The. Glenville Mercury Homecoming Plans Readied
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The. GlenVille Mercury Wednesday, October 5, 1955 oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Homecoming Plans Readied Nine Faculty Colorful Event Members Are Brings Alumni To Alma Mater Added To Stafl Festivities Include Game, Glenville State college has added Parade, Meetings, D-.mcc; to its faculty this year nine profes Coronation Is Highlight aors, four or whom are alwnni or tb1s institution. By CONNIE St\ i\I S "nlese new professors and the "I Love a Parade., is being tlt}ds they are teaching are: Prof. all over campus and ,lasephine Fidler. assistant librarian this week as the spirit IDd library science; Prof. Frieda State college'a Eube, dietitian and home economics; annual Homecoming: Prof. Virginia West, English and Journalism; PJ;of. Leland E. Byrd, re,igns supreme in the minds physical education and basketball llliiiill!of the townsfolk as well as in - ; Prof. William S. E. Coleman, the minds of the college stu- tpeeeh and dramatics; Prof. Henry l dents. J. Pasthoff. m usic; Prof. Jerry W . According oo oUicials who have Hodges, English; Prof. George How- been mapping p lans for the high ... ani. education; and Prof. John V. iN,ght soc1al g,nd' aLhletic event of 'White. mathematics. t.he Fall season, this year's home .. Miss Fidler Joins FacuJty conung activities will feature 60 A native of Gilmer county, Prof. l.lnits in the parade, and sLx high- Josephine Fidler is a.n a.lumna ot school and junior high school Glenville S tate. Holding the posi- ,bands. tion ot assista.nt librarian and 1n- Followmg the homecoming pa· ltructor of a library science class, trade, cor;>nation ceremonies will .lf'le received her A.B. degree from serve as a fitting prologue to the bere in 1954, and she has done 22nd p.nnual homecoming football ~T&duate study at Indiana univer- contest between Glenville State lity. college P ioneers and Concord col- =fn:r~e~e~~:;; 0:.0~~;~ ~~: Queen Susan and her court pictured above will reign as royalty on Homecoming, Saturday. These lflvcly lege Mountam Lton~e nomics instructor. She received her ladies are, left to r•ght: ~ ·s Fisher, senior; Elda Utter back, Juruor; Queen Susan Arnold; Barbara. Royce, fo~adm ~~~~n t mot the P~~~h w~~ B.s. degree from The Stout Insti- iOphomore; and Pat \Vhlte, freshman. College street with the rest. of the tute in 1943 and in 1955 an M S umts joining t.he parade a t. the ::=~~~~:::GE~~~~~ Queen Susan Arnold Reigns ~~::~~~; ::::ra::Z :~~~Vi::nth:i;e::: end ot lng as adviser for the Mercury and d H . E For Upperclassmen Harold "Wild K iLty" Wilson, ;..':"st =:d ~~.c!:;.: ~~ At 22n omecomtng Each year the upperclassmen see ::~~~. ~r~~r~~:n ~~~~~·str~~ Glenville State 1n 1941, and M.A. it that the ..freshmen have an where it will turn righ t a nd d isband from West Vrrginia University in S usan Arnold of GienvHle was to exercise t.heir ''hid- (Cont inued on page 4) 1950. She has done graduate work at -elected Homecoming Queen XVl, Tomorrow a t 10:10 tContinued on page 2) and John Lazear of SistersVme wa.s th e da.te tor this freshman will consist of en- Lyceum Card Bart, James by va rious m embers M lS! Arnold, a. d aughter oi Mr. freshman class. Pat staTkey o • s t anJ ~ Simon Arnold is a busi Sing an Original SOng and giVe pentng e ness ma jor. She is a member of IDOllOlogue. Edit Mercury Kappll Chi Kappn sorority, and a. Kenneth P ost and Herman Book- :Doraine, Ellis to Present Ionner president of that orgt~.ruza- will present n umbers on Ule Colorful Show Tomorrow Virginia West Takes tion. · A qua.rtet.te, Orton's Four, Helm of College Paper Lazear, a veteran, is a physical provide musical numbers, and A ::.erie~ of five programs scpcd- education major. He 1S a ltader of the group. Orton uled by the GJenville S tate college Yvonne Hart a nd Shirley J a mes of Kappa S igma Kapp a. fraternity , wBl play his "Sweet Potato." lyceum committee will be initiated !have ~en named co-editors of the and commander of the Veteran's will be given by ton1orrow n ight at 8:15 in the audt Meroury sta.ft for the present club. Mccarty and Harr)• Siers. tortum when Doraine anrl Ellis demic yeu , according to M LS3 Vir- Classes elect Princesses attractions on the prOorrrnm present their repertoire of oostnrned ginia West, new s taff adviser. Pnnce,ses from each class have be Oscar .Anderson and Ws d\!et.s of !a.nous musical comedies A sem:>r majoring in English and been chaaen by tndlv1duaJ class it~·v smlle: Garrett, Pat and light operas, Lyceum Chairman 1 speech. Miss James is a graduat.e e lectlCJns. Th~e selec~ were Lots. and Trent Bush. Carl Kerr h a!:. announced. of Gassaway h igh school and is Fisher. senior; Elda Utterback, Following this, the ROTC Glee .starting her ,second year with the JUnior: Barbara Royce, sophomore; cluO of West Virginia State college college paper. She is also preslder.t and P a t Wh1te, freshm an. will give a concert here on Nov. 15. of Alpha Psi Omega honoraey A-Uss Fisher, daughter or This organi7.ation has won wide drama tic rratermty, v1ce president tContlinued on page 2> for the fine qualJLy of its of the Ohnirngohow P layer5, mem- --· ---- t>i.nging: and Pl'Omi.'>es to be one ot ller of the debate squad, Kana.. h a Enrolllnent Hits Alunmi directory under the the highli~hts of the serie~. Ball governing board re prescn ta- • • editorship of Prof. Bessie S c~aue.d l>r~enls R.ectta1. tlve and was a.ssocla ce editor of An All-ttme H tgh will be read y for dlSt.ribu- . AmErican P1arust Alf1 ec! Schln- c.he yeorbook last year. W "th 60 St d t . N nb 1ed, who h a.s a pveared throughout 4 1 :\Ills.~ Hart, a junior English major l U ell S to a rec~~t a~~~un~~~:;; Lhe .coun ~l'Y a.s ~t.h a r eeit.alist and who $Taduated from Clay County Glenvitle State college hit an all of an a lphauctlcal solo~st vn tl~ leadmg symphony or high school, ~ now in ~r third t.ime record this fall wllh an en s.Jl gradu ates of U\e college chestras, Wlll perform here on Feb, year on the Mercury. She ~ treas- rollment of 604, a gain of 12 per its founding, t.he directory 2· W'er or the student council, cor- cent over last }'ear's record enroll mdlcste the addresses, classes, Irving B ecker , noted Violinist responding secretary of Xi Beta ment occupations of all foruner (Continued on page 2) Tau SOi'Ority, member o! SCA and Th~ average yearly who could be reached dur- <Continued. on page 3> •from 1945 to 1953 was approxllnate time the information was Lazear Leads Dance ly 349 with the highes t m 1947 and gabhered. and secondary education the ltJ\ltest in 1945 when the fig directory will provide a list Led by the Pioneer, J ohn Laz Social Calendar · ofT-campus teaehing in ure dropped to 130. This yea r classes graduated from Ul.e ear, the a nnual snake dance will central West. Virginia., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7:00 p.m . .are 248 freshmen and 396 upper and normal school and the form in front of the gymnasium Swimmint .Prof. Nelson Wells of cl~mcn enrolled. .at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 7. The educaUon department, of those classes. I n addi- Tbunday, Oct. 6, 8 p.m.-LY· P rtsldent Harry B. Heflin com the directory will contain a croup will be led through a nd ceum ments that "The increase in en- Eleanor Kay Mulllns is teach ot aU known former faculty around ca.mpus buildings, down Saturday. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m. .rollment was limited to •the above ing elementary and secondary mus as well as the pre.sent Main street, and will pause un Homecominc Parade; 2:00p.m. flgures by the tack of housing and ic at. Bunl6vllle. Others at Burns - der the stop lig h t for some yells --Gam ~Pioneers v!!. Con· other physical facilities. are Deloris, Lynch, phy.5ical 2500 Copies Being Printed lt d by the cheerleaders. The . eurd; 9 :00 p.m.-Homecoming Approximately 200 s tudents wish- and Mrs. Nancy .(;rose '1\\'enty- five hundred copies ot group wilL., then proceed to Rohr Da noe ep. to have caunpus housing who English and mathemat.- directory are now in the pro bough !ttadium where :.. huge Sunday, Ocl. 9, 6:15 p.m.- Ves _. could not be accommodated. of belng printed b;y the Me bonfire will be burning. The campus housing for women was Printing corn;pany. At pres coa ch and football players will Tuesday, Oct. u , 6:15 p.m. filled m AprU, and for men a slight have ordered 1900 copies. be introduced and a p~p ra llY '1\'AA. ly later d.!lte. Housing facilities in INc>'Lown ...... ,,,w'''"" direet.on e.i may be obts iu wiU be held. '------------JI town are limited." (Oontinued on page 4) IL------------• 014_R.jpg Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Wednesday, Oetober 5, 195$ , I inT~~:'::vg a success, weh!:~ offer ,!!~'::~~~:~:~om our thanks.