-hei- l rooms and Pnnahele PROBATE. AT CHAMBERS. Hi Agri- ing at Chambers of said Court at his IN Particulars to be obtained tA eottages, with board. $2.00 a day; Seeley I Shaw and wf to Kan ' f T court room in the Judiciary building, NO. 4039. cation. special rates by the month. culture Co Ltd BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Hono- to A L in Honolulu. City and County of In the Matter of the Estate of Annie Honolulu Offiee Bethel mi fe Henry Lachnian Louisson..PA Supervisors of the City and County of hereby is appoint- Wm Hcnrv and wf to Mrs Fai lulu, be and the same Laffin Roe, Deceased. chant Streets. ed time and place for hearing said TXT MISS KELLY Tshin Kong D Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, That the the On reading and filing the petition AXAI, XiOfi petition and and all per- ! (w) to R Moepono... D sum of seven hundred and fifty ($750) accounts, that ad- Hi Wahinelili S interested may then and there and accounts of Charles E. Koe, T. O. Box 163. MANICURE Elijah Sniffen anil wf to Henrv O dollars is hereby appropriated from out sons ministrator of the Estate of Annie D appear and show eause, if any they 1 Hapai Laffin Roe, deceased, FC O R KSS N G . SHAMPOOING. the general fund for a account known why same should not be wherein petitioner HJ Samuel SnifTen to Henry C Hapai.. D have, the asks to be as Inspection, Dairy Cattle. granted, and may present evidence as allowed $701.55 and charged No. L'OO Ronton Building. Mahina Sniffen and wf to Henrv C with $647.50, and asks that the same I! Hapai D Presented by Supervisor Daniel to who are entitled to the said prop- Fire Insure erty. be examined and approved, and that a ir The Star Dyeing and Cleaning Shop Logan. i Honolulu 2, 1910. final order be made of distribution of Dated at August B. DILLINQHAM C0,a Recorded .Inly 22, 1910. Dated Honolulu, T. II., July 2S, 1910. Bv order of the Court: the remaining property to the persons THE F. 221 BeTetania Street, near Alakea. and. Joe Andrade to Prank Gonsalves, B J. A. THOMPSON, thereto entitled discharging peti- Telephone 182. tioner and sureties from all turther S; int in livestock and brand; .$200. The foregoing resolution was, at a Clerk, Circuit Court of the First . General Agents for Ttenk MAKAT SIDE OF STREET B p 172. Dated May 4, 1910. ( 'ircuit. responsibility herein: 3Co eonnei-tio- n across regular adjourned meeting of the Board It is ordered, Mondav, 29th with tlie jdace the & 8732 August 3, 10, 17, 24 that the Atlas Assurance Company of bill Mutual Bldg Loan Si.ev nf Haw day of August, A. D. street. Ltd to Isaac L Cockett, Rel; lots of Supervisors of the City and County 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. before the Judge presid- New York Underwriten AWT. il gr 3.JS6 and por lot 27, gr 3H10, Kalihi. of Honolulu, held on Thursday, July 28, NOTICE OF JCST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF ing at Chambers of said Court at his Province Washington lumsite Honolulu. Oahu: 7"0. B 334, p 223. 1910, ordered passed to print on the Court Room in Dated July 2", 1910. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. the Judiciary Building, pany. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR following vote of the said board: in Honolulu, City and County of Hono- Jacintlio R Souza and wf to Mutual lulu, be and Ayes: Ahia, Aylett, Cox, Logan, I the same hereby is appoint- Ac Irrigation Company, Bldg Loan Nocy of Haw Ltd. M; Hawaiian Limited. ed the time and place for "hearing said WONGVRY lots S and 9, blk B, bldgs, rents, etc, Total, five. K. L GOODS petition and accounts, and that all per- Renear Co., lii Panoa Trad, Honolulu. Oahu; 41 000. Noes: Kane. Total, one. At the annual meeting of the stock- sons interested may then and there 22 Hotel St., opp. Bethel B 334. j 223. Dated July 20, H0. Absent and not voting: Quinn. Total, holders of the Hawaiian Irrigation appear and show cause, if any they W G Irwin to Honolulu Park Com- one. Company, Limited, held on July 30th, have, why the same should not be ALGAROBA J NEW SOUVENIR POST CARDS mission. D; por R P o(t57, kul ."S931, E. BUFFAXDEAU,-Actin- g 1910, the following were elected as the granted, and may present evidence as ap 3, Lea hi ave, Honolulu, Oahu: Board of Directors of the Company to who are entitled to prop- MILLS Mid-Pacifi- c In- - City and County Clerk. the said 8EAN ."if 17100a of Kapiolani. lots , 50 and for the ensuing term: erty. fl Mc-Kinle- y S72S July 29, 30, Aug 1, 2, 3 stitute, 57, Kajpahnlu. Honolulu, Oahu; $1. B Dated at Honolulu. Julv IS, 1910. High 332 p KVf. Dated July 1910. J. T. M 'CROSSOX By Order School, St. An- II. F. of the Court: G LEWIS drew's Cathe- A II Dondero to L Samson, M; lots SEALED TENDERS. F. M. LEWIS J. A. THOMPSON. 22, 30, 40, 54, OS, Clerk dral; 250 su- 55. 67. 00. 75. S5. 80. E. 1. SPALDING Circuit Court, First Circuit. White S7, 8S. S), 90, iii2, 103, 104, 105. int;. Leon M. Straus, attorney for peti- ftl bjects; largest Sealed tenders will be received by F. E. THOMPSON publishers. 107. lo. 1o), 110. ill. 15, 110 and E. H. tioner. 117, the Superintendent of Public Works WODEHOFSE 8720 HAWAII & "Waialae HeinhK" Honolulu. C. F. 'LEMONS Jnly 20, 27. Aug. 3, 10 SOUTH SEAS Oahu; 1sno. B 334, p 220. Dated until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, Au- July 22, 1910. NOTICE CURIO CO., gust 9, 1910, for furnishing the Hono- And at a meeting of the Board of RefrigeraW Young Bldg. Ambrose K Hutchison, Tr, to Yu Len lulu Water Works with 700 feet, more Directors ht Id immediately after the Kui. L; or R Ps 3090 3091. kill and said meeting r of stockholders or less of h Cast Iron Bell and the Xo 947, Honnnlinli. Ewa. Oahu; 10 vrs at lowing were as the officers .ohee is hereby given that there is A Complete Assortment f ) !sO vr. B 33o, Spigot Pipe, 2oo feet head, delivered now in Distilled Water Ice p 154. Dated Jan ot the oni ia n v : pending the Circuit Court of the 14. 1910. at f. o. b. Honolulu. . First Judicial Circuit of Hand For lee, Distilled Water and wharf, President . . F. E. THOMPSON the Territorv Vi.-- e of Hawaii, a libel Cold Storage, H Rahim to Sarah J irace (widow). Proposal blanks on tile in the Depart- Piesidt nt . . .J. T. M'CROSSON for divorce from the consult the 1 D; lot of . . bonds of matrimony subdivs: lot 10. gr 3010 and Treasurer E. II. WODEHOUSE wherein Tsuae Co., Li lot 11, gr 3042. ment of Public Works. laseda is libellant and Oahu Ice & Electric Co. Nmianu Vallev rd, Sec ret a rv . . C. F. CLEMOXS Bensuke Yaseda Coyne Furniture Oahu: .450. B 332, p 'l 02. Da- The Superintendent of Public Works Auditor RICHARD 1VERS is the libellee, being numbered in said Box 600. Phone 112S ted Dec 24. 1909. reserves the right to reject any or all court as Divorce No. Honolulu, August 1. 1910. 32. and that said Bai'dii 1 libel will be Alex Young (Jeorge Ca-tl- e and wf to Sarah T bids. !. V. CLEMOXS heard by the Honorable W. 1); J. Robinson, Third (.'race. lot 0, blk B, Minton Tract, M A R ST X C A M 1 'BELL, Secretary of the Hawaiian Irrigation Judge of said court, t Honolulu. Oahu; .150. B 332, 103." 'ompa ny. Limited. in his court room in the Judiciarv Build- Regal p Superintendent Public Works. 8732 BLOM Hi; Shoes Dated Maivh 15. 1910. of ing in Honolulu. Citv and Coimtv of A. h-- Honolulu, 29, 1910. S729 Honolulu, on the ARK BEST Mar-'inh- o July 1st day of October, Jnliana (ioineia and to Sao NOTICE. A. Bent D. 1910, at the hour of nine (9) Socy of Haw, M; premises, o'clock DRY GOODS It, Fun'hlnwl st. Honolulu, Oahu: 1200. in the forenoon of said dav, REGAL SHOE STORE KILLING RATS BY To or as soon B 334. p 229. Dated July 13. 1910. all concerned that I, Carlos A. thereafter as counsel can be CathoOcO OR.N Kit Seville, of the firm & hea rd. Fort Opposite Ml KIN! AND BETHEL Oeorgiana W Wright and hsb to Wil- of Axtell Seville, St. ' t THOUSANDS ON COAST have sold my Witness my liam R Castle, Tr, M; pc land and interest in the business to hanl and the seal of the my partner. O. Circuit Court of Iddts. Kaili rd, Honolulu, Oahu; 7oO. R. Axtell; although still the First Judicial Cir- (4 in the employ of said R. C. cuit, this 120th dav of July. A. 1) 1910 COOKE B 334, p 23o. Dated July IS 1910. WASHINGTON. July 23. While no Axtell, I CASTLE 4 !i Yamatoya am in no way connected with the busi- SEAL M. T. SIMONTOX. Sam Lit'tee and wf to Ennnaline H of the human plague has appeared ness. Clerk Circuit Court, First ALL KINDS Lit'tee, D: 1. Judicial OF SHIRTS AND Homestead lot 55a land. in San Francis, o in two years "ARLOS A. Circuit. Territory of ,.ft', Waiaha 2. N Kona, Hawaii; and SEVILLE. Hawaii. PAJAMAS MADE TO ORDER rent, four months ami no Dated, Honolulu, July 2o, 1910 E. C. Peters. Attorney 5oo. B 332. p 154. Dated 2". case of rat plagn" for Libellant. I2.")0 Julv 8727 20 July 27, Aug. AND Furt St., just ;i!.ne Orpheuin. 1910. has been found there in a year and six 3. 10. 17, 24. 31 SHIPPING Makeo (w) et al to months, the war for the MERCHANT Laupahnehoe extermination NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Sugar 'o. L; gr 2701, Paeohe, X H ilo, of rats in the Pacific f'oa-- t metropolis Hawaii: 5 yr at 4 per acre per vr. QUINN, REIS William Smith 'c. continues without relaxation. & QUINN O. B 330. p Dated Feb 7. 1910. ESTATE OF With this staiement Acting JAMES H. BLACK. Meleana Hoopii to F B Assistant The undersigned Trust Department J Knroda. urgeou :. M. having been this FACTORS AND 1 . Cunveis,. 0f the AUTO-LIVER- Y SUGAE L: s s4. una land. Kamaole-kai- Kula. Fnited day duly appointed executor of AGBS public the will INSURANCE ESTATES MANAGED, REVENUES 'Maui; 5 yr at $30 per vr. B 3.J0, p Statis health ami marine huspi. of James H. Black, deceased, notice is 14. tal hereby given to Proprietors. l.2. Hate.i July 1910. service introduces a report made j all persons having COLLECTED, LOANS AND IN- o to public claims against the estate of said K'lauea Sugar Plantn Fiiited today containing interesting de-- ! James ROUND THE ISLAND TRIPS. 2 H. Black, deceased, to present VESTMENTS MADE. States of America. 1: pes land and nf the untipiague work. This) the same Telephone order to r w. rents, etc-- . Kilauea, duly authenticated and with proper 2oft Koolau. war on rats is mostly in PHONE 6. Kauai; si. B 332. p 155. Dated Pe,; the ,1:i;,ne of vouchers, if any exist, even if the claim Mutual a New England 9. V.'09. prophylactic measure against infec- - is secure,! by a mortgage on real prop- erty, to the undersigned Kolo:i Sn-ja- 'o to MeBrvde Sugar lion. at his office Fire Insurance witti the Inter-Islan- -. Ko-'mi- Naviga- Scandinavia - A rt- . Thirty laborers are - Steam Belting Aetna Fire insurant o L''i. L: and wter emidoved e.vclu- tion 1. B s,ve!v :ls catchers. Company, Ltd., on Queen street Kauai: 33o. p 15s. D:u.'l Tl': art. in i u- -e Honolulu, June 22, constant about soon in within six months from National Fire I9l'. traps 0f the' t lie CofflPg AGENTS TOR ENGLISH HAWAIIAN cage and snap varieties. DaYinc date of the first publication of this Citizens' InsuranceIngl Miv! s Insurance s ...1 ra-- T ! notice, or within six HONOLULU Fire w.,v trapped. tips ti-n- months from the IRON WORKS CO., UNDERWRITERS. APPLIED HISTORY. date they fall Assurance 0P 'he ba.t used was 2 pound- - of due, or thev will be for- London d-- bacon.! AGENTS F:r-- Profes-o- r ' Mv ar eollea;:u- -. pound- - of c ever barred. ""TTfTurll ' "t e at;d i,,ave j I :i-- r ,,f 'm a ;, pozJ.-d- . When did the loc-ad- Dated Honolulu. Julv . 1910 iii's- - i, ,, l p, ,n Kl I TAMES begin J" Bear' was the best ,.,:f :., . , L. McLEAN, S. eo-.- ',-,- , -j , Exe.-uto- r ,X r,t j of the Will of James H. Real Estate r wa kept - Black ' Select ProfY-so- !''''" of file loca- Lumber r -. Deceased. !'irt "On're right, quit and a t was i. FOR SALE. r!-"- "!! nea' ,,f ' T- That s !11V A u 1HIjET lMI'ORTATIOX ;h !!!. r tii;it :s d. - . ri...- i lo. 17, 2 d.n-To- .i. i i t e !ep J Bl oi,e. wa To call tU.' ru.-tt.-u the', lis-- Lowest price; STANGENWALD LOTS KALIHI, PUUNUI, I of was KEWALO ;1i' U!i ' fi ;s si.-k- . ' ' l" rats ' nt t: v wife ' READ THE ADVERTISER, AND KAIMUKI. "V"V'T.'"." r'.! "'"ned bread on board CITY MILL CO., ?l:oe-- ,: ti - severs. i LTD. B.Mc8T0CeV WORLD'S NEWS DAILY F. - K EK AC LIKE STREET P. O. P,x No. 2es.
