Welcome to this week’s edition of the Knight Frank Town Planning update, a snapshot of the planning news for and surrounding NSW (Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Palerang Regional Council and ). ACT Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/pubnote

Block 2 Section 75 Denman Prospect DA202138651 MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Proposed construction of six storey car park including basement to serve future residential development. 12 Ellison Harvie Close (B2 S81) Greenway DA202138518 MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT – 40 NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed construction of 40 residential dwellings, associated parking, landscaping, tree removal and associated works. 11 O’Hanlon Place (B12 S2) Nicholls DA202138674 LEASE VARIATION. Proposed variation to add childcare centre and increase the GFA permitted by 500m² for the use of childcare centre only. 5 Neptune Street (B2 S19) Phillip DA202138554 LEASE VARIATION. Proposed variation to consolidate Crown leases over B2, 3 & 4 S19 Phillip and B16 S19 Phillip. Proposed variation of lease to permit carpark, club, drink establishment, indoor entertainment facility, indoor recreation facility, public transport facility, restaurant, shop, public agency, business agency, community excluding childcare centre, hospital, place of worship and religious associated use provided that educational establishment excludes preschool, primary, high and secondary college. Application also proposes to remove the ‘no buildings’ clause from B16 S19 Phillip and the pedestrian plaza use. 7 Neptune Street (B1 S19) Phillip DA202138558 LEASE VARIATION. Proposed variation to consolidate Crown leases over B17 S19 Phillip & B1 S19 and B26, 40 & 41 S8 Phillip. Proposed variation of lease to include club, public agency and business agency, remove the ‘no building’ clause from B17 and the pedestrian plaza use. Block 1 Section 175 Phillip DA202138551 COMMERCIAL – ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS – LEASE VARIATION. Proposed refurbishment of an existing 24 storey building to include commercial use, residential and commercial accommodation, conversion of Levels 1 – 5 into a carpark with associated external ramps, new awning roof and associated works. Lease variation to add residential use, commercial accommodation use, community use, communications facility and indoor recreation facility (limited to basement, ground and mezzanine levels); remove floor level restriction of existing shop, storage, carparking, fixed mechanical plant, restaurant and drink establishment uses. 5 Keltie Street (B6 S8) Phillip DA202138551 COMMERCIAL – ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS – LEASE VARIATION. Proposed refurbishment of an existing 24 storey building to include commercial use, residential and commercial accommodation, conversion of Levels 1 – 5 into a carpark with associated external ramps, new awning roof and associated works. Lease variation to add residential use, commercial accommodation use, community use, communications facility and indoor recreation facility (limited to basement, ground and mezzanine levels); remove floor level restriction of existing shop, storage, carparking, fixed mechanical plant, restaurant and drink establishment uses.

Pre-DA Community Consultations Further information can be obtained from: https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/pre-da-consultations

Randwick Road (B9 S69) Lyneham 10 – 28 May 2021 Thoroughbred Park Proposed TP Variation.

76 Steve Irwin Avenue/69 John Gorton Drive 5 May – 2 June Block C, Block 1 Section 38 Wright (B1 S38) Wright 2021

In General NEW other • ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project. Upcoming workshops include Molonglo Valley District Planning Tuesday 1 June 2021 (6-9pm Evelyn Scott School, Denman Prospect); Inner South District Planning Thursday 3 June 2021 (6-9pm Eastlake Football Club, Griffith); Weston Creek news… District Planning Tuesday 8 June 2021 (6-9pm Weston Creek Labor Club, Stirling); Belconnen District Planning Thursday 10 June 2021 (6-9pm Belconnen Labor Club, Belconnen); Gungahlin District Planning Tuesday 15 June 2021 (6-9pm Eastlake Gungahlin, Gungahlin); Woden District Planning Thursday 17 June 2021 (6-9pm Southern Cross Club, Phillip); Tuggeranong District Planning Tuesday 22 June 2021 (6-9pm Southern Cross Club, Greenway) and Inner North District Planning Thursday 24 June 2021 (6-9pm Ainslie Football Club, Ainslie). Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/act-planning-system-review-and-reform • Environmental Referral – Future London Circuit Development Site. The City Renewal Authority is seeking environmental approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act for the future release and redevelopment of Section 63 City. The site has previously been identified as a habitat for the golden sun moth (a threatened species). Comments close Monday 21 June 2021. Further details and the preliminary assessment can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/EPBC-LCCT

• Australian Building Codes Board – Guide on Evidence of Experience for Building Surveyor Registration. In response to the Building Confidence Report - Recommendation 4 suggested action on career pathways for building surveyors. The ABCB has developed a discussion paper on evidence of experience for building surveyor registration for public consultation. Comments due 11:59pm Monday 19 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/evidence-of-experience-for-building-surveyor- rego/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=a87a1fc9b0- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-a87a1fc9b0-64539375

CONTINUING • Braddon Streetscape Upgrade. New streetscape design concepts for Lonsdale Street, Braddon have been released for public consultation. Comments due 5pm Wednesday 26 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/braddon-streetscape-upgrade

• ACT National Resource Management (NRM) Plan. The ACT NRM have released a discussion paper on how to protect natural resources over the next 20 years. Public comment is sought to guide the development of a new plan for managing the ACT’s natural resources. Comments close Friday 28 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/NRM-Plan

• Australian Building Codes Board – Draft National Product Assurance Framework. The ABCB has released a discussion paper in response to Recommendation 21 of the Building Confidence Report – Building Ministers agree a position on the establishment of a compulsory product certification system for high-risk building products. Comments close 11:59pm Sunday 6 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/draft-national-building-product-assurance- framewor/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=43f42578c9- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_03&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-43f42578c9-64539375

• Southern Memorial Park. Revised masterplan and stage one designs have been released for public consultation. Comments due Monday 7 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/SMP

• Draft Variation to Territory Plan DV381 – Local Centre Shop Size. DV381 proposes to increase the maximum GFA for shops in local centres from 1,000m² to 1,500m². Comments due COB Friday 25 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.legislation.act.gov.au/ni/2021-268/

• ACT 2021-22 Budget Consultation. The ACT Government are seeking input into shaping the priorities for the 2021-22 ACT Budget. Comments close Monday 28 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/2021-22-budget-consultation

• Australian Building Codes Board – National Construction Code. The ABCB is seeking feedback on Stage 1 of the NCC2022 public comment draft. The first stage of consultation seeks feedback on all proposed NCC amendments except energy efficiency and condensation proposals that arise from project work. Comments due 11:59pm Friday 2 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/ncc-2022- public-comment-draft/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=3b3c01aa47- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-3b3c01aa47-64539375

• ACT Parks and Reserves Visitor Survey. ACT Parks and Conservation Service are conducting a survey to understand who uses the reserves, forests and national parks, how they are used and how they can be improved. Survey closes Sunday 25 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/act-parks/act-parks-and-reserves-visitor-survey

• ACT Legislative Assembly o Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into Auditor-General Report: 1/2021 – Land Management Agreements. Submissions due 5pm Friday 28 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/pa/inquiry-into- auditor-general-report-12020#tab1755837-1id

o Planning, Transport and City Services Committee Inquiry into DV364 Gungahlin Town Centre. Submissions due COB Wednesday 30 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/ptcs/inquiry-into-draft- variation-364-gungahlin-town-centre#tab1745147-1id

NEW NCA • No new items

CONTINUING • Works Approval – Blocks 8 & 9 Section 33 Barton; Block 2 Section 34 Barton; Block 1 Section 35 Barton and Menindee Drive road reserve. Construction of a shared path, removal of 47 trees, landscaping works and lighting. Comments due COB Monday 7 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.nca.gov.au/consultation/blocks-8-9-section-33-barton-block-2-section-34-barton-block-1-section-35-barton-and

• Seaplanes on Lake Burley Griffin: A Discussion Paper. The NCA has released a discussion paper on the potential impacts of seaplane operations on Lake Burley Griffin. Comments due COB Tuesday 22 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.nca.gov.au/consultation/seaplanes-lake- burley-griffin-discussion-paper


Development Applications

New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://services.qprc.nsw.gov.au/T1PRProd/WebApps/eProperty/P1/PublicNotices/AllPublicNotices.aspx?r=P1.WEBGUEST&f=P1.ESB.PUBNOTAL.ENQ

1598 Old Road, DA.2021.1221 Subdivision – 6 lot Torrens Title subdivision. (Lots 1&2 DP613054, Lot 213 DP1134841, Comments due Monday 14 June 2021 Lots 227, 279-281 DP754912) 279 Road, Mulloon DA.2021.1224 Subdivision – 2 lot Torrens Title subdivision. (Lots 41-45, 83 & 91 DP754897, Lot 4 Comments due Wednesday 2 June 2021

DP1171425, Lot 1 DP1225093)

NEW • Draft Contributions Plan for Car Parking Facilities. QPRC has prepared a new development contributions plan to collect contributions

from developers for public off-street car parking facilities within Bungendore. Comments due 4:30pm Tuesday 15 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yourvoice.qprc.nsw.gov.au/draft-bungendore-contributions-plan-car-park

• Mount Jerrabomberra Plan of Management. A new Mount Jerrabomberra Plan of Management has been prepared. The draft plan of management

contains performance targets, actions for implementation and assessment measures that will be used by QPRC in the management of community land on Mount Jerrabomberra. Comments due Tuesday 15 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yourvoice.qprc.nsw.gov.au/mount- jerrabomberra-pom

• Botanic Gardens Concept Masterplan. QPRC is exploring the idea of creating a regional botanic garden on parkland along the Queanbeyan River, from

Morisset Street to the railway corridor. Comments due Thursday 17 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yourvoice.qprc.nsw.gov.au/botanic-gardens-masterplan


• Draft QPRC Waste Strategy. The current waste management within QPRC reflect pre-amalgamation arrangements. QPRC have released the draft waste strategy for public feedback. Comments due Thursday 3 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yourvoice.qprc.nsw.gov.au/draft-qprc- waste-strategy

• New Tariff Structure for Palerang Communities Water and Sewerage Schemes. QPRC has adopted the Palerang Communities Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan (IWCMP) in 2019 introducing new developer servicing charges from 2020 and scheduling a harmonised residential and business water and sewer charging structure from 2021 in conjunction with the Queanbeyan IWCMP. The fees recommended by Palerang IWCMP will be

progressively introduced for Bungendore, Braidwood and urban properties from 2021-22 to fund and improve potable water treatments, water extraction and sewage treatment. Comments due Monday 7 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yourvoice.qprc.nsw.gov.au/1new- tariff-structure-for-palerang-communities-water-and-sewerage-schemes

• Renew 2620. The Queanbeyan CBD Spatial Master Plan (2019) sets out to transform Queanbeyan’s CBD. An 8-stage program has been developed. The objectives of the project are to: o Improve accessibility and appeal of the CBD for residents and visitors o Make the CBD dynamic, smart, safe and connected

o Increase high value jobs

o Position the CBD as an attractive destination to do business o Increase private investment activity in commercial, residential and public amenity o Increase residential variety in the CBD Further details can be found at https://yourvoice.qprc.nsw.gov.au/renew2620

Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au/our-council/public-consultation/development-applications/

No new DAs

NEW • Draft Yass Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. YVC resolved at its April meeting for the Draft Yass floodplain risk management study and plan to undergo public consultation. Comments due 5pm Friday 25 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au/our- council/public-consultation/article/1179

• Addendum Reports to Yass Valley Villages Flood Studies. The addendum reports are available for public consultation. Comments due 5pm Friday 25 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au/our-council/public-consultation/article/1181

CONTINUING • Planning Proposal – Highway Service Centre, . Yass Valley Council are assessing a planning proposal (PP.2020.01) to amend the Yass Valley LEP 2013 to permit a highway service centre at the intersection of Barton Highway and Long Rail Gully Road (part Lot 12 DP1158637). The proposal is to amend Schedule 1 Additional permitted uses of the YVLEP to permit a highway service centre on land zoned RU1 Primary Production which is currently prohibited under the YVLEP. Comments close 5pm Monday 7 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au/our-council/public-consultation/article/1184

• Draft Plan of Management – Wee Jasper Memorial Hall & Tennis Courts. YVC has prepared the draft plan of management for the asset management of the Hall and Tennis Court situated on Crown Reserve 86113. Comments close 5pm Tuesday 8 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au/our-council/public-consultation/article/1165

Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/Development/Development-Applications-on-exhibition

97 Corriedale Drive, DA/0485/2021 Subdivision – 2 lot subdivision. (Lot 28 DP1271846) Comments due 5pm Tuesday 8 June 2021 24 Addison Street, Goulburn DA/0490/2021 Construction of two sets of 2 semi-attached dwellings (4 dwellings in total) (Lot 2 DP61148) and a strata subdivision. Comments due 5pm Tuesday 15 June 2021

NEW • No new items

CONTINUING • Adoption of Site Specific DCP Controls – 37 Ross & 23 Brewer Streets, Goulburn. The site-specific development control plan for 37 Ross and 23 Brewer Streets, Goulburn has been adopted and came into effect on Monday 10 May 2021. The adopted controls are intended to mitigate any future potential land use conflict, adequately plan for flood risk and consider any impacts on nearby state significant heritage. The DCP is on exhibition until Friday 11 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/Council/Public-Exhibition-Notices/New-pageAdoption-of-Site- Specific-DCP-Controls-37-Ross-23-Brewer-Streets

• New Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan. The Goulburn Mulwaree local infrastructure contributions plan 2021 has been adopted and will come into effect on Tuesday 1 June 2021. The contributions plan 2021 repeals both the Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Contributions Plan 2009 and the Goulburn Mulwaree 94A Levy Contributions Plan 2009. The New Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 is on exhibition until Friday 18 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/Council/Adoption-and-Commencement-of-Goulburn-Mulwaree-Local- Infrastructure-Contributions-Plan-2021

SLA & Suburban Land Agency & City Renewal Authority – Commercial, Industrial and Multi Unit Sales • Hume – New West Industry Park CRA Four IZ1 industrial use sites. Auction 11am Wednesday 2 June 2021 https://suburbanland.act.gov.au/news/mixed-use-development-opportunities-in- Commercial the-gungahlin-town-centre/867 Industrial & • Block 68 Section 22; site area 13,660m². Multi-Unit • Block 83 Section 22; site area 6,974m². • Block 105 Section 22; site area 6,656m². • Block 106 Section 22; site area 11,626m². SLA & Suburban Land Agency & City Renewal Authority – Residential Sales • Whitlam – New blocks available. Ranging in size from 330m² to 792m². Block list available at https://suburbanland.act.gov.au/whitlam CRA Residential Social - Events - For more events go to www.events.act.gov.au or www.visitcanberra.com.au & Due to current advice on public gatherings, please contact the host of these events to confirm they are proceeding as planned.

Events Sri Lanka Open Day 28 May 2021

https://events.canberra.com.au/whats-on/606be0e43d42fdee57f59191/sri-lanka-open-day SriLanka Dhamma Vihara Ground

Whisky Wanderers Pialligo Estate https://www.thepialligoestate.com.au/whisky-wanderers High Jinks – Interactive Cocktail Class 29 May 2021

https://highjinks.bar/ High Jinks Bar

Seasonal Live Music at Regatta Point Regatta Point https://visitcanberra.com.au/canberra-and-region-visitors-centre Reconciliation Day 31 May 2021 https://events.canberra.com.au/reconciliation-day National Arboretum Canberra 2021 Reconciliation Walk 1 June 2021 https://www.qprc.nsw.gov.au/Events/Reconciliation-Walk Trinculo Place, Queanbeyan Dickson Sounds in the Village Until end of June 2021 https://events.canberra.com.au/whats-on/6021d98f010c839c6bb7634b/dickson-sounds-in- Dickson the-village

Lunchbox Acoustic Civic and Braddon https://www.act.gov.au/cityrenewal/whats-on/lunchbox-acoustics

Should you have any queries regarding the above please feel free to contact our office on 02 6230 7855 or via email below: • Sales & Leasing Dan McGrath [email protected] https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mcgrath-38807939/ www.knightfrank.com.au/contact/canberra • Valuations Greg Cummins [email protected] https://www.linkedin.com/company/knight-frank-valuation-advisory-canberra/ https://www.knightfrank.com.au/contact/canberra

• Planning Josh O’Connor [email protected] https://www.linkedin.com/company/knight-frank-town-planning-canberra/ www.knightfranktownplanning.com.au

Please note that all information contained within this email has been obtained from public websites and is a general reference source. No responsibility is accepted by Knight Frank Town Planning on the accuracy of any information contained herein or for any reliance placed on the information contained herein.

If you do not wish to receive this planning update, please notify us by return email.