90 Focus Area Recommendations Lake Calhoun/Bde 8 Maka Ska

91 Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/

Introduction Nine areas around the two lakes received focused study during the master planning process. Each area had 2 unique characteristics, issues, and opportunities. In 1 addition to developing overall recommendations for both Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and , the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) developed 3 recommendations and preferred concepts for each of the nine focus areas.

Two schematic plans, one emphasizing recreation, the other ecology, were created for each focus area. These 5 eighteen plans were presented and discussed over the course of two CAC meetings, an open house, and at meetings with MPRB staff. An online survey polled the public regarding preferences. Using this feedback about the schematic plans, a preferred concept plan with recommendations describing projects was developed for 4 each focus area. These illustrative plans and associated recommendations were discussed and approved by the 6 CAC at its final three meetings in 2016.

Two chapters of the master plan are dedicated to the nine focus areas. Chapter 8 describes the six Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska focus areas and Chapter 9, the three Harriet focus areas. Each focus area includes a description of 7 existing conditions, a list of issues and opportunities, and highlights of the master plan recommendations. A graphic 8 “dashboard” for each focus area summarizes public comment. An illustrative, annotated plan with a numbered list of recommendations and photographs provide a vision for the proposed actions and projects.

The nine areas identified and studied during the master 9 plan process are as follows:

1. Northeast Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska 2. North Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska 3. Northwest Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Key map of focus areas 4. Southwest Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska 5. East Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska 6. South Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and William Berry 7. Bandshell Area – Lake Harriet 8. – Lake Harriet 9. Lower Road – Lake Harriet

92 Focus Area Recommendations: 93 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska eflect favorable favorable eflect comments from the public about comments fromabout the public thefor focus areas ideas Blue icons r icons Blue Red icons reflect unfavorable unfavorable reflect icons Red comments from the public the for focus areas ideas about or the Preferred or the Preferred Title of focus area and brief brief and focus area Titleof learned was what of sentence from community engagement Community preferences Community preferences between the two schematic the for focus area options Big Moves f Big Moves Concept Dashboard Explanation for the Nine Focus Areas Explanation Focus the for Nine Dashboard Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska NE CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA FOCUS AREA Existing Conditions Northeast Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is one of the major entry points and an uncelebrated gateway into the Chain of Lakes Regional Park. With its proximity to Uptown and location at the intersection of West Lake Street and East Calhoun Parkway, NE Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is one of the two busiest activity hubs around the lakes. Many enjoy the synergy of the enterprises and activities that attract so many visitors to this corner. Others, including CAC members, expressed concern that the area has become too congested and unsafe.

As the site for Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska’s only boat launch, only concessions (Tin Fish Restaurant and Wheel Fun rentals) and sailing school, NE Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is further congested in summer months by the thousands of pedestrians and cyclists passing through the area. The boat launch turnaround area is especially obstructed by Aquatic Invasive Species inspections, sailors rigging boats, multiple daily deliveries and garbage collection from Tin Fish, handicapped parking, and parents dropping off and picking up their children who are attending Sailing School.

Photo Credits: MPRB

Recreational activities conflict with weed Pedestrian and bicycle trail intersections Existing facilities (sailing club shown) are harvester operations. leading to W. Lake St. underpass are in need of improvements. 94 problematic. Focus Area Recommendations: 95 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska za and seating between the Refectoryza seating the and and a water is perceived by some to be only for customers of Tin Tin of customers for be only some to by perceived is water Fish. facilities improved school and larger The needs sailing students. drop-off for safer area a including accessible not are restrooms, plumbed including Facilities services of the quality or level expected provide do not and Calhoun/Bde or Maka Ska Lake as popular a parkfor as Lakes. of the Chain as renowned as neighborhoods. often park adjacent in theVisitors lakes to will programming local additional feel residents Many more on neighborhood parking in pressure result streets. The WWI restoration. memorial of need in is Naval The pl Aerial view of the NE Calhoun/BdeNEthe of AerialviewFocusArea Ska Maka • • • • • Bicycle parking and restrooms are inadequate. restrooms parking are Bicycle and Speeding bicycles entering this congested area are are congested this area entering bicycles Speeding dangerous. The bicycle trail through the underpass is on a blind curve on a blind the is through trail underpass The bicycle rollerbladers and carry cyclists of speeds and them into oncoming lanes. The sight lines at the intersections of bicycle and and bicycle of the intersections at lines The sight the bridge to are is underpass pedestrian leading trails poor. Defined cow paths show the desire to have an at-grade an have to desire the show paths cow Defined the of connect to Street, with Lake Lake West crossing of Isles. The intersection of the bicycle and pedestrian paths and and pedestrian and paths the bicycle of The intersection the Redesign dangerous. is driveway launch the boat area. this of out vehicles keep space to The area has great energy but is too crowded. Move some some Move crowded. too is but energy great has The area less congested to while the parts uses of the lakes of the space. of the synergy retaining

• • • • • • • Photo Credit: Google Credit: Photo Opportunities: and Issues Dashboard of Public Input

Highlights of the Master Plan Recommendations A major effort of the master plan was to de-congest the NE • Once the launch and sailing school/club are relocated corner of Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska without sacrificing the away from NE Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska, the area can be area’s synergy and character. Recommendations included reorganized and enhanced for concessions and other re-aligning trails and moving some of the area’s current uses visitor needs, such as new restroom facilities. Equipment to the northwest shores of the lake. Because of the costs rentals (currently Wheel Fun) will be relocated to the of constructing these new facilities elsewhere on the lake, south side of the Calhoun Refectory (currently Tin Fish). implementation of the recommendations for NE Calhoun/Bde Boardwalks and docks will continue to provide seating and Maka Ska must be phased: access to the waterfront that can be enjoyed by all. In the interim and until funding is available, trail improvements • When funds are available for infrastructure improvements can be constructed to improve the safety for those enjoying as at the NE corner - such as re-aligning West Calhoun well as passing through the area. The master plan recommends Parkway to create recreational space along the shore of an at-grade multi-use trail across Lake Street on the west side of the lake – the boat launch, the Sailing School/Club, and East Calhoun Parkway. The new trail segment would allow some related activities are relocated to the northwest shore of of the bicycle traffic coming from , the Midtown the lake. Greenway, and the clockwise trails around Calhoun/Bde Maka

96 Focus Area Recommendations: 97 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska The zoning requirements and process required by the Shoreland the Shoreland process and by required requirements The zoning DistrictOverlay will be followed. Two other studies impacting the NE impacting corner studies other occurred the as Two Refectory the Facility Calhoun written: being was plan master Ska-HarrietMaka Trail Calhoun/Bde the and Study Grounds and these two can studies project. explaining Images Improvements the Appendix. in be found Ska to remain at the perimeter of the area. By routing traffic to trafficto routing By area. the of perimeter the at remain to Ska pedestrian and bicycle where points of the number the perimeter, cross be reduced. trails would Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska

The Calhoun Refectory (Tin Fish) is a very popular destination. Existing restroom facilities currently do not meet ADA standards or have the capacity to meet the high demand.

The existing width of the combined bicycle - pedestrian trail on the south side of the Lake Street bridge over the channel is substandard for peak use periods. 98 02-16-2016 8 31ST. STREET 31ST. PERKINS+WILL TEAM PERKINS+WILL Allow for widened trails, per the the per trails, widened for Allow West the of recommendations Lake Multimodal Transportation Study Provide gateway feature pedestrian and bicycle Provide connection users for trail crossing Improve trees oak existing Preserve Bicycle parking ADA and loading drop-off, New parking Convert to green after space and school sailing relocating boat launch area and species invasive Remove restore to oak savanna upland 8b 8a

EAST CALHOUN PKWY 2 8e 17a 17b 16a Prepare vegetation management plan for lagoon 9c 8d Improve waterfront access pedestrians. for Improve area that includes designated spaces for deliveries and accessible and spaces deliveries for parking. designated includes that area I Memorial Mast). the War World and Marine Corps Memorial Tablets

Replace the turnaround at the existing boat launch with a curbside drop-offcurbside a with launch boat existing the at turnaround the Replace and Naval the lagoon, along wall objects structures historic and (WPA Restore

8. 9. 10. LAGOON 120’ FOCUS AREA CONCEPTS Add bicycle trail connection to to connection trail bicycle Add Isles the of Lake 80’ 40’ 0 N 1a

W LAKE STREET LAKE CALHOUN/ MAKABDE SKA PEDESTRIAN TRAILS TRAIL BICYCLE PLANTING BEDS WETLAND BEACH / MEADOW PRAIRIE GARDEN POLLINATOR GROWTH TREE / EXISTING FOREST UPLAND STORMWATER PONDS RESTORED NATIVE VEGETATION LEGEND: LAKE MASTER CALHOUN-HARRIET PLAN BOARD AND PARK RECREATION MINNEAPOLIS Using West Lake Multimodal Study as a guide, work with with work a guide, as Study Multimodal Lake West Using along traffic Street W Lake slow to County Hennepin environment friendly ped/bike more create and Calhoun Restore historic objects and structures structures and objects historic Restore lagoon, the along wall WPA the including Tablets Memorial Corps Marine and Naval Mast I Memorial War World the and vegetation upland Restore and shoreline areas turf protect and restore, Decompact, and shelter rooms, restroom/changing New storage area pedestrian and access waterfront Improve the between public general the for circulation patio Renovate lake. and Refectory Calhoun steps seating and lookout, area, space gathering and seating Flexible the of side south to Fun) (Wheel rentals Relocate and school sailing the when Refectory Calhoun relocated are club yacht equipment for rental shelter small Include Restore vegetation shoreline parkway from trails to access Improve the energy and character of the area. of character and the energy Fish). Tin Refectory (currently Calhoun field. the dock buoy and Retain hub. a recreational as corner developed is relocated. club are Refectory school once yacht the and sailing Parkway. Calhoun East and Street. Lake westbound Reduce congestion and improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists while preserving while bicyclists safety pedestrians and for congestionReduce improve and from the flanking currently two area this launches the boat relocate away and Remove from once area this the northwest club away school yacht the and sailing Relocate the Calhoun of side south to Wheel Fun) concessionaire rental Relocate (currently building. storage and all-genderrestroom an Construct Street Lake of intersection the of side west the on trail shared-use grade, at an Add the triangle in and between or enhancements eastbound a gateway Create

NE CALHOUN/BDE MAKA CALHOUN/BDE NE AREA SKAFOCUS NE Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus Area Recommendations: NE Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

99 Proposed improvements for Calhoun Refectory with upgraded storage, concessions, and seating areas.

Relocating boat launches will reduce conflicts between recreational activities and weed harvester operations. Improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities along Lake Street and the bridge overpass edge. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Restored shoreline edges with appropriate habitat and management strategies will improve Improved access to shoreline edge with areas for viewing, seating, and plantings. New restroom, and storage facility could offer viewing opportunities. 100 water quality. Focus Area Recommendations: 101 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska New rental/storageNew edge.water’s accessfacilitiesto easy with Improvedpedestrianbicyclefacilities andStreet alongLakecould pedestrianplantedmedian includewith a refugezones. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska N CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA FOCUS AREA Existing Conditions West Lake Street, carrying 40,000 vehicles a day, is a major barrier dividing the north end of Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska from Lake of the Isles. Until the 1990’s, when the was constructed, elevated railroad tracks formed a second barrier between the two lakes. Today these tracks have been converted to the Midtown Greenway, a major east-west trail through the City for bicyclists and pedestrians. Ramps off the Greenway at East Calhoun Parkway and at Dean Parkway allow users to access the trails around Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and Harriet. However, W Lake Street remains a formidable crossing and numerous studies have proposed bridges of various widths for bicycles and pedestrians, none of which have been built.

North Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska’s major recreational features include separated bicycle and pedestrian trails, North Beach, a small playground, and a parking lot. All the facilities are aging. The east end of the north shore of Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska has steep slopes which are retained by stone and concrete walls built in the 1940s by the Work Progress Administration, a New Deal agency which employed millions of workers during the Great Depression. These walls have stood for over 75 years, but are in need of total reconstruction. Another historic feature of North Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is the Lake Street bridge built over the channel to Lake of the Isles in 1911. The bridge, while iconic, is a major pinch point for trail traffic.

The Grand Rounds trail crossing at the intersection of W Lake Area near the fishing pier within the North Focus Area. Berms Street with West Calhoun Parkway can be dangerous for cyclists separate park visitors from the heavy traffic on W Lake Street - 102 and pedestrians. because of heavy traffic and turning vehicles. an average of 40,000 vehicles on a daily basis. Focus Area Recommendations: 103 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska The WPA wall along the shore is badly deteriorated. badly is the shore along wall The WPA the community by who cottonwoodsAn valued is of allee trees as replace the to mature them replanted like would out. die they North is its parking Calhoun/Bde lot including Maka Ska popular with windsurfers and paddleboarders. Crossing W Lake Street at Dean Parkway, Thomas Thomas Parkway, Dean at Street W Lake Crossing difficultand is Parkway Calhoun East and Avenue dangerous! Cedar Neighborhood Isles Dean Association (CIDNA) the Midtown to ramps and under proposed a tunnel has Avenue Thomas of east Greenway lot. parking the for insufficient is Lighting with be rebuilt should and aging is The parking lot (BMP) Practice Best Management stormwater techniques. the bridge of side eroded on the cow west path A steep is unsightly.

• • • • • • • • Issues and Opportunities: and Issues th Beach and parking lot to the east are popular with with popular are the east to th parking Beach lot and Aerial view of the N Calhoun/BdeN the FocusofArea AerialSkaview Maka Across W Lake Street from Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska at Thomas from Thomas Calhoun/Bde Street at Across Maka Ska W Lake the Calhoun is the north along shoreline) (midpoint Avenue constructed recently building residential a new and Beach Club north around The area Calhoun/Bde Development. Greystar by proposals, redevelopment for popular proved has Maka Ska high-risebuildings. resisted have neighbors although The Nor windsurfers and paddleboarders. is The parking pavement lot poorly and aging lit. Dashboard of Public Input

Highlights of the Master Plan Recommendations One of the “big ideas” that captured the imagination of the public The recommendations for North Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska align during the 2012 Charrette for North Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska with those of the West Lake Multi-modal Study. One suggestion and South Lake of the Isles and during the Calhoun/Bde Maka in that study is to create more space for two-way bicycle trails Ska-Harriet Master Plan was the proposal to build a ”Lid” over along W Lake Street by eliminating one lane of eastbound traffic W. Lake Street. The “Lid”, a 300 foot wide land bridge, would between Thomas Avenue and East Calhoun Parkway. (Between span eight lanes of traffic and provide uninterrupted parkland West Calhoun Parkway and Thomas, this right lane is currently between Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and Lake of the Isles. To not available to eastbound traffic because it is designated as a reduce the steepness of the trails on the Lid and over Lake bus and right turn lane.) Street, the roadbed would have to be lowered, a process known as “cut and cover”. The Lid or land bridge would essentially Because W Lake St is a Hennepin County road and one of the be an “intensive green roof” and could incorporate other busiest thoroughfares in the state, any modifications within facilities such as a visitor’s center and/or parking as well as the right-of-way, including traffic calming measures, would be trees, lawn and recreational amenities. Its construction would designed and controlled by the County. In early 2017, MPRB require cooperative efforts between Hennepin County and the received comments from Hennepin County staff that, based on Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Defined as a long-term current traffic studies and projections for 2040, the County would priority by the CAC, the Lid is perhaps one of the most visionary NOT support reduction in the number of lanes along N Calhoun/ ideas of the Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Harriet Master Plan. Bde Maka Ska between Thomas and E. Calhoun Parkway.

104 Focus Area Recommendations: 105 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska N. Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is within the Shoreland Overlay Overlay N. Calhoun/Bde the Shoreland within is Maka Ska on MPRB propertyDistrict. development Any comply will with processes. and/or requirements zoning The County was amenable to reducing the widths of existing existing of the widths reducing to amenable The County was provide to the channel bridge Street over on the Lake lanes the the bridge of on the side south space trails wider over for point. pinch congestion this at relieving thereby channel, Some public comments received by MPRB also expressed MPRB expressed also comments by received Some public on-street using of experience the of nature the for dislike traffic.heavy to next located lanes bicycle protected Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska saen idlaer ptsag mnbiicreses dgat imnedeecrP dgat mnbiicreses ptsag idlaer saen

A new land bridge over Lake Street would provide a safer and more pleasant connection between Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and Lake of the Isles.

A new land bridge would also provide recreational open space and views of the lake and downtown.

106 d

ge g n n i a NORTH CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA FOCUS AREA th a e t g or i Support plans to create a tunnel under and ramps a co d l l h st

to the Midtown Greenway east of the Greystar e ti e Using West Lake Multimodal Study as a guide, work with Hennepin County d d development R to slow W Lake Street traffic along Calhoun and create more ped/bike )s . es w d a i r ti friendly environment n e l t i

7a le t a c n a h e sl sl g f m la n t Improve bicycle and pedestrian circulation i a gn e m r s ah r t d e c e t / v a Greystar s 7 wm 7c 7b Development om o reser rt or - th s th es non g d r g d ni ou rh d . A ul t es c . i o ti n d i li n g l c n . i a ou ) es ( es k r i s t r i g h f d a y n r c a u a a le p le t d h p e

6a t na or THOMAS AVE p t h h B t s op t e nor or B c c h i Bicycle parking u r n ts PR e N e t c vo vo

4b-2 pi M r on DEAN PKWY W LAKE STREET r r

6 d c e p p n e a r (p Im 6e Im

3. 4. Recreational space

16b 6b


18a n p a

i 6c Include pier, extension to m t e r t a s u water r a

n es d e e d

v n v r dn e d E Construct a Chain of Lakes e ar n, a n, s A 18c f p ese Visitor Center with overlook a y a d r t o e duon St duon n

and patio spaces u u or Improve parking lot and incorporate . P n l hom n e e

stormwater management solutions, A vs nn

Bicycle parking omf n T hou ita l and add lighting Improve the connection between Lake of the Isles u t ee d c

6d a t 18f n e and Lake Calhoun with a land bridge over Lake wte ht or y a

7d p Ca ke hom Street between Thomas Avenue and the lagoon t e s a t t b 1a e fa na ae , Ty ee d L r Improve beach facilities and add restrooms/changing r a n c . e s w l Tr o h

facilities k a e t r e St d u k a s e t om n a n v sles a Relocate and reconstruct playground e a o i v l n P r tlue M tlue r L e I p a p

If Lake Street is modified, convert to two-way bicycle e h t e v s A

LEGEND: m f t a circulation from NE Calhoun to NW Calhoun or t D o i PEDESTRIAN TRAIL p p k e o ge o t a k u a d hom i es t s a ic BICYCLE TRAIL r ee

2 , t Les r Provide picnic opportunities with small shelters that LAKE CALHOUN/ f T nge m PLANTING BEDS n L d b r t o n

are not reservable BDE MAKA SKA e s ee t e St a -t

WETLAND a k w e Whh tti e Whh r a t a

BEACH e e y e g a l h hor f L a t n s

PRAIRIE / MEADOW it w e on b s o n a i POLLINATOR GARDEN h o h t t g e i t r s wt c n ee . i r e y s nem UPLAND FOREST / EXISTING TREE GROWTH In n a k w . or c os w n G or on STORMWATER PONDS c rle k on e w ra o es f vorp o i e c t g o w RESTORED NATIVE VEGETATION ti h d a c i 40’ l 120’ n e t n P u e t e u t icyd b icyd mn i mn v

0 ht 80’ n

N e M i or or t hou h l p d gil p n n on


107 Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent The green “Lid” over W Lake Street would connect Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska to Lake of the Isles and would bridge a major barrier within the Chain of Lakes.

108 Focus Area Recommendations: 109 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Improvebeachfacilities. Improve shoreline edge with pedestrian amenities and native plantings. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska NW CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA FOCUS AREA Existing Conditions Northwest Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska abuts the West Calhoun Neighborhood and a thriving commercial center north of Excelsior Boulevard. Multi-story condominiums, apartment buildings and townhouses front 32nd Street and the parkway along the west edge of the park. The heavily traveled Excelsior Boulevard is a barrier to easy access into the park.

NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska, once a wetland, was filled in the early 1900’s to create recreational space when was superintendent of the Minneapolis park system. Because of this, soils are structurally poor and prone to flooding when lake levels are high.

West Calhoun Parkway, with two-way traffic, is close to the lake in this area, with the separated bicycle and pedestrian trails squeezed between the parkway and the lake. The shoreline is relatively steep and stabilized with riprap. Two large storm sewers empty into the lake in this area.

The entire parkland west of the parkway is mowed. A baseball diamond and large adjacent treeless lawn are the only recreational amenities. NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska provides one of the largest parking reservoirs for the Chain of Lakes in the form of a surface lot shared with the Calhoun Executive Center, a privately owned office building. However, given that the lot may be perceived by the public as a private parking lot and that it is located some distance from park amenities and destinations, many visitors are either not aware of its existence or find the distance to be undesirable.

Ballfield use is permitted by the MPRB. In recent years the open space beyond has been used for lacrosse and volleyball tournaments as well as pick-up soccer games. This area is prone to flooding and needs drainage improvements. 110 Focus Area Recommendations: 111 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and there is little is there theand space lake. along recreational Many of the boulevard trees are ash and are expected to to expected are and ash trees are the boulevard of Many MPRB Forestry Ash Borer (EAB). Emerald succumb to an providing program, tree replacement ash an has be won’t that opportunity areas in planting coordinate to construction.affected future by space open undeveloped holds the largest area This Calhoun/ reservoir Lake parking largest around and of Lakes of Chain the Minneapolis Bde and Maka Ska Regional Park. Light the Southwest Station of Lake West The future bring the will lake to more visitors (SWLRT) Transit Rail pedestrian and bicycle Improved corridor. this through connections the Midtown between the station, park important and are consider. to Greenway, Neighborhood Calhoun the the space open in uses West a neighborhoodabsence of park. • • • • The parkway and trails result in a large amount of of amount a large in result trails The parkway and are impervious Trails surface edge. close the water’s to the parkway between and the riprap shoreline squeezed The area has poor soils and floods frequently. An MPRB An frequently. floods and soils poor has area The conditions. wet in resulting failed, has pipe storm sewer

• • Issues and Opportunities and Issues The green space at this corner of the lake is the only parkland parkland the is only corner this space at The the green lake of the area’s Neighborhood Despite Calhoun residents. West for inclusion in the Minneapolis Lakes Regional of Chain Park, locals neighborhood their currently is it feel park. They many like would and movies space open summer for the large use picnic and benches, trails, walking as such amenities associated the space open programs for use Otherfacilities. organizations cross- a Foundation, Loppet the example, For too. events, and country stages races from the organization, ski race training and stage also races walks and summer Many lawn. and parking lot corridor uninterrupted All the to a wide, need down area. this in trails and lake. Use of the ballfield is permitted by the MPRB. In recent years, years, recent In MPRB. the by permitted is ballfield the of Use lacrosse for used been has field the to adjacent lawn green the tournaments and soccer games. This aerial photo from 2014 shows the flood prone nature of this space, made worse by a failed storm sewer on failed on MPRB property.storm a sewer by worse space, made floodthis the prone nature of shows aerialfromThis2014 photo Highlights of the Master Plan Recommendations Building out the plan for NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska will be A wide promenade, hugging the edge of the parking lot along the crucial in easing congestion and improving safety at other areas northeastern edge of park property, is recommended to connect of the lake. the commercial center and the Midtown Greenway directly to the trails around Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska. This master plan sets Recommendations to reduce congestion at NE Calhoun/Bde the stage for possible private/public cooperative redevelopment Maka Ska are to relocate the boat launch, sailing school and of the lot into a 3-story ramp that also provides at-grade retail, club to NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska. This move will require concessions or services for park users. The promenade itself realignment of the parkway in this area west of its current could be used for events such as races, food trucks, and other location, in order to create the space needed for a building and recreational amenities, including a skate park. parking associated with the launch and school. The poor soils of the area and the utilities required for a building will be costly. NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska provides a unique opportunity Ultimately, a grid of sailboat buoys will be located in this area of around the lakes to provide three major amenities related to the lake. picnicking that were highly desired by communities of color: parking, picnic facilities, and a large open space for field games The sailing school and sailing club building would incorporate such as lacrosse and soccer. Benches and picnic facilities at a minimum a storm shelter, restrooms, indoor classrooms, are suggested around the edge of the green space and the and storage. The building may also be designed to include other central lawn. Smaller shelters, available on a first come-first uses. Some CAC members suggested that the building might served basis rather than by reservation, were preferred by the also be an interpretive center and that the area could be a launch neighborhood and CAC. Grills and movable picnic tables to site for crossing the lake to Heyata Otunwe (Village to accommodate larger family gatherings were also favored by the Side) at the southeastern shore of Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka the public, though these kinds of amenities pose challenges for Ska. Others suggested that the northwest shore would be an MPRB maintenance staff. excellent locale for a Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park visitor’s center. With its proximity to parking and to the future The West Lake Multimodal Transportation Study recommends West Lake Station, it is anticipated to become a major entry point a pedestrian and bicycle route along 32nd Street to connect the into the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Overall, this West Lake LRT Station to West Calhoun Parkway. Modifications area of Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska stands out as an ideal spot for will be needed to the parkway intersection to slow vehicular welcoming regional visitors to the Chain of Lakes. traffic and give priority to pedestrian and bicycle movement.

Fluctuating lake levels, which will occur more frequently as the The NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is in the Shoreland Overlay climate warms, will affect the usability of NW Calhoun/Bde Maka District. Any development on MPRB property will comply with Ska. The master plan recommends reducing the size of central zoning requirements and associated process, lawn while elevating it to create flood and stormwater storage beneath. Low areas around the perimeter of the space provide additional stormwater storage. The master plan also proposes a boardwalk along the shore of NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska, to make up for limited land for trails in this area. In addition to serving as a trail surface, the boardwalk could be designed as a BMP (Best Management Practices) providing enhanced littoral habitat along the shore and an area to trap littler before it floats into the lake.

112 Focus Area Recommendations: 113 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Dashboard of Public Input Public of Dashboard Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska

West Calhoun Neighborhood regards the green space as its neighborhood park, however, it lacks amenities.

The parkway location limits recreation space and natural habitat along the lake shore. Ramps to the trails do not meet accessibility standards. 114

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i il t d i 05-02-2016 on b a f n n f u e dship a e or B r r i o h a s m t l c n w or p g a e n l a e e n c i t t f u a x m n g a t s a e on a i t it t E al e l e t c e

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n f t t a W CALHOUN PKWY CALHOUN W f T e e rc u d n d . Restore vegetation shoreline invasive of remove and species s a ee g r e t nm a ni e s PERKINS+WILL TEAM PERKINS+WILL d a o , kr e r ir t S l b t l se v ge e a a a n k r a p r h g e u e a or e m t s t ’ t s r s n o d b e B f M t d - R d i t g l oo l Provide space for potential shuttle circulator circulator shuttle potential for space Provide drop-off boat and harvester, weed area, launch Boat NW to field buoy Relocate area. inspections corner other and parking from run-off Treat surfaces impervious points access water informal Include Picnic and gathering space, movable seating movable space, gathering and Picnic and restrooms with building Multi-functional and school sailing the for space sufficient facilities, visitor include could that club yacht spaces gathering and rooms meeting rentals, School Sailing for facilities shore New parking ADA and temporary boat, Drop-off, Create for space stormwater treatment and shoreline the along boardwalk Provide improve to Practices Management Best follow water quality park a skate for location potential Provide & recreational seating, flexible Arbor, amenities oul P s o n ikr lf u ou t c hor M n , i s a d a t c h n m d ge a r e a h a e p y t t e ,s n h a i a s l d t a e t w e f t r n h r e k d r c h a c t e s a 9d i e of t t r a om t a n w u r r PEDESTRIAN TRAIL TRAIL BICYCLE PLANTING BEDS WETLAND BEACH / MEADOW PRAIRIE GARDEN POLLINATOR GROWTH TREE / EXISTING FOREST UPLAND STORMWATER PONDS RESTORED NATIVE VEGETATION LAKE CALHOUN/ MAKABDE SKA y n P t e g h c v e f c e nc u t d n r e n t lhou d e a u g s Two-way bicycle circulation from NW Calhoun to NE NE to NW Calhoun from circulation bicycle Two-way Calhoun it if property adjoining of redevelopment sector private Support lake the to benefits offers and plan master the with aligns properly and parking use shared of expansion the including users, park and transit connections programming for area Use promenade. multi-functional Pedestrian/bicycle stormwater events/integrate treatment and and amenities recreational re . n n a l d i d a LEGEND: k e rf r t n m 10b g a a a a n e Ca ni o k om . e e r , b t s a g i e p m g t 120’ a n it a a d on t L m i i l k e t hin a f. or e a p o r a es d f t i r p s o g a nc v 80’ e p n o e u o 16c-2 r s a u on r r u o W a 16c-1 s l op t p a r P C C

7. 40’ 5. 6. 1a 0 16d 15b e 16c FOCUS AREA CONCEPTS 10c N

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g t i 5a , o s r r e i es s i r e li on t 9e t l i u

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s om l a t EXCELSIOR BLVD. EXCELSIOR a o k n o o a la op v r a g m t d r o n el ni n P ho w d g v c es d d t e t n d e . A l i r n n d n hou i h r u a l l g s e a t 18e s a l i o e n 10d i g a 10e li b e b e r n r p r i om a h t Ca e g w hor e u k

o k t t n r

i s es a . T MARKET PLAZA MARKET u a l e s . d p s a g r - li b y h f a n n u it i r u l f W tee New flexible picnic and gathering space p se p i e m n i n or t s o

W CALHOUN BLVD t c ual h e b a h e r di e f on o on q d u c d i i r h t t e a , m t s n or e i r c t LAKE MASTER CALHOUN-HARRIET PLAN BOARD AND PARK RECREATION MINNEAPOLIS es s t s a hor a k a uc . d y k h es t w a on e n i c e s w n s i s h e e s . R l a do n a se v d hor e a l es o m g o y d g t t il e a c r n h a t n a i es p c g ho a d e on k i l l on c u r m e d a i a s l s c a l im Planned bicycle connection to Lake Calhoun Calhoun Lake to connection bicycle Planned Transportation Multimodal Lake West the per Study recommendations Bicycle parking accommodate to slightly parkway Realign relocated park facilities R C A In a Extents of MPRB property MPRB of Extents Raised crossing for pedestrian and and pedestrian for crossing Raised bicycle safety the Improve runoff. on-site of treatment and better and usable more is it so lawn, recreational to tolerateable water fluctuations Consolidate/integrate drainage, flood storage, drainage, Consolidate/integrate

NW CALHOUN/BDE MAKA NWCALHOUN/BDE AREASKA FOCUS NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus Area Recommendations: NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus 1. 2. 3. 4.

115 New multi-functional building facility for the sailing school and sailing club, restroom/changing rooms, picnic Graphic depiction of improvements for the NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus Area. The CAC recommended a lower parking ramp structure with at-grade services shelter, and alternative location for a Chain of Lakes visitor center. for park users. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Provide flexible picnic and gathering spaces Provide flexible open spaces for informal recreational activities. Integrate multi-purpose infrastructure to improve water quality and respond to access and 116 circulation needs. Focus Area Recommendations: 117 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Provide new facilities for the sailing school and sailing club programs, as well as boat launch access, drop-off, and parking. Continue to support winter programming. winter support to Continue Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska

Integrate multi-purpose infrastructure to improve water quality and respond to access and circulation needs. saen idlaer ptsag mnbiicreses dgat imnedeecrP dgat mnbiicreses ptsag idlaer saen

Graphic depiction of improvements for the NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus Area with a promenade, flexible open spaces, and improved connection to West Lake. 118 Focus Area Recommendations: 119 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Infrastructurecouldincludecapture stormwater pollutantsfloatables other tolake. dischargedbeing devicespriorand the to to 120 Precedent images describing master plan ideas Improve access to lake recreational activities. to access Improve lake recreational activities. to access Improve lake recreational Ska Maka RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde AREA 8FOCUS Chapter Focus Area Recommendations: 121 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Improve facilities that adapt and respond to future climatic conditions. Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska SW CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA FOCUS AREA Existing Conditions Southwest Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is one of the few areas around Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and Harriet where homes border the parkway and are not separated by topography from the hustle and bustle of the lakes. Compared to the northern edges of the lake, SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska has a quieter, more pastoral character, due in part to the amount of green space between the lake and the parkway.

West Calhoun Parkway separates a wetland complex from the recreational lands adjacent to the lake. In the 1990’s, as a result of efforts by the Clean Water Action Partnership, the southwestern corner of the park in this area was reclaimed for wetlands, resulting in a significant improvement in water quality of the lake.

Adjacent land uses on the west side of Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska include the Minikahda Club and Golf Course and Bakken Museum. These two properties, along with the wetland complex, are large parcels that reduce the number of access points from the west to Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska. Xerxes and Sheridan Avenues provide the most direct routes from the south. The five residential streets between them provide a reservoir of park visitor parking in Linden Hills neighborhood.

Constructed wetlands in the southwest Many organizations use the existing parking lot and open space of SW Calhoun/Bde corner of the park have improved water Maka to stage events year-round. 122 quality in the lake. Focus Area Recommendations: 123 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is used by many for picnicking but picnicking for but many Calhoun/Bde by used is Maka Ska SW picnic tables, or grills. no shelters, has parking lot. Huge expanses of lawn between the bicycle and between and the bicycle lawn of Huge expanses parking lot. race and staging; event for frequently used pedestrian are trails these lawns In drier years, abound. toilets satellite and tents couple A sand of out”. “hanging and sunbathing for popular are courts particularlyvolleyball Beach are Thomas and with popular no concessions, Beach has Thomas changing crowds. younger space lifeguards. for storage or permanent restroom, facilities, are lifeguards but here defined clearly isn’t area swimming The on duty daily during the summer. SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is home to Thomas Beach and a a Beach Calhoun/Bde and Thomas home to is Maka Ska SW This 2014 aerial photo shows the wetland complex in the southwest corner of the lake which has been effective beenimproving water in whichhas lake southwestcornerthe the complexof in wetland the aerial showsphoto 2014 This inundatedconditions.recreationaltheNote waterhigh rendered lake. unusablequalitylawns theby of Dashboard of Public Input

Issues and Opportunities • Park police have expressed concerns about the safety of • All of SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska was a wetland prior to the trail intersection at the parking lot driveway. They also the early 1900s when it was filled for recreational use. report that the Thomas Beach parking lot is prone to car Due to these structurally poor and flood-prone soils, the break-ins and that better lighting is needed. lawns are in poor condition and trails are susceptible to • Parking could be expanded in bays along the side of the frost heave. parkway closest to the lake, but MPRB operations staff • SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is very valued recreational expressed concern that illegal activities such as drinking or space, capable of supporting large groups of people and drug use in the parked cars would be difficult to police. events. • The topography is relatively level. It has a good quality beach and a parking lot. This location offers the best opportunity around Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska to provide accessible facilities and programs. • The SW wetland complex has been effective in improving water quality. Continued monitoring and investment in these wetlands is critical to their success.

124 Focus Area Recommendations: 125 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska facilities, including small shelters and tables with grills. the beach, near room improvements these for added make To closer the and to from the lake shifted is the parking lot away reconstructed lots the As other lakes, with around all parkway. plowed or reinforced turf, not if with porous pavers parking bays reduce to be impervious used should pavement. winter, in pollutants remove and infiltrate could gardens rain Alongside, from runoff. the of side beach to be rerouted The pedestrian would trail The crossing. the driveway current eliminating the parking lot, geometry the crossing driveway trail the bicycle of existing of improved. be would process and Overlay the Shoreland of requirements The zoning District be followed. will These amenities would allow MPRB Aquatics program to provide MPRB provide program allow Aquatics to would These amenities include picnic lessons. Otherswimming added improvements Highlights of Master Recommendations Plan the An important improve to is area recommendation this for and size, them in reducing them, raising by lawns recreational depressions Shallow beneath. storage water flood constructing maintain To could collect the perimeter also around stormwater. MPRB space, recreation the popularity informal an as the area of Forestry planting its practice continue should strategically of the lawns. of the perimeter trees around more it make to is area Another recommendation this for major Calhoun/ SW of friendly accessible. The and topography family a for suitable it make its parking as lot, well as Bde Maka Ska, the near building A new beach. and accessuniversal playground changing restrooms families, for plumbed provide would beach perhaps and lifeguards, for storage needed officesand rooms, concessions. Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska

Improving soil profiles would make the SW’s recreational lawns more resilient to heavy use. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent

SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska is a popular area for staging events. 126 kra .st

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40’ b 120’ e

LEGEND: y g s h s o t n le i l 0 80’ a os N d PEDESTRIAN TRAIL od v od d t g e l

BICYCLE TRAIL z , a or i n e p a m k p PLANTING BEDS i p a u n i x


Restore shoreline to reduce erosion and o s h . M d e

BEACH tne manage invasive species a ne es t iti

PRAIRIE / MEADOW om t r m t l i ta a

POLLINATOR GARDEN c y f c . a e t a o r

Restore upland vegetation and increase width l o

W 36TH ST w c f


of vegetated buffers with native plantings e ; r LAKE CALHOUN/ t a t n n


BDE MAKA SKA w r n a 11d i RESTORED NATIVE VEGETATION a v m w Add overlook opportunities ge pic n l r o e p e or a tg s tg h d l t, m g t n Improve picnic facilities o y op n n i i b t l a g l r r l a n u a a ik g e i or m

Open views and incorporate pollinator gardens and lawns r p a h n onf t orc d s i c e e p e v Make Thomas Beach ADA accessible and improve amenities n h or t d i n r p c n zes w zes e u h m rts Reconstruct the parking lot by moving it away from the lake, adding , a s si g e i e w n d i i ou

spaces, lighting, and incorporating stormwater treatment and c t on i v a r h 1a c or p a g storage. South and west portions of the parking lot will have grass e il v s P R

pavement for overflow parking and tree canopy in and around stalls. W CALHOUN PKWY Lot will serve as staging for events. 5. 6.

Add picnic pavilion, restroom and changing facility

Consolidate/integrate drainage, flood storage, and treatment of on- e 24b

site runoff. Improve the recreational lawn, so it is more usable and .f or s better able to tolerate water fluctuations cita nof d m u n u

Improve beach amenities re q s a t is-

Add universal access playground or a on ita e f 5d on c u

Relocate and expand volleyball courts f t a o c p t u l n e h s r f t

9f i e m t t a 18d a d w e r n td td o w , a t n s n a e il , om or ge esi t a t r or es ts . g i , r y n le d t 11c i il b o k i ic a o . s lf, lf, d a es n , m c g f n ge c ou 11a n i r w 18j a g g a n i n A a 18g y l a a a D r l a h 4b-4 de on s p

18i i h Ac t t a a es h a c a r e t c i e g r c c 11 e 11b t e l a n s B g w i / a a n id e r s e t r h li adi e u v e t hom . m. i l v e a n l o r Add sidewalk connection o r e T s go k p ab d u d a b a r on d d p Im us A M A C

1. 2. 3. 4. SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus Area Recommendations: SW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus UPTON S AVE


Improve access to lake recreational activities. Playground facilities with universal access. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Improved flexible open lawn spaces for informal games and gatherings. Shoreline restoration and enhanced natural habitats. Include facilities for universal access to lake and beach. 128 Focus Area Recommendations: 129 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Improve open space lawns and staging areas in order to sustain existing heavy uses.sustainheavyexistingorderto staging in andareas space Improvelawnsopen Improve aquatics facilities to support programs. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska E CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA FOCUS AREA Existing Conditions The East Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska focus area is defined in the north by the boat launch at the Calhoun Refectory and in the south by West 36th Street. Steep slopes separate the narrow band of mowed parklands along the lake from East Calhoun Parkway above. A few bur oak remain on the slopes, remnants of an oak savannah that existed before fire suppression and modern-day buckthorn infestations. These oak woodlands are highly valued by the community.

ECCO or East Calhoun Community Organization, regards the east shore of the lake as its neighborhood park. The narrow green space is dominated by one-way bicycle and pedestrian trails that run along its length. There are pockets of lawn for sunbathing and a few benches along the trails for people to sit and enjoy the views. Recreational amenities include a fishing pier at W 36th Street and a beach at W 32nd Street with a small play area designed for preschool children.

Access to the park from the adjacent ECCO neighborhood is an issue, as all landings and stairways on the west side of the parkway (32nd, 33rd, and between 33rd and 34th) are substandard and do not meet ADA standards for accessibility. These deficient access points are also used by non-local visitors who park on neighborhood streets to reach park facilities on the east and northeast side of Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska.

A mortared limestone wall built in 1939 by the WPA forms the eastern shore of the lake. The 4’ high wall was built to protect a 1,890-foot section of shoreline from erosion caused by the prevailing winds and wave action from the northwest. The wall is

WPA walls are in need of restoration. Steep slopes along the east edge limit access from adjacent neighborhoods.

130 Focus Area Recommendations: 131 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Access by bicycle is challenging from the city’s on-street system system on-street city’s the from challenging is bicycle Accessby one-way Ska’s Maka Calhoun/Bde onto Street 36th West along cyclists Westbound intersection. the signalized of spite in trail, three make must 36th of side south the on lane bicycle the using right flow free a cross first They trail. park the reach to crossings lanes two traverse then porkchop-shapedmedian, a to lane turn cyclists Finally street. the of northside the reach trafficto of cross access the parkway to the clockwise the lake. around trails A few storm sewer pipes draining watersheds to the east of the the of theeast to watersheds draining pipes storm sewer A few Calhoun/Bde A Maka Ska. East of on the shore daylight lake marking the photos, on air visible is the lake in sediments delta of Street. 33rd at pipe sewer storm 36”diameter a of outlet considered a contributing element to the Grand Rounds Historic Historic the Grand to Rounds considered a contributing element poor to condition. The fair in is it of most District but Nomination, in reconstruction estimated total it, require restore will to wall $420,000. cost to 2016 Aerial view of the E Calhoun/BdeE the FocusofArea AerialviewSka Maka Dashboard of Public Input

Issues and Opportunities • Access from the east side of the East Calhoun Parkway is • Recreational opportunities in this focus area are limited by challenging. Parkway crossings, landings, and stairways the narrow amount of parkland between steep slopes and are substandard and do not meet ADA standards for the water’s edge. accessibility. • The WPA wall is a significant cultural resource and a • Public sentiment is that the efforts to restore the oak contributing factor to the Grand Rounds Historic District woodlands on the steep slopes east of the trails have fallen Nomination, but is in poor condition. short but should continue. • The beach is popular with the neighborhood. However, • Adult fitness equipment at stations along the trails was the play area is not ideal for older children (ages 5-12). suggested as a way to expand recreation on this side of Residents would like expanded play opportunities for their the lake. families. • Where seating is available, it is anchored and not movable.

132 Focus Area Recommendations: 133 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska these improvements should avoid mature bur oak on the slopes. on the slopes. oak bur mature avoid should these improvements disturbance, minimize to slopes and theBecause steep of at-grade constructing to preferable be may boardwalks elevated and retainingwalks walls. opportunities recreational users, of range a wider provide to To the around stations exercise adult recommends plan adding this include the to beach at reconstructing and the playground lake children. older opportunities including play all, for nature the intersection recommends of plan a redesign The master was roundabout A Road. Richfield and Street 36th W the at parking the by difficult made are geometrics However, explored. trafficusing of typethe by and intersection the near driveway lot modification Another buses. city including intersection, the a pedestrian consideration of was the public by requested Master of Highlights 142, page (see Dance Barnes or scramble this Improving a description). for Recommendations Plan a project pedestrians is dependent and bicycles for intersection Works. Public on the City Minneapolis of Other access important improving include recommendations the parkway crossings. from the neighborhood revamping and a second between 33rd 34th; and exists currently Only ramp one of Construction beach. the near Street 32nd W at proposed is Highlights of Master Recommendations Plan convert to recommended is change major area this for The only the shoreline at a section the pedestrian boardwalk of to trail empties it before the storm sewer 33rd daylight and near Street and habitat create would ponds The treatment the lake. into vary would area the trail the through wetland the boardwalk from the watershed of Treatment the lake. experience around quality, water lake’s the improve help would 36” pipe this open an use from recreational remove also would it however, Understandably, residents. ECCO including many, by used lawn for concept stormwater–treatment-basins boardwalk-and- the particularthis cost and thorough vetting location require will of City the with coordination and study through analyses benefit Minneapolis and MPRB Environmental Stewardship. Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska

Natural shorelines enrich recreational experiences and provide habitat. However, natural areas in urban parks require care and maintenance and protection human use. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Continue to support year-round recreational access and activities.




LEGEND: 9a PKWY CALHOUN EAST 180’ 120’ access compliant. ADA fully 34th Street at the lake. to Reconstruct down stairways leading Parkway. Calhoun East circulation. bicycle for Parkway. Calhoun East and lake, 4b-1 Provide an ADA compliant ramp at 32nd Street and make the crossing and and crossing the make and Street 32nd at ramp compliant ADA an Provide curb sufficient theof west along parkway provide crossings, At areas landing intersection W St 36th the improve to Minneapolis of City the with Collaborate the of side on the slopes on the east woodlands the oak restore and Protect 5a 9d

5b 20 3. 4. 5. 6. 60’ W 32ND STREETW 32ND 18k 0 18k 9b 9e N LAKE CALHOUN/ MAKABDE SKA 1a Provide an ADA compliant ramp at 32nd Street 32nd at ramp compliant ADA an Provide shelter air open small and parking Bicycle play, nature to beach the of south playground the Convert group age 5-12 the for opportunities play with plantings native with vegetation upland Restore buffers vegetated of width increase and equipment exercise for adult opportunities Potential 33rd at sewer storm daylighting by quality water Improve the through boardwalk a pedestrian Construct Street. stormwater treatment features provide and lake the to leading stairways Reconstruct Calhoun East of curb the along areas landing sufficient Parkway vegetationRestore aquatic and shoreline water accessInformal points and bicycle between connection ramp, ADA Existing pedestrian trails with stormwater integrated treatment Boardwalk to restoreDevelop strategic plan WPA walls Calhoun East along options shade and sun Create lawns pollinator with turf diversify and Parkway equipment exercise for adult locations Potential bicycle improve to Minneapolis of City with Work at the 36th Streetcirculation intersection EAST MAKA CALHOUN/BDE AREA SKA FOCUS all ages. all amenities recreational 33rd integrating and at Street the storm sewer daylighting treatment. the storm water into boardwalks as such Convert the playground south of the beach to nature play, with play opportunities with play for play, nature the to beach of south Convert the playground by neighborhood from watershed the ECCO the lake quality entering water Improve

E Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus Area Recommendations: E Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Focus from community input members, the additional following and meetings CAC After several be incorporated to part agreed Area as and the Focus of the CAC by approved was list Recommendations: 1. 2.

135 Throughout the master plan recommendations, a key priority is the careful consideration to protect and enhance natural resources. The graphic below depicts shoreline treatments and stormwater management techniques proposed in order to improve habitats for native species, as well as accommodation of recreational uses.

136 ideas plan master images describing Precedent Focus Area Recommendations: 137 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska oredshorelinehabitat enrichandrecreational experiences. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Rest The master plan recommendsplanmaster The multi-purpose boardwalkspaceforsolutionscreates habitatthisalsoandtrail that such as stormwatermanagement. 138 Precedent images describing master plan ideas A nature playground at 32nd would have expanded opportunities for the 5-12 age group. age 5-12 the for opportunities expanded have would 32nd at playground nature A in the the along exercise Adult master are stations plan. recommended trails Ska Maka RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde AREA 8FOCUS Chapter Focus Area Recommendations: 139 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Possibleroundabout36th theStreetimprovements intersection.at Further coordination needed.Citywillthebewith Improve access to lake recreationallake Improveaccessto activities. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska S CALHOUN/BDE MAKA SKA AND WILLIAM BERRY FOCUS AREA Existing conditions The South Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and William Berry focus area is one of the quieter places around the two lakes, due in large part to adjacent land uses, surrounding topography, and the lack of developed recreational amenities. The limits are to the east, William Berry woods to the west, and the lake itself to the north.

The few clues to natural and human history of this area are not readily apparent today. Before European settlement, the southeastern shoreline of Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska was probably wetland, evidenced by soil borings that reveal several feet of fill. Early records show that a creek flowed south out of Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and meandered through a tamarack bog to Lake Harriet. In the decade after 1829, a band of Dakota led by Chief , Mahpiya Wicasta, farmed a large tract of the uplands east of Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska in what is now Lakewood Cemetery and the ECCO neighborhood. The settlement was called Heyata Otunwe (Village to the Side). In 1839, the settlement was abandoned when the band moved to Bloomington (see Chapter One – Introduction and Chapter Seven - Equity). Currently, Heyata Otunwe is acknowledged by an almost hidden bronze plaque set in a small boulder between the two paths.

The infrastructure in this area also has a relatively long history. In the late 1800’s, William Berry Parkway was one of first features built in the area by the park board. The parkway connected Lake Harriet to Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska by

Implemented BMPs at the parking William Berry Parkway looking south Archery facilities at William Berry Park needs lot along the south edge of towards Lake Harriet. significant improvements. 140 Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska. Focus Area Recommendations: 141 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska “T” shaped fishing pier at 36th Street. The south lot was recently recently was lot south The Street. 36th at pier fishing “T” shaped Practices Management Best reconstructed with stormwater reinforced turf, rain and permeable paving, including (BMPs) peak during except used lightly These parking are lots gardens. the summer. times in use Lake of shore the along trail pedestrian wide eight-foot An clockwise one-way, a by paralleled is Ska Maka Calhoun/Bde pedestrian and The bicycle the parkway. along trail bicycle Harriet Calhoun/Bde Lake and Maka Ska betweentrails Lake Berry William of intersection the signalized Parkway at converge a is intersection The traveled. heavily both Road, Richfield and the to In contrast lines. sight crossing trail with marginal busy the east along trail the bicycle the two around trails bicycle lakes, side of William Berry Parkway is two-way. the at constructed were safety for improvements 2016, In pedestrian A Road. Richfield and parkways the of intersection on Blvd, Hills Linden to Road Richfield from replaced was trail trails conflict, reduceeffort to an In parkway. the of side west the Concrete the intersection. of side on the east realigned were cross to pedestrians encourage Road Richfield at zones” “mixing the outside to bicyclists and the closest parkway, to on the inside, constructed pedestrian was ramp and A new pedestrians. of added. striping was crosswalk A narrow strip of parkland along the southeastern shore shore parklandA narrow the strip southeastern along of Road. Richfield from Ska Maka Calhoun/Bde Lake separates space The traffic. of sound the buffer help road the along Berms two pedestrian and bicycle by parking long and lots dominated is the using fishing people for parking provides north lot The trails. Today, MPRB Operations uses a double garage just west of the the of west just MPRB garage a double uses Operations Today, outdoor and facility equipment for a maintenance as tracks trolley location Such a facility is staff for storage. approximate this in fundamental in maintaining Minneapolis Lakes Regional of Chain Park. is owned today by the Streetcar Museum, a volunteer a volunteer Museum, the Streetcar Minnesota by today owned is restored in rides the public to provides that organization Wirth, Superintendent under the early in Back 1900’s streetcars. Calhoun/Bde William and Maka Ska Lake around areas the low wetland The parkland. recreational create to filled Berry were structures for and problematic are these underlying areas soils WPA the 1930’s, late the In flooding. to prone are lowlands the Calhoun/Bde Maka Lake of shore the eastern along a wall built Calhoun/ the East armor to Ska from it northwest (see winds the archery In 1940, was range Bde focus Maka Ska area). the north at established Berry William of end its current at Park location. Aerial view of the S Calhoun/BdeS theWilliam andof Aerial viewSkaBerry Maka FocusArea line streetcar The Como-HarriettheLine. Streetcar over crossing Issues and Opportunities • The tract of parkland between the lake and Richfield Road American and Dakota communities, the descendants of Mahpiya is narrow and is dominated by the heavily used trails and Wicasta, and the neighborhoods. long stretches of parking lots. Recommendations for improved trail circulation address known • South of the WPA wall, the pedestrian trail hugs the sandy areas of conflict. Ultimately, although recent improvements were shoreline, limiting good access to the water. constructed at the intersection of Richfield Road and William • The pavement of the north parking lot is in poor condition. Berry Parkway, a “Barnes Dance” or pedestrian scramble is recommended. With modifications to the signal, all vehicular • The parkland at the north end of William Berry is low and traffic is stopped, allowing pedestrians, then bicyclists, to subject to flooding, which is especially problematic for the cross the intersection in every direction, including diagonally. archery range. Implementation of this solution requires approval, design, and • The maintenance facility at the north end of William Berry coordination with the City of Minneapolis Public Works. lacks screening, an efficient layout, and is inadequate in size and space. Although neighbors complain that it is To improve connection between the park’s recreational trail an eyesore, the facility is needed for maintenance and system and the city’s on-street bike system at 36th Street, a operations. new, two-way bicycle trail along the eastern edge of William Berry is recommended. Northbound cyclists comfortable using • Archery has increased in popularity since the Hunger on-street bike lanes will gain a direct and off-street connection to Games movie series, however the range is in poor the on-street bike lane on 36th Street, thus cyclists comfortable condition, is not accessible, and does not have state of the using on-street bike lanes can avoid the current three mile detour art challenges to meet the growing demand. around Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska. • The WPA wall is in poor condition and needs total reconstruction. (see East Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska focus Recommended improvements to the maintenance facility at area). William Berry include a building with restrooms for staff and the public, space for an office, and a garage for maintenance • Of the three major conflict points for cyclists, pedestrians, equipment. A larger, organized outdoor storage area, screened and vehicles in this area, one has been recently from public view, may reduce complaints from neighbors while addressed. The intersection of William Berry Parkway and still providing needed facilities for MPRB operations. Richfield Road was improved in 2016. Two other areas still need to be resolved. Further south from the intersection, The north end of William Berry is one of the few areas within on the uphill section along William Berry Parkway, faster the project area with space for additional picnicking, although cyclists frequently cross into the oncoming trail lane to soil conditions mandate ecological improvements to be woven pass slower cyclists.. The second conflict area identified into the recreational features. Small group picnic facilities as problematic by the public is the bicycle trail crossing at with shelters and adjacent open space are recommended for the intersection of William Berry Parkway and Lake Harriet William Berry. These will require elevating some picnic “greens” Parkway. to improve drainage and creating stormwater storage areas Highlights of Master Plan Recommendations in a similar fashion to SW and NW Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska. During the master planning process, the MPRB applied for Boardwalks over wetlands should connect small shelters and $225,000 from the Art in Public Places program from the City of a raised, central lawn can be shared by all for informal games. Minneapolis to interpret the Native American, particularly Dakota, Accessible routes from newly constructed, parallel parking culture and history of the area and to memorialize Mahpiya bays along the parkways will connect people of all abilities to Wicasta (Chief Cloud Man) and Heyata Otunwe, (Village to the these new amenities. A maintenance plan for the existing water Side). The public art program is contingent upon a related capital channel within this area should also be developed. improvement project. The general location recommended by this master plan for the art installation is defined as somewhere along Recommendations for the archery range include relocating it the south/southeastern shores of the lake. This location, as well slightly to the south, to higher ground, and designing a more as the design and character of a gathering place and access challenging course, that it is also accessible. As a historical use to the lake, will evolve through discussions with the Native and as one of the few archery ranges in the MPRB system, it is an important feature of the park.

142 Focus Area Recommendations: 143 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Dashboard of Public Input Public of Dashboard Chapter 8 FOCUS AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska

Recreational amenities like picnic areas could be connected by boardwalks over wetland areas. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent A two way bicycle trail through the east side of William Berry would improve bicycle circulation around the lakes and connect to on- street systems. 144 02-05-2016 Coordinate with City an an City with Coordinate improved connection to William Berry area bicycle two-way New Street 36th to connection PERKINS+WILL TEAM PERKINS+WILL 12d JO POND LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD CEMETERY Improved bicycle trail width bicycle trail Improved Improve circulation at parkway intersection Replace and enlarge the maintenance facility facility maintenance the enlarge and Replace outdoor related screen restrooms, public include storage. and education wetland for boardwalk Small interpretation shelter air open small with stop trolley Consider facilities parking bike and for turf usable more create and drainage Improve wetlands to site of remainder Restore recreation. and native plant communities gatherings picnic small for shelter air Open range archery the upgrade and location the Adjust access. ADA Provide challenges. target with 12 16f 13 Improve crosswalks for all visitors at William Berry Parkway, 39th Street (west 39th (west Berry Street William at visitors all for crosswalks Parkway, Improve Parkway. Calhoun East and Richfield Road, Berry William of side Woods), features, restoring the remainder of the site to wetlands and native plant plant native and wetlands to the site of the remainder restoring features, communities. ADA access. archery the existing range. or near Calhoun corner Lake of

Consider the possibility of adding a trolley stop. a trolley theConsider possibility adding of turf more usable and create and areas recreational for drainage Improve parking the parkways. along bay related and picnic facilities Add the location the archery upgrade and Adjust and challenges with target range the SE at the Dakota by used plants historic of garden a medicine Provide

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 18m FOCUS AREA CONCEPTS 18l 5f 120’ 80’ 12f 4b

40’ RICHFIELD ROAD RICHFIELD 12g New flexible picnic and gathering space 0 18h N

4b-5 WILLIAM BERRY PKWY QUEEN AVE S AVE QUEEN 16e 12b Interpret and celebrate Native American history and culture, including Chief Cloudman and Village along the the along Village and Cloudman Chief including culture, and history American Native celebrate and community and Interpret artist public with collaboration in design Develop Calhoun. Lake of shores southeast and south Informal water accessInformal points parking on-street Add 22 12c PEDESTRIAN TRAIL TRAIL BICYCLE LINE TROLLEY EXISTING PLANTING BEDS WETLAND BEACH / MEADOW PRAIRIE GARDEN POLLINATOR GROWTH TREE / EXISTING FOREST UPLAND STORMWATER PONDS RESTORED NATIVE VEGETATION LEGEND: LAKE CALHOUN/ MAKABDE SKA LAKE MASTER CALHOUN-HARRIET PLAN BOARD AND PARK RECREATION MINNEAPOLIS Possible medicine garden location garden medicine Possible Bicycle parking pedestrian and bicycle Improved connectiontrail crossing Dance Barnes Explore at Richfield Road intersection Bicycle parking flood storage, wetland, and Improve stormwater management include and area creek Improve vegetation natural enhance spaces gathering and picnic Small parking on-street Add trail bicycle and pedestrian for channel Bridge Pkwy Berry to William of width Reduce trail bicycle and boulevard of width increase S CALHOUN/BDE MAKA AREA CALHOUN/BDE S FOCUS SKABERRY WILLIAM AND Wicasta/Chief Cloudman and other interested participants, a gatheringplace/ create interested other Wicasta/Chief and Cloudman Bde to Maka Ska of shores southeast the and south along area interpretive the history of honor the broader culture and Village and commemorate Cloudman area. this in resided and/or peoples who frequented indigenous other and Dakota Calhoun/William and ExploreRoad Berry a “Barnes in solution Dance” Parkway. collaboration with the City Minneapolis. of as (such uses park other servecan that facilitymulti-functional a Consider restrooms). Street. 36th to connection In collaboration with the Native American community, descendants of Mahpiya Mahpiya of descendants AmericanIn collaboration with the Native community, Richfield of intersection the at circulation bicycle and pedestrian at-grade Prioritize storage. outdoor facility screen related and the maintenance enlarge and Replace two-way a provides Berry that William partof eastern the in trail bicycle a Add

S Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and William Berry Focus Area Berry Focus S Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska and William Recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4.

145 Explore a “Pedestrian Scramble” or “Barnes Dance” crossing for the William Berry Parkway and Natural habitats are interwoven with picnic areas at William Berry. Richfield Road intersection. Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent Public art will honor the history and culture of Native Americans and Dakota and help tell the Provide flexible picnic and gathering spaces Relocate and improve archery facilities within the William Berry area. 146 story of Chief Cloud Man. Focus Area Recommendations: 147 Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska A multipurposeA providetrolleywouldtrackspublicbuildingrestroomsthe maintenance near within facility.a Restore natural habitats, such as the lost tamarack bog in WilliamtamaracklostRestoreinnaturalthebog habitats, Berry. such as Precedent images describing master plan ideas plan master images describing Precedent