Parish News St Mary’s, Woodkirk HARVEST 7 B E R 2 0 1 OCTO This Month: Exploring past Vicars; Harvest Time; Betrayal; Food for Thought; Fruits of the Spirit. Who’s who at Woodkirk Vicar of St Mary's: Reverend Sharon Wilkinson. St Mary's Vicarage, Dewsbury Road, Woodkirk, WF12. 7JL 01924 472375 E-mail:
[email protected] Lay Pastoral Minister Gail Townsend 0113 2528710 and Legacy Advisor. Churchwardens: Brian Gledhill 01924 405790 Neal Pinder-Packard 0113 252 4001 Deputy churchwardens: Gary Mormer David Townsend Verger: Gail Townsend 0113 252 8710 Organist: Samantha Marks PCC Secretary: Dawn Taersfield PCC Treasurer Barbara Tate Social Chairman: Brian Gledhill 01924 405790 Parish Centre Hire: Sally Shaw 01924 475048 Child Protecon Officer: Dawn Taersfield 0113 2525963 Health & Safety Officer Brian Gledhill 01924 405790 Electoral Roll Officer: Dave Townsend 0113 2528710 Data Protecon Neal Pinder-Packard 0113 252 4001 and Legacy Officer Magazine Editor & David Townsend 0113 2528710 Weekly News Sheet:. Email:
[email protected] Magazine Arcles by the 20th of the month. Mobile: 07745 301746 Contribuons for the Weekly News Sheet by Thursday evening please. Deanery Synod reps: Brian Gledhill & Gary Mormer Elected Members of the Parochial Church Council: Brian Gledhill, Gary Mormer, Neal Pinder-Packard, Dawn Taersfield, Dave Townsend, Barbara Tate, Liz Aveyard, Gail Townsend, Sandra Gledhill. If you enjoy the magazine— a donaon of 50p really helps to keep it going! 2 In this Month’s Magazine: Features: Vicar’s Letter p10 Harvest Festival p13 Food for Thought p14 Reverend Christopher Marshall p16 George & Jemima p21 Betrayal p24 Dean of Wakefield moves on p26 Prayerful Thought p28 A Prayer for Sharing p31 Revd.