Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM) (Under the Scheme of PMMMNMTT HRD Ministry, Govt. of India, New Delhi) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002 UP (India) List of Participants ONLINE ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP COURSE FOR TEACHERS (From 25.02.2021 to 03.03.2021) Theme: Personality Development Project Coordinator : Professor A.R. Kidwai, Director, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh Project Co-coordinator : Dr.Faiza Abbasi, Assistant Professor, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh Course Coordinator : Dr C Rajesh, Principal, MES Keveeyam College, Valanchery (Kerala) Host Institution : MES Keveeyam College, Valanchery (Kerala) Mobile: 9446768376 S. Name and Designation Institutional Address Residential Address Mobile No. & M/F/SC/S T/OBC/ No email ID M/G/PH 1 Mr. Abdul Gafoor KP, Department of Commerce Koottapulakkal 9072215651, M/M Asst. Professor MES Keveeyam College (House), irimbiliyam, gafooribm1996@g Valanchery, Malappuram Malappuram mail.com Kerala 2 Mr. Ahsan Vaseem P, Dept. of English Palakkaparambil House, 7560840408, M/M Asst. Professor MES Keveeyam College Vilathur Post,
[email protected] Valanchery, Malappuram Thiruvegappura Via, om Kerala Palakkad Dt, Kerala 3 Mr. Ameen Pakkini, Dept. of Retail Kakkidipak kinikalathil 9961789637, M/M Asst. Professor Management ho drameenkp@gmail. MES Keveeyam College com Valanchery, Malappuram Kerala 4 Mr. Anil Puthanazhi, Dept. of Retail Puthanazhi house 9048766071, M/SC Asst. Professor Management Edayur post puthanazhi@gmail. MES Keveeyam College Malappuram com Valanchery, Malappuram Kerala 676552 Kerala 5 Ms. Aswathi M N, Dept. of Commerce Madambath(h), Mudur 9946405370, F/G Asst. Professor MES Keveeyam College (p.o), Vattamkulam aswathinandakumar Valanchery, Malappuram (Via) Malappuram DT
[email protected] Kerala 6 Ms. Athira K, Dept.