MEDAN 2020

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara



Signed :

Date : Sept 04th, 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara









Signed :

Date : Sept 04th, 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, Allah

SWT for His showers of blessings throughout my thesis work to complete the thesis successfully as one of the requirements for graduating from Department of

English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan can be finished timely. Here I would like to express my gratitude, appreciation, love, honors, and thanks to:

1. My parents Husfia and Suarlis, my lovely brother Zufar Al Ghifary and to

my big family for being the big reason over this all, thank you for their

love, prayers, caring and sacrifies and encourage me during this acedemic


2. My supervisor, Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A and my co-supervisor, Dr.

Nurlela, M.Hum for their willingness to spend their valuable time in

supervising me during the process of making my thesis, as well as to Dr.

Budi Agustono, M.S., the Dean of Faculty Cultural Sciences Univerity of

Sumatera Utara, and Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D, the Head of

Department of English and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D, the

Secretary of Department of English, for their advice and encouragement

during my study in this faculty.


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3. My other half Syifa‟Ul Aini, thank you for beig my human dairy, for the

ups and downs, for the tears that we shed, for all the lovely thing since the

first time untill now, we never broke the promise.

4. My Disaster Family and Villagers Club (Rahmat, Fauzi, Christanta, Ibnu,

Tracy, Desmery), Melontea Club (Dede), Istri Idaman (Putry, Febby,

Syifa) for all the love and support their gave to me, for being the reason I

laughed, for the warmest hug and sweetest kiss, for all their kindness with

all the greatest time that already spent.

5. My thesis defense heroes (Rahmat and Azel) for lend me the laptop so that

this thesis can be successfully created and the defense was successfully


6. The love of my life Muhammad Yazid for his love, understanding, and

continuing support to got this new title on my last name.

7. Last but not least to Sasing Alliance 2016 for being part of my last four

lovely years and for the ups and downs we through since 2016.

May Allah always bless you all.

Medan, September, 5th 2020

Mitha Arfiana Putri No. Reg. 160705043


Universitas Sumatera Utara


This thesis entitled “Sign Elements of International Food and Beverage Logos: A Semiotic Analysis” is a study about the sign elements and its meaning in food and beverage logos. This research supported by triadic semiotic theory proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce. The objectives of this research are to find out the elements of sign in the international food and beverage logos and explain the interpretant of the sign elements in the international food and beverage logos. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research are 15 international food and beverage logos. Those 15 food and beverage logos are McDonald‟s, , Domino‟s, , , , KFC, Wendy‟s, Dunkin‟ Donuts, Baskin Robbins, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Chatime, and A&W. In analysing the sign elements and its meaning the writer used Peirce‟s triadic theory. The writer found there are 13 icons, 13 indexes, and 15 symbols sign used in 15 food and beverage logos. The meaning of the sign elements that found in the logos were represented by relating the representment, object, and interpretant. Keywords: Food and Beverage Logos, Sign Elements, Triadic Semiotic.


Universitas Sumatera Utara


Skripsi ini berjudul “Sign Elements of International Food and Beverage Logos: A Semiotic Analysis” adalah kajian tentang elemen tanda dan maknanya pada logo makanan dan minuman. Penelitian ini didukung oleh teori semiotik triadik yang dikemukakan oleh Charles Sanders Peirce. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur tanda pada logo makanan dan minuman internasional dan menjelaskan interpretasi unsur tanda pada logo makanan dan minuman internasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dari penelitian ini adalah 15 logo makanan dan minuman internasional. Ke-15 logo makanan dan minuman tersebut adalah McDonald's, Starbucks, Domino's, Pizza Hut, Subway, Burger King, KFC, Wendy's, Dunkin 'Donuts, Baskin Robbins, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Chatime, dan A&W. Dalam menganalisis elemen tanda dan maknanya, penulis menggunakan teori triadik Peirce. Penulis menemukan ada 13 ikon, 13 indeks, dan 15 simbol tanda yang digunakan dalam 15 logo makanan dan minuman. Makna dari elemen-elemen tanda yang terdapat pada logo direpresentasikan dengan menghubungkan representasi, objek, dan interpretant. Kata Kunci: Logo Makanan dan Minuman, Elemen Tand, Semiotik Triadik.


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AUTHOR DECLARATION ...... v COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT...... vii ABSTRACT ...... ix ABSTRAK ...... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... xi LIST OF TABLES ...... xv LIST OF FIGURES ...... xvii APPENDICES ...... xviii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 7 1.3 Objectives of the study ...... 7 1.4 Scopes of the Study ...... 8 1.5 Significances of the Study ...... 8 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 10 2.1 Preview ...... 10 2.2 Semiotics ...... 10 2.3 Logo……………………...... 12 2.4 The Founder of Semiotic Approach ...... 13 2.4.1 Ferdinand de Saussure ...... 13 2.4.2 Charles Sanders Peirce ...... 15 2.5 Previous Related Sciences ...... 19 2.6 Conceptual Framework ...... 22 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH...... 23 3.1 Research Design ...... 23 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 24 3.3 Data Collecting Method ...... 24


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3.4 Data Analysis ...... 25 3.4.1 Data Condensation ...... 26 3.4.2 Data Display ...... 27 3.4.3 Conclusion: Drawing and Verification ...... 28 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ...... 29 4.1 Data Analysis ...... 29 The Sign Elements of “McDonald‟s” Logo based of the Object ...... 29 The Sign Elements of “Starbuck” Logo based of the Object ...... 31 The Sign Elements of “Domino‟s” Logo based of the Object ...... 32 The Sign Elements of “Pizza Hut” Logo based of the Object ...... 33 The Sign Elements of “Subway” Logo based of the Object ...... 34 The Sign Elements of “Burger King” Logo based of the Object ...... 36 The Sign Elements of “KFC” Logo based of the Object .... 37 The Sign Elements of “Wendy‟s” Logo based of the Object ...... 38 The Sign Elements of “Dunkin Donuts” Logo based of the Object ...... 40 The Sign Elements of “Baskin Robbins” Logo based of the Object ...... 41 The Sign Elements of “Coca-Cola” Logo based of the Object ...... 42 The Sign Elements of “Pepsi” Logo based of the Object ... 43 The Sign Elements of “Chatime” Logo based of the Object ...... 45


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Sign Elements of “Sprite” Logo based of the Object .. 46 The Sign Elements of “A&W” Logo based of the Object .. 47 4.1.2 The Interpretation of the Sign Elements in the International Food and Beverage Logos ...... 48 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “McDonald‟s” Logo ...... …...49 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Starbucks” Logo...... …..50 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Domino‟s” Logo ...... 52 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Pizza Hut” Logo ...... 54 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Subway” Logo ...... 56 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Burger King” Logo ...... 57 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “KFC” Logo ...... 59 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Wendy‟s” Logo ...... …..61 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Dunkin Donuts” Logo ...... 63 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Baskin Robbins” Logo ...... 65 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Coca-Cola” Logo ...... 67 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Pepsi” Logo ...... 68 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Chatime” Logo ...... 70


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Sprite” Logo ...... 72 The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “A&W” Logo...... 73 4.2 Findings ...... 75 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 79 5.1 Conclusion ...... 79 5.2 Suggestion ...... 80 REFERENCES ...... 82


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Table 2.1 The Three Thricotomies of Signs ...... 16

Table 3.1 Model Analysis based on Peirce‟s Triadic Model ...... 28

Table 4.1 Sign Elements in McDonald‟s Logo ...... 30

Table 4.2 Sign Elements in Starbucks Logo ...... 31

Table 4.3 Sign Elements in Domino‟s Logo ...... 33

Table 4.4 Sign Elements in Pizza HutLogo ...... 34

Table 4.5 Sign Elements in Subway Logo ...... 35

Table 4.6 Sign Elements in Burger King Logo ...... 36

Table 4.7 Sign Elements in KFC Logo ...... 38

Table 4.8 Sign Elements in Wendy‟s Logo...... 39

Table 4.9 Sign Elements in Dunkin‟ Donuts Logo ...... 40

Table 4.10 Sign Elements in Baskin Robbins Logo ...... 41

Table 4.11 Sign Elements in Coca-Cola Logo ...... 43

Table 4.12 Sign Elements in Pepsi Logo ...... 44

Table 4.13 Sign Elements in Chatime Logo ...... 45

Table 4.14 Sign Elements in Sprite Logo ...... 46

Table 4.15 Sign Elements in A&W Logo ...... 48

Table 4.16 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in McDonald‟s Logo ...... 49

Table 4.17 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Starbucks Logo ...... 50

Table 4.18 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Domino‟s Logo ...... 52

Table 4.19 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Pizza Hut Logo ...... 54

Table 4.20 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Subway Logo ...... 56


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Table 4.21 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Burger King Logo ...... 57

Table 4.22 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in KFC Logo ...... 59

Table 4.23 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Wendy‟s Logo ...... 61

Table 4.24 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Dunkin‟ Donuts Logo ...... 63

Table 4.25 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Baskin Robbins Logo ...... 65

Table 4.26 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Coca-Cola Logo ...... 67

Table 4.27 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Pepsi Logo ...... 68

Table 4.28 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Chatime Logo ...... 70

Table 4.29 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Sprite Logo ...... 72

Table 4.30 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in A&W Logo ...... 73

Table 4.31 The representative of sign elements in the International Food and

Beverage Logos ...... 76


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Figure 1.1 The Logo of Baskin Robbins ...... 5

Figure 2.1 Peirce‟s Triadic Semiotic (Chandler, 2007: 30&32) ...... 15

Figure 3.1. Component of Data Analysis: Interactive model ...... 26

Figure 4.1 McDonald‟s Logo ...... 29

Figure 4.2 Starbucks Logo ...... 31

Figure 4.3 Domino‟s Logo ...... 32

Figure 4.3 Pizza Hut Logo ...... 33

Figure 4.3 Subway Logo...... 34

Figure 4.3 Burger King Logo ...... 36

Figure 4.3 KFC Logo ...... 37

Figure 4.3 Wendy‟s Logo ...... 38

Figure 4.3 Dunkin‟ Donuts Logo...... 40

Figure 4.3 Baskin Robbins Logo ...... 41

Figure 4.3 Coca-Cola Logo ...... 42

Figure 4.3 Pepsi Logo ...... 43

Figure 4.3 Chatime Logo ...... 45

Figure 4.3 Sprite Logo ...... 46

Figure 4.3 A&W Logo ...... 47


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Appendix 1 : Food Logo of McDonald‟s Appendix 2 : Beverage Logo of Starbucks Appendix 3 : Food Logo of Domino‟s Appendix 4 : Food Logo of Pizza Hut Appendix 5 : Food Logo of Subway Appendix 6 : Food Logo of Burger King Appendix 7 : Food Logo of KFC Appendix 8 : Food Logo of Wendy‟s Appendix 9 : Food Logo of Dunkin‟ Donuts Appendix 10 : Food Logo of Baskin Robbins Appendix 11 : Beverage Logo of Coca-Cola Appendix 12 : Beverage Logo of Pepsi Appendix 13 : Beverage Logo of Chatime Appendix 14 : Beverage Logo of Sprite Appendix 15 : Food Logo of A&W


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1.1 Background of the Study

The development of digital age makes people wants to live uniquely in all life aspects. Living in 4.0 era means staying on top of what is popular, trendy and being creative also unique are a necessary thing. This era is constantly changing and creating new ways to share and spread messages. The messages itself can be sent by a sign. Sign is any motion, gesture, image, sound pattern, or event that conveys meaning. Human use their creativity and interpretation signs to create a meaning. Signs is anything that communicate meaning and the meaning of a sign is arbitrary and variable, it can be differently depending to te concept of thinking.

The general science of signs is called semiotics. Semiotics also called semiotic Sciences is a study of meaning and the sign processes and meaningful communication. Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics. According to Eco (1986:7) semiotics is everything that can be take as a sign. In general, semiotics theories take signs or sign system as their object of study the communictaion and information. In semiotic, sign is anyting that represent or indicates something else, it can be word, pictorial or image such as logos.

Logo is a sign, and a sign can be interpreted by a logo. Logo or other kind of sign such as sculpture or picture is easier to convey messages to others.


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Creating logo for your business or company and organization is one of the most popular and trendy thing nowadays, or in other way people says that logo is the face of what you are going to show the world. Such a big companies have an effective branding by creating a logo for their product. They try to influence the consumer‟s decisions then communicate or represent the values of their product.

Logos is a Greek word means logic. Aristotle in his rethorical triangle theories explain that ethos appeals to character, pathos appeals to emotions, and logos appeals to logic and reason. Logos use reasoned and logical arguments to convey point of view and win an audience or customer. Logo is a symbol or design by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc. At the very basic level, logos are symbols made up of text and images that help us to identify brands. Logo will help customers or the viewers to understand what you do or what you sell, who you are, and what your value is. One tiny image has a lot of responsibility that is logo.

Broadly speaking, it can be said that logos are able to make your group or brand widespread, even to international. As today some there are a lot of brands especially in food industries which goes international. An international logo is a logo of the companies which already known by the world because they already exist in more than one countries. Those brands become international is because of their creativity in creating logo, so that they can sell their logo first to the customers in order to catch their eyes, and their logo is something which already known internationally. There is a lot of brand‟s logo trend worldwide such as


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Ferrari, Apple, Google, Gucci, Toyota. There are many logos designed especially in the food industries which commonly found today or much more noticeable during lunch time such as McDonald’s, KFC, PizzaHut, Burger King, etc.

In food industries, a good logos is a needs. It such a great way to communicate their food, the company can hint the story and history behind the brand. People will eat with their eyes first, it means that presentation such as the use of colors, fonts, and symbols play an important role in the food industry.

Those logos were fulfilling the aim of logos such as eye-catchy so it become memorable and can inspiring the viewers. Its shapes, colours, fonts and image of each logo are strikingly different from others, and it should be applied to the products of the company in case to promote the brands itself.

A logo is a must to attach a visual identity of the company, creating a good impression, communicate the values and helping customers to remember the products. In other way it can represent an organization or company through an image that can be easily understood and recognized. Logo is more than design, its about purpose. The important goal or purpose of a logo is to identify. The logo is not only seen in terms of its physical appearance but also in terms of its meaning

(Rustan, 2009:22). A logo of some group may represent their own group, so every logo has different meaning depends on the group itself.

In fact that in every line, curve, or color of a logo has a meaning. Each logo created with different shapes, colours, letters, which speaks to a different


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understanding and emotion, each of shapes, colors, and letters representing another detail of the brand identity. Then once the logo create it has become the character or brand image of the logo. A brand which are going to make a meaningful connection with its customer should have a meaning or idea behind their logo and actually each logo will has different meaning even if they use the same text.

The combination of text and visual in one logo should serve purposes, it can tell or announced people the group‟s name also has powerful symbolic association connected to people‟s memory. A logo should be unique, be eye- catchy and leave an unforgettable impression. Especially for some branded stuff, they should be creative to catch their fans eye and makes a good impression at the first sight.

People seem to remember the logo based of the text, colours, or visual that consists in the logo. The logo works as a symbol sign which has icon to express the information and index to indicate the object with this information pertains.

People will remember the iconic, index and symbolic feature of the logo in the same degree. Peirce‟s says that sign can be classified into three types; icon, symbol, and index that can be identified in the logo, the logo can be both iconic and symbolic. Peirce‟s theory of sign or ROI (Representment, Object, and

Interpretant) are used to find out the meaning of sign in logo itself. Every people will have their own intuition through the logo, how the logo catches their eyes, from the colours, shapes, or words created in the logo.


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Logo is a visual sign, and sign is something that communicates a meaning such as words, images, sounds, but the meaning of sign is arbitrary and variable.

In linguistics, semiotics is the study that has relation with sign, or semiotics is the science of signs and in this research semiotic can reveal the meaning of the food logos. According to Ward (1988), semiotics is the theory and study that describes signs and the mechanisms by means of which a sign system produces meaning.

The meaning that produced by a sign itself can also carry dual meanings, as well as logo that has direct and indirect meaning, as can be seen in the logo of ice cream brand, “Baskin Robbins” below.

Figure 1.1 The Logo of Baskin Robbins

Based of history of Baskin Robbins company on, the sign elements that found are icon, index and symbol, then between the word B and R that represent their name known for 31 flavours that Baskin and Robbins, the founder of this products who wants people to be able to try all the flavour for free until they found one they wanted to buy.


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In developing a brand, each company should do some promotion for their brands, by creating a distinctive, creative and unique logos. The promotion due to the popularization of the brand, or they can be well known to the society. So the companies can communicate and influence the consumers about the product by creating a distinctive, creative and unique sign system.

The American Philosopher, Charles Sanders Peirce (1931) says that nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign. In other words, anything is consider as sign as long as someone interpret it as having meaning. Signs become one of the most important because every sign contains messages, whatever people do can be seen as a message, and every message can be communicate to others.

The writer use to analyse the logo based of Peirce‟s theory of sign (ROI) to identify the elements of sign in the logos and interpret the meaning of sign in the logos.

The logos of some brands have been spread around the world by digital technology. Nowadays, a quick-service restaurant or fast food has become a trend. In food bussines, logo such an important thing, a great brand will have customers lining up for a taste. To create a brand that wheats customer‟s appetites, it need to start with well designed food logo. There are a lot of international fast food and beverage brands that enter Indonesia and people become excited, but not many people are familiar with the logo of the brand itself. Some of them will familiar with the logo but not the meaning. People will recognized those logo because they are noticeable, work to remind people of the great or modern meals


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they have ate, the colour used on the logo can triggers appetite or happiness, and the logo helped to described what the brand was about, what they sell, a burger, chicken, ice cream, and etc.

In semiotics, sign is one of the interesting fields of study which can easily found in our daily life aspects such as symbols, icons, and index. So, it will be interesting to analyze because we will understand the meaning behind the sign and interpret what is a sign want to tell.

1.2 Problems of the Study

The problems are important in which to be analysed by the author. So here are some problems that should be analysed:

1. What are the elements of sign in the international food and beverage


2. How is the interpretation of the sign elements in the international food and

beverage logos?

1.3 Objectives of the study

Related to the questions on problem of study above, the objectives of the study can be formulated as follows:

1. To find out the elements of sign in the international food and beverage logos.

2. To explain the interpretant of the sign elements in the international food and

beverage logos.


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1.4 Scopes of the Study

Related to the problems and the objectives of the study, in this research the writer focuses the analysis only on the international food and beverage logos. The writer will analyze two aspects: the analysis of the elements of sign in the logos and the interpretation of meaning of the sign elements in logos. Meanwhile, in analysing the data the writer will use the semiotics theories that proposed by

Charles Sanders Peirce. The theory of triadic model sign (ROI) will be used to identify the three elements of sign and interpret the meaning.

The writer limits this research only on fifteen international food and beverage logos, they are McDonald’s, Starbucks, Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Subway, Burger

King, KFC, Wendy’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Baskin Robbins, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite,

Chatime, and A&W.

1.5 Significances of the Study

This research is expected to be beneficial for readers also the next research both theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretically

This research hopefully can expand the reader‟s knowledge about

the elements of sign in food and beverage logos and the interpretation of

sign meaning of the logos based on semiotic approach.


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2. Practically

The writer hopes that this research will be beneficial to the students in understand the semiotics of logo particularly the logo of some food and beverage nowadays. This study will also be beneficial for references to those researchers who focus their researches on semiotics.


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2.1 Preview

This chapter focus on review of literature which is considered relevant with the research. The writer discusess some theories related to semiotics and logo to support this research. Some previous related Sciences contained in this chapter have a contribution in conducting this research. The conceptual framework are also provided at the end of this chapter.

2.2 Semiotics

Semiotics comes from the Greek “semeion” which means sign; it is the study of sign systems which became all forms of communication that have meaning. Semiotics is one of linguistic branches which deal with sign and symbol; it is about the relationship between a sign, object and its meaning.

Semiotics concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign (Eco 1976,7).

Simply, semiotics can be said as the study of sign.

Semiotics has been applied in all life aspects such as film, medicine, zoology and others which related to communication and information. Semiotician states that everything can be analysed by semiotics which can show meaning of great and small things.


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Semiotics is everywhere and it is greatly important, because it helps people to realize the meaning or information which not contained in computers, books or codes. Sign can be seen in all aspects such as word, image, and sound, which every sign communicate a meaning, but the meaning of sign is arbitrary, it depends to the interpreter. „nothing is a sign unless it interpreted as a sign‟

(Peirce, 1931). In other words, anything can be a sign as long as someone interpret it as having meaning. Human tend to look for meaning to easily understand everything happens around him. The whole thing around is called a sign, which can be expressed using the theory of semiotics.

In the beginning, semiotics is only the study about a sign in language, but today the sign itself can also be printing, drawing or photograph. Semiotics often used in analysing a text which it can be verbal and non-verbal such as writing or audio and video. The text itself is words, images, sounds and gestures which are a sign. A simple definition of sign is something that is used in a place or something else. Such as a black suit wear for funeral and it not only to cover the body but in most cultures, it signifies death and sadness. Sign is something physical, which can be perceived by our sense. Saussure formulated the sign as signifier and signified. He emphasizes that the theory of semiotics needs a social convention, which means one word has a certain meaning due to a social agreement between the language and community.


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2.3 Logo

Logo has been existed for a long time. Logo is a letter or an image which has meaning and usually used as symbol (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1816). It is also a graphical symbol that used to aid a means of an intuition, region, organization, Food Company, and even a means of country. As a graphical design, logo including a name, symbol, one or more other separate elements to representing, promote, or branding a product. A logo is generally involving colour, text, visual and shape.

A good logo needs to communicate the meaning of the product and can easily understand by the consumer or society. Some logos aren‟t directly explained or sell the product; instead the logo must be eye-catchy and memorable.

Take the example from Apple logo with a bitten apple which not representing electronic stuff such as iPhone, iPad or Apple watch. But those bitten apples will be remembered. Once the logo is seen, someone will get interested in, then remember and buy the product.

Logo also can be said as a sign. The logo is not only seen in terms of its physical appearance but also in terms of its meaning, it used to communicate something to others. It will helps the customers to understand what they are about.

Take a look for food logos which commonly found today. There are many of food companies can communicate their brand through the logo.


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Food is a primary needs, and human beings eat to grow and survive.

Needless to say that the food industry is one that expand and develop with good progressive in each year. The food companies have such an effective branding by creating a unique logo for their brands. The food logos play a big role in developing the food companies. Food logos is a tool to identify the food itself, by designing a juicy and recognizable logos, it will give the companies a chance to express their brand, helps customers to understand who they are and what are they offering to the customers.

2.4 The Founder of Semiotic Approach

There are many other researchers or scientists of semiotic such as

Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sanders Peirce, Roland Barthes, Umberto Eco, and Charles Morris. This semiotic approach has been developed into modern semiotic which developed by Swiss linguist, Ferdinand De Saussure and

American philosopher, Charles Sanders Peirce. Semiology is Saussure‟s term that sometimes used to refer the Saussurean tradition, while semiotics is refers to the

Peircean tradition, but nowadays semiotics is the term that usually used as a term to embrace the whole field.

2.4.1 Ferdinand de Saussure

Ferdinand de Saussure used the word semiology for the sciences of signs, instead of the word semiotics. But today semiotics is more generally accepted.

Saussure‟s model of semiotics sign is dyadic models. He explained that in these


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dyadic models, the sign consists of the sign vehicle and its meaning, also a sign is structured by two elements, signifier and signified.

„A linguistic sign is not a link between a thing and a name, but between a concept (signified) and a sound pattern (signifier)‟ (Saussure 1983:66). Saussure describes that the signifier is the form of the sign and the signified is the concept referred. A signifier is the hearer‟s impression of the sign. Both of these elements are having a relationship and that relationship called signification.

From Saussure‟s point of view, he was not referring the signifier and signified to the mental process to spoken or written words, but he referring to the mental process or impressions creates by our sense. Both of signifier and signified must be owned by the sign. He emphasized that there is no necessary relationship between the signifier and signified.

On Saussure theory, the signs are arbitrary and conventional. A meaning of sign should be a social agreement or social conventions, which means one word has a certain meaning due to a social agreement between the language and community. For example, the red colour in traffic light means to stop but in Japan and several countries, the yellow colour is the one to stop in the traffic light. So the meaning of a sign is based on certain rules or conventions.


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2.4.2 Charles Sanders Peirce

Charles Sanders Peirce is one of the thinkers of semiotic theory. Peirce's semiotic theory is often called the "Grand Theory” because the ideas are comprehensive. Peirce says that semiotic process has three elements,

Representment, Object, and Interpretant, and those elements are interrelating and can‟t be separate because they should be together to can clearly determine the sign. That process is called semiosis. Peirce emphasized in human life signs can be a gestures, human‟s voices, words, alphabets, and colours and it can enable people to think and connect with others.

Sign is “something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity” (Peirce 1940:99). Simply, Peirce says that representment is the sign itself which has relation with its object as intended, and interpretant as the meaning of the sign. Those three elements have been formed in diagram which called as semiotic triangle or triadic semiotic.

Figure 2.1 Peirce‟s Triadic Semiotic (Chandler, 2007: 30&32)


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The semiotic triangle or triadic semiotic consists of three elements, they are:

1. Representment: it is a sign which represent something else in some

capacity, or simply it is the form of the sign.

2. Object: it is what the sign stands for or represents.

3. Interpretant: an object in someone‟s mind which referred as a sign, or

simply can be said that interpretant is the meaning of the sign.

The representament or a sign can be shown when a girl is crying because of her broken doll, then that crying is a representment or a sign, where the doll is an object and the connection between them is the interpretant. And it could be argued that the girl cried her doll is the first gift from her parents.

The three elements of triadic semiotic subdivided into three categories: firstness, secondness and thirdness in the representament, object and interpretant as shown in the table of thricotomy sign below.

Table 2.1. The Three Thricotomies of Signs


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Based on its representament, Peirce (1940:101) divides sign into three;

Qualisign, Sinsign, and Legisign.

1. Qualisign is a sign based on its quality. Basically, it can‟t be a sign

before it is embodied such as a red color which reffer a love, danger or


2. Signsign is a sign which can be seen as a sign based on its existence,

for example a babies who cry because they are hungry.

3. Legisign is a law which contained in a sign. This relates to something

that can and cannot be done, such as traffic lights.

According to Peirce (1940:102), based on the second thricotomy, the theory differs between three types of sign based on the relations between sign and the reffered object.

1. Icon based on similarity, it is the relationship between signs and

objects itself, based on it similiarity or resemblance. An icon can be

seen on a visual sign such as photos, pictures, maps, and sounds.

2. Index based on casuality, it is a physical link which directly connected

the sign and the object. An index is some sensory features which

something that can be seen, heard, or easily smells that can be

understood by the appearance frequency, such as the dark clouds is an

index of rain. The other examples of index are smoke, thunder,

footprints, a signals such a phone ringing and knock on a door.


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3. Symbol based on convention which has no factual link between sign

and object, it is a sign which refers to the object that it denotes based

of a law. A symbolic sign is arbitrary or societal convention or “by

virtue of law which operates to cause the symbol to be interpreted as

referring to that object” (Peirce 1940, 102). The red colour in

Indonesian‟s flag is a symbol which represents courage but it does not

resemble the red colour, but the relationship between symbols and its

object has become a convention which is generally understood.

Language, sentences, phrases, words, alphabetic letters, numbers,

national flags are the examples of sign belonged to symbol.

Based on its interpretant, Peirce (1940:103) divides sign into Rheme,

Dicent, and Argument.

1. Rheme is a sign which allows people to interpret based on what they

choose, like someone who has red eyes may indicate that the person

has just woken up, or has just cried, or wants to sleep.

2. Dicent is a sign to represent which represent its object in actual

existence, or in other words it is a sign in accordance with reality, if an

accident often occur in a road, then there will installed a traffic sign

which states that there is often an accident there.


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3. An argument is a sign which understood to represent the object in its

character as sign, in other words it is a sign which immediately gives a

reason about something, as if the man who are banned for smoking at

gas stations, because it is a places that can easily burnt.

2.5 Previous Related Sciences

In writing this research, there are some researches on semiotics that have done previously. Here are some relevant researches that contribute as reference to support this research.

Hutabarat (2018) has analysed the meaning of Basketball team logos by using a semiotic theory. The study investigated how semiotics theory used in expressing the meaning of Basketball team logos. The logos were classified and analyse by using semiotic theories of Peirce and Barthes. Peirce theory is used to analyse the types of team logos and Barthes theory is used to analyse the denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and myth of the logos. The results show that the identity of the logos represents by the meaning itself, he applied the semiotics theory of Peirce about triadic semiotics. His research is given a contribution to this research as it helps to wider the writer‟s understanding about

Peirce‟s theory in analyze the meaning of logo.

Hariani (2018) has analysed logo through her research on semiotic analysis of type of sign and meaning of Korean Idol group‟s logo. She chooses 24

K-pop group logos by applying purposive sampling technique to collect the data


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of the study. Those 24 K-pop group logos are the logo which contained English name. Her research was find out the type of sign of idol group‟s logo also the meaning behind the logo based on Peirce‟s theory of semiotics. Peirce‟s theory of type of sign applied to find out what type of sign of the logo, iconic, symbolic, or both iconic-symbolic also Peirce triadic semiotics used to analyzed the meaning of the logo. Through the research, from the 24 K-pop group logo, there are 8 symbolic modes, 1 iconic mode, and 15 symbolic modes. This study gives the writer a depiction in analyzing the iconic indexes and symbolic modes to analyze the type of sign of food logos.

Vijaya (2014) in her research analyse logos in Japanese Car Companies.

The study is aimed to analyse the signifier and signified and also the relation between the interpretation of the logo and the history, marketing or the goal of the company. This research used the theory of semiotics of Saussure the answer the research problems. Through the research, he concludesthat4 of the car logos used the first letter of their name as the logo, 2 car logos of companies used their whole name and 1 car logo company used symbol. Vijaya‟s research contributes to the analysis logo and the relation between the company and its logo, as the logo can represent the company itslef.

Pauzan (2018) in his research analyzed John Wick I film based on semiotic study. This research investigated the kind of signs that are expressed in the logo and the meaning of the three important elements of sign including icon, index, and symbol. The film of John Wick I were identified based on the theory of


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Peirce which describe the meaning of the three elements of sign in the film. The results revealed the meaning of the three sign elements which interpreted by the relationship between the representament, object and interpretant based of Peirce theory. Pauzan‟s research contribute to wider the writer‟s understanding about the interpretation of the sign elements that found in the film.

Sofiyah (2019) has analyzed fast food restaurant advertisement by using semiotic theory. She chooses 4 most popular fast food restaurant to analyze. She discussed the deep meaning found in the advertisement by using Roland Barthe‟s theory to analyze the denotation, connotation, and myth of the advertisement. The results found that each fast food restaurant has verbal and non-verbal sign, there are 48 verbal signs and 47 non-verbal signs consists in the advertisement. The results of this study in the conclusion that most of the restaurants are used the sign to catch the reader‟s attention, give an information, and persuade to buy their product, and most of the restaurants build their popularity by using a dominant color in the advertisement. Sofiyah‟s research gives the writer a depiction about each logos with the different shape, letter, and color will actually have different meaning.

Lestari (2016) chooses advertisement posters of KFC as the data of her research. This research aimed do identify the meaning of icon and symbol on the advertisement. The new advertisement with tagline in the poster display analyzed in this research. In analyzed the data, this research applied Peirce‟s theory.

Through the research, she found that the process of semiosis known by connecting


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the representment, object and interpretant based on the category of icon and

symbol, then he meaning of the advertisements has a relation to the interpretant.

This research gives the writer a depiction about Peirce‟s theory in analyzing the

meaning of the icon and symbol mode on the advertisement.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

This research starts by having some understandings on semiotics, then will

be analyzed by Peirce‟s triadic theory to identify the elements of sign and

interpret the meaning of the sign in the logos. It able to see on the figure below.







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3.1 Research Design

The writer used qualitative descriptive method in the writing process of this research. There are some types on collecting data in this qualitative research, one of them is qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative data usually in the words form rather than numbers, and it is a rich description and explanation of phenomena as it is. According to Sandelowski (2000: 339), qualitative descriptive study is the method use to find the straight descriptions of phenomena which desired, such study is especially useful to know who, what and where of events. In other words, this qualitative descriptive method is a detail description of the data by using observations and document which explained and described the phenomena as they are. This research is to identify the elements of sign and interpret the meaning of sign in the logos, the writer use the theory of Peirce to analysis the data, and qualitative descriptive method is appropriate with this research.


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3.2 Data and Source of Data

The data of this research is food logos that are taken from 15 international food and beverage brands logo that well known in Indonesia. The logos are

Wendy’s, Coca-Cola, Chatime, A&W, McDonald’s, Starbucks, Domino’s, Pizza

Hut, Subway, Burger King, KFC, Dunkin Donut, Baskin-Robbins, Pepsi and


Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and A&W logos are collected by downloading the logo from their official websites, they are:,, https://www.coca-,, The other logos such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Domino’s, Subway, Burger King, KFC, Dunkin Donut,

Baskin-Robbins, Sprite and Chatime logos are collected by downloading the logo from wikipedia

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The data of this research are a secondary data which already collected by someone else. In collecting the data, the writer uses non-participant observation.

Non-participant observation is observing participants without actively participating, the writer watches the subject with knowledge and without taking active part. There are 15 food and beverage logos as the data. Data colllecting method that applied in this research is observation and documentation method.


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1. Observation

The observation data is done by downloading the 15 international food and

beverage logos as the source of data, 6 logos from the official websites and 9

logos from wikipedia on internet. The 15 food logos collected based of the

well known food and beverage brands in Indonesia. Then the data will analyze

by using Peirce‟s theory as the relevant theory for this research to identify the

elements of sign and interpret its meaning.

2. Documentation

Documentation is the collected data such as the documents, picture files, and

articles on the internet related to 15 international food and beverage logos

which support the analysis. The documents collected from related e-book and

online books, picture files from each 15 logos, and article about logos on the

internet, journal, and thesis which related to the \analysis.

After gaining all of the data, the writer classifies the logos into each types of sign; icon, index, symbol and interpret its meaning.

3.4 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer use interactive model proposed by Miles,

Huberman, and Saldana with three steps; data condensation, data display, and conclusion: drawing and verification (2014).


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Figure 3.1. Component of Data Analysis: Interactive model

3.4.1 Data Condensation

Data condensation in Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014) is refers to the selecting data, focusing on the selected data, simplifying the data to the type, problem and the theory, abstracting the data to answer the problems, and transformig the data into a qualitative description.

The semiotic signs that had been collected as the data for this study is explained and described to represent each logos of food and beverage brands.

1. Selecting

The data is selected based on international food and beverage logos

that well known in Indonesia, there are 15 logos.

2. Focusing

After selecting the data, the writer will focus on the two research

problems, they are the elements of sign and the interpretation of sign

meaning of the logos. The elements will be focused on icon, index, and


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symbol and the interpretation of sign meaning will be focused on the

relation between the representament, object, and interpretant of the


3. Simplifying

The selected data then is simplified by note the elements of sign; the

iconic, index and symbolic signs in the logo.

4. Abstracting

The 15 food logos will be analyzed by using Peirce‟s theory. The

analysis of elements of signs will be divided into icon, index, and

symbol and interpretation of sign meaning in the logos will be

described by representament, object, and interpretant.

5. Transforming

The data is transforming by puting the data into the table.

3.4.2 Data Display

The second major flow of analysis activity is data display. Data display is an orginized and assembly the information that allows conclusion drawing and verification. Data display helps to understand the context of research by formed the table to make the data looks more organized and easier to observe.


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Table 3.1. Model Analysis based on Peirce‟s Triadic Model

NO Representament Object Interpretant


3.4.3 Conclusion: Drawing and Verification

The third is conclusion drawing and verification. Conclusion of this research is the semiotic elements of sign in food and beverage logos also the way of semiotic signs convey the message to give information about the logo of food and beverage brands.


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4.1 Data Analysis In this chapter, the writer elaborates the detail result of the analysis about semiotics sign and meaning in fifteen International food and beverages logos. In analyzing the data, the writer used Peirce‟s triadic theory to identify the elements of sign based of the object; icon, index and symbol and then the representament, object, and interpretant is analyze to find out the meaning that delivered by the sign.

4.1.1 The Elements of Sign in the International Food and Beverage Logos The Sign Elements of “McDonald’s” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.1 McDonald‟s Logo


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The sign elements based of the object that found in McDonald‟s logo are icon, index, and symbol. The icon is the rounded letter M. The index found in this logo is the use of McDonald‟s font on the logo. Then the symbol also find in the used of red, golden yellow and white colors.

Table 4.1 Sign Elements in McDonald‟s Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 McDonald‟s Logo The icon is the The World The red and

rounded letter M McDonald‟s golden yellow


McDonald‟s logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The rounded letter

M used in the logo is iconic sign which the letter „M‟ here resembles the letter M for the McDonald‟s in the logo. The word McDonald‟s in the logo is index sign which it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The red and golden yellow color in the logo is symbolic sign which it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Sign Elements of “Starbucks” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.2 Starbucks Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Starbucks logo are icon, and symbol. The icon sign can be seen in the figure of women in a crown.

The symbol sign is the used of green color.

Table 4.2 Sign Elements in Starbucks Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Starbucks Logo The figure of a The is no index in The used of green

woman in a this logo color as the basic

crown which color of the logo.

represent “siren”


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Starbucks logo is iconic and symbolic signs. The figure of a woman in a crown refers to iconic sign because it represent Siren that known as a mythological mermaid from Greek. The basic green color in the logo is symbolic sign because it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Domino’s” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.3 Domino‟s Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Domino‟s logo is icon, index and symbol. The icon sign is in the two shapes like cube with three dots.

The index sign is the word domino written in the logo. Then the symbol sign is the blue and red colors.


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Table 4.3 Sign Elements in Domino‟s Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Domino‟s Logo The domino card The word domino The use of blue

with three dots as a verbal text and red colors

Domino‟s logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The domino card in the logo is iconic sign as it represents the domino card with three dots. The index sign representing in the logo is the word domino because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The blue and red colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Pizza Hut” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.4 Pizza Hut Logo


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The sign elements based of the object found in Pizza Hut logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon sign is the picture of roof. The index is the written word Pizza Hut. The symbol also find in the used of red and white colors.

Table 4.4 Sign Elements in Pizza Hut Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Pizza Hut Logo The picture of The word pizza hut The red and

roof white colors used

throughout the


Pizza Hut logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The picture of roof in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the real shape of roof. The index sign representing in the logo is the word pizza hut because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The red and white colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Subway” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.5 Subway Logo


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The sign elements based of the object found in Subway logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon found in the logo is a left and right arrow. The index found in this logo is the word Subway. The symbol also found in the green and yellow colors.

Table 4.5 Sign Elements in Subway Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Subway Logo The left and right The word Subway The yellow and

arrow in “S” and green colors


Subway logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The arrow in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the entrance and exit arrow in Subway. The index sign representing in the logo is the word subway because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The yellow and green colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Sign Elements of “Burger King” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.6 Burger King Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Burger King logo isicon, index, and symbol. The icon sign is the two shapes like burger bun at the top and the bottom of word Burger King. The index sign is the word burger king that used in the logo. The symbol sign is can be found in red, yellow, and blue colors.

Table 4.6 Sign Elements in Burger King Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Burger King Logo The figure of two The word Burger The use of red,

part of burger bun King as a verbal yellow, and blue

text that represent colors in the logo

their name


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Burger King logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The figure of two burger bun in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the burger bun they have. The index sign representing in the logo is the word burger king because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The red, yellow, and blue colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “KFC” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.7 KFC Logo

The sign elements based of the object found in KFC logo is icon, index and symbol. The icon sign can be seen in the figure of old man with sunglasses and a bow tie. The index found in the logo is the word KFC. Then the symbol is also can be found in red, black, and white colors.


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Table 4.7 Sign Elements in KFC Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 KFC Logo The image of an The word KFC as The used of red,

old man with that represent their black and white

sunglasses and a name. colors in the logo.

bow tie

KFC logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The image of an old man with sunglasses and a bow tie in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the founder of this food chain, Colonel Sanders. The index sign representing in the logo is the word KFC because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The red, black, and white colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Wendy’s” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.8 Wendy‟s Logo


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The sign elements based of the object that found in Wendy‟s logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon is the little girl with freckles in her face and pigtails tied with blue ribbons. The index is in the used of word Wendy. The symbol sign is the red and blue colors.

Table 4.8 Sign Elements in Wendy‟s Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Wendy‟s Logo The little freckle- The word Wendy‟s The used of red

faced girl in and blue colors.

pigtails tied with

blue ribbon.

Wendy‟s logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The little freckle-faced girl in pigtails tied with blue ribbon in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the daughter of the founder of this food chain. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Wendy‟s because it is a clue that shows the name of their company.

The red and blue colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Sign Elements of “Dunkin Donuts” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.9 Dunkin Donuts Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Dunkin Donuts logo is index and symbol. The index sign of this logo is the word Dunkin‟. The symbol sign can be seen form the used of orange and pink colors.

Table 4.9 Sign Elements in Dunkin‟ Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Dunkin‟ Donuts There is no icon The word Dunkin‟ The orange and

Logo in this logo pink colors

Dunkin‟ Donuts logo is index and symbolic signs. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Dunkin‟ because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The orange and pink colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Sign Elements of “Baskin Robbins” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.10 Baskin Robbins Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Baskin Robbins logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon sign is the number 31. The index sign is the word Baskin Robbins and the letter B and R. The symbol sign can be seen in pink, blue, and white colors.

Table 4.10 Sign Elements in Baskin Robbins Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Baskin Robbins The „31‟ between The B and R letter The pink, blue

Logo the letter B and R and the word and white colors

Baskin Robbins


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Baskin Robbins logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The number 31 in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the number of ice cream flavour they have. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Baskin Robbins and the letter B and R because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The red and blue colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Coca-Cola” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.11 Coca-Cola Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Coca-Cola logo is index and symbol.The index sign found in the logo is the font that used in Coca-

Cola word. Then the symbol sign is the red and white colors.


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Table 4.11 Sign Elements in Coca-Cola Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Coca-Cola Logo The is no icon in The index is the The symbol is the

this logo word Coca-Cola whole red color

font as represent used in the logo

their name

Coca-Cola logo is index and symbolic signs. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Coca-Cola because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The whole red colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Pepsi” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.12 Pepsi Logo


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The sign elements based of the object that found in Pepsi logo is icon and symbol. The icon sign can be seen form the circle and swirling shape of the logo.

Then the symbol sign found in this logo is the red, white, and blue colors.

Table 4.12 Sign Elements in Pepsi Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Pepsi Logo The icon in this There is no index The use of red,

logo is the cricle found here white and blue

and swirling colors


Pepsi logo is iconic and symbolic signs. The circle and swirling shape in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the shape of globe and water. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Pepsi because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The red, white, and blue colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Sign Elements of “Chatime” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.13 Chatime Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in Chatime logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon sign is the figure of tea leaves. The index sign is the word Chatime. Then the symbol sign is the purple and white colors.

Table 4.13 Sign Elements in Chatime Logo

Food and Sign Elements

No Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Chatime Logo The logo is the The word Chatime The use of purple

figure of tea and white colors


Chatime logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The figure of tea leaves in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the tea leaves itself. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Chatime because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The purple and white colors used in the logo is the


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symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “Sprite” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.14 Sprite Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in this Sprite logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon sign can be seen from the yellow dots at the bottom of word I. The index sign is the used of word Sprite. Then the symbol sign also can be seen from the green, white, and yellow colors.

Table 4.14 Sign Elements in Sprite Logo

Food and Sign Elements

NO Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 Sprite Logo The yellow dot The word The green, white

Sprite and yellow colors


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Sprite logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The yellow dot in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the shape and colors of lemon. The index sign representing in the logo is the word Sprite because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The green, white, and yellow colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning. The Sign Elements of “A&W” Logo based of the Object

Figure 4.15 A&W Logo

The sign elements based of the object that found in A&W logo is icon, index, and symbol. The icon sign that found in this logo is the oval shape. The index sign is the word A&W. Then the symbol sign can be seen from the used of orange and brown colors.


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Table 4.15 Sign Elements in A&W Logo

Food and Sign Elements

NO Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 A&W Logo An oval shape of The word The used of

the logo A&W orange and

brown colors in

the logo

A&W logo is iconic, index, and symbolic signs. The oval shape in the logo is iconic sign as it resembles the surface chape of beer mug. The index sign representing in the logo is the word A&W because it is a clue that shows the name of their company. The orange and brown colors used in the logo is the symbolic sign as it is conventionally made for the logo, and it has an arbitrary meaning.

4.1.2 The Interpretation of the Sign Elements in the International Food and

Beverage Logos


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“McDonald’s” Logo

Table 4.16 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in McDonald‟s Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. Iconic rounded letter Rounded letter M The rounded letter M in this

M as the symbol of logo is known as a golden

the company arches which is the first shape

used on their restaurant

building which next it used as

the representation of

McDonald‟s as the name of the


2. The word McDonald‟s The word of The word McDonald‟s is the

McDonald‟s name of the founder, Dick and

written below of Mac McDonald which then it

the rounded M used as the name of their


3. The color of the logo Red and golden The used of red and golden

yellow colors yellow color in this logo as the

basic color and also the color of

their restaurant building


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The meaning of the sign that found in McDonald‟s logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of McDonald‟s logo is the rounded letter M, the word McDonald‟s, and the colors used in the logo. The word, letter, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this McDonald‟s logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Starbucks” Logo

Table 4.17 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Starbucks Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The figure of Siren as a The figure is shown The figure is a

mythological mermaid as a woman representation of their

from Greek wearing a crown purpose as the same with

with two tails. Siren, a creature that

usually seduces sailors.


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No Representament Object Interpretant

Their purpose is to

seducing people who pass

their coffee shop to stop

and drink coffe, or in other

word Starbucks want to be

a modern Siren.

2. A whole green color of The green color A green color used in the

the logo used as the main logo is interprets the natural

color meaning of green. It

symbolizes a life and also


3. The shape of the logo A circle shape as Actually this circle shape

the whole shape of symbolize their stability in

this logo selling a coffe even if they

also has another menu.

The meaning of the sign that found in Starbucks logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Starbucks logo is the figure of

Siren, the green color, and the shape of the logo. The figure, colors, and shape that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this


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Starbucks logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Domino’s” Logo

Table 4.18 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Domino‟s Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The figure of domino The figure of domino This figure is a figure of

card card with three dots at domino card which the dots

the top of the logo shown a number of the card.

In this logo, the three dots is

showing that they have three

restaurant in their first year.

2. The word Domino that The word Domino at Domino is the name of a

represent their purpose the bottom of the logo game came from China which

mean authority. So they

choose this name as they want

to complite their mission to


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No Representament Object Interpretant

become the lord of pizza.

3. The colors used in the The used of blue and The blue and red color is their

logo red colors in the theme or main color that their

domino figure at the use for their restauran; used as

top of the logo the color of their store and

their poster.

The meaning of the sign that found in Domino‟s logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Domino‟s logo is the figure of domino card, the word Domino, and the colors used in the logo. The figure, word, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Pizza

Hut” Logo

Table 4.19 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Pizza Hut Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The figure of white The figure of white The figure of roof with a white

roof as their icon roof at the bottom of color is shaped like a roof created

the logo by Richard D Burke for their first

restaurant building.

2. A circle shape of the The circle shape at The circle shape used in this logo

logo that represent a the whole logo is actually shaped like a pizza

pizza which they want to inform the

customers that they are selling


3. The word Pizza Hut The word Pizza Hut The word Pizza Hut used as they

their name written in white first time selling pizza from a

color at the middle small store or a hut.

of the logo

4. The color of the logo The used of red and The red color used throughout the

white colors logo is actually inspired by tomato

sauce that identic with pizza, then

it represent something hot that


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related with pizza which serve hot

from the oven, it is also as the

basic color used by a restaurant to

can trigger the appettite of their

customers. The used of white color

in the writtern text of Pizza Hut

symbolizes the hygiene that they

have in serving pizza.

The meaning of the sign that found in Pizza Hut logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Pizza Hut logo is the figure of roof, a circle shape, the word Pizza Hut, and the colorsused in the logo. The figure, shape, word, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Subway” Logo

Table 4.20 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Subway Logo

NO Representament Object Interpretant

1. The word Subway as The word Subway Subway is a quick

represent their name in half yellow and transportation. It represent the

half green color word subway as their

restaurant name that serve a

quick sandwich.

2. A left and right arrow An arrow that Arrow known for something

pointing left in the that can show direction as in

S and pointing right this logo it symbolize the

in the Y entrance and exit of a subway.

It represents that people can

have their food on the way.

3. A color used in the logo A half yellow and Green color actually choose to

half green colors in inform thier vision to taking a

the word Subway fresh look and sell a healthy

sandwich with fresh

ingridients, so they combine

with yellow color which


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NO Representament Object Interpretant

believed as something related

to energy. It is perfectly

match their sandwich.

The meaning of the sign that found in Subway logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Subway logo is the word Subway, a left and right arrow, and the colors used in the logo. The word, arrow, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Burger

King” Logo

Table 4.21 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Burger King Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. Burger King word A word of Burger King As the word King represent

that represent the in red color between someone who holds the high


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No Representament Object Interpretant

name of the the two burger bun position and that is what the

restaurant Burger King means, to become

a high position in selling burger.

2. The figure of two Figure of two burger As the word Burger King is in

parts of burger bun bun in yellow color at the middle of two burger bun

with the restaurant the top and the bottom which indirectly intended for a

name in the middle of the logo delicious beef patty. Then the

combination of the word and

symbol in this logo is represent

a burger as it is.

3. A not full circle A not fullcircle in This not full circle implies the

shape bluecoloratthe logo meaning of target. That in this

logo the target is the thing

inside the circle, the burger. It

inform that they are a company

that deal with burger.

4. The used of color in Red, blue, and yellow Red color used to represent the

the logo colors as the powerful of the King as their

combination color in name.

the logo Blue color used to represent the

circle shape as the shield of the

logo that means stable, which

they keep selling burger forever.


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No Representament Object Interpretant

Yellow used to represent the

original color of burger bun.

The meaning of the sign that found in Burger King logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Burger King logo is the word

Burger King, the figure of buns, the half circle shape, and the colors used in the logo. The word, figure, shape, and colors that created in the logo is an object.

Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “KFC”


Table 4.22 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in KFC Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. KFC word that The word KFC The word KFC is the short

represent the name and written in black name of Kentucky Fried


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the mission of the color at the bottom Chicken. Kentucky is the

restaurant of the logo southeastern state of US as the

restaurant headquartered in

Louisville, Kentucky, US.

They complete the mission as

a healthy restaurant by

abbreviated Kentucky Fried

Chicken into KFC to get away

from the word „fried‟ which

meant fatty and seem


2. The image or the The face image of The stylized face of and old

stylized face of an old Colonel Sanders man at the middle is the icon

man used a bow tie and bordered in black at of Colonel Sanders that made

sunglasses that signifies the middle of the to inform the founder of this

Colonel Sanders as the logo food chain. A bow tie used by

founder Colonel is representing

proffesionalism and sunglasees

representing knowledge.

3. The used of red, black Red and white Red color used as its

and white colors in the colors as the phylosophy to increasing the

logo background color in appetite.

three vertical lines White color used to represent a

and black color for hygiene and clean of their


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Colonel face. restaurant.

Black is intended to emphasize

the image of the Colonel face

as their mascot.

The meaning of the sign that found in KFC logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of KFC logo is the figure of an old man, the word KFC, and the colors used in the logo. The figure, word, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Wendy’s” Logo

Table 4.23 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Wendy‟s Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. A Wendy‟s word as The word Wendy‟s Wendy is actually the name of the

represent their name written in red color founder-Dave Thomas‟ daughter.

on the left side of Her name was Melinda and


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No Representament Object Interpretant

the logo. usually called as Wenda that turn

into „Wendy‟

2. The image of a little The image of the The image of a smilling little girl

freckle-faced girl in girl in an oval frame in the logo is signifies Wenda, the

pigtails with blue of the logo founder‟s daughter. A smile girl

ribbon. in pigtails and tied with blue

ribbon is how his daughter

dressed in their first store


3. The collar of Wendy The Wendy‟s collar The collar implies a word MOM

in the logo in stripe blue and as the food that they serve is like

white your mother‟s cooking

4. The red and blue The logo use red The red color of the logo used as

color as the colors of color in Wendy‟s their basic color which gives an

the logo word and the color impression of youthful as

of the girl hair, blue represent the young girl, Wendy.

color for the ribbon Blue color used as the color of

used by the girl tied ribbon in her hair gives an

impression of being reliable or

professional especially in doing

their job. So Wendy‟s wants to

deliver the purpose or mission of

their restaurant illustrated by her


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No Representament Object Interpretant

little girl.

The meaning of the sign that found in Wendy‟s logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Wendy‟s logo is the word

Wendy‟s, the image of a little girl, the collar, and the colors used in the logo. The word, image, collar and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Dunkin Donuts” Logo

Table 4.24 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Dunkin‟ Donuts Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The word Dunkin‟, The word Dunkin‟ in Dunkin‟ is a new name of this

with a pink orange color chain by drops the word „donuts‟

aposthrope represent as in the minds of health-


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their name conscius customers feel wrong

about getting coffee from a place

where many calories are sold.

The word Dunkin‟ is a shorten

form of “dunking” means dip or

put the bread or biscuit into a

coffee before eating it, it inform

that they area chain that sell a

baked goods and coffee.

2. Font use in the name The font of word The Dunkin‟ font actually

of Dunkin‟ represent Dunkin‟ illustrates the shape of a donut

what they sell which marked by the rounding

edge in each of the letter, so it

gives an interesting and cute

impression of donuts that they


3. The orange and pink The oragecolor used Orange color in this logo means

colors of the logo in the whole name of warmth and energy symbolizing

Dunkin with a pink that their products are affordable

aposthrope and make us think as warmth as

with our family when we visit

the store. Pink color depicts

something cute, likeness, funny,

enjoyable, and attractive, so it is


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expected that all people like,

love and enjoy their products.

The meaning of the sign that found in Dunkin Donuts logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Dunkin‟ Donuts logo is the word Dunkin‟, the font style, and the colors used in the logo. The word, font and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Baskin Robbins” Logo

Table 4.25 The InterpretationofSignMeaning in BaskinRobbins Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The number 31 The number 31 in 31 symbolize the number of ice

signifies they ice pink color between cream flavors that available in

cream flavors letter B and R everyday for a month.


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2. BR as the abbreviation The letter B and R The name Baskin Robbins is

of Baskin Robbins and word Baskin the combination of the two last

represent the name of Robbins in the logo names of the founder. Burt

the founder Baskin and Irv Robbins own a

different ice cream store, so

then they merged their

individual ice cream and

created Baskin Robbins as their

store name.

3. Pink and blue as the The combination of Pink color actually came or

main colors of their pink and blue colors inspired by the first spoon they

store used in the letter B gave to the customers in taste

and R and used in the each flavor that drawning in

circle number 31 in the logo.

Blue color stand for a quality

and excellence as the key of

their store in serving ice cream

that was sparked by Irv


The meaning of the sign that found in Baskin Robbins logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Baskin Robbins logo is the


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number 31, the letter B and R, and the colors used in the logo. The number, letter and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in “Coca-

Cola” Logo

Table 4.26 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Cola-Cola Log

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The font used in Coca- The word Coca-Cola The word Coca-Cola used

Cola word as represent in spencerian white Spencerian font, which this

the origin place of the color at the middle of font is invented in mid 19th

company the logo century and was the dominant

form of official handwriting

in America at that time.

2. The red and white color Red color as the Originally, the red and white

used represent the background and white colors designed to associate it

history of the company color in the word with Christmas. It used to

Coca-Cola embody jolliness with red and

white colors, that the drink


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eventually found its way to

every merry occasion.

The meaning of the sign that found in Coca-Cola logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Coca-Cola logo is the font style used for the word Coca-Cola and the colors used in the logo. The figure, word, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Pepsi” Logo

Table 4.27 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Pepsi Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The circle shape in the The circle shape in This circle shape used in

logo signifies the shape three colors at the Pepsi logo since symbolized

of globe logo the globe, that means Pepsi is


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No Representament Object Interpretant

now a global brand.

2. The swirling shape of The swriling shape at This swirling shape actually

the logo is signifies the a blue side of the symbolizes the water, as they

water logo are a company that sell drink.

3. Blue, white, and red The blue, white, and The three colors of the logo

color of Pepsi as red color used in the are actually the color of US

reprsent their country‟s logo national flag and those three

flag and patriotism colors is to create the feel of

patriotism as their product

issued in the market during

world war II, so the company

came up with this patriotism

color to grab the consumer‟s


The meaning of the sign that found in Pepsi logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Pepsi logo is the circle and swirling shape and the colors used in the logo. The shapes and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Chatime” Logo

Table 4.28 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Chatime Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The word Chatime in The word Chatime Chatime is a beverage chain

the logo that written in white color from . The word

represent their name at the middle of the Chatime is the combination of

and country logo word Cha and Time, which in

Taiwanese Cha means tea. So

that the word Chatime means

tea time.

2. The figure of tea The figure of tea The tea leaves used in the

leaves that signifies leaves in the left side logo actually to symbolized

the kind of drink they of the logo the kind of drink they sell, as

have they has a variety of flavors of

tea drinks.

3. The purple and white The used of purple as Purple color actually the

colors as the main the background and favoritecolor of the founder,

color of their logo white for the word in Henry Wang Yao-Hui. And


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No Representament Object Interpretant

the logo white color acccording to

Taiwan‟s beliefs is a clean

and pure color which in this

case they made the original

taste of tea into various

flavors and topings.

The meaning of the sign that found in Chatime logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Chatime logo is the figure of tea leaves, the word Chatime, and the colors used in the logo. The figure, word, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“Sprite” Logo

Table 4.29 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in Sprite Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The word Sprite that Sprite word in white Sprite was develop in

represent the name of color at the middle of Germany as Clear Lemon

the company the logo Fanta which then renamed

and introduced to US as


2. The circle shape that The circle shape in A circle shape in the logo is

signifies the flavors yellow color at the actually to symbolize the

they have bottom of the word I shape of lemon and it inform

about the flavors they have

for the drink, lemon-lime


3. Green, yellow and The used of green The green color is to represent

white colors as their color in whole logo the fresh and clear sensation

main colors and yellow color in of the beverage they have and

the dot or circle shape this green color also represent

the color of lime as one of the


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flavor. Yellow color to

represent the color of lemon.

White color is representing

the color of the bubbles in the

carbonated drink.

The meaning of the sign that found in Sprite logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of Sprite logo is the circle shape, the word

Sprite, and the colors used in the logo. The shape, word, and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object. The Interpretation of Meaning based on the Sign Elements in

“A&W” Logo

Table 4.30 The Interpretation of Sign Meaning in A&W Logo

No Representament Object Interpretant

1. The word A&W that The word A&W at the The company name was taken


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represent the name of middle of the logo from the last name initials of

its founders Roy Allen who took

partnership with Frank Wright

in helping his root beer

business started in 1919.

2. The oval shape of the The oval shape of The oval shape actually is the

logo signifies the beer with brown and shape of the surface of the

glass they have orange color inside it beer glass that they serve to

at the logo the customers, because they

are known for they best root


3. The All American Food The tagline in orange All American Food tagline is

tagline signifies their color at the bottom of show the city of the restaurant

city and products the logo as an American chain of fast

food that well known by its

american food such as

hamburgers, potato chips,

draft root beer, and root beer


4. Orange and brown The used of orange Orange and brown colors in

colors use as the main and brown colors in this logo actually used as they

color of this restaurant the logo main colors, as they use this

two colors to represent the

color of root beer they have as


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their first and best products.

The meaning of the sign that found in A&W logo is analysed by relating the representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then the interpretant is the meaning of the sign. The sign of A&W logo is the oval shape, the word

A&W, the All American Food tagline and the colors used in the logo. The shape, word, tagline and colors that created in the logo is an object. Then the meaning of the sign that found in this logo is the interpretant which connected the representment and its object.

4.2 Findings

The writer found the elements of sign in international food and beverage logos. The elements of sign are based on the object of the logo, there are icon, index, and symbol. The icon signs are the shape or figure of the logo that represent a thing closely. The index signs are the name used in the logo as represent the name of the company itself. Then the symbol signs are the use of color in the logo as it is conventionally made for each logos. The sign elements are absolutely having its own meaning which can be interpreted by Peirce ROI theory. The representative of sign elements can be seen in the table below.


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Table 4.31 The representative of sign elements in the International Food and

Beverage Logos


15 International Food Sign Elements

and Beverage Logos Icon Index Symbol

1 McDonald‟s √ √ √

2 Domino‟s √ √ √

3 Pizza Hut √ √ √

4 Subway √ √ √

5 Burger King √ √ √

6 KFC √ √ √

7 Wendy‟s √ √ √

8 Baskin Robbins √ √ √

9 Chatime √ √ √

10 Sprite √ √ √

11 A&W √ √ √

12 Starbucks √ - √

13 Pepsi √ - √

14 Coca-Cola - √ √

15 Dunkin‟ - √ √

13 13 15


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The writer draws the table above from the logo that has the three elements of sign. The table above show how many sign elements found in 15 international food and beverage logos. From the table above it can be seen that there are 13 iconic signs, 13 index signs, and 15 symbolic signs. There are 2 logos that have no icon in their logo. Then there are 2 logos that have no index, and all logos has symbol.

The three sign elements are consisting in one logo are McDonald’s,

Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Subway, Burger King, KFC, Wendy’s, Baskin Robbins,

Chatime, Sprite and A&W. The 2 logos have only icon and symbol sign in the logo, the logos are Starbucks and Pepsi. The other 2 logos are only consisting index and symbol, the logos are Coca-Cola and Dunkin’. This indicates that the logos of food and beverage company are symbolic, which each logo have or use color for their logo. The food and beverages company prefers to used color as their symbol which is more attractive to represent the identity of the company itself, because they logo can be more colorful and meaningful in order to attract the customer‟s attention.

To answer the second problem, the writer used the triadic theory of Peirce to interpret the meaning of the sign elements by relating the Representament,

Object, and Interpretant (ROI). The signs elements in each logo represented the whole meaning of the logos, it represents the brand name, the city, its founder, and the history about their way or struggle in developed the products. Based of the analysis, the writer found that in each sign elements of the logo actually have


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different meaning. Each letter or word that used by the company for their name, each colors used in the logos, and each shapes of every logo show different meaning.

The symbolic element of sign is the most sign that used in the logos, because the company want to make a good looking logo by choosing the good color, and color is something that can easily remember by human brain. The color that used in the logo is a symbol sign because those color is conventionally made by the company for the logo. The icon and index is the elements of sign that missing in some logos based of the analysis. Those icon sign is missing because there is no iconic object that represent something similarly. Whilst the index sign can‟t be found in two logos as the logos has no verbal text that represent or signify the name of the company itself.

The representament that found in the logo is the icon sign, index sign, and symbol sign. The object is the representation of the three sign elements. Then the interpretant is the sense of the sign elements that found in the logo. The interpretation of sign in 15 international food and beverage logos used the idea of decisign and argument, because the data found from the article of the company.


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5.1 Conclusion

The general purpose of the semiotic interpretation research is to find out the meaning of the sign elements that found in 15 international food and beverage logos. Based of the analysis of the logos by using the theory of Peirce, the writer concludes:

1. The sign elements found in the logos are based of the object, they are icon,

index and symbol. The icon sign show the similarity of the object used in

the logo, such as the rounded M represent McDonald‟s, the figure of siren,

a domino card, a roof, an arrow, burger bun, an old man, a little girl,

number, a globe and water, tea leaves, a lemon, and beer mug. The index

sign show the identity such the name of the company in the logos, such as

thh name of McDonald‟s, Domino‟s, Pizza Hut, Subway, Burger King,

KFC, Wendy‟s, Dunkin‟, Baskin Robbins, Coca-Cola, Chatime, Sprite and

A&W.Then the symbol sign represent the philosophy of the color used in

the logos, which are the used of green color to symbolize a freshness,

healthy look, a nature of life and a lime. Red color for tomato sauce,

power, youthful, and an appetite booster. Yellow color represent a lemon

and energy. Blue color symbolizes a stable thing and professional. White


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color for hygiene, clean and a bubbles in carbonated drink. Orange color

represent a warmth, energy and beer. Brown color for the color of beer.

Pink color symbolize a cute, funny, enjoyable and an ice cream spoon.

Then the combination of blue, white, and red color in the logo of Pepsi

symbolizes patriotism.

2. The meaning of the sign that found in the logos is analysed by relating the

representment, object and interpretant. The representment is a sign that

found in the logos, the object is the representation of the sign itself, then

the interpretant is the meaning or the sense of the sign.

By analyzing the sign through the picture, name and color of the logo we can understand the meaning of the logos and know what the logos want to convey or explain.

5.2 Suggestion

Logo is not only as the design image with a verbal text and color, it is the visual design created with meaning. The purpose of logo is to identify, for food industries logo used to identify the food or drink they have. By knowing the importance of sign elements and its meaning, the consumers especially in food industries are expected to aware of a meaning appears in the designed logo by

Food and Beverage Company.

In this thesis, the writer feels quite confuse in finding the image of the logo because there is some logo that recreated or renew by the company. As


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suggestions to reach the purpose of logo are better, meaning of logo represented in a color or shape that can be easily understood by people, the logo has another types, it expected for the next researcher to analyze the other types of the logo.

The writer suggests the readers to find out the other or more information about the triadic theory by Peirce to get more knowledge about the relationship between representment, object and interpretant which it will help the reader to find the relation between the sign and its meaning to identify the logo.


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Universitas Sumatera Utara