NEWS FROM US to review dark history of Indigo Girls/Line 3 activists host New work by Native artist to A NATIVE Indigenous boarding schools Protect the Water concert rise where “Scaffold” stood AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE 40 YEARS OF SERVING THE NATIVE AMERICAN COMMUNITY WWW.THECIRCLENEWS.ORG
[email protected] Like us on Facebook! Follow Us on Twitter page 4 page 6 page 14 @TheCircleNews FREE JULY 2021 • VOLUME 42, ISSUE 7 FREE Bringing broadband communication to tribes Minneapolis groups seeks to rename Columbus Avenue to Oyate BY HANNAH BROADBENT organizers, every attendee being from the neighborhood. Maltzman says she can recall don’t know how to the disdain for the name exist- talk about what it’s ing since she moved in, in “Ilike to live on 2008. Though block members ‘Columbus Avenue’ without can recall it going back another standing on a soapbox talking 20 years. about everything that is wrong “A lot of us would talk about with colonization,” Quito our address as 33–f*** Ziegler said at the Oyate Columbus Avenue,” she said. Avenue information sharing Maltzman said it was summer and community meeting in of 2020 that triggered a few Minneapolis. street artists to take it upon ‘Oyate Avenue’ is the name themselves throughout the that a group of community avenue to paint over the signs members would like to change with a different name. On 38th ‘Columbus Avenue’ to. ‘Oyate’ and Columbus the avenue sign Turtle Island Communications workers lay fiber cables on reservation lands. (Photo courtesy of Turtle Island was given to them by Makoce is now red and reads “Little Communications.) Ikikcupi, a land recovery proj- Crow”.