Kata - Sumo - KSK

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Kata - Sumo - KSK American Judo & Jujitsu Federation Region 2,KSK Winter Invitational Kata - Sumo - KSK Sunday, February 16th 8:00 AM Judo Event Location: 6051 Desoto Ave Woodland Hills Ca, 91367 Three Separate AJJF Sanctioned Activities Doors Open at 8:00 AM Bow in at 8:30 AM Please Be Punctual th Enter All Three Events $45.00 Before Feb 5 Contest fees: Kata $20 per person BEFORE FEB 5th / AFTER FEB 5th $25 Sumo $15 BEFORE FEB 5th / $20 AFTER FEB 5th th th KSK- Judo $20.00 BEFORE FEB 5 / $25 AFTER FEB 5 (Modified Rules Judo) Special Prizes for top scoring individuals for youth & adult divisions. Send check (payable to KSK) to 21139 Victory Blvd. Woodland Hills Ca. 91303 For more information, contact Sensei Gregory Poretz 818-347-3656 Sensei@kenshokan.com These are AJJF Sanctioned Events. AJJF Membership Required to Participate. Temporary event membership available for $5. 2014 AJJF Region II Kata Contest Divisions & Requirements Junior Divisions shall be: Pee-Wees - Up to Age 6 (NO COMBAT SCENE) Children - Ages 7 – 9, 10-12, 13- 15 Beg / Adv, Youth Ages 12-15 Beg / Adv We may combine or split divisions depending on numbers attending. th th th th rd nd st Senior Divisions shall be: 10 -6 Kyu, 5 Kyu, 4 Kyu, 3 , 2 , 1 Kyu Black Belt Divisions shall be: Shodan Nidan-Sandan Yodan and above Children 7-9 & 10-12 Children 7-9 & 10-12 Pee Wee Division Beginner Advanced Beg/Adv 1) Hill Climbers 1) Sutemi (No Handed) 1) 5 Push ups 2) One Hand Cartwheel 2) Diving Judo Roll 2) Cat Walk 3) Backward Roll 3) Ryo Eri Tori 3) Knee to Standing 3X 4) Judo Roll to Flat Fall 4) Katate Tori 4) Front Fall 5) Ryo Eri Hazushi 5) Uchi Gama 5) Morote Hazushi 6) De Ashi Harai 6) Juji Gatame 6) Open Technique 7) Open Technique 7) Open Technique 7) Open Technique 8) Open Technique 8) Open Technique 8) Open Technique Combat Scene Combat Scene Open includes Yawara, basic Open includes rolls & falls, Yawara, Nage. Basic Hold Downs Open includes strength & coordination, Yawara, Nage. Nage, Shime. Youth 13-15 Beg Youth 13-15 Advanced 1) Sutemi (No Handed) 1) Sutemi (No Handed) 2) Diving Judo Roll 2) Diving Judo Roll 3) Ryo Eri Hazushi 3) Kubi Nuki Shime 4) Akushu Kote Tori 4) Akushu Ude Tori 5) Seoi Goshi 5) Maki Komi 6) Soto Gama 6) San Kaku Gatame 7) Open Technique 7) Open Technique 8) Open Technique 8) Open Technique Combat Scene Combat Scene Open includes rolls & falls, Yawara, Open includes Yawara, Nage, Shime, Nage, Shime. Goshin. 2010 AJJF Region II Kata Contest Divisions & Requirements Continued Adult 10th-6th Kyu Adult 5th Kyu Adult 4th Kyu Kubi Nuki Shime Ryote Hazushi Akushu Ude Tori Momiji Hazushi Hagai Shime Akushu Kote Maki Tori Ogoshi Hane Goshi Soto Momo Harai Soto Gama Tsuri Komi Goshi Uki Otoshi Shikano Itsusoku Jime Eri Gatame Tenada Jime Shiho Gatame Momo Jime Tatsumaki Jime Open Technique Open Technique Open Technique Open Technique Open Technique Open Technique Combat Scene Combat Scene Combat Scene Open includes rolls & falls, Yawara, Open includes rolls & falls, Open includes rolls & falls, Nage, Shime. Goshin, Yawara, Nage, Shime. Yawara, Nage, Shime. Adult Sankyu/Nikyu Adult Ikkyu Shodan Kubi Nuki Shime Ryoeri Tori Ryoeri Tori Utsuri Goshi Utsuri Goshi Hane Goshi Dakikubi Jime Dakikubi Jime Shikano Itsusoku Jime Kote Gaeshi Kata Mune Tori Kata Mune Tori Tora Nage Tora Nage Momiji Nage Reverse (prior art) Reverse (prior art) Random Weapon* Open Technique Open Technique Multiple Attacker Wari Bashi Ori** Open Technique Open Technique Combat Scene Combat Scene Combat Scene Open includes ,Yawara, Open includes ,Yawara, Open includes ,Yawara, Nage, Nage, Shime, Oku, Nage, Shime, Oku, First 10 Shime, Oku, Shinin. Shinin. *Random Weapon- A weapon will be Nidan / Sandan Yondan & Above randomly chosen by number generator. Kubi Nuki Shime Kubi Nuki Shime Hane Goshi Hane Goshi **Wari Bashi Ori. First chance complete break 10 points Partial break Shikano Itsusoku Jime Shikano Itsusoku Jime 8 points Kote Gaeshi Kote Gaeshi Momiji Nage Momiji Nage 2nd chance complete break 9 points Random Weapon* Random Weapon* partial break 7 points Multiple Attacker Multiple Attacker 3rd chance and beyond 8 points Wari Bashi Ori** Wari Bashi Ori** complete break, partial break 6 points. Combat Scene Combat Scene Open includes Yawara, Nage, Open includes Yawara, Nage, Shime, Shime, Oku, Weapon, Shinin. Oku,Random.Weapon,Shinin. KSK Winter Invitational Registration Competitor Information Name: DOB: Address: City State Zip Dojo Rank/ Time Training AJJF# Sensei: Registration: Kata (per person) $20.00 Sumo $15.00 Prices good until February 5th afterwards add $5 to each event. KSKJudo $20.00 Send check (payable to KSK) to 21139 Victory Blvd. Woodland Hills Ca. Enter All 3 Events for $45.00 91303 For more information, contact Sensei Gregory Poretz Event T-Shirt Before 2/1 $15.00 818-347-3656 Sensei@kenshokan.com Temp AJJF Membership $5.00 Total: $ Youth Divisions Kata 5-6 Beg 5-6 Adv 7-9 Beg 7-9 Adv 10-12 Beg 10-12 Adv 13-15 Beg 13-15 Adv Adult Divisions Kata 6th Kyu 5th Kyu 4th Kyu 3rd&2nd Kyu 1st Kyu Shodan Nidan-Sandan Yondan+ . Judo / Sumo Divisions Only Other Arts Studied (include all martial arts experience that exceed 6 months in any and all arts, include wrestling, Brazilian jiujutsu, & MMA Include rank and time training. Any intentional omission on this form is considered cheating and will result in disqualification _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In consideration of being permitted to participate in the competition indicated above and/or being permitted to enter any competition area, I the undersigned participant / competitor or parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) of the minor participant named above understand and acknowledge that there are inherent risks and dangers associated with participation in martial arts events and activities which could result in serious bodily injury and or property damage and loss. I/We hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE ALL CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE, the KSK Martial Arts or any other martial arts school or facility associated with this event/competition, including owners, managers, promoters, volunteers, staff, officials, medics lessees of premises used to conduct the martial arts event or program, and other person associated in any way with this event from all liability to the undersigned for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages resulting from my or my minor child’s attendance or participation in this event. I hereby assume all risks and liabilities of participation in this event regardless of cause and acknowledge and agree that I am fully aware of the risks and hazards associated with participation in this event and hereby elect to enter voluntarily. Should injury occur, I agree to use my/minor's personal medical insurance for all medical payments. I irrecoverably authorize KSK Martial Arts to copy, use, publish for art, advertising, trade, or any other lawful purpose whatsoever, photographic portraits, pictures or videotapes of me, in which I may be included. I have read this release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement, fully understand it terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance, or guarantee being made to me and intend my signature to be complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. I certify that I am mentally and physically fit to participate. Participant's Signature:__________________________________________ Date:____________ Official Use Only Sex ______ Age______ Weight_________ Time in Training Yr_____MO_______ Pool Number_________ These are AJJF Sanctioned Events. AJJF Membership Required to Participate. Temporary event membership available for $5. American Judo and Jujitsu Federation KATA CONTEST JUDGING FORM Fill in the appropriate blanks. List optional arts and arts in the combative sequence in the order you will show them. Bring four copies of this form to the contest, filled out clearly. Host Dojo _____________________________________ Date of Contest ________________ Contestant #1 Name: _________________________ Rank: ____________ AJJF #/exp_date________ Contestant #2 Name: _________________________ Rank: ____________ AJJF #/exp_date ________ Contestants' Dojo _________________ ____Sensei Name & Rank: ___________________________ SCORE Art JUDGE'S COMMENTS (Brief) Max 10 pts REQUIRED ARTS each, half As Written in the AJJF Kata Manual for Kyu Ranks (0.5) points allowed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ELECTIVE ARTS-Write “V” for Variations 6. 7. 8. COMBATIVE SEQUENCE ARTS- Arts should occur in the order listed. At least 2 arts should be from first 5 arts above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Score Combative Sequence Max 15 pts, half (0.5) points allowed. Appearance (Presence on mat, Clean gi; obi centered and properly tied; overall appearance) Score Max 5 Points Judge's Signature: ___________________________________________ Rank: _____________ Total Score: ___________ Auditor #1 _________________ Auditor #2 ________________ .
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