BRAND OF THE YEAR 9 I I STEP CHANGE > 8 8 G E < = F P < ; : < =8 F N =K?E< K?< CCoverOct08.inddoverOct08.indd 1 99/19/08/19/08 11:49:47:49:47 PMPM )&å9/5å4().+å9/5å #!.4å-!+%å)4 å$/.4å 7/229 å3/-%/.%å%,3%å å7),,å%.4%24!). 9/52å#,)%.4 SST.PT.10532.CMA.inddT.PT.10532.CMA.indd 2 99/18/08/18/08 33:11:02:11:02 PMPM CONTENTS October 2008 • volume 20, issue 3 4 EDITORIAL What it takes to reinvent yourself... 18 8 UPFRONT Graffi ti, hot kicks, urban harvests and biscuit-based soaps 11 DECONSTRUCTED The feedback on taking talk to the street 12 BIZ 20 Roundtable: Is Canada’s ad biz inclusive? Or do we need cultural intelligence-raising? 18 WHO Reg McLay changes the Canadian Tire(s) 20 CREATIVE Fish make a nice bench, tips for the tipsy and Campbell’s spills soup family secrets 22 WHAT NEXT? 30 Ads that fl oat on water or hitch a ride on fi ghter jets 30 MEDIA The new hybrid: upping the entertainment 35 BRANDS OF THE YEAR Who got it right, and how? Emotion, entertainment and attitude are the keys 47 TRIBUTE Tide at 60: the only thing that stays the 35 same is the iconic citrus swirl 52 FORUM The Academic on why this ad ban discussion may be different; The Brand Experience shares why ”er” might actually be more than ”er” deep 54 BACK PAGE Strategy scouts V Fest’s best brand acts STRATEGY October 2008 3 CContents.Oct08.inddontents.Oct08.indd 3 99/18/08/18/08 44:46:33:46:33 PMPM EDITORIAL October 2008 Volume 20, Issue 3 VP & Executive Editor / Mary Maddever /
[email protected] Associate Editor / Mary Dickie