CnmnmM ESTABLISHED .Il'LY 2. We Miirtwr HONOLULU, HAWAII TEREITOEY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ABLEiiRDN WORKS sT-- MORTEM BALLINGER ASKED TO GETS ifl ITDftPT RESIGN mnuu uuiinmu SOnjS FILED FOR PEACE SAKE !! CHLLK FINANCIAL Local Manufacturers to Supply French Woman Attacks Validity J. r A Another Big Sugar Mill for of Colonel Norris Sale of F MAC0QN Formosa. His Ranch. V- HEDEMANN DID THE WORK PAYABLE AFTER HIS DEATH I Take Up Question Lawyer Cables Crippen That " Secured in . Contract Competition Sued Norris During Lifetime and Omnrow Funds Have Been Raised to jf His Tticmab oHua, With European and Main- Now Wants to Collect on Tenement. Pay for Fight. land Firms. Notes Given. PREVENT IF ABLE ACCUSED IS TO KEEP SILENT C. Hedemann. manager of the Hono- Long years after romane has died lulu Iron Works, returned last week and been buried under th muck 0!' i iru;nu from the Orient, returning ou the-Tony- mercenary motives, lawsuits and Will Go Back to England Without Reports a bcnooi wn.wi J;ir;i. His visit to Tokio breach of promise actions. Emilie L. i.. i.nonacp Flan to in the Honolulu Iron Works be- Any Resistance Legal Battle umy L'Erblay, the old time love of Col. Sam Das mv"v ing awarded t tie contract to furnish With. Xorris, has brought suit against the Next on Program. Celebrate i an entire new sugar factory for the inheritor of the colonel's acres for $iC.-24- 0 . Meiji Sugar Company of Formosa, The which she claimed her lover owed mm works secured the contract through August C An attorney in 5. ,.' nnrtment will and never paid her. QUEBEC, Etc. feet BlWic; a Mitsui & Co., of Tokio. of Emilie L. D'Erblay, of New York, London night cabled to Dr. Haw-le- y . Hon of the mlit The factory will be about the same last a"?1' . stare is the French woman who caused Col- rH. sie as Janu and Waiaiua .Mills, and Crippen, who with his stenographer, and KaPlo- - onel Xorris so much trouble and whose Irignouse at Kin? wili lie designed to manufacture white i Clara Leneve, was arrested here Satur- ' i . i i , ... i ,,i persistent following of him is illeged streets oppose - ' i, when they arrived on the liner by nally to him day, El Ltter having teen referred in the markets of Formosa and Japan, i have driven from the Montrose, on a charge of slaying his at its meetnig states to Hawaii where he became ibcard of sudors Although some of the machinerv will wife, Belle E'lmore. that he had been ;,u The entire question of known as a recluse and an eccentric. 1 Kooom be built in Honolulu, after the present employed to defend the dentist in the an ordinance bearing Years ago, it is said, Emilie D'Erblay, I ... krases, cu!ltraots have beeu cuted, a large 10 ago couits in London, and that the doctor's passed sometime - after a period of intlammatory love .tot subject 1art be manufacture- in the east friends in the British metropolis had -- g - making, brought - 1 proposal ounu ern Mates, and among other tilings, tlie suit iu the State oi funds with which to conduct the attorney to raised i ead; leeMideredby the city l,uiMilI;,s will bo buiit there. California for breach of promise. Soon which will be iiined in pnm- defense. ' ' far M vjjj at an opinion phis contract was after that Xorris left California and facta two European The lawyer advised Crippen to keep Ml to the board at an early petition with at least Xew York and came to Hawaii, where 34 N: B- one American engineering concerns, THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. silent, as any statement he could make if i - he resided up to the time of his death 1 IB , , , ami Mr. Hcdemann has reason to be- might prejudice his case. gervisor McUeiian bwus neye that the steady, continuous ruu-,A- i which occurred on July t last. - The attorney also advised Doctor r into discussion last night by n- anil (1 resiUfts obtained in the bed p. This suit, filed in the circuit court Crippen to return to England without ; suppneu u nuu tw SITE PROBLEM CONTRACT LET flat residents in we vitiuu lactones iuc by Magoon & Weaver, at- hi yesterday proceedings. Crip Prti tin o- nVed him to t Taiwan Seito Kabushiki Kwaisha resisting extradition annua, rfOMIIBqi"" t deal tQ do witl the com. torneys for the woman, is not the first pen is being held a prisoner in the 25 if there wa any way in whi,h tad ip. awarded this new contract. she has brought. As far back as from finish that local jail pending his extradition. He JMtr, lum mli beiprevented Itie jionoiuiu iron orus u;ts aisu DELAYS BUILDING FDR BIG BLOCK ti now ls91 she sued X'orris for a large amount will be taken back to Loudon on the KI taftftf0.storr frame structure p,.at.jjcaijy received orders for two - same and obtained judgment in the circuit port. 7 of ereetion. Mr. McClel- mills of a smaller size for the first steamer sailing from this ' . J tlM4 on mppli. l.:l. court of Hawaii. Xorris carried the The prisoner has shown little emo- .Whit, plan of acuouto j h matter to the supreme court, which af- Five-Stor- y stated so tar xue , Mclnerny Block Will Lucas Bros. Will Build Pantheon tion since his arrest. Clara Leneve 5prt,fc'Jt that to replace m-ll- of European make firmed the judgment of the circuit physi- hsidniit had not been issued, j u f0Und to be inadequate. lias been in the care of the jail ii judge. Not Be Begun Until the for $80,000-W- ork Will builders had gone ahead Industry Growing. cian ever since her arrest. She will tffofe Formosan 1S9-2- , i- In a year after the circuit court be taken back with Crippen if her tiitem without waning lor - Mr. Hedemann states that it may be Federal Building Is. Start at Once. stat- - had rendered judgment against him, physical is good DfjUljOij Attorney Milverton of interest to know that the enormous condition enough at Ct. lifk'itee was no wav to stop iu rapid growtti or me sugar umiouj Colonel Xorris went to Xew York and that time. "wo.k --nl- it could be ruTing met th woman again. It is alleged Flans for the erection of the Mc- A contract for the construction of an . o Ewa-mauk- a to tkt the building is to be used fof gugar that while there he executed in her lnerny block at King and Bishop $30,000 business block at the TWO HUNDRED FISHERMEN I tenement, j. for reasons two notes. streets, corner of Fort, and Hotel i and a tenement is Jalan favor, unknown, opposite the Young building, streets LOSE LIVES IN TYPHOON fciiiBg consisting of at least four To his knowledge there are now or- - for $16,000 each, with the very curious are at present held up, awaiting a de- was let yesterday ly the Patheon build- wherem awen. mb three families xi ,i.rp,l ahont three sugar lactones ro.c.i provision should mature after cision on the Mahuka site question. ing company, to Lucas Brothers. - ! that they tk taildine is being used as a tene- ,. and one of about ST. PETERSBURG, August 3. Two 10,.() eanacitv were to W. H. Mclnerny and the Mclnerny Lucas Brothers will commence build- Kitwrk can be stopped, or if up, the t . whWe one now being erected his death. They bear interest imme- hundred fishermen were drowned at ean be removed. 1000 cent. Now interests have planned to raze the old ing operations at once, and will fci&g by the Honolulu Iron Works is of at six per the D'Erblay Arinur were and an ad- Way block and erect on site a four diately order materials from the main yesterday. They caught in Will Fix King Street. tons capacity, white sugar, woman comes into court and brings suit that a typhoon and their boats capsized. e the local one-stor- y Cluirsan Quinn road com-Btte- dition is also being made by or five story block, depending largely land. The tenants of the present of the factory equal for $32,UO0 on the principal and $34, presented a large number of re concern to an existing upon the requirements of prospective block have been notified to vacate lfiOO tons of eane per day. 240 interest. Whether .Xorris gave the road work. One ot tnese re to limit 1 s judg- tenants, , both for stores and otuces. by September when the old buildings SAY - complet.on of all these notes in part satisfaction of the BALulEfi IS net Cat Li to King street, criticized the- With the - .e a There was a strong probability of con will be razed and the basement ex- supervisor severelv. The report j mills here will no aomu ment against him, to stave off further N - on nsjceeptei The report follow tlie (lemaioi hm u. struction work commencing the block oavated. in to come, as the breach of promise suits or for some Tour tommittee oq roads, bridge?, at least for some time this year, but Mr. Mclnerny states defi- The new building will be three stories ASKED TO RESIGN of Formosa will other reason is not known. ptTkj and public beg output from the island no will be in height a deep basement and Ltd.
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