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BLBS146-IND BLBS146-Burns Printer: Yet to Come April 3, 2014 21:4 279mm×216mm Index Note: Italicized page locators refer to photos/figures; tables are noted with t. Abbreviations, common, in veterinary medicine, American Association of Feline Practitioners, feline Angry clients, dealing with, 132 9–10 vaccination guidelines, 73 Animal body language Abyssinian cat breed, 40 American Bobtail cat breed, 40 canine, 21–24 Acceptance, grief and, 127, 129 American College of Veterinary Nutrition, 33 equine, 111–112 Acceptance period, 54 American Curl cat breed, 40 feline, 24–26 Acetabulum, 14, 15 American Kennel Club, 55 Anisodactyl feet, 99 Acquired (specific) immunity, 72 breed characteristics, 48 Anterior, 11, 12 Active immunity, 72t breed groups, 48–49 Anthelmintics, 79 ACVN. See American College of Veterinary Dog Registration Application and, 49 Antibiotics, 79, 122 Nutrition American Shorthair cat breed, 40 Antibodies, 72, 72t Adderall, 121 AmericanVeterinaryMedicalAssociation,3,4,39, Antigens, 72 Adson-Brown thumb tissue forceps, 89 147 Antiserum, 72t Adson 1 x 2 thumb tissue forceps, 90 American Wirehair cat breed, 40 Anus, 18, 18 Advil, 79 Amino acids, 31 Apatite, 110 Age of pets, evaluating, 61 Amphetamine, 121 Appendicular skeleton Aggression Analgesics, organizing, 122 equine, 107 canine aggressive body language, 21 Anal glands (or sacs), 68, 68–69 forelimb bones, 14, 14 in cats Anaphylaxis, 73 hindlimb bones, 14–15, 15 aggressive/conflicted expression, 25 Anatomy, 11–19 Appointments, making, 27 body posture of, 24 appendicular skeleton,
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