Issue 34, January 2021 United States: A Review of the US Middle East Policy from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton Kardo RACHED Salam ABDULRAHMAN Abstract: Since the Second World War, the Middle East has been mentioned in connection with policy in the Middle East from Truman to Clinton on the premise that the US foreign policy has contributedthe national tointerest creating of America a breeding manifested ground for by dissatisfactionUS presidents. Thistoward paper the looksUS In atthis the context, US foreign the paper focuses on the doctrines in use from the time of President Truman to Clinton. Thus, every American president has a doctrine, and this doctrine tells what political line the president fol- lows regarding domestic and foreign policies. Keywords: Middle-East, Israel, US national interest, Soviet Union, Natural resources, ideologies. Introduction Kardo RACHED Sakarya University, Turkey startedIn the showingwake of interest the Second in the MiddleWorld East.War E-mail:
[email protected] With(WWII), Harry the Truman’s United States uncompromised of America (US)sup- Salam ABDULRAHMAN port for the newly created state in Palestine, University of Human Development, Iraq Israel, the Middle-East became an essential E-mail:
[email protected] part of the US global policy. The US isolation policy that advocated non-involvement in Issue 34, January 2021, pp. 45-65 entanglement in international politics dur- Conflict Studies Quarterly ingthe theEuropean 1930s, andgave Asian space conflicts to Britain, and France, non- DOI: 10.24193/csq.34.3 and Germany to act actively and indepen- Published First Online: 05 January /2021 dently in the Middle East.