Ressort: Special interest Boll is back

Tel Aviv, 20.12.2020 [ENA]

The German cult director, Uwe Boll, announced his comeback. Some called him the worst director ever, while others consider him as an exceptional artist and a misunderstood genius. The fact is: Uwe Boll is Germany's most important director. His new film project is called “Germany in Winter” – a sinister foresight of a time after the Merkel-era, when autocrats once again rule Germany.

In twenty years he shot more than 32 films with such stars as Ben Kingsley, or Christian Slater. Uwe Boll approached difficult topics such as the genocide in Darfur, the Vietnam War in "Tunnelrats", terrorism in "Rampage" and „Auschwitz“. In September 2010 „Darfur“ won both the „New York International Independent Film“ and Video Festival prize for the best international film.

For some time it went quiet around Dr. Uwe Boll (He is one of only a few directors in film history who is in possession of a Ph.D.) Since 2016 Uwe Boll worked as a restaurateur. In he opened a restaurant called "Bauhaus" and he received good reviews. Now Dr. Uwe Boll is back - not only back in Germany, but also planning a comeback as a filmmaker. “Germany in Winter” is the name of his new film project which takes place in a time after the Merkel era. It shows a world in which good does not prevail, but one in which right-wing extremists, racists and conspiracy theorists gain the upper hand.

Now Dr. Uwe Boll is back - not only back in Germany, but also planning a comeback as a filmmaker. “Germany in Winter” is the name of his new film project which takes place in a time after the Merkel era. It shows a world in which good does not prevail, but one in which right-wing extremists, racists and conspiracy theorists gain the upper hand. The title refers to “Germany in Autumn” from 1977, the feature film-documentary mix by Herzog, Schlöndorff, Fassbinder, Kluge and others, and it shows that Autumn of the RAF terror and the dark side of the government at the time.

More than 40 years later there is a different scenario: Through global warming and the migration associated with it, the threat against the democracy originates from right-wing movements and groups. Now, during a time torn by the Covid pandemic dangerous idiocy spreads many times faster than the virus itself. Covid-19 became a breeding ground for extremists of all kind. The pandemic turns self-proclaimed experts into virologists and ensures a density of prophets not even found in the Bible. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Redaktioneller Programmdienst: Haftungsausschluss: European News Agency Der Herausgeber übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit der veröffentlichten Meldung, sondern Annette-Kolb-Str. 16 stellt lediglich den Speicherplatz für die Bereitstellung und D-85055 Ingolstadt den Zugriff auf Inhalte Dritter zur Verfügung. Für den Inhalt Telefon: +49 (0) 841-951. 99.660 der Meldung ist der allein jeweilige Autor verantwortlich. Telefax: +49 (0) 841-951. 99.661 Email: [email protected] Internet: - Seite 1 von 2 - And what is his concern? “It is extremely important to warn about the dangers of a totalitarian system; I'll show what can happen when radicals and conspiracy theorists gain the upper hand and they win elections. That won't be in 2021, but at the next election in five years from now... everything is possible, depending also on the situation in Europe and worldwide." he says.

I asked him with which international star he would like to work? Who are the Israeli actors he would pick? And would he come to make a movie in Israel? "Diljit Dosanjh is a rising star in Bollywood. He would be my choice as international actor," he says. "Milli Avital is good in everything she is doing and of course Gal Gadot! She is now a star and has a good sense of humour. For a male I would pick Zachi Noy, because he is a legend. And yes, I would love to make a movie in Israel. If the financing is there - I would come. I know the food is very good in Israel. And I’m a big fan of FAUDA …the series from NETFLIX."

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Redaktion und Verantwortlichkeit: V.i.S.d.P. und gem. § 6 MDStV: Sharon Oppenheimer

Redaktioneller Programmdienst: Haftungsausschluss: European News Agency Der Herausgeber übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit der veröffentlichten Meldung, sondern Annette-Kolb-Str. 16 stellt lediglich den Speicherplatz für die Bereitstellung und D-85055 Ingolstadt den Zugriff auf Inhalte Dritter zur Verfügung. Für den Inhalt Telefon: +49 (0) 841-951. 99.660 der Meldung ist der allein jeweilige Autor verantwortlich. Telefax: +49 (0) 841-951. 99.661 Email: [email protected] Internet: - Seite 2 von 2 -