% Semper'bombarded for Slighting Recruiting Director Nothing Thrills Me As Much Os the Thought That Every Right- of Public Dignitaries
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FR/Oy^y APRIL 6tli is the BIG BAY of the ARCHITECTS' DANCE at Victoria Parii Refectory Registered at G.P.O,, Brisbane, for (Not April 7 as advertised i n Vol XX—No. V. APRE 3rd. 1951 transmission by post as a periodical, ^^^t week s "Semper,') Editorial ReshuiSles in the Politburo TT has been compIaCned that •»- "Semper Floreat" this year Is a one-man show, While quantitatively, the Editor has never written more than one-fifth of each issue, and usually much less, it is true that the general tone of the paper has bCcn j very largely influenced by the tem perament of one person. This week, I have officially accre dited four staff seniors, who will be very lei-gely r^ponsible for the running of the paper. Should the Editor wish to "go into smoke" for a week, these foia- will have full discretion in turning out the usual 'Semper". The "BiB Pour" are: Peter Ed wards (co-Editor) and Zell Rabin (News Editor), who will concentrate on pages 1, 2, 3, and 6; Joan Palmer, the magazine section (4, 5); and Olive Williams, who has already performed for four creditable weeka as Sports Editor (pp. 7, 8). The Editor now hopes to be able TROUBLED WATERS tOr concentrate a little on hia course. % Semper'Bombarded for Slighting Recruiting Director Nothing thrills me as much os the thought that every right- of public dignitaries. Revue and procession directors beware of cas- thinking youth in the University should have (if he hasn't) tigation. joined in to condemn this threat to his way of tldnking. (4) No lecturer should couch his HE Active are even more active. no one will argue logically with the correspondence in such terms as to T The Dormant have suddenly points it puts forward. be studiedly insulting. Such persons Tonight's erupted. Even the Extinct are will not be immune from return in 3:umbllng a little. The Question of Authorship sult In future. the Night For reference—Semper 21/3/51, The Editor writes ex-officio only (5) Seeking intelligent critical =Courier-MaH 24/3/51, Sunday Mail editorials, and editorial conunent opinion, I was snowed under with INAUGURAL MEETING 55/3/81—all to be taken "cum grano rabidly muddled opposition. Some ;Bali8". on letters, etc. An independent of the so-called "intelligentsia" of article cannot be attributed to the our community go berserk whenever UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND "Two editorial statements—the anyone dares to question the paste LIBERAL CLUB Jirst on "majority opinion", the Editor, but to some Individual con board symbols assuring them that .second on "unsigned assault". tributor. all's right with the world. TUESDAY, 3rd APRIL, 1951 ^Representation Therefore the writer of last (6) ..The gentleman whose sensibi General Purpose Hall, George Si.» The article on Lieutenant-Gen week's front-page article is John lities shocked him to squeal imme 7.30 p.ni. eral Sir Edmund Herring was obvi Quinlem, He has never denied this. diately to the "Oourier-Mail" could Business: ously not Intended to conform to have complained directly to the Reception of Constitution. anaiority opinion (save us from The Editor may print articles Vlce-Chancallor, and thereby be as Election of Office Bearers. *hat). On the other hand, it signed or unsigned, according to his sured that no bad publicity would Prelimhiary Policy. tclalms reasonable accuracy in stat discretion. accrue to the UrUversity. Siuely we ing that "120 St. Lucia types were don't want the down-town press to B 4253 MAURICE EWING, Ijored to tears" (everyone looked be regarded as a sword of Damocles M1848 Convenor. jjlttentlve and clapped vigorously). Soni>9 Short Notes which anyone with a bee in his bon Also, the writer over-estimated cer (1) Impartiality is a hypocritic net about undergraduate non SPECIAL tain dim-wits who never realised ally woolly Ideal, difficult to attain, conformity can release. ;that the "string of cliches", being and not always compatible with ac The policy speech of the ±1 logical time-sequence, formed an curacy and personal honesty. (7) "Let the long contention Right Honourable R. G. Men- cease! accurate sydbpsts that missed little. (2) To attack the poorly present zies vnH be tuned into at to The first paragraph covers ade- ed exposition of a cause is not to Geese are swans and swans night's inaugural meeting of •<iuately the theme, which revolved attack the cause .around the functions of youth as Itself; nor ere geese." the U.Q. Uberal Club. raeaders of the community, the soundly based Institutions damaged ' fpiritual re-armets who realise, and by open criticism. :,«how to the rank-and-file, the fun- (3) It is typical of undergradu 'damehtols of om' Christian and de- ate bad taste to aim intellectual fire .mocratic way of life. crackers at the retreating buttocks NOW AVAILABLE The second paragraph represents Haxrod — International <4Uite clearly Sir Edmund's recruit- economics —. —, 10/6 iag call, for the regiment, squadron % McUorf Mann and Saunders — •and naval reserve. STOP PRESS) ; Fraotloal Organlo «<BrIsbane'8 Best Bookstore" • Ohemlstoy „....»:-»-.—» 18/9; • 'For forgetting that 1 vpas dealing Fulton — Textbook of . :^th an audience of haisty readers Sempier in future pub 107 Ellsabetli Street Physiolofy :„ — 95/»- Ckunmonwealth Oranit . ;;iand peremptory judges, I duly apol- lished Wedniesdays, BRISBANE : ^'ibigiae.. ;;'Som'e nitiwits have even CommlMion. Seven*; teenth Report (1959) -.11/8, ^^Bbcpe^te^ that the second pefft of 0(>p]f MUiST be Jn bir '' • .•»•",'. "!'••*, f^e article is daihnable fear not «( ,f- • V -V. IJ^iibreB«li« majority d^ ' :.Friday'.i)ji.m.¥ v./' .r. X ( WING T)URING the past week there has been a lot of discussion as to what are the.functions;o£' a student newspaper, so we have dsked various members of the staff for their opinions DUNG on this matter, and the first of these is Mr. T. C. Truman, lecturer in Political Science. We Sh:, consider Mr. Truman's opinion to be of value because he is able, by virtue of his position, ' I read with profound disgust the to speak authoritatively and dispassionately, and also because Mr. Truman is perhaps i front page article appearing in the the greatest advocate of personal and intellectual freedom within the University. ! last issue of "Semper," I considet jthe article to be the acme of bad taste and the essence of Impropriety. I readily agree tTnat the Editor ol a University paper must have ab80-« lute independence to criticise any pronouncement or address be that THE FUNCTIONS OF A pronouncement or address by the Chancellor or by a mere student . politician.- I agree a University paper should attempt to destroy STUDENT false Idols and outmoded social con ventions. I protest strongly, how ask me what I tMnk the function of a student paper should be. In my view it ought to ever, against the lampooning of' a Y?" man by way of defamatory personal be related to the place of the University m society. comment. No ijetter statement of the duty purpose: to report accurately The personal slights in the article of a University to society has been speeches, opinions and views of under discussion become ludicrous Written than the message sent by tliose who have interestlDe Ideas when we consider that they are di to express and io provide an open rected against a man of Sir Edmuiid Professor, Sir Douglas Copland, forum fer discussion of all prob Herring's stature. The fact that Sb^ Vice-Chancellor of the Australian lems, and especially those which Edmund has given such yeoman National University, to the recent are rarely discussed because some service to Australia both in peace N.U.A.U.S. Congress. That message taboo is placed upon them by con and in war would surely preclude was published In "Semper Floreat' vention. the contemptuous discarding of iiis a few weeks ago, and in case you title. The publication of the photo failed to cut it out, frame it and Nothing should be too sacred or of Sir Edmund with the caption bang it over your study desk, I want too shocking to discuss, although "Pace of Herring" Is abominable to repeat what seems to me its two offensive language and pornogra and add nothing but discredit to best paragraphs. The professor phic Interest must be avoided in the "Semper," interests of mental freedom. No said that all the members of the one can be intellectually free if he If the Editor wished to criticise University whether staff or students is dominated by his emotions oi the address given by Sir Edmund "as a body of scholars must seek to appetites, and to seek to play on the Herring then he was entitled to do establish the highest respect for in emotions and appetites of others is 50, and I submit do so quite trench- dependent scholarship, they must to deny them that rational initia antly. Not for a moment do I sug be prepared to embark upon all tive upon which freedom depends. gest that because the address is possible lines of thought and re Delicate questions must be treated delivered by the Director of Recruit* search to establish truth or promote with true scientific detachment but ing and Chief Justice of Victoria new knowledge, they must fostei not necessarily in a dry textbook then it should be sacrosanct and (reedonj of thought, and they must fashion. A measure of audacity is above crltcism. I do suggest, how- be permitted to resist encroachment not out of place because it stimu ever, that as Sir Edmund was our lates controversy, and a really guest and by vh-tue of the high upon academic freedom even at the office he holds he is entitled to be risk of incurring opposition from healthy university should be in a constant ferment of ideas.