Matthew Luke • Elmadam :1-17: :23-37: From • Cosam to Jesus to Jesus* • Addi • Abraham • Adam • Melki • • Neri • • Enosh • Shealtiel • • Kenan • Zerubbabel • (whose • Mahalaleel • Rhesa mother was Tamar) • • Joanan • • Joda • • Josech • • Semein • • Mattathias • • Maath • (whose mother • Arphaxad • Naggai was Rahab) • • Esli • (whose • mother was Ruth) • • Mattathias • (whose • • Jannai mother • Nahor • Melki was Bathsheba) • • Levi • Rehoboam • Abraham • Matthat • Abijah • Isaac • Heli • Asa • Jacob • Joseph • Jehoshaphat • Judah • Jesus • Johoram • Perez • Uzziah • Hezron *Although listed here in chronological succession, • • Jotham Ram** the actual account appears • Ahaz • Amminadab in reverse order. • Hezekiah • Nahshon **Some manuscripts differ • Manasseh • Salmon here, omitting Ram, listing • Amon • Boaz Amminadab as the son of Admin, the son of Arni. • Josiah • Obed • • Jeconiah Jesse Key Takeaways • Shealtiel • David • Zerubbabel • Matthew's genealogy traced • Abiud • Mattatha Jesus' royal pedigree because • Eliakim • Menna the Gospel's central purpose • Azor • Melea was to prove that Jesus was the promised Messiah. • Zadok • Eliakim • Achim • Jonam Luke's genealogy traced Jesus' • Eliud • Joseph relationship to all of humankind • Eleazer • Judah because the Gospel's central • Matthan • Simeon purpose was to prove that Jesus • Jacob • Levi was the Savior of the world. • Joseph (the • Matthat husband of Mary) • Jorim • Jesus • /genealogy-of-jesus-

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