Web Design II

IMED 2315 Number

2 - 4 - 3 Lecture - Lab - Credit

NONE Prerequisite

This syllabus has been reviewed and is current on the date indicated.

Prepared By Date

Patty Odom 08/01/2016

Reviewed By

Christina Hollis 08/08/2016 Division Director

Dub Wellborn 08/01/2016 Department Chair

I. Instructor Information

Name: Patty Odom Phone: 325.734.3652 IMED 2315 II Course Syllabus 2

Campus Office: Abilene Rm 408 email: [email protected] yahoo IM: patty.odom

Office Hours: M-F 2-3m Advisement Hours: M-F 2-3pm or by appointment Division Director: Christina Hollis Director email: [email protected] Department Chair: Dub Wellborn Chair email: [email protected]

II. Class Times, Location This class is a Hybrid class. The class meets on Thursday from 8:00am to 10:00am in Room 201.

III. Program Outcomes A. Students will demonstrate proficiency in developing web page designs using industry standard tools and software. B. Students will demonstrate the understanding of website layout concepts and design principles to compose websites, as well as how to launch and troubleshoot web pages.

IV. Course Description & Introduction A study of mark-up language and advanced layout techniques for creating web pages. on identifying the target audience and producing web sites, according to accessibility standards, cultural appearance, and legal issues.

V. Learning Outcomes A. Demonstrate the use of World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) standards for style, accessibility, layout, and formatting. B. Build web pages with dynamic customization capabilities C. Develop web sites designed for usability and cultural diversity D. Utilize design strategies to increase the success of locating the site via search engines.

VI. Assessment Methods & Grading Policy Grade Percent Description Grade Points A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4 B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3 C 70-79 Minimum Required Performance Level 2 D 60-69 Below Required Performance Level 1 F Below 60 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0 IP -- In Progress W -- Withdrawal 0 CR -- Credit 0 AUD -- Audit of Course 0 See College Catalog for complete descriptions. For this class the following are the percentages for the assignments: 40%--Research, Quizzes and Discussion Forums

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VII. Textbook/Reference Materials No Textbook requirement

VIII. Additional Resources & Supplies Laptop Requirements ● Internet access required. ● Students must have a laptop. Software Requirements ● Must Have Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Muse loaded on computers.

IX. Class Participation Policy & Student Conduct (pg. 71-Student Handbook located at ) ● All hybrid students are required to attend the face-to-face portion of the class. Online students will complete the course online. ● If a class is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to see about what was covered during that class-time. ● All assignments will have a fixed due date. Students will be expected to submit all portions of each assignment on time. ● Responsibility for dropping a course lies solely with the student. ● Every student will behave in ways that promote a learning atmosphere. Class discussions will follow professional etiquette and be respectful of the rights of others. Students are to conduct themselves professionally and create a safe learning environment that is free from violence, intimidation, and harassment

Email & Voicemail Expectations ● Students are expected to check their TSTC email account on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of class related communications. Checking e-mail on a daily basis is recommended. - Students are expected to check the Spam folder periodically to determine if any misclassified messages are located there. Important messages may sometimes be located in the Spam folder if the e-mail system misclassified the message. - Greet Politely: Launching straight into the message is bad, students need to place the course name and number in the subject line. Also sign your email with your full name or have a signature. - Capitalize and Punctuate: DO NOT USE TEXT TALK IN EMAIL. - Be clear and concise: Write short messages, make clear request, get to your rapidly and offer to provide more information rather than launching into your life story. Say what you need in 2 to 4 sentences and ideally ask for simple answers or provide a number we can contact you to explain.

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- Don’t ask for information before you read your chapters and all the course material for the week. - Your email will be responded to within 24 hours. For weekends or holidays expect your email to be returned on the first full day of work. • Students are required to follow these guidelines when leaving a voicemail or text message for a faculty member. - Greet Politely: Students need to state their full name and course name before stating their request. - Be clear about your point. Say what you need to say in 2 to 4 sentences and whether you expect a phone call back (leave your number) or if the instructor can send you a text or email response. - Your voicemail or text message will be responded to within 24 hours. For weekends or holidays expect your voicemail or text to be returned on the first full day of work.

Late Work While the online learning environment is designed to be flexible and convenient, you must give special attention to the schedule of assignments. You should pay special note to the following policies.

● Late work is not accepted in the Digital Media Program and this Course. When an assignment is due on a particular date, all work pertaining to that assignment must be completed and submitted to the facilitator in accordance with the instructions for that assignment. Students that have an extenuating circumstance will need to speak to the instructor and discuss the possibility of extended time on a project. ● At the end of the semester each Digital Media instructor will drop the lowest grade for the course. This does not include the Show/No Show assignment and the final project. ● Team activities such as discussion boards and other assignments require diligence on your part. Your colleagues are depending on you to post on time so they can complete their assignments. Pay particular attention to the instructions for team activities. Late posts to the discussion board or failure to participate in a timely manner will result in a reduction of points to the course participation grade. Further, you may receive a reduction of points as a result of evaluations made by your classmates resulting from your failure to participate in group assignments in a timely manner.

Incomplete Policy TSTC's online policy states that all required work for an online course must be completed within the time framework established by that particular course's assignment calendar. Neither the facilitator nor the lead teacher is allowed to enter a grade of "Incomplete" for any student. No grade of Incomplete will be given as a final course grade. A student will receive the grade earned at the conclusion of the course. In extreme circumstances, please see your instructor for further assistance.

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Academic Integrity Violations of academic integrity and other forms of cheating, as defined in Texas State Technical College's academic integrity policy, involve the intention to deceive or mislead or misrepresent, and therefore are a form of lying and represent actions contrary to the behavioral norms. Violations will be addressed as described in the policy. Every member of the faculty, staff and student body is responsible for protecting the integrity of learning, scholarship and research.

XI. Safety ● Campus building occupants are required to evacuate buildings when a fire alarm activates. Alarm activation or announcement requires exiting and assembling outside. ● Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy while receiving instructions. The nearest exit door may not be the door you used when entering the building. ● Students requiring evacuation assistance should inform the instructor during the first week of class. ● In the event of evacuation, follow the faculty or class instructor’s instructions. ● Do Not re-enter a building unless given instructions by the Fire Department, Campus/Local Police, or Fire Prevention Services. XII. Special Needs If you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please contact the ADA Coordinator, so that appropriate arrangements for your accommodations can be made. The counselor on your campus can assist you in this process. In accordance with the federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to the ADA Coordinator. For more information call (325) 236-8292 or email [email protected] .

Once you and a D/DSS representative have signed a Letter of Special Accommodations, take the accommodations letter to each class for which an accommodation has been determined. Meet individually with each class instructor to discuss accommodations letter. Have the instructor sign and keep a copy of the letter. Take the original letter, signed by the instructor, back to D/DSS so they are aware that the instructor has been officially informed of the need for accommodations.

XIII. Course Schedule

Unit Project Show/ Show/No Show Assignment (This grade will not be dropped No Show at the end of the semester. 1. Find one website that you like the design and how it works. (this part is worth 20 points) 2. Find another website that you don't like the design and how it works. (this part is worth 20 points) 3. Critique both sites. Type at least 150 words for each site. Use the critique guidelines provided. (each critique 15 points)

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4. Ten Points will be deducted if proper grammar, spelling, , etc. is not used. This is not text messaging. 5. Click on the link "Sh/NoSh Discussion Forum" and type your response there. 6. Next, reply to at least one other student. Tell them if you agree or disagree with their critique of the 2 website. Type at least 100 words for your reply. (this part is worth 20 points) Show/NoShow Assignment worth 100pts. Unit 1 Unit 1 Part 1 Research U1 Part 1: Research ( This is a good place to start. Each response for 1-4 is worth 25 points 1. What is the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3)? 2. What type of information can you find on their web site? 3. Write a summary of the history of the Internet (minimum 200 words. 4. Cite your sources. A web address will work. 5. Click on the link “Submit U1P1 Here” and type your answers there.

Unit 1 part 1 is worth 100 points Unit 1 Part 2: Introduction to Adobe Muse 1. Go to and search for "Muse Essential Training (2015)". 2. Complete the exercises. 3. Next, on search for "Muse Essential Training". You do not have to watch all of the videos. Just watch the following: #'s 9, 10, 13 & 14. You can however watch as many as you would like. Most of the other information is covered in the other videos. You will not have any files to submit for this part. You will however use these in up coming units. 3. Place the completed exercises for #1 in a folder. Name the folder lastnamefirstinitial_u1p2. 4. Submit the folder on Google Drive in the Unit 1 folder. Unit 1 Part 2 is worth 100pts. Unit 2 Unit 2 Part 1: Research Unit 2 Part 1: Research

--Usability and Target Audience 1. Define Web Usability. (this part is worth 15 points) 2. Explain why Web Usability is important to good web design.

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(this part is worth 30 points) 3. Read the article at your-online-target-audience-and-sell-more/ . Summarize, in your own words, what you learned about how to identify an online target audience. Type at least 200 words for #3. (this part is worth 35 points) 4. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. (this part with worth 20 points) 5. Create a Google Doc in the Unit 2 folder on Google Drive and type your information there.

This part is worth 100 points.

--Research Lawn & Garden Websites 1. Research Lawn and Garden websites on the Internet. 2. In a Google doc provide the information you find about Lawn and Garden websites, such as what colors did they use, who is their target audience, what type of images did they use. Did they use slide shows? What type of navigation did they use? If you fi nd a site that you like the design, you can use it as a template to build your site. (this part is worth 25 points) 3. Next, list the for headings, sub-headings, and body copy you will use on your site. (this part is worth 15 points) 4. List colors and what type of images you will use. (this part is worth 30 points) 5. What type of navigation will you use, such as horizontal or vertical? Will you use buttons or just text for your navigation? (this part is worth 30 points) 6. Place all of your research the same Google Doc you created for the above research and include it in the Unit 2 folder on Google Drive.

This part is worth 100 points. Unit 2 Part 2: Research, Design & Launch Unit 2 Part 2: Project Lawn & Garden Website 1. You will create a website for a Lawn and Garden company in Muse. Design a logo for the company. You may need to use Photoshop to size some of your images, then bring them into Muse. (this part is worth 15 points) 2. You will include the following: 4 pages, navigation, text and at least 10 images total throughout the site. (this part is worth 30 points) 3. You will be graded on the quality of your design work. Think about what annoys you when you visit a website. You want to

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make sure the viewer can: navigate the site easily, read the text, get the information they need to answer any questions they may have about the business. Make sure your color choices and choices make sense. Also, make sure all of the images you use are good quality, in other words not pixelated. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Once you have completed the website, click on publish and select “Export as HTML”. Make sure you have created a root folder to export the site to. (this part is worth 20 points) 5. Watch the video on how to set up your account with the web hosting site. Upload your site (this will include all of the files Muse created in your root folder). Post your URL on the Google Doc in the unit folder. Also upload your root folder to Google Drive. (this part is worth 10 points) Unit 2 Part 2 is worth100 points

Unit 2 Discussion Forum 1. Click on the link "Unit 2 Discussion Forum". 2. Post the URL to your website in the forum. 3. Give some information about your site, such as why you choose the colors, fonts, and images for the site. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Reply to at least one other student's post. Use the Critique guidelines to critique their site design. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Do you agree with their choices? If not, what would you changes. (this part is worth 25 points) 6. Type at least 100 words for the critique. (this part is worth 25 points) Unit 2 Discussion Forum is worth 100 points. Unit 3 Unit 3 Part 1: Research Unit 3 Part 1: --Research Each part is worth 10 points 1. What does URL, HTML, CSS, and js stand for? 2. What is metadata? 3. What is a browser? 4. What is DNS? 5. What is Fixed Width Layout? 6. What is Hexadecimal? 7. What is Hyperlink? 8. What is Responsive Web Design?

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9. What is flat design? 10. Cite your sources. A web address will be fine.

This part is worth 100pts --Website Research 1. Decide on a non-profit that you can design a website for. Research non-profit websites on the Internet. 2. In the previous Google doc provide the information you find, such as what colors did they use, who is their target audience, what type of images did they use. Did they use slide shows? What type of navigation did they use? If you find a site that you l ike the design, you can use it as a template to build your site. Place all of your research the Google Doc in the Unit 3 folder on Google Drive. (this part is worth 25 points) 3. Next, list the fonts for headings, sub-headings, and body copy you will use on your site. (this part is worth 15 points) 4. List colors and what type of images you will use. (this part is worth 30 points) 5. What type of navigation will you use, such as horizontal or vertical? Will you use buttons or just text for your navigation? (this part is worth 30 points) 6. Place all of your research in the same Google Doc you created for the above research and include it in the Unit 3 folder on Google Drive. This part is worth 100pts Unit 3 Part 2: Research, Design & Launch Unit 3 Part 2: Designing website Non-Profit Website 1. You will create a website in Muse for the non-profit you have chosen. You can design a new logo for the company or use the one they have. (this part is worth 15 points) 2. You will include the following: 4 pages, navigation, a slideshow, text (write copy for the site. Do not use greeking), and at least 10 images total throughout the site(some of these images can be used in the slide show). (this part is worth 30 points) 3. You will be graded on the quality of your design work. Think about what annoys you when you visit a website. You want to make sure the viewer can: navigate the site easily, read the text, get the information they need to answer any questions they may have about the business. Make sure your color choices and font choices make sense. Also, make sure all of the images you use are good quality, in other words not pixelated. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Once you have completed the website, click on publish and

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select “Export as HTML”. Make sure you have created a root folder to export the site to. (this part is worth 20 points) 5. Watch the video on how to upload your second website on the web hosting site. Upload your site (this will include all of the files Muse created in your root folder). 6. Post your URL on the Google Doc in the unit folder. Also upload your root folder to Google Drive. (this part is worth 10 points)

Unit 3 Part 2 is worth100 points

Unit 3 Discussion Forum 1. Click on the link "Unit 3 Discussion Forum". 2. Post the URL to your website in the forum. 3. Give some information about your site, such as why you choose the colors, fonts, and images for the site. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Reply to at least one other student's post. Use the Critique guidelines to critique their site design. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Do you agree with their choices? If not, what would you changes. (this part is worth 25 points) 6. Type at least 100 words for the critique. (this part is worth 25 points) Unit 3 Discussion Forum is worth 100 points. Unit 4 Unit 4 Part 1: Research Unit 4 Part 1:

--Research 1. Research Web Site Design Trends for 2015 and 2016. 2. Write at least 250 words summarizing the information you find.(this part is worth 75 points) 3. Cite your sources (a web address will be fine). (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Click on the “Submit U4P1 Here” and type your research there.

This part is worth 100pts. --Website Research 1. You will design a website for an Interior Decorator. Research interior decorator websites on the Internet. 2. In the previous Google doc provide the information you find,

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such as what colors did they use, who is their target audience, what type of images did they use. Did they use slide shows? What type of navigati on did they use? If you find a site that you like the design, you can use it as a template to build your site. Place all of your research in a Google Doc and include it in the Unit 4 folder on Google Drive. (this part is worth 25 points) 3. Next, list the fonts for headings, sub-headings, and body copy will use for your site. (this part is worth 15 points) 4. List colors and what type of images you will use. (this part is worth 30 points) 5. What type of navigation will you use, such as horizontal or vertical? Will you use buttons or just text for your navigation? (this part is worth 30 points) 6. Place all of your research in the same Google doc you created for the above research and include it in the Unit 4 folder on google Drive. This part is worth 100pts. Unit 4 Unit 4 Part 2: Research, Design & Launch Unit 4 Part 2: Designing website Interior Decorator Website 1. You will create a website in Muse. You will design a logo for the company. (this part is worth 15 points) 2. You will include the following: 4 pages, navigation, a slideshow, text (write copy for the site. Do not use greeking), and at least 10 images total throughout the site(some of these images can be used in the slide show). (this part is worth 30 points) 3. You will be graded on the quality of your design work. Think about what annoys you when you visit a website. You want to make sure the viewer can: navigate the site easily, read the text, get the information they need to answer any questions they may have about the business. Make sure your color choices and font choices make sense. Also, make sure all of the images you use are good quality, in other words not pixelated. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Once you have completed the website, click on publish and select “Export as HTML”. Make sure you have created a root folder to export the site to. (this part is worth 20 points) 5. Watch the video on how to set up your account with the web hosting site. Upload your site (this will include all of the files Muse created in your root folder). Post your URL on the Google Doc in the unit folder. Also upload your root folder to Google Drive. (this part is worth 10 points)

Unit 4 Part 2 is worth 100 point Unit 4 Discussion Forum

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1. Click on the link "Unit 4 Discussion Forum". 2. Post the URL to your website in the forum. 3. Give some information about your site, such as why you choose the colors, fonts, and images for the site. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Reply to at least one other student's post. Use the Critique guidelines to critique their site design. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Do you agree with their choices? If not, what would you changes. (this part is worth 25 points) 6. Type at least 100 words for the critique. (this part is worth 25 points) Unit 4 Discussion Forum is worth 100 points. Unit 5 Unit 5 Part 1: Research Unit 5 Part 1: Research 1. Research Real Estate company websites on the Internet. 2. Include any ideas you get from your research. (this part is worth 25 points) 3. Give examples of the fonts for the headings, sub-headings and body text, colors, images that you will use for the site. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Include any other information you find on what is already on the Internet. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Cite all of your sources. (this part is worth 25 points) 6. Go to Google Drive and create a new Google Doc in the Unit 5 folder. Type your research there.

U5P1 is worth 100pts.

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Unit 5 Part 2: Research, Design & Launch Unit 5 Part 2: Designing website Real Estate Co. Website 1. You will design a website for a Real Estate Company. Research real estate company websites on the Internet. In a Google doc provide the information you find, such as what colors did they use, who is their target audience, what type of images did they use. Did they use slide shows? What type of navigation did they use? If you find a site that you like the design, you can use it as a template to build your site. Place all of your research in a Google Doc and include it i n the Unit 5 folder on Google Drive. (this part is worth 15 points) 2. Once you complete your research, you will create a website in Muse for the real estate company. You will design a logo for the company. (this part is worth 15 points) 3. You will include the following: 4 pages, navigation, a slideshow, embed a google map, text (write copy for the site. Do not use greeking), and at least 10 images total throughout the site (some of these images can be used in the slide show). (this part is worth 20 points) 4. You will be graded on the quality of your design work. Think about what annoys you when you visit a website. You want to make sure the viewer can: navigate the site easily, read the text, get the information they need to answer any questions they may have about the business. Make sure your color choices and font choices make sense. Also, make sure all of the images you use are good quality, in other words not pixelated. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Once you have completed the website, click on publish and select “Export as HTML”. Make sure you have created a root folder to export the site to. (this part is worth 10 points) 6. Watch the video on how to set up your account with the web hosting site. Upload your site (this will include all of the files Muse created in your root folder). Post your URL on the Google Doc in the unit folder. Also upload your root folder to Google Drive. (this part is worth 15 points)

Unit 5 Part 2 is worth100 points.

Unit 5 Discussion Forum 1. Click on the link "Unit 5 Discussion Forum". 2. Post the URL to your website in the forum. 3. Give some information about your site, such as why you choose the colors, fonts, and images for the site. (this part is

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worth 25 points) 4. Reply to at least one other student's post. Use the Critique guidelines to critique their site design. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Do you agree with their choices? If not, what would you changes. (this part is worth 25 points) 6. Type at least 100 words for the critique. (this part is worth 25 points) Unit 5 Discussion Forum is worth 100 points. Unit 6

Unit 6: Design the Website Unit 6 Part 1: Research 1. You choose a company for the website design.(this part is worth 20 points) 2. Research other websites to see what is already out there. Include any ideas you get from your research. (this part is worth 20 points) 3. Give examples of the fonts for the headings, sub-headings and body text, colors, images that you will use for the site. (this part is worth 20 points) 4. Include any other information you find on what is already on the Internet. (this part is worth 20 points) 5. Cite your sources. (this part is worth 20 points) 6. Submit your research on Google Drive in the Unit 6 folder. U6P1 is worth 100pts.

Unit 6 Part 2: Designing and Launching a Website 1. For Unit 6 once you have completed your research, you will design the website. 2. Choose a name for the company and design a simple logo. (this part is worth 20 points) 3. You will include 4 pages, navigation, text on all pages, and at least 10 images total throughout the site. Include some of the images in a slideshow. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. You will be graded on the quality of your design work. Think about what annoys you when you visit a website. You want to make sure the viewer can: navigate the site easily, read the text, get the information they need to answer any questions they may have about the business. Make sure your color choices and font choices make sense. Also, make sure all of the images you use are good quality, in other words not pixelated. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Once you have completed the website, click on publish and

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select “Export as HTML”. Make sure you have created a root folder to export the site to. (this part is worth 15 points) 6. Watch the video on how to set up your account with the web hosting site. Upload your site (this will include all of the files Muse created in your root folder). Post your URL on the Google doc in the unit folder. also upload your root folder to Google Drive. (this part is worth 15 points) U6P2 is worth 100pts.

Unit 6 Discussion Forum 1. Click on the link "Unit 6 Discussion Forum". 2. Post the URL to your website in the forum. 3. Give some information about your site, such as why you choose the colors, fonts, and images for the site. (this part is worth 25 points) 4. Reply to at least one other student's post. Use the Critique guidelines to critique their site design. (this part is worth 25 points) 5. Do you agree with their choices? If not, what would you changes. (this part is worth 25 points) 6. Type at least 100 words for the critique. (this part is worth 25 points) Unit 6 Discussion Forum is worth 100 points. Unit 7: Course Reflection Unit 7: Course Reflection 1. Click on the Link "Submit Reflection Here" and type your response there. 2. Include, in detail, in your reflection what you have learned in this class about web design. 3. Also include any problems you may have had, and how you solved them. 4. If you could change anything about the class, what would that be?

Unit 7 Reflection is worth 100pts.

The instructor can change the information in this syllabus as necessary to provide the best education possible for all students at any time during the semester. Skill competency levels can vary for individual students. You can expect to acquire these abilities only if you honor all course policies, attend classes regularly, complete all assigned work in good faith and on time, and meet all other course expectations of you as a student.

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XIV. Instructor CV – Patty Odom

Education Name of Institution Degree Earned Date Earned Lamar University, Beaumont, TX Master of Education-Educational Technology Leadership August 2011 American Intercontinental University Bachelor of Fine Art-Visual Communication July 2006 Texas State Technical College West Texas Associate of Applied Science-Digital Imaging & Design August 2004

Certifications Date Expires Name of Certification Date Earned

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Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) in Adobe Photoshop 04/21/2014

Industry, Teaching or Training, and Other Experience Relevant To Course Date Ended Description of Experience Related To Course Date Began Texas State Technical College West Texas--Instructor-Digital Imaging & Design, Digital Signage Current position Technology, Digital Media, Software Business Publishing. Courses taught include web design, print design, 2005 photography, Adobe Software, Flash and multimedia design, portfolio design. Online, Hybrid, Face-Face classroom experience. Cisco College Abilene Campus—Fine Arts Department—Courses taught include web design and Spring 2010 photography Contract Work: Websites, print materials, and photography 2003-present Self-employed: Treasured Memories—Taught painting classes, created designs for painting, designed and 2000 built furniture. Sold wholesale and retail. 1980 Patty’s Place Clothing Store—Store Manager. Created advertising and other marketing materials 1980 1978 Memberships Phi Theta Kappa Present 2004 Who’s Who of 2-Year Colleges 2004 Awards Silver Addy-Huffaker Taxidermy Website 2003 Silver Addy-Lady Bug Note Cards 2005 Gold Addy-Wildflower Calendar 2005

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Student Acknowledgement:

This is to acknowledge that I have received a copy of the syllabus for the course IMED 1316 . I understand that it is my responsibility to read and understand the syllabus and to abide by the guidelines presented therein.


Student Printed Name Signature
