\", 22 \', 22 \(, 31, 32 \), 31, 32 \-, 26 \., 22 \=, 22 \[, 32 \], 32 \ˆ, 21, 22 \`, 22
i i i ‘beginlatex’ --- 2018/12/4 --- 23:30 --- page 289 --- #325 i Index Index See Table 2 on page xxx for the meanings of the typographic formatting used here and in the text. \", 22 \ae, 22 \', 22 \affiliation, 42 \(, 31, 32 afm2tfm, 234 \), 31, 32 textbf, 17 \-, 26 Apple Mac \., 22 editor, 189, 194 /p, 236 installation, 189 \=, 22 apt, 190 \@, 162, 164 apt-get, xxvi \[, 32 Aquamacs, 222 \], 32 \arabic, 170 \ˆ, 21, 22 ArcInfo, 96 \`, 22 textbf, 13 \ , 21, 22 array, 85 \arraybackslash, 85 10pt, 37 \arraystretch, 87 11pt, 37 article, 11, 35 12pt, 11, 37 \author, xxx, 42–44, 108, 162 AutoCAD, 95 a4paper, 36, 38 avant, 143 \AA, 22 \aa, 22 b, 100 AbiWord, 175, 177, 178 \b, 22 abstract, 44, 45 babel, 20, 30, 50, 120 \abstractname, 45 textbf, 9 abstracts, 44 textbf, 254 accents, 19 BaKoMa TEX, xxix Acrobat Reader, 185, 194, 222, 258 \baselinestretch, 133 acronym, 126 bbding, 73, 171 \addbibresource, 120 beer, 123 \addcontentsline, 52 lite, 123 \addtocontents, 53 American, 123 \AE, 22 Rogue £ Formatting Information ¢ 289 ¡ i i i i i i i ‘beginlatex’ --- 2018/12/4 --- 23:30 --- page 290 --- #326 i FORMATTING INFORMATION Chocolate Stout, 124 \centering, 29, 85, 87, 148 \begin, 20, 40, 41, 45, 74, 82, cep, 93 163, 180 chancery, 143 \bfseries, 12, 149 textbf, 247 biber, ix, 5, 19, 62, 112–114, 120– \chapter, 47, 48 122, 125 chapter, 170 biber, 247, 249 characters BIBINPUTS, 116 accented, 19 biblatex, 5, 112, 113 ASCII, 267 biblatex, ix, 5, 19, 112–114, 116– math, 31 121 special, 15, 31 biblatex-apa, 114 charmap, 21 biblatex-cheatsheet, 114 charter,
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