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[32ys5.ebook] Confucius from the Heart: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World (English Edition) Pdf Free

Par Yu Dan *Download PDF | ePub | DOC | audiobook | ebooks

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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #262125 dans eBooksPublié le: 2010-02-05Sorti le: 2010-02- 05Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 64.Mb

Par Yu Dan : Confucius from the Heart: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World (English Edition) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Confucius from the Heart: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World (English Edition):

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Excellent!!Par Du JingComment mettre les pensées confucéennes à la portée de tous. Quelle généreuse idée. Facile à lire, accessible à tous. Une sensible introduction aux "...Entretiens de Confucius". J'ai adoré du début à la fin.

Présentation de l'éditeurIn the autumn of 2006, Yu Dan, a professor of media studies at Normal University, gave a series of lectures entitled "Yu Dan's Insights into the Analects" which was broadcast for seven days on Central Television. Her highly personal interpretation of Confucian thought was rapturously received, An edited transcript of the lectures sold 10,000 copies on the day it was published in book form and by September the following year the book had sold 4.2 million legal copies in China and an estimated 6 million pirated ones, remaining at the top of the Chinese bestseller lists today. Simply written, and with a view to taking the wisdom of Confucius out of the hands of the academics and the philosophers and making it accessible to the general reader, Confucius From the Heart gives us a contemporary Confucius, one who can teach us how to attain spiritual happiness, adjust our daily routines and find our place in modern life. Yu Dan argues that his sayings, or Analects - far from being merely interesting quotes from ancient lore, of little use in our hectic, stress-filled world. Instead, they are simple truths that can speak to each and every one of us and help us lead better, happier, calmer lives.Présentation de l'éditeurIn the autumn of 2006, Yu Dan, a professor of media studies at Beijing Normal University, gave a series of lectures entitled "Yu Dan's Insights into the Analects" which was broadcast for seven days on . Her highly personal interpretation of Confucian thought was rapturously received, An edited transcript of the lectures sold 10,000 copies on the day it was published in book form and by September the following year the book had sold 4.2 million legal copies in China and an estimated 6 million pirated ones, remaining at the top of the Chinese bestseller lists today. Simply written, and with a view to taking the wisdom of Confucius out of the hands of the academics and the philosophers and making it accessible to the general reader, Confucius From the Heart gives us a contemporary Confucius, one who can teach us how to attain spiritual happiness, adjust our daily routines and find our place in modern life. Yu Dan argues that his sayings, or Analects - far from being merely interesting quotes from ancient lore, of little use in our hectic, stress-filled world. Instead, they are simple truths that can speak to each and every one of us and help us lead better, happier, calmer lives.Biographie de l'auteurYu Dan is a Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Arts and Media at Beijing Normal University. She holds a Master’s degree in and a doctorate in Film and Television Studies. In 2006 her lectures on Confucianism appeared on CCTV’s popular primetime show, Lecture Room, transforming her into a cultural icon. From the transcript of these talks, she published New Interpretation of Confucious Analects. Her broadcasts and writings have made Yu Dan a household name in China where she now serves as a media advisor to over 40 regional TV stations.

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