Independence Flag for Countries in the South Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Ministerial Conference
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OPEC, independence flag for countries in the South Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Ministerial Conference OPEC, independence flag for countries in the South Opening speech at the 141st Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Ministerial Conference The 141st Extraordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Conference of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was held in Caracas, Venezuela on June 1, 2006. This Meeting gathered 200 delegates, in- cluding ministers, OPEC governors, national representatives and their respective technical teams. Following are the opening speeches of Hugo Chavez, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, President of the Conference and State Minister for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria, and Rafael Ramirez Carreno, People’s Minister for Energy and Petroleum and President of PDVSA. SPEECHES SERIE Nº9 OPEC, independence flag for countries in the South Legal deposit: If3820063002360 Distribution free of charge Total or partial reproduction of the contents of this publication is allowed as long as the source is cited. Coordination and production: Public Affairs Corporate Management of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. Telephone Number: +58 (212) 7084021. Fax: +58 (212) 7084460. Caracas, Venezuela, June 2006 he current capitalist development Venezuela gave a special welcome to Tmodel, based on the irrational ex- the 141st Extraordinary Meeting of the ploitation of energy, is neither viable nor Ministerial Conference of OPEC, which sustainable. The world’s hydrocarbon was held in Caracas on June 1, 2006. resources are not enough to sustain the This publication included the opening current huge consumption of industria- speeches of Hugo Chavez, President lized countries or their future projected of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, consumption. Rafael Ramirez, People’s Minister for In view of such enormous energy vo- Energy and Petroleum and President racity, the Bolivarian Government of of PDVSA, and Edmund Maduabebe Venezuela is implementing a Full Oil Daukoru, President of the OPEC Sovereignty policy that is promoting, Conference and State Minister for within the Organization of Petroleum Petroleum Resources of Nigeria, in the Exporting Countries (OPEC), the ratio- framework of the 141st Extraordinary nal management of the exploitation rate Meeting, with the purpose of increasing of this natural non-renewable resource, the propagation of the strategic role pla- the maximum value of oil resources, a yed by OPEC in the international con- worldwide energy equilibrium, and the text. strategic use of hydrocarbons for inte- I welcome you brothers from Saudi gration, social justice, solidarity, and the Arabia, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, fight against poverty and against social Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, exclusion. Nigeria and Qatar. Saudi Algeria United Arab Iraq Libya Arabia Emirates ORGANIZATION OF PETROLEUM EXPORTING COUNTRIES SPEECHES SERIE Nº 9 4 Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Ministerial Conference Speech of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela OPEC is a liberating organisation for the development of our peoples of the South Good morning: Your Excellencies and State companies, general directors Ministers of Energy of non-OPEC of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, petroleum producing countries here with members of the Board of Directors of us, Egypt, Syria, and Angola; honoura- Petroleos de Venezuela, special guests, ble gentleman Mohammed Barkindo, ladies and gentlemen from national and Secretary General of the Organisation of international media. All of you friends: Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC); 45 years ago, around this time of the your Royal Highness, Abdelaziz Bin year in 1961, the Statute that gave birth Salman, Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi and support to this date, and will always Arabia; Your Excellencies Ambassadors, continue to support the Organisation Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ac- of Petroleum Exporting Countries, our credited before the national govern- Organisation, were being approved ment; Honourable Governors, National here in Caracas. While I evoke this, mis- Representatives before the OPEC; ter president, ministers and governors, José Vicente Rangel, Executive Vice I would like to pay my respects to the President of the Republic; Foreign founders of OPEC, the countries and Affairs Minister Ali Rodriguez Araque; leaders that undertook that responsibili- Rafael Ramirez Carreño, Minister of ty with an extraordinary vision. The sole Energy and Petroleum and President creation of OPEC, we can say, was a re- of Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA); volution that shocked the world. and other Ministers from the Executive Cabinet; Ivan Orellana, Governor of the I would also like to remember the his- Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela befo- torical Summit we celebrated here re the OPEC, presidents of autonomous in Caracas almost six years ago, in 5 SPEECHES SERIE Nº 9 September of 2000, exactly when a ries the harshest colonialism, countries century was ending and a new cen- that were condemned by the powerful tury began. We can say without exag- of the earth. gerations of any kind that in the 2000 When I speak about these things I Summit, similar to how OPEC was being always remember, and you know I born in 1960 in Baghdad, twenty five speak from the heart and soul, I remem- years later here in Caracas OPEC was ber Frantz Fanon and his great book being reborn, because the life, course “The Wretched of the Earth” that helped and path of our Organisation has not awake our conscience when we were been easy. youngsters and even children. I wanted to go back to those histori- So, through you, brothers and sisters, cal events that took place here. Today we send greetings to the forgotten we warmly welcome the President, the peoples of Africa. Through you we send Secretary General, the Ministers, your greetings to this great world, great for its Royal Highness Prince of Saudi Arabia, geographical extension, great for how the Ministers of non-OPEC oil produ- extended throughout time the Persian- cing countries, and all members from Arab Gulf is, those legendary lands, African delegations, because beyond deep and full of infinite knowledge. The OPEC there is Africa, Asia, the Middle Arab peoples, the Persian people, plea- East, the Persian-Arab Gulf and Latin se receive our warm greetings, our wel- America. Let’s see then who is part of come, our affection, and even more, our OPEC, countries from the third world, love. Salam Alekum! countries that were imposed for centu- 6 Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Ministerial Conference To the Asian peoples here represented, water he had, and he kept on bles- we send our greetings, we express our sing and blessing, but the devil never admiration, and in particular our sorrow stopped erupting. This was the way oil feelings to the Indonesian people who appeared in Venezuela. And as early as are currently experiencing a great tra- the beginning of the 20th century, in this gedy, another one of the tragedies the border region with our sister Colombia, world is undergoing. An earthquake there already was an oil production, re- has devastated entire populations, en- fining, distribution and commercializa- ded thousands of lives, and caused tion industry. Venezuela exported some hundreds of thousands of victims. Our refined products, such as kerosene, to sorrow feelings go to the people of Colombia and some Caribbean coun- Indonesia and our willingness to provi- tries. It was an industry with little scien- de all possible support, and I am sure I tific and technological skills, but it was a speak for all OPEC countries to our bro- national industry, with domestic capital thers the people of Indonesia. and directed by Venezuelans, managed by Venezuelans, called La Petrolia del This past May 31, we gathered at the Tachira, which is something very impor- Military Circle and we commented on a tant for us Venezuelans. few things I would like to mention now in the inauguration of our Summit. Then, the eyes of the developed coun- tries of the world, and especially the You know dear friends that oil appeared imperialist eyes of the United States in Venezuela over a century ago. Our of America started to carefully watch indigenous communities used it to build Venezuela. And it was then when, along their ships, to lighten their houses and with the beginning of the 20th century, a for other purposes. But petroleum as new era in the political, economic and it is nowadays appeared in Venezuela social history of our country began, as the product of an earthquake in the Andean mountains. The story tells that the earth opened up and the black, “We are members of the Organization of Petroleum thick liquid started to flow. Some far- Exporting Countries, and not only petroleum, but mers from the area saw that running also peace and progress. We want to guarantee adequate and fair supply for the development substance and thought it was the devil of the world. We want to preserve our natural coming out of the earth, they looked for resources and have the appropriate tools to a priest in the nearest town and it seems develop our nations”. that the priest used up all the wholly 7 SPEECHES SERIE Nº 9 Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, State Minister for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria and President of the OPEC Conference, along with Hugo Chavez, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and Rafael Ramirez, People’s Minister for Energy and Petroleum and President of PDVSA. heavily defined by the oil factor, by oil dear visiting brothers, workmates of geopolitics, and by the United States OPEC, here in South America a new imperialist geopolitics that started civilization was being born, resulting counting the oil reserves that appea- from the mix and crossbreeding of the red and appeared and appeared here indigenous peoples of this land with in Venezuela, incessantly, as its own oil the blacks brought from our sister and reserves to feed its capitalist, imperialist beloved Africa.