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2-21-1963 The ewN s, February 21, 1963 The ewN s

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Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, February 21, 1963" (1963). The News. 503.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Combined Fund • ALWAYS Drive Near WFUL II.'.." Single Copy, $4400; 1,14PN VIM 10c Leaders lade Pleased Area RA 10 Microfilm Center SLIM TICE University of Ky. Although NE e in U. S. ...•• failing to meet its The groups who *UM' will receive the Room 14 monies are: $8000 quota, Mrs. Hendon Wright, The Clothes Bank, Volume Thirty-Two Fulton, Fulton Margaret I King Lib. The Twin City County, Kentucky, Thursday, February 21, 1 Chairman of the first Combined Youth, Inc., the Lexie gton, Ky. Number 8 libraries in Fulton and Hiclgrnan, Fund Drive, reported that she and the Fulton County Polio Chapter her workers are well pleased with and the Lion's Club City Park the approximately $4400 raised Fund. New through Action radio auctions and other By Mrs. Wright was high in her Garment Workers Union special events. While all of the praise of the cooperation lent to money has not been collected, it the drive by many local leaders in is believed that the five groups both Fulton and South Fulton and Could Cause participating in the Loss drive will re- Of by the hundreds of residents who Members' Jobs Here ceive approximately $850 each, patronized the auction and other after expenses. events to reach the amount raised Civic and union leaders in the twin city area ex- pressed concern today over the action taken by the The union, rejected at the Soutl Amalgamated Clothing Workers union to stop the sale Fulton plant in an election con Dr. Mitchell of garmimts made in the unionized ducted by the National Labor Re Fulton, Kentucky lations Board, and Jottings and Dickson, Tennessee recently re- plants of the Henry I. Siegel jected for the third time by the Dies Tuesday Company. The union has been erroneously stating that Sewell Manufacturing Company From garments manufactured in the in Georgia, is waging a campaign plants are non-union in many In Rochester made. In the twin city area, .communities across the where nearly 1400 union country urging consumers not to members make their home, buy HIS (Siegel's Many area residents will grieve one union leader said: "If label) garments. this campaign In commenting on the action 0 s to learn of the untimely death of succeeds it could result in substantial loss J taken by the Dr. Lyndon Mitchell in Rochester, of employment in ACWA union in this community. It puts the union in Miami a union N. Y. on Tuesday. Dr. member told the Mitchell the position of fighting its own News: was married to the former Miriam members." The long- time union "We cannot understand Sue Cook, of Fulton, and the member was commenting on an article that such un- And much more derhanded action on Note Book couple has four sons. Mrs. Mitch- fun when you cae get a prize for enjoying your appeared in the Daily News Record of New the part of York, a gar- the labor union which is supposed ell is the daughter of Mrs. Char- favorite sport. That's what the Happy Day Skating Rink did ment manufacturing when it trade paper. to have the interest of its les Cook and the late Mr. Cook. sponsored a mem- local contest. Held on Valentine's Day the winners were bers at heart. We From Frankfort, Kentucky comes He was recently appointed Di- The N4w York newspaper feel that the left to right: Brenda Weatherford, workers in the Siegel the political quip of the week: rector of the Chautauqua School Water Valley, best girl skater; Coy quotes the following statement of Now the stores and public are be- pants plants ing in Dickson and Fulton should "Republicans sure can't make up of Music. He formerly was assist- Devveese Crutchfield, best boy skater; Betty Owens, Latham, most policy announced by Amalgamated told that the pants are also pro- test against the action their minds. In 1960 they fought ant Professor of Theory at outstanding skater; Clothing Workers at its conven- being made in non-union shops." of the union the Jimmy Yates and Judy Linker, of Fulton, best as it is certainly like mad to keep a Catholic out Eastman School of Music. tion in Miami Beach: against their own couple skaters. (Coats made under the Sieget best interest." of the White House. Now they Dr. Mitchell's body will arrive "Until now the union has been label are manufactured at the The Dickson and Fulton plants want a Nunn in Frankfort." in Fulton on Friday and grave- advising retailers and consumers Martin Manufacturing Company employ nearly 700 union mem- side services will be held on Sat- that the coats the company sells whose workers are union mem-- bers. The Largest majority of them Kennedy's physical urday morning with Rev. John are made in non-union President Skit, Re-enacting First P-TA shops. bers.) are in the Fulton plant. fitness progFa, m makes me mad- Piatt, pastor of Trinity Episcopal Meet der every time I read something Church, officiating. Whitnel Fun- about it. Somehow or other I eral Home is in charge of ar- Presented At South Fulton Program think if little Caroline and Jack, rangements. Hinge Factory New Pastor Is PTA Founders Jr. were just a little bit older, Day was observ- carnations. They then passed be- ed by the SPORTS say thirteen and fifteen for in- South Fulton PTA on hind a heart-shaped picture frame, Friday, February Seeking State Coming Here To stance, the President would exert 15. The presi- outlined in white lace and red Mayfield Lady, dent, every energy to promulgating a Rev. Hulon Allen, presided hearts. For the deceased past during WHIRL program for walking just one- the business session, after presidents a vase of white roses Aid To Locate Preach Sunday which fiftieth of a mile, instead of the Well Known Here he introduced Mrs. David was placed in the frame. advocat- Phelps, program chairman. Mrs. On a motion submitted by Paul Rev. Glenn Kapperman, who By fifty-mile bit that he's A beautifully planned tea was Phelps presented an original skit, Kasnow twin city residents at- will graduate from the Cumber- ing. held in the home economics room Lynn Williamson Dies In Accident writen and prepared by Mrs. W. B. tending a called meeting of the land Presbyterian Seminary at after the meeting, honoring the convinced the automo- Ennis, of the English Department. Citizen's Advisory Committee McKenzie, Term., has been named I'm that Mrs. Madeline Jones, of May- past presidents. A beautiful birth- BULLDOGS LOSE TWO trades, This was a re-enactment of the Monday night went on record "as pastor of the local church in Ful- bile industry, and its allied field, widow of Tudor Jones, was day cake, carrying out the Valen- rear- formation of National Congress of approving action taken by the in- ton. are aiding and abetting the killed in a traffic accident near tine motif, was baked by Mrs. The powerful Fulton quintet generation of Mothers in Washington, D. C. on dustrial committee of the Fulton- Rev. Kapperrnan will fill the ing of a whole Chiefland, Florida, about 6:45 Oden Fowler. The tea was in found themselves with an off- February 17, 1897, the organiza- South Fulton of Com- pulpit at the church this Sunday would-be cripples. Used to be a. m. Tuesday. A traveling com- charge of Mrs. James Holt night last Saturday as they bowed tion later being called Parent- and merce and that any further de- and will be present on alternate when a two-car family was a panion, Miss Catherine Beadles, Mrs. Virgil Barker and to the Mayfield Cardinals 32-27. Teachers Association. Taking part they were tails be worked out by that com- Sundays until he graduates. status symbol. Today, two cars also of Mayfield, was injured and assisted by Mrs. Robert Thomp- The Bulldogs, who have been hit- in the skit were Mrs. Ennis, Mrs. mittee." The new pastor and his wife and for every family is not only a removed to Alchua General Hos- son, of the Home Economics De- ting near 50 per cent lately, buck- Mac Burrow, Mrs. Billy Milner, meeting one year old son will move into "must" it's a grave necessity. pital at Gainesville, Florida, for partment, and Misses The was called by Ad- eted a meager 20 per cent. May- Mrs. Lester Betty, Mrs. Eugene Monette the Presbyterian manse about Mothers joke a good bit about treatment of scalp lacerations and Oliver, Sandra visory Committee Chairman Mrs. the field did hit better, for they con- Bard, Mrs. Frank Barber, Mrs. Speed, Judith first of April. running a taxi service each day, shock. She is reported in fairly Davis and Marilyn Lorene Harding to discuss the nected 32 per cent. Edward Halley, Mrs. James Robey Mills, students but for me it hasn't been very good condition. The two of the proposal made by Miss Pijie Johnny Covington with two ladies and Mrs. R. T. Bodker. department Mrs. Shelton funny these past two week while were en route to Naples, Florida, presided at the Jackson of Phoenix, Arizona to points was Fulton's only scort-! Prior to the program, past register. Paul has been at Reserve Officers' to visit friends, having left May- locate a hinge factory here with April the first quarter, compared ta presidents of the South 20 - 26 Camp at Fort Gordon, Ga. He field Sunday. Fulton Col. R. D. Benedirt wa present local financing. Mayfield's ten points. Mayfield PTA were introduced and present- drove, which left me with one Surviving are four stepschildren, at the meeting an took pictures Miss Jackson, owner of an in- continued their tight defensivti ed with corsages of red and whit car, and one chauffeur, and that Tudor G. Jones, Jr., president of throughout the progrfm. vention patented to the Twinset Is Clean-Up game to the second quarter and driver was me. the Kentucky Retail Lumber Deal- Hinge Corporation, is in Frank- they held a double lead on the ers Association, and Henry C. fort discussing the possibility of Week In Area Bulldogs as the whistle designat- Before Paul left, we had a Jones, both of Mayfield; Miss Harold Henderson Have A Heart locating in some Kentucky city, ing the halftime sounded. little family conference with a Juliette Jones and Mrs. Warren if the legal and financial aspects The week of April 20-26 was In the third and fourth quarters full attendance ... the four of us. Hartwell of Louisville; her moth- of the industry -can be accomplish- designated Clean Up-Paint Up- the Bulldogs seemed like they The departing officer organized er, Mrs. T. J. Murphy, Mayfield; County Chairman And Give On ed. Fix Up Week by the Twin_Cities might pull out,, since they finally "his company" so that the respon- two sisters, Miss Georgia Lee Miss Jackson had previously Development Association on Wed- found themselves with the lead. sibility of running the house and Murphy and Miss Mary Murphy, Of Bank Group appeared before the industrial nesday. The group met at the Park However, with their many floor the paper would be distributed in of Mayfield; and a brother, T. J. This Sunday committee. W. P. (Dub) Burnette, Terrace, with William Strattoh, mistakes the Bulldogs couldn't three equal parts. He went so far Murphy, Jr., of Chicago. Harold president of the local civic organi- of the Kentucky Department of hold out and finally fell to the Henderson, Assistant Next Sunday, February 24, is as to tell the children not to be so Cashier, zation said Monday: "We didn't Commerce, and L. M. McCuan, Cardinals by five points. Fulton Bank, Fulton, Heart Sunday in Fulton and demanding about being driven close the door." Consultant, Tennessee Health De- Setting the pace for Fulton were Kentucky has been named County South Fulton, when volunteers here and there. He said and I partment, to make plans for the Don Burnette and Ken Allen with West Fulton Agricultural Chairman of Fulton will assist the Business quote: "On mornings when the & Profes- spring event. 12 and 11, respectively. John County by the President of the sional Women's Club weather is not so bad, walk to in a door- Mrs. Ward Bushart, chairman, Shepherd was sick with the ful Kentucky Bankers Association. to-door campaign for school, so your Mother will have P-TA To Honor contribiliions presided over the board meeting. and missed the night's action. to help fight the Valentine one less trip to make." I might As County Agricultural Chair- nation's number Day Reports from various committee Without three of their first five one health enemy. say here and now that there was man Mr. Henderson will be the chairmen were heard. Mrs. Bus- players and without their heap Past Leaders Mrs. Bertes Pigue, chairman no promise forthcoming from the official representative of the Ken- of 63rd Wedding hart joined the Fulton Woman's coach, the Fulton City Bulldogs the Fulton campaign, speaking other two attendants at the meet- tucky Bankers Association in ac- on Club in urging the members of held the Ballard Memorial Bomb- Today (Thursday) when the behalf of the ing. - tivities designed to increase Twin Cities, said her group to publicize "Stars ers to a meager 14 point victory. West Fulton PTA meets in the farm this morning: In income and improve the welfare Day For Shupes My Crown," to be presented at Johnny Covington, Kenneth Allen Carr Elementary library, past "When a neighbor I appreciate their honesty. Not of rural communities. Such rings your Kenlake this summer. and Coach Chester Caddas were presidents of that organization activi- doorbell Mr., and Mrs. H. E. Shupe one time have they violated their ties include Sunday afternoon, we ob- all home Tuesday night with will be honored, in observance the encouragement of urge the intent have the no "walkie- of you to welcome her with a served their sixty-third wedding flu. John Shephard to Founders' Day. new and improved ,farm practices, was out of walkie" campaign go on without generous Heart Fund gift. If you anniversary on February 14 at Weight town due to a Mrs. J. C. the support of youth leadership Class Over, death in his family. Hancock, program can't be at home when she calls, their home, 104 Bates Street in Big interruption. You may know that chairman, 'training in 4-H Clubs and FFA Don Burnette and Terry will present Mrs. Leon- please promptly mail a gift in the South Fulton. They were married we have one child in High School ard Chapters, and cooperation with But Diet Lingers On Beadles, only two FHS regulars, Allen, who will speak on the envelope she will leave. You will in Union City by Rev. Blackwell, and one in Carr Elementary. From farm leaders and agencies in hold- The Weight Control Class held played an outstanding game. Bur- school's guidance program. Im- be helping your heart and a Methodist minister, in the our approach to these buildings ing educational tours, field days hearts the final meeting of the series at nette, tall center for the Bulldogs, mediately following the program, of those you love." ainirch parsonage on February 14, we reach Carr Elementary School and achievement meetings. the Health Department on Febru- scored 14 points in the first quar- a silver tea will be held in the 1900." They have lived in South first. That's why Mary Jo sits in ary 18, under the direction of Miss ter with a total of 27 for the en- school cafeteria. All members are ulton 18 years, living four the front seat and R. Paul sits in miles Mary Virginia Burfort, State Nu- tire game. Dwain McAlister came urged to be present. ON SECOND 100! west of Fulton prior to the back. She gets out first, and MILKING ECONOMY! that time. tritionist. A luncheon of nutritious through with eight and Terry Mrs. Zep Starks, Route I would say there's another 150 2, Water — Mr. Shupe is a retired section .and low calorie dishes was served. Beadles and Ward Bushart both BIG STACK! Valley, celebrates her yards to the other school, yet we Theenext meeting of the Dairy 101st birth- foreman for the Illinois Central1 At the request of .the class, it is hit five. Management' School will be day today, February 21, and Mrs. Railroad and have to drive that far and make The West Fulton PTA will spon- held worked at the Ful- planned to have follow-up meet- This was the worst defeat the at the Fulton School next Friday, Mollie Williams, of the Browns- ton Theater for a number another stop. It would be un- sor a pancake breakfast at the of years ings once each month., Bulldogs have suffered all year. February 22nd from 10:30 ville Community, will celebrate after retiring thinkable for both of them to get First Methodist Church on Tues- a. m. from the railroad. The final score of the last game of to 2:30 p. m. Subjects to be her 102nd birthday tomorrow, The couple has out at one school or the other and day, February 26, from 6 am. to dis- three children: ANOTHER TIME! the season for Fulton was 64-50. cussed include: How to February 22. Congratulations to Harry Whayne Shupe, walk the respective distances. 10 am. Adult tickets are $1.00, deter- an Illinois The Blue and Gold Tea, - mine the cost of milk production both! Central conductor student tickets 50c, and no charge at Memphis; ally scheduled for February 25 as TOURNAMENT AT CARLISLE and how to Mrs. Starks was sent I don't want you to think that for pre-school children. reduce these cost. a birthday Mrs. Nell Odenburg of Detroit, part of the annual Boy Scout Week, Tickets card by President Kennedy The Bulldogs' next game will be I'm too critical of our two. I see may be obtained by on the and Mrs. Allen Shelton, of Cham- will be held in the South Fulton calling Mrs. occasion of Thursday night, the second the same thing happen every Don Sensing her 100th birthday paign, Illinois; also two daughters Gym on Tuesday, February 26, game at 680. Shop Your Local Stores last at of morning with other families. It year. who are deceased. seven o'clock. the First District Tournament just beats me how a parent in this at the Carlisle County Gym. On day and time, with one car in the February 28, Fulton will play family and four children ever Hickman County. The first game does anything but load and unload Fulton Woman's Club Takes of the Tournament will be on Lead Wednesday night In and will 'Stars In see youngsters from My Crown' morn until night. Promotion Carlisle County The Bs ard of Directors and Hickman of the 500 letters being mailed. major tourist attraction Riverview The other morning as I deposit- to Ken- now a reality. It departed from nessee, the Cumberland and the clash. Fulton County Fulton Woman's Club took the Mrs. Wright will present the tucky and ed my cargo at school I chuckled to the Mid-west. "Stars the "dream planning" stage on Ohio Rivers in this area. will play the winner of this game lead publicizing same proposal to civic, cultural In to myself as I drove in the outdoor My Crown," is the title of the Saturday night January 5 when on Friday night. away from and educational groups all Under the new plan the drama to be presented in the over play selected for an outdoor the trustees of the Western Ken- The championship game will be the high school building. By the new the state. former vice president will prob- amphitheater at Kenlake drama that will be presented this tucky Productions Association in- Saturday night March 2. All games time I got home I was looking this ably not appear as a character in summer. Appearing before the ex- Dr. Hunter, the nationally summer in the new amphitheatre structed Dr. Kermit Hunter start at 7:30 P. M. pretty silly laughing out loud all to the second act of the play, but by ecutive board on Monday, Mrs. known playwright and author of, now under construction at Ken- prepare a second draft of The Regional Tournament will by myself. The reason for the his play, stage effects it will show Bark- Hendon the first outdoor drama in West- lake Hotel, near Murray. "Stars in be at Murray State laughter is simple. Have you ever Wright, public relations My Crown." ley's influence in College the ern Kentucky, will appear before harnessing the following week and seen the faces of the drivers of representative of the drama group The project to establish the The action by the board of trus- rivers in this will begin on the Woman's Club on area. those "private" school busses each sponsoring "Stars In My Crown" Friday, amphitheatre, to form a non- tees came after a script commit- March 5. March 1. The program will The script committee was un- On morning? Most of them are wo- by Dr. Kermit Hunter, presented be in profit group to underwrite the tee, headed by Lon Carton Barton the tournament scene at charge of the Drama and animous in suggesting that more Palmersville men. Most of them have been up and the club accepted a proposal Litera- proposed production and the de- of Mayfield, requested that Dr. the South Fulton Red ture Department of the club. material pertaining to the rivers— Devils for an hour or more. most of them that would have members of the cision to instruct Dr. Kermit Hunt- Hunter be allowed to continue were conquered by a pow- their songs, folklore, the show- have been scurrying around local group write to their out-of- "Stars In My Crown," is the name er to write the drama has taken with the project. er-packed team from Dresden in solv- boat and river pirate ing the "what to wear" town friends and relatives to tell of an old church hymn. Some- nearly a year of tireless, and eras—be the semi-finals. In the other game question; The play which started out to used in the production. coaxing the small fry to eat a them of the project Mrs. Wright day the title of that song may be sometimes discouraging work to Friday evening Martin defeated be completely about the life of It is expected that the good breakfast; cooking estimated that with 100 percent used to sing the praises of a dedi- bring the vast project into being. third Union City 58-41. same; Alben W. Barkley, will be modi- draft of the play will cooperation among the members, cated group of Weed Kentuckians reach the The mighty Lions had little But the presentation of an out- fied to !glow more of the struggle script committee (Continued on page eight) this would mean a total of almost who warted untiringly by the first of trouble overpowering the to bring a door drama in the amphitheatre ig of a farm family against the Ten- Red next month. (Continued on page eight) dates would be arrested, and if week under review crossed the elected, they would not be per- Cumberland River on a raid into mitted to hold offices. His adjutant the Bluegrass Region. ,The men T: made a list of those present. Gil- were put across the river in boats Tampering With Soul OfAmerica bert said those who were not and the horses were made to Moral Decay swim. It was so cold that eight of corrununism Frankfort residents, members of that would bring blushes to an countries the fraud the horses chilled to death immediate- sociology at Adelphi college, synonymous with morali- the legislature or officers of Last week one of our readers medical American Legion stag party. Let's appears ly upon emerging from the water. repository state government must return to in the in a recent article in This Week mag- not be awed by movie characters ty, while we, the chief sent us an article that appeared are regarded as their homes and refrain from "se- at Somerset left as a new kind of with barnyard morals, even if of real freedom, Union troops Home Journal. The reader azine, says it's time for decay. ditious and noisy conversation." and he captur- Masonic some of them have been photo- being in the last stages of Cluke approached, Kinsey Report. She asserts that the from his- there. An enemy said that the article so impressed him graphed climbing aboard the We can learn a lesson The next day in the House of ed Federal stores our British at Mt. Vernon; he would be glad late Doctor Kinsey produced a report Presidential yacht. Let us pay tory. Twice before Representatives, Dr. A. B. Cham- force surrendered and his family that be heading pressed on to- was heavily loaded by exhibition- more attention in our news col- cousins app4ared to bers of Gallatin County moved to the Confederates to publish the article as a "paid ad- that principle, and over wretched WOT: umns to the decent people every- into a collapse of dispense with the rules to permit ward Richmond ists and that did immense damage to themselves back. blinding snow . vertisement" in this newspaper. After where who are trying to do some- twice they drew him to present a petition setting roads, in a the ; the impression reached an ad- garrison evacuated reading the message written by Jenkin America by peddling thing for the good of others. The British court forth the happenings at Metropoli- A Federal corruption under before the Rebels could aim( that sexual self-discipline neither ex- In short, let's cover up the cess- vanced stage of tan Hall and seeking legislation to Richmond Lloyd Jones, editor of the Tulsa Stuarts. But the people re- get there. Major Theophilus Steele tirm in this country nor is it desirable. pool and start planting some the conserve the constitutional right (Oklahoma) Tribune we could not ists belled. And in the wild days of with three companies overtook the ed ci flowers. of citizens peaceably to assemble Ferry and conscientiously quote an advertising Generally, she says, those par- George IV and William IV it look- and the rights of suffrage and free rear guard at Combs by s. ENDED British were the retreating column LAMENTATION ed as though the speech. The motion lost on a tie harassed rate for the publication of the article. ents, who are afraid to lay down the the people to the outskirts of tern rotting out again. But vote, 40 to 40. all the way law, have the most miserable chil- Well, that's the Jeresnaid. banged through the reform laws, Lexington. Cluke moved out of Elsi( of the here with Editor Jones, a member But I am fed up to and under Victoria went on to the Col. Roy S. Cluke of the Eight Richmond the night of February dren. Children, she points out, want and pseudo- lean Unitarian Church and a past presi- the educationists peak of their power. Kentucky (Confederate) Cavalry, 22, crossed the Kentucky River at honest direction and a set of sensible social scientists who have under- and on the 23rd Mau the American So- In this hour of misbehavior, with 750 of Brig. Gen. John Hunt Boonesborough dent and director of de- rated our potential as a people. rules to live by. Where these are self-indulgence, and self-doubt Morgan's troopers, during the took Winchester. liner ciety of Newspaper Editors, undoubt- I am fed up to here with the nied them on the fantastic theory that let this be the story of America. tran all edi- medicine men who try to pass off edly felt the frustrations that Unless I misread the signs a great it's no longer scientific to say "No," pretense for art and prurience for THE LOOM OF TIME repli tors do, at some time or another, at number of our people are ready. the kids often develop subconscious literature. Man's life is laid in the loom of time To a pattern he does not see. Let there be a fresh breeze, a It i the apathy among most Americans to I am tired of seeing America While the weavers work and the shuttles fly Till the dawn of anxiety. Much juvenile delinquency breeze of new pride, new idealism, five necessary to debased in the eyes of foreigners. eternity. exhibit the courage new integrity. the dark and fair, pleas springs from a deep hunger for rules. And I am genuinely disturbed God surely planned the pattern: Each thread, maintain our way of life. master skill And placed in the web with care. went It is a masochistic effort to seek pun- that to idealistic youth in many The End Is chosen by His He only knows its beauty, And guides the shuttles which hold Mauri address we reprint herewith ishment. The child, says Doctor Des- The threads so unattractive, As well as the threads of gold. ed o The cease to fly, a world where every- Not till each loam is silent And the shuttles coven was delivered by Editor Jones before chin, abhors explain the reason why McFeatters Shall God reveal the pattern And helpir Newspaper thing goes. by needful In the weaver's skillful hand the American Society of STRICTLY BUSINESS The dark threads were as embrc As the threads of gold and silver For the pattern which He planned. Editors. We reprint it, not in the hope Or, as my tough-minded old Use( that our readers will storm our doors put it, "The youngster coveri grandmother rently of the situations men- —SZE— to correct some who doesn't know that there's a Lord for lu tioned in the article that are our local in Israel bounces around in a limbo if we problems, too! We do so in the hope where there is no gravity. If you ATKINS, REAMS and TAYLOR ing, v few families will find the hunch that just a think he's happy you're crazy." FOR YOUR napkii courage to stop the violence and cyni- ADVISED AND AUTO INSURANCE of hai cism that is "tampering with the soul • FARM FARMER'S LIABILITY COVERAGE The of modern America." The time has come to dust off the erine if FARM LOANS authoi Here is the article. It is not de- rule book. The game is unplayable OFFICE PHONE 5 Ns MAIN STREET two strikes or six, if "crew lightful reading, we can assure you. you're allowed FULTON, KENTUCKY you can use a bat or a cannon, and if "Who Is Tampering With The Soul you can have three men on some days S.] Of Modern America? third and other days there isn't any 207 ( TELEVISION third base at all. We have to stop trying to make up our own rules. THIS WAY... —Sli our youngsters —Up We are drowning And that goes for all of us. It's violence, cynicism, and sadism pip- ma in time to quit seeking learning without —Dr, room and even the ed int") the living effort and wages without work. It's —Ac Saturday evening in nursery. Every time we got mad 'about payola. We program, Miss Kitty JA/ the Gunsmoke ask the Lord's forgiveness for combination saloon should presides over her our inflated expense accounts and quit Even the five-year- and dance hall. pretending that goonery is a human olds are beginning to wonder what's right. "You understand you're not improving relations going on upstairs. government!" Do not let me overdraw the pic- between business and LITERATURE ture. This is still a great, powerful, The fast buck boys have succeed- vibrant, able, optimistic nation. M11111110111111111111111111111111PIIHRIMIIIIIIITIIINIIII1IMIIIMICEIN11111111111111111111111111IIIIMPI161115 ed in convincing our judges that there A PRETTY PICTURE? is no difference between a peep show FROM THE FILES:— and a moral lecture. The old eye-pop- But there is rot, and there is pers which tourists used to smuggle blight, and there is cutting out and Turning Back The Clock-- back from Paris, France under their filling to be done if we, as the leaders dirty shirts are no clothed in judici- of free men, are to survive the ham- 1 al blessing. A Chicago judge has re- mer blows which quite plainly are in February 19, 1943 James Marshall Doughty, Jr., us all. David Homra, William Alonzo cently issued a blanket injunction store for former Wa- Davis, Dr. W. S. Hamlett, Johnson, Robert Lewis OEM against any one who might try to pre- We have reached the stomach- ter Valley resident, died in Baird, Homer Ray Falls, Eldon Dee vent the sale of Tropic of Cancer to turning point. We have reached the Texas February 13. A daughter, Toons, Adolphus Robert Brown, Lady Chatterley's Lover and Mrs. Leon Wright, lives in Beeler- William Holloway, Loren D. children. point where we should re-examine ton. Nelms, Jr., Glenn Weatherspoon, Ulysses are on the paperback shelves the debilitating philosophy of permis- Charles E. Dixon, Ralph Winstead right next to the comic books. They siveness. Let this not be confused Funeral services were held an Joe Woodfin Trees, Eugene R. the bookstalls on the Seine. February 15 for Mrs. Minnie D. Singleton, John B. Hancock, Rus- can close with the philosophy of liberty. The Wayne Mc- at your corner drugstore Hastings, who died at her home sell A. Pruett, Joseph YOU SAVE MONEY! It's all over school system that permits our chil- near McConnell. Mrs. Hastings Alister, James William Shelby where the kids hang out. dren to develop a quarter of their na- was a sister of Mrs. Nettie Mul- and Raymond Clyde King. tural talents is not a champion of our lins of Fulton. We help most families in Mid-America Don Maxwell of the Chicago Tri- Mr. and Mrs. LeJune Holly, of liberties. The healthy man who bune last year asked his book depart- Lieut. E. A. Autrey, former Crutchfield, are the parents of a save money. It's hard to beat the prices ment to quit advertising scatological chooses to loaf on unemployment pastor of the First Baptist Church son, born February 9 at Fulton we charge for moving most of the things is not a defender of hu- in Fulton and now serving as Hospital and named Royce Glenn. literature by including it in the list of compensation a family buys. man freedom. The play-wright who Chaplain in the United States best sellers. The critics and the book Army, has been transferred from Commander M. C. Cheek, of the who Brooks The more business we handle, the publishers have denounced him for would degrade us, the author Fort Dix to Jefferson Barracks, U. S. Navy, visiting Mrs. to the Mo. Henderson and other relatives in more you save. Last year we did more tampering with the facts. I would would profit from pandering worst that's in us, are no friends of Fulton, was the guest of honor at freight business than in several previous like to raise a somewhat larger ques- Fulton's Victory Book Drive, to a dinner party given at the home tion: ours. get books for the various service of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jenkins on years. More shippers used our services It's time we hit the sawdust trail. centers in the country, is under Third Street. and found them better and more eco- OUR SOUL way this week. Mrs. Jessie Lee It's time we revived the idea that Fleming is chairman of the drive Mrs. A. G. Baldridge was hos- nomical. Who is tampering with the soul there is such a thing as sin—just plain in Fulton. tess at two bridge parties on Feb- This year we plan many improvements. of America ? old willful sin. It is time we brought ruary 15, one in the afternoon and Fulton men were one in the evening. Prize winners These will cost us about $32 million. We'll self-discipline back into style. The following For nations do have souls. They inducted in the army February in the afternoon were Mrs. Glenn add new locomotives and thousands of People NEEDED 23: David Lynn Weatherspoon, Dunn, Mrs. Abe Jolley and Mrs. have collective personalities. ACTION William Henry Edwards, H. L. Louis Weaks; in the evening Mrs. new freight cars, many of them special collec- Binford, Mrs. T. K. Rus- who think well of themselves suggest: Hardy, Russell E. Travis, Jr., Wil- Charles cars that do the best job of handling cer- So I liam Bellew Byrd, Johnnie Fry, sell and Mrs. Nora Alexander. tively exhibit elan and enthusiasm tain kinds of freight We'll put about $7 and morale. Where they low-rate Let's look at our educational in- million into other improvements that will themselves as individuals they will stitutions at the local level, and if limmillimmummo_mmonnommummillacomommomminiumnimmommumnsplip, not long remain the citiens of great Johnny can't read by the time he's help trains move faster and more de- nyeions. ready to get married, let's find out 100 Years Ago This Week pendably. •,••• why. day by day in Ken- Dr. Celia Deschin, specialist in An historical review of the Civil War This year's Improvements are the latest Let's look at the distribution of tuck', as reviewed by the Kentucky Civil War Commission In a long range program into which we THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS and if, far from alle- By JOE JORDAN WESTPHELING public largesse, have ptit $450 million since World War II. R. PAUL and JOHANNA M. viating human misery, it is producing Editors and Publethers (Kentucky Civil War Commission) in Metropolitan Hall. As soon as This program is good for us and helps and that in- the sloth irresponsibility the meeting had been called to make living better and more economical Voted "Best All Around" in class in Kentucky One hundred years ago this tensifies it, let's get it fixed. of in 1954 Kentucky Press Association judging week, the House of Representa- order by Capt. Johp Leather for every family in Mid-America. Also Second iplaes 19911 and Ilinursige IhnIlon hi and before it Let's,quit being bulldozed tives of the Kentucky legislature Kenton County 1959. it was bedazzled by self-appointed long- voted down, 49 to 36, a motion could proceed to organize, WAYNE A. JOHNSI ON by Col. E. A. Gilbert Successor of various weekly papers in Fulton, that it adjourn on the 17th until interrupted hairs. Let's have the guts to say that com- President the first of which was founded in 1880. the 19th, to permit the Democratic of the 44th Ohio Infantry, a book is dirt if that's what we think of mander of Union Army forces at °halms of address. Party state convention to use the Address oil moll (outmeriptIons. it, a may be a daub if Frankfort. He read what he called Forms 3579 to Pest Wiles no: 435 Patten. Kentooks or that painting chamber on the 18th. According to the judges unwittingly hang it upside Collins' "History of Kentucky," it "General Order No. 3," forbidding Every Thursday of The Year the •Democrats to hold a conven- Published down. And if some beatnik welds to- was the first time in the history A member of the Kentucky Press Association use of the hall tion. gether a collection of rusty cog- of the state that ILLINOIS Second - class postage paid at Fulton, Ken- had been denied one of the major The Union commander, whose tucky and at additional mailing offices. wheels and old corset stays and claims political parties. troops were lined up in the street it's a greater sculpture than Michel- appointed day, when 200 outside the hall with bayonets fix- Subscription Rates: $3.00 per year in Fulton On the from 40 ed, announced that any further Hickman, Graves Counties. Ky., and Obion and angelo's David, let's have the courage Democratic delegates EDE of the convention was Weakley Counties, Tenn. Elsewhere through- counties (out of 110 then existing) business to say that it looks like junk and may Col. Gilbert told the out the United States $4.00 per year. assembled at Frankfort to nomi- "arrested." well be. nate candidates for governor and Democratic delegates that if they MAIN LINK OF MID-AMKRICA Other state off1eari4 they convened nominated candidates, the candi- Thursday, February 21, 1963 Let's blow the whistle on plays ict itnt siasippi to visit with her mother, The Fulton News, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1961, Mrs. Myrtle Doyle. Ella stopped Korean Missionary To Be Principal Page 3 t men The News reporis your - - -. by for a brief visit with some she received while in the boe- met at the club house on Febru- boats friends in Fulton and from them pital. She is grateful for your ary 19. 'de to and from a short note from Ella At WSCS Meeting In Paris Speaker thoughgelness and wishes she W. L. Cottrell's Carr Elementary eight we learned that this capaUle young could tell each of you "thank you" sixth graders presented a puppet adiate- lady is certainly enjoying her Doin's personally. At the moment that's show, "The Snow Witch," a spec- water. of of I Diary year of study at the University hard to do, so she is using this ial project of that class. Artists Illinois. Ella is now doing her own means as a card of thanks. for the show are Terry Smith and left as (Items gathered along Fulton's merryway 15-minute television show each aptur- Tina Jolley, who painted all the pleasure and your scrapbook) Friday night as part of her studies enemy for your scenery. About twenty of the sixth and reports that she's having an When people get that bowling ernon; grade pupils took part in the exciting time interviewing many bug, they get it bad. And there on to- Webster describes "crewel" as a slackly, twisted show. national celebrities. She has had are some gals who are smitten etched work. "Creweling" then, is worsted yarn used in fancy Interviews with Everett Dirksen, with a bowling disease that bord- storm. the art of embroidering with said yarn and the custom is Mr. and Mrs. Douglas (Paul, we ers on the dangerous. A couple of cuated imagine), Norman Thomas and weeks ago ten local bowlers got could almost three hundred and fifty years old. In this day and others. Says she: "I loved it." into Martha Stinnett's big station HAPPY BIRTHDAY Steele time it seems ultra-modern to resurrect the old-fashion- wagon of sorts, and took off for Ella has also written and pro- )ok the bids well to sweep the country Sikeston, Missouri to participate in ed customs, so creweling duced a 30-minute program for ,ar and an invitational tournament. They The News takes pleasure ii by storm as has hiking long distances. On a Sunday af- the educational channel in Cham- :oltunn bowled all afternoon in the vari- wishing "Happy Birthday" to thi paign. No telling where that gal drts of ternoon recently we stopped in to see our good friend ous categories, ate supper and following friends: will end up in the broadcasting out of Weaks to visit for a spell and left wishing we could bowled some more. They called Feb. 22: Bert Workman, Matti Elsie field, but we have a pretty good bruary themselves calling it "quits" for Rice, Judy Harding, Marvin Phil. learn to thread a needle. Elsie and another good friend, Idea . . . on the top rung of the iver at the day at nine p. m. and went to lips, Mrs. Henry Locke, Martha poring,over a beautiful piece of ladder. At the Kennel banquet last e 23rd Maurine Grisham were the motel to hold a post mortem Smith; February 23: Mildred Eas- Saturday Mary Hughes Burrow linen cloth, or maybe it was quill, on which had been on how they ha I fared in the ley, Peggy Johnson, Joe Johnsen, and your diarist sat next to each transferred a pattern of the "tree of life," an age-old competition. Mrs. Stella Schuman, Mrs. Herman other and what a wonderful time Easley, Mrs. Carol Johnson, Bonita Well, they were all sitting replica usually identified with "creweling." we had talking about that Doyle Burrow, Nancy Jones, Lynn Mat- around the motel rooms, re-hash- sot see. girl who was a one-time News thews, Milton Counce; February It is for sure that our inquisi- everything else, so we called Kath- ing their scores and first thing of reporter and WFIJI, commentator. 24: Paul Sean Heltsley, Robert tive mind interrupted their ask more:•about the art you know they all decided to go erine to Indeed, we'll always be proud to Godwin, Johnny Allen, Mrs. W. C. fair, pleasant task, but as usual we be found much in the bowling again. That wasn't a bad that can't say "we knew her when." Hogg, Mrs. Lila Hastings; Febru- care. went right on asking questions. idea, but it was a little out of the dictionary. ary 25: Carrie Flatt, Linda Janus, hold Maurine has already finish- ordinary as far as we see it. You We learned that creweling was Can't imagine anything that Duffy Woodruff, Sherry Green, d. ed one bit of embroidery and see, it was twelve o'clock midnight popular for about sixty years, would be more glamorous than to Brent Jackson. Covered a chair and she was when they made that decision, but from 1650 to 1710. Some historians make a debut in the enchanting Miss Helen Rosser, R. N. February 26: David Matlock, helping Elsie with the proper that didn't matter. hand say that the period was from the land of Hawaii. That's exactly David Royce Greer, Eleanor embroidery stitch color scheme to Miss Helen Rosser, a of She was commissioned and went They bowled from Midnight un- larmed. restoration to the death of Queen what Paula Joann Durbin did on Jones Polk; February 27: Mrs. use on Elsie's material also for Macon, Georgia, retired on No- to Korea in August 1924. til three in the morning. Went Anne. The yarn is applied with a February 9 at the Army De- Thad Fagan, Mary B. Paschall, covering a chair. Maurine is cur- vember 1, 1961, with over 35 years back to the motel, held another simple chain stitch and most pat- butante Ball at the Fort Shafter Mrs. H. L. Jamison; Debby Hayes, working on some draperies of experience as a missionary in From 1924-28 Miss Rosser took post mortem until five a. m., slept rently terns are designed to resemble Officer's Club in Honolulu, Ha- Robert Glynn Moss, Gary Fuller, her home; the way we see it, Korea for the Woman's Division of language study and was a nurse a little and were back at the bow- for serpent-like tree trunks, with waii. Paula is the daughter of Lt. Martha Lou Kindred, Mrs. Doro- were doing the embroider- Christian Service. Miss Rosser will ling alley by ten a. m. that day. if we mounds of earth around them. Col. and Mrs. Paul Durbin, popu- in Ivey Hospital, Sengde. From thy Diggs; February 28: Lynn Jet- we would take another three be the featured speaker an- Chris Brooks reported that Zane IR ing, Some other patterns of modern lar former Fultonians, and the at the 1928-30 she was superintendent ton, Edwin Bondurant Mrs. Leslie years to finish a tea nual meeting of the So- Taylor had a good score, but the hundred design depict full trees with beau- niece of Mrs. W. H. Purcell of this Women's of nurses at Ivey Hospital. From Weeks, Corinne Lovelace, Martin napkin with all that involved bit ciety of Christian Service in Paris, rest of them just had fun. tiful foliage and even have ani- city. Paula was a little girl when 1930-40 Miss Resser did rural Pub- H. Warren. of handiwork. mals wandering around the tree. the Durbins left Fulton and it's Tenn. on March 11. lic Health work and district Besides Chris, Martha and Zane Miss Rosser studied at the others making the trip were: Jean The ladies told us that Kath- It all seemed highly complicated hard to imagine her as all grown evangelistic work. She trained Ko- RUPTURE Breneau College Conservatory rean nurses in hospitals and taught Brockwell, Jo White; Frances erine Atkins was something of an and difficult to us, but on thing up "coming out" on the social The New Sensational Invention and at Scarrit College and also them Public Health Methods and Kelly, Betty Parks, Gene Ivester, authority and an expert at is for sure, as time goes on, it will scene in Hawaii. Sutherland's "MD" Trim took Nurses Training in Christian Practices. In adition to lecture and Jewell Myatt and Gertrude Ben- "creweling" as she is at most be no unusual sight to see ladies Paula, one of the twenty-four No Odors Church Hospital, Kansas City, classroom instruction, she did nett. waiting for children, in doctors' Army daughters debuting at the Missouri, and received a diploma group teaching and home visita- Drug Co., Fulton offices, and almost everywhere ball sponsored by the Hui-o-Wah- City in 1924. She took Public Health tion and conducted well baby and The Drama and Literature De- No Belts — No Straps — stitching a branch or two to fin- ine Officers' Wives Club, was courses at Vanderbilt University. maternity clinics. partment of the Woman's Club S. P. MOORE le CO. ish their gruelling, we mean presented to General James F. 207 Commercial Phone 58 "creweling" project. Collins, Commander in Chief, Ask these ladies about it. You United States Army Pacific, and Ronnie and Mary Ann, of Nash- their son, James, and Mr. and —Slip Covers; seat covers no doubt will have to, after you to Mrs. Collins. ville. Mrs. W. B. Arnberg in their home Upholstering (all kinds: read this explanation we have SAVINGS — White and pink, floral and tulle in Hickman. modern and antique given you about the sixteenth and arrangements decorated the club Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Galtney were —Draperies seventeenth century object of af- lanai with white mums and plum- at Park Terrace, and Mrs. Cate On February 26 Mr. and Mrs. O ON YOUR —Awnings, tarpaulins fection from milady. erias forming an arch about the and children were guests in the Finley Black, also of Hickman, stage where the debutantes were home of her father N. G. Cook. will celebrate their golden wed- HAZELWOOD This was a special visit to Mr. ding anniversary in their T JAM= THIS IS NOT FOR PUBLICA- received. home. Cook and all, as well as their cou- TON; But one of our favorite peo- of Brent School, KILLEBREW A graduate sin, Gertrude Murphey, spent DRY UAL ple, Ella Doyle, passed through Paula attend- It's always nice to CLEANING Baguio, Philippines, most of their time in Mr. Cook's hear from a Fulton last week en route to Mis- of California very dear friend. Violet Johnson ed the University home. 8 LES. FOR $1.50 AT THE where she received a scholarship is certainly that to us. We are sor- award for being first in the fresh- ry that she has been ill and con- man class of '61-'62. She is pres- Two Hickman couples celebrat- fined to Jones Hospital, but she ently attending the University of ed their golden wedding anniver- is at home now and feeling bet- HAPPY DAY LAuNDRErrE major. Be- Greenfield Monument Works Hawaii as a language saries on Sunday, February 17. Mr. ter. Violet asked us to thank all Open 24 /ars. Attendant on Duty In Operation II Yawn fore entering college Paula taught and Mrs. Clem Cooley observed of you nice people for the many English for one year on Saigon, this anniversary at the home of cards, letters, visits and flowers Vietnam. • Large Display • Colonel Durbin is now station- • Well Lighted At Night • ed at Shatter, Hawaii. • Open Sunday Afternoons • Visiting relatives in Fulton from last Friday through Monday J. R. MANESS & SONS were Mrs. Edwin Cook Rice of Fulton Greenfield Springfield, Mo., Mrs. D. K. Galt- Greenfield, Tenn. Call 124 AD 5-2298 ney of Corinth, Miss. ,and Mrs. Lillian Cook Cate and children, 40 Years Ago, Farmers Found How to get More ARE YOU AFRAID For Their Séd Dollars YOUR HOSPITAL- 4 SURGICAL PROTECTION WILL BE CANCELLED? ) • Back in 1923, many farmers were not satisfied with the seed available to them. Frequently it was poor seed. lelt riaff41 rf- Poor crops and poor returns often HAVE NEVER CANCELLED resulted. Farmers. finally solved the MEMBERSHIP BECAUSE OF problem by organizing Southern States Cooperative and supplying themselves • HEALTH with the good seed they needed. To- "/14"ftk..1 • NECESSARY USE day, 40 years later, on some farms, • seed may still be a limiting factor. The • AGE solution is still the same: To make top FOR HOSPITAL PROTECTION • RETIREMENT profits, you plant top-quality seed. • CHANGE OF JOBS\ Southern States top-quality Seed. • MOVING FOR SURGICAL PROTECTION lity,RN 81., * * Eligible dependents of deceased members TWO WAYS TO APPLY may continue membership without interrup- FAMILY - INDIVIDUAL tion of protection. You may apply if ** Young people reaching age 19 or marrying See Your. • • you are a Kentuck- before age 19 may continue membership 0 i ai ian 64 or under, in without interruption of protection. good health, and ri) th neither husband MAIL THIS HANDY COUPON TODAY A nor wife works Southern States where there are 10 Blue Cross Hospital Plan, Inc t u-1 ANNIVERSARY NIP-4 or more employees. 3101 Bardstown Road tot$ Louisville 5, Kentucky . GROUP Please send me without obligation an application for Cooperative Group Plans may ,yptif., Blue Cross-Blue Shield. be formed where there are 5 or Name .,./v. more employees. Address Agency Now Apply To-day — Tomor- City State row may be too late! FARM BUREAU MEMBERS — SEE YOUR FARM BUREAU AGENT Page 4 The Fulton News, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1963 Watts, Route 4, Fulton; I. H. Cope- Fulton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles HOSPITAL NEWS land, Wingo; Mrs. Gerald West Evans, Mrs. Max Scearce, Cayce; DEATHS Mrs. Lizzie Jackson and son, Margaret Jack.son, Leon Mrs. Rice Spence, Dresden, Route Mrs. Lirrte Jackson. widow ,of Grissom, Route The following persons were 1, Wingo; Lee 4. Pete Jackson, died in Haws Meta- Duke, Water Valley; patient m Fulton Hospitals on Mrs. Guy orial Nursing Home on February Yates,y Route 2, Jess Robinson, Jr. Wednesday, February 20: Water Valley; 20. Funeral services will be held Fred Evans, Route 4, Union City; HILLVIEW HOSPITAL Jess Robinson, Jr., son of Mrs. today, Thursday, at 11 AM in the Mrs. A. M. Cruce and Roy Cruce, _ Jess Robinson of Bardwell, a for- chapel of Jackson Brothers Fun- Cayce; Mrs. FULTON HOSPITAL Will Montgomery, Mrs. Lula Pruett, Gladys Allen, mer Fulton resident, died at 11:30 eral Home in Dukedom. Rev. Bob Route 1, Clinton. Burnette, Mrs. Namne Mrs. R. C. Joyner, James Meach- Mrs. W. P. p. m., February 18, in Fort Laud- Covington will officiate and burial Brady, Hew Russell, James Phil- will am, William Hill, Thad Fagan, E. erdale, Florida. He was a nephew be in Greenlee Cemetery in lips, Fred Whitehead, Mrs. H. Hithard, J. N. Wooten, Loyd of Mrs. Claude Boyd, Sr„ of Ful- Fulton. Henderson, Mrs. Sallie Bradley, Mrs. Mrs. Georgia Hill, Seldon Reed, JONES HOSPITAL ton Jackson is survived by one out: Mrs. Mary. Licklitner, Mrs. Nora son, William A. Jackson of Ful- Mrs. C. 0. Meacham, Mrs. Vester Bert Golden, Mrs. Blanche Nu- Alexander, of' Fulton; Mrs. Sadie ton; Freeman, of Fulton; Mrs. Thomas seven daughters, Mrs. Sadie gent, Mrs. R. A. Fowlkes, Charles Johns, Route 1, Water Valley; Mrs. Latta Clapp and daughter. Jim Gore, Herbert Johnson and Mrs. Louis Bard, of TO FULTON COUNTY RESIDENTS Murray, Mrs. Lucy Mitchell, Mrs. Chas. Bates, T. C. House, Duke- Napa, Calif.; Mrs. Della Jenkins Mrs. Mattie Savenkoff, of South Tyrus McKinney, Michael Moss, dom; Mrs. Helen Wortharn, Union Herbert Johnson died in St. of Nianitic, Conn.; Mrs. Minnie Fulton; Mrs. Lottie Wilds, Route Mrs. W. L. Barber, Robert Pals- City; Mrs. Paul Heasley, South Louis on February 20. The body Mattingly of Route 4, Fulton; Miss 3, Fulton; Mrs. Herman Roberta grove, Aubrey Clifton, Ben Mor- Fulton; Mrs. Hershel Hicks, Pilot will arrive in Fulton this after- Irene Jackson of St. Louis; Miss ,Mrs. Homer Cruce, Mrs. R. B. ris, Friday, March 1, 1963 Fulton; Janice Parks, Route 5, Oak. noon, Thursday, and will be taken Zelma Jackson of San Antonio, to Jackson Brothers Funeral Home Texas; Miss Elizabeth Jackson of • in Dukedom. Detroit; also, seven grand children Services will be conducted by and six great grandchildren. Rev. Harold Neal in Jackson Fun- Is The Deadline For Purchasing Your ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE eral Home chapel at 9 AM, Fri- F day, February 22. Interment will Emmitt Youngs be in the Pinegar cemetery in the Dukedom community. Emmitt Youngs, who was born 1963 LICENSE PLATES On the 5th day of March, 1963 at 10 AM at the and reared in Fulton, died in Seat- FULTON home of J. W. Matthews,(deceased) at Fulton, Ky. tle, Washington February 7. Fun- Mrs. Cora Hicks eral services and burial were in RFD, Obion County side, there will be sold all his Seattle on February 9. He was I will be at the City Hall in Fulton on Satur- OPEN 6:45-PHONE 12 household goods. incltiding a hand corn grinder, old Funeral services were held Feb- the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ENDS TONIGHT! china, lamps (oil) and stands, churn and dasher, ruary 15 at Hornbeak Funeral Charley Youngs. day 23, 1963 8:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. For the pur- "A Child Is Waiting" Home for Mrs. Cora Alice Hicks, chairs, tables, etc. Col. Burrow will cry the sale. 88, widow of Jim Hicks, with Rev. pose of selling 1963 License Tags. STARTS FRIDAY! (Signed) Joe C. Gardner and Rev. George Belden Ridgeway C. Krieg officiating. Burial was in NOW . . ADD A Motion Mt. Zion Cemetery. Funeral services were held on Picture To The Wonders Mrs. Hicks had been living at February 15 at Good Springs for 5114seV/ Of The World! LANGFORD the rest home for the past seven Belden Ridgeway, 90, who died DEE yui Brynner, D. W. Matthews, Administrator of J. W. years. February 13 in the McAlister Rest Tony Curtis. . . In Surviving are one son, Jessee Home in Fulton. Bro. 0. A. Gard- Store County Court Clerk "TARAS BULBA" Matthews Estate. Hicks, Route 1, Water Valley; two ner officiated. Interment was in In Technicolor'. grandchildren, David Phelps of the church cemetery. Arrange- Open Til Fulton and Mrs. J. P. Tucker of ments were in charge of Jackson Memphis; also several half-sisters Funeral Home. and half-brothers. Surviving are two sons, Leonard Ridgeway of Fulton and Dines - fl -• ••••••••••• •-• • •• • •• •• ••••• • •• • • •••• • ••:,* 3, ONG Ridgeway of Detroit; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Jones Dickerson of Ful- PRE - SEASON CLOSE - OUT! ton and Mrs. Mayme 'ruberville • of Route 2, Wingo; one • STEP ON Ir stepdaugh- Limited Number of Drastically ter, Mrs. William Parker of Se- reduced to dalia, and two sisters. ONLY GET THIS 50% OFF ARMREST TRAVEL $2.48 FLOOR MAT -KITS! 99c Mrs. Ed Parker BARGAIN! Mrs. Ed Parker, 79, mother of Reg.$4.95 _Ideal place to keep travel items! Phil Parker of Fulton, died at her _Fu11-width, door-to-door _Or -"picnic basket," eta. - home near Dukedom on February when out of the car! _Top-quality molded rubber 13 after an extended illness. Fun- eral services -Looks GREAT: In Your choice of 5 colon! ..-Unbreakable plastic with carrying handle! were held February 15 at Jackson Funeral Home in Dukedom, with Bro. Bob Coving- ton of Union City officiating. He HERE'S THE was assisted by Bro. Roosevelt ONE LOW PRICE ON Horn of Sidonia, Tenn. Great New Also surviving Goodyear RETREADS! are her husband, That Fits WINTER Ed Parker, a daughter, Mrs. !Gyre ANY Family Budget! Parker, Prices Start For The Bad Weather Still Ahead five grandchildren, a half- All - Weather sister and four half-brothers. As Low As "42" Any of these sizes .. only $10.88 each! WTTH 3-T Plus tax and retreadable tire. Whitewalls $9.29 NYLON only $1 more. Z. D. Lovell AND TUFSYN Funeral services were held on 6:70x15 black tube-type plus tax and February 19 in the Parkway 6:70x15 7:10x15 7:60x15 Methodist Church in Memphis for Retreadable The FREE EXPERT MOUNTING 7:50x14 8:00x14 8:50x14 Z. D. Lovell, of Memphis, who died in the Illinois Central Hos- pital in Chicago on February 10. Mr. Lovell was a retired IC engi- NEW GOODYEAR REGULAR RETREADS neer and a former Fultonia.n. Winter Tire ONE LOW Jim K. Johnson PRICE .. Funeral services for Jim K. 670 x 15 - Elk. Nylon - Tube Type 6:70x15 7:10x15 7:60x15 Johnson were held on February 18 at Jackson Funeral Chapel at 7:50x15 8:00x14 8:50x14 FROSTY ACRES. Dukedom, with Rev. Norman Crit- Low, Low Price $11.88 tenden officiating. Interment was CREAM Pl $8.95 in Bethlehem Cemetery near Pilot Plus Tax and Retreadable The Oak. PET RITZ Mr. Johnson, 82, died Sunday in White Walls $1.00 More Haws Memorial Nursing Home in FRUIT Pll Fulton. Surviving are a son, Sewell Johnson of Detroit; three daugh- ters, Mrs. Joe Work of Dukedom, Mrs. Witlon Vaughn of Jackson, Mich., Miss Ivy Johnson of Hop- kinsville ,and a brother, Willie Johnson of Memphis; also six grandchildren. 111 PLYMOUTH Mrs. Josephine Nichols MEDIUM: Rev. W. 0. Beard, pastor of the First Christian Church in Fulton, BROWN'S HEW officiated at the funeral of Mrs. Josephine Nichols, of Detroit, who NORTHER died suddenly on February 14. Graveside services were held at WAREHOUSE SPECIALS s TRUCK TIRE SPECIALS the Bardwell, Ky., Cemetery on February 16. 10-7:50x14 6:00x16 She was the daughter of the Nylon Blk Tubeless $10.95 Nylon 6-ply $12.95 late Jess Nichols, of Fulton, and Mrs. Cora Nichols, who survives. 18-7:50x14 p to 6:70x15 Nylon White Tubeless $12.95 Nylon 6-ply $15.50 AI I I I I I I I I I I I II I I 1 I I I II 1 I 16

15-6:00x16 7:00x15 swirrs FIRESTONE Nylon Blk Tube Type $ 8.95 Nylon 6-ply $20.95 NYLON CHOP HA 8:25x20 Front 4-Ply SWIFT'S 60-:670x15 Nylon 10-ply $42.25 ROAST B • Changeover TRACTOR TIRES Tubeless $16.25 7:50x20 Nylon 10-ply 6-8:00x14 $40.95 550 - 16 Plus tax anciRetreadable Tire ALASKA Nylon White Tubeless $17.95 2 - For ___ $23.95 FLORIDA 001 • • ALL TIRES PURCHASED DURING CARROTS • THIS CLEARANCE • 500 GOOD .. . 600 - 16 U. S. NO. 1 RE • USED TIRES • From __ $2.95 OFF!, MOUNTED 2 - For ___ $27.95 POTATOE • All Tires FREE OF CHARGE • Mounted Free 10 DAYS ONLY! By Our TIRE EXPERTS Above Prices •A •••• • •• • s•••••••••••••• Plus Tax •••••••• •• •••••••• • •• • • •••• I CB&O TIRE CO. C B & 0 TIRE COMPANY hone 947-Fulton, Ky. PK 303 REED STREET FULTON, KENTUCKY &son

widow.4cie eW8 Meta- To Celebrate Washington's Birthday, // February 11 be held AM in the hers Fun- Piggly Wiggly is doing a little cutting,tool Rev. Bob and burial fv, mietery in II \ red by one ma of Ful- Ars. Sadie 11 1140***( )1W Bard, of la Jenkins 'S. Minnie 11W ulton; Miss .ouis; Miss 11t. a Antonio, Jackson of id children \ ldren. PREMIUMISWIFTS SLICED BACON Lb. Tray Pk. 49c CislICKEN BY TUS was born ed in Seat- )Rsiat ifiX 3 Lb. Pkg. $1.00 cry 7. Fun- 11 were in sreciasMOKED D. He was TACON 3 Lb. Pkg. Mrs. $1.00 and Figs LIIL 104 BACKS L.* iF taillEGRrANIITSAGE 3 Lb. Pkg. $1.00 PORK ray CUTLETS Lb. 69c •644: 44V1.4.‘s.022 STREAK-O-LEAN re held on 41A ,a. SLICED Springs for 41,3 .44birls .40 0 CC SALT MEAT First Cuts Lb. 10c who died CURED BACON Lb. - 39c Ulster Rest EXTRA LEAN ). A. Gard- Store Hours! SLICED ent was PORK in STEAK Lb. 59c l D ENDS 5 Lb. Box $1.39 Arrange- Open Til 9: P. M. of Jackson 1')? NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE AND STOCK UP DUB ENG OUR HAM SALE %se as, Leonard and Dines 7 - DAYS ,wo daugh- son of Ful- Tuberville SMOKED HAM SALE .... YOU ALL COME! stepdaugh- ker of Se- SMOKED

mother of SHANK PORTION died at her a February bless. Pun- t February LB. a Home in )b Coving- ciating. He HAP 3 Roosevelt BUTT PORTION Lb. 47c CTR. SLICES Lb. ____ 77c Whole Ham Lb. 49c !r. husband, Mrs. Klyce FASHION Lb.OLD REELFOOT !en, a half- thers. BOLOGNA 29c CHEESE Lb. 59c WEINERS Cello Pkg. ____ 49c sEN SVVIFT PROTEN vEISTEAK Lb. 89c GROlsiiir QC Lb. ___ _ 79c GROUND *e held on BEEF 3 Lbs. __ $1.45 Parkway SWIFT PROTEN SLICED FRESH TEN-E-C HOT BAR-B-Q emphis for aphis, who BEEF LIVER Lb. 4k CAT FISH Lb. 89c SANDWICHES 5 for ___ $1.00 .ntral Hos bruary 10. 43 IC engi- Snider's )nian. RED BIRD $1 49 14 Oz. 25 LB. BAG r Jim K. CATSUP Bottle • February 10c FLOUR Chapel at FROSTY ACRES rrnan Crit- MARY MAESTRI STOKELY'S SLICED LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN rment was CREAM PIES 14 oz. 39c SPAGHETTI Serves 99c PINEAPPLE Flats near Pilot Four 6 $1.00 BEANS 8 - 12 Oz. $1.00 PET RITZ 6 PAS KING COLE SWEET PLYMOUTH MEDIUM Sunday in g FRUIT PIES 34 oz. Home in 49c METRECAL 6 - 8 oz. Cans $1.29 POTATOES 5 - 2 1-2 Cans $1.00 EGGS Dozen - 49c m, Sewell -ee daugh- Dukedom, of Jackson. SP:InAveY NATTY SPUN Jon of Hop- ler, Willie PAIR ; also six HAIR 99c HOSE 59c PLYMOUTH BROWN'S BEST MISS DIXIE Nichols MEDIUM EGGS Dozen stor of the 49c PINTO BEANS 10 Lb. $1.29 DAOG FOOD 6 Cans 69c MILK 3 Tall Cans 39c in Fulton, BROWN'S BEST HUNT'S VALLEY BROOK al of. Mrs. SWIFT'S etroit, who NORTHERN BEANS 10 Lb. __ $1039 PEACHES 4 - No. 2 1-2 Cans __ $1.00 CHEESE SPREAD 2 Lb. 59c PREM 3 - 12 oz. Cans bruary 14. $1700 re held at metery on Britex ter of the 10 LB. 'ulton, 89 and at. survives. SUGAR BAG BLEACH 17c swiri DEL MONTE KING GREEN GIANT GREEN GIANT YLON CHOP HAM 2 - 12 Oz. 89c CRAB MEAT s oz. 89c PEAS 2 - 303 Cans 39c MEXI CORN 2 - 12 Oz. 39c iwlrrs GREEN GIANT 3 LB. CAN l0AiT II1ES BEEF 12 Oz. 49c MAYONNAISE al. 59c NIBLET CORN 2- 12 Oz. 39c CRISCO Can 79c HUMPTY DEMING RED SOCKEYE SILVER BOW STARKIST ALAS IPSTALMON Lb. Can 49c SALMON Lb. Can 79c RED SALMON Lb. Can 69c TUNA FISH Reg. Can 29c 23.95 FLORIDA GOLDEN SPRING FRESH FLORIDA PASCAL CARROTS Pkg. _ _ _ GREEN ONIONS Bunch 10c PARSNIPS 10c Lb. 29c CELERY Lb. 19c U. S. NO. 1 RED PURPLE TOP BIG DELICIOUS TURNIP l7.95 POTATOES 25 Lb. Bag TURNIPS Lb. 10c APPLES Each 89c 10c GREENS 2 Lbs. 29c


Y.^ Page 6 The Fulton News, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1963 01 fornia. Bobby Joe and family have Williamson Win Citizenship Awards with Hornra, • Laik.bTNUT GLADE gone to Virginia for a visit wife's family. During those of being a Kentucky Colonel. year. By Mrs. Harvey Vaughn his Pamela Homra and Lynn Wil- Hov two weeks others who have visit- is In his church affairs Lynn Mer liamson were the recipients of the In his scholastic ability, Lynn . has ed the Brundiges were: Mr. and an honor roll student and has re- been an officer in the Methodist Rae( community Kennel's Citizenship Awards, Several from this Mrs. Garrett Brundige and Carla ceived three monograms. Last Youth Fellowship for the past five ball which were presented to them at attended the boys' basket and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brundige year he received his Fulton High years and is now the president of the seventh annual Kennel Ban- ban district tournament at the Pal- and daughter from Nashville; Mr. the Senior MYF. He is a member quet held Saturday, February 16, Award. ruol mersville School gymnasium. Mrs. Gu.ayon Brundige and of the Official Board and the Com- and at 6:30 p. m. For the past two years he has visi1 Some very fine games were play- Louisville; Dr. Joyce at. the Park Terrace family from awarded been a member of the Quill and mission on Education of the First ed during the week, with South Ala.; Mr. Principal J. M. Martin Smith from Florence, winners. Scroll and of the National Honor Methodist Church. Fulton and Union playing for the Phyllis the trophies to the two part and Mrs. Buren Smith and is presently serving as His conservation essays were trophY, and Martin The awards, which are presented Society. He ban consolation and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Col- sent to the county to be judged in championship annually, were based on outstand- the vice-president of the National weir and Dresden for the lier and son. his ing scholastic ability, leadership. Honor Society. In other organiza- sophomore and junior years. and on Saturday night. After a very Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Durell co-operation, and sincere interest tional activities, Lynn has been a With his theme, "Water—Its Ef- sona exciting game with a double over- Terrell in Pa- visited Mrs. Mary in the welfare of their school. member of the 4-H for four years fect on My Community's Future", and time being played, Martin was the report her ducah Saturday. They Pamela, daughter of Mr. and and has served as president and is Lynn was the county winner in Woc winner by two points. same. the to be 'about the Mrs. Fred Homra, is the business now its reporter. Last summer he 1961-62 contest. was en- after be- The Irvin Brundiges have Roy Nix is improving manager of the Kennel and has was a delegate to the 4-H Junior In the Senior Highlights he was weeks with a at the Jones Hos- the Lynn joyed the past two ing a patient been on the staff for four years, Week at the University of Ken- elected most dependable. who recently. is on and visit from their son Harold, pital in Fulton having served as reporter, adver- tucky in Lexington. He was also the assistant activities editor years, Glade Home Dem- visit had not been home in three The Chestnut tising editor, and in her present a co-member of a team that won the annual staff this year. He was who had Club will meet in the his a fresh- Griz. and their son Bobby Joe, onstration position. She is also on the an- the district championship in the an officer of class as years. home Thursday, B: not been home in seven Harvey Vaughan nual staff, acting as photography contour cultivation contest last man and sophomore. and wife returned to Cali- February. 21, at 10 AM. Visitors Ten Harold _ . editor. Also in the field of journal- are cordially welcomed. at I ism, she is a member of the Quill Best wishes for a speedy re- PAMELA RUMBA LYNN WILLIAMSON lv and Scroll. covery to Miss Paula Howard, who wer Pamela is an active member of in 1961 and is a patient in the Baptist Hos- monograms and her Fulton High Handicap Tournament Accurate several organizations. In the Jun- Mrs pital in Memphis. Award. She was elected best girl served as the chairwoman of F. B. L. A. she served as vice- WORKMANSHIP Roy Ray, who has been in a personality in the Senior High- ior Girls' Day at the Fulton Coun- president of that club. Pam is also was atte. very critical condition for some lights. During her freshman and try Club. Last summer he At Low Cost president of the Future Nurses men time, is slightly improved. junior year Pam was elected best- Junior Championship winner of She was a member of the Looking for Car Accessories? wee Watches (locks and Time Club. personality and best-all-around, the Fulton Country Club. 4-H Club for three years and is lv Pieces of All Kinds. Accu- respectively. Lynn, son of Mr.'and Mrs. T. R. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cashon were now a member of the National Full rately Repaired at Low Cast As an active member of the Williamson, has been on the Ken- Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. Honor Society. Pamela acted as visil by— First Methodist Church, Pam has nel staff for four- years and is now and Mrs. Grover True. vice-president of the French Club MAE' served as president of the MYF serving as co-editor of the paper. ANDREWS Melody Lee Smith has recover- last year and is the reporter of birt and she is now acting as secretary In his other three years on the ed from a siege of measles and is that organization this year. Jewelry Company of that organization. She is officer staff, he has been reporter, circu- able to return to school. Besides serving is secretary of of the Sub-district of the MYF. and chief her class for two years, Pam has lation manager, assistant and managing C. (DOC) ADAMS maintained a high scholastic Pamela is also an active sports- exchange editor, L. the honor standing, having received two woman. She won the Junior editor. He holds coveted ... Repairs?...or Service? Whatever you need—tires or a tune-up.. . battery • AUSTIN SPRINGS • PIERCE STATION • DETROIT NEWS ... seat-covers ... paint job—help is right at your Charles Lowe By Roy Maurer rag6Homse By Mrs. Carey Frields By Mrs. fingertips when you do your shopping the easy Yellow Pages way. There is quite a lot of sickness The weather here is cold, snow For Fine Liquors Rev. James Holt filled his regu- near here the past week. Mr. Ed everywhere. Haven't seen the lar appointment at New Salem US 45-51 By Pass Highlands- Fulton Cardwell is a patient in Hickman. ground since last November. Good Baptist Church the past Sunday Mr. Lib Deadman of near Chap- weather for skiing. at 11 AM. Sunday School was held pell Hill is a patient in Fulton Sorry to report lots of sick folks at 10 AM. Superintendent How- Hospital, Mrs. Mattie Renfro has this time. Woody Wilson has pneu- ard Harris and Pastor Holt urge been -real sick at her home. We monia, James Garland has a blood your attendance at these meetings. wish an early recovery for every condition, Jim Hays has the flu, The church as a body invites all one. Mrs. Virgil Green, of near Larree Jean Holland has the meas- to attend each service. The mid- Mayfield, has been atending her les. Tg My Friends and Customers, week prayer service Is held on mother, Mrs. Renfro. Wednesday evenings at 7:30. The good news is that Mrs. Rod- home Get well wishes are extended to J. E. Bermett returned gers is home, also Simon Patton days stay in If is my pleasure to announce to you that I Mr. Harvey Donaho, who is a pati- Sunday from several and Ralph Kirby. All are getting ent in Jones Clinic in Fulton, for Hillview Hospital. along nicely. have purchased all of the interests in the the treatment of a lame back. We Mr. and Mrs. Lester Alford, of Bill Bowden won a trip to New hope he will very quickly be re- Dyersburg, spent Friday night York City for two from his com- Farmers Implement & Supply Company of stored. and Saturday with relatives here. pany. Some guys are sure lucky! Over at the Sam Mathis house, Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Roach, of Rev. Terrance McCain was a Hickman, Kentucky, and it will be operated near State Line Road, a family Alamo, Tenn., visited Mr. and guest at Mayme Phelps' home last Let your fingers dinner was held last Sunday. Mrs. Mancil C. Roach Sunday. Friday; Lucille Maurer was a in the future under the firm name of Farmers Among the relatives attending Rev. Roach and Mancil Roach are guest of 'Barbara Maloof last were: Grant Bynum and Margaret, brothers. Thursday evening; Rev. Munn and do the walking! and I went calling on some of our Supply Company. MP. and Mrs. J. W. Bynum Mr. and Mr. Ray Adams, of trouble. For your car needs Georgia Ann and Howell. with members and friends who have Save time ... steps ... children, Martin, spent Wednesday a smart With this much warmer weath- Mrs. C. E. Lowe. Sunday dinner not been to church lately, so don't —or any products or services you want—be We will be prepared to serve you with a er today (Monday), no doubt but guests were Mrs. Anna Adams be surprised if we call on you. shopper. Look first in the Yellow Pages. Read the that the farmers will take to some and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Adams Ray and Martha (Jackson) ads ... get the facts... find it fast. full line of John Deere Tractors and Equip- early spring work, such as clear- of Fulton. Thomas are moving to Chicago. Ray is transferred there. We will ing fence-rows, preparation of Mrs. Ralph Dade Hardy and lit- John miss you. ment, including the new "5010" Deere plant bed burning. At this date tle son, of Fulton, visited Mrs. The Young Adult Class had a the rainfall is far below normal. A Hardy's mother, Mrs. G. L. Ben- supper at church last Fri- Yellow Tractor. The repair stocks will be kept up to few will finish the task of tobacco net, Saturday. spaghetti SMART SHOPPERS stripping, there being a few craps day night, which was enjoyed by Mrs. Roy Lawson, of Sturgis, LOOK FIRST IN THE Pages date, and the shop staffed with factory trained yet to get in to market. The cover all. Ky., and Mrs. Raymond Lowery, crops are looking much better, Rev. Jones, from Grace C. P. of Dalton, Ky., were recent visi- mechanics. such as wheat, oats and fiscue. Church, will hold our spring re- tors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buton Lassiter a n d Doyle vival Easter Holy Week. Try to be Riley Smith. visit our place of Frields, home just recently, sowed there every night if you can. We invite you to business, their lespedeza seeds. Mrs. Jack Forrest, the former I had the pleasure and honor to check with us on needs for both new Mrs. Dave Mathis continues to Libby Rogers, left last week to lead singing and conduct services and your improve at her home in this vil- join her husband, who is stationed last Thursday evening at the will lage. in Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Christian Mission Home for Men. and used equipment. You find our prices Your writer has just returned Mr. and Frs. Charles Mc- There were 55 men present, and home from Paducah, where I Wherter, of dway, visited their lunch was served after services. right, and we are ready to do business. spent the week-end with Mr. and daughter, Mrs. Charles Brown, which was enjoyed by all. Rev. Mrs. Earl Mitchell and mother, and family a few days last week. Moser said for me to come back Mrs. Ed Frields, on Clay Street. I Mrs. Bud Stem spent Sunday in any time I could, as he enjoyed HOWELL JONES Owner and Operator had a nice visit. Princeton, Ky., with friends. sitting and listening to someone else for a change. Sorry J. T. Scott's car was Shop Your Local Stores Support "Dollars For Scholars" wrecked, but am thankful he was not injured, when a lady in an- other car skidded into him head on as he was going home from church. HAPPY DAY SKATING RINK Got a letter from my sister in El Paso, Texas. She said it is very Bidway St.: South Fulton Phones: 9126 or 720 cold and lots of snow, which is unusual for them. GIRLS,don't forget the hat party at Lucille Maurer's home Friday night, March 1, from 6 to 9 PM. Door prizes and lots of new Easter hats at reasonable prices. All pro- ceeds go to our church. Remember the sick and shut-ins with a card or visit. This is good medicine for a speedy recovery. Come to church Sunday and hear Rev. Nunn. You'll be glad you ..., lerr41,„ --41e, • •••• e• •• ..C5 ea40100,74.A.e.~.MOR:+A, '' ' '' -c4 DUFF? TWINS by WICK SMITH

You can tell this '63 on sight—even at night!

Those over-and-under headlights do more than set a Pontiac apart—they aim better. Another way to spot a Pontiac Is by its driver. He's a happy one Indeed. So will you be, when you check your dealer. Wide-Track Pontiac


ICING MOTOR COMPANY, INC. WICK SMITH 101 West State Line South Fulton, Tenn. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 231 Math St. Ph. 112 MIMI NMIMill • I UM • ILI NW • MAI Wi 11115 IC!MIL Min Page 7 The Fulton News, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1963 •MT. MORIA11 IfEWS• Dr. Shelton Owens To Ken Bowlin Is • DUKEDOM IT. I Union Church Mrs. O. V. Tarter Mrs. Marlon Maul Fields and Alice. ds Attend Atlanta Meet ROCK SPRING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Pat Snow and We are sorry to hear that Paula On Dean's List We are enjoying the sunshine, Names Members By Nettle Lee C•Peles Mrs. Ella Veatch spent a while Howard had to go back to a The 40th annual Southeastern although it is still plenty cold. Sunday morning with Mr. and Lynn has Memphis Hospital. We wish her a Congress of Optometry will be For Semester Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yates visit- To Presbytery Mrs. Colen Brown visited Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Walston. MetJ;iodist speedy recovery. held at the American Motor Hotel ed Mrs. Willie Yates in the May- in Atlanta February 23-26. Attend- Ella Veatch last Saturday after- Talbert Henley moved in the past five Frank Trapp, of Sheffield, Ala- Kenneth G. Bowlin is listed on field Hospital last Saturday. The Union Cumberland Presby- ing from Fulton will be Dr. Shel- noon. Turney Byrd house last Saturday. esident of bama, arrived here Sunday, en- the Dean's List far the first semes- Mesdames Oliver Taylor and terian Missionary Society met in ton Owens. Mrs. Eva Sanders visited Mrs. a member ruote to Denver, Colorado. He is ter at the University of Chatta- Trernon Rickman were guests of the home of Mrs. J. R. Powell on Bobby Elliott spent Sunday with This congress is sponsored by nooga, it was announced Esther Hastings Thursday after- the Corn- visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Jones. by Reg- Miss Lila Mae Casey Thursday Wednesday, February 13, 1963. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo. _ Copelen and the First the 10-state Southern Council of istrar Natalie Schlack. To be The president, Mrs. Guy Upton, noon. family. Mrs. Buster Webb gave a rook afternoon. Optometrists and lectures will be eligible for this academic honor, a Jr. presided over the meeting. Saturday night for her hus- Misses Martha Kay Copelen Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanders visit- party by some of the nation's foremost student must Sunday guest:, of Mr. and Mrs. ayS Were compile a 2.0-B or There were several members were Sunday ed Mrs. Ella Veatch and family band on his birthday. Attending authorities. A highlight will be the T. C. House were Mesdames Wil- and Marie Copelen judged in better average while completing at absent on account of illness, but for a while Saturday night. were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb awards banquet, which will honor ma Williams, Jo Lynn Williams dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ior years. least 12 graded hours. The regis- there were eight members present, and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gris- the South's "Optometrist of the and Kent, and nd Mrs. T. r—Its U- trar revealed that 226 UC students and there were five new mem- som, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Milam Year" and the "Man of the Year" Rickman. s Future", made the Dean's List for the se- bers enrolled. They were Mes- and children, and Mr. and Mrs. for 1963. Mr. and winner in mester. Mrs. Bill Matthews dames Tommy Lawson, Ward Woody Castleman. A good time and Larry and Kenneth, who compiled a 2.6 Miss Mabel C-aven- Burnette, Ray Moss, Dale Edding- was enjoyed by all. der enjoyed its he was average far the semester, is a Sunday dinner with ton and Otha Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grissom Mr. and Mrs. A. ible. Lynn graduate of the South Fulton High A. McGuire. An interesting program was and children were last Sunday Patient Comfort Is Rev. editor on School where he was valedictorian Norman Crittenden filled rendered, after which the special visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick his regular r. He was of his class and was active in appointment at Beth- project for the year was discussed, Grissom. lehem last Sunday REWARD! fresh- Homemaker's Subject other campus activities. He is one and had a very 4w s a i and it was unanimously good decided to Bro. Partor, of Greenfield, of UC's Distinguished Scholarship attendance. make our special project in con- Devices for making the patient Mr. and Mrs. Tenn., was the visiting preacher winners and was recently selected 0. F. Taylor visit- nection with the Tolbert Dill comfortable and emergencies and ed Mrs. Pearl at Pleasant View last Sunday. for the staff of the University Cooley and ' Lee family, who are doing such a won- Enjoy the true first aid in the home was the les- Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bennett Echo, student newspaper. At the Sunday afternoon. derful work in Japan. son for the day, when the Central Mr. and were Sunday visitors of Mr. and university Kenneth is enrolled in Mrs. Oliver Taylor Delegates to presbytery were Homemakers Club met in the home were guests of bourbon taste Mrs. Heck Bennett. the College of Arts and Sciences. the Tommy Moores elected. Mrs. Bill Cottrell and of Mrs. B. H Prather recently. A His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gil- Saturday night. Several from this community Mrs. J. R. Powell are delegates demonstration on proper bed- bert Bowlin, West State Mrs. Hazel attended the basketball tourna- Line, Kilegood, of near and Mrs. James Lawson and Mrs. of making with a patient was given South Fulton. Arlington, was the ment at Palmersville this past guest of Mrs. Dixie Walker alternates. $1.25 by the leaders, Mrs. J. W. Mc- Bertha Rickman Friday. week. Gaugh and Mrs. Forest McMurry. There were two new Mission- Walker's HONORABLE MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yates had 'Hiram e4iPuwi 21.0POint Miss Rozan House, of South In addition to the regular lesson, nary Messenger subscriptions or- Barry Adams, a Fulton High dinner with Mrs. Maude Critten- a.,fra,ei Fifth Fulton, was a Wednesday night Mrs. W. L. Jenkins reported on dered. Mrs. Powell served re- School senior, received honorable den, of Fulton, Tuesday of last visitor of Misses Ruth and Sandra her recent trip to Farm and Home freshments. mention at the First District Music week, celebrating Mr. Yates' and TEN HIGH! Milan. Garry Milani enjoyed a Week, assisted by Mrs. Paul Gar- Contest, sponsored by the Federa- Mrs. Crittenden's birthdays. supper on that night. rigan. OLDEST MUSIC! birthday tion of Woman's Clubs in Padu- Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mary Work cah on February 16. He played a in the loss of her The oldest piece of music extant IIINAM WALKER I SONE, INC., KONA. ILL. • 86 PROOF trumpet solo, "Andante et Alle- father, who passed away Sunday with English words is "Sumer Is Mr. gro" by J. Guy Rapartz, and was T. C. House is not feeling lcurnen In," composed at Reading You'll Say they're delicious! any accompanied, by Mandel Brown, better. Abbey in the 13th century. director of music in the Fulton schools. rY BARBECUED RIBS Barry is a student of Prof. Rich- ur ard Farrell at Murray and plans 3y FROM THE KEG RESTAURANT to enter Murray State this fall as Lake Street Fulton, Ky. a music major. He will try out at Murray Saturday for a Phi Mu scholarship. SUGAR:: 5 lb. bag 15c BOSTON BUTTS PORK BOAST Lb. 39c ENDS When his STICIliECEBACON 5 Lbs. $1.00 SLICED TENDER of BEEF LIVER Lb. 39c second set LEAN $12""bargains" PORK Lb. 49c PURE PORK PORK SAUSAGE 3 Lbs. $1.00 is ready FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER MEAT 3 Lbs. 99c eds SLICED SUGAR CURED FORMERLY U-TOTE-EM. WE RESERVE THE art for the RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES the JOWL BAFON 3 Lbs. 99c

junk heap.-.., U. S. NO. 1 RED SUGAR

•••• POTATOES •• • •••• *owe. • 5 Lb. Bag __15c die WITH THIS COUPON AND ADDITIONAL you'll still have $5.00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING TOBACCOS dWr 10 lb. bag 49c 1 up toT)--. DIAMOND BRAND 10,000 miles NAPKINS PKG. 10c left on your FRESH PICNIC "HT" Silvertown STYLE (Results from on-the-road tests). Pork Roast lb. 25c S or 720 B.F.Goodrichillvaylon tire doublesyour tire dollar BIG VALUE New Economy Brand Outwears two sets of "bargain" tires. "HT" puts more rubber where the wear Blade Cut Lb. is—on the outside ribs. Extra-wide, extra-deep, extra-safe tread gives you Chuck''Roast 39c better traction, greater protection at high speeds. 13% wider, 6% deeper than regular tires. Under normal driving, even when 50% worn,"HT" is safer than a new "bargain" tire. 4 tires, $4 down. 6-AP-4 TOPPY BRAND SLICED BACON TRA PK. LB. 390 OTHER BFG TIRES NOW AS LOW AS $11.95*-


SWANSDOWN WHITE YELLOW CAKE MIX DEVILS FOOD 3for 890 CHARLES S CATES STORE Malt'• . FIRM Fulton, Ky. Martin, Tenn. CRISP Phone 404 Phone 389 LETTUCE HEAD 9c S.NIB NOTEBOOK- distressed, harrowed look on the TV AN'PENNAS: We. tall - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE SPORTS WHIRL )Page 8 The Fulton News, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1963 that makes a zombie look (Conalnued /TOM PAW ono) (CoatIssued frost sage one) face 'Prod.-repair and move. Get our I have been legally appointed beautiful by comparison. prices. We serviee all makes TV. does of Union City 39-29. Steve goal by Danny Davis was the only Eigl Executor to handle Estate of the Devils 70-39. For Dresden, Donald making that last minute inspection Phone Rosie Television. Speed was the high man with 16 307- Glover played an outstanding points scored by eit - E..r team in about hands, ears and clothes. In Kennedy wastes late Judge, H. H. Perce. Any one points in this low-scoring game. And President game coming through with 24 this overtime. Th score at the the meantime, not one, and I do his time on promoting fifty-mile holding claims against the estate, David Bram set the pace for the points. Gary • Isbell and Charles end of regular play was mean not one moment of time has country needs is FOR B.ENT: Floor banding ma- should present them to the under- South Fulton team with 12. 43-43, and But hikes. What this Colley scored 9 and 7. been spent on the personal ap- the return of the old-fashioned floor polisher signed, properly approved, with- at the end of the first overtime chine and electric In the consolation game of the In the thrill-packed It w pearance of the driver. stroll . . . on the highway, in the in ninety (90) days from date. champion- 45-45. Both of these teams now go and electric vitctiv-ri .._:.nerS. Ex- District 27 Tournament, the Red ship tilt, Martin won in park, on the lawn, anywhere. the sec- to Paris to compete in the Region- home or change Furniture C( R. Clarance Pickering Devils fell to the Golden Torna- ond overtime 47-45. The Most of the drivers have thrown Mostly to the school building. winning al Tournament. eight-yei another garment over the house house appears that the comb is at attire. It Support "Dollars For Scholar?' rarely used until the driver gets Marilyn home . the application of cos- house w, that metics is a luxury item at BID NOTICE children time of the day . .. the stress and Rir P FOODS IF YOU LIKE GOOD MEALS AND strain of that hectic hour before The Fulton City Board of Edu- seven-mc the bell rings produces a gaunt, cation is asking for bids on Ele- fled fron mentary Science under the NDEA of mind 1 program until March 1, 1963. Bid forms and equipment specifications got confi may be obtained at the office of SHOP gett §e0 *kt (ant in a /fille the Superintendent, Fulton City fr ran be Schools, Fulton, Ky. Anthony But Max ASP. safety. She SUPER RIGHT FULLY MATURED BEEF perhaps ne Wheel Alignment • child she 5. in the hous By Experts for by his Mrs. Syl H tire wear TO HELP PROTECT Prevents costly to spend t THE "PRIME OF LIFE" Adds extra mileage ROAST 37 evening. your tires You've been hopinh for a for- to Lb. The story like extra pO- CHUCK heroism di: mula this- with tency Is) support a positive sense ALL GOOD of well-being and mental alert- Year old be ness. It provides important lipo- $6.95 COMPLETE by a relat tropes, as well as the more com- ARM CUT Lb 47c ENGLISH CUT Lb Baker. plete vitamin-mineral protection * Caster and camber scientifically 51c Sliced Bacon desirable for the mature adult. reset to manufacturer's Super Ricky Gl - specifications 1st 3 Ribs /1-Lb. Pkg Lb. tle seven-r • Correct toe-in and toe-out on Ajax Right lb. 79c Lb while he wi your car's front wheels Rib Roast Beef( Yaitn5chRiCbust.."-••• 61h k 39c ) Pkg 69( tically att.( GERIATRIC • Inspect and adjust steering for Cleanser burning he added safety. Super Right ( Sliced her to use capsules 2 1"zCans. 33° )By the SUPER RIGHT of the front or Bologna Piece Lb. she could ,Charlie Scales Bologna Braunschweiger lb 49c 39g rH1CK SLiCEL Realizing t B-F GOODRICH STORE THIN trapped in CITY DRUG CO. Florient overcome 112 Lake St. Phone 389 (SLICEDSLICED 2 89( 408 Lake Phones 70-428 DEODORANT 20-0z Glenn wave 5;4-0z. 1750 Each lb. 49c)2 ist for hel Can / Cornish Hens ( ) 59c SUPER RIGHT BEEF (Bone In) SMALL-LEAN AND MEATY U.S.D.A. :NSPECTED 18 to 24-Lb "Po Ivory Liquid Rib Steak Lb 89c Spare Ribs Lb. 45c Turkeys GArade Lb. DETERGENT 12-0z. A&P Red L 1-Lb Op Invi Can 35° A&P Tuna tc-ihguhrti k Style 4 Cans 95' Cherries Sour Pitted UPP Cans •NOTICE 1-Lb Ann 894: Postmark Zest Soap Pink Salmon S:C rIeamd Can 584 Ketchup Page ' 6Bottles1 . That's th( upe 12-0z A&P Frozer f Save I,2 -Lb.$ 00 launched th BATH SIZE 5g„,100 pota tucky Prodi illOeSFrench Fries 41c Bags I Lunch Meat SR:rt 3 Cans la bring more 2 Bars 4P Grade A Large Eggs Doz. see "Stars 49c Cherry Pie JP:eker riZe summer. a The "Post ed Mrs. He: Ivory Snow Fresh Crisp U. B. NO. 1 1963 City Auto Tags now on sale at 12/34-Oz. 1-Lb. 15%-Oz. Fresh Florida FRESH tion publici: Box Box SWEET YAMS member of r Lettuce Pole Beans cational and Broccli 25-county 34° 81° 2 Reads __ 19c write at 1 2 Lb. __ 29c Lba. Bunch _ 29c 3 29° thomefolks, I City Clerk's Office. Deadline is folks, Every Dreft MELLOWMOOD NYLON DeitiAe Sheer letters to b DETERGENT (60 Guage 15 Denier) )SALE country wil (Sizes 81/2 to 11 Full Fashioned the HOSIERY 'BOX :r2 Ftcrh PRICE! 2 PAIR 99c drama Large With Self Seam run, comme 1-Lb. 15/4-0z. and to retur =March 1. Box 33° 1-Lb 1-0z. least five da Oxydol SWANSDOWN Kidney Beans 2Cans 29c WITH BLEACH CAKE MIXES Area Angel 1 Large Food . (1Banana, Lemon, White BALLARDS OR PILLSBURY -Lb.Box 4-0z. 33° 1-Lb. Yellow,-Lb. 2-0z.) Devils Food World Pkg.47c(1-Lb.25,i-Oz. 3-0z.) 370 Tide Frozen BISCUITS Of Pri TAKE YOUR PICK! DETERGENT OVEN-READY Annual oh Large Day of Praj 1-Lb. 4-0z. Banquet Ea.49; the direction Box 32° of United Cl held Friday Kleenex .CANS from 10 to 1 Northern Towels 430 49C byterian Chi OF 10 Poe BATHROOM TISSUE as progr of the pro Than Conque 4 Rolls 380 Nolihern LNuar:krnosn 2::(7270 TRY PILLSBURY'S OTHER ROLLS AND This progr United Chur COOKIES AT OUR DAIRY CASE On this sam Northern Northern 7:7 4 Ralls 380 same prograr BOTH Prayer will LUNCHEON NAPKINS Reg. countries wi uniting Chr Comet Cleanser 27:34 Palmolive Soap 4 Bars 41c bond of pray NOW 2 Pkg.of 80 27° lowship. 1-Lb Women of 4-0z. United Chu: Premium CriscoShortening3:: 82€ Fab Detergent Box 320 World, of wh 1-Pint is a membei Duz 1z. their own de 6-0x local, state a 4/5 QUART 1-Lb. 7-0z. Blue Can 63€ have as • Silverdust 34€ Vel Liquid r: 350 the Box 55° 1-Lb. motion of a V munity. Each prepared by $2.85 I $1.45 Lux Soap la: 2 Bar. 29€ Blue Cheer Box 32€ Dash Women of a PINT I 1/2 PINT DETERGENT Everyone Personal attend this h( $45.75 Case of Fifths Giant Size Vim Tablets 2 U38:;Oz. Bare I-Lb.Box 2/12-0z. 78° 690 Ivory Soap 6 41€ Palmolive 1Qt South Salvo Soap 2:az 290 Downy Rinse Bo°t: e 1-Pint L Cage S ChrIldren's • 350 GLENMORE 12-0a.. 11-0s. I. Tablets 5-0z. y Liquid Bath...... •••• • • . Bottle 690 GOLD LABEL SILVER LABEL 24-0z. Pkg. Soak Joy Illiquid Sat Bottle 3€ Distric of 12 Lee Cantrel PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., FEB. 23 Judy Neely, zr 4YEAR OLD 6YEAR OLD iNE GREAT ATLANTIC & pAanc TEA COMPANY, RC, Fulton Devile Metrecal Spic & Span runners-up, v coveted All-Di 6 Plc Cans CLEANER by the coach( BOND STRAIGHT it7P)t and Linda ar $1.48 Fulton High, E 1Box-Lb. 29° rood Stores more. 100 PROOF 90 PROOF AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE 1859 Others chos Martin; Kay MUD MO MUM sr KENYON MIT1111111U mow Lantrau-owomikoo. IIINTWXY Wanda Leytttr4