ACT in Other News…

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ACT in Other News… Welcome to this week’s edition of the Knight Frank Town Planning update, a snapshot of the planning news for Canberra and surrounding NSW (Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council and Yass Valley Council). ACT Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from 14 Nickel Street (B8 S7) Beard DA202138352 INDUSTRIAL – WAREHOUSE. Proposed construction of 4 new attached warehouses including 2 mezzanine levels, on-site car parking spaces, signage and associated works. 31 McLorinan Street (B2 S508) Chisholm DA202138955 MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT – 3 NEW DWELLINGS – LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition and replacement of existing garage; internal alterations to existing dwelling and tree removal; construction of 2 new two storey dwellings with attached double and single garages, new driveway, landscaping and associated works. Lease variation to specify a max of 3 dwellings. 88 Wollongong Street (B32 S29) Fyshwick DA202138971 LEASE VARIATION. Proposed variation to add restaurant limited to a max GFA of 100m² and associated works. Block 2 Section 180 Phillip DA202037838 AMENDMENT (S144C) TO DA202037838 – STILL UNDER CONSIDERATION (MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT). Proposed amendment is to increase parking for proposal to include 1 space/dwelling resulting in an increase in height from 10 storeys to 12; reduction of 1 unit resulting in 89 dwellings; inclusion of residents lounge on ground floor; inclusion of a linking corridor between eastern and western lobbies; inclusion of additional glazed stair linking all floors of the building; redesigned apartments with wider frontage and improved proportions of private outdoor space (balconies); relocation of balconies to northern corner of each apartment to improve solar access to living spaces; inclusion of lease variation for subdivision of Block 2 Section 180 Phillip into 4 blocks. Sutherland & Margules Crescents (B2 S80) DA202138951 LEASE VARIATION. Proposed variation to increase max number of dwellings Taylor from 57 to 164. Pre-DA Community Consultations Further information can be obtained from: Gornall & Diesendorf Street Wright 19 July – 2 August Development will include health facility areas, community facility area, 120- (Block 3 Section 29) 2021 place childcare centre, ancillary retail/café spaces, publicly accessible pedestrian plaza and on-site car parking. 84-86 Giles Street Kingston 20 July – 3 August Four storey commercial building comprising office use at the top three floors (Blocks 13 & 22 Section 22) 2021 with ground floor activation through other commercial tenancies; two levels of basement car parking accessed via Giles Street with service areas at the rear accessed via the laneway. Bellhouse Crescent 20 July – 6 August Replacement mobile phone facility (Telstra) (Block 782 Gungahlin, B1 S25 Moncrieff) 2021 Cnr Camilleri Way & Manning Clark Crescent, 19 July – 1 Core Gungahlin Development. 230 apartments, 100 townhouses and approx. (Blocks 5 & 6 Section 249) Gungahlin September 2021 500m² of commercial space. Draft Environmental Impact Statements Applications Further information can be obtained from Deep Creek Corridor regional water quality EIS201900045 Comments due Friday 13 August 2021 pond William Hovell Drive Duplication EIS202000014 Comments due Friday 20 August 2021 In General NEW other • Trip Hazards at Charnwood Shops. The ACT Government is seeking community input to provide feedback on trees and trip hazards at Charnwood shops. Pop ups will be held at Charnwood Shops on Thursday 5 August 2021 (3-5pm) and Saturday 21 August 2021 (10am-12pm). Comments due news… Friday 3 September 2021. Further details can be found at CONTINUING • Moncrieff & Taylor Commercial Sites Land Release. Three sites, forming the Taylor and Moncrieff Shopping Centres, are being released. The sites are Block 1 Section 22 Moncrieff (CZ1; 15,476m² block) and Block 2 Section 22 Moncrieff (CZ5; 9,264m² block) and Block 1 Section 60 Taylor (CZ4; 5,121m² block). The SLA is seeking comments from the Gungahlin community into how these sites will take shape. A community workshop will be held on Thursday 29 July 2021 (5:30-7:30pm). Engagement closes Friday 30 July 2021. Further details can be found at • Brierly Street Improvements. The ACT Government are inviting public comment to help shape the vision for Brierly Street ahead of the next stage of works. Pop-up session will be held at Trenerry Square on Thursday 29 July 2021 (2:30pm-5pm). Consultation closes Friday 6 August 2021. Further details can be found at • Draft Technical Amendment TA2021-12 – Code Amendments – Strathnairn Precinct Map and Code; Whitlam Precinct Map and Code and Formal Corrections to the Whitlam Precinct Map and Code. Technical amendment TA2021-12 proposes amendments to the Territory Plan as follows: Strathnairn Precinct Map and Code o Amend Rules R10 and R11 regarding fencing requirements; o Amend ‘alternative principal private open space’ requirements on some blocks. Whitlam Precinct Map and Code o Blocks nominated for side boundary setback requirements are revised; o Blocks nominated for mid size block provisions are revised; o Identify ‘nominated minimum 0m setbacks’ on blocks where this requirement has not been previously shown. Comments due COB Friday 13 August 2021. Further details can be found at • ACT Legislative Assembly o Planning, Transport and City Services Committee Inquiry into Draft Variation 364: Gungahlin Town Centre. Public hearings Thursday 29 July 2021 (9:30am – 12:15pm). NEW NCA No new items CONTINUING No continuing items NSW Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from 35 Ross Road, Crestwood DA.2021.1358 MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT – 11 NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed demolition (Lot 80 DP8874) of existing dwelling; earthworks; construction of 11 multi dwellings (two and three storey) and strata subdivision. Comments due Thursday 5 August 2021 476 Royalla Drive, Royalla DA.2021.1388 Proposed construction of a dam and spillways. (Lot 534 DP1145772) Comments due Tuesday 10 August 2021 NEW No new items CONTINUING • Monaro Lanes. QPRC is seeking community input on the kind of laneway improvements that are of importance to the community. The Monaro lanes project proposes upgraded paving, increased lighting, greenery, seating and dedicated public art. Comments close Sunday 1 August 2021. Further details can be found at • Towards 2042 – Community Strategic Plan. QPRC is seeking community input on the community strategic plan to guide the main ideas and priorities for the local government area over the next 10 – 20 years. An Online Engagement Workshop will be held on Wednesday 28 July 2021 (10am – 1pm). Comments extended now close Friday 13 August 2021 (previously 31 July 2021). Further details can be found at • Monaro Street Upgrade. QPRC is seeking community input on the concept plans of the third stage of the Monaro Street redevelopment. The concept plans propose upgraded paving, increased lighting, greenery, seating, introduction of 40kph zone and reduction in kerb height. Comments close Sunday 15 August 2021. Further details can be found at • Renew 2620. The Queanbeyan CBD Spatial Master Plan (2019) sets out to transform Queanbeyan’s CBD. An 8 stage program has been developed. The objectives of the project are to: o Improve accessibility and appeal of the CBD for residents and visitors o Make the CBD dynamic, smart, safe and connected o Increase high value jobs o Position the CBD as an attractive destination to do business o Increase private investment activity in commercial, residential and public amenity o Increase residential variety in the CBD Further details can be found at Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from No new DAs NEW No new items CONTINUING • Draft Yass Valley Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan. YVC resolved at its June meeting for the Draft Yass Valley heavy haulage contributions plan to undergo public consultation. Comments due 5pm Friday 30 July 2021. Further details can be found at council/public-consultation/article/1219 • Towards 2042. YVC is seeking community input on the Towards 2042 project to guide the main ideas and priorities for the local government area over the next 10 – 20 years. Further details can be found at Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from
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