'ews: Whoooooooooo's looking? Birds of pr< -, RECEIVE@„„„, US Postag Paid Oc) g g PIIrersity o Idaho ******************f***f***ff****** ~Wf% ~~ foal I T 8)7 UNIVE RS ITY ( *f*ggprt t ggsfrryT BOISE «'TAT'NI"ERH1 / I8 ALBERTSON'S LIBRAR UNIVERSITY f* BOISE SATE 1,'f PO BOX 46 lop f BOISE ID 83707-0046 llsslsssllslssslllssslssslllsssllsssslsslsllssslsslsllssslslsl

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e I ~ s- a stu ent reatene Lianna Shepherd Argonaut

It was a little before 9 a.m. on Sept. 29 when sopho- more Kory Larabee went to his dorm room and found the words, "Faggot. F—ing kill you," scrawled across his message board. "I came out when I was 15,". Larabee said. "This is the first time I'e ever beep truly afraid. I don't feel safe walking out at night ...it's violating." An international studies major and resident adviser for Wallace Res- idence Center, this was not the first time Larabee has been harassed. at the University of Idaho. As a fresh- man he said he endured a similar sit- uation, although in that instance the erpetrator didn't leave a threat be- ', so he chose not to tell anyone. "It's so easy to get stuck in a ste- reotype," he said. "It bothered me, but I just told myself to move past Kppg it.I know I'm not the only one who' made that decision." Larabee .-. x4pj.g$ ever '«a@iisf Larabee said he was embarrassed when he first saw the message and reported the inci- dent to his supervisors, who called the Moscow Police Department. It is currently unknown who left the mes- sage —but the action qualifies as a hate crime, which is a felony. In response to the incident, University Housing put cameras in the surrounding hallway. Dee Dee Kanik- keberg, associate director of universzty residences, said the cameras would only be placed in public areas in re- sponse to the "appalling" incident. "It's deeply concerning that someone has been threatening within our community," Kanikkeberg said. "We work hard to create a safe environment, and we ar' going to protect it." In addition to working as'n RA, Larabee works as a staff member in the Women's Center. Rebecca Rod, GLBT program adviser, said after working with Lara-

bee for the past two years, she was particularly hurt f'ee.THREAT,, when she heard what happened to him.

page,6 . Michaud to

leave Idaho ger Macy/Arfgonaut full because'rParking'a'ndf Transportation services sold too permits. The purple parking lots on campus are ' many "L, Alexiss lerner Argonaut ".-'' , I ',;:e. After three years of employment, the University of Idaho will lose its assistant vice president of human resources. .. Paul Michaud has been working in human resources for 27 years. He oversees many aspects of campus, in- employment, job classification, compensation 'uding as welI as employment relations and grievances. Mi- chaud is the voice of appeals between the university and state. If an employee from any of the cooperative extension centers across the state is not happy with the workings of the university, he is the go-to guy. Vicel'resident of Finance and Administration Lloyd Mues will lead the evalu- to'decide the Cyrilla Watson ing they were unethical. he said. "Those people- aze getting ation how '( geyei'ciy "There ways', tickets." position will be Argonaut can be more effective numerous empty ~ communicate,"-'Root . Ser- filled. Michaud said he 'TQS to said.. Parking and Transportation j$ ASUI asked Parking,and Trans- HolbrooksaidASUItoldRootabout vices has helped ASUI.in-a,lot of has supplied Mues with <. g ~ recommendations as well POliCy, I , portation Services to stop selling an the resolution before it was sent. other ways, Arama slid', as his overall outlook for unlimited number of purple passes Root declined to 'ASUI and Parking the department. 7t after 670 permits were sold when comment. ' and -'ranspor'tatlon Im' only 480 spaces are available. Holbrook said he . '. StudentS Services'discussed this Wi& t e pause - "Students buy' permit is frustrated because .. . issue, last'ear, Hol- Mues said a "worstwase purple g j themselves he had a .p're-session buy.ci Pui,Pj+,, brookSaid. scenario" would mean the pptjpg g to guarantee a parking "I osition could be Eilled spot,"., said Garrett Holbrook, ASUI with Root last year'and nei thought this was "And then'hey find out asked to ~jt tp, over,". Holbrook s'aid. an already 'president. dearly parking . y employee paul ' vrorking m the depart- 'hey don't have a spot at all." stop overselimg pa'rk- .gucii'cigtee ..'olbr'ook said'some There are seven purple parking ing permits., -." p, don't want'.to ment. Mues said he does MICHAUP 'tudents di unt a "be t~ se lots used for residential. parking Arama said 'oot tgelllSelVeS 'move, their car's ..from ot n vice president oi human for'reek students. promised parking 'ser- '. ' purple spaces because scenario" in which a new resources k employee could be hired ASUI is working to change Lot 45 vices wquldn't oversell p 5 'hey are afraid of los- to take the job. ori Slake Street into a blue or dual parking permits but ing their spot.-.He said ' gppt Agd "The sky is not falling," he said. red-purple to help with overcrowd- did it anyway., there is no point in tha't The evaluation began once news arrived ofMichaud's . ing of vehides. Parking 'and 'Trans- Qeg'Qey" when blue lots 'can '; - be'ortation departure. Mues"said he hopes to have the evaluation , ASUI Sen. Zach Arama said 100 Services sells ~ used as storage park- completed before Michaud's last day, Oct. 17. more students went through Greek more than the number fmd put . ingandaze$ 10cheaper who make the Ikchaud is one of nine employees up , recruitment this fall, meazung there of spaces available be- yi, ~ ay than purple. - f, 'ause human resources department, including those working aze a lot more cars on Greek Row. of turnover. Hol- t"ey sap~:t . Students were not in compensation, employment, job dassification and Arama wrote a resolution that brook said purple and glypt' aware„of the unlimited The department hired hIciye ci helping international visitors. stated Parking and Transportation silver lots are residential . p , selling of purple pass- two new faculty this year, and Michaud said the uni- Services was .unethical in selling un- parking and are used Itlt'CI/).- es, Holbrook saizL At versity is in the middle of luring another body to assist limited purple passes. The resolution more for storage. They thss very least, parking in employee compensation, was sent to Carl'Root, manager of are different than com- services should have about 40 percent of his day Michaud said he spends . Parking and Transportation Services, muter lots where people Garrett', told students, he said, said a day zs difficult to de- in meetings. He typical The resolution also stated Parking comeandgoeveryday. HOLBROOK HolbrooksaidAS scribe. AltYiough his morning starts with a specific plan : and'Transportation Services ignored Mark Morgan, presi- talked 'ith soror- he said. No of action, more pressing issues soon arise, past requests from ASUI to change dent of Beta Theta pi ASUI president ity and fraternig presi- main is to 'atter the probfem, he said the goal supply its practices related to Greek park- paid it's ridiculous dents, ahd they were information. employees with all available ing and have not been transparent when parking services upset about the over- 'This the policy,'" he said. "I say, 'I never say, is enough with students. oversells permits by that much. selling of parking tickets. 'These are the options.'" "gYs) notfair to thosestudents who Arama said people are upset ASUIreceivedalotofcomplaints department no longer oversees The human resources live in those areas," Holbrook said. about the overselling of permits. about'the parking issue. Holbrook the task is now headed by UI Payroll employee benefits — Root said parking services wasn' "Lots of people are parking in and Arama said they will meet with Michaud said the move was an administrative . " Services. , aware of the problem and didn't like spots where they don't have permits Root td discuss the issue and come to See LEAVE, page 6 that they zeceived a resolution stat- because they don't have a choice," anagieement. 2008 THE INSIDE The Argonaut Tuesday, October 7,

Peo leWeKnow K. Ray Johnson/Argonaut

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' c ~ ~ I ' ~ I ' I Idaho Commons Hours: I ~ ~ I ~ ~ IMonday-'I hursday: 7am-12am 4 ~ Friday: yam-Spm Saturday: 9am-Spm Sutlday: Iapm-12am Crossword Sudoku Student Union Hours: Monday- lltursday: 7am-tzam I 2 3 4 5 8 r 8 0 to II riday: 7am-Spm 12 13 14 15 '5 Saturday: Sam-Spm (ttttt stay open tater for ptuyainmlng) I Cobra 18 8 9 Sunday: tzpm-tzam 4 Ledger entries 17 16 (Abbr,) 7 6 3 4 7 Gowns 20 21 22 12 Tablet 23 14 Swampgrass 24 25 26 27 28 4 3 7 16 Cease, nautically 28 30 31 32 33 17 Bird enclosure 5 18 Capital of Norway 35 38 37 19 Speeds 40 41 20 Hammcditup 42 43 2 9 5 22 Deer relative 46 23 Football's 6 3 4 Bradshaw 47 46 40 50 9 CORRECTlONS: 24 Burbot 51 26 Some 52 53 ss sa sr 2 5 9 8, In the Friday story "Hispanic culture: 29 Leavening agent 55 58 60 81 82 63 learning origins," Ruthanne Orihuela was 32 Shorttail weasel 7 35 Pouch 64 65 ar 5 quoted as saying she brought her husband 38 Sibling ra to Moscow "so he could have an experi- 39 Sp. monetary unit 7 9I 40 Scrawniest 71 72 73 ence without racism." She was comparing 43 Colonist the Moscow to alternative cities and did 44 Gct there ccsrds5 I oran nsc Aclcsdss css 45 Contaiacr 71 Fixes 10 Compass pt. 41 Insect egg not intend to imply that racism did not ex- 46 Arid 72 Pigpen 11 Holy folks 42 Dusk ist in Moscow. 47 Season 73 Humcanc part (Abbr.) 43 Doleful 48 Morc peculiar 13 AAer straw or 45 Rabbit hunters 51 Ocean 1)tufa . truckle 49 Before (Poet.) 52 Plaything IS Extinct bird 50 Summary 54 Exudes an odor I Fancy neckwear 21 Yes vote 53 Elevator man Solutions 58 Jacuzzi 2 Work very hard 25 on (trust) 55 Singer Ford O'" I'- 61 Like some 3 Beeper 27 Embark 56 Loggins or @A'@Llc BA3 AASSONBW -"'""'-""""';:, v cj9is 1jtcls 'ovemmcnt 4 Dangerous XN I d vuas 8301 28 Bone tired Rogers ONNV 1 vl I Bs I vu documents Snl 0 zfs LI9'6 reptile, for short 30 Aflirm 57 Stirup, asa l330 Bsdol 64 Elevate 5 Catch one's S II 3 6 Aol V38 Sjs b L 61i st6 c 31 Pose fire u N BAN IM 66 Font style (Abbr.) breath 33 Soak'Bax 3000 L llr 59 Fmploycd A un Nvo BA I uuv Zjeis jl 919j9 631 l l36 ls3NV31 9'L 67 Domini 6 Chooses 34 Time zone 60 Writer Trurran te Slag 6 0'LIB 68 Succulents 7 Scarce Vl 3 6 3d 8 I 0 OVS 35 Salads 62 Separate ';allcl.Fnday,',!',;;:.-:;:.:,'.;;:,:-;,"::;::-',:::,:, 3 N I rt 63 l6V3A 9 9 6 6 L S 69 Wheys 8 Egg-shaped 36 Bird's nest 63 Execute MB d ANN3l ooo 70 Light shade of 9 Football II 1 3 03lovu3AO LIBI6 9ILI9 Blsitr 37 Buttonholefitlcr, 64 Aries 63OV 8 0180 BOVO BtSIC 9J6fL rcd formation at times 65 Bccrrclativc lsvh v 033u ev1s SBSO 6 suo dsv Ste 9 6 Izll OIBj L t-'1 -:-';;",';;:-',:=',,:-- " Tuesday, October 7, 2008 The Argonaut Page 3 rICu ure a S Iin SSu enS

Dustin Smith prospective students." Students had the opportuni- Argonaut Invitations were sent to t: tospendthenightatvarious high schools across Oregon, locations across campus. More than 250 high school Washington and Idaho. Atten- Thestudentswererequiredto students from various schools dence showed an improvement pay $40 or $85 if they intended in the Northwest came to over last year's 187 students to spend the night on Friday. the University of Idaho for and teachers. Cost of transportation was also Agriculture Days, spon- Students participated in a factor. Filer High School used sored by the College of Ag- various one-hour . a booster. pm- ~ riculture and Life Sciences. workshops such is~ ga gram to raise the The event, which featured as "Soil as a nat- ~ 5 $1,300 needed multiple activities and work- ural resource" they'pggau for bus transpor- shops related to agriculture, and "From food tauon. gave prospective students a to fuel: grow- pQQp)Q All proceeds look at the college. mg your own ~ trom the event "Iwasn't planning on com- biodiesel." Stu- IntereStea in go to payillg ing here," said Thomas Hurley dents could also for the costs of a junior at Filer High School, attend a. barbe- g~riCg/tyreg the activities. "But then I came here and I cue hosted by ggd fife The events take saw what (the college) was all Farmhouse and ~ a considerable about." Alpha Gamma SdellCe5 l5 amount of time Other students with different Rho as well as a II to plan, and they college plans came solely for game session at great. represent a col- the livestock judging activity. the Student Rec- labo ration of "I came here only to judge reation Center multiple univer- the livestock," said Jessica ,which included sity departments Lancaster, a freshman at Val- activities such as QAHER, including facili- ley High School in Hazelton. dodge ball, rock ties, housing and "I'm ~< d t b d already planning on go- ing to Casper University. I movie night. campus catering have already earned scholar- Ag Days service. ships there." featured a chili cook-off and a The college of Agriculture "Ag Days has been around sofiball tournament on Thurs- Student Ambassador Program, Jake Barber/Argonaut for 26 years, it used to.be only a day for alumni and current ag- an organization that helps recruit Tiffany Thorton, right, teaches Amin Rezamand a game at the Ag Days Barbecue and Chi!e homecoming for the college of riculture students. Friday, par- students to the college by giv- Cookoff Saturday in front of the Kibbie Dome. agriculture," said Rachel Loren- ticipants could attend a hayride ing presentations to high schools new student tow of the campus and major across the Northwest, was re- zen, director of a great way to connect with stu- and life sciences is great." the biological sciences as well. different fields sponsible for running of recruitment for the College of fair showcasing many dents. Agriculture Days was ex- "It is a matter of developing it in agri- the events. Agricultural and Life Sciences. of study the college of "It is incredible," Naher panded to include the natural sci- for more people," Naher said, "For culture. featured live- Amanda Naher, a student the last three years it has Saturday said. "Seeing all these young ences, and she said the desire ex- "We are hoping to see it con- stock and ambassador, said she felt it was become a recruiting tool for dairy judging. people interested in agriculture ists within the college to include tinue to expand." Hassoldt and Ringo seek position 8 Hurdles face UI presidential search Sarah Yama is expanded into. Boise, UI will lose He said it is not fair for students to the school entirely. leave UI ill prepared to compete on Argonaut Associated Press who left in June to lead "When times a level. Hassoldt said he pur- the good get rolling global the University of Cali- With an emphasis in education, again, Boise will want to expand their oses more rigorous standards at the -12 MOSCOW —Some fornia-Riverside. Bob Hassoldt said he hopes to redirect law school and think 'Hey and Mos- level. of Idaho em- lead,'" for re- University White arrived at UI the flow of votes of Latah County resi- cow wants to follow our he "Taxpayers end up paying fear the 270,000 "I will end medial classes at the college level, loyees $ in 2004 after the school dents from incumbent Shirley Ringo said. guarantee you Boise for the law school." there's no reason there should irst-year salary endured budget cuts, to claim seat 6B in the Idaho House of up with the why northern school's served even be remedial classes at that level," Idaho faculty turnover and a Representatives. Ringo, already having eight is "We fo- has a he said next president too financial scandal from a definitely have different years in position B, completely modest attract a can- cuses," said. "My different perspective concerning the Hassoldt said vocational studies to failed expansion project Hassoldt opponent didate to for comes'more from a sector. and UI.law school. expansion. are.necessary to maintain the state willing stay in Boise. public extended I'm more of a sector." "UI would still be administering economy while Ringo closely exam- an period. Robert Dickow, a fac- private Wash- UI's Hassoldt, a Repubncan from Ken- the law school," Ringo said. "I just ined K-12 education. By comparison, ulty member in the University drick, has been a n.sident of Latah don't see the threat." Focusing on broader issues, Ringo ington State Lionel Hampton School Elson "we County for 31 years. He is currently a Ringo said she feels a greater focus and Hassoldt have different perspec- President S.Floyd, of Music, said have self-employed consultant forester with should be on higher competitive wag- tives on the financial crisis and the who'versees a campus to face the fact that a master's degree in business adminis- es for professors and researchers. recent holdback announced by Gov- just eight miles away, maybe we won't be able tration from the University of Denver. "It's important," Ringo said. "We emor Butch Otter. earns $725,000. to attract and retain a Hassoldt underscores education in his don't want to lose the law school, but "I don't feel District 6 will be af- UI is trying to find a president because we'e campaign and he said he feels strongly as of right now, the state board ruled fected too severely," said Hassoldt. successor to Tim White, not competitive." about keeping the University of Idaho, no." "Agencies have built in slack for one of the biggest employers in Latah Higher wages is the issue Ringo times like these —there might be County, intact and in a healthy state. has been trying to address in legisIga- a slight reduction in services but This translates in part into keeping the ture and the joint finance committee nothing catastrophic." law school out of Boise. for years. According to Hassoldt, infrastruc- "My candidate has gone on record "When it comes to being able to ture will be the worst to suffer., stating that she supports the expan- recruit top-notch people ...we are "Everyone will be feeling the pain Idaho voter registration ends sion of the UI Law School to Boise," competing in the national and.glob- with transportation," he said. "You'l Hassoldt said. "I guarantee you al market, and we'e not measuring see it come out of car registration and that Boise will end up with our Iaw up," she said. "Many people can the gas tax." Friday. sillool. drive seven miles to the west and Ringo has a dissimilar perception The extension of the UI law school get a job at Washington State Uni- because she said the Idaho legislature Remember to register. has been an issue for an extended pe- versity and not even have to move has always been fiscally conservative. riod of time. The board recently ruled out of their homes." "We have rainy-day funds for times that no expansion would be taking Along with further issues at UI, like these," Ringo said. place at this time. candidates both had a general focus As far as the state budget is con- "If you talk to Mr. (Sheldon) Vin- on higher education standards in Dis- cerned, according to Ringo, the state centi who is running against (Gary) trict 6. has accounts that will help carry Dis- Schroeder," Hassoldt said, "He'd tell "Idaho is an export economy," Has- trict 6 through the crisis. you he's been trying to save the law soldt said. "If we don't have people "What we need to be concerned school for year —this is not an issue that can function on a national and about are small businesses," Ringo that's just going to go away." world level in the academic world, we said. "We need to make sure that they Hassoldt beIieves if the law school are going to do very poorly," are still able to stay afloat."

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'i I l 't i ' 'I ~ I I, 'i ii II 'l' ~ I II ~ 0< ) ~ ~

~ , ' ~ ~ '' ~ ~ ' ' I I I I I I I Tuesday, October 7,2008 Page 0 The Argonaut eamin u rm Com e eS

Dara Barney to take out a bunker, ttuow Alpha placed first in two Argonaut one into a trench, then sprint events, w e Bravo placed back and dimb under barbed ninth totaL Stringer said prac- Two squads made up wire all in a small, 35-meter ticing and learning was y. of 22 cadets —that was course," Stringer said. e watched other com- the makeup of teams Al- There was a 20-question petitors to leam what to ha and Bravo when the "navigation quiz" and a do and what not to do," niversity of Idaho Army quiz where participants ran Stringer said. "The naviga- ROTC competed in the aroundfinding 'rentdes- tion portion was one of my Ranger Challenge on Sat- i ted points. There was favorites, because we could urday in Warrenton, Ore. a oa10- 'metermarch. find a point, know we fourid "It felt like we com- Disassembling weap- it and know we got the job peted for about half of the ons was part of the com- done right. We didn't know driving time," said Cadet petition as well, Stringer immediate results after a lot Captain Dezarai Stringer. said, Cadets had to sprint of the other competitions." "Also, it was hard to get 100 meters over to a M-16, Stringer said the Rang- homework done." disassemble it, put it back er Challenge let the team The team of 22 made it to together and run back. Par- know where they stood Camp Ralea, to participate ticipants were evaluated on and what they needed to in the competition against time and precision. fix as a team.. 10 other universities. All of the events had to "We learned skills we "There was never any be endured through the need to know," Stringer said. down time," Stringer said. constant rain that beat the The cadets funded the Team Alpha was led by Oregon Coast. trip themselves and raised Mitch Lokker, and Team "If it ain't raining, you money by taking tickets at "SAT Bravo was led by Jona- ain't training, they say," football games and a thon Deaustin. Stringer said. "But I dis- Shack" in the Army office. There were different agree. It constantly rained "Itsounds like it doesn' them stages to the competition, the whole time, and that work, but we can get Dezarai Stringer/Courtesy Photo least favorite part." for a little cheaper, and the including a "Rope Bridge" was my Iuniors Ionathon DeAustin and Josten Cornett hurry to finish the practical land The scores brought on a money goes back to our event, where participants navigation exercise during the Ranger Challenge on Saturday in Warrenton, Ore. used a 150-foot rope to more positive aspect when funds," Stringer said. com- scored fourth overall. Oct. 17 will mean more cross a creek, or more Alpha "Juniors will be in to learn what it will be "They scored one of the practice for the ROTC ercise to practice working charge, monly, a river. while underclassmen will like when they become "Also we had 'Hand highest in the written naviga- members. as a squad against oppos- forces," Stringer said. participate as members squad leaders," Grenade,'n which we had tion portion," Stringer said. "There will be field ex- ing University offers Computer Security Symposium

in how it handles complaints filed against Greg Connolly same day as a national Webi- same PowerPoint presenta- workshop that deals with ability them. If the Recording In- Argonaut nar, or online seminar, hosted tion that's being given by staying safe while using your birthday, so anyone iden- dustry Association of Amer- by the Department of Home- the actual presenter, as well social networking sites. could figure out your a user on the It's October, which land Security. Symposium as a live audio feed from In that workshop, Darren tity and use that against ica had tracked down- means it's time to counter articipants will be able to where the presentation is Kearney of ITS will discuss you," Parks said. UI campus illegally did resolve loading music, they can file phishing and viruses at the '-ten to a presentation by the taking place, allowing any- various ways to keep a Facebook still complaint'with the ITS annual Computer Secu- department on how to avoid one across the country with password safe and to pro- that issue, but there are a in department, who in turn can rity Awareness Symposium getting caught up in phishing access to the Webinar to tect one's identity while plenty of ways to get what the user was hosted ITS as a part of schemes, said Mi Parks, get the same experience as using sites like Facebook trouble online, observe by "I That information can National Cyber Security a Desktop Security Analyst someone who was attend- and MySpace, said Joyce encourage folks to doing. in- prosecute Awareness Month. with the rIS department. ing the lecture in person. Davidson, Customer Sup- come and protect their then be used to was ITS will present a series Phishing is a form of In addition to the We- port Manager for ITS. formation," Parks said. the person who illegally media. of lectures and discussions fraud where someone poses binar, there will be discus- Four years ago, phish- "(The lecture) talks about downloading "P2P is a issue," Parks regarding computer security as a trustworthy person or sions related to properly ing became a problem on what sort of information big "We notices for and how to stay safe Thurs- group, such as a bank, and maintaining a PC, general the University of Idaho you can put out there." said. only get fraction of e activity," day in the Clearwater Room attempts to get information desktop security and soft- campus, so the ITS depart- There will also be a panel a will fea- of the Idaho Commons. from a second party, ware updates. ment hosted a computer discussion regarding copy- The event also which are The symposium falls on the The Webinar features the There will also be a security symposium. right issues on campus. ture door prizes, ITS believes phisfung is "We'e required to track usually technology-related, still a serious issue on cam- more and more as to what Richardson said. pus, but they don't hear students do on "P2P" ap- "It was very successful many complaints from it' plications," Parks said. "We and well attended, so we'e victims, said Parks. record how much band- done it ever since," he said; "Facebook had a vulner- width students use." On average, 150to 200 peo- "P2P"stands for peer-to- ple attend the event each year. peer. It's a type of program "It's our signature dW lV Iy ig IC I that allows people to con- event," said Parks. INDUS FRIES BLOT nect their computers and Anyone who isinterested ~ transfer files. Examples of in attending is invited, and Coming later such programs include Ka- it is free of charge. It starts zaa and Limewire. at 8 a.m. in the .Clearwater this month The ITS department Room, and the last discus- Would you like to work fora corn parry oo the leading edge of tracks users who have had sion concludes at 5 p.m.

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Tuesday, October 7, 20O8 Page 6 The Argonaut CALENDAR Thursday I M P ROVING LITERACY Computer Se'curity Awareness Symposium Tuesday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Dissertation Defense: Idaho Commons "Controlling Chatter to Make it Matter. Evaluating Department of History a Self-Talk Intervention Brown-bag Series to EnhanceAdjudicated 12:30p.m. Musical Performance" Administration Building 9:30a.m. College of Education MMBB Seminar Series 12:30p.m. University Interdisciplin- Life 227 ary Colloquium 12;30p.m. Department of Electrical Idaho Commons & Computer Engineering Research Colloquium Mock Interview 3:30p.m, Day ' Ba,m. to 5p.m.. 'TLC 031 Idaho Commons Multicultural First Year Wednesday and Transfer Student Orientation and Dinner Queer Expo of the Palouse 5:30p.m. 9a.m. to 3p.m. SUB WSU's Beasley Coliseum Idaho volleyball vs. Utah Photo Display: "The State s American President" 7 p.m. 8 a.m. Memorial Gym Idaho Commons l University in Statesbor- ough, Ga. Although the LEAVE school houses some 19,000 from page 1 students, Michaud said his past experience has pre- decision made to place all pared him for the job. excited about Jake Barber/Argonaut payroll data in one area. I m very "I Keynote speaker Judy Mitchell makes a presentation at the Fall Literacy Conference in the Whitewater/Clearwater "It's a good combina- the opportLvvity," he said, Rooms in the Idaho Commons on Friday. The Conference is an annual event sponsored by the College of Education tion," Michaud said. like a smaller institution, and that aims at providing teachers with new tactics to improve literacy in K-12 education. In addition to the speaker, On top of his job, Michaud is (at a bigger institution) you participants were able to take part in a variety of sessions ranging from graphic writing to using puppet theater. the chair of the Benefits Advi- just get more of the same soryGroup and adviser to the It s nothing different. Staff Affaus Committee. He Michaud said he hopes knowl- said over any other employee to leave UI with the issue the out. Horizons Project will talk. and want to learn new rent of paper at the university, he believes edge that the university is ban- the Best West- skills. NewsBRIEFS There will be a At 7p.m. at he has made the most presen- headed down the right path. Satur- a To RSVP uet at 7 p.m. on em University Inn, panel attend, by tations to the faculty council He said he believes the uni- Retired editoral will discuss issues related to Wednesday at 885-5935 or Arg to celebrate ay. page —especially involving recent versity has gained stability editor for the Lewiston hunger. The panel members email arnold@uidaho,edu, benefit changes. over the last few years. 1'10th Bill serve are of Backyard anniversary Tribune Hall will Amy Grey "It was my responsibili- "Hopefully I (will leave) as the banquet speaker. Harvest, John Mx of Em- the institution a httle better is cel- Screening for ty to explain any changes in The Argonaut Reunion events are open to powering Families, Linda than when I got here," he ebrating 110years of being mental illness hopes to get their endorse- the public. Participants can Nickels of Moscow Food ment," said. "Maybe I was able to the University of Idaho's he said. register at www.uirsvp. Bank and Connie Salisbury From 11:30a.m. to 2:30 Michaud will be work- lant. the seed and hopeful- , student newspaper. corn or by calling the of the HOPE Center. p.m. on October 9, Univer- at Georgia Southern y it is germinating here." The celebration lasts ing Alumni office at 885-6154. Events are free and open sity 'of Idaho students will Oct. Oct. 11. 9 through For more information, to the public. have the opportunity to alumni of The Ar- All visit www.class.uidaho. The events are part of test their sanity. proximity to National Com- BLOT gonaut, magazine, edu/Argonaut 110th Re- the Margaret Ritchie Dis- National Depression ing Out Day and the week the Gem of the Mountains THREAT union.htm. tinguished Speaker Series Screening Day will be at the the Women's Center has and KUOI-FM 1 yearbook and are sponsored by the Idaho Commons as well as from page planned in observance. are invited to join the cel- panel to discuss School of Family and Con- "In some ways iYs sorta the Student Health Center "I ebration. hunger issues sumer Sciences. from 11:30a,m. to 2:30p.dl. "I'e seen him come in poignant," Larabee said. Alumni will take tours Tests for,disorders like and help so many people think people forget that this cur- of the campus, meet Issues related to hun- Webinar to teach depression, bipolar and who are in this critical stage level of hate and ignorance and rent students faculty ger will be discussed at anxiety will be adminis- in life," Rod said. "The idea still exists in the world and with old fundraising and reminisce "Hunger Here and Now: tered during this time for that someone would inten- maybe reminders like this classmates. will them aware Palouse Solutions" at 10:30 On Oct. 10 in Moscow anyone who feels open to tionally try to hurt or threat- keep On alumni it's this is a high-risk time for Thursday, a.m. on Oct. 15 in the Stu- and Boise, "The Savvy seeing whether they may en him ... horrible." visit The Ar- people." are invited to dent Union Building's Bo- Fundraiser: A Guide for need help. Rod said it takes a great watch stu- Rod said that celebrations gonaut office to rah Theater. Academic Leaders" will The screening process deal of courage to be an dents work to the cur- homo- of alternative get Mary Schmidt of the take place, is anonymous and no re- open partic- lifestyles are In the Idaho Commons cords will be kept. In ad- sexual, "What really 'Crest Room, a Webinar on ularly inIdaho. traditionally dition to the screenings, met with re- fundraising is scheduled She said this encourages pamphlets on depression sistance and from 10 a.m. to 11:15a.m. makes Larabee and suicide, coping skills even "allies" The Webinar is for fac- an even stron- me is the and depression differenc- can find them- and are un- er example, ulty staff who es among gender will be fact that he selves quieted familiar with fundraising ecause he is available, an example to won't because they any member take fear being os- of the campus this lying tracized. She still 'iding said now is the who they are. down." time for people ggEENpi( "He really is. to "stand and an example of Rebecca let their voice strengthanden- be heard." durance for this Rp p Larabee campus," Rod GLBT pro grain adyfsef Said rather I' ' said. 'What re- than let this ally encourages experience me is the fact that he won' deter him, he believes it will take this lying down." help him in hip work. CDLIisloN REPAIR a IIIUCH MDREl In response to the mes- 'If this ever happened to FOR ALL MANES & MODELS sage, Larabee put a sign anyone who came to me, I on his door taunting the would tell them to make as II ll perpetrator by listing the much noise as possible," he I S previous insults and mvit- said. "A lot goes unnoticed I mg more. Instead, people because people are too GRRFX talk ucr coo until fall Recess responded with comments afraid to about it. If we vi os vss I I I ' I usv of compassion and pride. want to stop it, we have to "Everyone has been have a voice " "Qualify%ofk Shines Throu h" so supportive," Larabee said. Next semester Larabee "It's nice to know I'm not wdl study abroad in Que- alone in this ...my hall is bec. He said he is looking really supportive." forward to living in a cuf- He said he is upset that ture that's more sympathet- whoever vandalized his ic and accepting of homo- property acted in such close sexual lifestyles,


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The university community can easily to someone else's perspective. lapse into believing we'e building a safe, The groups offer events throughout the diverse and equal educational environ next two weeks, including a free film and ment for the future leaders who come out discussion in observance of Matthew Shep- of this institution. herd and an official observance of National So many on the University of Idaho Coming Out Day on Friday. campus work every day to bring us closer to It is unportant to remember it is OK to understanding, tolerance and acceptance. disagree completely with someone else' That's why it's so shocking when the ersonal beliefs, moral standards or dif- oN heal &lb campus community is reminded of the erences. It Lq not acceptable to threaten blind hatred and uninformed messages or incite violence at UI because of those with which some people choose to deterio- differences, rate this campus. As administrators consciously attempt :4''LO On Sept. 29, a gay UI Resident Assis- to bring in more faculty, students and staff tant returned to lus dorm room to find the with diverse ethnic, religious and sexual words "Faggot. F—ing kill you" written on orientation backgrounds, the UI communi- the message board on his door. ty will be able to experience more perspec- The blatant disregard for the student's tives than ever before. 5 right to safely live alife that is congruent Those people rightly deserve a setting pl&., to his or her own beliefs is appalling and with a sense of safety within that commu- ; pathetic. Threats of violence and bigotry .nity. They deserve a community where ha- . pDDesp Q.UE.c,TIDr4:.- should not and will not be tolerated at UI. tred and misunderstanding have no place. ..': The threatening statements appeared They deserve the right to openly discuss 0 :, P,OO~('5hRM one week before National Coming Out Day and agree or disagree with one another' 590UT OuT TO '::- events began, which were planned by the differences without the threat of violence, ,'::;, NRDwRS UI LGBTQA, Women's Center and Gay- People who threaten or encourage 4) Te«o- Straight Alliance. violence on campus should know there is

-'4EAISog The person or persons responsible for a much stronger majority who may or may -DEBATE HOMPGQN- the message board incident, and anyone not agree with homosexuality who will not else who harbors true hatred for an indi- tolerate and stand up to the hatred and in- vidual because a person is different, can justice of this or any other acts of violence. Holly Bowen/Argonaut benefit from (if nothing else) just listening —CL

BEYOND THE SHEETS 'Off theCUF F Break time Quick takes on life from our editors I agree with Sydney. We really need a break right about now, and Please a long weekend doesn't cut it. Why Exposing the sexual rumors register can't school run four weeks on and Don't forget the deadline to one week off and cut summer to register to vote in Idaho is Friday. six weeks? I love summer as much Dear Chris, in a slightly different location, other women, it is uncomfortable "G-spot" no added pleasure. This includes if you have changed as the next person, but I need more Is the a real spot or Some women will find it deeper and provides while others will The are to your address since you last voted. breaks during the year. Ugh. just a myth7 in the vagina, only way you going You can also register to vote at the —Alexis —Unsure find it closer to the vaginal know is to stimulate the G-spot Unsure, The is to not be and attention to responses, polls on Election Day, but why Dear opening. point pay for ex- while to find not get it done now? Murder mystery This is a perfect case discouraged trying —Holly ploration. One of the safest the G-spot. Dear Chris, I keep finding dead flies stuck and most satisfying To find the G-spot, Can you really tell the size of a With your best shot to the wall in The Argonaut of- types of sexual activ-,",.;;;z:I v ~;;<,-,,'.-..:,4 make your hand into man's penis by his shoe size? fice. The weird thing is they are ity is self-exploration ';.",-."" "".:«»', a "C."You need to —Intrigued by Feet Another UI student was hit in always on the wall backwards and masturbation (a ..',' '"-„.',." insert your hand so the the deathtraJ7/crosswalk on the and upside down. I don't know completely healthy and,'. ", bottom of the "C"is on Dear Intrigued, Moscow-Pullman Highway on how a fly could physically die viable alternative to sex .'he outside (most likely I assume this saying implies the Sunday, I'm wearing every piece that way, or if someone is going with another person). ', 'ouching the clitoris). shoe size converts to inches, so of safety equipment they make around and putting them there The vagina hosts You should be in the a man with a size 10 shoe would for my walks to campus from just to creep me out. Is there an several different things, appropriate area, so have 10 inches in the pants. now on. My morning routine entomologist out there who could including an area now you must explore For many men, that notion now consists of a checklist. Knee, enlighten me on this? commonly referred to it a little farther to find would be awesome if it were elbow, mouth and shin guards? —Jake as the "G-spot." This .the right spot. true, but alas, it is just a rumor. Got 'em. Helmet? Check. Bul- area serves a variety of "rfs f ffna" Keep in mind not If it were true, men would be letproof vest? Double check. Bring on the snizow functions by means of 5ex

Editorial Policy of rhe university or its identities. Members of the adheres to R strict letter policy: e current phone number Argonnut Editorial Bonrd arc Christine Lords, ~ Letters should be less than 300 words typed. ~ If your letter is in response to a particular article, Argonaut 2008 The opinion page is reserved as n forum of editor ie chief; Alexis Roizen, managing editor; ~ Leiiers should focus on issues, not on personal- please list ibe title end date of the article. open thought, debate end expression of free nnd Holly Bowen, opinion editor. ties. ~ Send all letters to: All nghts reserved. No part of this publication speech regarding topics relevant to the University ~ The Argonaut reserves the right io edit letters'rovideThe Argonaut may be reproduced in any form, by any electronic or of Idaho community. Editorials are signed by the Letters Policy mechanical means (including recording, for grammar, length, libel nnd clarity. 301 SUB, Moscow, ID, 83844-427 I photocopying, initials of the author. The Argonaut welcomes letter. io the editor or information storage or retrieval) without permission ~ Letters must be signed, htclude major end or nrgwpinion@'uldnho.edu. Editorials mny not necessarily rellect ihe views about current issues. However. The Argonaut in writing from the Argonaut. Recipients of today' newspaper are granted the right to make two (2) photocopies of any artide originated by the Argonaut Non-profit identiTication Statement The Argo- for personal, non-commercial use. Copying for other naut 155N ease-1409, is published twice weekly than personal use or internal reference, or of artides Argonaut staff The Argonaut duriing the academic school year and is located or columns not owned by the Argonaut (induding at 301 Student Union, Moscow, ID 838448271, comic strips, Assodated Press and other wire senrice in Chief POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the ad- 'eports) without written permission of the Argonaut Editor dress listed above. Cbrixiina lords Telephone Directory or the copyright owner is expressly forbidden. Address [email protected] all inquiries concerning copyright and production to: Rights and Permissions, Unhiersity of Idaho (208) 885-7794 The Argonaut is printed on Argonaut, Managing Editor Sports Editor Advertising'irculation 301 Student Union, Moscow, ID 83844<271. lavi iahniiane (208) 885-7825 newsprint containihg 24<0 Aiaxix paixan The Argonaut is published by the students of the . [email protected] Advertising percent post-consumer waste. [email protected] Classified (208) 885-7825 University of idaho, The opinions expressed herein are Please recyde this newspaper Fax (208) 885-2222 the writers', and do not necessarily represent those after reading. For recycling infor- News Editor Production Editor Newsroom (208) 885-77,15 of the students of the University of Idaho, the faculty, Aiexi» Raiven mation, call the Moscow Recyding Hotline at lixnna Shepherd Photo Bureau the university or its Board of Regents. All advertising is [email protected] arg-pradastian0alCkha.edu (208) 885-2219 (208) 882-0590. Production Room (208) 885-7784 subject to acceptance by the Argonaut, which reserves the right to reject ad copy. The Argonaut does not Arts Editor Web Editor assume grendel responsibility for lvpinvki typographical errors Kevin Oixenbargar leaven Ul STUDENT MEDIA BOARD [email protected] ~ In advenlsing unless an error materially affects the ad's nrg-anxgaidaba.edu '~~L Cnbam The Ul Student Media Board meets at 5:3p jougtgggtLggytg. College meaning as determined by the Student Media Board. MEMBEE 3 p,m. the first and third Monday of each caIEEGNIE MEMSEE Press The Argonaut's liability shall not exceed the cost of Editor Photo Manager month. Time and location will be published Copy Mba Barber the advertisement in which the error occurred, and a Sydney Boyd in the Argonaut Classified section the arg-sapyoaldxba.ada nvg pbatattaidxha.eda refund or credit will be given for the first incorrect in- Tusesday of the week before the meeting. All ACP Pacemaker finalist, 2003-04 sertion only. Make-goods must be called in to the stu- meetings are open to the public. Questions) Advertising Manager dent Adverhsmg Manager within seven working days. Opinion Editor SPJ Mark Excellence winner, Call Student Media at 885-7825 or visit the Oxniaiin Tabar of 2005 The Argonaut assumes no responsibility for damages uagy sewan Student Media office on the SUB third floor. [email protected] [email protected] caused by responding to fraudulent advertisements. Tuesday October 7 2008 Page 8 The Argonaut Bl OU rom 89Q-.. g-BOWS A. Sl reac ions

can afford'. Yevgenly Feldman on Craieslist that I COO 'T% "Tks would have never happened if XNN'. Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell University gold." ; 44WiQN@ our money was still backed by "We abolish the Fed." You know what really grinds gears7 3. need to my heard from People. People who "Do you hear me, The first two things I I:INN/fit,':,M , say, economic crisis oc- local representative? I will not re-elect you. students (the Ipeatest '.IH8R our money was backed by Be afraid. Bevery afraid." curred when FoQtlQl, First, 'local representative" gold, by the way). saying, heard from Ron Paul, It , 'Kucinich" or whoever is gener- The last one I ~iC,l%$ instead of what I really a indication don't know who left me confused, because ally good you abolish an institu- local representative is. Second, who heard was, "We need to your minimize infla- SMMAN votes for local representatives? Did you tion whose objective is to v'ote for your local representative last year? tion and unemployment." ,eN $@%P. Paul says know whether or not he voted for This is what I hear every time 'o you He "Aus- the bailout bill7 Were there actually local we need to abolish the Fed. says more often than elections last year? Did he hear your voice7 trian school of economics" a maverick. This If you did'not have a representative, would Sarah Palin calls McCain even know the diffeprence? All are is what I hear when I log on to digg,corn you that valid questions. and read hundreds of comments say "Dr. Paul" is There are insane protests going on. On "Dr. Paul" is a genius. As if in the Internet, actually. The Internet, being the only guy in the world with a desree the world's most effective protest platform, economics. Viait, he doesn't leave a degree He's real doctor. is going nuts. People are outraged the in economics. actually a He delivered babies. And now he wants to ovemment is trymg to save the economy. Fed" ust outraged. People on Digg, a social cure the economy by "abolishing the content-sharing Web site, are busy spam- (an institution which is independent from Matt Adams-Wenger/Argonaut. ming local representatives'ailboxes and politics and whose sole purpose during phones with detailed messages that read normal times is to minimize unemploy- much like this: ment and inflation). "Dear Is the man a monster who wants to see the hidden talent at this institution. So, local representative, would like to know, I Americans unemployed and prices sky- you folks in the media need to grab hold I you although MAILBOX did not vote for in the past elecdon, rocketing? Or is he trying to say the best of your ears, pull until you hear a loud you from 7 our conduct during this economic crisis way to help the economy is to do nothing page pop and get a whiff of the mocha. Maybe circum- / given me no reason to vote for you in at all, ever, even in ridiculous ! you'l see things for what they really are. the future. You do not have vote, de- stances that have arisen because of market Michael W. Coey my Free for Obama finitively.,And I will tell all my friends on failures which could have been regulated pass Junior, forest resources/ digg,corn not to vote for the Sixth District against? But I mean, it's all good, ri+t? Once again I find myself cringing forest products/German Democratic representative of Ohio. The market will just straighten itself out. in the early morning hours when my To summarize: your vote on the bailout Let's apply Paul's doctrine to all Ameri- roommate's alarm goes off, and the brain Minnick not conservative was despicable. I will hunt you down and can'policy. The troops? They'l just figure surgeons at "Z-pun" (ZFun 106) take stabs it out, If don't want to be in Iraq, Walt Minnick may sound like a conser- vote you out. Eff the Fed. Eff Congress. Eff they at the political candidates. '08. they'l leave. Or maybe the Iraqi vative in all those commercials he's been big $$$ America. Ron Paul Viva Chd. probably Answer me this, "Z-pun": why is insurgent market forces will kick them running for the past month and a half, Digg me up. Obama, a man who just begs to be made you.". out. Then they can wherever they feel but we all know he will be obliged to vote Good day to you, Sir. Good day to go fun of, such a sacred cow? reasons I-don'-know-what-the- like, because they know best. That's the in lock-step with all the other Democrats For of Quite frankly, the Sarah Palin jokes are eff-is-going-to-happen, I don't want to ex- beauty of fiee markets. Social Security? Let in Congress. So, no matte'r what he says, wearing thin. Furthermore, why aren't the licitly debate the specifics of the bailout. the people figure it out. If they don't want he will vote for more government, more feminists all over that? t is dear is that the United States of to into it, that's perfectly fine. They'l taxes, unrestricted abortion and same-sex 4. pay Doesn't it seem to you, too, that their America is willing to put the dollar on the leam their lesson when nobody gets marriage. He will vote against conserva- silence is saying Idaho's women or UI's line to save the economy. Depending on benefits. When they say, "We really need tive and success in women grads are only second-rate? judges against Iraq (can whom you ask, that is eitherkeroic m the these benefits 'cause our hips hurt," what "Joe Lieberman"?) Right, wrong or indifferent, we at UI you say, sense of World War II or heroic in the sense they will really mean is, "The market has need to stand behind candidates like Palin. However, while his lip service to our of the war in Iraq. spoken for us, and we don't really need After all, how often is our little backwa- conservative values and beliefs insults my What is just plain un-heroic is sayin medical assistance. Seriously. Just ignore ter university to be thrust into the intelligence, I do appreciate him point- the financial world is stupid. Over the fast us. Austrian school." going Sali's national limelight? ing out Bill financial struggles. It week I have heard some very... educated Local representative, if you read this confirms Although I am painfully aware of Hillary to me that Sali did not go to thoughts. Some include: aper, you have not lost my vote. You never Clinton's track record, I would be more in- Congress to get rich, as it seems many 1."Screw banks. What the hell do we d it, for doing your duty by trying have, but to actually serve his constituen- need banks for? Loans? I can stuff to save~the economy —whoever are. dined to cast my vote (which leans heavily just buy you to the Republican side) for her than Obama. cy and his country by seeking to preserve Hillary can at least articulate herself intel- the freedom and opportunity that made ligently in debates and has concrete answers America great and oppose those who scoff constitutiori to tough questions, even though her answer our and our faith. isn't what I want to hear. Fortunately for America, Mr. Minnick, can't fool As for me, I really like the idea one of you all the people all the time. our grads such as Palin has made it as Curtis Young Meridian far as she has. That speaks volumes for l* i/...,. ~,, I I! — " 'I "I: tj'l III hand being indicative of a man's length. RUMORS Bending the middle finger onto the palm, man's from 7 the length is supposed to be from page the point on the palm the finger touches 4596 of'college to the tip of the middle finger once it is be nothing but a walking shoe size com- extended. It may be accurate, but I do'not students report petition. fully believe it. feelirig so depressed, I have heard height relates to length. The tried and true way to know a man' ,they could not The taller the man is, the more well length is to use a tape measure (from the .functiori." endowed he is. It seems like a legitimate base to the tip of the head). theory until short men with big endow- Have fun, be safe and enjoy your bodies. ments are entered into the situation. Have a question for Chris? Send it to arg- There is an old wives'ale about the [email protected].

a ~ ~ 0 ~ Have an opinion? o o Comment on stories online at Oct, 9,2008.in the Idaha Commons fiom 11:30-2:30 www.uiargonaut.corn REE mood xings for those

Nstlnnal aepresslon 5rreanln!! Day'!! who take the screenin I

~ ~

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Megan Sroyles grandpa make the right decision on her friends "smoking pot and Argonaut Election Day. solving crime." The second "This is a year where'young people can will feature Silverman suing If you have aging Jewish grandpar- make a huge di:-ference," Silverman said. Mongolia for rape. ents residing in the Sunshine State, Sarah "It's pretty exciting." Silverman is often referred Silverman wants you to fly down and The "Schlep" video was produced in to as "the pretty girl with the convince them to vote for Barack Obama. Silverman's own living room, "just like dirty mouth" and h'as been In a telephone interview with student Osama." She said she's only indirectly accused of using racial and journalists from nation-wide college involved in the campaign run by Mik ethnic slurs in her comedy. newspapers, Silverman explained her part Moore and Ari Wallach. She was confronted with the in a grass-roots effort called "The Great "Iwish she wasn't so polished," Silver- issue as a guest on Late Night Schlep," along with her take on Sarah man said about vice presidential candidate with Conan O'rien where Palin, the start of the newest season of and University of Idaho alumna Palin. she was asked if she thought "The Sarah Silverman Show," the content "She's scary. The truth is, she's got cha- she could get away with it of her jokes and what's been playing on risma and that sucks." because she's a comedian. her iTunes. Silverman said Palin "is a monster," "There is a difference While Jews are already liberal, Silver- requiring women to pay for rape kits between buzz words and man said, "Nana and Papa" need to and being unsupportive of women' jokes," Silverman said. "I know why Obama is the better candi- reproductive health and general rights. am always the butt of my date. She broke it down for an Internet Moving past politics, Silverman dis- own jokes. A joke won' audience in a video called "The Great cussed other topics. She talked in-depth be about race, it will be Schlep," explaining how Obama "has a about the creative process of episode cre- about an idiot," scary name" that sounds Muslim, scar- ation and the story lines in the new season She calls her gags "ce- ing older Floridian Jews. of her show, The first episode premieres rebral shit jokes," where No one but grandchildren have a at 10:30p,m. Wednesday on Comedy greater impact on she and will show grandparents, Central, the second episode See FUNNY, said, thus creating the need for young the following night. Silverman said the Democrats to make sure grandma and first installment revolves around her and page 10 usic wort exc amation

While listening to the excellent We Destroyed the Hopes and Dreams of Okm'anix "Party Fever!!!,"a a Generation of Faux-Romantics,'" and wonderful thing happened; I felt the "...And We Exhale and Roll Our Eyes In urge to fance like nobody was watch- Unison" ). ing. Luckily, that was the case —I was Furthermore I should certainly men- at my radio show. As I cued up tion the Quebecois post-rockers an old Neu! LP, I was moved to Godspeed You! Black Emperor, highlight somoe of my favorite formerly known as Godspeed exclamatory works. You Black Emperor! Squares One group I love to death is might remember the name be- The Go! Team (of no relation to ing dropped in this summer' the Calvin Johnson/Tobi Vail film "Pineapple Express." Its project.) The Go! Team is don't have many songs, England. Its musicfrom'rightqn, and the songs are all long and is a beautiful, ebullient mix of without sung words. Succinct- cheerleaderism, hip-hop and ly, it's art music. My favorite samples. It has two albums work and album title of the out so far; last year's "Proof band is "Lift Your Skinny Fists of Youth" and the band's 2004 Like Antennas to Heaven." debut Thunder, "Sleep," track three from the Lightning, o.edu Strike." Both are great, though album, opens with a strange Jake Barber/Argonaut I'd confess I'm more partial to monologue from an old-timer People get into line to dish up at the Ag Days Barbeque the debut. Nearly every song is pleas- about Coney Island before getting Saturday in front of the Kibbre Dome. Ag Days ce!ebra- ant, from "We Just Won't Be Defeated" down to business. It is among the most tions began Thursday and lasted through the weekend. to "Bottle Rocket." well-known of post-rock groups, but !!!,based in Brooklyn, has been if you happen to know Maserati or perfectly described by the Onion AV Broken Social Scene and not Godspeed Club as "an evil Go! Team."!!!is You! —check them out. Food fair serves fun dancey, punkish, electronic-type There are some songs I'd like to up music, Because!!!seems prima endorse: first, "IYS!"&om Australia',s facie unpronounceable, they sug- Arctutecture in Helsinki. IYs got ev- Students sell variety of food, desserts during Ag Days gest to pronounce it as any three erything a song needs —handclaps, repeated monosyllabic sound— backing vocalimtions and a beat Megan Sroyles SICA member who represented the as- chiefly "chk chk chk," but claps you can wig out to. Conor Oberst Argonaut sociation Thursday. or anything else works too. "Par- of Bright Eyes has a solo album out "We promote beef and cattle," Mc- don My Freedom" is one notable now, and I think the album highlight The tastiest part of the College of Ag- Shane said.'"We help the Idaho Cattle t the is "Souled Out!!!,"returning to the track from group. ricultural and Life Science's Ag Days Association and help with student events I Along the same lines as!!!and country-rock style'featured on the last event lineup was the North Idaho Chili and (football) games." Go! Team is Snakes Say Hisss!, BEalbum "Cassadaga." The Cure has Cook-off and Agriculture Student Affairs McShane advises giving beef a chance.', "Hot Hot!!!," a three-piece electropop group a stellar 1988single, Hot Council and Clubs Food Fair Thursday. SICA displayed free information about the I According to of no relation to the wedding/kara- from Philadelphia. Between the College of Natural Re- health benefits of beef and meat products i its MySpace profile the band is oke standard. From 's sources and Agricultural Sciences building, along with recipes. McShane said SICA i working on a second album. Its superlative album "Hunky Dory" smells of barbecued beef, burgers and nu- wants to show people beef is a part of a 2006 debut, "I'l Be Lovin'ou," comes "Ohl You Pretty Things." merous chili arrangements wafted between healthy diet, contrary to recent attitudes. ~ came across the music direc- I'l, conclude with two songs booths hosted by the expected candidates The booth's main course, barbecue beef ! tor desk at KUOI while I was a from two of my favorite bands: for Ag Days and a few surprise guests. sandwiches, proved to be popular. music librarian, and I took up "July, July!" by the Decemberists "I'didn't actually hear about this," "We ran out of buns," McShane said. the charge of its review. From its and "Oh! Sweet Nuthin'" by the University of Idaho senior Ryan Squires Sitting side-by-side, representatives first track, "Talk," onward, I was Velvet Underground. said. "I rode it on bike. I'm sup- the Ambassadors and Food and 'rom by my Ag I hooked. Hisss! is recommended The Decemberists'rack is posed to be in the library studying." Nutrition Club presented desserts and, for fans of Hot Chip, Crystal Cas- a rare cheery song from the Only having been at the event for 10 baked goods by the dozen. tles and of Pullman's Yoghurt. group's early period, though minutes, Squires sized up the fare he "I was really surprised how Los Campesinos! is a newer beneath the surface the lyrics had already acquired from the row of like muffins," senior much'eople band from Wales. Its first full- describe a comically sad nostal- food-dispensing tents. said. Michelle'lexander length, "Hold On Now, Youngster gia for a life not that great ("... "This burger came from the Block Alexander said the baked goods, such, ..."was released stateside by Arts and I'l say your camisole was a and Bridle Club," he said, motioning as their whole-wheat blueberry muffins,; acclaim from sprightly light magenta, when in & Crafts to critical toward the club's sunny table on the were homemade and donated by club i Pitchfork Media, All Music Guide fact it was a nappy bluish-grey"). lawn. "This chili came from the Food members. and yours truly. The album fea- Totally killer organ on that num- Science Club and the milkshake from "You can get just about anything~ tures their notable single "You! Me! ber, too. the Dairy Club." you'e ever wanted here," senior Amelia! "Oh! Nuthin'," Dancing!" which is exactly what it Sweet though, The Student Idaho Cattle Association Naher said. "SICA has the best sandwich, sounds like: beautiful, exhilarating is a seven-and-a-half-minute (SICA) was a group of familiar faces at the best desserts are over here." 'ut toner which could dance music. Contrary to a group like s groove you maybe the Ag Days event. SICA hosts a booth At the end of the day, one table kept —say —the former Panic! At the Disco, think of as what would happen if every year during the annual event and Advertising only, with a'imple' 'usy. their song titles are as good as the songs "Hey Jude" got high and didn't know holds claim to the best dish at the Food "This Is How You Spell 'HAHAHA, w hat to do with its life. Fair. Elizabeth McShane, (see a junior, is a See FAIR, page 10~ yoorboy, October 7, 2008 Page IO The Argonaut REVIEWS: the kooky,-the entertaining and the hormonal are t:ritiqued

every minute of Such is the story of , celebration, and I enjoy Priest I doubt many people expected Bames'ew Andrew it. It's the heavily sexual lyrics —more inner-Bowie to take over which is one of the most It's Argonaut than ever in the band's past. the creative control from there on important connections to make so visual image of Bames performing the de- but that's what happened. in this album. The band seems Of Montreal has always been a out, in the buff, which he has been is to have become enlightened, music lightfully inconsistent band —eccen- Bames'ew creation the past. It's the dirty, He's worshipping gods like Freddie known to do in tric concept albums being their forte- named Georgie Fruit. the that would be Mercury and Pop. funky disco melodies but it may be this time that front man black, transsexual, sinister half Iggy uncalled for. "Skele- Much like Bowie, of Mon- otherwise completely has flnally gone kooky. of Bames'ersonality. In in psyche- less for them It's all that wrapped up This week of Montreal released their tal Lamping," Fruit has been let treal had going around the with their "Lysergic Bliss"- delic nude pagans dancing ninth studio album, "Skeletal Lamping." loose to liberate Barnes'ore album. of Mon treal LSD trip or the lo-fl indie front cover of the It's one that touches on their past perverse glam-funk urges style been lock that started of Montreal's However iYs always my catchy experimentalism and takes it Imagine Bowie if he had I Lamping of it's that experience after each new release by somewhere that just makes you feel never come across Stanley career, so fantastic misun- I~z (Of found their way. Montreal that I find I completely dirty —in the good way. Kubrick's "2001:A Space Od- **** 5) they'e album is derstood the previous one. In their last release, "Hissing Fauna, yssey" or the alluring, dollish Polyvin yl 2008 Ultimately, this what' which They each give small clues to Are You the Destroyer?" Bames un- vice of New York proto-punk Npw available about transformations, the going on inside the mind of Barnes, the likes of which bands. He would have re- have always come easy to leashed his alter ego, and hopefully listeners will learn David Bowie's mained an obscure dissenter in band, but as is always the story has not been seen since something new about their own trans- "Glam-Rock Alien From The Fu- the world of psychedelic folk, and what with of Montreal, there's more to it. Ziggy sinful sexual alter ego. hue Destined to Save the Earth" Staniust. a tragedy that would have been. "Skeletal Lamping" is pure 0 5 new Angst with a side of eyeliner

musical Megan Broyles to have the same priority as the to follow —no tricky —and mostly Argonaut twins in the public eye) are Gustav business here um on Schaefer oii the drums and Georg emotional, sticking in the impression- Tokio Hotel won the MTV Listing (bassist), Gustav and hearts of young, listeners. Video Music Award for Best New Georg take on the roles of able female Hotel can Artist on 9. among all Volcom Stone skater and Tokio July Why, success. No the truly innovative new artists long-haired-boy-next- expect BnCIn Earth's respectively. matter how unsavory or existing on the surface, door, contribu- would a teen-pop quartet from Scream, Tokio their musical o techni- Germany take the cake? Hotel's 2007 release, 7 tions may be, a Anne-Marije Rook in the dramatic performance It's because the girls love them. perfectly exemplifies cally or comparatively, "IHate This Part." Argonaut on Bill Kaulitz, the band's lead what it feels like to be 14 they are trendy enough "Happily Never After, " To"io Hotel singer, has been described as the years old through ado- to snatch the spotlight With the Pussycat Dolls'rittenby Ne-Yo, continues anime version of Project Run- lescent lyrics and sound "5cream" for fifteen minutes second album, "Doll Domi- the emotional theme with a palatable —at way's Christian Siriano, Kaulitz that can best describe I 5~ with nation" (Interscope) the girls a sweet chorus, soft-voices, "bad *++, ( < ) best —generic sound. dominance. carries his 18-year-old eyeliner- the makers as boys . make very dear that they are guitar and piano side," Universa12007 Emotion (or hormones) not musicians. However, with the ed self with a boy band swagger with a soft entertainers, NoW available fuels the incoherent In the '90s, the Spice help of Timbaland, Missy akin to glam, goth and emo- The title track from and however that adds up. the album is an anti- translated-from-Ger- Girls might have raised Elhott, Snoop Dogg dra- some eyebrows as they R. Kelly there are still His distinguishing feature is his authority anthem in- man lyrics and rose to pop-star fame, but plenty of danceable songs. electro shock hair that stands about structing the oppressed listener matic instrumentals. the Pussycat Dolls take the After all, the dance-pop a foot tall, if not higher. Every mem- to "scream it out loud." Tokio Nothing can take away from girl-group image group is known ber of the band has their own niche Hotel dredges up memories of the fact that somewhere someone to a whole new EEEEE~~~ for strutting it on to fill and girlies to be idolized by. early Good Charlotte in the late is listening'to Tokio Hotel and level and are pos- stage to pulsing Tom Kaulitz, Bill's younger 1990s and early 2000s. feeling better about their own sibly more popu- beats, and with twin brother and guitarist, dons Besides the obvious twin su- life. At the end of the day, a smil- one who lar among horny only girl blonde dreadlocks, a lip piercing perstar connection, both bands'ng fan of Tom and Bill Kaulitz can that' teenage boys than sing, and flat bill caps. The remaining messages are strikingly similar is happy. If the fans are happy, 8 to probably for the lip-syncing two bandmates (who don't appear in how outrageously easy it is there's nothing left to say. 12-year-old girls. best. While the Dolls Pussycat Dolls In the Missy can easily be y~i Dcmisiatjpn» Elliot-featured dismissed as eye- "Whatcha Think catching products **I~z (Of 5) About That," infused with stu- Interscope 2008 Timbaland's comedians our slew of iTunes, and her music Silverman also men- dio enchantment Now available "Whatchamacal- EUNNY questions, we opted out collection is scattered tioned Elvis Costello, and touch-ups, lit" and "Magic," of any more political with them. "No Chil- "ofcourse," along with the burlesque- the girls show no from page 9 conversation and instead dren" by the Mountain lyrically classic Patti Griffin dancers-turned-band know sign of vulnerability and asked what she was lis- Goats, a folk punk group and another iTunes pick- where their niche prove themselves sassy "The Show" Lanka. exactly a viewer could simply tening to these days. led by John Darnielle, up, by is —they make simple club and cocky instead. With "diarrhea "Jenny Lewis," she said had Silverman using the Silverman ended the touch their feisty simple lyr- see jokes about music with a magic yet dreams," while almost immediately. word "rad." marathon of revolving inter- of slick production and ics, pulsing beats and slick and wet Silverman claims she has Silverman had nothing She and Him, the indie viewers by describing her lenty of sexual innuendo. production, these tracks actually made a meta- but glowing adoration of duo induding actress Zooey end-of-the-day routine. e lead song, "When I were made ready for the "I take vari- phor about corporate the Rilo Kiley songstress. Deschanel, was described as wash my face, Grow Up," shows exactly dance floor. "She is amazing," "heartbreaking with awe- ous medications, take maybe It's club R. makes an ap- America creating prob- that. a catchy, solid Kelly she said. some, great lyrics." one puff of (marijuana) to with a beat and pearance on "Out Of This lems and marketing the song good Silverman said in Silverman said she help me sleep, watch some debate-starting lyrics. Club," and Snoop Dogg solutions. lieu of entire "loves heartbreak," and Law &Order, and by the time However, beyond the supports the Dolls once When The Argonaut purchasing albums, she tends to her music taste tends to order happens, I'm asleep on skimpy outfits, breathy vo- more on "Bottle Pop," got a turn to ask the find obscure singles on reflect this. the couch," she said. cals and sly dance routines, which is pretty standard infamous face of female "Doll Domination" shows 'sex-you-up'are. some maturity. The lyrics The electro sounds and show the girls are less inter- other tricks make the girls'sted in stealing boyfriends voices sound everything but after experiencing some 'eal. But as said, the girls are heartbreak of their own. entertainers not singers, This album features a "Doll Domination" might surprising amount of lyrics not be dominating, but about loss and love. should be taken for what it Emotion takes a front seat is: entertaining dub music.

said. "We got rid of all the EAIR rice already, so now we'e working on the flan." from page 9 President Dallace Universityoy Idaho ASABE A LEGACY OF LEADING UniVerSityoyldahO Sevier said the dub is involved A LEGACY OF LEADING sign reading "Puerto Ri- in things the average student Student Health Clinic can Food," the American may not be aware of. ASABE Student Health Pharmacy of Agricultural participates in an annual inter- Services provided by - Society Moscow Family Medicine Hours: Mon Fri 9a.m. -12 p.m. and Biological Engineers collegiate tractor pull, compet- - Texas and 12:30 3p.m. (ASABE) sold Puerto Ri- ing against schools like Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. can rice, fried rice and Tech University and others in Phone: 208.885.6535 cream cheese flan: a deli- the MidweS. Sevier said the Phone: 208.885.6693 Location:831 Ash St. UI Campus cious semi-gelatinous des- proceeds from the Food Fair Location: 831 Ash St. UI Campus sert. Each dish was home- would first go to dub funds, www.health.uidaho.edu made by ASABE member such as those for the tractor www.health.uida ho.edu Manuel Diaz. pulling, but also to a painiball Clinic services available to all students Refills must be called in 24 hours in advance at "I'm from Puerto Rico tournament to which eight regardless of insurance provider. 885.0852 and will be ready for pick-up by and I like to cook," Diaz campus dubs are invited. 10a.m. the following day.

arts BRIEF Universityof idaho Commons hosts presidential photo exhibit 2 LEGACY Or LEADIIIO Free, confidential counseling for Ul students Images from presidential history will be on display in an Associated Press exhibit titled, "The American President" starting Thursday. The photographs will be displayed in In the Continuing Education Building, the Idaho Commons until Oct. 31. The exhibit includes do advertise in t6e Room 306, 885-6716 numerous Pulitzer Prize-winning images, including Paul Vathis'iew of John F. Kennedy conferring with his pre- Keatt6 Directory decessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower at Camp David after the www.etc.uida ho.edtt of Pigs invasion in 1961,Ron contact: unsuccessful Bay Edmonds'apid sequence documenting th 1981 assassination at- Kanna6Xiter Counseling for Personal, tempt on Ronald Reagan and White House photos taken Academic and Career Concerns by J. Scott Applewhite and others during Bill Clinton's 208-885-6371 1998 impeachment battle. The photos will be displayed on the top level of the Commons, near room 232 of the Teach- [email protected] ing and Learning Center. - ~ ~ ~ ~ s: ~ ~

FOOTBALL Vandals in action Women's golf heads to Sammamish, Wash. to play in the Mean Ihlan- a osu ers rowin ains feldt Invitational at the Sa- halee Country Club. It is a two day tournament that Idaho needs started Monday. Cable Vision: we are seeing double double Idaho volleyball plays wind in sails at 7 p.m. Thursday at Me- I remember the commer- are going to get a dose of Cable coach Chris Tormey and fin- morial Gym. The team will Scott Stone cials like it was yesterday —a vision soon thanks to Al Davis. ished second in the Big West in look to gain another con- Argonaut new era in Vandal football had The Cable era at UI was not 1999with a 74 overall record, fernence victory as they play arrived and at the helm was a memorable one. It was down It was a good time for Vandal Utah State. Idaho dads filled the Idaho coach Tom Cable. "Are right frustrating most of the football, ' Dome Saturday to witness you ready for Cable vision," or time and was the beginning of 2000 was UI's last year in the Vandals to watch the Nevada Wolf Pack "Are you Cable ready," were downward spiral that the UI Big West Conference. During dominate the Vandals in slogans that had Vandal foot- team is still trying to get under that season, Cable coached the Kelsey James a game that displayed ball fans not only excited, but control. Cable was the first team to a 5-6 overall record, The Volleyball the ups and downs of a ecstatic about what the future to grab a shovel and dig, not team beat Washington State and football could young team. Levi hold. knowing just how deep he could it appeared things were in place The Vandals couldn' That was in 2000, and I get before sending the program to continue as they had. Then catch a break ag'ainst the Johnstone know it seems like a lifetime, into its current state. something went drastically Wolf Pack who scored Argonaut but it was in fact only eight Cable inherited a team that wrong. four unanswered touch- arg-sports years ago. So who cares? The just two years earlier won the downs before Idaho final- uidaho.edu Raider Nation should as they Humanitarian Bowl under See DOUBLE, page 13 ly responded in the third quarter when Eddie Wil- liams made a diving catch m the end zone. The touchdown James tallied a total of 52 brought hope to the assists in her game against Vandals. who saw two Nevada last week in Reno, and a half quarters go The Vandals won 3-2 giving by with a blocked field Idaho coach Debbie Buchan- goal, dropped snap, over- nan her first victory at Reno thrown passes to open in her tenure as coach, receivers and missed con- versions on 4th down, Nathan Enderle including a fourth-and-1 Football on Nevada's 1-yard line that even running back Deonte'ackson couldn' convert after leaping over his linemen. Jackson said there were no holes so he just jumped —he's confident the ball crossed the goal- line. "I think 100 percent I got it," Jackson said. "But Enderle played a solid the stripes are the ones game against Nevada de- making the call, I just spite the end score being make the play." 49-14. Enderle completed Nevada went on to 50 percent of his passes score three more touch- with 2 touchdowns and 0 downs to end the game interceptions. The Vandals with 49 points, while Ed- will need a similar perfor- die Williams tacked on mance from Enderle this another touchdown pass weekend as the team heads- thrown by Nathan Ender- to Fresno to take on the le to give the Vandals just Fresno State Bulldogs. 14 points. "(It) wasn't the out- Allix Lee-Painter come I went into it look- Cross Country ing. for," Idaho coach Robb Akey said, "We had lenty of opportunities to ave done some things to help ourselves out to- that we left out day, plays ~Pf'",,', there, plays that we did r< not make." He said these things 'ii are all part of the learning curve, and while he isn' frustrated, it is driving Lee-Painter was awarded him crazy. the Western Athletic Confer- "I think sometimes ence women's cross country you say the word frustrat- athlete of the week award ing, you say disappoint- for the second time this ed, that means people season. Lee-Painter's ef- think you'e losing hope fort helped the Vandals fin- and I'm not," Akey said. ish second out of a sixteen "Ifirmly believe in where team field. we'e going and the.way we'e doing things." Vandals by the The Vandals did show numbers some sttength against the Wolf Pack with fieshman Jake Barber/Argonaut Number of passing University of Idaho running back Deonte'ackson leaps leaps over Nevada Wolf Pack wide receiver Max Komar during 2 touchd owns Idaho 5ee PAINS, page 13 the football game Saturday in the Kibbie Dome. scored against Nevada 15,006 .'~l..." tending the football game against Nevada. Overtime losses hurt Vandals'ecord Number of assists 5 tallied by .volleyball player Kelsey James in UI's Jaimee Myers level this season. game against Nevada. Argonaut After 103 minutes of play, the ~ Number of points Vandals lost in a 2-1 match against given up in the foot- Overtime losses appear to be UVU. ball game to Nevada a downfall for the University "For the second time, we don' b of Idaho women's soccer team step out and play hard in the Did you know ... this season. first half and then in the second With three overtime losses and half step up and outplay them," lp ~NFLpro-bowl running back one overtime tie, the Vandal wom- Showier said. Stephen Jackson was in atten- en are going above and beyond the UVU scored the first goal of the dance at the University of Ida- regular 90-minute games to try and match 35 minutes in. Sophomore ho's football game Saturday. beat their opponents. However, 'Jenna Hull scored the equalizing Jackson is the unde of UI even with all the extra effort, the goal with eight minutes left in running back Deonte'ack- Vandal women have been coming regulation on a corner kick placed made son. Stephen Jackson up short in every overtime match directly in front of the net from Se- the trip to Moscow dur- thus far. nior Nicole McAllister. ing his bye week to watch "Our mentality has to be far "It was a great goal under pres- Deonte'ackson and the tougher at this level for us to be sure," Showier said. "She turned Vandals play. successful," Idaho coach Pete and volleyed it right into the top Showier said. "It's really a mental- of the net." ~ and "Mr. Former Vandal ity1hat, 'I'm going to work harder The Vandals'on-conference Vobora Irrelevant" David than the next team to make sure schedule ended with another loss was at the game against we it done.'ight now, other Friday with a match against Uni- well. He was get Nevada as teams have that mentality and versity of Montana in Missoula. File Photo award at half- accepting an we don'." The Vandals have slipped to Forward Jennifer Hull kicks the ball out of Vandal territory after stopping time of the game. This last weekend was a busy 1-10-1on the year, while Montana a Nevada offensive during an Oct. 26, 2007 soccer game. weekend for the Vandals as they moved to 3-7-1. ~ men's basketball team The. traveled to Orem, UTtah to take "Probably our worst perfor- the conference season," Showier off days and there were just too will be holding walk-on try- on Utah Valley University. mance of the season and this is not said. "Some players stepped up as many off days." Monday Oct 16 in the outs UVU is new to the Division I the time to be doing it, leading into usual and some players just had Physical Education Building. See SOCCER, page 13 1 Tuesday October 7, 2008 Page I2 The Argonaut u oor ro ram 0 ersO io»

Rob Todescjii The growth of the program He said he enjoys the busi- People from all around can Argonaut —its trips, events and activi- ness aspect of the Outdoor rent fiom the rental center and ties —wouldn't be made pos- Rental Center. He said iYs Mims said they're alwaysaggres- Moscow sits in the middle sible without the rental center. consumer driven and they'e sively promotiiig their equip- of the Northwest surrounded Steve Mims, the manager of constantly trying to meet the ment and their rates each year. by miles of whitewater and the rental center, said they'e demands of the customer base "It wouldn't take much for mountains, perfect for outdoor always been a popular entity they have, and that means a person with inclination to get rect'cation. The University on campus, even when located adapting to the changes in ac- outdoors to find out we exist," of Idaho Outdoor Program's in the basement of the SUB. tivities. Mims said. Rental Center "We'e re- "Years ago nobody knew The program rents equip- offers the access always done a » all skill levels of out- t and availability needed for stu- ally aggressive job of promot- what a snowboard was. Years ment for and for the dents, staff and the community the and what we ago, rock climbing was consid- door recreation ing program orga- to take advantage of the 'out- have to offer," Mims said. ered the lunatic &inge. Things Outdoor Program trips nized Beiser. door experience. Snowshoes, cross country come and go," Mims said. by "We'e "You have to have the UI's Outdoor Program was skis and snowboards line the constantly reacting to the in equipment in order to blaze one of the first ten in the coun- walls of the rental center and changes technology, changes in what people are do- through with your program try to be run and managed pro- camping equipment and raft ing to recreate, and changes in so that you can challenge fessionally. It started in 1973 in fills the upstairs room. gear the demographics of people' eople and help people grow," the basement of the Student Behind the glass garage affluences." iser said. Union Building and since more than 40 rafts are 2002, doors, Mims knows the quality of From waterfall ice picks to inhabited the Rec- has Student stacked and ready for use. In the equipment they rent creates snowshoes avalanche trans- reation Center. the winter months, the garage have in ceivers to Dutch ovens, the "For the experience people 35 years, we'e been is a ski and snowboard shop, the outdoors. rental center gives people able to go from a little closet offering full tuning, repairs "I'm pretty nit-picky about the equipment and resources behind the Gem of the Moun- and waxing, all at an afford- e uipment being maintained," they need to enjoy the lifetime tains yearbook office, to where able rate. said. "The quality of sports and experience wilder- we are now," Outdoor Pro- Mims said the rental center activities. the equipment we give peo- ness lake Barber/Argonaut gram Coordinator Mike Beiser serves all facets of the universi- ple can ruin their weekend For information about The Outdoor Rental Center offers an assortment of said. "We'e been able to sus- ty, the community and anyone or give them an experience equipment and rental rates, equipment for all seasons, including snow- tain a small but steady growth traveling through the North- they'l remember for the rest of visit www.campusrec.uidaho. outdoor and gear. in participation and revenue." west with outdoor equipment. then lives." edu/outdoor. boarding skiing Cubs'rought to continue after early mistakes

I remember reading an long,darkwinterofsecond- These Cubs had a valid .500.There were eight teams wins, with three of them be- dead. Mark DeRosa hit the article that featured very in- guessing and wondering rookie-of-the-year candidate in the National League that ing quality. Zambrano on Cubs only home run in the depth interviews with Chi- whatwentwrong. in Geovany Soto, who put had a better record, and yet the other hand had one qual- entire senes in game one. cago Cubs fans. The people The Cubs finished the up good numbers as Chica- here they are, going to the ity start in his last four starts, Additionally, the defense featured in the article repdar season o's catcher. They had solid Championship Series against which was his no-hitter. The was sloppy. In game. 2, the were very diverse. with the best record 'tting and only the Texas Philadelphia. other three starts featured him Cubs committed a whop- One was blind and in the National Rangers scored more runs The Cubs could have, getting lit u on the mound. ping 4 errors, one by each in his nineties, while League. They won than they did during the reg- and should have beaten the infielder. Zambrano was another was Billy '",': ',;: 97 games. Only the ular season. They scored a Dodgers. The Dodgers do game two. pitching well enough, but Corgan, fiont man 'osAngelesAngels National League leading 855 have good starting pitching, Another problem the the errors led to several un- of Smashing Pump- '.;,', .;:"'. had a better regular runs, 56 more than second and they have a couple of Cubs had was nobody could eamed runs which blew the kins. All of these,'j, season record than place Philadelphia, offensive gems, but they are work together at the plate. In game wide open. people had a couple the Cubs. Yet, here we are with an- not as good as the Cubs. game one, Chicago managed The Cubs lost it in the of things in com- The Cubs had other botched October. The First of all, the Cubs made to strand 14 runners on base. blink of an eye. They went mon —their love of excellent starting Cubs are home until the several managerial mistakes. Tha Ys 14 times someone from being a dominant Sep- the Chicago Cubs pitching this year. start of spring trai~g while Piniella started a struggling came up to bat and managed tember team to a team with and their belief that G~oilY Ryan Dempster October baseball carries on Kosuke Fukudome in the first to get an out, leaving some- home field advantage that this was the year Argonaut hadthebestseason without them. two games, and got a solid 0-8 one standing on base. ot swept in the first round of the Cubs would end arg-sports ofhiscareer,Carlos The fact that the Cubs batting show out of him The Alfonso Soriano went 1 Le playoffs. The Cubs have their World Series»wuidaho.edu Zambrano tluew are sitting on their couches, man who finished the iegular for 14 in the series. Aramis nobody to blame for this but drought. a no-hitter, Ted watching the Championship season 17-9 with a 4.09 BRA, Ramirez was 2 for 11 and themselves. Every part ofthat Now it's only a Lilly reached a ca- Series and World Series on Ted Lilly, was put in the fourth Geovany Soto was 2 for 10. ballclub stepped down at the couple of days into October, reer high in wins and Kerry television is their own doing. starter position for the Divi- In the snap of a finger, Chi- end of September, and tha Ys and the north side of Chi- Wood did a decent job ofbe- In late August, the Dodg- sion Series. His last four starts cago's offense went from be- why the drought is going cago is looking 'at another ingdominantasacloser. ers were five games under in September had earned him ing a powerhouse to all but to continue. Tuesday, October 7, 2008 The Argonaut Page 13 SOCCER from page 11

The two teams played Dave Goldberg sonville in the AFC; Se- you'e doing on the Beld," The struggling team: They trailed only 15-0 in a scoreless first half b« Associated Press attle, Philadelphia, Green Seattle's Mike Holmgren —Indianapolis (2-2): Minnesota late in the third Montana quicklychanged Bay and Minnesota in acknowledged after those The Colts have been one of quarter because that in the second half, as The young QB Indianapolis Colts the NFC. same Giants'ounded his the league's elite teams for Tarvaris Jackson couldn' Pingree knocked were handed min- a game by Some are using the "it' Seahawks 44-6 on Sunday, most of this decade. Not convert scoring opportu-, in a loose ball three the Houston Texans on early" theme, pointing outgaining them 523-187. this year. nities into TDs. That al- utes into the half. Mon- Sunday, to the New York The Seahawks'have the "I ~'s Kaityln Heinsohn Giants'limb thought we had that lowed Peyton Manning, It was a much-needed from an 0-2 start to a same thing going for them passion at the end. But it can do what Jack- 'ho added the final goal with win, but it may not matter. title last season. But every they'e had the past few was missing during the son can', to pull out an less than a minute to five Just weeks into the 2008 season is different, and it' seasons: the NFC West, middle of the game and 18-15victory. go, sealing the win for season, the 2006 champs unwise to use the example where even at 1-3 are we'e the Grizzlies. 'It's they got to get that back Yes, Indianapolis has are in trouble. not just of last year's Giants or the only 1 1/2 games behind somewhere," coach run off double-digit win- With all the non-con- their 2-2 Tony record that leaves 2005 Steelers, who won the inconsistent Cardi- Dungy said after Sunday s ning streaks in the past ference games behind Van- them 2 1/2 games behind the Super Bowl after open- nals, But Seattle played 31-27 win in Houston. and still has ~o games them this frill, the unbeaten Tennessee in the ing 6-5. Sunday more like a team Indy trailed 27.-10 midway .left with Tennessee., But 'al women are going AFC South, but the way "There are any number that would challenge the through the fourth quar- the Colts can't get away to team up and make are some suitable changes in they playing: badly. of statistical analyses of winless Rams for a spot ter, cut it to 27-17 with 4:04 with giving up more than They'e not alone. teams that have started at practice in order to the bottom than one left, then capitalized on two 150 yards on the ground start'inning Six other teams that be- this Pad and still done that can compete for its fumbles and an interception while waiting for injured garnes. an the "The season with high OK, but those don't mean fifth straight division by Texans QB Sage Rosen- safety Bob Sanders to girls have to get ldopes are already in deep much unless you improve title arid sixth'traight fels to pull out the wiri. return, as they did two refocused and commit to holes: San Diego and Jack- the product and what playoff berth. The Colts could be 0-4. years ago. winning games," Showi- er said. "Attitude and mentality has got to be positive going into games 61-yard boot that put Ne- with the attitude that we Rays head to AL championship PAINS vada on the 4 yard. line. can win, and then we Co-team captain Ed- have to transfer that into from page 11 die Williams was again in the game itself." Rick Gano B.J. Upton said Monday , Ray-markable. the spothght. He picked The Western Athletic Associated Press after homering twice in a "We feel like we be- Kama Bailey running for up 142 yards on 10 pass- Conference Games will 6-2 win over 'Chicago that long 'nd it's showin'g '17 yards on seven kickoff es and carried in both of begin with their road trip CHICAGO —They clinched their AL now," "I playoff. right Upton said. returns including the open- the Vandals touchdowns. to Logan to play Utah rushed toward the think there was a point They want more, too. ing kick off which Bailey Although he had a good State ori Friday. mound, these remarkable in time where people So why stop now7 returned for 43-yards game, Williams said it is On Sunday, the Van- Rays, and immediately didn't even know who "Like Carlos (Pena) Bailey said this was only not good enough. dals will have their formed a circle. Jumping we were." said, we'e kind of a fra- the second time he had Williams said if . he first home game in together like fraternity They do now, for ternity. And we stick to- sure.'ndy ever returned kick offs, the caught zero passes, and his nearly a month against brothers, they resembled Sonnanstine gether at all times no mat- first being in a high school team got a win, he would Louisiana Tech. party'egulars in the post- pitched five 2-3 solid in- ter what happens," Upton all-star game. be happy. "The team without season. nings, and manager Joe said. "As long as we keep The team was also hap- "There's no way to su- a doubt has the ability, Worst in the majors Mad don's con- surprising that attitude and y with punter T.J. Con- arcoat it; we need to play we'e just got to trans- last year, Tampa Bay'will Rays won 3-1 in the best- tinue playing as a team ey's performances, who, etter," Williams said. late it into performance play for a spot in the of-five series —their: first and doing the little things after dropping the first The Vandals will hit the and results and have World Series. trip to the postseason. to win, I don'.t think snap of the day, finished practice field this week everyone do it at the "It means everything. Next up, the Boston Red there's any reason why the game with a 51.5-yard to prepare for another same time consistently," We'e been at the bottom Sox or the Los Angeles we can't win this punting average. conference game against Showier said. of the barrel for so long," Angels starting Friday. whole thing." His longest punt was a Fresno State.

the quarterback of the future before, during and after. now to hear what a No. 1 draft pick, but if Check out DOUBLE at UI, Each loss brought us closer they think. history repeats itself I see a During that game to losing faith. I noticed Joey Harrington 1'ot of Andrew Walter and The Argonaut from page 11 Lindgren threw a record 71 When he was fired, I had just signed a contract with Marques Tuiasosopo in your passes and completed 41 of hoped never to think about the Saints. I laugh to think of fu hue. them with 6 being touch- that time in Vandal football coach Cable drooling over Good luck to you, Raider every When Boise State left the downs. This is the stat that or him again. the opportunity to coach the fans. If Cable leaves your Big West for the Western still sets my mind ablaze: Now, Al Davis will give better Harrington. once magniBcent program Tuesday and Athletic Conference, it put Lindgren tluew for an un- Cable another shot at prov- I guess when all is said in as much disarray as he the Big West under the six heard of 637passing yards ing.he has what it takes to be and done I would justsay did ours, you have a long team minimum required that was just a head football coach. I wish this: watch out JaMarcus road ahead before anyttung Friday by the NCAA effectively one game. I was in Raider Nation right Russell. You may have been is worth cheering about. destroying the league. Lmdgren also threw six The next movers To put touchdowns in another Idaho into a newly formed game later in his career league, the Sunbelt Confer- - —against San Diego State, He ence,'ith teams that were still sits in the middle of the s read out across the pack in a number of UI ca- nited States. reer statistic categories even The league was sweet though his career was cut FM and UI a chance to KUOI gave MOSCOW. short by, well, Tom Cable. lay. against the likes of At this point, things still IF YOU WERE TO TRY TO NAME A SUPERIOR PLACE ON orth vTexas University and looked like they were on the the University of Louisiana- up and up to me. My friends CAMPUS, YOU COULD SURELY NOT. KUOI IS FREEFORM Monroe, or Lafayette for and I chanted for more as COLLEGE RADIO. WHEN WE SAY WE DIG EVERYTHING: that matter. It seemed as the offense put up ungodly though the sky was the numbers and gave fans WE MEAN IT. limit, and we'd really taken ho e of things to come. the proverbial bull by the e next season was dif- EVER MADE A MIX CD? EVER GOT EXCITED ABOUT MUSIC? horns on this one. ferent. There was a new face 'FOR It didn't turn out nearly at quarterback, the younger CONTROL THE AIRWAVES TiVO HOURS A WEEK.

as well as we'd hoped, 'URN brother of NFL quarterback IN YOUR COMPLETED DJ APPLICATION TO -OUR The Vandals'irst year in Joey Harrington, Michael. the Sunbelt was a forgettable He was not as good as LOBBY IN THE THIRD FLOOR OF THE STUDENT UNION. one that produced only Lindgren, (actually, it would one win. be like comparing John Kit- APPS AVAILABLE AT WWW. KUOI.ORG: CLICK "WANNA BE A l3J." The team did have some na to Joe Montana) but Ca-

pood things going for 't ble stuck with him through though. thick and thin amassing five SINCE 1945 ~ RADIO ON One thing in particular, wins in the next two seasons an all-conference quarter- and driving the once proud back in Brian Lindgren. Vandal program deeper into Lindgren was something to the gmund. watch. One game I remem- Our cheers quickly ber in particular —a 70-58 turned to jeers, and we loss to Middle Tennessee came up with slogans of State Community College, our own for the coach. or something like that— Primarily, "Cut the Cable" proved Lindgren could be was chanted every game

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Tuesday, October /, 2008 Page 14 The Argonaut — Advertisement visit www.govandals.corn I

, U ofI Athlettc Markettng

Volume 3, Issue 4

s ~ s 10-7-2008 ~ 3% II I I I II I s Is I This feuture is proudly brought to youhy the spousors below 0 IY 8 INllls8l i'Isiio l8le — ' FRESNO, Calif. The As a team, Idaho hit I ' I University of Idaho volley- .231 and held the Bulldogs ball team ran its winning to just .083, streak to three matches Idaho used a 7-0 run in with a 3-0 sweep at Fresno the first set to build 'a 124 State Saturday. advantage and later led by ~ The Vandals (10-6, 3-2) as many as 10 at 18-8. The used scores of 25-20, 25- Bulldogs closed the'gap to 21, and 25-20 to earn their 20-14, but the Vandals held sixth sweep of the season. on for the 25-20 victory. Ida- Idaho has now won nine- ho again took a double-digit consecutive matches in the lead in set two at 16-6, but series with Fresno State Fresno State made things

(5-10, 2-4). and came withm 'nteresting Haley Larsen reached 20-17 before the Vandals 25-21 vic- double-figures kilh for held on for the I I I the 15th time this season tory. Fresno State held the ' with 12 and earned her advantage in s'et three until I I seventh double-double Idaho moved ahead 17-16. with 10 digs. Sarah Con- The Vandals maintained well notched nine kills and the lead for the remainder a .308 hitting percentage of the match and.three kills while Debbie Pederson from Larsen helped seal the and Anna McKinney each match with a 25-20 victory tallied seven kills in the in set three. middle, Kelsey James fin- Idaho returns home next ished with 34 assists while week to host Utah State Cassie Hamilton totaled Thursday (Oct. 9) and San 17 digs and Kelsey Yonker Jose State Saturday (Oct. 11). finished with 14 digs.. Is ss I I I I s Is I 8lienceis8 irtiie As previously mentioned 5-0 start which includes wins, dore fans were patient with in The Vandalizer Sports Ex- over two top 25 teams and their coach Bobby Johnson tra, it takes time to rebuild a is their best start in 65 years, and it has obviously paid off. If you haven't heard already, the Uni- events. If students are able to unite in football program but it's not If Vanderbilt wins only one We, as Vandal fans, need to versity of Idaho is finally going to have one common voice and fully participate impossible. Let's take Van- -more game this fall they will take note of how the Vander- a dedicated student section. Have you in games there will be extra wins in the derbilt for example. Vander- end their 25 year span of los- bilt fans allotted their coaches ever watched ESPN, ABC, CBS, NBC, box score, A great example would be fel- bilt's'ootball program has ing seasons. While the Van- time to build a program and Fox Sports or countless other TV net- low Northwest institutions'ashington a similar past to that of the dals football program has not do as they did. Give our works on a college game day and been (Dawg Pack), Washington State (Zzuu Vandals. Their current head gone as long without a win- coaches the time needed to captivated by their avid student sec- Crew), and Gonzaga (The Kennel). Each coach, Bobby Johnson, took ning season we can all asso- build our program. WAC tions? My guess would be a resounding of these student sections were formed over in 2002 and had two ciate with the frustration that championships and bowl yes and if you'e like me you would love when their respective athletic teams wins in each of his first three the Commodore fans were game victories are on their to take part in something similar. In the were not national powers or even con- seasons. The next three sea- feeling during their drought. way, so stay positive and coming weeks that opportunity will re- tenders. Interesting enough, after these sons, while more successful, In sympathizing with their be patient, it will only make veal itself as the "Vandalizers" will de- roups were established, these programs never added up to winning frustration we have to realize our future success that much but. This isn't the first time the Univer- th'eir ascent to success. A lot of this 'gan records. This Fall however, that our fortune is going to sweeter! sity of Idaho has taken a shot at creating newly acquired success can be attributed the Commodores are off to a change as well. The Commo- Joe Vandal a student section. Some of you might be to their. coaches, players, and 'athletic aware of previous attempts that went departments but a huge chunk is also over like a lead balloon, so what's dif- due to fan support.'Take a look at other ferent this time? The timing is right, as highly competitive programs across the students are eager to become part of the nation and you'l probably notice they Idaho tradition and,get involved. with have active student sections also. Do you the Vandal teams. Many, students leave want to see the Vandals bring home WAC athletic events wishing they could have championships, Bowl invitations, and "Your more of an impact on games. By join- NCAA tournament appearances? Then Place to Chill" ing the new look "Vandalizers" students get in the game and become a member will be able to single handily change the of the "Vandalizers", you'l be glad you outcome of games. Too often fans take did! Go Vandals! for granted their abili ty to affect athletic

~35 Cent Wings Iz.so Tubs Stndent tickets for the $z Kokanee Gold Pints Idaho vs. BSU footdall WEDNESDAY same on Saturday, Novemder )5th are Iz.so Martini's at Micros limited- less than 300 $s Oyster Shooters tickets remain!

/ s ~ Please be advised that if you picked up a priority voucher earlier in the year, that:voucher will'not get you into the BSU game. You will need to I3 Long Islands , come to the Ul Ticket Office to get an actual game ticket. at Blue Hawailans l . Full-time students who have not picked up their free student ticket can do so at the Ul Ticket Office Nloriday through Friday 9am-5pm.

FR1OAY ~All full-.time students may also purchase as many guest passes as they need. Guest passes are $25 for general admission and $32 for reserved I<.7SWells seats in section 14..Please note that if you already purchased the original maximum of 2 guest passes, you can now purchase as many additional g Bombs guest passes as you need! ~ Part-time Ul students (main and branch campuses) can purchase tickets 88% 080% at the guest pass rates. Any student tickets not picked up/purchased by Friday, October 17th will 430 N. Main, Moscow be released to the general public.

a e ~ ~ \ s

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