COUNCIL OF NATUROPA Number 22 eu ro p ean “Naturopa” is the new title of the bulletin formerly entitled "Naturope" (French version) and "Nature in Focus" (English version). information EDITORIAL G. G. Aym onin 1 cen tre THE MEDITERRANEAN FLORA for MUST BE SAVED J. M elato-Beliz 3 nature SPECIES CONSERVATION IN THE ALPS - conservation POSSIBILITIES AND PROBLEMS h . Riedl 6 THREATENED AND PROTECTED IN THE J. Mennem a 10 G. G. AYMONIN THE HEILIGENHAFEN CONFERENCE ON THE Deputy Director of the Laboratory INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION of Phanerogamy National Museum of Natural History OF WETLANDS AND WILDFOWL G. V. T. M atthews 16 Paris ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PROBLEMS IN MALTA L. J. Saliba 20 An international meeting of experts attempting to penetrate by analysing Norway across Siberia. Still in its specialising in problems associated what they term the “ecosystems”. natural state, often very dense and ECOLOGY IN A NEW BRITISH CITY J. G. Kelcey 23 with the impoverishment in plant spe­ Europe’s natural environments are practically impenetrable in places, it 26 cies of numerous natural environments characterized by a great diversity in is a magnificent forest of immense News from Strasbourg in Europe took place at Arc-et-Senans, their biological and aesthetic features. biological and economic value. Notes 28 France, in November 1973, under the From one end of the continent to the To the west of Norway and south of patronage of the Secretary General other the contrasts are striking. Most­ begin the forests of Central of the Council of Europe. ly homes of ancient civilisations (the Europe : the Norway pine and spruce It was thanks to the Claude-Nichols countries of Europe) often display di­ are gradually replaced by deciduous Ledoux Foundation and its Centre for versity of another kind, superimposed trees : beeches and oaks which, in Reflection on the Future and to the on the multiplicity of natural land­ their strictly natural state, populate initiative of the French Ministry for scapes : that wrought by man on the the forests in equilibrium with their the Protection of Nature and the En­ environment as a result of his mani­ environment throughout the lowlands vironment, now the Ministry for the fold activities. Hence the origin of that of Western Europe. Quality of Life, that these biologists infinite variety of features, exemplified The mountain ranges bring an element from the different European coun­ by the so-called “terroirs” in France of contrast to these regions : species tries were able to meet. Why such which impart, or rather used to im­ peculiar to the mountains of Europe concern today ? Why should scientists part, a remarkable element of origina­ give a distinctive character to nume­ The symbol for the Council of Europe’s and managers alike now be giving lity. Human influence has varied con­ nature conservation activities. rous ranges : the firs in the colder priority to the study of this impove­ siderably from one region or environ­ Alpine regions and the northern Py­ rishment, to research into its past and ment to another, but can be consi­ renees, the larch in the drier regions present causes and, above all, to pro­ dered to have existed practically eve­ of the Alps and the silver pine at high viding remedies ? rywhere. “ N aturopa ” is published in English, in altitudes. Above the tree line are the French, in German and in Italian by the Without attempting to reply to all these Europe also presents an astonishing grasslands, infinitely rich in flora, or European Information Centre for Nature questions, we may at least offer seve­ mosaic of scenic vegetation — the moorlands, frequently covered with Conservation of the Council of Europe, ral explanations. This is one of the plant world’s response to the influen­ rhododendrons. The vegetation at the 67006 Strasbourg Cedex, France. functions of “Naturopa”. ce of ecological conditions. The “far summits consists of low-growing spe­ The disappearance of a flower or an north”, Lapland for example, is cha­ cies with large, very colourful flowers Editor responsible : Jean-Pierre Ribaut animal from some small area in Ice­ racterized by a tundra landscape : a — the alpine plants with which we are Editor : Gillian Holdup land, France or Greece is not merely frequently frozen soil produces stun­ all familiar : the gentian, campion, cro­ as is often thought, a trivial event of in­ ted birches and willows; vast stretches cus, snowbell, edelweiss and ane­ Printed by : Pillet SA, Martigny, Switzerland terest only to a few, sometimes too remain permanently frozen ; the plains mone. Each mountain range in Europe Articles may be reprinted providing a refe­ few, specialists aware of the existence consist of expanses of peatland and has its own characteristic species rence is made to the source and a copy of such species in these areas ; it is screes, both bedecked in summer which are found nowhere else. Hence sent to the Centre. The copyright of all the sign of more radical changes and with colourful carpets of flowers found the splendid multiplicity of colours photographs is reserved. — as demonstrated for the whole of further south only on the highest and shapes which reflects the genetic Europe by the Arc-et-Senans Sympo­ mountains : saxifrage, dryas, creeping originality of endemic mountain flora. Information concerning “ Naturopa ” or the PHOTOGRAPHS European Information Centre for Nature sium — of the start of a general pro­ azalia and different varieties of cotton- The great mountain barrier formed Conservation may be obtained on appli­ Cover : J. G. W almsley ; A. R. Johnson cess of deterioration indicating that grass. Further south, approximately by the Pyrenees, the French Massif cation to the appropriate National Agency serious upheavals are taking place in on the same latitude as the Arctic Cir­ Central, the Alps and the Carpathians, (see addresses inside back cover) or to Pages 2, 4 and 5 : M. Keraudren-Aymonin ; Pages 3 and 4 : J. Melato-Beliz ; man’s physical environment, or to be cle in Scandinavia, is the timber line which separates Northern from South­ the Centre itself. Page 7 : B inois/P ITC H ; Pages 8 and 9 : F. G ohier/PITCH ; Page 9 : J. F. G önnet/ more precise, environments, for they with forests composed mainly of birch ern Europe more or less isolates the PITCH ; Page 10 : J. Mennema ; Pages 11 and 12 : Ruth van Crevel ; Pages 14 The opinions expressed in this publica­ are essentially varied. These natural trees and conifers, quite small at first. Mediterranean world. It is a totally tion are those of the authors and do not and 15 : Nationaal Bureau voor Toerisme (Netherlands), A. R. Johnson, J. G. environments represent the balance The ground is carpeted with bilberries, different kind of world : the dry sum­ necessarily reflect the views of the Coun­ W almsley ; Pages 17 and 19 : Jean-Paul EXPLORER ; Page 18 : J. P. C oureau/ achieved over thousands of years bet­ club-moss, ordinary mosses and li­ mers and mild climate create very spe­ cil of Europe. EXPLORER ; Pages 20, 21 and 22 : J. L. Saliba ; Page 27 : Flugbild GMBH ; ween the physical and the living world, chens. The great boreal forest, or tai­ cial ecological conditions ; the natural Page 28 : P. A. Interpress Photos ; Page 29 : Fabius Henrion/JACANA. a balance which specialists are today ga, forms a wide belt extending from Mediterranean forest consists mainly of evergreens, such as the holm oak plan of action to secure for the in­ and cork oak, and the dozens of small habitants of Europe the perpetuation trees associated with them. This natu­ of the manifold biological and natural ral Mediterranean forest has been se­ environments around them which re­ THE MEDITERRANEAN FLORA riously degraded : many forests of present a unique feature of their irre­ pines, a poorer species, have been placeable heritage and the heritage planted, often after fires ; numerous of the civilised world. garigues with thyme and rock roses MUST BE SAVED mark stages of impoverishment culmi­ nating in the rocky wastelands which J. MALATO-BELIZ abound all round the Mediterranean. Director of the Laboratory All vegetation in Europe is at present for Phytosystematic Research and under intense pressure from the ex­ Plant Ecology Centre for Plant Improvement pansion of what is often termed the R esearch “technosphere”, that artificial world Elvas, Portugal of concrete and metal which is a cha­ Cistus albidus (Cystaceae), one of the racteristic feature of our modern civi­ prettiest of the found in the lisation. But in a number of regions Mediterranean maquis and matorral certain influences are undoubtedly shrub communities. more serious than others, and the simultaneous disappearance of nu­ merous plants provides us with proof of the magnitude and seriousness of stand pressure from the artificially such phenomena. Thus throughout the planted conifers. whole of Central Europe the flora The disappearance from a number of found in the wetlands (lakes, ponds, regions of epiphytic lichens and prob­ streams, bogs) is in decline : certain ably mosses as well, is evidence of species have disappeared from entire the increase in air pollution. The Coun­ regions or else their geographical cil of Europe, like more specialised boundaries have receded, in some bodies such as national departments cases by several hundred kilometres. for environment protection and the An urgent rescue operation must be International Union for the Conserva­ mounted to safeguard the remaining tion of Nature and Natural Resources, marshes and peat bogs, for the disap­ has encouraged joint action on urgent pearance of wild water-plants is also problems affecting European flora and As Man has grown out of his primitive natural forests and other types of for which the perturbation of the na­ the sign of a change in the composi­ vegetation ; it did so in the case of the state of being a constituent element vegetation leave the way open to soil tural environment means the risk of tion of the water, and, in many cases, “bocages”, man-made hedgerow of nature’s ecosystems in order to erosion, which, with the help of irre­ extinction. of pollution or eutrophication, ie an landscapes of great diversity and bio­ use them to his own ends, he has gular but heavy rainfall, leads to the These dangers are all the more se­ abnormal overall increase in organic logical interest — veritable sanctua­ brought about the progressive des­ impoverishment and sterilisation of rious in the case of the Mediterranean matter. Other plants which are in ries bearing witness to an ancient truction of his environment. The da­ the environment and, finally, to de­ region in that its local climatic con­ extraordinarily rapid decline are the form of nature in many regions, but mage has taken diverse forms varying sert conditions. ditions have fathered particular plants adonises and nigellas, found on culti­ seriously impaired as a result of land with circumstances and modes of Faced with these prospects, which and vegetal species which are to be vated land ; in some cases even the consolidation — and again in the case life. Fire and overgrazing are the main are already becoming unfortunate found nowhere else in the world. The cornflower and poppy have disap­ of the Mediterranean “maquis" at forms of destruction, leading to the realities, we must give some thought wealth of endemic species in the Me­ peared from a number of regions as present under increasing pressure. denuding and erosion of the soil with to the difficulties of reafforestation, diterranean area is astonishing. One a result of the use of weed killers and The Council’s aim in promoting joint which we are familiar today. and to the general recuperation of may form an idea of their extent by of pesticides in general (the indirect European action is the ultimate esta­ In addition to these already ancient the natural environment. considering the European sector by effects of these on both fauna and blishment of a coherent protection po­ forms of destruction and impoverish­ Agriculture in the broadest sense, to­ itself and limiting data to the species flora are undeniable). licy throughout the entire continent ment, man has devised other equally gether with demographic concentra­ given in the first three volumes of the in order to preserve the natural wealth dangerous forms such as deforesta­ tion and the resultant urban expan­ Flora Europaea. Suffice it to say that A further category of European plant, which constitutes our common heri­ tion, the cultivation of steep slopes, sion, have gradually become the most out of a total of 2,086 endemic species which includes certain very rare and tage, a heritage that is very often an the use of chemical fertiliser and pes­ powerful forces in the destruction of in Europe, 1,639, or almost 80%, are geographically very restricted species, irreplaceable source of reserves for ticides, unplanned urban expansion, natural flora and vegetation, and to Mediterranean : in other words, four has for some years been in consider­ the future. etc. these factors may be added the more out of five endemic species in Europe able danger of extinction : these are The protection of these European While all these forms of exploitation recent development, exponential in its are therefore Mediterranean plants ! the coastal species found in the du­ plant and animal species is also vital of the environment by man imply a growth, of tourism. In , France, Italy, Greece and nes, trampled underfoot and uprooted to preserving an adequate degree of great threat to his own survival, the Subsistence agriculture, in which pas­ the other countries bordering the Me­ (alpine sea-holly, sand lily) and also genetic diversity for man. That is why Mediterranean area is undoubtedly turage and cultivation of grain have diterranean, the total number of ende­ the species found in salt-marshes, fre­ it is not enough to compile inventories one of the world’s regions in which been pushed to an extreme, the un­ mic species runs into hundreds and quently selected as industrial sites. of species in decline or threatened the consequences of haphazard de­ interrupted growth of cities, which even thousands (representing, in fact, The shores of the Mediterranean, long with extinction, as symposia of experts velopment can be the most catastro­ have absorbed acre after acre of pri­ almost a third of the endemic species subjected to disastrous coastal urba­ like those held at Arc-et-Senans have phic. The Mediterranean climate has mitive vegetal growth, the prolifera­ of the European part of the region). nisation and now today the Atlantic done : it is essential at this stage to particular characteristics which mean tion of leisure sites and tourism parti­ In Spain, fo r exam ple, Teucrium has coast as far north as Brittany and concentrate on establishing a proper that damage can be irreversible. Fo­ cularly in mountain regions and along 20 endemic species and S id e ritis 15 of Normandy, are in danger of losing all ecological policy at European level. rest growth in this area is delicately the coast, with more attention paid to the 28 European species ! Mention their attraction by becoming veritable An ecological policy involves not only balanced, and once this balance is preserving capital than preserving could also be made of the wealth of walls of concrete. At the present time, the protection of rare or threatened broken it cannot be regained. It is nature, have been the key agents of endemic species in Portugal, like the certain forest ecosystems may well be species or the creation of essential sometimes said that the Mediterra­ the destruction of many rare or even Narcissus, Armeria, Cistus, Silene and at risk if they are compressed to such nature reserves or national parks but nean area is fundamentally hostile to endemic plants, belonging to vegetal others. Among its 116 endemic spe­ an extent that they are unable to with- also the execution of a co-ordinated sylviculture. Thus the destruction of groups of great scarcity and interest cies figure the wonderful Linaria algar- viana, L. coutinhoi, L. ficalhoana, L. Many more examples could well be la m a rckii and L. rica rd o i, of w hich given of the destruction of Mediter­ most belong to the vegetal groups ranean flora as well as of rare species typical of sandy areas on the coast. threatened by total extinction. This diversity of flora is of great inte­ Clearly man’s self-preservation requi­ rest for many reasons, be they scien­ res the preservation of the natural en­ tific, aesthetic or other, the whole vironment which is an immense source constituting an additional testimony of energy, and which alone is able to to the value of the Mediterranean restore his health and happiness. The area. What a tragedy it is, then, that intricate balances of nature, all vege­ destructive forces have caused the tation and plant-life, must find in man extinction of many rare plants and are their most stubborn and far-sighted posing a threat to still others, almost defender. always because of ignorance or im­ No great perspicacity or profundity is mediate economic interests, at the required to understand that the des­ expense of the aesthetic and spiritual truction of flora and vegetation must value, and the scientific and even be prevented at any price. Purely from economic potential, of local flora ! the landscape angle, for example, one How many endemic species have al­ has only to think of the wealth of hid­ ready disappeared as a result of er­ den corners in the Mediterranean area, ratic development of Man’s relation­ richly endowed with blankets of na­ ship with his environment, and how tural vegetation brilliant with all the many others are now in their turn 1 Anagallis monelli var. trojana - Lusitanian endemic of the dunes of the Troia shades of green, under the shadowof on the way to extinction ? Spain and peninsula. trees of millenial antiquity, resplen­ the other Mediterranean countries, so 2 Limodorum arbortivum - one of the numerous Portuguese species needing dent in the sunlight and dotted with rich in endemic plants, have already effective protection to prevent its complete disappearance. a host of brightly coloured flowers, of lost some of these valuable species. 3 Quercus canariensis - found in Portugal in the Serra de Monchique only, a both typical and rare species. Here The areas containing others have species threatened with extinction due to exploitation of its wood. erosion is unknown, the spirit is cal­ been successively consumed, in par­ 4 Lepidophorum repandum - particular to Portugal, found in sunny coastal med, the body relaxes and the eyes ticular along the immense coastline regions. Fairly common but very localised on the European scale. are filled with wonder... where urban expansion and tourism 5 Armenia pungens (Plumbaginaceae) - one of the most beautiful species to be How can the destruction of this na­ exercise a heavy pressure, daily in­ found in the coastal communities of Portugal. tural environment, of this revivifying creasing the danger of extinction. 6 illyricum () - particular to the Western Mediter­ paradise be tolerated — that human Portuguese flora has been subject to ranean. destruction whose danger increases the same destructive processes. 7 Morisia hypogea - a curious member of the cress family particular to the daily with the steady advance of Among others, the endemic species Western Mediterranean (particularly and , thus very restricted urbanisation ? Onosis cossoniana and H edysarum in Europe). Synonym Morisia : monanthos. The enormous potential reserves cons­ flexuosum have disappeared from the tituted by Mediterranean flora are of Troia peninsula, at the mouth of the both scientific an economic interest. Sado River where the growth of tou- Through research on certain plants rim has put an end to the harvesting science has been able to cast light of these plants for many years past. on many questions, including pro­ Elsewhere the attractive autumn daffo­ blems of genetics, phytogenies and dil (Narcissus serotinus) has disap­ taxonom y. peared from the Algarve region which Plants containing oils and essences was for a long time the only known have given rise to various industries area where this species grew in Por­ and the variety of aromatic plants, La­ tugal. biates in particular, suggests that In the south, for example, on the Mon- there are still great possibilities for chique mountain range, the Quercus future development. canariensis which exists in this area Agriculture has always been destruc­ only, is threatened with extinction be­ tive of nature, drawing most of its pre­ cause of the timber industry. The sent resources (plant growth) from other feature of this ancient climatic the natural environment. Many univer­ mountain forest is the Senecio gran- sally-known fodder plants are derived, diflorus, a fine local Lusitanian ende­ thanks to scientific research, from cer­ mic species which is also now very tain species of Mediterranean plant rare and has taken refuge in spots such as Trifolium, Ornithopus, Lupi- where the destructive influence of man nus, Medicago, Dactylis and Festuca. has penetrated only slightly or not at There is moreover a valuable reserve all. of vegetal genes in the Mediterra­ Many other species, endemic or other­ nean area which must be defended wise, are also rare and at least for at whatever price from " genetic pol­ the present are in a very perilous si­ lution ”. Nor should one forget the tuation with their survival much in exceptional part played by the so- doubt. Among these, the majestic algarbiensis, Narcissus calcicola and major, Silene rothmaleri and Cistus called medicinal plants which have Echium boissieri which grows in chal­ Narcissus fernandesii, Limodorum palhinhae and many others are in historically been important for the hu­ ky soil is in the process of becoming abortivum and L trabutianum, Cheilan- need of effective protection if they are man race and whose origin is Mediter­ extinct around Elvas because of heavy thes vellea, Loeflingia tavaresiana, not to face extinction. ranean. Arguments such as these will ploughing by tractors. The A stragalus Euphorbia monchiquensis, Tuberaria convince even the sceptics of the urgent need to protect the Mediter­ ranean flora. PLANT SPECIES It is clear that in many places the im­ poverishment of the natural environ­ CONSERVATION IN THE ALPS ment has gone far beyond expected limits and that the balances of nature have been irreparably disturbed, which entails great dangers, some unfor- POSSIBILITIES seeable, for the future of the human race. AND Man’s duty is to protect without fur­ Harald RIEDL, Naturhistorisches Museum ther procrastinations what remains of Vienna, Austria PROBLEMS Mediterranean flora and vegetation, but more importantly he must think much further ahead and examine the results of his activity before destroy­ ing that which nature has taken thou­ When we consider the preservation of him in order to avoid a greater catas­ sands of years to build. It is only the alpine flora of Europe we have to trophe in the future. through policies which are modest distinguish between two major types Let us be optimistic for the moment and far-seeing enough not to sacrifice of threats directed against its survival : and believe that man will learn his tomorrow’s well-being to today’s in the first case, an integral part of lesson in time : there still remains the wealth that he will be able to survive. the landscape, with all its flora and question of those species that are To ensure adequate protection, it is fauna, is endangered mainly by human endangered because they are getting clear that parks and natural reserves action such as felling of trees for ski- rare either by natural causes or be­ must be established in each Mediter­ runs or flooding of valleys for power cause of a severe persecution by man. ranean country. But this is not enough. plants. In the second case, particular In almost every European country More complete information must be species are endangered either becau­ there are lists of plants that must on obtained on all rare and endemic se they are extremely rare or because no account be picked, or at least species in need of protection, legisla­ man is collecting them in too great uprooted. In most instances these spe­ tion must be passed to ensure that a measure for their ornamental value cies would not be so rare were it not they are so protected, and their natu­ or for some special reason such as for their aesthetic appeal to man. Pro­ ral habitat must be defended. use as an ingredient for preparing an tection by law will certainly save a There is urgent need of a campaign alcoholic liquor as is the case with the great number of spectacular plants for educating and informing all levels yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea). from extinction. This is especially true of society, a campaign that should Where human activity destroys the for some of the alpine species such be general, permanent, unambiguous natural environment on a large scale as lio n ’s foot (Leontopodium alpinum) and attractively presented so that eve­ it is useless to speak of particular en­ the picking of which is supposed to rybody may get to know the beauty of dangered species. In this case the bring honour to the collector who is plant life and its scientific and econo­ alpine flora as a whole is threatened considered particularly daring for ga­ mic value. and the destruction of vast areas may thering the flowers under supposed Despite the contemporary victory of be disastrous to their original popula­ personal danger of death. There are materialism over the spiritual, one tion of plants and animals too. For as some exceptions to the rule such as though not all plants called by that result of migration following the fluc­ lar to those prevalent in steppe re­ must learn to love plants in their na­ long as man continues to sacrifice his Cortusa matthioli (primrose family) or name are really confined to Monte tuations of climate or were recent gions. These “dry islands ”, about tural state despite their often modest fellow creatures in order to expand Bulbocodium vernum (lily family) Baldo. It is situated in a region in products of hybridization between the which J. Braun-Blanquet has written appearance. And one cannot love his economic interests for even the which are both rare and spectacular. which the southern Alps slope down ancient stock itself and the species a remarkable book, also show a great what one does not know... smallest profit — short periods as is Many plants will however pass un­ towards the wide plain of the river Po that had withdrawn to the higher alti­ number of rare relics. As an example Let protection therefore be the order the case in some of the winter sport observed by man, but nevertheless on the very border of that majestic tudes. In the act of hybridization, their we mention the Rhone Valley between of the day. Protection of the marvel­ resorts in western Austria or on the remain threatened due to the very "backbone" of Europe formed by the chromosome number was multiplied as Sion and Sierre in the Swiss province lous, rare and useful Mediterranean long term by building highways restricted number of areas where they long chain of the Alps as a whole. In a result of the inability of the parental Wallis, where we find a species of plants ; and protection in general of through the most picturesque parts still occur in nature. In order to learn the ice-age, even the southernmost chromosomes to pair and segregate Ephedra, a small nearly leafless shrub the natural environment, of that natu­ of the Alps to promote tourism — we some general rules about these spe­ peaks were covered by glaciers which in an appropriate manner. Thus the belonging to the gymnosperms (Ephe­ ral environment over which man has have to envisage the imminent possi­ cies that will help us to design mea­ helped to model the landscape be­ paternal and maternal chromosomes dra helvetica) and a rare representa­ mastery through his intelligence, if bility that the typical alpine plants and sures for their preservation and which neath them. The basins of the famous of closely related species were added tive of the Borage family, Onosma hel- only he will divest himself of his cold animals will gradually vanish forever are usually derived from facts about lakes in upper Italy all have been to each other. The progeny, called veticum , among others. The same spe­ insensitivity and exaggerated techni­ from the face of the earth. It is only the history of the alpine flora as a moulded by the action of such gla­ “allopolyploidic” was far better adap­ cies of Ephedra and a closely related cal approach and give free rein to through a profound understanding of whole, we first have to study their ciers. In sheltered places, however, ted to the prevailing conditions, while Onosma species reappear near Tren­ his soul. For let there be no mistake : the innate value of nature's richness distribution. some vegetation of a more thermophi­ the parents, especially those ancient to in northern Italy. A close relative of it is only through the humanising of and the birth-right of its older inhabi­ Let us begin with the so-called ende­ lic character was able to survive du­ thermophilic species mentioned abo­ the meadow saffron flowering in spring man in this way that the future of man tants that the human mind itself may mic species. Endemics are species ring warmer periods before or be­ ve, remained as exiles in the few ni­ (Bulbocodium vernum) is confined to can be assured. be persuaded to adopt a humbler atti­ with a very limited distribution confi­ tween the various glaciations. When ches in which they grew in during the the lower end of a steep, rocky moun­ tude and an utterly different esteem of ned to one particular region that may the ice withdrew and northern plant ice ages. Many of the endemics of tain slope sheltered from the wind and our original surroundings as they were be a country, a province or only one species climbed up the slopes of the Monte Baldo and other places along other adverse climatic influences in before man entered the stage of evo­ mountain, valley etc. Among the pla­ mountains to remain there in a relati­ the southern and eastern border of C arinthia. lution on earth. Without this under­ ces especially famous for a relatively vely undisturbed state, they were thus the Alps (for instance Koralpe in Ca- As another example of habitats where standing there is little hope that natu­ high number of endemics is Monte separated from their usually larger rinthia) belong to this old “diploidic" rare and therefore endangered plant re as well as man can be saved from Baldo, renowned for a hundred years area of distribution in northern Euro­ stock and are rare relics of older ti­ species are likely to be found, such an untimely end. Man will even have or more. This is a mountain not far pe. But these relics from a warmer mes. localities may be mentioned which are to learn to abstain from some of the from Lake Garda in northern Italy. The period were further driven back by Not only along the border of the Alps, peculiar due to uncommon rock types. facilities an unlimited use of the ener­ specific name “ baldensis ” will be plants better endowed for competition. but also as islands just in their centre, On serpentinic rocks, for instance, spe­ gy resources of earth seen to grant found in several different genera, These "new comers" either came as a we find unusually dry conditions simi­ cial ecotypes have evolved that are Cotton-grass. Alpine eryngo (Eryngium alpinum ombelliferus) thermophilic and drought resistant to plants threatened by extinction from a high degree. Some of them, like climatic changes is to cultivate them in Dianthus capillifrons, a carnation, Po- a suitable environment or create seed- tentilla serpentini, a cinquefoil and banks in which the genetic material at several small ferns are commonly least is preserved. We must not forget regarded as separate species. If we that spéciation always starts from the want to save these plants from extinc­ old, diploidic stock, while the more tion, we first must have an inventory advanced and more adaptable poly­ of places where they are found. These ploids have less power to produce places have to be turned into fully new combinations of characters. If protected nature reserves under a the diploids vanish, the group as a permanent scientific control that helps whole is condemned to disappear to guarantee the present state of con­ should a severe climatic deterioration ditions as occasionally quite natural surpassing the range of adaptability changes occur that would lead to the of the polyploids lead to their extinc­ ultimate extinction of a species. It is tion. But even if the latter survive no a widespread but wrong opinion that future evolution will start with them natural habitats will not change with­ as parentage of unforeseen new ra­ out human influence. ces. Only the diploids may produce Sometimes the most interesting and new allopolyploids by hybridization rarest plant species are found under alone. It is not a mere whim of bota­ conditions that only form a very un­ nists to be especially keen on the stable, transitory stage in the develop­ preservation of rare relic species. ment of vegetations towards its local They are providing the background for climax. Even the climax as the state a future as rich in genetic possibilities representing a more permanent equi­ as it was in the past. This is one of librium between rather fixed outer the most important tasks especially in conditions and the vegetational cover alpine countries, where such ancient as the temporary goal of the develop­ relics have been preserved up until ment of vegetation in a certain region now so that they might secure a re­ may change with changes of climate. surrection like that of phoenix from As far as possible man should try to the ashes even if a natural or a man- prevent any change of conditions in made catastrophe has bared vast a nature reserve. He cannot, however, areas of their former life. prevent an alteration of the local cli­ mate. The last aid man can give to < Saxifraga longifolia - Pyrenean saxi­ frage. THREATENED AND PROTECTED PLANTS IN THE NETHERLANDS

Drs. J. MENNEMA, Rijksherbarium Leiden, Netherlands

At the beginning of this century the results eg Scandinavia (Hulkén, 1950), Centaurea calcitrapa, Cochlearia offi­ number of species oc­ Great Britain (Perring and Walters, cinalis, villosa, Himanthoglos- curring in the Netherlands was esti­ 1962) and Belgium and Luxembourg sum hircinum, Oenanthe peucedanifo- mated at 1400, of which 44% were (Van Rompaey and Delvosalle, 1972). lia, Salvinia natans, Teucrium scor- considered rare (Mennema, 1974b). However, all the data from investiga­ dium and Thesium humifusum have However during the last seventy-five tion records over the last seventy disappeared completely from 80-100% years, not only have over seventy spe­ five years are available at the institute of the quadrats where they occurred cies actually become extinct, but the for the Investigation of the Nether­ before 1950. It is very difficult to ex­ percentage of rare species has also lands vegetation (IVON) which has press the decline of a species in actual risen to 56%. In fact, only 20% of thus been able to analyse many of numbers of specimens. In the Nether­ the Netherlands flora can now be re­ the changes in the occurrence of lands complete records are available garded as very common. The increase different flora over this period. Full only fo r Pinguicuia vulgaris (Schim ­ in rarity has been more dramatically results will be published in the Atlas mel, 1968). About 1900 there were ma­ shown by Westhoff et al. (1970) who of the Netherlands Flora (Mennema, ny thousands of specimens occurring found that the product of the number 1975b). An example of this analysis is in 170 quadrats each of 20 km2 ; in of rare species multiplied by the the comparison of data for about 170 1975 the number of specimens is bet­ number of localities in which they are different species collected before and ween 150 and 200 in only 11 quadrats Following a comparison of data for about 170 different species, collected before and after 1950 in the Netherlands, it found for the year 1970 to be as little up to 1950 and after 1950. It was found of 20 km 2. was found that since 1950, 3 % had increased, 33 % had neither increased nor decreased and that 60 % were definitely that since 1950 3% of the species as 30 % of the product calculated for This year an annual registration of on the decline. In certain cases the increase was only apparent. Thus the number of localities where Phillitis scolopen­ studied had increased, that 37% had 1900. These and the following data are specimens of some of the very rare drium (above) occurs has increased due to greater knowledge and a more intensive investigation of its habitat. all based on a systematic mapping of neither increased nor decreased and species will be started using a simi­ that 60% were definitely on the de­ the Netherlands flora, begun by Goet- lar method to that of Perring in Great hart and Jongmans (1902). A com­ cline (Mennema, 1973). In some cases Britain. the increase was only apparent eg the vulgaris, Spiranthes aestivalis, Vio­ plete coverage of the Netherlands was The records of IVON make it rather a) by natural causes, eg shifting of paralias), collecting plants for phar­ number of localities where P hyllitis la stagnina), re-allotment (C arex finished in 1950, when a second in­ easy to enumerate the endangered the area (Campanula rhomboidalis, maceutical use (Arnica montana) ; scolopendrium and Carex buxbaumii dioca and C. pulicaris, Eriophorum vestigation was started to enable plant species in the Netherlands. Cornus suecica, Himanthoglossum c) by indirect human influence, eg comparative studies to be made. This occur have increased due to greater hircinum, Oenanthe peucedanifolia, urban and industrial development latifolium, Littorella uniflora, Pin­ second investigation is still in process knowledge and a more intensive in­ Preparation of maps for the Atlas of Salvinia natans, Thesium humifu­ (Fritilaria meleagris, Gentiana cru- guicuia vulgaris), technical and cul­ and although it is not yet completed vestigation of their habitats. A true in­ the Netherlands Flora makes it neces­ sum, Wahlenbergia hederacea), ciata, Leucojum aestivum), reno­ tural measures to ameliorate the (Mennema and Van Urk, 1973), much crease has been ascertained for only sary to survey all the literature pu­ rabbit-glutton (Anacamptis pyrami­ vation of old walls (Asplénium ruta- grass-land and the use of herbici­ valuable information has already been two species, viz Angelica archangeli­ blished in the Netherlands on each dalis), periods of dryness (S crophu- muraria, Phyllitis scolopendrium, des (Aceras anthropophorum, Ar­ obtained for certain species as will be ca and Crambe maritima. Quené-Bote- species. And this literature often pro­ laria vernalis), the flood of 1953 Perietaria judaica), reclamation of nica montana, Fritillaria meleagris, illustrated below. renbrood and Mennema (1973) investi­ vides a lot of information as to the (Verbena officinalis) ; nature areas (Anacamptis pyrami­ Gagea villosa, Galeopsis ladanum, Unfortunately only a small number of gated the decline of 30 plant species reason(s) for the decline of a parti­ b) by direct human influence, eg ga­ dalis, Campanula glomerata, Carex G. segetum and G. speciosa, Le- the maps established in the 1900- in terms of a comparison between cular species. Of the species found to thering plants (Aceras anthropo- pulicaris, Equisetum telmateia, Erio- gousia hybrida and L. speculum - 1950 survey have been published their presence in twenty km2 qua­ be on the decline from the compara­ phorum, Fritillaria meleagris, Leu- phorum gracile and £. latifolium, veneris, Melampyrum arvense, Nar­ (Goethart and Jongmans, 1902-1908 ; drats at the time of the survey and tive map analysis as mentioned above, cojum aestivum, the tubers of Bu- Fiammarbya paludosa, Juncus ca- cissus pseudonarcissus, Oroban- SI off, 1935-1950) where as other Eu­ their presence in these same qua­ information concerning the decline nium bulbocastanum), inefficient pitatus, J. mutabilis and J. tenageia, che minor, Polygala serpyllifolia ropean countries who began mapping drats before 1950. For some species has been found for about 72 % management (Scrophularia verna­ Littorella uniflora, all the species of and P. vulgaris), changes in corn their flora at much later dates have the decline has been very marked — (Mennema, 1973). Three main reasons lis), increasing recreation pressure Lycopodium in the Netherlands, trade relations (Centaurea calcitra­ already published fully comprehensive for example, Anacamptis pyramidalis, have been distinguished : (Calystegia soldanella, Euphorbia Narthecium ossifragum, Pinguicuia pa), air-pollution (all the species of Lycopodium in the Netherlands), N um ber of N um ber o f It is obvious that considerable colla­ water-pollution (Azolla caroliniana), w oodland Netherlands boration is needed from many diffe­ drainage (Anacamptis pyramidalis, species 3 0 - species rent specialists. For the problems of Carex dioica and C. p u lica ris, Erio- endangered flora are intricately linked phorum latifolium, Isoetes lacustris with the problems of air-pollution, wa­ and I. setacea, Juncus capitatus, J. ter-pollution, reclamation, re-allotment, m utabilis and J. tenageia, Viola sta- the necessity of the amelioration of gnina), changes in the original wa- the grassland, the use of herbicides, ter-management (Teucrium scor- 2 5 - 25 0 and of drainage, etc., etc. They are dium ), closing of the former Zuider­ thus the responsability not only of zee (Apium graveolens, Artemisia biological experts nature conservatio­ maritima, Cakile maritima, Coch- nists and nature lovers, but also of learia anglica and C. o fficinalis), technical, political, economical, socio­ closing of the estuaries in the — A-, logical, commercial experts, etc., etc. southwestern part of the Nether­ 20 - 200 It is only through a mutual effort that lands (Cochlearia anglica and C. a solution will be found. officinalis, Scirpus triqueter). Literature It is remarkable that the decline due GOETHART, W. J. C. & W. J. JONGMANS, to indirect human influence is 12 ti­ 1902-1908. Plantenkaartjes voor Nederland. Leyde. 15- 150 mes greater than that due to direct HULTEN, E., 1950. Atlas over växternas ut- human influence (Mennema, 1973). bredning i Norden. Stockholm. This is why measures to protect threa­ MENNEMA, J., 1973. La régression des tened plant species in the Netherlands espèces végétales en Hollande, basée sur merely through the prohibition of ga­ les premiers résultats de l'atlas de la flore thering plants (1973) are very insuffic­ néerlandaise en préparation. Leyde. ient as they are for most European IQ- 100 MENNEMA, J., 1974a. Some remarks con­ countries (Mennema, 1975a). That is cerning the woodland flora in the Nether­ lands with regard to perspectives and why at the first Conference in Arc-et- problems of conservation. Arc-et-Senans. Senans (France) in 1973 we tried to MENNEMA, J., 1974b. List of extinct and go further than just a European prohi­ very rare plant species in the Netherlands. bition of gathering plants. Liste des plantes végétales éteintes ou très 5 0 We think it is essential that every rares dans les Pays-Bas. Strasbourg. European country should investigate MENNEMA, J., 1975a. Zijn de bedreigde planten in Nederland thans werkelikj be- and register all its own rare and en­ schermd ? Mens en Natuur (in press). dangered plant species. Once this has MENNEMA, J., 1975b. Atlas van de Neder- been achieved it will be possible to landse Flora (in prep.). draw up a list of European endan­ MENNEMA, J. & R. M. VAN URK, 1973. De gered plant species. These species huidige stand van de Tweede inventarisa- could be subdivided in phytosociolo- tieronde van het IVON. Corteria 6 (9), p. 153-155. gical/ecological groups such as rock- Extremely rare Extremely common plants, weeds, ruderal plants, aquatic PERRING, F. H. & S. M. WALTERS, 1962. Atlas of the British Flora, London. plants, salt plants, plants of seashore QUENE-BOTERENBROOD, A. J. & J. MEN­ and sea-dunes, etc., etc. If the pro­ The regression of the woodland flora in the Netherlands during the last 70 years in relation to the regression of the entire Netherlands flora. NEMA, 1973. Zeldzame Nederlandse plante- blems are in general the same for all soorten in Zuid-Holland. Gravenhage. the European countries (and we belie­ ROMPAEY, E. van & L. DELVOSALLE, 1972. ve they are I), then some of these Atlas de la flore belge et luxembourgeoise. groups will contain a great number of - : w oodland species in 1900 Bruxelles. endangered plant species. And the SCHIMMEL, H. J. W., 1968. Leven en laten group of forest-plants will undoubted­ - : w oodland species in 1970 leven. Amsterdam. SLOFF, J. G., 1935-1950. Plant maps for the ly not be among those the greatest - : all Netherlands species in 1900 Netherlands. In Blumea and Ned. Kruidk. number. It is for this reason that it Archief. seems incomprehensible to me that - : all Netherlands species in 1970 WESTHOFF et al., 1970. Wilde Planten. the second Arc-et-Senans Conference Flora en vegetatie in onze natuurgebieden, in 1974 discussed the problems and I. Amsterdam. the perspectives of the woodland flora. For as far as the Netherlands is concerned (and this also seems to be the case for most other European countries) the regression of the wood­ land flora during the last 75 years is less significant than the regression of the entire Netherlands flora (Menne­ ma, 1974a). The real regression of the Netherlands flora is to be found in the wetland flora, the arable weeds and the poor land flora. To solve this problem measures must be found to Himanthoglossum hircinum - a species definitely on the decline in the Nether­ stop or avoid the impoverishment of lands, due to natural causes such as shifting of the area. the habitats of these flora. But how ? COUNCIL OF EUROPE INFORMATION CAMPAIGN 1976-77 The Council of Europe’s Information Centre for Nature Conservation will dedicate a special publicity campaign to sal to remove all protection from Grey­ the conservation and management of wetlands in 1976/1977. Following in the footsteps of its soil and freshwater lag and Pink-footed Geese in parts campaigns, the Centre intends to draw attention from ali over Europe to one of the most diverse and productive — of Scotland — on the grounds of agri­ yet also one of the most threatened — aspects of our environment : the wetlands. cultural damage — while the Norwe­ It is hoped that through close cooperation with such international specialist organisations as the International Water­ gian delegate deplored the shooting fowl Research Bureau, maximum publicity will be achieved in such a way that not only will the public and autho­ of many thousand Oystercatchers in rities concerned be informed of the need to conserve wetlands but that practical propositions will also be offered S. Wales because they ate cockles. In to them as a means of meeting this need. both cases the British delegation was able to give replies that indicated that better counsels might yet prevail be­ cause of pressure from conservatio­ nists. The Report of the host country re­ THE HEILIGENHAFEN CONFERENCE vealed numerous threats to the re­ maining wetlands in the Federal Repu­ blic and the Conference agreed to four specific Recommendations aimed ON THE INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION at modifying the destructive tenden­ cies about which it was informed. Whi­ Professor G. V. T. MATTHEWS le the delegate from Iceland could OF WETLANDS Director of the International Waterfowl report improvements in wetland con­ Research Bureau (IWRB) servation, the fate of the great central S lim bridge oasis of Thjorsarver, subject of a spe­ AND WATERFOWL Gloucestershire cial Recommendation at Ramsar, re­ U. K. mained in doubt. So did that of the North Bull Island in Ireland. In Italy, hitherto rather backward in conserva­ The Ramsar Convention There were also representatives of somewhat permissive. It seeks to func­ tion, great steps forward had been It was highly appropriate that, in this FAC, UNESCO, the United Nations tion by exhortation and example, by made but an urgent Recommendation Opening Speech on behalf of the host Environment Programme and the competition and comparison, by ac­ concerning legislation was requested. country, Mr. Joseph Ertl, Federal Mi­ Council of Europe, along with six in­ countability in the eyes of the interna­ The Netherlands were congratulated nister of Food, Agriculture and Fo­ ternational Non-Governmental Organi­ tional community. Conferences such on the action to safeguard the Dollard restry, should announce that the Fede­ sations. as that at Heiligenhafen are specifi­ on the Waddensea coast. The Report ral Republic of Germany had just It was particularly encouraging to see cally called for in the Articles, to serve from Senegal gave rise to a Recom­ signed the Convention on Wetlands representatives from many Asian and as the forum where the nations can re­ mendation jointly addressed to that of International Importance Especially African countries, , Iran, port, be judged and questioned on country, Mali and Mauritania. Indeed as Waterfowl Habitat. The Text for this Iraq, Japan, , Kenya, Mali, Mau­ the progress they have made in the the Conference emphasised the desi­ important Convention had been deci­ ritania, Niger, Pakistan, Senegal, conservations of wetlands and water­ rability of regional arrangements and ded upon at the preceding Confe­ South , Thailand and Zambia. fowl. The aim is not to pillory any co-operation, bearing in mind the rence at Ramsar in Iran. It is therefore These countries are among those con­ country but to bring to bear the weight “flyways” of the migratory waterfowl. generally known as the "Ramsar Con­ taining some of the last great wet­ of informed international opinion so In general the Conference felt that vention", though it was actually ope­ lands, often in near-pristine condi­ that the authorities concerned may be there was a net loss of wetlands ned for signature in Paris, at the tion ; their counterparts in Europe ha­ persuaded to restructure their plans, throughout the world, at a rate that UNESCO H eadquarters in July 1972. ve so often been degraded thought­ taking into account interests they may was extremely alarming in many coun­ The Federal Republic was the eighth lessly and relatively fruitlessly. not have known existed. tries. It recommended the urgent im­ country to sign, its predecessors be­ The Ramsar Convention requires the plementation of the Ramsar Conven­ ing Iran, Finland, United Kingdom, conservation of wetlands both specifi­ The National Reports tion and of every other possible step USSR, Switzerland, Norway and Aus­ cally and by general measures. A The circulated National Reports of the to ensure that at least the major wet­ tralia. During the course of the Con­ Contracting Party designates suitable nine Convention Signatories were lands of the world are conserved for ference the Swedish delegate was wetlands within its borders and under­ considered first, then the written Re­ future generations — of birds as well able to announce that his country had takes to maintain them in proper con­ ports of 24 other countries represen­ as of Man. become the ninth Signatory. However, dition. Thus, the United Kingdom has ted at the Conference and of four described in detail. The extraordinary international scale has been establi­ for the Convention to come into force, designated 13 such areas in its first others which were unable to send de­ The richness of wetlands wastefulness of Man as a predator on shed. The use of waterfowl as indica­ seven countries must have become list, Iran 18, Sweden 20. But, of course, legates or observers. Verbal reports One of the most difficult messages to fish and other sea-food was empha­ tors to demonstrate the richness of a Contracting Parties, by ratification the number of areas is not the whole or short statements were made on be­ get across to administrators, politi­ sised. Thus he only consumes about wetland habitat has therefore been through their legislature or by signa­ story, their size is very relevant. Thus half of six further countries present. cians and planners is that wetlands half the material he gathers. Even developed by the International Water­ ture without reservation as to such the Iranian contribution includes two Clearly there is not the space here are not wastelands, but are highly pro­ worse, since his fishing boats are dri­ fowl Research Bureau (which with the ratification. At the present there are areas of more than 400,000 ha. and to review in any detail this mass of in­ ductive areas, integral parts of the ven by fossil fuels, he actually uses German Federal Institute of Vegeta­ five Parties, Iran, Finland, Australia, three around 100,000. Then, besides formation and at the Conference itself whole environment, to be destroyed nearly twice as much energy collect­ tion Research, Nature Conservation Norway and Sweden. One of the func­ formulating and implementing their there could only be short exchanges at our ultimate peril. The technical ing the flesh than he gains from eating and Landscape Management - BAVNL tions of this Conference was to add planning to conserve the designated on major points. As an example of sessions (comprising 31 papers) there­ it. The direct conversion of petroleum - organised the Conference and provi­ impetus towards the implementation wetlands, the Contracting Party is re­ the news, good and bad, we may ins­ fore opened with presentations deri­ products into protein might be a more ded the Secretariat). The distributions of the Convention over as wide an quired to ensure the general wise use tance the Report of the United King­ ving from the work of the International efficient use of our fuel stocks ! of ducks, swans, coots and waders in area of the Earth’s surface as pos­ of all wetlands within their territory. dom. The Conference was glad to Biological Programme which over the Europe, Asia and North Africa, based sible. This Convention is the first ever to learn that the developmental threats past decade had greatly advanced our Waterfowl populations on counts made at many thousands of No less than 39 nations (as compared impose limitations on a country’s to two major wetlands in S. E. Eng­ knowledge and evoked co-operation However, the detailed assessment of wetland sites, were laid before the with 23 at Ramsar) sent delegates or freedom of action in dealing with land land, Foulness and the Medway, had in research across all boundaries of biological productivity is a lengthy, Conference. Similar surveys for West observers to Heiligenhafen, a holiday use within the national boundaries. Not been averted through changes in national and ideological differences. painstaking process and a wetland and East Africa were necessarily centre On the Schleswig-Holstein unnaturally its structure is therefore planning decisions. However, the Ice­ The biological richness of both fresh­ may well be destroyed by technologi­ somewhat less detailed. A great deal coast, from 2nd to 6th December 1974. not rigidly sanction-based, indeed is landic delegate questioned the propo­ water and estuarine wetlands was cal intrusion before its value on an of this information was gathered by highly competent amateurs and the Co-operation and education The rationalisation of hunting Conference recognised the enormous in wetland use One class of user of the wetlands contribution such people can make, The possibilities for the multi-use of over whom there has been much con­ calling for their encouragement by the wetlands by the many interests invol­ troversy is the hunter. Nowadays he early publication of the results to ved was repeatedly emphasised. In­ is accepted as functioning as a pre­ which they have contributed. Other pa­ deed, there was an absolute necessity dator within the natural system, pro­ pers emphasised further indicators of for collaboration at all levels from Go­ vided that the harvest of waterfowl a wetland's richness. Using all these vernments to individuals, including which he takes, and the associated data, a specialist committee drew up the full range of research workers, far­ disturbance, are rationalised and con­ a set of criteria for assessing the mers, administrators, naturalists, hun­ trolled. Indeed, it was made clear that international importance of a wetland. ters, fishermen, reed-cutters, tourists the modern hunters are themselves This will be valuable for countries be­ and local inhabitants. The general conservationists and provide many of coming Parties to the Ramsar Con­ theme of education, in the widest sen­ the data on population structure and vention and having to decide which se, received considerable attention. breeding success which are essential wetlands to include in their national The lay public sees wetlands as mo­ for a proper biological basis to the List for especial protection. notonous expanses of flatness, fit only exploitation of a renewable natural re­ for "reclamation". Publications, films source. Again the experience of col­ Waterfowl migration and television all play valuable roles leagues in the United States and Ca­ in spreading an enlightened interest nada was expounded, but it became Next, the vital necessity for interna­ through a wide audience. But nothing clear that important progress was tional co-operation in the study of makes such an immediate and lasting also being made in the Old World, waterfowl migrations was discussed. impact as personal involvement. Wa­ both in research and in establishing The Soviet Union’s crucial role as the terfowl are the most easily apprecia­ reasonable conservation measures. main producer of waterfowl migrating ted aspect of the wetland scene, but Nevertheless, flexibility in hunting sea­ West and South from her northern ter­ are wary and easily disturbed ; crowds sons in relation to hard weather and ritories was already known. More sur­ of people intrude on the sense of lo­ to other sudden changes in the ba­ prising, perhaps, was the extent to nely wilderness. Yet it is possible to lance of kill and production were which birds from Eastern Siberia enter reconcile the irreconcilable. The Con­ still required. It was also appreciated the United States. The agreements for ference was intrigued to hear how that in many countries the hunting circumpolar research projects be­ the public can be willingly restricted seasons were excessively long. The tween these two countries, and the to a small part of the wetland and Soviet delegation suggested that the Soviet Union's desire to co-operate conducted to concealed, well-equip­ aim should be 60 days of actual shoot­ with all countries in and Afri­ ped observation posts along screened ing in the course of a season. ca were therefore most welcome. The corridors. In this way large numbers of At the end of the technical session it Conference endorsed a system of people can come to appreciate, with­ was announced that the Government world-wide colour marking codes for out disturbance or intrusion, the of the Federal Republic of Germany swan and goose studies that in itself quiet beauty of the marshes and the had offered to produce a draft for a was a significant step forward in inter­ wonder of the massed flights of water­ Convention concerned with the con­ national liaison. fowl. servation of all migratory animals, and

Wetland management Wetlands are continuously evolving and are susceptible to change so their scientific management is of the ut­ to host a Conference to examine the Note on Personalia present most importance. Often we need to problem. This would probably be in President Dr. W. Erz (BAVNL) ; Vice Presi­ halt their evolution at a particular mo­ 1976 and the whole exercise would be dents Dr. I. Maximov (USSR) and Prof. A. A. ment or seek to turn the clock back. carried out in close association with Haapanen (Finland) ; Rapporteur - General Always we must be countering the the appropriate international bodies. Prof. G. V. T. Matthews (IWRB) ; Chairmen, abuses to which wetlands are subject. In view of the rising interest in wet­ Credentials Committee Prof. S. Casern (Jor­ dan), Drafting Committee Sir Peter Scott Sometimes the technology which so land conservation in Africa, it was de­ (UK), Criteria Committee Sir Hugh Elliott easily destroys these fragile ecosys­ cided that the successor to the pre­ (IUCN). tems can be used to create new wet­ sent Conference should be in that lands. A complete day was spent Continent. There was great enthu­ discussing the techniques available for siasm when the delegate from Zambia ensuring that the best possible use proposed, subject to the final agree­ was made of those wetlands that had ment of his Government, that its site been saved. Examples were drawn should be Lusaka. from the United States and Canada, from Africa, and from countries round the Baltic. The restoration of degra­ ded wetlands such as Lake Hornborga in Sweden aroused lively interest, whi­ le pollution control in the River Tha­ mes had resulted in a near-incredible re-colonisation by fish and by thou­ sands of ducks and waders. The suc­ cessful restoration of a river which was all but dead should give hope to conservationists the world over. a few species of lizards, snakes, prohibited, and (b) a list of public gar­ Conservation of natural terrestrial eco­ geckos and slow-worms, and a num­ dens and similar areas where no systems again presents a mixed pro­ ber of birds, most of which are migra­ shooting or trapping of any kind of blem. It has already been mentioned ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVA tory. There are very few wild mam­ bird is allowed. Practical enforcement that the only "natural" land in Malta mals of such regulations have not been is that which, for some reason or IN MALTA Louis J. SALIBA The coastal situation is somewhat dif­ easy, in view of the facts that (a) bird- other, is unsuitable for agricultural Department of Biology ferent. The sea around Malta is, for shooting and trapping has been a purposes. Though several types of ha­ Royal University of Malta the most part, clear and unpolluted, popular sport in Malta since time im­ bitat are present, these, with the ex­ Msida, Malta and several of marine species, repre­ memorial and (b) some of the "prohi­ ception of rocky waste land, are scat­ senting all the major phyla are pre­ bited" areas are easily accessible tered all over the islands in what one sent around and near the coast. The from many points. This situation is might call “penny packets". Most of dominant plant species are Posidonia probably not uncommon elsewhere. them are still virtually untouched, but and Cystoseira ; the fauna are much The majority of hunters are, however, their “official" recognition as nature more varied. The coastline is predo­ discriminatory, and shoot mainly at reserves presents difficulties because minantly rocky, except for some sandy migratory game. The position is cur­ of their very small size and scattered beaches scattered at various points, rently under view. distribution. Furthermore, many of the­ and the fauna and flora of the littoral Conservation of plant species has so se are privately-owned. From the more zone show no significant variations far not demanded any specific admi­ general aspect, the national situation from region to region. nistrative measures. Chemical Weed has always demanded that any land Nature conservation in Malta is ren­ Control in Malta is only practised on should be put to its most productive dered difficult, in the strict sense of a small scale, and is confined to areas use, and soil conservation legislation, the term, by various problems perhaps under cultivation. Owing to the small whereby any soil dug up from build­ not normally encountered in other size of fields, machinery used for ing sites has to be removed and countries. In these problems, not only spraying is of the Knapsack type, transported to barren land (for recla­ the particular environmental condi­ and, even in windy conditions, the to­ mation purposes), has been in force tions, but also, to a large degree, the tal amount of spray-drift is not signi­ for several years. Land reclamation, size-factor plays a major part. Above ficant. Coupled with these, one should coupled with an intensive afforestation all, the natural environment itself is also consider the overall plant distri­ programme, has been accelerated in viewed within the general context of bution in the Maltese Islands. About recent years, and semi-natural areas the human environment as an integral 20 % of the recorded angiosperm spe­ are both increasing, and supporting a whole, and nature conservation itself cies can be described as relatively variety of life-forms following the ini­ is now being tackled, not purely as a sparse. This sparsity, however, in the tial planting. separate concern, but as part of a main, arises out of a low population The greatest problem — the scarcity balanced national environmental fra­ density of these plants in common of greenery and natural life — is cur­ mework. habitats, rather than the restriction of rently being tackled by an emphasis From the general point of view, recent the species to specialised habitats. on improvement and expansion, rather developments aimed at protecting Except in a few isolated instances, than conservation alone. In this con­ Lying in the centre of the Mediterra­ irregularity of rainfall have also con­ Islands (mainly Malta and Gozo) wildlife as a whole have included there appears, at least at the moment, text, nature conservation and educa­ nean in latitude 36 , longitude 14 , the tributed to the fact that considerable abound. Conifers are relatively few, drastic amendments to Malta’s Pest to be no risk of any species disap­ tion are being closely linked. School­ Maltese Islands have a total area of areas in exposed situations present and only about 12 species of Pteri- Control legislation. Originally aimed at pearing. children are being encouraged to approximately 320 square kilometres. a barren appearance all the year dophytes have been recorded so far. protecting the farmer from "dubious" The main island, Malta, comprises round. This is accentuated during the Comprehensive lists of the flora have brands, and minimizing operator and 250 sq. km. ; Gozo, 7 km. to the North hot summer months. The average been made as far back as the last consumer hazards, the Pesticide Re­ West, 64 sq. km. The small island of annual rainfall is just over 500 mm., century, and a new systematic list has gulations were revised in 1971 to in­ Comino, roughly midway between the this figure being subject to consider­ recently been compiled. Lower plants clude environmental hazards among Old fortifications, walls and bastions often support a large amount of vegetation. larger two, is only 2,5 sq. km., while able variation from year to year, and have been less extensively studied. the main criteria employed in catego­ One of the commonest plants is the wild caper, Capparis sativa. Filfla, a small uninhabited rock, lies to irregular distribution within any par­ Practically all species have one thing rizing Pesticides. As a result, practi­ 8 km. off the South West coast of ticular year, usually occurring in heavy in common — the ability to tolerate cally all the persistent organo-chlori- Malta. showers of relatively short duration. highly calcareous soils. ne insecticides are now on the restric­ Taken in very general terms, the main Within this overall framework, how­ The natural and semi-natural vegeta­ ted list, and no longer available for ecological features of the group as a ever, a complex of different habitats tion is necessarily restricted by the general sale and use. This was done, whole are characterized by the preva­ can be found on land, and the islands value of arable land, and exists, for even though the comparative persis­ lently rocky, undulating terrain, and are comparatively rich in angiosperm the most part, only in rocky or semi- tence of these chemicals in local soils the relative shallowness of the local species, w hich are estim ated at 1300, rocky waste useless for agricultural is low, as the shallowness (of the soil) soil strata. Soil formation itself, under within 470 genera. This figure includes purposes, or in valleys and other iso­ coupled with the hot summer tempe­ Maltese climatic and geological con­ cultivated plants, and the ratio of less lated pockets where, similarly, the ratures, hastens degradation. Some ditions, is essentially a very slow pro­ than 3 species per genus suggests land cannot be turned to productive problems were encountered in a few cess, and soil types are limited by that a large proportion of these evol­ use. This has exercised some effect cases where no safer, equally-effec- the calcareous nature of all the parent ved outside Malta. It is also probable on the indigenous (and imported) ani­ tive alternative was available, but with rock. Three main types of soil can be that several species have been gra­ mal population. Malta’s wild fauna is the advent of new less-persistent pes­ distinguished — the Terrarossa soils, dually introduced over the years. The relatively limited, especially in tree- ticides, the only remaining organo- formed from Coralline limestone, the variation in habitats is evidenced by inhabiting species. Apart from insects, chlorine compound, Aldrin, is gra­ Xerorenzina, from Globigerina lime­ the fact that approximately 10% of terrestrial invertebrates comprise so­ dually being phased out of use. stone, and Carbonate raw soil, from angiosperm species are hydrophytic, me isopods, various arachnids, some Birds represent the only class of ani­ fragmented Upper Globigerina and living in valleys and ponds where pulmonate gastropods, and a variety mals which have received ad hoc le­ clay. There are distinct differences in water, accumulated by winter rainfall, of nematodes. Two genera of earth­ gislative attention. Regulations for the fertility between the various kinds, and does not dry out completely during w orm s (Allolobophora and Eisenia) protection of birds have been in force mixtures (arising out of both natural summer. One fifth of the angiosperm are present in isolated damp pockets for several years. Briefly, these com­ and artificial causes) are frequently species are common on the numerous in valleys. Vertebrates comprise one prise (a) a list of "protected" birds, encountered. Wind conditions and the walls and bastions with which the species of frog (Discoglossus pictus), the shooting or trapping of which is ther than ecological, attention, and there is still an ample field for study in this sphere. Here, however, in gene­ ECOLOGY IN A NEW BRITISH ral, it would be difficult to justify restriction of access to any land in John G. KELCEY Malta on the sole grounds of the Milton Keynes Development Corporation scientific value of its biotic content, CITY Wavendon Tower, W avendon not only because such value is, in many cases, doubtful, but also becau­ Milton Keynes MK17 8LX U. K. se of other difficulties in connection with such restrictions. There are one Milton Keynes was designated a new b) the creation of new habitats, for d) produce information on which to or two exceptions here, and the pro­ city in 1967 to accommodate about example grassland, wetland, wood­ base management programmes for blems involved in these isolated in­ 250,000 people from London and the land, lakes, road verges, golf cour­ those areas which are to be re­ stances appear to be that any public natural growth of Buckinghamshire, in ses, landscapes, etc. tained ; restriction of access, unless accom­ preference to the expansion of exist­ e) obtain information about the struc­ panied by appropriate measures not ing towns and villages. It is situated A diagrammatic representation of the ture of the various ecosystems so always possible to execute, could very in 22,000 acres of North Bucking­ ideal situation is given in fig. 1. that better advice and information well achieve the reverse effect by hamshire, lying about halfway between Although there was no ecological in­ can be given to planners, landscape drawing unnecessary (and harmful) Oxford and Cambridge and London put into the Master Plan, a number of designers and managers about the attention to the localities in question. and Birmingham. The Master Plan reports were prepared by academic treatment of established ecosys­ The coastline, and the waters imme­ w hich was published in 1970, sets our institutions and voluntary organisa­ tems and the creation of new habi­ diately adjoining it, present a som e­ six goals : tions. The most comprehensive and tats, for example the rate and type what different picture, though the ge­ 1. Opportunity and freedom of choice. useful study was one carried out be­ of colonisation of Oxford Clay or neral problems involved are similar. 2. Balance and variety. tween 1968 and 1971 by the Corpo­ calcareous boulder clay, the effect Sandy shores are relatively devoid of 3. Easy m ovem ent and access. ration’s forestry officer who recorded of a particular management regime, marine life, while those with a rocky 4. Creation of an attractive City. details of every hedgerow and hed­ etc. or mixed substrate present very much 5. Public awareness and participation. gerow tree (including copses) in the This work involves the collection of the same general picture in all loca­ 6. Efficient and imaginative use of City. This included the predominant quantitative biological data, informa­ lities. Spear-fishing is extensively resources. species of the hedge and details of tion about the physical nature of the practised, but only throughout the The Corporation appointed an ecologist tree species, including the estimated site and the soil and water chemistry. summer months. The increasing tou­ to its staff tow ards the end of 1972, life expectancy, the state of the crown, In some cases time has only permit­ rist trade is of considerable national about 12-18 months after the start of etc., the data being stored on 1:2500 ted the collection of qualitative data. importance, and the conservation ef­ implementation of the Master Plan. maps and a set of schedules. In 1972 Rare or unusual plant species occur­ fect can be best achieved in most The topography is one of gently un­ a visual and subjective survey was ring on sites which cannot be retained instances by striking the necessary dulating land lying between 209 ft made to ascertain the number of sites or which will not be viable when balance between retaining as much 0 . D. and 367 ft O. D. The natural drai­ of wildlife value in the city which re­ the city is completed, are being as possible of the natural characte­ nage of the area is divided equally vealed many sites of interest that had transplanted to a safe area or kept ristics of a locality, and providing ap­ between two river valleys which flow not previously been recorded. Some of in the nursery until suitable, safe propriate recreational amenities in south to north into the River Ouse these areas have been or will be dele- habitats can be found or created such a way as to enhance, rather than (which forms the northern boundary teriously affected by development but within the City. The seed of wildflo- detract from, the former. The absence of the city). The geology is simple, because plans were or are in such an wers from these and other sites is of heavy Industries in Malta ensures comprising a variable thickness of advanced state, it has not been pos­ collected by voluntary labour for even­ that the immediate coastal waters are calcareous boulder clay in the north sible to change or modify them. Be­ tual sowing on suitable sites. A col­ free from pollutants, and considera­ to a neutral boulder clay in the central cause of the size of the development lection of living flowering plants and tion is currently being given to the and southern parts of the city. First programme it is inevitable that some ferns is being made for the creation possibility of designating appropriate and second river terrace gravels and sites will be lost either by direct de­ of the herbaceous equivalent of an ar­ coastal areas as natural marine re­ alluvium occupy the river valleys, with velopment or indirectly by isolation or boretum. A herbarium of flowering serves. Such designation will obvious­ Oxford Clay exposed over large areas location, for example it will not be plants, ferns and bryophytes has also Valleys of this type are fairly common, some considerably wider than this. ly have to fall winthin a general plan- of the valley flanks. Blisworth lime­ possible to retain the wildlife value been established. Vegetation on the sides and at the bottom differ to a variable extent. nin programme for the whole coastal stone and Cornbrash outcrop extensi­ of a small meadow and a clay spoil Animals are more difficult to deal with, zone, and will, amongst other things, vely in the north and northwest. heap close to the City Centre. It is but a scheme to map on V 2 km. X necessarily have to take into account The average rainfall is about 648 mm. therefore necessary to evaluate the V 2 km. grid, the distribution of birds, other potential uses of any locality with mean annual evaporation of 432- viability of the site in relation to the mammals, butterflies, and other spe­ grow seedlings themselves (from seed tours .in the scattered natural habi­ selected, and above all, the problems 437 (380 mm. occurring during the development programme and “trade cies (including flowering plants) has specially provided and distributed) tats available are also regularly orga­ concerned with its management. summer months). off " of the losses against opportuni­ been established. In order to monitor and, at the appropriate time present nized, and one main problem in this Ecological activities in Milton Keynes ties to create new habitats. changes the scheme will run on a se­ their plants for use in public afforesta­ respect, considering the disparity in divide are into three parts : Ecological monitoring of these sites ven year cycle, i. e. recording w ill tion programmes. One major draw­ population numbers between the va­ 1. Wildlife conservation. (including woodland, grassland, clay only occur during 1973-74, 1980-81, back in the past has been the almost rious species, is the drawing of a 2. Ecological engineering and design pits, clay spoil heaps, road verges, 1987-88, etc. The results should show complete absence of biological scien­ definite line between collection and — i. e. the use of ecological princi­ railway embankments, canals, etc.) is the distribution and relative abun­ ces in the primary and secondary on-the-spot observation, in order to ples as a technology to achieve now in progress to : dance of species so that suitable ha­ school curricula. This has now been avoid (as has happened elsewhere) planning and design aspirations. a) provide information for more de­ bitats can be created in appropriate remedied, and, apart from formal the almost complete removal of a 3. Environmental Education and inter­ tailed ecological evaluation and to situations for animals (and plants) to classroom tuition, a Field Study Cen­ scarce species through (illogically pretation. provide data on which to base ar­ move to. tre has been in operation for the last enough) overcollection during educa­ Wildlife conservation can be further guments and order priorities ; The opportunity to create new habi­ two years. This is proving an indis- tional outdoor classes having the ge­ sub-divided into : b) gather information for the historical tats, (on the large scale) to compen­ pensible help in the creation of a neral aim of study and conservation. a) the preservation of established record ; sate for losses caused by development sense of environmental awareness From the purely scientific viewpoint, w ild life and w ild life habitats e. g. c) monitor the effect of management, is not generally possible in the expan­ that was previously noticeable for its the majority of habitats in the Maltese woodlands, clay pits, clay spoil development, urbanisation, recrea­ sion of existing towns and villages. It complete absence. Field courses and Islands have received taxonomic, ra­ heaps, road verges, etc. ; tion and other public pressures ; should be possible by good planning, ration is encouraging and assisting Monitoring Ecological Effects of : Ecological Management with the establishment of insect gar­ Urbanisation Biocides dens and tree nurseries in schools — Recreation Pollution IMPLEMEN­ the children actually plant and look Public Pressure Silviculture TATION after the trees and shrubs. A Con­ Management Grazing/Mowing MANAGEMENT Colonisation of New Habitats Public Pressure servation Corps has recently been Recreational Lakes started for people over 12 years old whilst a Junior Conservation Corps R escue fo r pre-school children to 12 years is Transplanting Rescue - currently being devised with the pur­ Translocation Recording pose of being an umbrella body to Museums IMPLEMENTATION co-ordinate individual groups of chil­ dren based on schools (as an extra­ curricular activity) youth clubs, Com­ Detailed Investigation of Ecosystems Ecological Engineering and Design munity Centres, Scouts, Guides, etc., and Habitats Balancing Lakes — each with its own image and with Woodlands Biological Grasslands its own priorities within the common Grasslands Components Grid Road Woodlands purpose, aims and objectives, of the Rivers Other Woodlands main body. Gravel Pits Hedgerows Clay Pits Quantitative Sewerage Treatment and Disposal Planning/ Spoil Heaps Studies Experimentation Design Ponds DESIGNATION ^ Road Verges Hedgerows Site Appraisal of Ecological Resources Railway Line History Arable Land Environmental Impact Canal Statements Evaluation Studies CONCEPTION Land Use Species Richness Historical Ecology Habitat Diversity (complements archaeological activities) — pollen — snails — geology — soils — vegetation of archaeological sites Fig. 1. — Ecological Activities in Milton Keynes

design and management to replace criteria. These new roads will comple­ creational aspirations, with certain ex­ a wide range of habitats and plant and ment existing road verges, the canal ceptions any wildlife conservation va­ animal species or even increase the and the railway as "wildlife corridors", lue is secondary. wildlife of the area. forming a network linking together In order that the presence of Milton The road system of Milton Keynes is discrete sites and from which wildlife Keynes shall not make flooding in the an irregular grid of curving horizontal can colonise new habitats. Ouse Valley any worse than it was in and vertical roads with intersections Golf courses provide opportunities to 1947, a number of impoundment re­ at roughly 1 km. intervals. There will create new hedgerows, blocks of servoirs (known as balancing lakes) Environmental education and interpretation are important to stimulate children be about 146 km. of road, with verges woodland, scrub and rough grassland are necessary. It was decided to make and adults to understand and appreciate their surroundings and therefore to on each side of 15 m. - 35.9 m. (i. e. a for wildlife. Blocks of woodland are some of these lakes permanently wet care for them better. total verge width at any point will be also being planted within the 3000 for land and water based recreational/ 30 m .-71.8 m.). Apart from a 4.5 m. acres of open space and linear park. am enity purposes (i. e. the flood capa­ wide service reservation adjoining the These blocks will complement other city is on top of a permanent body of road, which will be maintained as habitats such as the balancing lakes water). The lakes will be off stream, assess the ecological implications and Monitoring is being carried out to short grassland, the verges will be (see later), grassland areas, the rivers have a general depth of 1.8 m. (with consequences of the design and re­ investigate the changes in the com­ planted with trees to form belts of and drainage ditches, etc. localised deep water channels) and creational aspirations, to identify the position of the sward resulting from woodland running through the city, Part of the ecological work is to moni­ receive a direct discharge of run-off natural and man-made problems which the oscillating water levels. forming a total of about 7.6 sq. km. of tor the rate of colonisation of these from the city’s streets and roads. The may arise, and to list the design/mana­ Environmental education and interpre­ w oodland. new habitats by plants and animals. lakes, which vary in size from about gement options to prevent or ame­ tation are important to stimulate chil­ Consideration is being given to the Ecological engineering design and 40 acres to 200 acres, will be zoned liorate the problems and to make dren and adults to understand and creation of a zonal management sys­ management are concerned with the for different water and land based recommendations accordingly. An eco­ appreciate their surroundings and tem across the verge comprising 6 achievement of planning and design activities. One has been scheduled for logical monitoring programme is cur­ therefore to care for them better. A zones. Zone 1, short grassland ; aspirations which may or may not wildlife and passive recreation, whilst rently being devised. high quality environment, an excellent zone 2, medium grassland (i. e. 400 have a wildlife value. The grid road the others will be used for yachting, Some of the balancing lakes will be landscape scheme, or an area of wild­ mm.) ; zone 3, tall grassland ; zone 4, planting landscape policy outlined angling, canoeing, paddle-boats, etc. wet/dry (filling up with water only in life value can be severely damaged shrubs ; and zone 6, forest trees and above is an example of the creation with commercial development around times of storm and being dry the if the public as a whole do not under­ shrubs ; and zone 6 forest trees and of woodland ecosystems for visual the margins, e. g. hotel, club-houses, remainder of the time). After comple­ stand and appreciate the design/ma­ plants of zones 4 and 5. The number amenity and wildlife purposes. In the public houses, etc. tion of engineering works a standard nagement aspirations. In order to in­ and width of the zones will be deter­ following example, ecological know­ The ecological effort has been to seed-mix is sown and the resulting volve children in caring more for their mined by site conditions and design ledge is being applied to achieve re­ attempt, (on a “ costbenefit ” basis) to grassland managed by sheep grazing. environment the Development Corpo­ 27 October 1967 : Sarek and Padjelanta National Parks (Sweden). 27 October 1967 : Swiss National Park. ...NEWS... NEWS... NEWS...NEWS...NEWS... 27 November 1967 : Abruzzi National Park (Italy). 29 November 1968 : Wollmatinger Ried Nature Reserve (FRG). WMQDM ########## 2 July 1970 : Boschplaat Nature Reserve (Netherlands). 22 September 1971 : Siebengebirge (FRG). 26 October 1973 : Germano-luxembour­ geois National Park. Ad hoc Group — Europ’s work, the experts who par­ Tenth Anniversary of the Plant Species ticipated in the Arc-et-Senans sym­ European Diploma posia and the governmental experts Numerous plant and animal species on the European Committee consi­ The European Diploma was created have disappeared from particular der that the Council of Europe by the Council of Europe in order areas of Europe, some even from should carry out this project in close to promote effective conservation the entire continent. Several species and active collaboration with Flora and management in protected areas are threatened with extinction. Europaea and IUCN. considered to be of exceptional Eu­ The ecological dangers inherent in At the first meeting of the ad hoc ropean interest. On 29 March 1965 this situation are still unknown. group, held in Strasbourg on 10 and the Diploma was awarded for the In order to halt this trend, lists must 11 December 1974, 5 categories of first time, by a decision of the Com­ be compiled of those species which European flora were defined : mittee of Ministers of the Council are threatened and require special a) endemic plants found only in of Europe, at the proposal of the protection. Lists of this type cover­ small areas in Europe ; European Committee for the Conser­ ing the whole of Europe, such as the b) other endemic plants in marked vation of nature and natural resour­ IUCN Red Book, are of the utmost decline in Europe ; ces, to : importance not only for the protec­ c) non-endemic plants found only in — the nature reserves of : tion of our biological heritage but small areas in Europe ; the Camargue (France) ; The protected landscape of Siebengebirge (FRG), an example of an area also for the satisfactory functioning d) non-endemic plants in marked de­ the Hautes Fagnes (Belgium) and combining social, recreational and biological functions. of our vital systems and the harmo­ cline in Europe ; to the Peak District National Park nisation of the various states fre­ e) plants, others than those in cate­ United Kingdom). quently divergent legislation in the gories a) to d), which are in dan­ Since then the Diploma has been The Diploma is awarded for a five- matter. ger of extinction by reason of awarded to ten other areas (cf. list (FRG). An independent expert their very small number in Eu­ of diplomas awarded) and is now year period at the end of which it was sent to make an on-the-spot Having recognised the need for ur­ rope. internationally esteemed as helping may be renewed. At this point an study of the impact that the pro­ gent action, the Council of Europe The exact situation each plant in the to safeguard those areas whose expert is appointed to carry out a ject would have in and around published a booklet on threatened above categories will be defined by prestige it has enhanced. new on-the-spot appraisal. So far, all the reserve. European mammals in 1969. This the following data : The regulations, revised on 19 Ja­ the diplomas have been renewed. Recommendations have been made, survey is to be updated in 1975. A — extinct, nuary 1973, appear in Resolution (73) The award of the Diploma does not stressing the need to work out a similar survey on threatened Euro­ — confined to 1 or 2 localities ap­ 4 of the Committee of Ministers. involve any financial contribution ; countryside planning programme pean birds was carried out in 1973 proximate area 25 km2, The Diploma is awarded to natural its value is not m erely sym bolic. It and reduce the effects of building along the same lines, and a number — number reduced by about 50 %. areas, sites or features whose main can provide those responsible for the line (noise, damage to the land­ of resolutions and recommendations Several lists will be compiled to co­ purpose is : the area with a means of bringing scape) to a level where they would on the subject addressed to Council ver the different categories. — either to safeguard the biological pressure to bear in order to streng­ not seriously be of harm to the re­ of Europe member states have been The overall, European approach heritage, then the conservation of the protec­ serve. adopted by the Committee of Mi­ adopted in the initial stage will sub­ — or to preserve the character of ted area and avoid its deteriorating Five applications have recently been nisters. sequently be replaced by a regional the landscape, (through building, unsuitable devel­ received : opment, etc.). Several examples bear — the Gran Paradiso National Park Now a group of eminent specialists approach. — or to combine the social, recrea­ this out : (Italy) ; designated by the European Com­ In order to speed up progress, na­ tional and biological functions of — the Vanoise National Park (Fran­ mittee for the Conservation of Na­ tional data relating to the 5 catego­ the area concerned. 1. The Wollmatinger Ried Nature ce) ; ture and Natural Resources is enga­ ries mentioned will be requested Governments applying for the award Reserve : in 1973 the hunting of — the Pyrenees National Park (Fran­ ged in compiling a European list of from Flora Europaea which has been must send the Secretariat full support­ all species of aquatic birds was ce) ; endemic plants in danger of extinc­ assembling such information for 20 ing documents, which are then exami­ prohibited in the whole region as — the Weltenburger Enge Nature tion. years and has already published 4 ned by the "European Diploma” Work­ the European Committee had ma­ volumes on European flora, the 5th ing Party. Before submitting its con­ de the renewal of the period of Reserves (FRG) ; As a result of Recommendation N° 4 and final volume being due to ap­ clusions to the European Committee, validity of the diploma conditional — the Manyas-Kus Cennati National of the first European Ministerial Con­ pear shortly. the Working Party takes steps for an on this. Park (Turkey). ference on the Environment (Vienna This project is restricted to Council on-the-spot appraisal to be carried 2. The Salzburg authorities refu­ 1973) two international symposia we­ of Europe member states but will take out whenever it has been clearly sed to allow the building of ac­ re held at the Arc-et-Senans Inter­ in the whole of Europe if possible. established that the area is of Eu­ cès and through roads in the List of Diplomas awarded national Centre for Reflection on the At the next meeting on 9 and 10 Sep­ ropean interest. The European Com­ Krimmler Ache Valley of the 29 March 1966 : Hautes Fagnes (Belgium). Future to consider problems relating tember 1975 the national lists based mittee then makes a recommenda­ Krimml waterfalls site (Austria), 29 March 1966 : Camargue Nature Reserve (France). to European plant species in danger on the 5 categories will be studied tion to the Committee of Ministers, since this might have resulted in 29 March 1966 : Peak District National of extinction. Since the purpose of which is empowered to award the the Diploma being withdrawn. and the provisional European list Park (United Kingdom). compiling lists of endemic plants is drawn up. European Diploma. Every year the 3. In June 1974 the Council of Eu­ to enable practical and political 27 October 1967 : Krimml Waterfalls (Aus­ authorities responsible for managing rope was informed that there was tria). measures to be taken to protect the area awarded the Diploma pre­ a danger of a high-speed railway 27 October 1967 : Lüneburg Heath (FRG). them, and in view of the intergovern­ sent a report on the situation in the line being built in the north of the 27 October 1967 : Muddus National Park mental character of the Council of area, site or natural feature. Siebengebirge Nature Reserve (Sweden). NOTES NATIONAL AGENCIES OF THE CENTRE ITALY AUSTRIA Ministem dell’Agricoltura Dipl. Ing. K. FASCHING Ufficio delle Relazioni internazionali Dokumentations- und All’attenzione della Nature protection Informationszentrum für Signora Dott. E. MAMMONE Natur- und Umweltschutz and national parks ROMA Heinrichstrasse 5/11 in Poland A -8010 GRAZ ln 1904, sixteen years after the crea­ LUXEMBOURG Conseil supérieur tion of the first natural park at Yel­ BELGIUM lowstone in the USA, Polish scien­ oe la conservation de la nature Ministère de l'agriculture ijà ia Direction des eaux et forêts tists living in the Cracow area pro­ Service des réserves ‘. avenue de la Porte-Neuve posed that a national park be set naturelles domaniales et LUXEMBOURG-VILLE de la conservation up in the Tatras mountains. The stale 411 project, one of the first of its kind de la nature in Europe, was put into effect only auprès de l'Administration des eaux et forêts fifteen years later in 1919, when a MALTA A l'attention de Director of Agriculture National Council for Nature Protec­ M. M .SEGERS tion was set up in Poland. In 1921 A view of the Tatras National Park. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 29-31, ch. d’Ixelles 14 Scots Street the Council founded the future 5e étage VALLETTA Bialowieza National Park. Between BRUXELLES 1921 and 1939 four more national parks were founded : Greater Po­ parks are 13 permanent research for Forestry and the Timber Industry, THE NETHERLANDS CYPRUS land, Pieniny, Babia Gora and Tatras. stations, attached to various institu­ where there is a post of General Mr. J. J. ZWEERES Dr. A. S. PISSARIDES tes and more especially the Polish Voorlichtingscentrum The latter was not created until 1939 Nature Warden. The Minister and the Nature Conservation Service on the eve of the Second World War. Academy of Sciences. Also in the na­ Conservator are advised by a Na­ voor Natuurbescherming Ministry of Agriculture Warmoesstraat 39 A considerable impetus was given tional parks are ten nature museums tional Nature Protection Council with and Natural Resources AMSTERDAM to all action of this kind in Poland whose aim is to bring home the im­ 30 members appointed by the Coun­ NICOSIA when a Nature Protection Act was portance of nature protection in the cil of Ministers ; and a regional na­ passed in 1934. The Act was consi­ life of a modern nation to a wide ture warden has been appointed in NORWAY DENMARK derably in advance of its time, but public. During 1973 alone the mu­ each province. The wardens and the The Royal Ministry Statens naturfrednings-og had a fundamental shortcoming ; the seum was visited by more than National Nature Protection Council of Environment Landskabskonsulent Myntgaten 2 fact that it was not accompanied by 300,000 people, mainly pupils from work in close collaboration with the Nyropsgade 22 any regulations on enforcement ma­ primary and secondary schools. various institutes and scientific cen­ Oslo-Dep. DK -1602 COPENHAGEN V de it difficult to achieve anything The creation of nature museums and tres of the Polish Academy of OSLO 1 practical. Only after the Second the growing number of visitors to Sciences and higher education esta­ FRANCE World War, as a result of the Nature national parks have given rise to a blishments. In addition, a Nature Pro­ SWEDEN Protection Act of 7 April 1949, was problem that is hard to solve ; the tection League in operation in Po­ M. André DURET Mr. S. LUNDSTRÖM action taken to institute a co-ordina­ visitors may be ardent nature enthu­ land since 1928 now has over 900,000 Chef du Service de l’information The National Swedish Environment des relations et de l’action éducativi Protection Board ted system of natural parks. Poland siasts, but they also contribute un­ members, most of whom are young du Ministère de la qualité de la vi now has 13 national parks with a wittingly to the deterioration of the people. This charitable organisation Smidesvägen 5 14, bd du Général-Leclerc Pack total area of 103,000 hectares, 75,000 natural environment. This problem has formed a nature protection team 92521 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE of which are forest and woodland must be solved as soon as possible, whose main aim is to inspect the S - 171 20 SOLNA 1 where all the species growing in for every year the number of tourists state of parks and reserves. All Poland are represented. visiting the natural parks is rising these activities are provided for in GREECE SWITZERLAND There are six national parks in with incredible rapidity, owing to pu­ the Act of 7 April 1949. However, Société hellénique pour la Ligue suisse protection de la nature mountain areas - Tatras, Pieniny, Ba­ blicity promoting parks and the there is more and more talk in Po­ pour la protection de la nature M. Byron ANTIPAS bia Gora, Karkonosze, Holy Cross spread of the motor-car in the coun­ land of amending the Act with a view A l’attention de M. Jürg ROHNER Secrétaire général Wartenbergstrasse 22 and Bieszczady. To these may be try which makes it easier for lovers to adapting it better to the needs of 69, rue Anagnostopolou 4052 BASEL added the Ojcow Park, in the Cra­ of greenery and fresh air to travel modern times, now that develop­ ATHÈNES 135 cow region. In central Poland there about. An attempt is being made to ment is so much more rapid than in are the Greater Poland, Kampinos remedy this problem by limiting the nature itself. TURKEY FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMA and Roztocze parks, and in the east parts of the parks that may be freely Mr. Hasan ASMAZ the magnificent natural park of Bia­ visited and marking out tracks which Bundesanstalt für Vegetationskunde President of the Turkish Association Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege lowieza. The Wolin and Slowiny na­ the tourists have to keep to. for the Conservation of Nature Zu Händen von tural parks are situated in the north, In addition to the national parks and Natural Resources Dr. W. ERZ Tuna Caddesi No. 5/C near the Baltic coast. there are 610 nature reserves in Po­ Heerstrasse 10 YENISEHIR-ANKARA The national parks were created in land, covering an area of over 58,000 D - 53 BONN-BAD GODESBERG Poland by a directive of the Council hectares and varying in character of Ministers, issued in response to according to region and purpose. IRELAND UNITED KINGDOM ICELAND proposals by the Minister for Fores­ There are 300 forest reserves, 86 Mr. E. O'CONNOR Miss Shirley PENNY Mr. Ami REYNISSON try and the Timber Industry, and fulfil floral reserves, 10 aquatic reserves, Department of Lands Librarian Iceland Conservation Council Forest & Wildlife Service The Nature Conservancy Council a dual purpose which is both scienti­ 52 for animal life, 30 for plant life Laugavegur 13 fic and social. So far, more than and 64 for the countryside. 22 Upper Merrion Street 19 Belgrave Square REYKJAVIK 400 works on national parks have Nature protection in Poland comes DUBLIN 2 LONDON SW1X 8PY been published in Poland. In the under the direction of the Ministry