Veteran and Vintage Motoring March 1957

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Veteran and Vintage Motoring March 1957 BBADBD IBEELS VETERAN AND VINTAGE MOTORING MARCH 1957 -----------_-.:. MOTOR BIKE CAR TRUCK TRACTOR V1 u.I er: TYRE SPECIALISTS o V1 V1 u.I U TO THE u « VINTAGE CAR CLUB of N.Z. (Inc.) V1 We carry Stocks of Most Sixes Suitable for ~ o er:'" o o-i V1 Veteran and Vintage Vehicles V1 u.I " U u or We Will Get Them on Indent for You « SEE US ABOUT TYRES FOR YOUR TOWN HACI< TOO V1z « t, :I: Z u If You ore 0 Former, or 0 Contractor, Cl or Just 0 Plain Wee k-end Motorist, We W ill Be Only Too Pl ea sed to Help You Cut Your Running Costs. < Z -i ALL MAKES STOCKED :P Cl m For Any Tyre Problems From Earth Mover to Motor Scooter z n SEE US ::I: «er: > u.I Z I­ V1 u.I > HAMPTON TYRE COMPANY lTO. 138 OXFORD TERRACE, CHRISTCHURCH u.I <.:l or BOX 1803 « zI­ > THE CITY 'S LEADING TYRE DEPOT TRUCK CAR ACCESSORIES VINTAGE VETERAN • Beaded W heels is th e m ice o f tlie V;nr l1 ge and Ve leran C ar Mo vement in N ew Z ealand and of tlie Clubs wh ose eijorts are [ost ering and el'CI" wid ening the int ere st in th is m o vement ami form rallying points for tluit e l'er increasing band of enthusiasts. The [asci nat ion of age itseli or re vu lsion from th e fla sh y medio crity of our pre sent day is dr awing an incr easing number of m otorists hack 10 th e individut.lity, soli d worth, and [u nc­ tiona! elegance that was dem ande d by a more discrimin atin g generation and it is to th ese that we ded icate - rll'~J b y L JJ~ LS VOL 111, No. 9 MARCH, 1957 Beaded Wh eels is Pu blish ed Qu a rte rl y by the 2-ditotia~ VI NT AGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. INC. 20 HACKTH ORNE ROAD Hanging in a garage in Christchurch there is a pair of CH RISTCHURCH, s. 2 NEW ZEALAND number plates. To th e cas ual observer there is no grea t differ­ ence betwe en them and the loc all y made affa irs whi ch are * attached to ou r cars. Cl oser scr utiny , ho we ver. reve als that lt is sent free to mem be rs a nd is sold the y are made of an aluminium alloy , tha t the impression of to kindred Clubs at o ne shilling a nd to 'the pu blic, one shilli ng and the num bers is larger a nd clea re r th an the lo call y mad e plate, sixpence. and that the num ber plate as su ch is a m or e ple asing affair Annual Subscr iption 6 /- po st free . to behold, th at is if yo u have a ny a esthetic appreciation of a number pla te. Ap art fr om the se patent virt ues , there is th e * Ed itor * fact th at the y a re twenty-two yea rs old and h ave serv ed MRS M. J . AND ERSO N o n one rno tor-car for some one hundred and th irty th ou sand mil es including wa r yea rs in England. They are not Vint age * or Veter an plates bu t there are plenty ju st the sam e as them A ssistant Edit or wh ich came into ex iste nce before De cerneber 3 1st , J93 I a nd D. O. MARGETTSESQ . are still serving. * * The plates are English , as it is the cus tom there to assign on e A d vert ising M an ager re gistration num ber to a car for th e pe riod of its existence 1. S .P. P AU vlER ESQ. rather th an 10 change number p lates a t fre que nt intervals as P.O . Bo x 976, Christchurch is done in Ne w Zealand. Beside the fact that th e N ew Ze al and To whom a ll Ad verti sing enquiries system is a n inc red ible waste of time. material, and money, it sho uId be add ressed . is also cu m bersome in severa l respects, and lastl y, but by no * * mean s least to the connoisseur, the Ne w Zeal and plates a re a Copy mu st be typed in double shoddily made and often garish ly coloured eye-sore. spacing on on e side of the pap er and sent to In man y spheres our little country is most progressive a nd THE ED ITO R it can not generally be denied that we are fa r behind in 20 Hackthorne Road m otoring m atters, New traff ic regulation s will shor tly be in Ch ristchurc h , S.2, N .Z. force, there is a capa ble body adm inister ing the construction COPY F OR JUN E ISSUE CLOSES 15TH a nd maintenan ce of highways, we fa cilita te the entry of tour­ M AY ist s' cars to our country and we have a courteous and efficient * * tea m in th e Tran sport Department officers who patrol our high­ Pri nt ed by ways. Then why . in the name of St Christopher , do we have A. E. PUR SE LlMlTED to put up with the was tef ul and a nnoy ing process of chang­ 233 M anchest er Street in g number pl at es eve ry little wh ile . Su rely the multitude of Christchurch, N ew Ze aland exper ts who spend their existence cr ea ting new colour sche mes * >.: for next yea r's plat es and deciding whe ther a sta r, a hyphen or Registered a t G .P.O , Wellington fo r a pomt will sepa rate th e numbers would be better employed Tran smi ssion as a M agazin e, etc . evol ving a ne w (bu t not original ) syst em of allocat ing a per­ m an ent re gistra tio n number to each of the four hundred thou­ OUR COVER PHOTOGRAPH sand and more re gisuable vehi cles in th e country. The "bett er tha n ori gin al " 191 3 Cal­ tho rpe Minor owned by Alan Bak er The tas k is not insurmounta ble and could be achieved a t no of Christchurch and winn er of the mo re cost than it wou ld lak e to send at least two Ca bin et Dunedin - Bri ghton r un. Ph oto by cou rte sy of D o n Oddie Studio, M mi ste rs and six Departmental head s ove rsea s to inves tiga te T im aru. th e Engli sh system, not to men tion th e fact that the exp er ts wo uld soon find th at th ey h a d wo rked themsel ves ou t o ur more co n ventiona l co n tem po ra ries who a re a pt to of a jo b a nd the manufacturer s of the number plates sh rug and not to car e. Tha t we co uld ho pe to achieve likewise. A pa rt from these mi no r traged ies the pe rman­ a ny change is beyond the possible because it may well ent ben efit that wo uld result to the mot o rist , the dealer, be tha t the great body of mo to rists is apathetic. Wh at the Pol ice, the tra ffic a uthorities, fina nce co m pa nies a nd do th ey or their organisa tio ns do to overcome this man y o t he r sec tion s of the co mm unit y would be inestim­ elementa ry problem? W her e, to -day, is the s pir it of the a ble a nd lasting. T hink to o o f the reli ef tha t would be people wh o a bo lished the red flag a nd the speed restric_ afforded to the pro ud owne r of an O xf o rd and Cam­ tions ? DEAD - STONE DEAD if th e activities of br idge blue Bell Bo tto med H yper m at ic to k now tha t th e Au to mobile Associat ions a re a n y ind ica tio n, fo r the y his dignifi ed black plat e wo ul d not be replaced in the see m more co nce rned wi th erecting sign-posts for peo ple new licen sin g year by red, tan or yellow. T hink, too , of who canno t rea d map s a nd admini stering mo tor camps the rel ief to the average mug like me wh o lets the sc rews for the few who use th em th an conce rning th emselves r ust and was tes val uable time a nd bad language chang­ wi th wo rthwhile a nd elementa r y reforms a nd punching in g plat es. them home to th e eve rla sting ben efit of the average This pla intive a nd so mewhat bitter cry is no t th e firs t: motor ist.
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