Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources
Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources 1502 West Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone (602) 255-3795 1-800-446-4259 in Arizona FAX (602) 255-3777 Titanium Circular 9, August 1982 by Michael N Greeley, Mining Engineer Titanium is a lightweight metal that is virtually as strong as steel. As our technologies and industries have become increasingly sophisticated, demand for this relatively scarce, but highly desirable metal has increased rapidly. This information circular is written to acquaint the prospector and miner with titanium and its uses. A resume of typical geologic environments and production possibilities in Arizona is given. Uses phisticated needs will vie for a greater share of the The largest market for titanium is in the manufacture world's supply of this unique metal. of pigments. Because of its high refractive index, titanium dioxide pigment imparts whiteness, opacity, Geology and Mineralogy and brightness to paints, varnishes, and lacquers. The most important titanium minerals are anatase Titanium pigment is also used greatly in paper coat (Ti0 ), ilmenite (FeTi0 ), perovskite (CaTi03), ru- 2 3 ings and as paper fillers. Many plastic products such tile (Ti0 ), sphene (CaTiSiOS), and leucoxene. Leu as polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polystyrene 2 coxene, a mineraloid, is an alteration product of il incorporate titanium pigment because of its resis menite, from which a portion of the iron has been tance to degradation by ultraviolet light and its leached. Currently the minerals of commercial inter chemical inertness. est are ilmenite, leucoxene, and rutile. Production historically has come from three types of deposits: Titanium dioxide pigment and other titanium com Beach and stream placers, massive deposits of titani pounds are used in many miscellaneous applications, ferous iron ore, and igneous complexes in which ru including rubber tires, floor and wall coverings, tile occurs in association with anorthosite and simi glass fibers, ceramic capacitors, carbide cutting lar, mafic crystalline rocks.
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