Issue 1202 February 2012

Inside this issue: Two New Holland Club Members

Base Contacts 2 At the January meeting the USS Sea Leopard, SS 483. well. BRAVO ZULU to Base honored two new mem- Ron lives with Diane in both of you. Officer’s Call 3 bers of the Holland Club. Troutman, NC. To be a member of the Hol- Base Meeting Minutes 4 One thing that every Sub- land Club you have to have mariner remembers is re- been Qualified in Subma- SubVettes 9 ceiving his Dolphins. And if rines for at least 50 years. you think about it, we Funnies 10 Holland Club Coordinator learned to be Submariners Chaplin Ray 12 for the Carolina Piedmont from guys these two passed Base, Walt Sealy, presents their knowledge on to. Vet News 16 certificates, pins, and mem- Along with that knowledge bership cards with the assis- comes the pride in wearing USS Shark SS 174 20 tance of Base Commander of the “Fish”, because we all Walt Sealy presents Ron Steve Bell. know what it takes to earn (left) and Mike (right) their Burnsville Information 22 them. It all trickles down; Mike Egan qualified in 1962 the knowledge, the pride, Base Calendar 24 on the USS Skipjack, SSN the dedication to duty. 585, where he proudly served as an FTG. Mike I know that a lot of our lives in Monroe (but not work ethics come from our with Jack, a standard CPB working for our Dolphins joke) with his wife Susan. and came from our crew Mike is a retired Postal members who wore the worker. I guess being a Fast “Fish” before us. USSVI Creed Attack FTG makes you go Thank You Mike and Ron “Postal”. To perpetuate the memory of and all Holland Club mem- our shipmates who gave their Ron Hatley also qualified in bers for showing the rest of Base Command Steve Bell 1962 as a ET aboard the us “the way”. It was not an lives in the pursuit of duties passes out longevity rockers easy path to follow, but as to members of the Holland while serving their country. shipmates you guided us Club. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a USS SHARK (SS 174) February 11, 1942 constant source of motivation USS AMBERJACK (SS 219) February 16, 1943 toward greater accomplish- ments. Pledge loyalty and pa- Lost Boats - February USS GRAYBACK (SS 208) February 26, 1944 triotism to the United States of USS TROUT (SS 202) February 28, 1944 America and its Constitution. “Sailors, rest your oars” USS BARBEL (SS 316) February 4, 1945 Page 2 Piedmont Periscope

CO’s Stateroom— Carolina Piedmont Base Commander Steve Bell

by the parade in the is stepping down for quite simple. All of this Azalea Festival in Wil- now, so that will be information should be in mington on the 14th of open. Also, it is ru- the next American Sub- April. Come out and mored that the Secretary mariner (or the one fol- join us for a parade and and Treasurer may step lowing). Please read enjoy yourself. down. Our Regional before you place your Burnsville 2012 is also Director is stepping vote so that you can be The final results are in not all that far off. All down from that position, at least somewhat in- for our membership arrangements have been but is running for Senior formed. drive for 2012. We lost made, information dis- Vice Commander. Another event that you only one member. That tributed (see items in the Those are the ones you might want to consider is less than 1%. It newsletter), and we are can vote for. Also, I un- attending this year is the would have been nice to just waiting for people to derstand that the North- National Convention. It hit 100%, but still not sign up. This is one of eastern and Western Re- is being hosted bad. Thanks to all of the better events hosted gional Directors are (officially) by our you for renewing your throughout the year, so if stepping down (we can- brother base Hampton membership. For those you plan on attending, not vote for those). That Roads. Even though that waited until the end, make your hotel reserva- is quite a change within they are the official host, please try to do better at tions now. And if not, our organization. I am the entire District is the end of this year. please reconsider, you also sure there will be pitching in to help them As was put out at our will be missing a good amendments to the where we can. From all meeting and through weekend in the moun- USSVI Constitution and the reports I get, it looks various e-mails, the pa- tains. By-Laws that will be on like this is going to be a rade season is getting Election time is getting the ballot as well (just good one. There are also really close. The first close. I encourage you currently do not know many ship reunions go- will be in Raleigh on 17 to vote this year. There what they are). So there ing on at the same time, March followed by Nags appears to be a major is a lot going on this year so some of you might be Head the next day. In- change in some leader- that may impact us as a able to attend a ship re- formation regarding ship this year, so your base, so please take the union at the same time. lodging for Nags Head vote is important. The time to vote. It is all There is always a chance has been distributed. Senior Vice Commander done online and is really (con’t on Page 3) Those will be followed

Carolina Piedmont Contacts Base Commander Steve Bell [email protected] 704 824 3510 Vice Commander Jack Jeffries jcckjeffries@interlink-café.com 704 –764-5211 Base Secretary Mike Hubbell [email protected] 803-628-1908 Base Treasurer Lee Hickerson [email protected] 704-573-9480 Chief of the Base Paul Myers [email protected] 704-28904650 Base Chaplin Raymond Fritz [email protected] 803 831 7235 Base Storekeeper Jeff Nieberding [email protected] 803-366-9255 Holland Club Walt Sealy [email protected] 803-327-5661 Coordinator Newsletter Editor E. Dale Moses [email protected] 704-248-7610 Issue 1202 Page 3

XO’s Stateroom — Vice Commander Jack Jeffries

CAROLINA PIED- as details of events that MONT ROCKS. We have been scheduled are have reached the final available on line at time for re upping the click on the National and Base dues, convention tab on the left our base is probably one side of the page, click on of the best mid-sized 2012 convention tab, (Commander con’t) bases as far as retention that you can run into an old click on registration tab, MASSING OF THE goes. I want to thank all shipmate at these events. copy it, fill it out and COLORS members for their par- mail it in. Let's make a Registration forms and the ticipation and hope that good showing and sup- We have been invited to Schedule of Events is next year will be as suc- port for this. Hope to see participate in the Massing available both online at the cessful as this year. you all at our next meet- of the Colors in USSVI website (under con- We had a fairly active ing the 18th, eating be- Greenville SC on March ventions) and in the Ameri- month as far as presenta- gins at 1730 with meeting 4 at the Scottish Rite can Submariner. Please tions go. We presented to start at 1900. Temple. And in Rock come up and join us. the Submariner Story for Hill, SC on March 25th. Last, and surely not least, a a NROTC unit in York Those who want to par- reminder that our February as well as a Flag Aware- ticipate should contact meeting will be on the third ness presentation at Dale Moses. Dale would Saturday vice the fourth Weddington Middle like to go with a full Saturday. That would be School. We also had a Color Guard (Flags and February 18. I look for- very successful Eagle rifles) and we need a ward to seeing as many of Scout presentation where least 3 more volunteers. you as possible. You can- we presented certificates If we just do the Flags, not beat the meal. Our la- to 4 Eagle Scouts and a we just need 1 volunteer. dies do a wonderful job Girl Scout Gold certifi- Dale is planning on at- with the meal each time. cate in Mineral Springs tending both and will NC. lead the team. Plans are underway for We also need 3 more vol- our annual Memorial unteers for the Color service at Burnsville, if Guard for the Burnsville you haven't been to this Memorial. There will be plenty of time to weekend in the moun- Flag Trivia—Where did tains, it is SUPER. Once “practice” prior to each this Flag fly in our Na- again we will be based at event. tion’s history? See Page the same hotel as last Contact Dale at ppedi- 13 year. Please contact [email protected] or at Steve Bell for making 704-248-7610. Guys, it’s your reservation. It's easy!! Let’s show-off our coming time for thinking Base.— Moe(SS) about the National Con- vention in Norfolk. The registration form as well Page 4 Piedmont Periscope

Machinery One — Mike Hubbell, Base Secretary

Carolina-Piedmont Base Minutes For January 28th, 2012

-Call Meeting to Order 1900hrs the meeting was called to order by Base Commander Steve Bell. -Invocation The Invocation was given by Base Chaplin Ray Fritz. - Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Bell. - Tolling of the Boats The Tolling of the Boats was presentenced by Ray Fritz and Mike Hubbell. -Member Introductions There were 30 members present. -Reading/Approval of the last Meeting Minutes The motion to accept the Minutes of the Base Meeting held on November 19th, 2011 as posted in Caro- lina-Piedmont Periscope News Letter was made and seconded. The motion carried. -Reading/Approval of the Treasurer’s Report The Treasure’s Report was given by Lee Hickerson. As January 28th, 2012 the following funds where available to the Base.


Base Treasurer Lee Hickerson reminded all members that checks are to be made out to the Carolina- Piedmont Base and not to himself personally. -Old Business There was no Old Business to report. Issue 1202 Page 5

-New Business USSVI National Convention Program Steve Bell reported on a request from District Commander Dick Kanning. Dick would like to place an ad in the National Convention Program Booklet to help support the District. The motion was made to pro- vide $30.00 from the Base Funds, and seconded. The motion carried, Lee Hickerson is to send a check from Base Funds, when directed. Should other bases not comply, then the funds will not be provided. Veteran’s Pins Steve Bell Requested that base funds be used to purchase 25 North Carolina Veterans Pins at a cost of $2.50 each. Upon further discussion it was decided that Jeff Nieberding would also see if South Carolina pins were also available. If these pins are available, Jeff was directed to purchase 25 additional pins. The motion was made and seconded to purchase 25 North Carolina Pins and 25 South Carolina Pins, the mo- tion carried. CPB Challenge Coins Steve Bell reported that the Ship’s Store was almost out of Challenge Coins. Steve reported that the Base purchases these coins at a cost of $5.27 ea. for a min order of 50 or $4.27 ea. for a min order of 100. After a period of discussion, the motion was made to order 50 gold and 50 silver Challenge Coins at a cost of $4.27 each, to be sold at a cost of $10.00 each. The motion was seconded and carried. CPB Ship’s Store Purchase Requests Steve Bell requested that funds of less than $600.00 for restocking the Ship’s Store would only require the E-Board approval. After the discussion, a motion was made and seconded that purchase requests of $350.00 or less for purchases for the Ship’s Store requires only the E-Board’s approval. All purchases over the $350.00 cap will still require the Memberships approval. The motion carried. -Good of the Order District Commander Steve Bell reported that effective at the National Convention, Dick Kanning will resign as our District Commander. Steve Bell will assume the duties of District Commander at that time. Steve will continue as CPB Base Commander until May 2013, when the newly elected Base Officers are sworn in. Burnsville District Meeting Steve Bell reminded all members to reserve their rooms and to send in their registrations to him ASAP. February Base Meeting Steve Bell reminded the members that the February Base meeting be held on the third Saturday, Feb- ruary 18th, 2012. Report of “Half-way” Night Performances Dale Moses reported on the visits to the Laurels in Pineville. Dale further reported that he may be lin- ing up another show. Additionally Dale reported that progress was being made on future shows with new material. Details will be posted in the monthly newsletter. Con’t on page 6 Page 6 Newsletter Title

Base Minutes (con’t) Sailor of the Year Steve Bell reported on the SOY dinner. The Base raised $200.00 and the District raise a total of $1100.00 for this cause. Steve further reported that effective 2013 each cash award to the sailors is limited by fed- eral law. Steve Bell as District Commander will forward any “over funds” raised to the CPO Association to help cover the cost of places, certificates and other such items for the Awards Dinner. News Letter Deadline Dale Moses reminded all members the deadline for February’s newsletter is February 10th. Benediction The Benediction was given by Ray Fritz. Motion to Adjourn The motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. Respectfully Submitted Michael Hubbell Base Secretary

So there I Was… by Mike Hubbell

Recently I had the pleas- But with a few training nated to learn of the his- ure of joining Steve, aides, the young people toric and vital mission Ray, Jeff, Walt and jack learn the basics and this really was. Walt at the York Comprehen- hopefully it helps them spoke of life on Diesel sive High School. We in their studies of sci- Boats. met with the J.R.O.T.C. ence. During one session, students to talk about I really don’t have sto- Walt explained ship- serving aboard subma- ries to share that would board hygiene. The ini- rines. His was something be appropriate for young tial reaction by most of new for me. I have met people to hear. But on these young people was with students before, but this day with the help of something to see. When not like this. Usually I my shipmates a good Walt said that the crew was in a class to help time was had by all. Jack didn’t “shower’ on the explain physics or engi- played the role of M.C. boat, many of the stu- neering to young people and the rest of us were dents leaned back in not to tell “sea stories” just along for the ride. their chairs. He went on or talk about myself. I Ray did a wonderful job to explain that fresh wa- normally explain how a of telling the story of ter was in short supply. can submerge how he and the crew of The youngsters couldn’t and resurface. The sci- the USS Skate were the imagine how that must ence of variable dis- first to ever surface near have been. Of course us placement, a very dry the North Pole. These old salts couldn’t stop and technical subject. young people were festi- laughing. Thanks Walt, Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7

that’s one story they out that the NAVY pro- appreciation for our ser- won’t soon forget. And vided all of us with some vice to the Country and should they join the of the best training any- told me how much they NAVY, they’ll always one could ask for. Be- enjoyed our visit. be grateful that they tween the wise cracks If you have the chance won’t experience water and silliness, that was to participate in one of hours. our most important mes- these school visits, do Jeff covered the very sage to these students. so. It is worth the time, basics of NUC power. Over the last week I and very enjoyable. What he really did was have run into some of Thank you shipmates for instill in these students these students and others setting this up. It was the need for a good edu- with the School Board. well worth the lost sleep cation. He also pointed All have expressed their time.

Cottonmouth Don’t Mess with Old waiting room snapped provided by Jim Schenk Guys their heads around to I went fishing this morn- Yesterday I had an ap- look at me, a now very ing but after a short time pointment to see the embarrassed man. But as I ran out of worms. Then urologist for a prostate usual, I recovered I saw a cottonmouth with exam. Of course I was a quickly, and in an equally a frog in his mouth. bit on edge because all loud voice replied, 'NO, Frogs are good bass bait. my friends have either IVE COME TO IN- Knowing the snake gone under the knife or QUIRE ABOUT A SEX couldn’t bite me with the had those pellets im- CHANGE OPERATION, frog in his mouth, I BUT I DON'T WANT planted. grabbed him right behind THE SAME DOCTOR the head, took the frog, The waiting room was THAT DID YOURS." filled with patients. As I and put him in my bait The room erupted in ap- bucket. Now the di- approached the reception- plause! lemma was how to re- ist's desk, I noticed that lease the snake without the receptionist was a getting bit. So, I grabbed large unfriendly woman my bottle of Jack Daniels who looked like a Sumo and poured a little whis- wrestler. I gave her my key in its mouth. His name. eyes rolled back, and he In a very loud voice, the went limp. I released receptionist said, "YES, I him into the lake without HAVE YOUR NAME incident and carried on HERE; YOU WANT TO fishing using the frog. SEE THE DOCTOR A little later I felt a nudge ABOUT IMPOTENCE, on my foot. It was that RIGHT?" snake with two more frogs. All the patients in the Page 8 Piedmont Periscope

Welcome Aboard


Sandi Wardean 2/03 Cindy Petitt 2/17 Hal Rutter 2/09 Monica Dachs 2/18 Ruth Ann (Worth) 2/09 Sandra Myers 2/18 Jack Jeffries 2/13 Jim Harris 2/26 Jerry Paciorek 2/13 If your birthday was missed, please notify Jack Miles Blassingham or Dale 2/15

Lettin' the cat February outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n Linda and Greg Crystal - 2/5 puttin' it back - Linda and Raymond D. Will Rogers Zieverink - 2/24

Issue 1202 Page 9

SubVettes Dear "SASSY SIS- 18th. May God Bless TERS". You and May God Bless Our Great Country USA. Hope this finds all of Love to all Sandra you and yours doing well. Happy Valentines Day to all you. Our Feb- ruary Meal is Italian and Chocolate. Please wear pink or red to celebrate. I have got the cruise From the COB planned and will give all who are interested de- Hello I would like to wish tails at our meeting. Do all the ladies Happy Valen- not forget your recruiters tines Day !!!!!!!!!!! And and/or secret sister. guys do not forget your Hope all stays healthy sweetheart on the 14th. and I will see you the Take care, Paul

Almond-Crusted Chicken Fingers Do you have picky eaters at home? Instead of batter-dipped, deep-fried nuggets, the chicken tenders are coated in a seasoned al- mond and whole-wheat flour crust and then baked to perfection. With half the fat of standard breaded chicken tenders, you can enjoy to your (healthy) heart's content. Even your biggest food critics will enjoy! Makes 4 servings Active Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: Canola oil cooking spray 1/2 cup sliced almonds 1/4 cup whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1 1/2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 4 large egg whites 1 pound chicken tenders Preparation: Preheat oven to 475°F. Line a baking sheet with foil. Set a wire rack on the baking sheet and coat it with cooking spray. Place almonds, flour, paprika, garlic powder, dry mustard, salt and pepper in a food processor; process until the almonds are finely chopped and the paprika is mixed throughout, about 1 minute. With the motor running, drizzle in oil; process until combined. Transfer the mixture to a shallow dish. Whisk egg whites in a second shallow dish. Add chicken tenders and turn to coat. Transfer each tender to the almond mix- ture; turn to coat evenly. (Discard any remaining egg white and almond mixture.) Place the tenders on the prepared rack and coat with cooking spray; turn and spray the other side. Bake the chicken fingers until golden brown, crispy and no longer pink in the center, 20 to 25 minutes. Tenders are perfect for quick stir-fries, chicken satay or kid-friendly breaded “chicken fingers.” Page 10 Piedmont Periscope

United Airlines Agent at could hear, "DO YOU possessing the ranch, one word. Gate 14 HAVE ANY IDEA they need to purchase a After a few minutes of It happened at the Den- WHO I AM?" bull so that they can thinking, she nods and ver Airport. This is hi- Without hesitating, the breed their own stock. says, 'I want you to send larious. I wish I had the agent smiled and Upon leaving, the bru- her the word guts of this girl. An grabbed her public ad- nette tells her sister, 'comfortable’. award should go to the dress microphone. "May 'When I get there, if I The operator shakes his United Airlines gate I have your attention, decide to buy the bull, agent in Denver for be- head. 'How is she ever please?", she began, her I'll contact you to drive going to know that you ing smart and funny, voice heard clearly out after me and haul it want her to hitch the while making her point, throughout the terminal. home.' when confronted with a trailer to your pickup "We have a passenger The brunette arrives at truck and drive out here passenger who probably here at Gate14 WHO deserved to fly as cargo, the man's ranch, inspects to haul that bull back to DOES NOT KNOW the bull, and decides she your ranch if you send or all of you out there WHO HE IS. If anyone wants to buy it. her just the word who have had to deal can help him with his 'comfortable?' with an irate customer, identity, please come to The man tells her that he this one is for you. Gate 14". will sell it for $599, no The brunette explains, less. After paying him, 'My sister's blonde. The A crowded United Air- With the folks behind lines flight was canceled. she drives to the nearest word is big. She'll read him in line laughing hys- town to send her sister a it very slowly... 'com-for A single agent was re- terically, the man glared telegram to tell her the -da-bul.' booking a long line of at the United agent, grit- news. inconvenienced travel- ted his teeth, and said,  ers. Suddenly, an angry "F*** You!" Without She walks into the tele- I was devastated to find passenger pushed his flinching, she smiled and graph office, and says, 'I out my wife was having way to the desk. He said, "I'm sorry sir, you'll want to send a telegram an affair but, by turning slapped his ticket on the have to get in line for to my sister telling her to religion, I was soon counter and said, "I that, too." that I've bought a bull able to come to terms HAVE to be on this for our ranch and I need with the whole thing. I flight and it has to be Life isn't about how to her to hitch the trailer to converted to Islam, and FIRST CLASS." survive the storm, but our pickup truck and how to dance in the rain. we're stoning her in the The agent replied, "I'm drive out here so we can morning! sorry, sir. I'll be happy to  haul it home.  try to help you, but I've Supplied by Sharon We- The telegraph operator got to help these folks ber: explains that he'll be I went to the pub with first; and then I'm sure my girlfriend last night. Two sisters, one blond glad to help her, then we'll be able to work Locals were shouting and one brunette, inherit adds, it will cost 99 cents something out." a word. "pedophile!" and other the family ranch. Unfor- names at me, just be- The passenger was un- tunately, after just a few Well, after paying for cause my girlfriend is 21 impressed. He asked years, they are in finan- the bull, the brunette re- and I'm 50. It completely loudly, so that the pas- cial trouble. In order to alizes that she'll only be spoiled our 10th anniver- sengers behind him keep the bank from re- able to send her sister Issue 1202 Page 11 sary. I've heard that Apple has the kids at school, press 6 Moral of the story:  scrapped their plans for If you want us to prepare a B-S might get you to the the new children's- meal for Sunday or to top, but it won't keep you I’ve just been to the oriented iPod after real- have it delivered to your there. gym. They've got a new izing that "iTouch Kids" home, press 7 machine in. I could only is not a good product  use it for half an hour, as name. If you want to come to eat -Birds of a feather flock I started to feel sick. It's here, press 8 together . . . .and then crap great though. It provides  If you need money, press on your car. me with everything I The Red Cross just 9 need - KitKats, Mars knocked on my door and -A penny saved is a gov- Bars, Snickers, Potato asked if we could con- If you are going to invite ernment oversight. Crisps, the lot. tribute towards the us to dinner, or take us to -The older you get, the the theater, start talking  floods in Pakistan. I said tougher it is to lose weight, we'd love to, but our gar- we are listening !!!!!!!!!!!" because by then your body Question - Are there too den hose only reaches to  and your fat have gotten to many immigrants in the driveway. be really good friends. Britain? 17% said yes; A turkey was chatting 11% said No; 72% said  with a bull. -Did you ever notice: The "I am not understanding Grandparents Answering 'I would love to be able to Roman Numerals for forty the question please." Machine get to the top of that tree' (40) are XL.'  Good morning . . . At sighed the turkey, 'but I -The sole purpose of a haven't got the energy.' child's middle name is so The cost of living has present we are not at he can tell when he's really now gotten so bad that home but,please Leave 'Well, why don't you nib- in trouble. my wife is having sex your message after you ble on some of my drop- with me because she hear the beep. pings?' replied the bull. -Did you ever notice: can't afford batteries. beeeeeppp .... They're packed with nutri- When you put the 2 words ents. 'The' and 'IRS' together it  If you are one of our The turkey pecked at a spells 'Theirs...' A man calls 911 and children, dial 1 and then lump of dung, and found it -Aging: Eventually you says "I think my wife is select the option from 1 actually gave him enough will reach a point when you dead". The operator to 5 in order of "arrival" strength to reach the low- stop lying about your age says, "How do you so we know who it is. est branch of the tree. and start bragging about it. know?" He says "The If you need us to stay sex is about the same, with the children, press 2 The next day, after eating -Some people try to turn but the ironing is piling some more dung, he back their odometers. Not If you want to borrow up!" reached the second me, I want people to know the car, press 3 'why' I look this way. I've  branch. If you want us to wash Finally after a fourth traveled a long way and My wife has been miss- your clothes and ironing, some of the roads weren't ing a week now. The po- night, the turkey was press 4 paved. lice said to prepare for proudly perched at the top the worst. So, I had to go If you want the grand- of the tree. -You know you are getting down to Goodwill to get children to sleep here He was promptly spotted old when everything either all of her clothes back. tonight, press 5 by a farmer, who shot him dries up or leaks.  If you want us to pick up out of the tree.  Page 12 Piedmont Periscope

Chaplin’s Corner - Ray Fritz, Base Chaplain

When I see young peo- ple like those we met, my heart is hopeful for the future of America because they demon- strate, in real time, what the next generation of Americans can be when We are enjoying the won- given loving and tough derful weather here in discipline along with SC, especially since mov- meaningful direction ing from what our kids and instruction. The next call “The frozen waste- picture doesn’t look like land” of the Southern pampering to me, how think the instructor said, Tier region of upstate about you? These young “Until I get tired.” NY.” men are doing pushups Amen! Along with Base Com- for being disrespectful to mander, Steve Bell, Ed the instructor. They Erb, Walt Sealy, Jack asked, “How long?” I Jeffries, Mike Hubbell, and Jeff Neiberding, we had the privilege of talk- ing about the U.S. Sub- marine service to NJROTC students in the Sun Valley High and the York Comprehensive High Schools recently. I say privilege because these students are sharp, disciplined, and well mannered. Their instruc- tors care deeply about These students are being their students and set taught personal respon- high standards of sibility and accountabil- achievement for them, ity. Both of these are both physically and men- Biblical principles re- tally. (I will try to get garding our relationships better pictures of the in- to others. structors and us at future John 13:34-35 (NASB) events) “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that Issue 1202 Page 13 you also love one an- principles of behavior. 35 work, let him not Answer to the Flag Trivia: other. “By this all As submarine veterans eat. men will know that you you know the impor- The 48 Star Flag: This is It is incumbent on every are My disciples, if you tance of responsibility the Flag that flew on the day generation to pay its have love for one an- and accountability. You most of us was born. On own debts as it goes. A other.” are also aware that the July 4,1912, the U.S. flag principle which if acted members of this base grew to 48 stars with the ad- The Apostle Paul on would save one-half continue to demonstrate dition of New Mexico wrote: the wars of the world. those principles every (January 6th, 1912) and Ari- Thomas Jefferson Romans 12:9-13 day. zona (February 14, 1912). (NASB) Let love be Proverbs 22:7 I believe Carolina Pied- Executive Order of President without hypocrisy. Ab- ESV The rich mont rocks because our Taft dated June 24, 1912 - hor what is evil; cling rules over the 10 people care about others established the proportions to what is good. Be poor, and the and are doing actual of the flag and provided for devoted to one another borrower is the deeds that demonstrate arrangement of the stars in in brotherly love; give slave of the that care. When we six horizontal rows of eight preference to one an- lender. 11 cease to do that we will each, a single point of each other in honor; not star to be upward. This flag lagging behind in dili- cease to be a base that I predict future happi- rocks! This applies re- ness for Americans if was official for 47 years, gence, fervent in spirit, longer than any other flag serving the Lord; 12re- gardless of your faith, they can prevent the creed, belief, or even government from wast- (with exception of the cur- joicing in hope, perse- rent flag which has flown vering in tribulation, unbelief. ing the labors of the people under the pre- since 1960 or 52 years on devoted to prayer, In the writings of the 13 tense of taking care of July 4, 2012), through two contributing to the Founding Fathers we them. Thomas Jefferson World Wars and the emer- needs of the saints, find some very wise gence of the United States of practicing hospitality. statements regarding When the people find America as the leading na- I don’t like to hear Bill personal responsibility. that they can vote them- tion of the world. Eight O’Riley discuss relig- Contains some insights selves money, that will Presidents served under this into what the govern- ion and I get angry herald the end of the flag; William H. Taft (1909- ment should not do. when politicians, of any republic. Benjamin 1913), Woodrow Wilson persuasion, twist the (1913-1921), Warren Hard- The democracy will Franklin: Scriptures to advance cease to exist when you ing (1921-1923), Calvin their own agendas. The take away from those "To take from one, be- Coolidge (1923-1929), Her- message of the Gospel who are willing to work cause it is thought his bert Hoover (1929-1933), is about personal re- and give to those who own industry and that of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933- sponsibility and ac- would not. Thomas Jef- his fathers has acquired 1945), Harry S. Truman countability before God ferson too much, in order to (1945-1953), Dwight D. Ei- and then before others. senhower (1953-1961) 2 Thessalonians spare to others, who, or Hebrews 9:27 ESV 3:10 ESV For whose fathers, have not And just as it is ap- even when we exercised equal industry Deadline for pointed for man to die were with you, and skill, is to violate once, and after that we would give arbitrarily the first prin- the March Is- comes judgment, you this com- ciple of association, the sue will be the guarantee to everyone These NROTC students mand: If anyone the free exercise of his 16th. are being taught these is not willing to Page 14 Piedmont Periscope

Chaplin’s Corner (continued) I have hope for America explained to her. because I know many 'Have you ever looked young people who are at your hands,' she being taught personal asked. 'I mean really responsibility and ac- looked at your hands?' countability. I slowly opened my May your sunsets be hands and stared down glorious and the sailing at them. I turned them over, palms up and then smooth. palms down. No, I God bless and thanks for guess I had never really listening, looked at my hands as I industry and the fruits People have been told, Chaplain Ray tried to figure out the acquired by it." -- Tho- “you can have it all.” No, point she was making. mas Jefferson, letter to you can’t! People who Grandma smiled and Joseph Milligan, April 6, buy into that lie from the GRANDMA'S HANDS related this story: 1816 pit often find that the Submitted by Ray 'Stop and think for a Fritz moment about the In the following I am not dream becomes a night- Grandma, some ninety hands you have, how talking about people who mare rather than the ful- plus years, sat feebly on they have served you are physically unable to fillment of a dream. the patio bench. She did- well throughout your work. Nor am I talking Why does this happened? n't move, just sat with years. These hands about people who have Because the dream is her head down staring at though wrinkled shriv- lost a job because of the wrong. her hands. eled and weak have economy and are unable The real American dream When I sat down beside been the tools I have to fulfill their responsibil- is to be free. Free to excel her she didn't acknowl- used all my life to reach ity even though they want or to fail! Free to rise or edge my presence and out and grab and em- to. Jesus calls for com- fall. Free to get up after the longer I sat I won- brace life. passion on those who are failure and try again. Free dered if she was OK. 'They braced and truly in need. to be industrious and to Finally, not really want- caught my fall when as As Americans, we have enjoy the fruit of your ing to disturb her but a toddler I crashed been told that the Ameri- own labor. Free to give or wanting to check on her upon the floor. can dream is to own a not give as you choose. at the same time, I asked They put food in my home! The goal may be Free to be everything you her if she was OK. She mouth and clothes on good but the dream is can possibly be without raised her head, looked my back. As a child, false. Recent financial government interference at me, and smiled. 'Yes, my mother taught me to events have shown that at any level. That may I'm fine, thank you for fold them in prayer. many people bought into include a home but not asking,' she said in a They tied my shoes and the lie and eventually necessarily. When people clear voice strong. pulled on my boots. failed because they were become dependent on 'I didn't mean to disturb They held my husband not ready to bear the re- government they cease to you, grandma, but you and wiped my tears sponsibility. Now, they be free. The more the were just sitting here when he went off to want others [government] government gives you the staring at your hands war. to bail them out. more enslaved you be- and I wanted to make (Con’t on Page 21) come to the government. sure you were OK,' I Issue 1202 Page 15

these city boys can't ole bull at home. I'm The Supply Shack- Jeff walk much. about the best they got Nieberding We go on 'route in this except for that Carolina Piedmont marches,' which the pla- Tug Jordan from over Jackets are still available toon sergeant says are in Silver Lake .. I only to order, several mem- long walks to harden us. beat him once... He bers have ordered theirs If he thinks so, it's not joined up the same time already. Just let the SK REDNECK FARM KID my place to tell him dif- as me, but I'm only 5'6' know and he'll fix you in the Marine Corps ferent. A 'route march' and 130 up with an order form. Dear Ma and Pa, is about as far as to our pounds and he's 6'8' USSVI vests are also I am well. Hope you are. mailbox at home. Then and near 300 pounds available to order thru Tell Brother Walt and the city guys get sore dry. Be sure to tell Walt the SK. Brother Elmer the Marine feet and we all ride back and Elmer to hurry and Patches, the SK is Corps beats working for in trucks. join before other fellers now able to order old man Minch by a mile. The sergeant is like a get onto this setup and patches from BC Patch Tell them to join up schoolteacher. He nags come stampeding in. LLC at wholesale prices. quick before all of the a lot. The Captain is like Your loving daughter, This is usually $2 - $3 less per patch than we places are filled. the school board. Ma- Alice (contributor: Ray normally see. Let the I was restless at first be- jors and colonels just Fritz). cause you get to stay in ride around and frown. SK know what you bed till nearly 6 a.m. But They don't bother you need. I am getting so I like to none. Need Supplies? sleep late. Tell Walt and This next one will kill Elmer all you do before Walt and Elmer with breakfast is smooth your laughing. I keep getting cot, and shine some medals for shooting! I things. No hogs to slop, don't know why... The feed to pitch, mash to bulls-eye is near as big mix, wood to split, fire to as a chipmunk head and lay. Practically nothing. don't move, and it ain't Men got to shave but it is shooting at you like the not so bad, there's warm Higgett boys at home. water. Breakfast is strong All you got to do is lie on trimmings like fruit there all comfortable juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, and hit it. You don't etc., but kind of weak on even load your own car- chops, potatoes, ham, tridges. They come in steak, fried eggplant, pie boxes. and other regular food, Then we have what they Q: What’s wrong with this picture ? but tell Walt and Elmer call hand-to-hand com- you can always sit by the bat training. You get to A: Well, I’m pretty sure that this photo was faked. two city boys that live on wrestle with them city Notice the missing stripe? The stripe under the un- coffee. Their food, plus boys. I have to be real ion is red where is should be white. I like the slogan. yours, holds you until careful though, they Hey, if your Civic group, Church youth group, or noon when you get fed break real easy. It ain't Scout group needs a lesson in Flag Etiquette, our again. It's no wonder like fighting with that Base can do it. Just contact me..—Moe(SS) Page 16 Piedmont Periscope

USS Hunley Museum It was a cold, dark, Soon after signaling suc- Charleston Navy Yard in moonlit February night cess by shining a blue North Charleston. The during the Civil War in magnesium light back to submarine was sup- VETERANS NEWS 1864 when The Hunley, shore indicating they ported by a steel truss by the RAQ Bulletin a submarine of The Con- were headed back to and harnesses secured federate States of Amer- base, the ship sank for underneath the sub. The ica, attacked and sank unknown reasons. Since truss was removed for the 1240- short ton USS the end of the War Be- the first time in nearly Housatanic, a steam tween the States, explor- 12 years on 12 JAN powered screw sloop on ers and treasure seekers 2012, affording the first Union blockade duty in scoured the sea around clear, unobstructed view the outer portion of the site of the fallen of the submarine since it Charleston harbor. Housatonic, hoping to sank in 1864. Conserva- It was a small, somewhat discover the Hunley and tion efforts continue as insignificant victory in her crew. In the years the sub still remains in the scheme of the war, following the Civil War, her 90,000 gallon obser- but extremely significant a reward of $100,000 vation tank. in terms of naval war- was even offered by the In the course of the last fare, as The Hunley was great showman, P.T. 12 years since the sub the first sub to sink an- Barnum, to encourage was raised, several arti- other ship during war- mercenaries to find the facts have been recov- time. The sub completed lost vessel. But as the ered, including the its task by coming close years passed by, the famed $20 gold piece enough to the Housa- story of the Hunley re- belonging to Captain tanic to ram the side of mained shrouded in George Dixon. The story the ship with a long mystery with her secrets was that it was given to metal spar, embedding a hidden and her resting him by his fiancé, 135 pound, barbed spar place unknown for well Queenie Bennett as a in the hull. The over a century. In May, good luck charm, and he Hunley then needed to 1995, Clive Cussler, carried the gold piece reverse her position, her bestselling author and into the Battle of Shiloh, crew using hand cranks founder of the National where he was shot in the inside the ship to propel Underwater Marine thigh. The bullet struck the sub backwards 150 Agency, along with a the gold coin at its cen- feet, a safe enough dis- dive team, found The ter, bending it but likely tance to detonate the tor- Hunley lying under 30 saving Dixon's life in the pedo using a rope trig- feet of water and three process. He had the coin ger. After the explosion, feet of sediment. The inscribed with the date the Housatanic burned Hunley rested for 136 and the words, "My Life years before being raised Preserver" as well as his for only three minutes before sinking. on August 8, 2000 and initials. It is not often The Hunley, which was transported to its current legend becomes fact, but 40 feet long and carried home at the Warren in this case, the coin was a crew of eight, never Lasch Conservation indeed real. Also found made it back that night. Center at the Former in November, 2002 dur- Issue 1202 Page 17 ing conservation efforts, crew. There is a life size Retiree Pay: One in every Bloomberg reported, "at were a gold broach and model of a portion of 125 retired federal civilian least 48,500 retirees are ring, both encrusted with The Hunley from the workers receives more than making more now than diamonds. It is assumed TNT movie, The $100,000 in annual bene- they did on the federal these were to be gifts to Hunley, though it was fits, Bloomberg reports. payroll." The most lucra- Dixon's fiancé upon his reconstructed at 10% The website released the tive agency to retire return from the Hunley's larger than the actual results of its Freedom of from? The Securities and mission. The eight crew sub. You will also be Information Act request 19 Exchange Commission, members' remains were able to see the Pioneer JAN, showing nearly where 9.3 percent of re- removed from The sub, an early prototype 15,000 former federal em- tirees receive six-figure Hunley and the skulls of The Hunley, as well ployees collect six-figure pensions. [Source: cast and reconstructed. as other exhibits. There pensions even as govern- Andrew In APR 04, all eight men is also an extensive gift ment pension programs had Lapin 19 Jan 2012 ++] were finally laid to rest shop, where all proceeds a shortfall of $674.2 billion at Magnolia Cemetery go to The Friends of The in 2010. This deficit could Vet Tax Holiday: after a memorial service Hunley for future con- increase if congressional Campaigning in South at White Point Garden. servation efforts. pay rises in 2013, thereby Carolina, with its deep They were buried with The submarine and its increasing the pensions roots in the American other Hunley crew mem- ultimate fate are still a current lawmakers will military, Gov. bers who died during mystery, though scien- earn upon retirement. Of- Rick Perry proposed a several test missions tists are working every fice of Personnel Manage- five-year holiday from prior to the final mis- day to uncover the an- ment data indicate the aver- income taxes for sion. The burial was at- swers. Eventually, The age career length of a fed- wounded veterans as part tended by hundreds of Hunley will have its own eral worker is 27 years, of his bid for conserva- journalists in what many museum so people can Bloomberg found. The tive support in the state's called the last Confeder- continue to educate Treasury Department "pays primary on 14 JAN. "If ate burial. themselves and appreci- about $4.9 billion every you have been wounded, The Hunley is open for ate this significant piece month for about 1.8 million if the [Defense Depart- scheduled tours every of South Carolina his- retirees, an average of ment] has designated you weekend and tickets can tory. For more informa- $31,633 annually," the re- as an individual who has be purchased online tion, history and ways to port said. The list of high- been wounded while you at get involved, please visit earning retirees includes have been on service to main_index.asp? The Friends of The former congressional staff the United States, you get CONTENT=TOURS. Hunley website at http:// members as well as physi- a five-year exemption They include a short tour . cians and public university from paying any personal to view the Hunley from [Source: The Times and employees. Topping the list income tax in this coun- a platform above its Democrat Kyla Fraser with a pension of $375,900 try," Perry told a crowd holding tank as well as a article via Submarine was former Gallaudet Uni- of about 60 people at a short talk about the his- News 21 Jan 2012 ++] versity President Irving K. Veterans of Foreign Wars tory and details of its Jordan Jr. Among other big Hall here. "That's sending mission. There are also earners were GOP presi- the message. That's send- artifacts, including dential candidate Newt ing [a] message that will Dixon's gold coin, ring Gingrich and former Vice last longer than a parade, and broach on display, President Dick Cheney. that will last longer than as well as the facial re- Additionally, due to cost-of a proclamation on the constructions of the -living differences, war, than a pat on the back... If you sacrificed Page 18 Piedmont Periscope

that much for your coun- how your estate will be try, the least this country settled are many ques- Know all the fees. can do is give you that tions that must be an- Banks are required to type of support when swered. The guide prominently disclose you come back." The ―What My Family them on their websites as Wounded Warrior Pro- Should Know” included well as at their branches. VETERANS NEWS ject, an organization as an attachment to this If you haven’t checked by the RAQ Bulletin dedicated to supporting Bulletin has been com- in a while, be sure to injured veterans, esti- piled to help you record look up your bank’s fee mates that about 32,000 the necessary facts for schedule and ensure that troops were wounded in your family, your attor- they’re in line with their Operation Iraqi Freedom ney and your executor. It competitors. and nearly 10,000 in Op- is suggested you com- Use a smaller bank. eration Enduring Free- plete this record and You’ve probably heard dom, the war in Af- store it in a safe place so about the debit card fee ghanistan. Perry often it will be available for increases that Bank of talks about the need to possible revisions by America and other major improve support for vet- you and later use by banks have imposed. erans in the United your family. It is not rec- They’ve been blamed on States, especially as he ommended that you keep the Dodd–Frank Act, has increasingly focused this guide in your safety which limited the mer- on South Carolina, deposit box since most chant fees banks can where 11 percent of the are sealed after death. charge retailers for debit population is made up of [Source: Bastrop County card transactions. What military veterans. He TX Veterans Service most stories leave out: points to initiatives he Officer Newsletter Jan This provision only ap- ushered through in 2012 ++] plies to banks with more Texas, including a 2009 Saving Money: Shop than $10 billion in assets law that exempts dis- around for a bank, and – essentially the top 60 abled veterans from pay- you’ll have hundreds of banks. This leaves thou- ing property taxes. different places fighting sands of smaller banks [Source: National Jour- for your business. Keep and credit unions free to nal Rebecca Kaplan arti- this in mind as you continue business as cle 17 Jan 2012 ++] worry about the flurry of usual. Without these new What My Family new fees being imposed regulations, the smaller Should Know: Al- by the major banks. As banks have no excuse to though many of us are Americans, we’re lucky raise their fees on debit efficient in our daily to enjoy intense compe- cards. lives and keep meticu- tition for our banking Find an Internet- lous records in our pro- business – which is why only bank. Sometimes it fessions, most of us recent fee hikes are per- seems like there is a leave inadequate and plexing. But if the big branch of Citi, Chase, or incomplete records of banks are being stupid, BoA on every street cor- our economic and per- no sense in you joining ner. But do you really sonal affairs when we them. Here’s what you need to use a large retail die. When and how your can do… bank? By saving the benefits will be paid and Issue 1202 Page 19 costs of expensive ―community‖ as the PerkStreetCode=73100000 Military Trivia 44: See if branches and their staffs, type, which means [Source: MoneyTalksNews you can answer the fol- Internet banks pass on you’re probably eligible Jason Steele article 13 Oct lowing about WWII the savings. It’s not un- to join based on where 2011 ++] American Special Forces: common to find online you live. Also find out if 1. In which year was the banks with free check- they’re a member of a Military History: The Airborne program intro- ing, no fees, and a low ―shared branch net- classic Steve McQueen duced? 1932 | 1915 | 1940 minimum balance. In work‖ by going to http:// movie immortalized three | 1955 fact, some even refund tunnels built during WWII the ATM fees charged m/ . If they are, that in the Stalag Luft III POW 2. The newly formed by other banks. You still means you can go to any camp at the height of the 'Rangers' were named as get an ATM/debit card other shared branch Third Reich, 100 miles east such because Commandos' for deposits and with- credit union or ATM in of Berlin 70 years ago. was already being used by drawals, as well as a the world to conduct Now astonished archaeolo- the British. True | False gists have located a fourth standard checkbook. The business just like you 3. 1st Special Forces, nick- called George. It has lain downsides: It’s hard to would at your own. named the 'North Ameri- hidden for nearly 70 years make large cash with- cans,' was an elite allied Use your credit card. and looks, to the untrained drawals, deposit coins, unit formed with men If you pay off your bal- eye, like a building site. or receive a cashier’s from the Rangers, the Air- ance in full and on time, But this insignificant tunnel check. But, free from the borne and the British SAS. you should question us- opening in the soft sand of need to use a local True | False ing a debit card in the western Poland represents branch, you can select first place. By switching the best bank you can one of the greatest exam- 4. Africa: Rangers and to a reward credit card, ples of British wartime Paratroopers would first find, even if it’s in an- you can receive valuable other state. heroism. Three tunnels see action together in the cash back or loyalty nicknamed Tom, Dick and spearhead attack on axis Join a credit union. points, benefit from pur- Harry were constructed forces in Africa. The at- Credit unions are non- chase-protection poli- 30ft underground using tack was given which profit and community- cies, and enjoy a few homemade tools. While codename? Sledgehammer based. Compared to the weeks of a free loan be- Tom was discovered and | Torch | Roundup | Desert big banks, most credit fore your payment is destroyed by the Germans, Fox unions pay higher inter- due. In fact, there’s been Dick was used for storage. est on savings and speculation that these 5. Sicily: The Airborne The third tunnel, Harry, Forces had a terrible entry charge less for loans. new debit card fees are became the stuff of folklore Their fees and interest designed to steer people into Sicily. They were on the night of March 24, dropped all over the place! rates on credit cards are to use credit cards. The 1944, when Allied prison- often lower too – and only problem is that What was the cause of the ers gathered in hut 104 be- poor drop? many still offer free those who carry a bal- fore crawling along the checking. If you’re not ance will be better off 100ft tunnel to a brief taste No radar pathfinders | eligible for a credit un- finding a debit card of freedom. Only three es- Poorly trained air wing ion through your job, use without fees. caped; 73 were rounded up (52nd Troop Carrier) | Credit Union National Other options. Check by the Germans and 50 Gale force winds | All of Association’s credit un- out https:// were summarily executed. these ion locator at http:// and And the sensational story http:// became the Hollywood to get a list of the nearest classic, The Great Escape, credit unions. Look for main.aspx? starring Steve McQueen. Page 20 Piedmont Periscope

Lost Boats— USS Shark SS 174 be presumed to be lost. The next of kin of the The USS Shark (SS-174) from an IJN submarine. personnel of the Shark was a Porpoise class A few days later, she have been notified. World War II era subma- was ordered to Ambon During the month of De- rine. Island, where an enemy cember, the U. S. sub- The namesake of the invasion was expected. marine Sealion which USS Shark is any of the She reconnoitered Am- was under extensive usually ferocious carti- bon in the Moluccas and overhaul at Cavite, was laginous fishes, typically then continued north- so damaged as to neces- marine, with a long ward to Molucca Pas- sitate her demolition to body, two dorsal fins, sage where she had been prevent her use by the rows of sharp teeth, and directed to join other enemy in the event of between five and seven American capture. gill slits on each side of patrolling that area. Japanese records re- the head. On February 2, 1942, the viewed after the war The radio call sign of the Shark reported to her documented numerous USS Shark was NAN- base at that she attacks on unidentified ABLE-ZEBRA- had been depth-charged submarines in the BAKER. ten miles off Tifore Is- Shark's area at plausible On December 9, 1941, land and had failed to times. On February the Shark, captained by sink a Japanese ship dur- 11,1942, the Japanese Lieutenant Commander ing a torpedo attack. depth-charged a subma- Lewis Shane, Jr., de- Five days later, she re- rine east of Menado, parted Manila for her ported chasing an empty northern Celebes. On first war patrol and was cargo ship headed north- February 17, they at- at sea on patrol during west. On February 8, tacked an unidentified the Japanese bombing the Shark was ordered to submarine off Kendari. raids there the next day. proceed to Makassar On February 21, an en- For the next week, the Strait via the north coast emy sub chaser rammed Shark patrolled Tayabas of Celebes. Thereafter, a U. S. submarine in Ma- Bay. On December 19, the Shark was never nipa Strait (this report 1941, she was ordered heard from again. On could not be confirmed). back to Manila to em- March 7, 1942, she was Based on the fact that on bark and evacuate Admi- reported as presumed February 8 the Shark had ral Thomas C. Hart, lost due to unknown been sent to the area Commander-in-Chief of causes. The official an- near Menado, she could the United States Asiatic nouncement of the have been the submarine Fleet, and to transport Shark's loss was made the Japanese depth- him to Surabaya, Java. on March 18, 1942. charged. Another report On January 6, 1942, dur- Navy Department Com- described an attack 120 ing her second and final muniqué No. 57, March miles east of Menado on war patrol, still cap- 18, 1942 February 11, 1942, at tained by Lieutenant The U. S. submarine 0137 hours, by the IJN Commander Lewis Shark has been overdue Yamakaze, Shane, Jr., the Shark was in the Far East for more which sank a surfaced almost hit with a torpedo than a month and must submarine with Issue 1202 Page 21 fire. (Grandma’s Hands me works real well these and took my grandma's The Shark was probably con’t) hands hold me up, lay me hands and led her lost as a result of the at- 'They have been dirty, down, and again continue home. When my hands tack by the Yamakaze, scraped and raw, swollen to fold in prayer. are hurt or sore or when as described above, at and bent. They were un- 'These hands are the mark I stroke the face of my the geographic position easy and clumsy when I of where I've been and the children and husband I 01°, 45'N, 127°, 15'E. tried to hold my newborn ruggedness of life. think of grandma. I Japanese records indi- son. Decorated with my But more importantly it know she has been cate the destroyer wedding band they showed will be these hands that stroked and caressed sighted a surfaced sub- the world that I was mar- God will reach out and take and held by the hands marine and opened main ried and loved someone when he leads me home. of God. battery fire at it, expend- special. And with my hands He will I, too, want to touch the ing a total of forty-two They wrote my letters to lift me to His side and there face of God and feel five-inch shells and him and trembled and I will use these hands to His hands upon my sixty rounds of machine shook when I buried my touch the face of God. face. gun ammunition during parents and spouse. I will never look at my the action. The subma- 'They have held my chil- hands the same again. But I rine soon sank and dren and grandchildren, remember God reached out voices were heard in the consoled neighbors, and water, but no effort was shook in fists of anger made to locate and res- when I didn't understand. Next Meeting is at cue survivors. The other They have covered my attacks discussed above face, combed my hair, and VFW POST 9138 are not considered to be washed and cleansed the feasible or related to the rest of my body. They have Shark's loss. been sticky and wet, bent February 18th A list of the personnel and broken, dried and raw. lost with the Sharkis And to this day when not maintained at http:// much of anything else of at VFW Post 9138 m/uss-shark-174.htm. Bring a passing dish The Shark was struck from the Navy list on June 24, 1942. She re- Dinner 1730 ceived one battle star for her World War II ser- Meeting—Tolling of the vice. The Shark was not credited with sinking or Boats damaging any enemy vessels. Please Remember to support VFW Post 9138 Attend their Breakfast on the 2nd Sunday of each month Page 22 Piedmont Periscope

2012 NC SUBVETS Burnsville Memorial Service 18-19 May 2012 Pre-Registration Form – Cutoff Date 4 May 2012 Name:______Nickname:______Street Address:______City/State/Zip:______Base______Spouse/Guest Name:______Nickname:______Emergency Contact/Telephone:______NO. TOTAL Registration/Catered Meal, Saturday May 19 Per Person $30 ______

TEAR OFF THIS SECTION AS A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Please make checks payable to: CAROLINA PIEDMONT BASE – USSVI Mail check to: Steve Bell, 138 Burton Hills Circle, Gastonia, NC 28054 NO. TOTAL Registration/Catered Meal, Saturday May 19 Per Person $30 ______

Host Hotel: Skyline Village Inn, 12255 NC Hwy 226A (milepost marker 331 on the Blue Ridge Park- way), between Little Switzerland and Spruce Pine, NC. Phone: 1-828-765-9394 or 704-517-6374 (preferable) Directions to Hotel: I-40, Exit 86 (Route 226). Take this bending, curving road all the way to Little Switzerland. When you see the Blue Ridge Parkway overpass, take a left turn, it is the first building on the right. Reservations: Reservations at the hotel are the responsibility of the individual (828-765-6276 or 704- 517-6374). A special rate of approximately $85.00 (plus tax) for most rooms (if you are doubling up with someone, there is an extra $10 charge) is available for U.S. Subvets per night. Double rooms are $99 and singles are $69 (plus tax of course). This hotel has only 16 rooms but has made a deal with a hotel (Big Lynn Gap Motel) approximately 2 miles away for overflow at the same rate. Skyline Hotel will arrange for either hotel as appropriate. DEADLINE FOR SPECIAL RATE IS 4 MAY 2012. Check out the website at

Issue 1202 Page 23



1500-1800 Registration at Skyline Village Inn (just let Bell know you are there) 1600-?? Hospitality Room Open Evening Meal will be on your own


1000 NC SUBVETS Meeting 1130 (approx) Lunch at Western Sizzlin (on your own)(for those that want to eat there) 1400 Memorial Service on Moonshine Mountain 1800 Catered meal @ Skiline Village Inn (downstairs) 1900 (approx) Band Entertainment for the evening (downstairs)

-We will caravan (or try to) to Moonshine Mountain from Western Sizzlin after lunch. -Hospitality Room will be open during the day Saturday. -Evening meal is a buffet style meal prepared at the hotel.

COME OUT AND ENJOY SOME GOOD COMRADIERSHIP, A MEMORIAL SER- VICE FOR THOSE WE LOST ON WWII SUBMARINES, AND A GOOD HOME COOKED MEAL Carolina Piedmont Base Calendar of Upcoming Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12 VFW Break- 13 14 15 16 17 18 CP Base Meet- fast 8 –11 AM ing—1730 Dinner & Meeting 1900

19 20 21 22 Ash 23 24 25 Wednesday

26 27 28 29 March 1 2 3 LEAP DAY !!!

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 VFW Break- 12 13 14 15 16 17 fast 8 to 11am

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CP Base Meet- ing—1730 Dinner & Meeting 1900

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

One way to support VFW Post 9138 is to attend their Sunday Morning Breakfast held on the second Sunday of each month from 8am to 11am— Come on out!