
Pronoun Prediction with Linguistic Features and Example Weighing

Michal Novak´ Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Institute of Formal and Applied Malostranske´ nam´ estˇ ´ı 25, CZ-11800 Prague 1 [email protected]

Abstract take a machine learning approach to the problem and apply a linear classifier. Our ap- We present a system submitted to the proach combines features coming from the target WMT16 shared task in cross-lingual language model with features extracted from the pronoun prediction, in particular, to linguistically analyzed source and target texts. We the English-to-German and German-to- also introduce training example weighing, which English sub-tasks. The system is based aims at improving the prediction accuracy of less on a linear classifier making use of fea- populated target pronouns. All the source codes tures both from the target language model used to build the system are publicly available.3 and from linguistically analyzed source According to the WMT16 pronoun and target texts. Furthermore, we apply shared task results (Guillou et al., 2016), our best example weighing in classifier learning, German-to-English system ranks in the middle of which proved to be beneficial for recall the pack while our English-to-German systems in less frequent pronoun classes. Com- seem to be the poorest. However, after the shared pared to other shared task participants, our task submission deadline, we discovered an error best English-to-German system is able to in post-processing of the classifier predictions on rank just below the top performing sub- the evaluation set for the English-to-German di- missions. rection. After correcting this error, our system reaches the 2nd best result for this language di- 1 Introduction rection. Previous works concerning translation of - The paper is structured as follows. After intro- nouns1 have shown that unlike other , pro- ducing the related work in Section 7, we describe require a special treatment. Context and tar- three preprocessing components of our system that get language influence pronoun transla- enrich the input data with additional information tion much more profoundly than the translation of in Section 2. Section 3 then presents features ex- parts-of-speech carrying lexical information. tracted from the data whereas Section 4 gives more This paper presents a system for the WMT16 details about the method used to train the model. shared task of cross-lingual pronoun prediction In Section 5, all our system configurations submit- (Guillou et al., 2016),2 the task that looks at the ted to the shared tasks are evaluated. Finally, we problem of pronoun translation in a more sim- examine the effect of individual features and ex- plified way. Here, the objective is to predict ample weighing in Section 6 before we conclude a target language pronoun from a set of pos- in Section 8. sible candidates, given source text, lemmatized and part-of-speech-tagged target text, and auto- 2 Preprocessing components matic alignment. We address specifically the The preprocessing stage combines three compo- sub-tasks of English-to-German and German-to- nents, each of them enriching the input data with English pronoun prediction. additional information: a target language model, 1Summarized by Hardmeier (2014). an automatic linguistic analysis of the source sen- 2http://www.statmt.org/wmt16/pronoun-task. html 3https://github.com/ufal/wmt16-pronouns

602 Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation, Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pages 602–608, Berlin, Germany, August 11-12, 2016. c 2016 Association for Computational Linguistics tences, and a basic automatic analysis of the target of being anaphoric by the NADA tool (Bergsma sentences. and Yarowsky, 2011).

7 2.1 Target language model German. We utilized the MATE tools (Bjorkelund¨ et al., 2010) to perform part- For language modeling, we employed the KenLM of-speech tagging, morphological analysis Language Model Toolkit (Heafield et al., 2013), an (necessary to obtain grammatical categories efficient implementation of large language models such as gender or number), and transition-based with modified Kneser-Ney smoothing (Kneser and dependency parsing (Bohnet and Nivre, 2012; Ney, 1995). Seeker and Kuhn, 2012). Lemmatized 5-gram models for English and German have been supplied as a baseline system 2.3 Target language analysis by the organizers of the shared task. An integral In the data supplied by the task organizers, the for- part of the baseline system is a wrapper script4 mat of the target language sentences differs from performing necessary preprocessing before the ac- the source language format. Not only are the target tual probability estimation. For instance, selects words to be predicted replaced by a placeholder, words which may possibly belong to the OTHER but all other tokens are also substituted with cor- class5 and it enables setting a penalty for pre- responding lemmas and coarse-grained part-of- ferring an empty word.6 We only adjusted the speech tags. wrapper script so that it fits into our processing For this reason, we needed to simplify the anal- pipeline, making no modifications to the estima- ysis of target texts. The parsers used for source tion machinery. texts do not accept the tagset used by the organiz- 2.2 Source language analysis ers. There are two possible solutions to fix this disagreement: either running a part-of-speech tag- In the input data supplied by the task organiz- ger producing tags that agree with the tagset re- ers, source text is represented as plain tokenized quired by the parser, or obtaining suitable part- sentences. We have processed the source texts of-speech tags by a transformation of the origi- with tools obtaining additional linguistic analy- nal tagset. However, both options are prone to er- sis. However, due to different availability of rors. In the former option, the tags produced in these tools for English and German, the depth of this way would definitely be of low quality as only the analysis differs. We describe both analysis a lemmatized text is available. This would cause pipelines separately in the following: problems especially for German. The latter option brings another problem. The original tagsets (12 English. English source texts have been ana- lyzed up to the level of deep using the Treex tags in both English and German) are more coarse- framework (Popel and Zabokrtskˇ y,´ 2010) incor- grained than the tagsets required by the parsers (44 porating several external tools. The processing and 53 tags in English and German, respectively), pipeline consists of part-of-speech tagging with which makes the transformation in this direction the Morceˇ tool (Spoustova´ et al., 2007) depen- difficult. dency parsing conducted by the MST parser (Mc- Due to these obstacles, we decided to abandon Donald et al., 2005), semantic role labeling (Bo- any additional linguistic processing except for the jar et al., 2016), and resolution ob- identification of genders. We consider gen- tained as a combination of Treex coreference mod- der and number information of the most valu- ules and the Bart 2 toolkit (Versley et al., 2008; able inputs for correct pronoun translation. While Uryupina et al., 2012). Prior to the last step, all in- the number information is hard to reconstruct from stances of the pronoun it are assigned a probability a lemmatized text with part-of-speech tags having no indication of , gender can 4https://bitbucket.org/yannick/discomt_ be reconstructed from a noun lemma itself quite baseline/src satisfactorily. In each of the languages, we ap- 5The OTHER class comprise words, not necessarily pro- nouns, that appear often enough in the context typical for pro- proached the task of obtaining gender for a given nouns to be resolved but not enough to form their own class. noun in a different way. Furthermore, it can be an empty word if the source pronoun has no target language counterpart. 7https://code.google.com/archive/p/ 6In all experiments, we used zero penalty. mate-tools/

603 English. The gender information was obtained dependency tree, and combinations of the previous using the data collected by Bergsma and Lin features. As the analysis of English goes deeper (2006).8 They used paths in dependency trees to than the surface syntax, we include the semantic learn the likelihood of coreference between a pro- function of the source counterpart. If the counter- noun and a noun candidate and then applied them part is an instance of the pronoun it, we add the in a bootstrapping fashion on larger data to obtain anaphoricity probability estimated by the NADA a noun gender and number distribution in different detector, quantized in the same way as the proba- contexts. bilities coming from the KenLM model. For the sake of simplicity, we filtered their list only to single-word items. If we encounter a token Target language features. The lemma of a par- with a noun tag assigned in the target , its ent of the target pronoun placeholder might lemma is looked up in the list and assigned the also be a valuable . Even though we have most probable gender, if any is found. Otherwise, not performed a syntactic analysis on the target the neuter gender is assumed. text (see Section 2.3), we are still able to approx- imate it in several ways. The easiest option is German. We run the MATE morphological to list all verb lemmas that appear in a relatively analysis separately for every lemma labeled as a small context surrounding the placeholder (1, 3, or noun. If no gender information is obtained, the 5 words). Another approach is to project the par- noun is assigned the neuter gender. ent dependency relation from the source sentence via word alignment. We also extract the part-of- 3 Feature extraction speech tags of the parents collected in this way, Having both the source and the target texts en- since they might not be due to possible er- riched with additional linguistic information, we rors. extract a set of instances that are later fed into into Antecedent features. The gender of an our classifier. An instance is extracted for every anaphoric pronoun is often determined by the target-language pronoun (placeholder) to be clas- gender of its antecedent. Same as with syntactic sified represented by features that can be divided trees, we have no information on coreference in into several categories: the target text. Again, we approximate it in two Target language model features. Using the ways. We project the coreference link via word KenLM with the wrapper supplied by the orga- alignment and use the gender of the projected nizers, we obtain an estimated probability value antecedent. Note that this approach can be used for every candidate pronoun. From this, we pro- only in the English-to-German direction due to duce features describing the actual probability val- missing coreference resolution for German. To ues for each candidate word, quantized into 9 bins. extract similar information also for the opposite Furthermore, features ranking the candidate words direction, we take advantage of the fact that the by their probabilities, quantized in three different task is defined for pronouns only. A ways, are extracted. tendency of consecutive subjects to refer to the same entity inspired us to include the gender of The data supplied by Source language features. the previous target language subject as a feature. the organizers also contain automatic word align- The indicator whether a word is a subject is again ment between the source and the target sentences. projected via alignment from the source text. Therefore, when extracting features for a given placeholder in the target language, we are able to 4 Model do the same for its counterparts in the source lan- guage. Deeper linguistic analysis performed for Pronoun prediction as specified by the organizers the source language (see Section 2.2) allows us to is a classification task. We address it by machine extract richer features than for the target language. learning, building a linear model using the multi- For every source counterpart of a target pronoun class variant of the logistic loss and stochastic gra- placeholder, we extract its lemma, syntactic de- dient descent optimization as implemented in the pendency function, the lemma of its parent in the Vowpal Wabbit toolkit.9 To train the model, we

8http://www.clsp.jhu.edu/~sbergsma/Gender/ 9Available at https://github.com/JohnLangford/ Data/ vowpal_wabbit/wiki. Vowpal Wabbit has been chosen due

604 Dev Eval Name Setting MACRO-R ACC MACRO-R ACC baseline — 34.35 42.81 38.53 50.13 7 * * EN-to-DE CUNI-primary weighted, passes: 5, L1: 3 10− 45.63 57.72 54.37 64.23 × CUNI-contrastive unweighted, passes: 1, L1: 5 10 6 42.54 63.51 *51.74 *71.80 × − baseline — 36.08 50.47 42.15 53.42 DE-to-EN CUNI-primary weighted, passes: 1, L1: 0 56.47 68.35 60.42 64.18 CUNI-contrastive unweighted, passes: 5, L1: 0 51.62 70.59 56.83 65.22

Table 1: Our Systems submitted to the shared task and their performance compared to the baseline system. The official measure of performance is macro-averaged recall (MACRO-R), while accuracy (ACC) serves as a contrastive measure. Scores labeled by the * symbol differ from the official results of the shared task (Guillou et al., 2016) as an error has been discovered after the task submission deadline. run the learner over the training data with features parameter settings on the development data. Ta- described in Section 3, possibly in multiple passes ble 1 specifies the learning parameters used for all and with various rates of L1 or L2 regularization. systems submitted. It also shows macro-averaged Optimization with respect to the logistic loss recall and accuracy measured on both the devel- function is a widely used approximation of the opment and the evaluation set Moreover, it and the accuracy measure. However, the official scor- compares the performance with the baseline sys- ing metric set by the task organizers is the macro- tem based on the KenLM target language model averaged recall. Macro-averaging causes that im- as supplied by the organizers (see Section 2.1). provements in recall for less frequent target pro- Note that the scores of our English-to-German nouns have a stronger effect than improvements systems achieved on the evaluation set are much for more frequent pronouns. We address this is- better than the scores presented in the official sue by weighing the training data instances based results of the shared task Guillou et al. (2016). on the target class. We weigh the classes in an in- An error that concerned merging of the classi- verse proportion to how frequently they appear in fier output into the test data file for submission, the training data. The less frequent a pronoun is, which was, however, discovered after the dead- the heavier penalty is incurred if it is misclassified. line for task submissions. According to the offi- cial results, our German-to-English primary sys- 5 Submitted systems tem is ranked fourth among six participating pri- mary systems. Our English-to-German primary We submitted four systems to the shared task – two system, ranked last among nine systems in the of- systems to each of the two sub-tasks: English-to- ficial results, would place as second if we took the German and German-to-English prediction. The correct scores. systems trained on the weighted examples are con- sidered as primary while the unweighted systems 6 Feature ablation and weighing analysis were submitted as contrastive. In order to assess the effect of individual feature Training examples have been extracted from all types, we carried out an additional experiment. the data supplied for training by the organizers.10 For both translation directions we trained models The same holds for the data designated for devel- on various subsets of the complete feature set. All opment and evaluation testing. the models have been trained in both weighted and The best combination of learning parameters unweighted scenarios. has been selected by a grid search with various The experiments were conducted with the fol- to its fastest throughput among all machine learning tools lowing feature sets: known to us as well as due to the remarkable variety of op- tions for learning, e.g. example weighing used in our exper- all: the complete feature set as described in • iments. However, there are still options that are worth to be Section 3 examined in future experiments, for instance using other loss functions, e.g. a hinge loss which is equivalent to the SVM -src: the complete feature set, excluding algorithm. • 10http://data.statmt.org/wmt16/pronoun-task/ source language features

605 Figure 1: The impact of feature ablation on per-class recall (see Section 6 for details), macro-averaged recall (MACRO-R), and accuracy (ACC) in the four systems submitted to the shared task.

-kenlm: the complete feature set, excluding and for weighted models. For instance, leaving • KenLM features out the most valuable category of source language features decreases the performance level by just -trg ante: the complete feature set, exclud- • 1 percentage point for the English-German un- ing features approximating the gender of the weighted model while degrading the performance antecedent of the target pronoun of the German-English model by 15 percentage -trg par: the complete feature set, exclud- points. The graphs also show that the KenLM fea- • ing features approximating the parent of the tures have the strongest effect on the final recall target pronoun values for the individual pronoun classes. A posi- tive effect of English coreference resolution to de- Figure 1 shows the performance of weighted termining the correct gender of a German pronoun and unweighted models for both translation direc- can be also observed. Adding antecedent features tions if trained in all of the feature settings listed to English-to-German weighted system causes a above. The performance is measured by recall on small recall increase of the pronoun sie with al- each of the target classes (solid color lines, whose most no degradation to other classes. widths illustrate the frequency of the class in the training data), as well as by micro-averaged recall, The impact of instance weighing turns out to which equals to overall accuracy for this task (dot- be more interesting. Focusing on scores for indi- ted line), and macro-averaged recall, which is the vidual classes, one can observe that the pronouns official measure in the shared task (dashed line). that benefit from weighing the most are the less The graphs show that the impact of individual frequent ones, .e., man and er in German, there, feature categories on the macro-averaged recall is , and in English. On the other hand, the ef- generally higher in the German-English direction fect of weighing reduces performance in frequent

606 classes, such as OTHER, German sie, and En- 8 Conclusion glish . The only exception is the German pro- noun es, whose recall rises for weighted models We presented our system submitted to the WMT16 even though it is one of the most frequent pronoun shared task on cross-lingual pronoun prediction. classes. Overall, instance weighting fulfills our ex- It is based on Vowpal Wabbit and uses features pectations: although it causes a decrease in recall from three sources: first, target language model for frequent pronoun classes, it improves the offi- (which served as the baseline in the shared task), cial macro-averaged recall score. second, the automatic linguistic analysis of the source text up to the levels of syntax and corefer- 7 Related work ence, and third, a basic morphological analysis of the target text. Our systems were able to improve A similar problem was addressed in the Dis- on the baseline in both language directions, with coMT 2015 shared task on pronoun translation source language and target language model fea- (Hardmeier et al., 2015) as a cross-lingual pro- tures having the largest impact on the results. Fi- noun prediction subtask. It differed from the cur- nally, we employ instance weighing, which proved rent task in one main aspect: the manually trans- to be a successful way to compensate for the dif- lated target text was available in its surface form as ferences between learning loss function and the of- an input, i.e., it was neither machine-translated nor ficial evaluation measure and to improve recall in lemmatized and part-of-speech-tagged at least as it infrequent pronoun classes. is in the WMT16 shared task. This aspect, far from a real-world machine translation scenario, proba- Acknowledgments bly caused that none of the participants was able This work has been supported by GAUK grant to beat the baseline, the target language model. 338915 of the Charles University, Czech Sci- Out of the DiscoMT 2015 shared task submis- ence Foundation grant GA-16-05394S, the 7th sions, the system by Wetzel et al. (2015) is most Framework Programme of the EU grant QTLeap similar to ours. On the source side (English in their (No. 610516), and SVV project number 260 333. case), they extract morphological information as This work has been using language resources de- well as coreference relations (they use Stanford veloped and/or stored and/or distributed by the CoreNLP (Lee et al., 2013) whereas we apply LINDAT/CLARIN project No. LM2015071 of the Bart 2 toolkit (Uryupina et al., 2012) for this task), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the and they detect the anaphoricity of the it pronoun Czech Republic. using the NADA tool (Bergsma and Yarowsky, 2011). Another common feature is that both sys- tems take advantage of the target language model. Wetzel et al. (2015)’s maximum entropy classifier Mallet (McCallum, 2002) uses the same logistic Shane Bergsma and Dekang Lin. 2006. Bootstrapping Path-Based Pronoun Resolution. In Proceedings of loss function as we do with the Vowpal Wabbit the 21st International Conference on Computational tool but the training data handling is different in Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Associ- these two tools. Mallet is a batch learner, opti- ation for Computational Linguistics, pages 33–40, mizing over the whole data in a single step while Sydney, Australia. Association for Computational Vowpal Wabbit optimizes incrementally after ev- Linguistics. ery example. Shane Bergsma and David Yarowsky. 2011. NADA: A On the other hand, unlike us, Wetzel et al. Robust System for Non-referential Pronoun Detec- (2015) do not use any syntactic information. The tion. In Proceedings of the 8th International Con- only syntax-based system in the DiscoMT 2015 ference on Processing and Applications, pages 12–23, Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag. shared task is the system of Loaiciga´ (2015). They make use of the Fips rule-based -structure Anders Bjorkelund,¨ Bernd Bohnet, Love Hafdell, and parser (Wehrli, 2007) whereas we acquire depen- Pierre Nugues. 2010. A High-performance Syntac- dencies and syntactic functions using the MST tic and Semantic Dependency Parser. In Proceed- ings of the 23rd International Conference on Com- parser (McDonald et al., 2005) and the MATE putational Linguistics: Demonstrations, pages 33– tools (Seeker and Kuhn, 2012) on the source side 36, Stroudsburg, PA, USA. Association for Compu- for English and German, respectively. tational Linguistics.

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