'ews: Whoooooooooo's looking? Birds of pr< -, RECEIVE@„„„, US Postag Paid Oc) g g PIIrersity o Idaho ******************f***f***ff****** ~Wf% ~~ foal I T 8)7 UNIVE RS ITY ( *f*ggprt t ggsfrryT BOISE «'TAT'NI"ERH1 / I8 ALBERTSON'S LIBRAR UNIVERSITY f* BOISE SATE 1,'f PO BOX 46 lop f BOISE ID 83707-0046 llsslsssllslssslllssslssslllsssllsssslsslsllssslsslsllssslslsl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e I ~ s- a stu ent reatene Lianna Shepherd Argonaut It was a little before 9 a.m. on Sept. 29 when sopho- more Kory Larabee went to his dorm room and found the words, "Faggot. F—ing kill you," scrawled across his message board. "I came out when I was 15,". Larabee said. "This is the first time I'e ever beep truly afraid. I don't feel safe walking out at night ...it's violating." An international studies major and resident adviser for Wallace Res- idence Center, this was not the first time Larabee has been harassed. at the University of Idaho. As a fresh- man he said he endured a similar sit- uation, although in that instance the erpetrator didn't leave a threat be- ', so he chose not to tell anyone. "It's so easy to get stuck in a ste- reotype," he said. "It bothered me, but I just told myself to move past Kppg it.I know I'm not the only one who' made that decision." Larabee .-. x4pj.g$ ever '«a@iisf Larabee said he was embarrassed when he first saw the message and reported the inci- dent to his supervisors, who called the Moscow Police Department. It is currently unknown who left the mes- sage —but the action qualifies as a hate crime, which is a felony. In response to the incident, University Housing put cameras in the surrounding hallway. Dee Dee Kanik- keberg, associate director of universzty residences, said the cameras would only be placed in public areas in re- sponse to the "appalling" incident. "It's deeply concerning that someone has been threatening within our community," Kanikkeberg said. "We work hard to create a safe environment, and we ar' going to protect it." In addition to working as'n RA, Larabee works as a staff member in the Women's Center. Rebecca Rod, GLBT program adviser, said after working with Lara- bee for the past two years, she was particularly hurt f'ee.THREAT,, when she heard what happened to him. page,6 . Michaud to leave Idaho ger Macy/Arfgonaut full because'rParking'a'ndf Transportation services sold too permits. The purple parking lots on campus are ' many "L, Alexiss lerner Argonaut ".-'' , I ',;:e. After three years of employment, the University of Idaho will lose its assistant vice president of human resources. .. Paul Michaud has been working in human resources for 27 years. He oversees many aspects of campus, in- employment, job classification, compensation 'uding as welI as employment relations and grievances. Mi- chaud is the voice of appeals between the university and state. If an employee from any of the cooperative extension centers across the state is not happy with the workings of the university, he is the go-to guy. Vicel'resident of Finance and Administration Lloyd Mues will lead the evalu- to'decide the Cyrilla Watson ing they were unethical. he said. "Those people- aze getting ation how '( geyei'ciy "There ways', tickets." position will be Argonaut can be more effective numerous empty ~ communicate,"-'Root . Ser- filled. Michaud said he 'TQS to said.. Parking and Transportation j$ ASUI asked Parking,and Trans- HolbrooksaidASUItoldRootabout vices has helped ASUI.in-a,lot of has supplied Mues with <. g ~ recommendations as well POliCy, I , portation Services to stop selling an the resolution before it was sent. other ways, Arama slid', as his overall outlook for unlimited number of purple passes Root declined to 'ASUI and Parking the department. 7t after 670 permits were sold when comment. ' and -'ranspor'tatlon Im' only 480 spaces are available. Holbrook said he . '. StudentS Services'discussed this Wi& t e pause - "Students buy' permit is frustrated because .. issue, last'ear, Hol- Mues said a "worstwase purple g j themselves he had a .p're-session buy.ci Pui,Pj+,, brookSaid. scenario" would mean the pptjpg g to guarantee a parking "I osition could be Eilled spot,"., said Garrett Holbrook, ASUI with Root last year'and nei thought this was "And then'hey find out asked to ~jt tp, over,". Holbrook s'aid. an already 'president. dearly parking . y employee paul ' vrorking m the depart- 'hey don't have a spot at all." stop overselimg pa'rk- .gucii'cigtee ..'olbr'ook said'some There are seven purple parking ing permits., -." p, don't want'.to ment. Mues said he does MICHAUP 'tudents di unt a "be t~ se lots used for residential. parking Arama said 'oot tgelllSelVeS 'move, their car's ..from ot n vice president oi human for'reek students. promised parking 'ser- '. ' purple spaces because scenario" in which a new resources k employee could be hired ASUI is working to change Lot 45 vices wquldn't oversell p 5 'hey are afraid of los- to take the job. ori Slake Street into a blue or dual parking permits but ing their spot.-.He said ' gppt Agd "The sky is not falling," he said. red-purple to help with overcrowd- did it anyway., there is no point in tha't The evaluation began once news arrived ofMichaud's . ing of vehides. Parking 'and 'Trans- Qeg'Qey" when blue lots 'can '; - be'ortation departure. Mues"said he hopes to have the evaluation , ASUI Sen. Zach Arama said 100 Services sells ~ used as storage park- completed before Michaud's last day, Oct. 17. more students went through Greek more than the number fmd put . ingandaze$ 10cheaper who make the Ikchaud is one of nine employees up , recruitment this fall, meazung there of spaces available be- yi, ~ ay than purple. - f, 'ause human resources department, including those working aze a lot more cars on Greek Row. of turnover. Hol- t"ey sap~:t . Students were not in compensation, employment, job dassification and Arama wrote a resolution that brook said purple and glypt' aware„of the unlimited The department hired hIciye ci helping international visitors. stated Parking and Transportation silver lots are residential . p , selling of purple pass- two new faculty this year, and Michaud said the uni- Services was .unethical in selling un- parking and are used Itlt'CI/).- es, Holbrook saizL At versity is in the middle of luring another body to assist limited purple passes. The resolution more for storage. They thss very least, parking in employee compensation, was sent to Carl'Root, manager of are different than com- services should have about 40 percent of his day Michaud said he spends . Parking and Transportation Services, muter lots where people Garrett', told students, he said, said a day zs difficult to de- in meetings. He typical The resolution also stated Parking comeandgoeveryday. HOLBROOK HolbrooksaidAS scribe. AltYiough his morning starts with a specific plan : and'Transportation Services ignored Mark Morgan, presi- talked 'ith soror- he said. No of action, more pressing issues soon arise, past requests from ASUI to change dent of Beta Theta pi ASUI president ity and fraternig presi- main is to 'atter the probfem, he said the goal supply its practices related to Greek park- paid it's ridiculous dents, ahd they were information. employees with all available ing and have not been transparent when parking services upset about the over- 'This the policy,'" he said. "I say, 'I never say, is enough with students. oversells permits by that much. selling of parking tickets. 'These are the options.'" "gYs) notfair to thosestudents who Arama said people are upset ASUIreceivedalotofcomplaints department no longer oversees The human resources live in those areas," Holbrook said. about the overselling of permits. about'the parking issue. Holbrook the task is now headed by UI Payroll employee benefits — Root said parking services wasn' "Lots of people are parking in and Arama said they will meet with Michaud said the move was an administrative . " Services. , aware of the problem and didn't like spots where they don't have permits Root td discuss the issue and come to See LEAVE, page 6 that they zeceived a resolution stat- because they don't have a choice," anagieement. 2008 THE INSIDE The Argonaut Tuesday, October 7, Peo leWeKnow K. Ray Johnson/Argonaut I think that lf you get a scholarship for something besides academics, ~ ~ you should have to be good at that L ~ ts other something. Anything for a Vote Mud.slingin.g, Cbaraoter A.ssassiri.a.tiara, and Other Presid.ential Election. SNO-0-0-0-0-0-RT! Strategies Save tissues, , Ititb a,utbor money, and. trees by Bssean Omsmins snorting: tlednesday, October 8tb 8pm xn3 tbe ++*SUB Ballroom Speak Ouf:'What iyvas most memorable about ~ ~ ~ the vice presidential debate? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ a a ~ 0 Ul Counseling and Testing Center Free, contldentlal counseling for ul students In the Continuing Education Building, Room 306, 885-6716 www.ctc.uidaho.edu Counseiing for Personal, Academic and Career Concerns ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ' ~ 0 ~ 8 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' c ~ ~ I ' ~ I ' I Idaho Commons Hours: I ~ ~ I ~ ~ IMonday-'I hursday: 7am-12am 4 ~ Friday: yam-Spm Saturday: 9am-Spm Sutlday: Iapm-12am Crossword Sudoku Student Union Hours: Monday- lltursday: 7am-tzam I 2 3 4 5 8 r 8 0 to II riday: 7am-Spm 12 13 14 15 '5 Saturday: Sam-Spm (ttttt stay open tater for ptuyainmlng) I Cobra 18 8 9 Sunday: tzpm-tzam 4 Ledger entries 17 16 (Abbr,) 7 6 3 4 7 Gowns 20 21 22 12 Tablet 23 14 Swampgrass 24 25 26 27 28 4 3 7 16 Cease, nautically 28 30 31 32 33 17 Bird enclosure 5 18 Capital of Norway 35 38 37 19 Speeds 40 41 20 Hammcditup 42 43 2 9 5 22 Deer relative 46 23 Football's 6 3 4 Bradshaw 47 46 40 50 9 CORRECTlONS: 24 Burbot 51 26 Some 52 53 ss sa sr 2 5 9 8, In the Friday story "Hispanic culture: 29 Leavening agent 55 58 60 81 82 63 learning origins," Ruthanne Orihuela was 32 Shorttail weasel 7 35 Pouch 64 65 ar 5 quoted as saying she brought her husband 38 Sibling ra to Moscow "so he could have an experi- 39 Sp.
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