Fall/Winter 2020 Volume 19, Issue 3 NONPROFIT ORG. SPCA US POSTAGE PAID Fernandina Bch., FL www.catsangels.com MAILING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 48 P.O. Box 16072 Fernandina Beach, Florida 32035 CURRENT RESIDENT OR 709 South 8th St. (Between Gum & Hickory), Fernandina Beach, FL • 904-321-2267 • Email:
[email protected] GRANTS RECEIVED GOALS SURPASSED This year has been a challenge in so many ways, including “Our commitment to the Humane Society grant was to spay/neuter fundraising for us and many other non-profits who depend so 100 cats in 3 months, we achieved this goal in 7 weeks” says Sherry much on this source of income. Cats Angels had to cancel two Merritt, Cats Angels Executive Director. of our community fundraising events due to the COVID pan- demic. Our main source of continuous revenue – The Thrift Our first grant of $2,500 was awarded through the Humane Store at Cats Angels – was closed for over a month. These Society of The United States in June. Our commitment for this challenges may have slowed us down, but they did not stop us grant was to spay/neuter 100 cats within 3 months. Our Spay/ from pursuing our mission. Your support during the shutdown Neuter Program achieved this goal within seven weeks. We helped us remodel our store to easily adjust to the new social ranked 2nd in the state of Florida to achieve our goal so quickly! distancing guidelines. We made changes to our protocols and We have already helped spay/neuter over 500 cats this year!!! slowly moved forward to re-opening our Thrift Store, Spay/Neu- ter, TNVR and Adoption Programs.