The. GlenVille Mercury Wednesday, October 5, 1955 oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Homecoming Plans Readied Nine Faculty­ Colorful Event Members Are Brings Alumni To Alma Mater Added To Stafl Festivities Include Game, Glenville State college has added Parade, Meetings, D-.mcc; to its faculty this year nine profes­ Coronation Is Highlight aors, four or whom are alwnni or tb1s institution. By CONNIE St\ i\I S "nlese new professors and the "I Love a Parade., is being tlt}ds they are teaching are: Prof. all over campus and ,lasephine Fidler. assistant librarian this week as the spirit IDd library science; Prof. Frieda State college'a Eube, dietitian and home economics; annual Homecoming: Prof. Virginia West, English and Journalism; PJ;of. Leland E. Byrd, re,igns supreme in the minds physical education and basketball llliiiill!of the townsfolk as well as in - ; Prof. William S. E. Coleman, the minds of the college stu- tpeeeh and dramatics; Prof. Henry l dents. J. Pasthoff. m usic; Prof. Jerry W . According oo oUicials who have Hodges, English; Prof. George How- been mapping p lans for the high ... ani. education; and Prof. John V. iN,ght soc1al g,nd' aLhletic event of 'White. mathematics. t.he Fall season, this year's home .. Miss Fidler Joins FacuJty conung activities will feature 60 A native of Gilmer county, Prof. l.lnits in the parade, and sLx high- Josephine Fidler is a.n a.lumna ot school and junior high school Glenville S tate. Holding the posi- ,bands. tion ot assista.nt librarian and 1n- Followmg the homecoming pa· ltructor of a library science class, trade, cor;>nation ceremonies will .lf'le received her A.B. degree from serve as a fitting prologue to the bere in 1954, and she has done 22nd p.nnual homecoming football ~T&duate study at Indiana univer- contest between Glenville State lity. college P ioneers and Concord col- =fn:r~e~e~~:;; 0:.0~~;~ ~~: Queen Susan and her court pictured above will reign as royalty on Homecoming, Saturday. These lflvcly lege Mountam Lton~e nomics instructor. She received her ladies are, left to r•ght: ~ ·s Fisher, senior; Elda Utter back, Juruor; Queen Susan Arnold; Barbara. Royce, fo~adm ~~~~n t mot the P~~~h w~~ B.s. degree from The Stout Insti- iOphomore; and Pat \Vhlte, freshman. College street with the rest. of the tute in 1943 and in 1955 an M S umts joining t.he parade a t. the ::=~~~~:::GE~~~~~ Queen Susan Arnold Reigns ~~::~~~; ::::ra::Z :~~~Vi::nth:i;e::: end ot lng as adviser for the Mercury and d H . E For Upperclassmen Harold "Wild K iLty" Wilson, ;..':"st =:d ~~.c!:;.: ~~ At 22n omecomtng Each year the upperclassmen see ::~~~. ~r~~r~~:n ~~~~~·str~~ Glenville State 1n 1941, and M.A. it that the ..freshmen have an where it will turn righ t a nd d isband from West Vrrginia University in S usan Arnold of GienvHle was to exercise t.heir ''hid- (Cont inued on page 4) 1950. She has done graduate work at -elected Homecoming Queen XVl, Tomorrow a t 10:10 tContinued on page 2) and John Lazear of SistersVme wa.s th e da.te tor this freshman will consist of en- Lyceum Card Bart, James by va rious m embers M lS! Arnold, a. d aughter oi Mr. freshman class. Pat staTkey o • s t anJ ~ Simon Arnold is a busi­ Sing an Original SOng and giVe pentng e ness ma jor. She is a member of IDOllOlogue. Edit Mercury Kappll Chi Kappn sorority, and a. Kenneth P ost and Herman Book- :Doraine, Ellis to Present Ionner president of that orgt~.ruza- will present n umbers on Ule Colorful Show Tomorrow Virginia West Takes tion. · A qua.rtet.te, Orton's Four, Helm of College Paper Lazear, a veteran, is a physical provide musical numbers, and A ::.erie~ of five programs scpcd-­ education major. He 1S a ltader of the group. Orton uled by the GJenville S tate college Yvonne Hart a nd Shirley J a mes of Kappa S igma Kapp a. fraternity , wBl play his "Sweet Potato." lyceum committee will be initiated !have ~en named co-editors of the and commander of the Veteran's will be given by ton1orrow n ight at 8:15 in the audt­ Meroury sta.ft for the present a.ca- club. Mccarty and Harr)• Siers. tortum when Doraine anrl Ellis demic yeu , according to M LS3 Vir- Classes elect Princesses attractions on the prOorrrnm present their repertoire of oostnrned ginia West, new s taff adviser. Pnnce,ses from each class have be Oscar .Anderson and Ws d\!et.s of !a.nous musical comedies A sem:>r majoring in English and been chaaen by tndlv1duaJ class it~·v smlle: Pat:.sy Garrett, Pat and light operas, Lyceum Chairman 1 speech. Miss James is a graduat.e e lectlCJns. Th~e selec~ were Lots. and Trent Bush. Carl Kerr h a!:. announced. of Gassaway h igh school and is Fisher. senior; Elda Utterback, Following this, the ROTC Glee .starting her ,second year with the JUnior: Barbara Royce, sophomore; cluO of West Virginia State college college paper. She is also preslder.t and P a t Wh1te, freshm an. will give a concert here on Nov. 15. of Alpha Psi Omega honoraey A-Uss Fisher, daughter or This organi7.ation has won wide drama tic rratermty, v1ce president tContlinued on page 2> accl::~.im for the fine qualJLy of its of the Ohnirngohow P layer5, mem- --· ---- t>i.nging: and Pl'Omi.'>es to be one ot ller of the debate squad, Kana.. h a Enrolllnent Hits Alunmi directory under the the highli~hts of the serie~. Ball governing board re prescn ta- • • editorship of Prof. Bessie S c~aue.d l>r~enls R.ectta1. tlve and was a.ssocla ce editor of An All-ttme H tgh will be read y for dlSt.ribu- . AmErican P1arust Alf1 ec! Schln- c.he yeorbook last year. W "th 60 St d t . N nb 1ed, who h a.s a pveared throughout 4 1 :\Ills.~ Hart, a junior English major l U ell S to a rec~~t a~~~un~~~:;; Lhe .coun ~l'Y a.s ~t.h a r eeit.alist and who $Taduated from Clay County Glenvitle State college hit an all­ of an a lphauctlcal solo~st vn tl~ leadmg symphony or ­ high school, ~ now in ~r third t.ime record this fall wllh an en­ s.Jl gradu ates of U\e college chestras, Wlll perform here on Feb, year on the Mercury. She ~ treas- rollment of 604, a gain of 12 per its founding, t.he directory 2· W'er or the student council, cor- cent over last }'ear's record enroll­ mdlcste the addresses, classes, Irving B ecker , noted Violinist responding secretary of Xi Beta ment occupations of all foruner (Continued on page 2) Tau SOi'Ority, member o! SCA and Th~ average yearly who could be reached dur- <Continued. on page 3> •from 1945 to 1953 was approxllnate­ time the information was Lazear Leads Sn3.ke Dance ly 349 with the highes t m 1947 and gabhered. and secondary education the ltJ\ltest in 1945 when the fig­ directory will provide a list Led by the Pioneer, J ohn Laz­ Social Calendar · ofT-campus teaehing in ure dropped to 130. This yea r t.here classes graduated from Ul.e ear, the a nnual snake dance will central West. Virginia., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7:00 p.m .­ .are 248 freshmen and 396 upper ­ and normal school and the form in front of the gymnasium Swimmint .Prof. Nelson Wells of cl~mcn enrolled. .at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 7. The educaUon department, of those classes. I n addi- Tbunday, Oct. 6, 8 p.m.-LY· P rtsldent Harry B. Heflin com­ the directory will contain a croup will be led through a nd ceum ments that "The increase in en- Eleanor Kay Mulllns is teach­ ot aU known former faculty around ca.mpus buildings, down Saturday. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.­ .rollment was limited to •the above ing elementary and secondary mus­ as well as the pre.sent Main street, and will pause un­ Homecominc Parade; 2:00p.m. flgures by the tack of housing and ic at. Bunl6vllle. Others at Burns - der the stop lig h t for some yells --Gam ~Pioneers v!!. Con· other physical facilities. are Deloris, Lynch, phy.5ical 2500 Copies Being Printed lt d by the cheerleaders. The . eurd; 9 :00 p.m.-Homecoming Approximately 200 s tudents wish- and Mrs. Nancy .(;rose '1\\'enty- five hundred copies ot group wilL., then proceed to Rohr­ Da noe ep. to have caunpus housing who English and mathemat.- directory are now in the pro­ bough !ttadium where :.. huge Sunday, Ocl. 9, 6:15 p.m.- Ves­ _. could not be accommodated. of belng printed b;y the Me­ bonfire will be burning. The campus housing for women was Printing corn;pany. At pres­ coa ch and football players will Tuesday, Oct. u , 6:15 p.m.­ filled m AprU, and for men a slight­ have ordered 1900 copies. be introduced and a p~p ra llY '1\'AA. ly later d.!lte. Housing facilities in INc>rm.an'Lown ...... ,,,w'''"" direet.on e.i may be obts iu­ wiU be held. '------------JI town are limited." (Oontinued on page 4) IL------------• 014_R.jpg Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Wednesday, Oetober 5, 195$ , I inT~~:'::vg a success, weh!:~ offer ,!!~'::~~~:~:~om our thanks.
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